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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    Jackie:  Well in the moment!  Let the "moments of life" unfold before you and enjoy them as they happen.  Looking back or looking ahead is pointless because, for the most part, it's out of our control.  We only have the now.  I'm trying so hard to practice this, but sometimes it's hard, particularly for me, because I always want to project into the future.

    Thanks for sharing are very insightful. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Kaara:  I sure hope so.  I really enjoyed that piece so much because I feel like I have been there.........where I could get through trying situations without losing my cool.....................and find that everyone around, but especially the person who was the most "tried" held it together........and with a small compliment......both of you see the beauty, pleasure, satisfaction of how the world should work all the time but so often does not. 

    It really is sanity at work -----  and the glow can last for days sometimes.  It is the time when you realize you are here to glorify your soul and you and the other person, in unity managed it.  

    I'm hoping to maintain my COOL as the heat continues.  They say another 5 days from today with temps over 100 each day.  It is so hard to believe all this is going on while we are in the month of June......a month were at times we have needed a light sweater now and then.  I look out and our grass is all browned out pretty much and though the trees are not too bad...............the ground really looks like very late August, and September......when Fall is ready to begin in earnest.  I'm praying for a good long, steady and consistent rain where ( so hopeful ) maybe we can turn back the clock and get early summer back for a while. 

    Hope you are all going to have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2012

    You know Jackie....your post reminded me of "forgiveness"....  somehow.  There was a time, when I was little, like about 12... And my friends lived in the next block, and we used to always play at each others houses.

    They had this neighbor, that lived next door, and he used to always somehow know, when us 3 little girls were around....because when he would see us, out of his window, he would stand there, and .... you know what!.......

    Well we 3 little girls thought he was some kind of perv, and we hated him!  We all agreed on that..... But we never said anything to anybody...not ever.

    Now, this "man" is our neighbor, because we live just 5 houses away.  He and his wife are  92, she is 89.  I have learned to talk to them, become close friends with her, and over the years I always have this in my mind...about what I remember.

    But being friends with her, and even hemming his pants, which I just did....again....just somehow makes things alright!  When we stop by to visit, like about every 3 days, I can talk, and laugh, and even try and help them...  I can pat him on the shoulder when we leave....  Her, though, I hug her and she tells me she loves me..... the point is, I think I have forgiven him.

    It really did affect me when I was little....  but growing up around them, being a part of their family/friends, helps give you new feelings....  I thought about this when I was hemming his pajama pants....  I can now let it go, forgiving him, and not go to one of those dark places I knew about when I was a girl.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012

    Ah yes....Jeannette.  You definitely glorified your became big enough to get past something and cancel its negative effect.  That really is what it is so much about.........surviving OVER and in SPITE of the negative things and putting a light out where there was none. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited June 2012

    Well I waddled in to have my diagnostic mammy on my right flower....go back in nov to have both squished

    I have lost 41 lbs since being diagnosed. Blood sugars are still higher than a Georgia pine..m still working on losing more

    Just like others it is hotter than a biscuit today

    I m so thankful that my hubbie has been so good to me during this whole process..with ups and downs of it

    Thanks everyone

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited June 2012
    The highest education is that which
    does not merely give us information
    but makes our life in harmony with all existence.
    - Rabindranath Tagore
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012
    Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
    It turns what we have into enough, and more.
    It turns denial into acceptance,
    chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
    It can turn a meal into a feast,
    a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
    Gratitude makes sense of our past,
    brings peace for today,
    and creates a vision for tomorrow.
    - Melody Beattie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012

    Good morning everyone.  Heat is still on here.  It is getting tiresome to say the least.  It has been such a long, long time since we had any hot weather this soon --  June is not a "typical" hot month for us so what happened now....who knows????  Family cook-out was cancelled yesterday as it wasn't going to be even close to nice enough.  Like any family.......we have enough "seniors" in the family and just can't do things that are hard on anyone.  

    The upside ( which I always look for ) is that we can still look forward to a get-together.......later when we do reach a cooler time.  Don't as yet know about here.....but many places have already cancelled their fireworks displays due to heat.  We do have some that are done over our lake behind they might still go on and then anything near Illinois/St.Louis border as that is done on the river. 

    Else-wise, my thermostat is set on 78-80 and I have about three well placed fans....and due to that I often feel a little cool inside.  Lots to do today so I will stay busy.  Hope you are all going to have a good day.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Busy today with laundry, ironing, and packing for our trip to WI.  We leave tomorrow and will be gone until the 10th of July.  I will have no access to a computer, so will get a break from cyberland for a while...probably good for me!  I'm taking along reading material because it's basically a trip to visit my BF's family, and I get a lot of free time while he is golfing with his brother, etc.  Usually we try to take a side vacation from there, but not this year...I have to get back for my eye injection with my new retina specialist here in NC...oh joy...really looking forward to that:(  I've gotten used to the injection, but only because I've come to trust the doc in Fl.  This will be new uncharted territory..eeek!

