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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Jackie:  Good quote today...very meaningful for me at this time;)  Ahhh...what adventure might await!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2012

    Hi Isabelle, welcome.  Your feelings are natural.  At first you feel like a bomb has been dropped, but then when all the treatment starts you see that you will make it and it is doable.  I finished chemo on Dec. 1, 2011 and now am on tamoxifen, and no bad side effects, got my hair back and had my first hair cut the First of April.  Just ask any of us what ever you need to know, we'll try to give you an answer.

    Its raining again here in West Texas.  Todoay it is lovely, cloudy and high is to be 76 in the mountains.  Our little Rosie is doing much better, she has actually barked some, not talking to us yet, but hopefully that will come in time.

    DD, GD & GS are headed back from Florida.  They should be at our Sons in College Station, TX tonight and probably be home on the weekend.  Praying they have a safe trip.

    Everyone take care, got to get some things done here at work.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited July 2012

    Chevy, glad you solved your plumbing problem!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,546
    edited July 2012
    If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.
    - Rabindranath Tagore
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,546
    edited July 2012

    Just stopped by to say hi.  Today is a late day at work so I can spend a bit more time on the computer here. Sure glad you are not "looking" for plumbers anymore Chevy.  I guess you will be keeping that fellows' name and number handy.  I know it has got to be a big relief.  I hate when certain things don't work right.....and you had amazing patience.  Something that I constantly seem to have to work on.

    Well, mommarch, hooray for your rain.  Seems my rain dance is producing good results everywhere but here.   On the way to my house.....I've seen a couple of yards where the tree leaves have turned brown and are falling out of the deep, deep late Fall.  It is incredible as we are just barely into July.  Whatever its warming or climate change as some people say --  it is a little scary to me.  But then at my age....I am not always too fond of changes anymore.  As I was saying to someone else, we may have to get used to doing our outside living ( we usually spend summer on the deck --- eating all our meals there etc. ) at way different parts of the yr. like just Spring and Fall.  If this is gong to turn to standard......we may have to turn the decdk into a four seasons room.  Sigh!!!  A wait and see thing.

    Thinking about all of you and hoping all is well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    It's our second day of cloudy rainy weather, and much cooler!  I got a lot done in the garden yesterday...all the weeds pulled and flowers deadheaded.  It looks really nice!  My roses are gorgeous...they love the hot dry weather.

    Jackie:  We had our two decks turned into sunporches...lot of glass with windows that open to the breeze.  It will be great as long as you don't have a lot of sun directly on the glass.  Our's does, and at times it can get really hot in there.  It works as an insulator in the winter and our heating bill is much lower than normal, but then we're not usually here in the winter.  We installed an awning that rolls out to protect from the sun when we're here in the summer.  I spend most mornings and early evenings out there reading and watching the birds.  Very peaceful.

    I'm definitely going to do the girlfriend visit rather than go back to Fl.  My son was disappointed but he'll see me in late August for DGD's birthday. I felt I needed some girlfriend is short!  I always have fun with these girls...sometimes we travel together.  Our friendship spans over 30 years.  We all met when we first moved to Florida back in the 70's.  I'm looking forward to it! 

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited July 2012

    Good Morning Ladies.....thank you for the welcomes yesterday,...I was at my first consult with radiology oncologist.  Another surprise: 25 treatments instead of the expected 20 and over a larger area.   Go for my tatoo July 18th & treatment shortly after.  Got the happy news that I will burn & I will be tired and no you cannot swim in a chlorinated pool ( one of my loves is to swim 1/2 mile every morning) and all this from a cute  doctor who looks like a teenager.  lol 

     I know it could be a lot worse..while I was there I saw 3 very young women walking around with shaved heads & my heart ached for them but I still feel sorry for myself.  My family doctor once told me that it is the "stone in your own shoe that hurts the most".     IllinoisLady, thank you and I know I will see the stars again..right now there seems to be a very large  C cloud over my head.  No matter what I do to keep busy it does not leave my mind. 

    I am going to water my gardens now & then buy strawberries to go with the rhubarb I pulled on Sunday.  Tonight Mixed League Bid Euchre at our community centre & no tears. 

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited July 2012

    Kaara, I just read that you have roses...have not any luck with them this year (mine did not come back) but I do have beautiful Begonias..lots of shade here where I live.

     We are in Florida (Cypress Woods rv resort in Fort Myers) for the winter & do not see any roses that time of year.   To us winter in Fl. is like summer here in Ontario but so many plants seem to go dormant when we are there.  Tell me what else thrives in that climate?   

