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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012

    Sitting here hoping for some of that rain to they say it could.  Still not much seems predicted and I sure hope they are wrong......I am just hating that the crops may be so bad this year due to such early unseasonable heat.  It is cloudy right now so that will help it to feel better.  I just refilled everyone's water and the wading pools. 

    Hope you all are weathering the weather.  I'll be checking in later when I take a break.  Am in the middle of laundry.....something I'd like to skip, but when temps are like this......I could skip a whole lot and not mind. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2012

    Had some energy today and of course I over did it.  Still have alot to do, hope I can finish tomorrow.  

    I just about retired from my job for good on Tuesday.  We have had nothing but car problems again and I could not get to work on Tuesday.  Hubby had to work on the old diesel truck so we would have something to drive.  I called in and my director was not very happy.  I got to work on Wed. Hubby got the PU to run and took me down.  She told me she did not mean to be such a B.  I told her I figured she had a bad start to her morning.  She had some certificates she wanted me to do, she could have told me last week.  So far things are better, we will see, if I did not need the insurance with this cancer I would probably retire completly, I drive 90 miles a day round trip.  I have been doing it for 8 years and it is getting harder all the time.

    Our little Rosie is much better.  I think maybe it has damaged her vocal cords though.  

    Hope everyone gets some rain, we have had 3 or 4 inches and temps have cooled into the  80's, the high on next Wed is to be 78.

    Everyone take care 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012
    "On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow."
    Friedrich Nietzsche
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012

    Just running late again today. Mommarch --- good news hearing Rosie is better.   I hope things move back in better position for you at work.  Everyone stresses......and it is probably harder for a boss who is supposed to keep it all under control than us 'other' people.  If I did not have the V.A. and Medicare I'm not at all sure how I'd survive. 

    I recall when we were younger and didn't have any health Insurance at all.............we were living dangerously, but then when you are young, most of the time you don't have  ( if you are pretty fortunate ) long term expensive disease processes going on.  We got by---but you sure can't take that risk when you are our age.

    Hope Kaara is enjoying Wisconsin.  Hope you all have a great Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012
    Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding.
    - Dorothy Thompson, 1893 - 1961
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Hi everyone!  Returned home last was a pleasant week with family in WI, but!  There were record breaking temps of 106 and 108 last week of all things!  We couldn't do much outside...even the 4th celebration was held inside with only the grilling done out.  I did a lot of shopping in the malls..something I needed like a hole in the head, and my BF spent a lot of quality time with his 97 year old mother, the primary purpose of the trip, playing her favorite card games and such.  She is sharp as a tack and beat him continually, much to his delight!  She won about $20 off him...the best $20 investment he's made in a long time.

    The trip home was an adventure, with accidents and delays all along the route.  When we reached the mountains and the long stretch of hwy that leads from Knoxville to Asheville, down through the mountains, we encountered a bad accident, so we were able to get off at one of the exits and backtrack to another highway and cut over to hwy 26.  It was a long road through the mountains and some of the most beautiful scenery I've seen in a long time.  My boyfriend refers to it as "witness protection country" but I loved it.  We lost about two hours getting home, but I love new adventures, so it worked out ok.

    Today I'm trying to rehabilitate my poor little flowers that had little or no rain while we were away.  It is definitely cooler here though...a pleasant change from WI.  I gained about five pounds from going off my diet...too many greek diners!  So today it's back to green smoothies and salads!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th!  Good to be back!  I have to go back and read to catch up on all the news that happened while I was away! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited July 2012

    Hi to everyone from the library in Park Rapids, MN.  We were gone from home two weeks on this past Friday.  I think I may have posted and told our location, Pine Hollow Resort.  It's not a fancy place as the word "resort" brings to mind.  But our site is large and has some shade.  There were lots of families and children during the 4th of July weekend but now everyone, including the young owners, has gone back to work.  We have the whole place to ourselves.  Actually it was fun watching the children run back and forth and play their games. 

    All the other rv sites are occupied by small campers that the people use for weekend cabins.  Many of them have boats and spend time on the lake fishing and tubing, etc. 

    Today DH and I played golf and then had lunch at an A&W.  Hot dogs w/chili and a frosty mug of diet root beer.  It really hit the spot.

    Our weather the first week was so hot and humid that we regretted coming here for a month.  But then we had a thunderstorm that cleared the air and now we're having a pleasant week with lows in the 60's at night and highs in the low 80's. 

