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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    Carole:  That's larger than some cruise cabins I've been in!  No wonder you take such nice long vacations...your summer home on wheels!  Yes...we're watching the path of that storm as well...due to go to Florida for DGD's birthday and tis the month for hurricane activity!  It's one way to guarantee a visit from the kids to!

    Village art show was nice, but I couldn't find a thing to purchase, so just enjoyed looking!  Sometimes that's more fun!

    I managed to spend what I saved on groceries later in the day..oh well.

    Have a good day everyone! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Mommarch!  Is it you that makes Cactus brooms?  Out of what kind of cactus?  I found a couple pieces of dried Cholla Cactus....

     And I am making a shell, etc. hanging!  I have a lot of different shells from Orlando, AND a bunch of little figurines my Mom used to have in her Bonsai collection, and I am going to make a mobile, with fishing line, pretty beads,  with this clear glue and fishing line, and hanging it on my porch!  I found the dried Chola Cactus in the dumpster.... It was in my older neighbors rock garden, and they found it while looking for Arrowheads many years ago. 

    So I had to "save" it, and do something with it!   My older neighbor...(92) thought it was Yucca...but I looked it up on Google images, and found the RIGHT one! 

    I'll take a picture when I am finished....

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Carole....we also live in an rv, a 40' coach with 3 slides, so all most the space...have all the same things that you are talking about & love it.   Of course this is only for the winter months, Nov. to end of April( Cypress Woods, rv resort in Fort Myers,  and then we return to Canada.

    It is certainly a different lifestyle & have been doing this for 5 yrs now.   Originally wanted to live this way full time, however we can only stay in the U.S. for 6 months, and the rv parks in Canada are just not the same and are not open for enough months.   Hense, we bought a small condo in Lagoon City on Lake Simcoe, Ontario and now we have perpetual summer.   Not a bad least it wasn't until this happened...but we will get through it.   I have my first,finally, radiation treatment tomorrow.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    Isabelle2:  Good luck to you with your treatments.  They will be over before you know it.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2012

    Chey, yes we use cactus for broom handles, mostly yucca, but we also use the choya.

    Be sure and pick out all of the water vain in the middle of the choya with a sharp pointed knife.  

    It is very beautiful when finished and a clear coatput on it. 

    Hope your day has been good, I have Jury duty tomorrow, yipee  need to get to bed.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Yes Isabelle....  It won't take long at all...just getting ready for it is the worst part....  Remember you will be getting really tired, so just flop on a bed whenever you can!

    Mommarch, this Choya piece is very old!  It was laying in my neighbors yard for at least 50 years!  So no water vein....  I WILL coat it though!  Good suggestion!  It all seems pretty fragile....I broke it into 3 pieces....Just something different to fool with, and display some of the shells I've accumulated, AND my Mom's & Grandmothers trinkets....Thanks!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited August 2012

    I think this relates a little better to those of us who have a few more than middle-aged years....though I usually only feel middle-aged......whatever that really is:

    Middle Age is that perplexing time of life when we hear two voices
    calling us, one saying, Why not? and the other, Why bother?
    Harris, Sidney J.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012 ladies are so creative!  I was passed over in that department:(

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240
    edited August 2012

    Looks just like my Bubba!  Would send you a p[icture but haven't figured out how to insert-I also have Lola, mini Schanuzer, and Molly, old dog mix but sweetest of all.

    I had a splendid gambling trip, but my right hand hurt so badly from pushing the button, that I could not sleep all night!  Got smart and used left hand next day, actually won a little but best part ws spending timne with my daughter.

    I have a changed mind set, and going to exercise today, believe it or not, and to Yoga on Thursday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited August 2012

    Wilsie....I think the new format here makes it ( at least I change my signature line easy enough ) fairly easy to put in pictures.  My friend Chevy walked me through Picasa which is a picture app.  I never figured out how to use it quite normally, but it still works just fine for me.  Any picture I put into my computer automatically goes to Picasa so I can use it however I'd like too. 

