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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    MinusTwo:  A great movie... worth mentioning again!  I think the quote will become a classic like many others that came from movies.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    Minus, I really like that quote! 

    Plumber coming this morning..... Maybe, just maybe I can stop thinking about what this could turn into!  I'm walking up to Starbucks with Lacee when he comes....I don't want to be around.......Undecided

    Somehow, someway, we will find an answer.........  Anyway it's starting out to be a cool, beautiful day.... at least right now...Ha! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    chevy:  I pray you get some good solutons to your plumbing issues.  I know how stressful it must be.  If you don't like this plumber's solution, get another estimate...don't settle for just one and tell them that you are going to get several estimates so they know they have competition.  That usually makes them more fair on their prices.

    Woke up to fog in the mountains...what mountains...I can't even see them!  Sometimes it burns off by about ten, but it was raining all day yesterday, so it's anybody's guess.  I was hoping to play nine holes of golf later today.  This morning I will settle on doing some housecleaning inside..I've put it off as long as I can and it must be done.  I went off and left my steamer mop that does the floors so nice in Florida, so I'm stuck with using the old fashioned mop:(  Waiting for DS to call with the estimate for AC replacement on house in Fl.  Even with his discount and free installation, it's going to be expensive, but I'm lucky to have him doing it for me.

    Enjoy your day everyone! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,110
    edited June 2012

    Kaara, it seems that household dilemmas alway come in bunches!  It will be good to have a new A/C in your FL house.  Nothing more important than A/C in the south. 

    My mother's phone is out of order.  She thought her tv service was out of order, too, but it really wasn't.  Her receiver box wasn't turned on. 

    Chevy, my fingers are crossed that the plumber comes up with an affordable fix for your problems.  I didn't watch the race yesterday, but DH said it was a good race and that the old guy, Mark Martin, almost won.   

    Our rain gauge is 5 in. and it topped out.  So I don't know how much more than 5 in. of rain we've gotten in the last few days.  It isn't raining this morning but the windows were all fogged up when we got up.  The humidity is about a 100 per cent outside.  Makes you want to go outside.  NO!  In a few minutes I'll go out to our little gym and do some exercise.

    It feels so good not to have any apptments today or any commitments to go somewhere and do something.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. ~Robert Brault

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Heap big thunder-storm going on here.....and I think I tossed out most of my umbrellas as it is so had to deal with them and try and get into the car and get them closed and......just more aggravation than I like.  I keep a slicker ( rain hat ) but not sure where it is right now.  Maybe it will back off when it is time for me to leave in a bit. 

    Well.....I'm getting my wish.....I wanted something to settle the dust......I don't think it settled it....I think it totally washed it away.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    Well, I'm glad I wasn't here when the Plumber came!  But DH likes him....and it will be a major job....first have to dig under the present pipes, and part of the concrete sidewalk next to the wall of the bathroom....It's just so hard to get to!  So he said he will call back, when he figures out what he is going to do....  They made homes so differently 116 years ago!  Undecided And it's all galvanized pipes....they don't even make "traps" anymore, so he said he will call us.   This is before copper or pvc pipes were even invented I think!

    Oh well....Going to take my neighbor to the foot doctor....  Be back later.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,110
    edited June 2012

    Chevy, at least the guy didn't throw up his hands and say the situation was hopeless! 

    Jackie, I like the quote because it's so true. 

    We had no rain yesterday but apparently we did have a shower during the night.  DH and I were up at 6 am.  Earlier than usual for us.  But he goes to the YMCA for cardiac exercise very early on Tues. & Thurs.  And I'm taking my mother to a 9 am dr. apptment so I got up with him to have some time to drink coffee and check e-mail and read the forums I follow. 

    Yesterday afternoon I went to the YMCA, which is new, with my niece and two of her children, who behaved like little hooligans while we were there.  Our mission was to see what programs were offered for children during the summer.  We learned that low income people can join for only $44 a month.  There was also a joining fee of $70.  She's on disability for mental issues and can't afford even that, so I'm paying for it for the summer months.  The kids will be able to use the pool and there are lots of exercise classes for my niece.  She was very excited.  I hope it all works out well.  The cost isn't all that much.

