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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Carole -- glad your Dr. discovered what to do.  I think sometimes the simple, easy solution isn't TRIED because it so seems like there is something going on ( much more than the fix ) that one should know about and then things would come right.  Restores my faith.....and I learned this a long, long time ago but often forget it.....that if you reduce everything down to its lowest common denominator you will not have a problem......because anything after that is where the problem crops up----so in going backwards, we can go forward. 

    I'm so sorry about your Mom.  I hope we are all steady on our feet when the time comes....many yrs. from now.  Then I think of all the times many of us have talked about falling.......and think, well..ok, when it is one of our major chores in life we will be better at not doing it than we are now when we are into so many different things. far at the kids....there is a quote.....I'll have to try and look it up.....I have little idea of how it was actually worded.....but the idea was....go ahead and do a lot of things.....while you still know everything and much more than the people who love you......outwit the old folks like us who couldn't possibly know anything.  Sweet youth....when anything is possible.....

    I hope you all have a great TGIF day.  I'll be back here after work as always.  See ya then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,110
    edited June 2012

    We're having company for dinner tonight.  So I have to put on my maid uniform and do some necessary "hit and miss" housecleaning.  Nothing thorough! 

    My middle sister who lives three hours away came to stay with my mother a couple of days and be on hand to assist her while she's recovering from her fall.  I need to go out to my mother's house and visit with my sister a couple of hours.  Then back home for some prep for dinner tonight. 

    DH just left to play a golf tournament.  He loves having company for dinner but mostly plays host.  Maybe that's why we don't entertain much! 

    Our departure date is next Fri., the 22nd.  Yesterday I started putting clothes in my closet in the 5th wheel.  It's a large closet and I always take too many clothes.  The freezer in the kitchen is almost full.  I like the refrigerator better than the one in our house.  It has a bottom freezer. 

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Teenagers! Tired of parents bossing you around? Leave home now and run you own life while you still know everything!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    Have any of you gals ever had Eczema?  My hands have been driving me nuts for about a month now!  They first started itching, then drying, peeling, cracking, and now they just hurt and itch! 

    If none of you can help me "fix" this, I will go see my Doc next week!  I wear cotton gloves after I put on Bag Balm, Cortisone cream, even a cream specifically for Eczema.... but nope!  Nothing helps.  I take either Claritin, or Allegra.  I've tried the "bleach" treatment, even Preparation H.... (On my hands!)  Wink....... but this is driving me nuts! 

    I'm thinking she will put me on Prednisone, which, at this point, will be a welcome fix!!!

    How is your Mom Carole?   And yes, I love my refrigerator with the bottom freezer!  So much easier to find stuff!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2012

    Hi Chevy,

    My DH had a similar experience a couple years ago. His hands and forearms itched so bad he was trying everything. They were red, raw and weeping. He is a "hand washer" and was doubling up the scrubbing. Turns out he was sensitive to the anti-germ liquid soap he was using. He used a very expensive prescription ointment and stopped using the new soap and it took about a week to clear up. I don't remember the name of the ointment but do remember a tube cost about $150.00! It was worth it. :)

    We learned he can use the alcohol based hand sanitizers but NOT the Anti bacterial hand soaps.

    I wish it were that simple for you. Sorry you are suffering. Have you added anything new to your life? A new dish soap, hand soap, cleanser, nail polish? Since it is just on your hands it really sounds topical.

    Hi to everyone. I enjoy hearing about what everyone is doing.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2012

    pj12 and Chevy - My DH has problems with eczema on his legs.  Comes and goes.  His dermatologist has him using Clobex (clobetasol propionate) for breakouts.  Expensive; thank goodness for insurance.  Might be the one your DH used.  It works for him.  When I was searching radiation creams I know one of the manufacturers also makes an eczema cream.  Found one in my old bookmarks called Mimyx but the only one we have experience with is the Clobex. It is a synthetic steroid.  Looks like Wikipedia lists several other brand names for it.  My local pharmacy has it as a stock item; they don't have to order it in so Clobex might be the most common brand name around.  Hope this helps.  Know he is miserable with breakouts which he hasn't had in a year or 2.