    Everyone be well...try to stay cool...see you all when I return! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Have a good trip Kaara....

    One of our Daughter's gave me a book for my birthday coming up!  Now I ASK you, how many women my age get 50 Shades of Grey as a gift???   I'm not too far into it, but I have to think that this is all fantasy... That this is so absurd, it could NEVER happen to any gal in her right mind.  Kaara, did you finish it?

    Ana is reading the "contract"....and I had to put the book down, and just give it up and go to bed.  It just seems so bizarre, and I wasn't born under a rock, either...Wink  I mean I have read all of Jackie Collin's books, so I'm not exactly a prude, but I'm going out on a limb here, and thinking that this can't really happen.... That this all is a figment of the Author's imagination. 

    I also don't think I will give my Daughter a "review"....Ha!  She can read it herself!  She went on a week-end vacation with a couple of her friends, up to Glenwood Springs, and one of the gals spent a lot of the time with her nose in this book!  So DD thought I must have to have it! 

    So hot here again today....  Have to find something to do here in the house!  Jackie, we bought a couple more tower fans to help circulate the swamp-cooler air, and it really helps!   I think with you guys humidity, a swamp-cooler would have you soaking wet, Ha!  But it sure helps here with the 200 minus humidity! 

    I made the best stuffed peppers the other night! I cut red peppers in half, stuffed them with hamburger & pork, and the other stuff, then baked them with ketchup on top. They were really good...and not so dry!

    Okay gals.... Hope the rest of your Sunday is good....

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2012

    Hi everyone it is hot in West Texas and of course no rain.  We went out early this morning an got yucca sticks again, was not to bad, but by the time we stopped it was getting warm.

    Yesterday morning our white dog casper was outside barking non stop so I went to see what was wrong and could not see anything.  About a half hour later our little Daschund Rosie came in all chewed up.  Something had tried to kill her.  She is all cut up under her throat and one side.  She is doing better today, has been up ate some egg and is drinking.  I have no idea what it was but our other dog would not go outside at all yesterday after that.  I think if it was a Mt. Lion it would have took her away, it could of been a cyoate or maybe a bobcat.  It really scares me. 

    Yesterday was our 4th of July parade, etc.  I woke up yesterday morning around 4:00 with horrible cramps in my legs, I would get up and walk and then they would go away.  I got up at seven and had cramps in both legs and could not get out of bed without help.  So I stayed home instead of going to the shop and the parade.  I think it probably the Tamoxifen.  

    Have a good day 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Mommarch.... I think everyone on Tamoxifen gets those god-awful leg cramps!  I even tried the bars of soap between the sheets... but they didn't help.  I think they get better over time, but they went away when I quit the Tamoxifen.

    So sorry about your little dog!!!!!!!!!  I know a little fox attacked a dog here the other day.  It was in the paper... So even Raccoons and Coyotes will do the same thing.  It's no wonder your other dog is afraid!  Our Daughter had her one cat beat up one night....still don't know what did it, because it wasn't another cat.... (no fur laying around)  But one of the neighbors thought it was either A Racoon, or a Coyote! 

    Dogs usually don't bark at "nothing!"  When Lacee barks after dark, and runs outdoors, she is either hearing the fox, or the Racoons in the little ditch next to us... The fox just walks around the neighborhood like he is one of us now.... Not afraid too much of anything. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    mommarch:  That's terrible about your little dog.  For a while there were bobcats running loose in an area north of us in Florida and they were attacking and killing the dogs, so they let the bounty hunters go in and take them out.

    Chevy:  On a recommendation, I bought all three of the Fifty Shades books and I finally finished the last one.  Yes, I thought the girl was pretty stupid and I got tired reading about all the kinky sex, but the last book was somewhat better, because the guy turned his life around.  I'm sure this might go on somewhere with some people, but it does nothing for me.  As you say, a fantasy run wild.  I think if I ever hear the words "oh my" or "come" again, I will scream!!  Really amateur writing if you ask me.

    I got a really bad cramp in my foot one night and couldn't figure out why.  Maybe it's the tamoxifen...never thought of that. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2012

    How are your hands, Chevy? I hope you are healing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012

    Oh mommarch, I so hope Rosie recovers and will be ok.  I am such an animal person.  We never let out cats out but I do worry about the small dogs.  I don't know that there is anything here to actually hurt them, but I know that a bobcat comes round now and then.....I hear it screaming.  We try not to let the dogs out after dark at all if we can help it. 