    As to exercise.....good for you.  I keep intending to start and see that I am going to have to choose a time - maybe even a place ( our rec center has a great indoor walking track ) and just make it a commitment.   I'm just allowing myself to become too busy to handle now I have to get the big guns out and make a TRUE commitment of it.  Just telling myself everyday that I should isn't strong enough anymore.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • emegram
    emegram Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2012

    May I join this thread?  I am 64 yrs old so am officially an "older" woman, and it will be 3 yrs in October since my cancer diagnosis!!  I just went back for my routine mammogram and got a call-back from the hospital radiology department.  The report says "abnormal" area in my right breast - the cancer one - where I have a lumpectomy scar.  Now I go for more mammo "views" of that breast this Thursday.  Have any of you who had a lumpectomy been called back again with an "abnormal" report?  Of course, I am a bit freaked out.  However, I did chemo, radiation, and took Femara for almost 2 yrs, then switched to Tamoxifen.  The Femara caused extreme joint pain, and I believe I am now doing well on the Tamoxifen.  I would appreciate your feedback, ladies, and thanks for allowing me to join your group!!  

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    emegram:  Welcome to the will have a lot of support here.  I'm sure there are many that have experienced just what you are going through now...this "gift" just keeps giving.  I pray for you that it is just a "better to be safe" call and all will turn out ok.  Please keep us updated.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Welcome, Emegram.  I hope it's a false alarm.  Wait and get the full report.  Good advice that's easier to give than to take!

    Chevy, what a creative idea for making use of that interesting-looking cactus.  I love wind chimes and the one you're designing would be special.  I came close to buying one a couple of weeks ago that was made of old silver spoons.

    Today is another beautiful day with temperatures in the 70's.  DH and I played 18 holes of golf and walked with our push carts.  I made 4 or 5 pars and was proud of my score.

    Jackie, pulled pork sandwiches sounds good!  I'll have to buy another pork butt roast and cook it in the crockpot.

    Isabelle, we do the opposite of what you and your dh do with your motorhome.  We leave home for the summer because it's so hot in Louisiana.  The other 8 or 9 months of the years we live in our house with a 2 acre yard.

    Hi to everyone else not mentioned by name. 

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Got through my first radiation today....emotionally draining but did it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Isabelle!  GOOD JOB!!!!  I knew you could do it....  I think just THINKING about it was worse then actually doing it!  Congratulations on your first one!  Treat yourself to something good or fun, or even both!

    Emegram..... Dang!  Just go....see what it is, and hopefully it won't be anything!  I was also told about a month ago, that my OTHER breast had "something" going on....but they did another Mammogram right then, and said, it's probably nothing, just come back in 6 months, and we'll check it out again...  They read mine, while I still have that gown on, so I can be called back in.  Let us know!  I will be 3 years out in October....  But surgery was the beginning of Dec. 2009.....   We just want to be DONE with all this stuff!!!  It's probably just scar-tissue or maybe a seroma, or maybe a bug of some sort. Wink  Whatever it is, we'll be here with you.

    Wilsie!  Glad you are feeling better....take care of that gambling hand...Ha!

    My neighbors are going to Texas tomorrow for 5 days!  Isn't it very hot there now too?? I mean is it cooler by the beach???  They have a 2 2/2 year old and a 6 month old.  I would need more patience, ice-packs, Aleve, and a cooler of Margarita's.

    Jackie!  I forgot to wear my hearing aids today... left the house without them, but it was okay!  I usually put them in after I comb out my hair, so they won't go flying when I brush it.   I still use ear-candles in them, when I think they need cleaned out.... it just doesn't help me hear any better, even though I think it will....Undecided

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited August 2012
    Take time to laugh.
    It is the music of the soul.
    Take time to think.
    It is the source of power.
    Take time to play.
    It is the source of perpetual youth.
    Take time to read.
    It is the fountain of wisdom.
    Take time to pray.
    It is the greatest power on Earth.
    Take time to love and be loved.
    It is a God-given privilege.
    Take time to be friendly.
    It is the road to happiness.
    Take time to give.
    It is too short a day to be selfish.
    Take time to work.
    It is the price of success.
    - Anonymous
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited August 2012

    Emegram.....sure glad you found us.  We are well-seasoned here, but it is a great place.  I know it is really hard not to "worry" with every fiber of your body.....but so much can 'show' up.  Also if you lost or gained a lot of wt. the same view normally taken might show something that couldn't be easily detected before.  It could be some scar tissue.....or even a cyst with some much that IS NOT too much of a the gals gave you fine advice.  Try not to OVER-worry because it could turn out to be something rather simple.  I feel good they didn't tell you to come back.....right away. 

