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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited July 2012

    Carolehalst...We have been talking about getting our kayaks into the water for 3 yrs now....& they still are on the rack....Tomorrow we are going to do

    it...get our creaky bods in and out. I went to our market this morning too...bought pure cranberry additives.$12.00 for a small bottle.

    Then on to an antique car show...walking around in the hot sun...but I kept under my umbrella. Love the old cars.

    Wish we had some of your rain Carra...I am having to lug hoses,....everything is bone dry.  I planted 2 new mini roses...going to try my luck again!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Kind of hot here!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Chevy:  Funny photo...says it all!

    Carole:  Sounds like you are having a fantastic vacation!

    Isabelle:  Good luck with your new roses...hope they grow for you.  Mine are going gangbusters! 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2012

    Well its late and can not get to sleep.  Friday the 13th continuted.  At 11:00 PM DD called and she had got her car from hospital and it quit running.  Her Dad has taught her alot about cars and she tried what she knew but no luck, so I called the Sherrif's Dept. in Sonara, TX where she was and they sent out a car and got her back to her hotel room.  A maintance man at the hotel took her over to the car this morning and gave her a jump and got it back to the hotel.  Battery leaking acid, we were already in route to help, so we got there about noon, it is a 5 hour drive from here.  Everyone safe and home tonight.  But we got home and Rosie is all blew up like a baloon again.  I called vet and they told me to give her soft food and her meds and give her cool showers  and bring her in on Monday Morning.  I called the vet we usually take her too and she said to put a compression bandage on her, like a strip of ace bandage around her neck and that should help to seal where the air is getting in.  They said to go ahead and take her to the vet we went to on Friday here in Ft. Davis.  She said that it is unusual for it too happen two weeks after the intial injury but the Vet we took her too in an ER situation was correct and it should correct itself.  We will see. I am worried we will loose her.

    I need to sleep, will got ahead and take my ambien if I am still awake in an hour.  I do not do well with car trips since chemo.  It was better this time than before.

    DD is doing good, hospital said that GD & GS were very well behaved, they are 12 and 14.  Guess we all are doing something right.

    DGD reminds me of myself, she is way older and more responsible than her age.  At 15 I was getting dinner for 6 people every night. Then at 20 I married my DH who had 4 children and we had 2 of our own.  Back in 1969 it was almost unheard of that a father would get custody. Hasn't been easy, but I guess it was in God's plan.

    Everyone take care.  Let you know the rest of the story next week. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    mommarch:  Wow....20 years old and taking on four children to raise.  That is quite an accomplishment.  I had four before I was 26, but not all at once...I had time to adjust;)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012
    We deem those happy, who from the experience of life
    have learnt to bear its ills without being overcome by them.
    - Carl Jung
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012 did get a little more of the 13th. mommarch.  I am so glad that your daughter and g-children are home now.  All in all, though you have some on-going issues, that must be a real relief.  I'm so hoping Rosie gets better soon as well.  Poor thing....I'm sure she doesn't understand why she has to go through these trials either, although I do think animals don't fight things like we do.  We sometimes fight our 'miseries' but they have patience and tend to take what matter what that may be. 

    I sure hope things start moving up much better for you.  You sound like you started out with a very full life ( raising a big family right away ) and much continues on.  When you are young --- you can do so much.  Guess that is a good enough reason for older age.....we learn to slow down a lot.........not only to enjoy life more but to get some rest in between the storms. 

    I hope you all have a good Sunday.  I'm hoping for some more rain, but chances are not strong at all.  We settled our dust a little........that was about it.

    I'll be checking back in later.  See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Hi all.... Mommarch.... So much going on in your life.  Wish we all could help....  but just know we are thinking of you and your family, and even little Rosie!  Yikes....  they go through so much sometimes, and don't even yell about it!

    I've been trying to get all of our important papers together.... Man, what a job!  I thought I had things sort of organized, but when you start going through your "stuff" you think of MORE things you have to have ready! 

    I mean bank accounts, your house papers,  Living Wills, POA's, General and Medical POA's... Birth Certificates, marriage license, Insurance policies, your medical insurance information,  and phone numbers for all of that!  Also any Investment info, because those companies change their names, as fast as banks do! 

    I had to have all this when my Grandmother passed away, then my Mom, then my Dad.    So since our Daughter's are already named on everything, a Will is usually not necessary.   Also they have to know where everything IS.... like the important papers and any cash!  

    When my Grandma had to be hospitalized, then moved to a nursing home, she lost her memory and her mind so fast.....  She forgot where anything was, or even if she had a Son or Daughter.... So I had to track down her check-book payments, find her house papers, and then become her POA, so I could try and sell her home, for funds to take care of her.... Not to mention, a Quick Claim Deed  And she had little stashes of cash hidden around her house!  