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Isabelle:  My roses are grown in NC where we spend the summers.  I have several varieties but the knock out type are the best and the easiest to maintain.  My gardening in Florida in the winter is limited to impatiens and vinca for color and tropical green plants.  I do have a friend that has absolutely georgous rose bushes but it takes a lot of work...more than I want to take on.  Geraniums are also good growers in Florida in the winter.

    Hope that helps.  We used to live in Englewood which is north of Ft. Myers, but now we live on the east coast of Fl. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Yes!  My plumbing is all fixed!  I just know that if we had gone ahead and had it done by any of the other companies, it would have been a major problem, plus a lot more expensive... but this guy worked miracles....  I mean you can't immagine what he had to do to just get access to those pipes!   But we think the bathroom was added in the 1930's, and it's no wonder that those lead pipes, and trap just rusted out and shifted away, and have been leaking under that part of the bathroom for many moons!   DH is going to finish letting it all dry out, then insulate those pipes and the wall and put the siding up.

    We're just so glad it didn't affect the toilet...just the tub and the little vanity sink drains. 

    So hot again today.... It was 110 out back on our patio....  It was sooooooo nice to see it raining Monday.... I just loved it!  I could have just stood out there, and pretended I was in the shower, ha!  That rain makes you come alive, especially after so much hot weather!

     I have a little round dish-pan filled with sea-shells, that I've been cleaning....(from Florida) and our little Lacee loves to drink from there out in the shade.  It's a wonder she doesn't sit in it.  I'll just keep it filled with cold water, now...Wink

    Love the talk about flowers and your roses! My Dad was a Florist, from Denver, then moved to the Bay Area, and their yard was the prettiest in the whole neighborhood! He even grew Ginger, Bird of Paradise, Monkey Tail Ferns, and my Mom grew Bonsai's and Orchids....  Our youngest Daughter is also a Floral Designer for one of the Kings's here, so flowers are just part of my life!

    Okay...better sniff out something to do..... Take good care gals....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited July 2012

    Beautiful picture, Chevy!

    Isabelle, we all know what it feels like to have that big C cloud hanging over your head. 

    Jackie, I hope the weather cools off so you can enjoy your deck.  I know that folks on the political right choose to deny climate change but I think it's happening.

    On a happier note, DH and I tried out the kayaks today!  I wish I had a video to share of the two of us getting our creaky bodies into the little pointy boats.  Even more difficult was getting out bodies OUT when we were finished!  But it was fun paddling up and down the little creek that runs along the shore of the resort and out into the lake.  After I get some more practice, I'll be ready to venture out into the lake on weekdays when most folks are working.

    We're in town at the library using our laptops.  We brought our chairs and will stay for the Second Street Stage free concert.  They block off the street and people bring their own chairs.

    Kaara, I'm glad you're enjoying your summer in NC.  Your garden sounds really pretty.

    Hugs to all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Carole, my "little" brother who is 73 loves to get out on the lake by his house in Nashville, and just paddle around at dusk!  Sometimes he just sits there and calls me, and tells me how beautiful and quiet it is.... I asked him if he ever planned on kayaking down Clear Creek here in the Canyon, and he just laughed hysterically....Ha! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Chevy:  Beautiful flowers and patio...looks so inviting!

    Carole:  I would like to try kayaking myself one day before I get too old..hehe!  It looks to me like the boat would tip easily.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,546
    edited July 2012
    Is today a day to gather strength from the storm -
    a day to to learn life lessons for the next battle?
    Or is today a day to sit by the fire
    and watch the storm rage outside?
    Either way, the storm is just life.
    Give thanks for all of Life.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,546
    edited July 2012

    Good morning.....oh my --- more heat and still wishing for rain.  Oh well ----  we have to take the lemons that come.  Just part of the game.  Of course, this just encourages me to walk over to Chevy's little patio area and hang around there........and I would but its a long walk from Illinois.  It is so very inviting  though to look at the patio......

    We have lots of Hosta's here.......and I have Periwinkle ground cover in some places.  Some un-planted ivy which needs to get in the ground, and a few other assorted Lily of the Valley etc.  We have to watch out and plant for our zone for the most part.  What I'd love to have here and don't is old fashioned Lilacs which do fine around here and the old-fashioned yellow Honeysuckle....have to be careful or the Noneysuckle will "travel" everywhere.  I'd also love a Wisteria tree and a Willow......I have neither but love them both.  We can grow Vinca vines ( a little different from Periwinkle as it grows in a small bush shape ) here and I did at our other house.....but never brought any over here.  Lately I've had so little time to deal with the yard ( 2 acres )  and that isn't going to get  a lot better in the near future. 