    Roasting here again today with the prediction for several more days of it.  I'm getting used to it and thankful that I can tolerate it ok.  Still, I'll be glad when it finally breaks.  I hope when we do get rain that it will be a good one.

    Well, I'll be looking for all of you tomorrow.

    See you then.

    hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Hi Gals...Pj, they are better!  The Doc said it was an allergy to something, and to figure out what it was.  She told me only water, no soap of any kind, and Vaseline.  The other stuff I was putting on my hands made everything worse.....Undecided

    But my one Daughter asked about the plastic gloves I was using....  I bought some new cute ones, with the even cuter long cuffs, and had been using them.  Even outdoors.... and one day my hands started sweating and burning, and itching so bad I couldn't wait to yank them off!  And my fingers were bright red. 

    But I thought it was just because they were so hot...... Anyway, I threw them away, wash dishes with my cotton lined rubber-gloves, garden with cloth gloves, and my fingers are not cracking and bleeding anymore.  All is well, Ha!

    Kaara, I read the reviews on Barnes and Noble and the gals aren't giving it very many stars.  And yes, they talk about the stupid little blurps that she says...

    It's nice to know that he turns his life around, so now I don't want to get the last book.  I read that the series came out of the Twilight series somehow..  Like Vampires, etc.  So no WONder that it's so "un-real"........ 

    My idea of fantasy, is Alice-in-Wonderland....Wink And oh!  Going to that movie with Mathew McConahay and Channing Tatum... What is it, "Magic Mike?"   DD says WOW!!!!!!

    Keep those puppies safe gals......  How is little Rosie?  Frown.........  Is she better?  When DD's cat got hurt, she had puncture wounds, bad bruises, and one paw was torn open..... So it wasn't another cat.......

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012
    A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities.
    -- William Arthur Ward
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012 is the day I think that you head for Wisconsin.  Hope you have a good time and weather that is tolerable.  You probably wont' see this until you get back home. 

    Chevy -- I am really glad your hands are at long last "turning" around and headed back to normal.  What a terrific bummer it all was.  More so the point where 'nothing' was working.  The lady I take care of had to 'see' a dermatologist just about the same time you did ....... and roughly the same answers you got.  So...the water and petroleum jelly is the item.  I had heard that a long time ago......when I started chemo, but didn't ever have it clarified what was meant with the petroleum jelly.  I thought it was ok to get one of them that had the pump on it.  Not so said the dermatologist.....says any lotion you buy with a pump is mainly thin out so you can get it out of the bottle.  In other words.....mainly a waste.  Maybe that is why I really didn't see any difference then. 

    The heat continues here, but a tiny bit cooler today and even a chance of rain, but it is quite slim and I don't think we would get near enough if it did happen.  The crops here are still pretty much on the line and most will be ruined very soon if we don't get a substantial rain which at this point is no where in sight.  A little rain up Chicago way but that is a good 4 hours away from here. 

    Dh will be returning from South Dakota tomorrow.  I am getting to the anxious point.  Lots of work to do alone when he is gone.....but I do enjoy my 'vacation' from having him underfoot and being able to work WHEN I feel like it. 

    How are you termite????  Hope all is well with you. 

    I'll be checking in here after work so will see you all again then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Jackie, Hi, all is well here. I just have not been on the computer much this week.

    Chevy, I am glad to hear that your hands are healing. I read the first book, interesting but I also think it is a lot of imagination although when we were in Key West a few years ago there were shops that sold the leather items and other items. It really makes you wonder about people.

    Kaara, I hope you have a good trip.The weather this way is really hot and humid.

    Mommarch, I am sorry to hear about Rosie.I hope she is doing okay. We had a family up the street from us with 2 little dogs that the man had out for their last trip out one evening and a coyete came out of the nursery behind our houses and it attacked one of their dogs. He could only get to one of the dogs to save.  My DH has put a fence up around our back yard so our dog can not go into the nursery and hopeflly other animals can not get into our yard.

    The weather has been hot and humid here. There was a good storm on Friday night that left a lot of damage in the Yorkville and Plainfield area around us. We did not have any damage here.

    Outside field trips at the childcare center where I work have been cancelled the last few days so I had to find an inside trip for the kids to go to. This weather really interrupts our summe camp programs field trips.

    Hope everyone has a good week.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012
    There are nine requisites for contented living:
    HEALTH enough to make work a pleasure;
    WEALTH enough to support your needs;
    STRENGTH enough to battle with difficulties and forsake them;
    GRACE enough to confess your sins and overcome them;
    PATIENCE enough to toil until some good is accomplished;
    CHARITY enough to see some good in your neighbor;
    LOVE enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others;
    FAITH enough to make real the things of God;
    HOPE enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.
    - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    You know what you "can't" do?  You can't start a post, then search the web for something to copy here, without losing your post... Ha!