    Owee - bleach treatments.  Chevy, I hope you get some relief.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    I'm chiming in here....not with anything for eczema but just because many of us at our age do get into dry skin issues.  I talked a little with a dermatologist lately and he said --- all for tx of dry skin.....don't use anything that is in a pump bottle.  In order for it to come out of the is going to have a whole lot of water -- which in turn is expensive water for you.  He said -- if you really want something that works....old fashioned Vaseline petroleum jelly ( the pure kind ) is all you need to use.  Says it is best to put it on while you are still a little damp from your bath or shower.  He also said --- don't use a real HOT shower.....and don't stay in the water over-long.  Something my dh did a lot....very hot water and for a long period.  He has lots of skin issues now.  Also, he recommended Dove soap --- the liquid kind is fine....the one that says nexium on it. 

    He said most of the fancy lotions don't do much but cost a lot of money....and looking on the shelf at Wal-Marts, every big company has a few different kinds.  I'm going to do most of what he says because my skin has not been in very good shape since chemo.  The Dr. I was talking too had the nicest looking, there must be something to what he says. 

    This doesn't help you much Jeannette, and even most of you other ladies may have gotten around to finding out a lot of these things......but I never thought of seeing a Dermatologist.....guess I just thought everyone who did chemo ended up looking like me.  Well....I'm going to give it a go and see what happens.  It will take awhile and since I'm in water a lot with my hands....don't know just how far I can get there, but I'll work with the rest.

    See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited June 2012

    Chevy:  I had eczema for years as a kid.  Used something called Mazon.  Maybe a coal tar base?  I think you can still get it through places like Vermont Country Store, but I'd guess you need something stronger.   Ask the dermatologist about an RX for Fluocinonide Cream.  I have 0.05%.  My derm doc originally gave it to me for dry itchy skin.  Then the LE doc gave it to me for skin problems from kinesio tape.  In any case, don't let it go too much longer w/o calling the doc.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    Thanks pj!  I have wracked my little brain, trying to blame this on something...  But it seems to come from "inside".... I mean I used to have skin problems like this when I was younger, usually related to hormones...  Like a hormone imbalance.

    I use Dove soap to wash my hands...and always wear rubber gloves for doing dishes, or cleaning.  But my hands don't care!  Undecided

    I woke up early one morning, and the tops of my fingers on my left had were itching, and a little "bumpy"....  Since then, it has just gotten worse...So I'll probably go see my Doc this week... Maybe she has something I can take, that will help....

    Hey thanks Minus!  I just saw your post!  I'll look that up!  It's just that they hurt!  So I haven't been putting some of the things on that I was.  Bag Balm helps...but I'll look up Mazon!  And yes, I have used Fluocinonide on it... I'll try more!!!!!!

    Thanks again!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    Okay Jackie and Luvmygoats!  I just saw your posts also!  Thanks for the help!  It sounds like I'll need a prescription...I guess.  Because if the Fluocinonide doesn't help today, I'll go for sure. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Chevy:  You poor thing!  There is nothing worse than having itching and burning anywhere on your's so annoying.  I wish that I could offer some help, but I've never had anything like that.  Best bet would be to get to a dermotologist and get a stronger med for it.  It may not even be what you think it is.  I had poison ivy a few years back and it took several doses of steroids to clear it up.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,110
    edited June 2012

    I second Kaara's suggestion, Get yourself to a dermatologist, Chevy!

    I use the creamy vaseline in the winter time when my skin gets really dry.  This is a dermatologist recommendation: after you've dried off, dampen your hands and squeeze a little creamy vaseline, rub your hands together (this thins out the vaseline with the water) and apply to your skin all over your body.  It feels really good.

    My mother is recovering, but her left foot is still swollen and bruised.  Same with her left hand.  My sister Linda went home yesterday afternoon.  I have a grocery list for my mother and will go to her house today and spend some time with her.  She's not up to going to church because she can't put on a shoe.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012
    "There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day."

    Alexander Woollcott

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2012


    This is my last stab at it... Are your gloves really rubber or are they latex? Some people become sensitized to latex gloves. Anyway, I agree... See a doctor!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    I use the rubber for washing dishes and cleaning, (they have a little fabric lining) and I wear these little cotton gloves at night... In fact I have one on right now.... I have used every kind of cream & ointment/salve you can think of...