    Isabella......the rads are boring for the most much prep for the small amt. of time your on the table getting the beam.  If you enjoy a little walking.....that may be stimulating enough for you to not get too tired.  I tried that and only had a couple of "fatigue" days.  I did 7 full weeks of rads.  I have to admit though.....when the fatigue came it was nothing like anything I'd ever felt before.  I sooo felt like if I didn't lay down....I would just crumble in a heap right where I was and not be able to budge a muscle for the life of me.  So really glad it only happened a couple of times.  Everyone's body handles these things a little differently so you may notice nothing or total fatigue --- no way to predict.

    I hope you are all going to have a great Friday.  See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Isabelle...I forgot to mention.... I KNOW you will be tired... a lot!  So just plan on falling onto the sofa or bed, or floor, whenever you get that feeling...Wink

    Yes.... you can look around seeing so many women without their hair, and both breasts, and feel so much empathy for them.....but look at how they are doing!  Everyone has to live for that day.... You just go on.

    It's okay to cry and feel completely lost...but you WILL look back on this....  just remember you only have today to think about, and don't bother about yesterday or even tomorrow!   It's gonna get here, no matter what we do about it.  And it will be better!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Jackie:  You're welcome to some of our's been going for three days straight!  Either feast or famine here in NC, but who's complaining.  It was in the 60's here yesterday...and yes...I wore a jacket to the doctor's office;)  Today I'm just going to curl up with a good book and enjoy the peace and quiet.  Too wet to work in the garden.

    Happy Friday everyone! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012 true!

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited July 2012

    Chevyboy, I love your flowers ..what a treat to look at...will  post a picture of mine when I figure out how to do it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    I think the little Monarch saw the sign! Wink  NOW the plants are really going crazy.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Chevy:  Beautiful photo!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2012

    Thought I would post before I hit the bed.  We had a Friday the 13th around here.  Hubby went to have his knee looked at, had to have an x-ray and will have to go to Odessa for an MRI as soon as we can get the apt. made.  More car problems yesterday, finally got 2 of them running.  Drove the Ford Contour today and it was fine finally.  We got back from running errands, Dr. etc around 2 came in house and Rosie came to kitchen and she was all blown up like a baloon.  Her tummy was touching the floor.  We took her into the vet.  The vet said she was full of air, when she got attacked 2 weeks ago it put a hole in her trachea and her body filled up with air.  She took a hypodermic needle and released as much air from her body as she could, she said when she stuck her it sounded like a baloon taking off.  She put her on anibiotics and a baby aspirin twice a day for a week.  She is still somewhat swollen but not as bad.  If she swells up again in the next week she will have to have some minor surgery to repair the trachea.  Then while we were headed to the vets, our GD called and they were at the hospital in Sonara, TX.  My daughter was having chest pains and went the the ER there, they were about 200 miles from home on there return trip.  They checked her for blood clots and decided it was pnemonia, she has had a sinus infection while away. The ER gave her IV fluids and antibiotics, etc.  A nurse took them to a motel and will come back over at 10:30 PM and take Alice back to the Hopsital to pick up her car.  They will head home in the morning.

    One good thing has happened, we have been approved for a car loan for a late model vehicle.  Praise the Lord.  I really do not want the payments but we need reliable transportation.  

    Its been a day, but it could have been worse.  

    Everyone take care 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Good Morning Mommarch.....  Man!  I think enough has happened to you for awhile!  I'm so sorry!!!  I hope  Rosie will be alright....poor thing!!!   Little Rosie is really a brave little pooch.

    And your DAUGHTER!!!  I know how she felt....  We had a trip to SF planned one time, with my Daughter's.  I was soo sick, but wanted to go see my folks anyway.  Even called Emergency while I was there.... Stayed the week, trying not to cough my brains out...just wanted to get home..... Went back to Doctors here, and had to take a different anti-biotic for Pneumonia.  I hope she feels better soon....  Wow!

    And your car trouble?  I hope this works out for you......  Nothing worse than worrying about the car!  I think we ALL go through this at one time or another. You could really use some GOOD news.......  ((((( Mommarch )))))

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Mommarach:  Praying that all your troubles are behind you!  That was one Friday the 13th for your family:(  I didn't even make the connection until you mentioned it!