    This afternoon I hope to catch up with my ironing.  The rack in the laundry room is full.  This will be my last ironing session for months because this summer DH and I will be going Wash and Wear.  I'll take the clothes out of the dryer at laundromats, shake them out, and we're ready to go!  I do have an iron and a small ironing board in the 5th wheel but I don't plan to use them.

    Happy Tuesday to all.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Morning all!  It's a sunny day out after three or four days of overcast skies and rain, so I'm excited to get out and about!

    Carole:  You are such a wonderful Aunt...I'm sure your niece and those kids are benefiting from your good will...the kids will enjoy the swimming and your niece will certainly benefit from the exercise to get her on the right track to health.  It was a good investment on your part in their future, instead of just handing them money to spend as they wish.  Sometimes they don't make the best decisions that way.

    Chevy:  I hope your plumber comes up with a reasonable plan to fix your issues.

     My AC replacement is going to cost less than I expected, and my DS is going to do the installation for nothing (as my birthday present he says).  What a great kid!  He's the one that was in so much trouble when he was younger, but has turned out to be very responsible, and a saavy businessman. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty, and truth. -Albert Einstein

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Carole -- you are indeed a loving person.  I hope you will have made a difference for your niece and her children. Sometimes you can't be sure "when and where" people may turn around --- something like this could end up being a long-sought and longed for answer for your niece, or for her "little holligans" who I hope were just reacting out of excitement.  Here's hoping.

    Kaara -- youth.  You hopefully outgrow it as your son did and "learn" by experience that being responsible and productive gives you much more satisfaction in the long run --- and you can take your place in society and feel like you are contributing to making the world  ( your own area ) such a good place to be.

    Beautiful outside my window today.  I'm very happy about that.  We were having "August dust" and the dry look we always have them.  Where are the summers we had when we first moved back home.  I'm not seeing much change as yet......the winter was summer is unusual so far too.  Well, guess I'll just have to choose to roll with the punches and be glad it is not humdrum.  There is the mild excitement of wondering just what will happen.

    I hope you all have a gorgeous fun day.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Jackie:  I thank God every day for giving me this blessing.  I honestly thought for a while that I had lost my DS forever, and then when he was incarcerated he made a miraculous turnaround (unlike many).  It was like the hand of God was on him for the entire five years, and he came out a more mature person.  I still remember a prison pastor saying to the young men "God has you right where he wants you, and he is not going to set you free until you accept his word".  Well, my son did just that, and today he is free and at peace with himself and others.  He isn't terribly religious like his brother, but he is a believer, and always wants to do the right thing.  He had reached a level that was about as low as a person could go and yet he came back, so if it can happen to him it can happen to just have to keep the faith.

    It does not happen without support from the family, which is why I'm always quick to encourage families to support their wayward family members to a point.  It's important that they know they have something to return to when they make that turnaround and that there are people who love and support their efforts.  If you do, you will never be sorry. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Kaara....we could turn this into quite a discussion, but I'm happy for you and your son.   Sounds to me like he is more spiritual then religious.   This is pretty much how I tend to see the world.  I can agree pretty much with any religion as long  as it is able to foster in people a strong desire to be a positive force in the world rather than negative.  My parents did not set foot in Church their whole life long --- and yet the things they did while bringing me up make such a deep and lasting and loving impression on me...............that I give so much credit to them for it and for being the inspiration for my deep longing to study spiritual matters which I do to this day, with great satisfaction, and the wonderful joy that comes from "feeling the fulfillment" of finding answers to the questions I had most of my life. 

    It is magnificent when you are no longer adrift in the middle of seas you can't control --  so your son's religious pastor was right.  All who are not "making it" are given, -- time after time I might add -- opportunities, if only they can SEE them, to alter their course for a better one. 

    Once again.....hope you all have a super day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2012

    Chevy, my husband is a retired Master Plumber and he said that he thinks that possibly you could put in a fake floor, you know take out the tub or shower whatever it is and put in new pipes and then put a floor like a step up into the tub or shower, that way pipes could be under floor and deverted where ever they need to go to the sewer.