    4th of July was low key.  The resort owners organized a pot luck supper at 6:30.  One man brought his cooker and fried chunks of walleye fish.  It was so delicious.  I love walleye.  I wish dh and I were fishermen but we aren't.  By the time we bought licenses and fishing equipment we'd be better off going out to eat fish at a restaurant.

    Sure hope everyone gets the rain so desperately needed and the summer temperatures become more reasonable. 

    I miss communicating regularly but we have a very weak Verizon signal down in the hollow.  I have to go for a walk up on a higher road to use my telephone and call my mother, who is back home and doing well with Home Health services.  Plus my sister Michelle is taking good care of her.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2012

    Hi Ladies...............have not been by for a while.............wanted to pass through and say Hello..............miss you gals.........have to come by more all sound great................I'm hanging in there, barely, but then that is another story.

    Will be back soon.....................hugs, to you all

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    ducky:  Good to hear from you....hope you feel better soon!

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Kaara, I am glad you had a good trip even though the weather was so hot. It was really nice when it cooled down on Saturday evening and we were finally able to get outside.

     Ducky, I hope you feel better soon.

    Dh and I had  four of our grandkids this weekend. So much fun with them but boy am I tired when they go home (but I love having them here). We had a quiet 4th of July. I did not stay awake long enough to watch the fireworks.

    Hope everyone has a good week!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012

    Kaaara --- welcome back.  More later.

    SmileCarole....glad the trip has gotten better for you now with the cooler temps. etc.  We are cooler here but sitll no rain.  I'm worn out from my rain dance that produced nothing.  Sure is good news that your Mom is doing so much better.  I'm sure it is a relief and you can concentrate on really enjoying your time away.  Hugs, to your sis for doing such a good job. !!!  Hope you get over what "buggin" you !  Sorry to hear you maybe have been under the weather.  Hope you will stop in a bit more often and quit being a stranger. 

    Kaara....except for hoping no one got super seriously hurt in these accidents.....I love finding new routes and seeing places that might have neat little stores or something different to enjoy.  As a kid here.....we didn't have a car till I was in 7th. grade.  So....we never really went anywhere.  I grew up, left home, and never came back until I was in my mid 50's.  Dh would say.....where's Mt. Vernon or Obdyke or any of the zillions of small towns around here.............well, I'd have to admit that I'd never been and knew nothing much about them.  So, we started a practise of getting our work done --- then just choosing a direction to drive and taking off.  Wow !!! It was great.  All the little towns around where I grew up and I had never seen most of them.  For a couple of years, we learned together.  We still find it fun now and then to just head North.....or whichever way we want to go. 

    Hope you all had a fantastic Monday.........sure wish your plumber had not been rained out Chevy ----aren't you glad I did that rain dance.  Sure wish the powers that be hadn't miss-calculated where it was to have gone. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Hi gals.....  Plumber supposed to be coming this morning.....  Couldn't come yesterday because of the "Frog-strangler" rain we have been having!!!  It was raining soooooooo hard, like in waves, just coming then letting up, then letting loose again!  I was looking outdoors and thinking "All that free clear water, just going into the ground!"   But that's where we needed it.... 

    A lot of mud-slides now, with highway closures, because of the burn-out areas.....  But the rain just made me so happy!  We were just baking here!... I have little bird-baths set all over, and one Grackle was just laying in the water!...... My Daughter was over and said you have a "gaggle of grackles"....Ha, ha! 

    I ordered a new 23" Dell monitor, and it sure is nice....but takes some getting used to!  I like to watch film clips, and some TV shows on it, so the larger one is great.

    Carole, you sound like you guys are having a great time.....  I know, I love to listen to and watch little "Ivy" run back and forth playing...She is our little 31/2 year old neighbor.... And she plays with their dog, and just squeals when she chases him!  When I go over, she comes running towards me with her arms out, and I get to pick her up and snuggle with her.  Geez, I miss little kids....

    Glad your Mom is doing alright, and that you can talk to her......  just enjoy your trip!

    Kaara, did your flowers make it?  Those accidents are so scary! 

    And Ducky!  Are you alright?  What have you been doing?  I have to click your name to see what's going on......Come by more often!

    Jackie, please stop the rain-dance any time now.....Wink  Or change your directional wishes a little!   Just cross my fingers that they will be out this morning!  Not raining so far... so stay in bed Jackie.....