    I got a voice mail from my DGD late last night saying my DGGD was feeling better...I didn't know she was sick!  So now I can't reach her because she was working late and is probably asleep.  The baby has been having seizures every time she gets a fever...she's already been hospitalized twice for these.  She was supposed to be evaluated by a pediatric neurologist to make sure it wasn't something serious, but DGD is dragging her feet on having this done.  I think she might need to be on seizure medication until she outgrows these things!  Something else to worry about.  DGD is having a difficult time trying to raise the baby, work, and keep up with her bills.  I've helped some, but why oh why don't these kids understand what it is to try and raise a child.  She had this baby with her BF thinking they would get married and guess what..that never happened.  He seems to be a loving dad, but lax on paying any child support.  I've told her to get this nailed down in court once and for all!  I'm annoyed with my son (DGD's father) because he doesn't take more responsibility.  OK...enough ranting...time to move on to more positive is what it is.

    Another gray day here but at least the rain has stopped.    

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,546
    edited July 2012
    As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.
    Marianne Williamson
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,546
    edited July 2012

    Good morning as I sit here waiting and hoping for a good rain.  At least it is cloudy enough and there is some rain south and west of better chance today that it may make it here.  I sure hope so.  We soooo need it, but won't be enough.......I think our parched earth will be glad to accept it though. !!!All I can think is, if you get so many things going on in one day -- at least you can hope the next few weeks are "quieter" for you.  Good news about the car loan....even though it would mean a payment.  You are without reliable transportation is so tiresome and adds so much drudgery to life.  When Dh was having to "keep" my car most of the time during the three or four months he has his vehicle in the garage being repaired I felt adrift and out of sorts almost continuously.  You can handle many of life's problems if you can just come and go as you need to.  Sure hope things are on the way up again for you.

    Kaara.....a good rant now and then takes the pressure off.  It isn't pretty when someone takes a casual attitude about supporting the "babies" they have made.  Probably harder now with how acceptable it has become to have single parent households.  I know sometimes that is actually best, but I do think sometimes  if you are not directly in the household.......daily, you quit seeing the whole picture rather easily.  Easy to tell my age isn't it??? 

    Well, I'm praying for rain that could actually come today.  Just hope it does.  It looks so Fall-like and we are a couple of months away from what would be the beginning.  I went past a yard yesterday.......and what leaves there were still hanging on the tree were gold and brown......the rest were on the ground.  I think the only thing saving us right now is that there are so, I sure hope, even though it won't be near enough that we do get a little rain.  We also put flea control granules places were we can't apply spray due to the animals.  The rain will activate it. 

    Hope you are all going to have a good day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited July 2012

    Mommarch, goodness! How many things can go wrong? I know you were thinking that. Hope you get the car and will have some reliable transportation. Your poor little dog! I'm glad she got some relief.

    Kaara, I totally empathize with your rant about your granddaughter, who is trying to rear a child by herself. My niece has three children she can't afford. It has been a financial burden on the whole family trying to see that the children have a home and necessities. There are two fathers involved and both are deadbeats.

    Jackie, I am praying for rain for you. I hate drought conditions when the plants and trees are suffering.

    Chevy, I admire your ease and skill in posting pictures.

    Here in MN, DH and I went to the Farmer's Market this morning and bought beautiful and pricey fresh veggies. My father must have rolled over in his grave when I spent $8 for two little plastic bags of green beans. I remember all those wonderful vegetables he provided for all of us out of his garden. He was such a talented gardener. A small box of tomatoes today was $5.50 but there's nothing that tastes better than home-grown tomatoes.

    After buying veggies, dh and I had breakfast at a busy place. Now we're at the library using our laptops. We've come to like our location at Pine Hollow Resort so well that we're thinking of spending another month there. This area has numerous golf courses with affordable greens fees and a 47-mile long bike trail. Plus we're right on a lake and can use the kayaks and canoe for free. The only downside is the weak Verizon signal down in the hollow. DH really misses having internet all the time. So we're thinking the situation over.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this Saturday.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2012

    Chevy, your flowers are beautiful !

    Mommarch, You had a rough 13th. I hope your DH and daughter are both okay. How is Rosie doing? I hope she heals quickly. Our pets are just like our children. 

    Jackie, we are also praying for rain. It is another hot and humid day here. I was planning on going to a grand opening but do not feel like going out in humidity.

    We had a new addition to our family on the 13th, my nephew had a son at 2:13 pm in room 13 at the hospital.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!