    This stuff is not easy to think about, but it's a lot easier than waiting until something happens....Undecided

    So now our little bathroom is looking good!  I re-caulked around the tub, cleaned everything, new shower curtains, little fluffy rugs, and made a shell hanging!  It is NOT like a big modern bathroom, like in the new homes, but we love it... Ha! 

    DH is selling his Kawasaki Motorcycle today!  I am soooo happy!  He hasn't ridden it in about 5 years, it is too heavy, and it takes up a lot of room in the spare garage....  I think he got a little older and a little wiser....Wink  He bought it about 10 years ago, when he purchased a couple tattoo's... 

    I went for a ride ONCE on that thing, and he scared me so bad, I was ready to kill him!  I don't take kindly to streaking down a side street at 60 miles an hour from a dead stop!  

    Oh well....  Since we are about 75 now, we SHOULD have more sense, right?  

    Okay gals.... hope your Sunday was a good one!  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Okay he came, he bought, it's gone...!  Now we have LOTS of room in that garage to put SOMEthing in, Ha!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Chevy:  Glad the bathroom is back in order!  An excuse to!

    Good riddance to the motorcycle....a "donorcycle" as my friend calls it.  I wish my DS#3 would sell his!  It's in my garage but I feel good when I look at it because I know he's not riding it;) 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012

    You gals are too funny about those motorcycles.....but I relate.  Dh had ridden them for years and got another shortly after his brother came ( retired here ) about 8 yrs. or so ago.  Well, as luck would have it, he bought it from the Internet --- you never buy anything big like that without checking it out first ----  well, though it looked great and basically ran great.....after a while, it would backfire.  Dh was so embarrassed --- guess that is one of the marks of a long time rider --- if your self respectin you can't  have something wrong like that with these machines....that he sold it.

    I had been telling him I though at his height -- he stretches it to 5'7" but I think he was always about 5'6" as I'm 5'8" and I was at least two inches above him.....and his terribly bad back that I didn't think it was wise for him to use something like that when you have to stop often in these small towns and balance it while you are waiting on lights etc.  Anyway...he sold it and chose not to get another one.  I breathed a sigh of relief.  Then he bought a real old truck to fix up and put in shows.  Two years later I crabbed until he sold was sitting in our front yard and I didn't think it made much of a decoration.  I was getting tired of mowing around it.  So Chevy --- all our toys are going to, by one, by one.   It is a good thing. 

    I've had an ok day today.......despite not getting our rain I wanted.  Not going to cool off much tonight.  I went out and ran the hose till the water got real cold then filled up  the doggie water buckets again.  Try to do it three times a day or so.  If Dh gets off early enough maybe we will ride out the the Dairy Queen and get an ice cream cone. 

    Hope you all have a great night.



  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2012

    Well al,l it goes on, I just found out this evening that my baby sister who will be 59 in Dec. was in a motorcycle accident yesterday. Her and husband are big harley fans.  She just bought a new harley 3 wheeler.  They had went to a rally and were pulling out of the motel they checked into and she hit a pot hole and then a tree and it threw her off.  She had emergency surgery this afternoon for a tear in her intestine.  My Niece called a little while ago and said she is in ICU, things look good, they have her real sedated. They are having trouble keeping her blood pressure up.  She also has PKD which is a heriditary kidney disease.  Her son just got back from Afganastan the first part of June. I just feel like my world is crumbling, but I will keep the faith.

    Sorry my posts are not very much fun these days.  Will take Rosie and leave her at the vet in them morning.

    Take Care 

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited July 2012

    I'm 62.  I just went for my one year check up with my surgeon.  I asked about having an MRI.  She said something about the last one showing nothing and that I was "older" so that they don't do MRI's routinely.  I was wondering what being "older" had to to do with it.  I was also annnoyed because although the mri showed nothing, that was the mistake of the radiologist.  I got a second opinion from Sloan and they saw something.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited July 2012

    I'm 62.  I just went for my one year check up with my surgeon.  I asked about having an MRI.  She said something about the last one showing nothing and that I was "older" so that they don't do MRI's routinely.  I was wondering what being "older" had to to do with it.  I was also annnoyed because although the mri showed nothing, that was the mistake of the radiologist.  I got a second opinion from Sloan and they saw something.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Morning Timbuktu.....  Can you go back to Sloan and have them check "it" out again?  That Radiologist sounds like a dink!  "Older" has nothing to do with ANYthing....darnit!   Or maybe an ultra-sound?   We still have the same "parts" and problems as the younger gals do....  These in-sensitive people drive me nuts.