    His brother had a problem in there basement with water when it would rain, so they put in a fake floor and a sump pump under it and they have had no futher problems and that has been years ago.

    Just thought the idea might help

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    Mommarch!  I never thought of that!  I hope to hear from the Plumber soon, and I will ask him about this!  See, our tub is also into concrete in the bathroom, just like the toilet....  But he DOES have to get under it, somehow....

    So it's either from outside the wall, digging into the sidewalk, then under the pipes....  Man, I don't know what would work!!!!!!  But I will definitely ask the plumber, "Why not get to the pipes from under the tub?"

    Tell your DH thanks for the idea!!!!  It's worth a try....

    We woke up to a beautiful cool morning, THEN the smoke started coming in from the fires up around Ft. Collins!  It was REALLY bad for awhile!  We had to shut the open windows, etc., and when I went out to even move the hose, I wore the little mask I have..... I have never SEEN the smoke so bad, from all the fires around here!  They were also O contained the last I heard.... Don't know about now....It's always such a tragedy!  I just hate to hear what these people go through!

    Carole, you are really understanding!  It is so sweet of you to help them!   You will probably be looking forward to going on your trip!!!   Will your Niece possibly help you out with your Mother while you are gone?  I mean if she has to go somewhere? 

    I cooked a little Italian Sausage, then cut up one whole leek....the white part, then added diced celery, and I sliced skin-on potatoes with my mandolin, a shallot and I'm simmering it till almost done, then I'll add flour thinned with milk.... And oh, a Ham bouillon... it just sounded good.  I also added some fresh spinach.....  It all kind of tastes like that soup from Olive Garden!   Y'all want some?  Wink

    Jackie....thinking of you.....  You and Kaara DO have a lot to talk about.... A lot of similarities? xoxoxoxoxo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,110
    edited June 2012

    Kaara, that's an inspiring story about your son.  I'm so happy for you and for him that he has changed and made something of his life. 

    Chevy, the news is full of coverage of the western fires in CO and NM.  Mother Nature is so powerful and excessive in many instances.  It's fires or floods or hurricanes or tornadoes or earthquakes. 

    My mother's apptment with her new primary care dr. went very well.  He's young and full of energy.  He had his nurse remove the wax from my mother's left ear and I was amazed at what came out of the ear.  As much  as a pencil eraser.  Maybe she'll hear a little better now.  She had been going to her old PC dr. for years and he never checked her ears.  He has started a new limited practice where his patients pay an annual fee, $1500, and supposedly he will spend more time with them during apptments.  I like this new dr. better.

    Tomorrow I'm going to lunch with an old friend.  We don't live that far from each other but we travel different paths.  She's an artist and very much into her painting and teaching art.  I have a couple of her paintings.  It will be good to visit in person instead of on the phone.

    I got my ironing done today.  Now the iron can collect dust until Oct!

    Hope everyone had a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012
    believe that everything happens for a reason.
    People change so that you can learn to let go,
    things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right,
    you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself,
    and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
    - Marilyn Monroe
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Jackie:  Your post today reminds me of Maxine's take on the quote "everything happens for a reason"...she says "it usually translates to somebody really screwed up"!  I get a kick out of her humor, although I don't subscribe to it most of the time;)'s all good advice.  Thanks for sharing. 

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2012

    Chevy, I hope your plumbing problem gets solved very soon. That was a great idea from mommarch about the fix for the plumbing.

    Carolehalsta, it is nice to be caught up on ironing. That is something I never seem to be caught up on.  You are a great aunt for helping out your niece and nephew. Hopefully they will remember your kindness as they grow older.

    Kaara, it is great that your ds can install your AC for you. It is nice when family and friends can help each other out and also save each other the cost and trouble of finding someone to do the work.

    Gemmie, I am sorry to hear about your recurrence. I hope you are doing well with your chemo. I was like Kaara and had a low oncotype score so I chose no chemo but did radiation. I had the mammosite. It was two times a day for five days but seemed a lot quicker than the other way to do rads. I hope you are doing well.

    Jackie, your quotes are great.

