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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Actually I think this dish is Viet Namese.. but soooooooo good when they serve it piping hot, then you add all the other "stuff" on top.  There are a lot of these "Pho" places around here now.....


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Chevy:   I actually prefer Vietnamese food over Thai, but rarely do I find a restaurant that serves exclusively Vietnamese.  It is so light and flavorful.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Yes Kaara!  Our "other Daughter from another Mother" is from Viet Nam, and she is also a Chef at a local grocery store here.  She makes the BEST of everything...but Spring Rolls are the best!  I'm making the Pho broth tonight, with the Asian noodles, and going to buy Sprouts, Jalapeno's, and I have the rest in my garden....  I think I'll get some roast beef slices from the deli, and add pieces of that at the last minute.  I usually order the vegetarian when we go out. 

    Have you tried Congee?  It is the rice "soup" that you cook for about 4 hours, making the rice a creamy delicious dish.  I cook it with Ginger, diced scallions, shredded carrotts, and I stir in an egg just before serving, so it "sets up"......  They serve this as a staple for breakfast, lunch & dinner in some Asian countries.....  It is usually made with chicken broth, and maybe pieces of chicken if you like, or just vegetarian.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited July 2012
    Happiness is like a butterfly.
    The more you chase it, the more it eludes you.
    But if you turn your attention to other things,
    It comes and sits softly on your shoulder.
    - Henry David Thoreau
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Chevy:  I saw the congee on a recent was a breakfast item on the buffet but unfortunately I didn't try it because I didn't think it looked too appetizing.  The next time I see it I will give it a try.  I love the fresh spring rolls..the ones that aren't deep fried.  They are so fresh tasting, particularly with cilantro added.

    Jackie:  Good son says the same thing about money...never chase money, because it will always elude you if you do.  If you busy yourself doing what you love, the money could be a by product of that love, but even if it isn't...what does it are still enjoying what you do.  I've always tried to live by that philosophy..even when buildling my career, I never chased the higher promotion, I just worked hard at what I was currently doing and the rest followed as a result of that diligence.  I tried to impart that philosophy to some of my co workers, but sometimes they just didn't get it.  They never did their best in their current position because they were always focused on moving up the ladder.  This is one reason I never believed in long term goal setting...I felt it took the focus off the now and put it on the future.  I know that goes against all conventional thinking, but I was never a conventional thinker anyway as you have probably gathered by now.

    The sun is shining today and it looks like no rain in sight, so I think I will venture into Asheville and do some shopping.  Tomorrow I have to go for my dreaded eye injection that I didn't get last week.  I'm calling first to make sure my insurance was approved before I go over there and sit for two hours like last week:(

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited July 2012

    Hey good morning everyone.  I like un-conventional thinking for the most part......and I think sometimes you can lose out when you get too far ahead of yourself.  I think goals can be fine as long as you are practical enough to remain flexible........because so often things don't "pan" out after all..............and like the quote, if you think less about can give more to today......and usually tomorrow tends to take care of itself.  Having to have some thing tends to bring up negative pressure -- so I am more inclined not to HAVE too anything much and let come what may. I am a lot more into today much more so than I ever was.  Guess I had a lot of complacency going day just melted into another, and nothing much made an impression.  Then the big C came along and I began to realize that every day really is a gift and you really are in charge of using that gift and making something about it really good.  Like sometimes I look out my office window here at home at the big tree standing out there..................and I just look at the bark and the way the tree leans slightly one way, and the stunning green leaves......and feel such appreciation for this gift.....yet until I got sick......I walked passed that tree and never thought about it.....just griped about cleaning up all te leaves in Fall.   Our life is a gift, and the great big Universe is a gift.......and even most of our struggles have a gift to them................the truth matter what goes on.  Anything, even if you just try to live today as well as you can, done in that aware spirit will be productive enough to keep you going and make the future come out ok. 

    Hope you all have a gorgeous day.  We are back in triple digits.....certainly not to my liking but I'll get through it.  Hoping for rain tomorrow.....we will see.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2012

    Good Morning,

    We took Rosie back to the vet on Monday morning.  They drained 24 ML's of air from her body.  They put a compression bandage over the place that was punctured where the trachea is. Vet said to keep her in a kennel and not let her walk around, wanted her to have complete rest.  Well we tried that and she was so overwrought that we decided better to just let her lay around on the couch and our bed.  She only gets up when she needs to go out and then we carry her out.  Vet said Monday she thinks we will have to take her Texas A&M to the small animal clinic and have the trachea patched.  That is a 500 mile drive one way, of course our son lives there.  The thing I don't like about this vet is that she is indecisive.  My co-worker suggested another vet here in Alpine who is from the old school.  She said they told her that they would have to take her dog to Austin and and she took him to this Vet and he said bring him back tomorrow and did the surgery on his eye and everything was fine. Rosie is going to see him today at 3:00.  She did look better this morning.