    Yes Jackie....  That bike fell side-ways on DH against the fence once, and I had to help pull that "thousand" pound bike off of him!  I say a skate-board would have been safer, Ha!  But then again, maybe not.  Just walking can be a hazard sometimes! Wink  The guy that bought it is huge!  At least 6 feet tall, and everything else to go with it.... AND a bag of chips.... Ha!  WinkSurprised

    Mommarch, turn off the TV, turn off the radio, and the phone, take little Rosie to the Vets, and stay with her there.  Don't listen to anybody, and just take a vacation with your puppy.....  It's not good for you to worry so much.... it all kind of adds up on us!  Oh!  Take a pitcher of ice cold Margarita's! 

    Make Monday a good one..... xoxoxoox (turn off your phone Mommarch)

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Mommarch:  So sorry about your baby sister.  When it involves a motorcycle, it is not a question of's a question of when an accident will occur.  Fortunately she survived.  My son has been in three near death racing on the track, and two on the road.  In all instances he was wearing a helmet which saved his life if not his body.  He's had a broken femur, road rash, shoulder injuries, etc.  He's a very experienced rider, but most accidents are caused by other drivers.  In one instance he was cut off by a driver on the on ramp to the freeway and had no choice but to hit the wall rather than be crushed by the car.  The bike went down and he skidded along the roadway and he got road rash all over one side of his body.  The car that caused the accident never even stopped...didn't have a clue that he caused an accident.  I almost caused an accident with a motorcycle myself, when one came up in my blind spot and I didn't see it from my side mirror.  If I had changed lanes in that split second, I might have ended up killing or maiming someone.  When I see someone riding a motorcycle, particularly without a helmet, I think "death wish".

    Timbuktu:  I think the "older" issue with MRI's is an insurance thing....I never did get one although my RO recommended it here in NC.  I ended up doing a thermography which was able to show that there was no indication of problems in either breast three months after my surgery.  I will do another in six more months.  It is less invasive (I would hate going in that tube) and  much less expensive.  Mine only cost me $200.  If a suspicious area shows up, then I will push for an MRI.  I will continue to alternate this with mammograms. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012

    There is no such thing as chance and what seemed to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny. ~ Frederick Von Schiller

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012 with the quote above -- I'd say we all started talking about motorcycles for a reason here.  You are just getting things from all sides.  I hope it will all smooth out for you very soon.  I think I would be looking into some relaxation yoga classes --- or maybe some special music that might take you out of yourself for awhile. 

    I truly believe the quote by the way.  I quit believing in chance, circumstance, co-incidence, fate, luck and all those sorts of things a long time ago.  I think the sorts of things that occur to us either help to build us, or takes us apart ---- sometimes we falter, but most of the time we re-gain our footing and go on.  Women are fairly good at it I think. have had a lot and I do hope you can find something you love that can help you relax between 'your' storms a bit. 

    I also hope your sister does well and I will certainly keep her in my prayers.  Many women really enjoy riding I guess when they get on one of those ( to me anyway ) monster loud machines.  I can't see it.....but then I'm not known for my adventuresome, daredevil spirit.  My joy comes from other things --- like feeding homeless animals. 

    I too think age has nothing to do with tests.....and probably more an insurance thing.  I don't recall everything about your diagnosis....but I'd also think about tumor marker tests as well.  To my knowledge they are not expensive ( part of a blood panel )  and though something else might show something sooner ( not sure about that ) this is another tool that could be used. To my way of should do all they can to "check" and even more so if they are not recommending something that would definitely show or not show something.  I do think we get more radiation with MRI's.....and that may be a reason to consider not having them --- but that is just why I for sure would want to have other things.  We need to feel some confidence that all is right with us.  I have been tested since 2008 every four months and by now have reached a point where I no longer think all the time that I may 'have' it again.  I have reached a point where I am comfortable and I am glad. does take awhile. 

    I hope you all have a marvelous Monday.  Hang in there.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2012

    Timbuktu, Do you have regualr mammo's?  My ONC told me that unless I have symptoms of anyother problems we will not do any tests except blood and mammo.  He says there are to many false positives of there are no other symptoms.

    I had a PET Scan before any further treatment to be sure they were not missing anything anywhere in the body.  The scan came out negative expect for the breast tumor.  That was in 2011.

    Take Care 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited July 2012

    After my diagnosis in 2009, I had an mri of both breasts, which showed nothing but the small tumor in the right breast.  Also, I had a full-body scan to see if I had any cancer in other parts of my body.  Thank goodness, I didn't.  For the 1st 2 yrs. after surgery and recon. I went every 6 mos. for an ultrasound of the armpits and chest area.  Now I go once a yr. for the ultrasound.