    I have been reading the posts but have just been too tired after work to sit and post this last week. I have an appt. with my rad dr. tomorrow so I will talk with her about things. I am hoping this will be my last appointment with her.

    I hope everyone had a great day and will also have a great Thursday.

    Thanks for all your posts and support for everything. It is nice to be able to read and write with other ladies that are all around the same age and going through a lot of the same problems.

    Sorry this post is so long I guess I should not wait to write for so long.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,110
    edited June 2012

    My lunch with my good friend today was lots of fun.  We ate at a really nice little Italian restaurant.  Afterwards we went to see an art exhibit in which she has a couple of paintings.

    Tomorrow I have an apptment with my PC dr. to discuss my bp issues, which basically haven't changed.  For example, the reading this morning at 7:40 am was 158/99.  By 8:40 tonight, it was 126/65.  This is a consistent pattern and hasn't changed despite much stronger med.  All I can conclude is that the elevated bp that takes place at night may very well be caused by arimidex, which I take at bedtime.  I'm tempted to test out my hypothesis by going of the arimidex for a week or two and seeing if there's any change.  I plan to take the arimidex for 5 yrs and then that's it.  I discussed this with the NP at my bc dr.'s office and she said there is no evidence that taking it longer than 5 yrs. is beneficial. 

    My niece is really enjoying the exercise classes at the YMCA.  She has been going daily and is trying to quit smoking cigarettes. 

    Termite, it's good to hear from you.  My dh is from the Chicago area.  He grew up in Oak Forest, which is southwest of the city. His brother lives in Orland.   One niece lives in Barrington and a nephew lives in Waukeegan.  I always enjoy venturing into the city, which offers so much.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Carole:  The studies I read for women who are past menopause suggest that taking tamoxifen for several years before switching to an Al gives a better result and fewer problems.  I was a perfect candidate for this protocol because I've had a complete hysterectomy and have no uterus or ovaries to deal with, which sometimes causes problems with tamox.  Maybe ask your doctor about this.  It's not good to have consistently high blood pressure because that leads to other problems.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Take risks: If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.
    ~ Inspirational saying ~

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Anothe beauty of a day here though we are going into some rather wardm ( 90's ) temps.  Too early to tell just what will happen since strange weather has actually been the norm around here for awhile. 

    Neighbors next to us put their house up for sale.  They put a bid on another one that is on our lake, and got the bid..............they were going to fix it up and rent it out.  When they got to working on it.....the wife decided that she actually liked it a lot better than the house next to they moved into the "new" one and are going to sell this one.  This one next to us is not situated well to be a rental.....

    I just hope and pray when it sells that we like out neighbors.  We try hard to get along with everyone but this gal ( when she lived by us ) had some ideas that really were sort of out there for country lake living.  So....I was always a litte wary -- and didn't quite trust her ability to live as most of the "lake peiple" live......helping each other and seldom having weird expectations.  Up until a couple of years ago.....when the city got out of the lease business and sold us the land we live on........we were pretty much left to ourselves out here and had to adjust and get along "on our own".  We have city services now, but still are way out on the outskirts --- open yards with deer and wild-life coming through and find the style hasn't changed much. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s. nice to hear from you termite.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    Hi gals!  Jackie, your "neighbor" sounded better than ours were...Ha!  A cute couple BOUGHT the house next door....It's about 3 yards from our bedroom wall...  And there went the sun.  It is 2 1/2 stories high.

    But they moved to Ca. 2 years ago, and had been renting the house for $2600 a month!  4 "kids" moved in there, to share the rent.... The Brother & Sister, about 30, and their Cousin moved in.... Then unbeknownst to the owners, another young guy also moved in.  So we had 4 LOUD, hell-raising, loud party giving kids right next to us. 

    I mean the parties started about midnight.... Probably when they all were drunk enough, and they used the side between our houses to smoke, raise hell, fight over their cell-phones, and slam this big gate so hard, it shook our bedroom wall!  The support 4X4 for the gate, was attached to our house with a metal strap... So when they slammed it, the wall shook so hard, the bed-room wall shook, and even "turned on" my musice box I had sitting on a little shadow box on that wall!!!  I was ready to kill them.   At one frustrating point, we actually removed the gate!  We said we would put it back up when the noise and yelling stopped, and they quit using that area for whatEVER! 