     I mean the irrigation ditch was running so high next to us, I was afraid we'de have to move to higher ground yesterday!  I remember my Brother and I used to go "swimming" in that ditch when it was this high!  Mud and all, ha!  We just live about 1/2 block from the house we grew up in, but right NEXT to "our" ditch.  I remember the way it "smelled".... I mean it was a good smell, but brings back so many memories growing up.  We wouldn't let our 2 Daughters get near it, growing up, but they said when we were gone, they spent a lot of time "there"... And I'd take our 2 little Grand-sons with a blanket and a picnic, and we would sit there & talk by the "river"....Smile

    Morning Termite!  Yes, just don't get too tired.... doing ANYthing...  Just take care of yourself! 

    Have a fun day gals.......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Morning everyone!

    Chevy:  Glad you finally got the much needed rain, even though it delayed getting your plumbing fixed!  Hopefully it will put a damper on those fires as well!  To answer your flowers survived..just barely!  One or two more days and they would have been toast!

    Carole:  Glad you are enjoying your sounds like so much fun! I have a delimma...I'm supposed to go back to Fl in mid July, my BF has some business and I wanted to spend a few days with the grandkids, but now I've had an invite from my girlfriend group to spend a few days in the Highlands of NC just doing girl stuff and I have to admit that sounds pretty tempting as well.  I'm definitely going back to Fl in late August to celebrate my little grand's 3rd birthday, so I just might skip this trip and spend some time with my guys...just gals!  My BF was so funny...he said "what on earth are you going to do for two days with a bunch of girls" like him...hehe! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012
    "Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon
    realize that space is being created in your life for something
    new to emerge."

    -- Eckhart Tolle
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012

    Waving hi to termite~~~~~~~hey Kaara.....if you are going to be in Fla. in August again anyway, I'd just do that girlfriend thing.  It is nice to just let down your hair, figuratively speaking, of course, and be with others that can appreciate time away from MEN.  Its a rejuvenation thing and we all need a little recharging now and then. 

    I like men just fine and would be lost without my fella, but I also appreciate some of the time he is not here to get in my way............not to be offensive to anyone but women so often just work differently than men.  Like my dh has no problem with waiting till last afternoon to start something.  As for me.........I want to be done long before then, but getting him to move on something....well, I can't afford that mch dynamite. 

    Anyway.....hope today is a great plumbing day Chevy.....thinkin' bout' you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Yeah, well if they ever get here....I hate plumbers!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Jackie:  Yep...that's what I'm thinking!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012 too....I'm with Jackie!  Better yet, why don't we all meet somewhere, have lunch, go see Magic Mike, and have a fun day....Ha! 

    Yes, women do everything different than men....  But what would we do without them?   We can't change them....but we can always have hope...Wink

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited July 2012

    Hello ladies, I am new to this forum..  I am a Canadian who  winters 6 months in Fort Myers at an RV resort.   I  had a lumpectomy May 24th & 12 nodes removed...still smarting from all of that.   Meet with my onc. tomorrow to start radiation for about 4 or 5 weeks.   Started Femara 14 days ago & a bone builder & so far doing okay other than I am still in shock over this whole ordeal.  

    I am amazed at how cheerful all of you sound in spite of everything that I know you are going through.   I am continuing my, sewing, gardening, participating in all of my usual activities but still find myself teary throughout the day..guessing that this too will pass. 

    Leaving now for Bid Euchre at our community centre...hope that you will include me in your friendly chitchat.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited July 2012


    Welcome to "our sorority" that each of us wish we didn't have to join, but glad to have the sisters to share thoughts and feeligs with.

    I know for me, those first few weeks were almost overwhelming.  Many times I could be just 'playing' on the computer or reading and suddenly the tears would just gush, I have come to learn that this is not unusual for BC survivors, and once we have had the awful diagnosis of having BC we become a survivor.  

    I started on Letrozole (generic of Femara) in mid-Nov.  I had more hot flashes those first few weeks on that than I did going through menopause, they have leveled off now.  Have some aches and pains, but know some of it is probably arthritis...

    Please feel assured that you can rant, rave, laugh, cry here, we all have our times and it is wonderful to be able to express ourselves to someone who can really empathize. (guess misery does love company Wink)

    My husband was born/half raised in Oshawa.  His family moved to the States when he was 12 years old (long time ago tehe)

    Have a great rest of the day and week.  