    I asked the Walmart Pharmacist, and told her all I have tried, and she said, "Time to go see the Doctor".... So I am calling in the morning....  Thanks for all the suggestions!!!!!!!!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited June 2012

    Chevyboy, It is time to see t he dermatologist. Often all the combinations of salves etc. just make things worse. Good luck.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    Thanks pt.... I know.....  I have to see the PC first, and hopefully she will maybe prescribe something for me.... If not, she knows a real good Dermatologist....  She has taken a lot of skin cancers off of our youngest Daughter, and my DH! 

    Dale Earnhardt Jr. WON the race!  I am so happy!!!! Tongue out  Man, the crowd is going nuts!  It is too hot to go outdoors.... It was 110 a little while it's good to do stuff around the house. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    PT...that is exactly what the Dermatologist told me the other day.  I think many times you cannot be sure just what is in something -- unless you are a chemist....and the more you use, the more you are likely to cancel out anything good and just foster the continuation of the problem. 

    So Chevy --- glad you are biting the bullet and going to consult the experts.  You have had this too long now. 

    Well, it's back to the kitchen.....decided to cook all day and so good, but I have a couple more dishes to put together before I no, I mean sit down and leave that kitchen.  I love my kitchen but its ugly when I'm tired and I have been cooking for about 5 hours now......and it doesn't look too good in there anymore. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited June 2012

    Jackie:  I made your Angel Food cake mix w/crushed pineapple yesterday and it's a huge hit.  Really easy and nice & light for the summer.  I thought it was from "so what's for dinner", but luckily Carole chimed in and reminded me that it came from you.  Just wanted to say thanks. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Your welcome Minus Two....and the other thing is, it is fairly light on the calories so you don't have to feel so guilty.  I love that part. 


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    I was going to have red velvet cake and ice cream for my birthday treat yesterday, but in the end, I was too full from a nice dinner and popcorn at the movies, so I'm passing until this evening.  I'll buy it today and have it while watching The Bachelorette this evening...a silly reality show...but I'm an incurable romantic and so is my BF so we both watch!  He will actually flip off the golf channel for this one if you could believe!

    Not much planned today...probably just laundry and grocery shopping which I seem to do often now as I buy a lot of fresh veggies and fruit!  It's making a big ding in my monthly food budget.  Are groceries a lot more expensive these days or what?

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,110
    edited June 2012

    Jackie, what did you cook during all those hours in the kitchen yesterday? 

    Well, I'm headed outside into the great sweathouse world to do some yard work.  Will check in later.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation. -D. Elton Trueblood

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Good morning everyone.   Going to be a scorcher here today....a/c is pumping away as I type and it is not even 9 a.m. as yet.  Wow !!!!  We are having mid-August here in June.  Well, I guess our summer just may be as ODD as the all the other seasons have seemed.  I was so hoping for more normal.

    Ah...what I was cooking yesterday.  I did chicken and noodles --- the boil half the day kind, and brown rice ( huge amt. ) which I separated and cooked in raisins in one batch to use as a hot breakfast food ( change from steel-cut oatmeal ) and put in onions and green peppers and pineapple in another......and kept a small amt. for whatever....then made up some egg salad --- had to do that one twice.  The first ones.....I felt the eggs were a little old ( didn't look at the box date before I did them ) so had to start over.  Then made some orange jello with mandarin oranges and pineapple.    Had blueberries and strawberries to clean and put all that plus the clean-up cycle just kept me chained in there.  I didn't get the cookies baked...sigh, but hey, I got something left I can do.....just so I don't get into trouble.

    As far as egg salad.....I keep it simple.  Just the minced up eggs, a little fine chopped onion, sliced gr. olives, enough mayo to wet it all good, with a sm. amt of mustard --- just changing the color very slightly, and a bit of shredded cheese -- I usually use mild cheddar.  Not too much.

    Needless to say....nothing else much happened but the cooking.  My feet were sure tired. 

    Hope you are all going to have a good day....and hopefully, not too hot for anyone.  See you after work. 

    I will be doing different hours from now on........11 a.m. to 4 p.m. --- and I think I may end up liking being off earlier.  Never know until I start doing it......if we are all going to be happy with it. 