    Hope you will come back often.  We enjoy or little corner of BC. Org and enjoy each other's company. 

    See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited August 2012

    Isabelle2....yay for you.  I meant to write something and totally forgot.  Just make sure to use plenty of whatever rads lotion your Dr. ordered for you.  Most people seem to do all right......but that is one of the keys to keeping up. 

    Also.....if you think you can.....mild exercise I think actually helps.....a little walk or something.  I did it and I only had a tiny bit of fatigue ---seems like it would make it worse....but that wasn't the case.

    Keep up the good work. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited August 2012

    Chevyboy, Your neighbors are going to want all those things at the beach in Texas in August. When I lived in Houston,  we would go down in the evening and back home the next morning. Hopefully they will have air conditioning everywhere they go.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2012

    Glad to see everyone is doing good. 

    Hi egram, I found a lump in my lumpectomy scar in Feb.  It was a seroma, which is a fluid filled pocket.  It was nearly a year after my surgery.  I had another mamo and an ultrasound, it has went down some since Feb.  I am to have another mamo later this month.

    Well our little dog Rosie , is doing good now.  she has lost almost all the swelling and acting like her normal self.

    Our GD is in Bryan, College Station staying with her anunt and uncle and 19 year old cousin for 3 weks.  Our DD went back to FL on Sunday.  She got reaquainted with a man she knew back in 1998, who acutally was our GD God Father.  They both had went their seperate ways and had been married and had been divoriced.  We really like him, hope it works out.  Our GD will stay with us for awhile.  I feel like they both deserve some happiness in their lives.  

    I had to report for jury durty today but was not picked.  Good thing do not know if my chemo brain would have worked very well.

    Everyone take care

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Morning gals!  Wren, they are going to Marfa Texas... I googled it, and it looks like a desert town to me.   So maybe the same temps as we are having here, ha! 

    Mommarch, we are so happy Rosie is doing better!  Man, that is such a worry!!!!  They ARE just like our kids....How FUN that your GD is meeting up with an old flame... I don't care how old you are, you are never too old to find happiness.

    I had to serve on jury duty twice....  This was years ago, when you had to hang around for 2 weeks, & go through a lot of jury panels.  I was picked for a 1st degree murder trial.  I just cried the whole week-end before the trial started.  We reported Monday, trial was delayed, because "the defense lawyer was sick".....And we were not called back.  This was about a 17 year old kid, who was an accomplice to a robbery, murder.  I was soooo glad it didn't go to trial.  Don't know whatever happened about it. 

    Then that same day I was seated on a drug trial....  Possession, plus possession with intent to sell.  We all found her guilty after 3 days, because of obvious facts, empty capsules under her mattress, etc.  Then I read in the paper  about 5 years later, about her being in Prison, and a story on what it was like.   I'm glad you weren't picked!!!  I just shook when the judge asked me if I would be non-prejucice, on a murder trial, I said "I would like to serve on jury duty someday, but not one of this much importance!"  She said.... "Doesn't matter what you want, if the attorneys select you, then you will be seated on this trial."  Well okay, then.     I thought, they SURELY won't want me now.  They accepted me as one of the jurors.  Thank God the case was post-poned. 

    Jackie.... you gals that have gone through that longer radiation really have good advice.  I remember them talking about creams and lotions, and lots of water, and rest......  Then lots more!

    Okay, see you later, Kaara, Carole & Isabelle!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012
    Oh man!  What did I dooooooo?????  I wanted to edit my post, but I accidently deleted it!!!!!!!!!  Dang!  I'll try again later.....Undecided
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited August 2012

    Hey good morning.  I got notification of was able to read what you wrote.  Maybe I'll go and look and could copy and paste for you if it is still there Chevy.  I'll go look.  Be back in a minute.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited August 2012