    Mommarch, I'm almost nervous just reading your posts!  Just kidding.  Surely the bad things have to stop soon.  I agree with the others who have said you need a chance to rest and relax.  Glad your daughter and grandchildren are safely at home. 

    DH and I went for a bike ride this morning.  We're doing the Heartland bike trail in segments of 6 to 7 miles, so the total distance for each ride is about 13 miles.  This is doable for us but we both feel like we've had some exercise.

    Hi to everyone.  Hope your Monday is going well.

    I'm working up my courage to take the kayak out again! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    My tumor would not show up on the ultrasound and I had two of them from different doctors.  It would only show up on the mammo.  They were trying to do an us guided biopsy but it didn't work, so I had to have the mammo guided core needle biopsy.  I'm a little reluctant to rely on an US for diagnostic purposes for this reason, which is why I did the thermography.

    The rain has finally let up here, but the temps have remained cooler. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012

    Ah Kaara......we are all different.....I has US and it showed up my papillary cancer like you wouldn't believe.  However.....that and the mammograms missed the big tumor. is some thing of a crap shoot.  I had both breasts biopsied by US and that showed the Papillary cancer....which was quite small --- in fact, most of it ended up in the biopsy tube......and the other breast was fine.  However, during the big aggressive cancer was found.....hidden under a big bruise. just have to do the best you can, with what methods are available and hope that one or more of the tests or studies detect all problems and that they can be taken care of...but we are all different so no one method works across the boards.

    Still praying for rain.  I think most of our corn crop and a lot of the beans are on the loss side now. 

    Hope you all have a good night.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012

    I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.

    - Agatha Christie -

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Fortunately I have never been at a point in my life where I didn't feel blessed to be alive.  I've had down moments, but they are fleeting.  I'm basically an optimistic person and I think that goes a long way towards keeping me healthy, both in mind and body.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,547
    edited July 2012 are so right.  Being optimistic to me means not that you will always be well, but that you will probably look a little harder or longer, or deeper for a good answer when something does happen ---- and every life will have some storms.  That is generally why we are is not the times of complacency in general that teaches us is when we have to encounter negative situations that we learn and grow and in fact, hopefully grow stronger. 

    In looking back in my life.....the periods when I really grew was when I had to fight to change something.....when I had to really look, and feel, and dig around and face negative instances and occurrences.  When everything was going well...........I ceased to have to consider much of anything and just relaxed and enjoyed the ease and comfort. 

    Also you are right in that we consider, mind, body and spirit.......all should be as much in harmony as we can get them to be.  There is where your ease, comfort and relaxation comes into play.  For us on this old earth though.....those times are generally rare.  If something isn't going on directly with us.....then it is our family or closest friends, significant other.  I accept that challenge continue to try and get to that serene place..........even if I don't get there often, sometimes some really great things happen along the way to trying.  

    Hope you all have a terrific Tuesday.  See you after work.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited July 2012

    I love being alive, too.  Things have never been so bad that I didn't want to go on living.

    We're having a delightful day here in MN.  It rained gently last night.  Such a peaceful sound, rain pattering on the roof top and the awning.  When we got up, the wind had shifted so that it was coming from the north and bringing coolness. 

    Dh and I played 18 holes of golf with a "neighbor" here at the resort.  He has a camper behind us.  He's one of the "seasonals," so his camper is set up permanently.  I played well most of the round.  I just love this little course,  It's pretty with lots of hills and changes in elevation.  And very short and woman friendly.

    It's supposed to be cool again tomorrow so we're planning to make a longer bicycle ride than the ones we've done so far.  Instead of 13 mi., we'll try to 18 to 20 miles. 

    Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Carole!  It's so fun reading about your adventures.... Same as your trip to Alaska!  Thanks!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited July 2012
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    BF and I played nine holes today...late afternoon after it cooled off and the rain passed.  The course was wet but I did pretty good and had some awesome puts.  Something has to keep me coming back!  After that we ate at the local thai restaurant that is so shrimp with brown rice, which we shared and an appetizer of lettuce wraps.  Tonight I'm going to watch "The Artist" rented from netflix.  I don't think my BF will watch it..he hates the idea of a silent movie.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Morning Dreamers!  I love that post......  It is so true! 

    Kaara, I love Thai food!  Especially the Pho soup......  I like when they bring out that platter of Thai Basil, Bean Sprouts, sliced Jalapeno, and pieces of Lime. There is always so much I can take a lot home for dinner!  Lettuce wraps sound good too!