    My sister is still in ICU, but they have taken out the venilhation tube and if things go ok they may move her to a room this afternoon. 

    Have a good day,

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    mommarch:  Praying that things turn positive for you very soon.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    When I make Congee, I use about 1 1/2 Cups of that sushi rice, and about 6-7 C. of water.  And I add grated carrot strips, diced scallions, fresh ginger, celery, and minced red peppers.  I just added 2 of the Pho soup bouillons.  I kind of combined the two recipes...Wink  And it's all simmered for about 4-5 hours.  When it's "finished" it is just smooth and creamy.  No meat this time.

    We really didn't have any "goals" either.... We didn't have enough money to "plan ahead"....Wink  But I think so much pressure is put on our kids and Grand-kids now, and it's almost necessary they have college, or on the job training....  So many companies don't even offer a Pension when you retire.  And who knows what will happen to Social Security, or how old the younger ones will have to be to even draw their SS.    So I think we are really lucky.

    I'm just glad we grew up when we did.... It seemed so much easier then, compared to now....  If you can just be happy with what you have....if you have enough to make you comfortable, and if you  can find ways to feel peaceful.... that's all we need.    And maybe a Starbucks Iced Coffee once in awhile...Laughing

    We never thought of buying a "new" car...or a new house.....  Heck, when the girls were little, I had to plan 11 days menu's at a time, to make sure the money went for things we had to have.    DH got paid just $80 for two weeks work...   Did any of you gals remember paying $55 a month for rent?   No, I'm not 200 years old, Ha!

    I'm going to go sit out in the shade, and wait for that "butterfly".....xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited July 2012

    First and foremost.....mommarch -----i'm praying for strong positive changes for you and I so hope they get there soon.  3 o'clock  sounds like a great time to start. are just too funny about sitting outside.  I remember paying I think it was about $72.00 a month for one of our Detroit, Michigan.  Was approximately 1967.    It had a Murphy Bed in it....if anyone recalls those.  Had a big wall --- don't remember if there was a mirror on it or what......which swung around due to a cavity in back and the bed was attached to the when the wall was completely just lifted the foot rail part of the bed down which opened up as you did so......and spring and mattress opened up as you set the legs of the foot of the bed on the floor.  Then in the morning after you made the just picked up the foot board part of the bed and let it fold and then turn the wall back so that only outer wall showed again.  I actually really loved that apt. because there was really one less room to clean. 

    I think our first house....also in Detroit was 4 bds. 2 baths, sitting room, formal dining room, full basement, and fenced in back yard......$12,000. 00.  It seemed so much to pay then......oh my.  It was then, but i'd have never believed what the same thing would cost now.  In fact, I'd have probably laughed. 


    eddited because I forgot to use the spell-checker.....a must for me these days.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Hey Jackie!  We moved into this house in 1964....  Rented for $60 a month, then bought it, and paid it off in 1992.  Landlord only wanted $24,500.  Ha!  It was all we could do to scrape up a down payment at the time.    So now, this neighborhood has changed so much, and our house with the property has been appraised for $265,000.  But we won't ever want to move....... I mean unless they drag us out..... All new homes and town-homes are going up where they "scrape" these old homes.

    That only makes sense, because these old houses need so much work... like plumbing for instance...Ha!   So the property is worth more than the actual structures are.

    Two Baths?  Wow!  You were living in luxury, Ha!  We've only ever had one bathroom....and that was raising two girls also.... I don't know how we did it!  We only had the bathtub, until DH rigged up our shower about 15 years ago... I thought I was living in heaven! 

    I liked to stay all-night in the Casino's because I could take a shower, Ha, ha!  Then we had our own.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Jackie:  That's funny..what a small world!  I lived in the Detroit area also in 1968 through about 1972.  I remember we moved there the year the Tigers won the world series in baseball.  We lived in an area called Orchard Lake, west of Bloomfield Hills.  It was a beautiful new housing development built around a lake and it was the first brand new  home I ever owned.  I think we paid about $25,000 for it, and we sold it for a profit later to move to Travrse City in upper Michigan.  That's where we lived until we moved to Florida in the mid 70's.  I think the rent on my first apartment was about $60 a month, but that was in 1960 in Houston, Tx.  We bought our first home there and paid $11,000 for it.

    Chevy:  I can't even imagine living in one house that long.  I can't even remember how many houses I've lived in over the years but it's over 20.  I think the longest I've ever lived in a house is about 6 years, and that's the one here in NC.  The reason we moved so much was the kid's father was one of those corporate executives that got transferred every two years or so, then when we divorced and I got into real estate, I bought and sold to make money, but I couldn't afford to have more than one home back then, so we always had to move in until I decided to sell.  It was a good business to be in, but I never had a pension.  I always lived beneath my means and put money aside for a rainy day.  I don't think kids do that today...they want it least mine do, so they don't save like they should.  It's going to be tough for them to even think about retirement.