    Post by Chevyboy:
    Morning gals! Wren, they are going to Marfa Texas... I googled it, and it looks like a desert town to me. So maybe the same temps as we are having here, ha! Mommarch, we are so happy Rosie is doing better! Man, that is such a worry!!!! They ARE just like our kids....How FUN that your GD is meeting up with an old flame... I don't care how old you are, you are never too old to find happiness. I had to serve on jury duty twice.... This was years ago, when you had to hang around for 2 weeks, go through a lot of jury panels. I was picked for a 1st degree murder trial. I just cried the whole week-end before the trial started. We reported Monday, trial was delayed, because the defense lawyer was sick .....And we were not called back. This was about a 17 year old kid, who was an accomplice to a robbery, murder. I was soooo glad it didn't go to trial. Don't know whatever happened about it. Then that same day I was seated on a drug trial.... Possession, plus possession with intent to
    sell. We all found her guilty after 3 days, because of obvious facts, empty capsules under her mattress, etc. Then I read in the paper about 5 years later, about her being in Prison, and a story on what it was like. I'm glad you weren't picked!!! I just shook when the judge asked me if I would be non-prejucice, on a murder trial, I said I would like to serve on jury duty someday, but not one of this much importance! She said.... Doesn't matter what you want, if the attorneys select you, then you will be seated on this trial. Well okay, then. I thought, they SURELY won't want me now. They accepted me as one of the jurors. Thank God the case was post-poned. Jackie.... you gals that have gone through that longer radiation really have good advice. I remember them talking about creams and lotions, and lots of water, and rest...... Then lots more! Okay, see you later, Kaara, Carole Isabelle!
    (Note: Some content may be stripped.)

    Ok....assuming this will all show up when I hit the button.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited August 2012
    "The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy."

    Author Unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574
    edited August 2012 glad you let egram know that.  I hope she will find this thread again and be able to read is hard to go through so much and then have to fear every little thing.  So often, just like you found, it CAN be something simple and not worth all the worry.....just hard to relax till you find out for sure. 

    I hope you are all going to have a marvelous day.  I've a lot to do, but then most of the time I do and I so I keep putting one foot in front of the other and get as much done as I can.

    I'll be checking back later......though sure didn't start out with the intention of putting so many entries in here right together.

    See ya'll later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Jackie!  You little wizard you!  How did you do that?????    Please tell me how you did that!  xoxoxo

  • emegram
    emegram Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2012

    Thank you so much, ladies, for your replies and your support.  Yes, this has been such an emotional journey!!  But your words of wisdom and encouragement are much appreciated, and I will keep you posted on the outcome of my follow-up mammogram.  At times, I feel that I should have had a masectomy instead of the lumpectomy because my oncologist did warn me about problems caused by scar tissue.  But here I am almost 3 years down the road, and my right breast, although now dented, ugly and worse for wear, is still with me so far!!  By the way, my name is "Bev." 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Hey Bev!  I am sort of "dented" too, ha!  I mean my left breast isn't as big as the right one....and so the front hook closure on my bra goes way over to the right!  Wink  But who cares?   I thought, if this ever happens "again" then I'll look into having the mastectomy...but THEN I think, if I am advised to just go for the lumpectomy, I'll probably do that again....  Unless it is in the same breast, and they have to take even more, and then I will for sure have the mastectomy.

    And I get little twinges of pain sometimes in that breast....but I just figure that it's still healing..... 

    Since I am 75, I'm still trying to organize all of our important papers and phone numbers together!   Because I remember what it was like trying to do this for my Grandma, my Mom, and then my Dad.   I listened to my Brother when our folks died, and invested the little money we both got.....  Well!  Trying to figure out WHERE it is, with WHOM, and eventually get it all together in a savings account, without getting beat over the head with paying interest, I will be happy.  I started the process, but I HATE that I just didn't take any money, and put it in a savings....  But this was before the whole stock market tanked.  It's all looking up, but I'm not going to live forever, so I want to have things straightened out. 

    I remember my oldest Daughter worked for GM.... And had stock in that company.....  I believe she said, they lost it all!   So much for "investing" and looking at the future!  

    Okay Jackie.... I'll go slow here, and TRY and not accidently "delete" this.....  Thanks again!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Is this just too cute?  A baby Kangaroo, and a baby Wombat, share the same pouch....  They were both orphaned.

    They feel comfort in each other's heart-beat!