    See you later then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Chevy:  The photo reminds me of my DD's two dogs...they would do that too if they had the opportunity...especially in the Florida heat!  She has two bulldogs...their names are Poptart and Mama Mia...both females.  They rule the house, but they are sweet lovable dogs.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    I know Kaara!  I loved that picture! I went to the Doctor's finally....... she said it was some sort of Eczema, caused by an allergy to SOMEthing, or stress, which both are possible, I guess!

    Even shampoo, soap, or something I have no idea of what I got into.  BUT it has gotten worse, every day.... She said to ONLY use water on my hands, and the Fluocinonide ointment, and then the little cotton gloves!  And when doing housework, wear the cotton-lined rubber gloves.  It MAYbe was the soap-spray I use to clean our little Sheltie???  Or the "hot-spot" med I put on her???  Or even the shampoo I use?

    WhatEVER, I will use gloves when I do any of that now.   So I'm glad I went!!!  I did use the Fluocinonide a few times, but lots of other stuff too, because they were peeling so bad. But now, I'll mind her, and just do what she says.

    The first REAL Plumber is coming between 2 and 4!  To give me a free estimate!  The last "Plumber" has NOT called back....that Dink!  But I'm glad...because now I don't have to tell him we are getting other estimates, and someone that actually can tell me what he will do!

    Yes, it's stress!  Ha, ha!  That, and having my debit card stolen from my purse, and going through all that.... I think I mentioned this.... A "card-reader" read my card, through my purse and wallet, and tried to charge over $2000 from my account!  But MasterCard took care of it all!   You guys, think about getting one of those Aluminum Wallets, because you won't get any of your cards stolen that way!   The  "reader" that the person is using can't read your cards through the metal. 

    Jackie, your meals sound so good!  I'm going to go make some deviled eggs now!  Wink  And wait for the Plumber!  Frown  Man, I hope it won't be as extensive as I think it will...Surprised  I mean the plumbing mess.....

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2012

    Well its hot in west Texas also, I played hookie today and stayed home from work,  I have been pretty tierd since Thursday and just pushing myself to get things done around the house.  Yesterd DH & I cleaned up our van, boy did it need it.  We did get some rain on Friday and hail.  Its getting cloudy now, hope we get some more.

    I have 2 loaves of raisin bread proofing, about time to stick it in the oven.  I just need a day to do what I wanted.  

    DD,GD & GS are on the last leg of their trip to Fort Pierce, Fl.  Seems they are having a good time, they are going on a shoe string, but we have not that alot.

    Take Care. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,110
    edited June 2012

    Hair apptment for myself at 9:30 am.  Plan to get a short cut for the summer. 

    I didn't have a good night's sleep last night.  DH was up at 6 am to go to his cardiac exercise at the YMCA.  So I got up early, too.  Will go for an aerobic walk.  That may clear the cobwebs from my brain. 

    Am focused on the last-minute things to be done before we leave on Fri.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Carole:  Thanks for the reminder...I need to do the same....get a shorter haircut for summer.  It's always hectic when planning for a long vacation, but the rewards are so worth it.  Just a few days and you'll be on your way!

    Chevy:  Glad you went to the doctor and got some meds for your hands.  Hopefully that will clear it up.  I remember my father was allergic to all soap but palmolive, so that was all we could use.  I hated the smell of that soap, but everything else gave him a horrible rash.  Maybe yours is just that simple.  We now use nothing but a natural body wash for our showers, and my skin doesn't itch so much as it did before.

    I finally had my red velvet cake and ice cream last night.  I was hoping that the 21 day rule would apply (give up something for 21 days and you will no longer care about it)...NOPE...didn't work this time....I enjoyed every morsel!  My BF, who insisted he didn't want me to buy him a piece, kept taking bites of mine..grrrrr!  Anyway, that's it until I can come up with another excuse to have another piece....Maybe 4th of

    We played 9 holes of golf yesterday game sucked as usual...but I did do well on chipping and putting.  Why do men always feel they must "coach" just when you are set up to take your shot:(  I finally had to get testy and tell the BF to back off, and then his feelings were hurt because he only wants to help.  I tell you, we will end up in couples counseling over this issue!  I'm hoping to find some nice ladies to play with who are just out to relax and have fun!

    Must get out and take care of the rain and they are begging for water! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012
    Self-care is critical to having a strong inner foundation.
    Taking good care of YOU means the people in your life
    will receive the best of you rather than what is left of you.
    - Lorraine Cohen