    OK..that was a nice trip down memory lane...time to go make dinner!  

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2012

    Love you ladies.........what a welcome back...........your the best...............will not be a stranger........feeling ok, off Femara and on Letrozole..............hit the "gap", and the co pay was $800.00, and I have 6 more months to go before the year starts again.

    Not doing bad on this, but then again the first few months on Femara were not bad either.......if it keeps up as it is, I can handle this..................will be back soon

    Going to go back to the shore tomorrow night with my daughter, and will be back sunday.......LE appt. tomorrow morning at 7..........yea I'm nuts..........what was I thinking.................

    Have a great night ladies, and again, thanks for the warm welcome.........hugs

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited July 2012

    ducky.....sure hope the Letrozole goes down easier for you.  I switched from Arimidex to the generic Anastrozole and had a little bit of upset.....then it evaporated.  I think it took about three months.  Hope that is what you find too.

    Going to the shore will be so nice.....and you'll probably find it so peaceful that having the appt. early for LE and then having to travel will fade pretty quick. 

    Wishing you well and do come back often.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited July 2012
    "Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.  ~~~~~Buddha
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Hi Ducky!  Is Femara the same as Letrozole?  My Doc wanted me to start out on that, but I wanted Tamoxifen....  and took it for 14 months... maybe I should have stuck with that one, but who knows???  How have you been?  Good to hear from you again!

    Guess we all have side effects of some sort....  But I'm coming up on 3 years out!  So I consider myself really lucky!  A routine Mammogram found my breast cancer in October...2009.  

    Talking about the shore?  Where at?  We are going to Orlando in October....  Going to stay with DD and her DH...AND visiting with our grown Grand-sons! Maybe a trip to a beach also.  They live real close to Universal, so we'll probably walk around there, and downtown Orlando one night....Maybe check out Celebration again!   But I just love to stay at their home, out by the pool, and relax and do nothing!  Ha! 

    Have fun gals!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2012

    Jacqui, I hope so too.......the Femara was a bear...................there is no getting away from the SE's of any of them I guess..........Kill the estrogen, kill the

    Chevy............Hoping the generic works, and has less SE's the the that's going to happen......oh is what it is........................


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    Just returned from getting my eye injection with my new specialist here in NC.  It actually went better than the ones I've had in Florida.  He gave me an injection of lidocane in my eye prior to giving the shot and I didn't even feel it.  It's also not burning as much after, so he has my vote!  That's it for another month..whew!  I was talking to a lady while waiting to go in, and she told me that her husband went to Duke when he was first dx with MD, and they told him that within 3 to 5 years the WMD would go to the other eye, and it did, so now I have that to look forward to.  At least I can start getting the injections right away when it does, and save my sight.

    ducky:  Hope the generic works for you!  Hope for the best and keep a good attitude about it.  That's half the battle.  Enjoy the shore! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited July 2012
    Life isn't a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming ‘Woohoo WHAT A RIDE'!
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited July 2012

    Aurora, Colorado:

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    A terrible tragedy.  My heart goes out to the families of the victims.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    I'm really familiar with the area in which he lives!  I used to work for Pepsi, and was sent to a grocery store near those apartments...  Even saw a robbery once in that store! 

    I know this could happen anywhere, at any time....but when so many are involved, it just gets to you.

    I just feel sick..... I remember the same thing when our family was together, and the planes flying into the WTC.....  And then there was Columbine....  I'm still watching the news, but it just stays on your heart..... 

    I can't imagine also, what his family is feeling.........  He is younger than my two Grand-sons.  I don't think there is ever an explanation for something so tragic.  I'm just so sad. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    It's creepy when you know the place where one of those monsters lives or works.  After the WTT tragedy, we had to return a rental car to the very airport where those terrorists took their flying lessons in Venice, Fl.  I got chills when we walked into the building.

    It has to be a nightmare for a parent to find out that their child committed such a henious crime.  What could have been going on in his head that he would need to kill so many innocent people. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    I know....... evidently he shot over 50 people, including children.... So far, 12 of them have died....  He is just a sick monster...  Nothing human about him.  It's hard to imagine what his Parents are thinking........ 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited July 2012

    Just caught up on the posts and will try to respond as well as a 69-yr. old memory will allow!

    Kaara, I'm glad your eye injection went well.  Vision is so precious.

    Chevy, you should join the What's for Dinner? thread.  I've had pho soup only once and it was very good.  My cousin's son makes it.  He buys the beef bones and meat and cooks the broth himself.  I had never heard of the rice dish you described. 