    I asked them politely to hold it down... to PLEASE not slam the gate after maybe MIDNIGHT!!  But the parties went on until about 5 in the morning.  The swearing, and slamming were driving me NUTS!!!  I bought black-out shades for the window... put pillows in between the window & storm window.  Did not help! 

    I finally let the owners know that their renters were driving "these old people nuts!"   It got better....  They didn't know 4 people were living there.... only 3.... and they were all single! 

    2 years later, they raised the rent to $3000 a month, and the kids have left... 2 weeks ago!  SmileLaughing  For the last 6 months, things have been much better.... The loud music that played all night was turned down, they started cleaning up the "walk-way" between our houses, because their dog used that for lack of anywhere ELSE to go!  I finally shoveled it all back to their back patio, along with about a ton of leaves, and left a not-so-nice note, asking them to PLEASE clean up after their dog, maybe once a week!!!!!!! 

    Now the house is up for sale.....

    So when those kids behaved, I really liked them!  I loved the 2 little cats, that slept on my porch, and I fed.... I even liked their dog, that was old and blind in one eye.  But I swear, if MY Grand-kids acted like THEY did, they should have been spanked!  Ha, ha!  

     I think the house has a contract on it!  I just cringe, hoping that some sort of responsible people will live next to us!   They are asking $525.000 for the damn place!  At least we know who ever buys it will have money!   The "kids" only worked once in awhile, because I think their Parents paid their rent.   They were too busy partying to hold down a job.

    So if any of you gals want to move in... you are welcome to! 

    Okay....  gotta go get busy....

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Chevy:  Don't you just love those trust fund babies (that's what I call them) the parents pay for everything and they have absolutely no respect for's all about them.  Almost anyone moving in there will be an improvement!  I would have called the police...they have rules about making noise after certain hours in the evening.

    Jackie:  That quote is very meaningful to me since I'm a big risk taker.  Boy, am I wiser for it! 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2012

    Karra, I could not take either AL, the side effects were awfull.  So the Dr. put me on Tamox, I am doing good except for RLS, which I never had before chemo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,110
    edited June 2012

    My mother had a fall yesterday that shook her up and injured her right foot and and left hand.  So we didn't make it to the hair apptment. 

    I think my PC dr. has solved the bp problem for now.  I'm splitting the med between night and morning.  This morning my reading was 126/80.  Such a simple solution.  The med was working but not for 24 hrs. 

    Golf tee time at 7:40 so I'd better have breakfast and go!

    Hope everyone has a good Fri.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Carole:  So sorry about your mother taking that fall.  We worry so much about my BF's mother who is 97.  She lives with his brother but her room is up the stairs and she must climb them frequently.  We don't think she is going to be able to do that much longer, yet she continues on and on, just like the energizer bunny!  When I'm 97 I want to be just like her!

    Glad you med is now working for you...amazing that the doc didn't think of that initially. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    Carole.... My older neighbors now have those wrist band alerts!  They really work well.... Theresa had been in the tub, but couldn't get out!  She yelled for her DH, but since he is mostly deaf, couldn't hear her over the blasting of his TV, just in the next room!   And HE could barely get her out!!!!  She is 88, and he is 92!

    He finally got up to go IN the bathroom, and saw her, in tears!  She had been in there for 1/2 hour!  So they have those alerts!  Once he pushed the button accidentally, and right away, over a "speaker" on the phone, they asked "Theresa and Eddie, are you alright?"  If they get no answer they call us first, then their Son who lives about 40 miles away, THEN 911!  So they really work!!! 

    Hope your BP straightens out! 

    Kaara!  I KNOW!!! I really LIKED the kids, and they were sooooo cute, and sweet to us, and I hated to call the police!   But I said I would if it kept up....Yell  Can you imagine being young and living by old farts?  That went to BED at NIGHT?.......Ha, ha!  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012
    I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.

    By Agatha Christie