    So here it is... Plagiarism...that's what that worthless book is all about.  50 Shades of Gray is the same as "Master of the Universe"....

    And you can download it free as pdf!  It was taken from the Twilight series. But the reviews of 50 were all bad!  I looked at Barnes and Nobel and the comments were NOT nice!  I don't know how the author got away with this.  But don't waste your time buying a book that is copied almost verbatim from Masters of the Universe which you can download for free, if you are into that sort of thing... I don't even like Vampires!  Is that what the Twilight series are about?

    I started flipping through the pages from the middle on... It just goes in circles, and you find your self thinking, "Oh no, not again!" 

    So now I am starting to read "Seize a Nettle"....  sounds like a nice little book, for a nice little woman....Ha! 

    Man, that 50 makes Jackie Collins look like a Den Mother! 

    Starting out hot here again....  I would prefer cooler temps...Wink

    Jackie, after reading your post, it made me think of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, about her filing for divorce....  She was afraid for her Daughter?  Wow...I had no idea their "religion" would be so demanding.... Oh well....I guess you can believe in ANYthing, or nothing for that matter....

    Have a safe 4th all.... And best of luck with your get-together Jackie...Wink xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012
    im gonna kill whoever said you were adopted
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012

    Love that picture and the sentiment.  I'm getting a head start on a good day.  Just choose to be good and happy no matter what.  Was a bit cooler really tried to rain here but unfortunately didn't do much.  It will get up to 104 again today.  Hopefully they are right and in a few days the heat wave will break and we will get back to just the 90's which is often what it normally is this time of yr. 

    Will be a family cook-out later today ( that would be after work for me ) and I'm taking cold spaghetti salad, a bad of Tostitoes Lime chips ---oh I love those things, and making a pitcher of Lemonaid Tea.  Thought about a dessert, but lots of people bring those and so  I decided to skip it this yr.  We don't need all that.  If I really start to need it ---- I'll make a p-nut butter pie.  An all time favorite with me. 

    Hope you all are going to have a good day whatever you do.....even if its nothing.  Don't know about any fireworks this yr. with the dryness.  Have heard of a lot of cancellations so far.  Anyway.....make it merry.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012
    The willow knows what the storm does not: that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it.
    - Blood of the Martyr
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012

    Good morning.  Our heat wave is till on but it is due to cool down some this week-end and we will cut back to the 90's for a while.   Rather than the heat or lack of it though is the RAIN we so need.  We are so parched and the crops are dying by the minute.  So we seem to continue on with our warm winter, and now too warm summer.  Oh my.......hopefully, a good rain will come.......hope it lasts for a couple of days when it does......and that it rains slow enough to be able to work into the ground.

    Hope you all enjoyed the 4th.  We did ok here.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012

    Afternoon everyone.....from roasting alive southern Illinois.  It has been 107 most of the day here.  It is not un-heard of, but a bit rare.  I could handle the heat to a degree but I'm really hating seeing the parched out lawns and areas where there is now a couple of inches of dust.  There may be some rain coming over the week-end and I really have my fingers crossed. 

    Hope all of you have used caution with these temps. if you had them.  They are no fun......See you all later.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Yes, Jackie!  We are supposed to get rain here too, this weekend!  I just hope it is true!  My front lawn on the parking is getting brown, even though I try & keep it watered "enough"...

    We are on watering restrictions..... even fined if we go over a certain amount.... The parking gets no shade either.  We're thinking of having it all dug up next Spring, after all the snow has softened it a little, and having that sheeting laid down, and river rock put in...  A lot of our neighbors are doing this now. 

    Some folks have just quit watering even their trees and shrubs, and even they are drying up and dying.  But it's the same neighbors that don't even bother watering their lawns!

    Plumber coming Monday!!!!!!!!!CoolTongue outLaughing  At least so far....Ha!  Should only take 1/2 day, so he says........  Keeping my fingers crossed on that one too! 

    And the new Dell 23" monitor I ordered from Costco is coming Monday!  I just wanted something larger than the one I have now...  So good things happening Monday!

    Have a great week-end gals! xooxox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012

    Happy Monday in advance.  I too have my fingers crossed we ( those who need it ) will get a good 'healing' rain and can enjoy.  People is early enough....our lawns will come back to what they were.  I sure hope so.  Nothing due to start until at least late tomorrow......then better chance on Sunday and into Monday. 

    You should like your monitor Chevy.  I have had a bigger one for a couple or three yrs.  I think about 20 or 21 inches....don't remember, but it is easy on the eyes and I don't think I could go back to smaller anymore.  How easy it is to get spoiled to certain things. 

    Hope you all will have a fantastic Friday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,533
    edited July 2012
    Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.