    Ducky, I've been on Arimidex for almost 3 years.  I don't like to rush time but I'll be so happy to finish up my 5 yrs.  All in all the SE's have been tolerable but no female body is happy with a total lack of estrogen.  Good luck on your new med.

    I had to chuckle at all the discussion on cheap houses and apts.  DH and I were married in 1969.  We immediately set off to do some travelling and got jobs that fall working at a ski lodge in VT.  When spring came, we headed south, back to my home state, Louisiana.  We rented a big old wooden boat in a marina for $25 a month.  The name of the boat was the CLYDE.  It was a Biloxi lugger, a type of boat that was originally used for fishing.  Our ambition was to buy a sailboat and sail around the world.  We did buy a 40 ft. wooden boat and worked on it for several years, completing the rigging and the interior.  But we never sailed around the world.  We got better sense!

    After 9 years of "living aboard," we bought our first house, which was so cute my sister said it looked like a house the three bears lived in.  Now you can understand why spending the summer in a large 5th wheel camper with 3 slide-outs is luxurious compared to boat living.

    Mommarch, I'm glad Rosie is in stable condition and also that your sister is recovering.

    Hugs to all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    Morning gals..... Another hot day over 100.... And it's going to stay that way for at least 5 more! 

    Carole, your adventures sound so fun!  And to live on your own boat?  Was it like the ones I see docked at Fisherman's Wharf?    Sounds like you guys have ALWAYS had fun! 

     We went fishing once...camping in a little tent.... And the wind came up so hard on Delaney Buttes, (by Walden) that the tent blew over, with my head sitting on a cot holding it up....Ha, ha!  I was holding our youngest, and she was about 2...  At the time I was afraid, but it sounds funny now. Wink 

    Then one time we went on another fishing trip up to Wyoming... "the mile".... and that trip was good, except it RAINED SOOOOOO HARD the night before we left, that those Wyoming back roads were like mud soup!  DH had to jump out of the car, and try and push the car as I steered, to keep it on the damn road!

    We stopped when we hit pavement and he had a shot of whatever it was!!!  MAN, the girls and I were terrified.  Last camping trip I ever went on.

    Staying in a cute cabin, with running water, and even a gas stove was like luxury!  We've even stayed in this place, and the cabins had no running water, but it had a faucet out of the "shower-house"  Ha!  And I even cooked a Prime Rib on the coal stove!   But when you are younger, EVERYthing is fun!

    Hope everyone has a nice week-end.....  My thoughts are just still with those that have lost so much during that senseless massacre...

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited July 2012

    Chevy, I read your fishing adventures aloud to dh.  With your personality, I imagine you were a sport and managed to have a good time.

    It's quite pleasant here at Pine Hollow Resort, MN, today.  I'm sitting outside the office in the shade (a spot where the Verizon signal is strong enough to use the internet card) and a breeze is blowing.  I can raise my head and look out at Island Lake.  The temperature is low 80's but the breeze is a little northerly.  That makes it comfortable.

    We went to the Farmer's Market in Park Rapids this morning and made some good purchases.  Home-made bread, home-made rhubarb pie, home-made sauerkraut in a jar, fresh green beans, small red potatoes, small fingerling potatoes, and tomatoes.  I took a steak out of the freezer for dinner. 

    My mother is doing well.  My younger sister, Michelle, has been taking great care of her.  Home health has been coming for a couple of weeks but next week they'll be discharging her. 

    Life is all about good luck and bad luck.  Those poor theater-goers in CO had really bad luck.  Just can't imagine what makes a human being do such horrible acts.

    Hope you're all having a happy Saturday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2012

    I LOVE Farmers Markets!  We also go to the Mile Hi Farmers Market, which used to be the "flea market" until someone decided to "up-grade" their name, Ha!   But they have so many fresh vegetables, and just EVERYthing you don't need....Wink

    I made my own green-chili today.... I saw some "Santiago's" in the frozen section, but for over $7 I thought I could make my own, and even better!   So we are having huge ground steak patties, and I'm having mine on 1/2 a bun, with the chili on top, and shredded cheese... 

    Trying to sort out/organize so much stuff in our basement....  EVERYthing is down there, that I don't use, but think I might need it SOMEday.

    Okay gals....  have a good one....

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2012

    They have a very nice Farmer's Market in Asheville, and the area is loaded with tail gate markets in almost every little town.  There is no shortage of fresh locally grown veggies here, and lots of S. Carolina peaches.  I love peach cobbler, but have resisted making it this season because of the sugar it involves.  Maybe some peaches done on the grill would be good.

    Tonight we had grilled lamb chops, gilled eggplant, leftover okra and tomatoes, and a salad of beets, cucumbers and spring greens.