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Hi Isabelle!!  We are "old hands" at this, I guess you could say....  But you have the worst part over with!  Don't be afraid.... You can do this! 

    I didn't take Femara, but I took tamoxifen for awhile..... But by October, it will be 3 years since the mammogram found my BC....and so far so good!  Believe me, there a lot of things worse than what I went through.... And I love gardening, Ha!  Don't get blue and down.... just log in here, and find us to talk to!

    You guys, a plumber is here!!!  DANG!!!  I hear him pounding, sawing, and all sorts of racket out there!  So maybe he is "fixing" it!?!?  He sure doesn't say much....  like nothing!   Hope it's going alright....  Hope we know something pretty soon.

    Oh well...gotta wait and see I guess....

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited July 2012
    Welcome Isabelle2, We are a pretty firendly bunch, but we occasionally get sidetracked with our rants.Laughing Chevy hope silence is golden and he is actually fixing the problem.
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Welcome Isabelle2...wish you didn't have to be here, but you will get lots of support from some wonderful women!  Keep checking in!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    IT'S DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And it doesn't leak!!!  "Lamont" was really a nice guy, went above and beyond what the job called for!   I mean I got down & looked under the tub and the pipes, and they look great!!!!   Now DH just has to put sand and insulation back under the house, and put up the siding, and that dilemma  will be DONE!!!  We even gave him $35 extra for his dinner! 

    It's so nice to deal with someone that knows what they are doing....  All of the estimates, and ideas of what had to be done, were NOTHING compared to how Lamont figured out how to "fix" the problems!   And he is only 32!!  We were impressed.   I will call tomorrow and tell his company what a great job this guy did...... 

    Okay... now I don't have anything to fret about!  Wink

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Chevy:  That's just great.  I always like to tell the boss when someone does a great job!  Might even be better to send a letter so they can put it in his file for when review time comes up.  It might help him get a much needed raise.  It's a great problem to have...nothing to fret about;)

    We had a problem with our A/C up here yesterday...the pan was leaking and running out the emergency pipe, so we called my son in Fl and he told us what to do...saved us a $100 service call! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012

    Isabelle2 welcome, welcome to our little corner of BC. Org here.  Come in, pull up a chair, grab a cup of tea and talk your heart out.  This is not the easiest thing to have happen to you..........andif you are like most of was totally un-expected.  We are naive' when it comes to this diagnosis and always see it as something that happens to someone else..........but we wake up one morning, find ourselves sitting in from of a Dr. who is telling us we have just now turned into that someone. 

    I most had a few periods of this really hopeless feeling, tears, upset, black feelings and never was for sure just when it would come.  the farther into my treatment I got.....I just realized that I was in a fight to win and no matter what came I was going to have to do my very best to keep standing up to the monster. 

    I don't think "cancer" all the time now.  You do work past that and find your sunlight and good cheer again.  It helped me so much to be able to come here and share with others that were in the same boat so to speak.  People who have not had this disease really don't seem to understand the impact of it all.  That is the value of BC. Org.  So come back often and chime in and be one of us. 

    Chevy....amen.  Glad to hear the plumbing is no longer a problem.  Now the problem is you have my rain and I'd like it back.  After all my high hopes....we did not get a drop.  It is hot here.....but not nearly as bad as it was.  Still....a few days a rain are so needed.  Maybe this coming week-end.  Sounds like our next chance....but they are predicting a bit early....enough wind currents and that could get way far from us. 

    Anyway.....hugs to all.  Hope you had a wonderful day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    A whole lot of lightening and thunder today, but no rain.  I had my eye app't and after being in there for almost two hours, I didn't even get my injection!  They have to do something with the insurance first so I go back next week.  What a pain.  I did like the doctor though...he was friendly and talked to me through the entire exam.  Maybe it was to distract me from what he was doing.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Isabelle2, welcome to our forum. I had a lumpectomy and am now on Famera. Had a lot of hot flashes when I started it but they have lessen as time goes on. Also had pain in my joint for awhile but they seem to have stopped. This forum has been really helpful to know that all the things we feel are normal and we are not alone with these feelings. There are still days after 2 years of being diagnosed that I still get teary eyed at unexpected times.

    Chevy, glad your plumbing problem is solved.

    Hi to all the ladies.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Hope everyone has a good day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012
    The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
    - Joseph Campbell