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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2012

    Chevy--got to Cancer Clinic for 9:30 appointment.  It's almost 11:30, been sitting in chair almost two hours and medicine not here yet.  Patience is not my stong suit,  Got steriod first, so hungar has set in,  Hubby will have to brig sandwich,

     Think I'll watch a netflix disk o nature I brought with  me,

    No real privacy here  No chairs for guests.  Lots of srtaff buzzing around,

    Glad I came prepared with shawl, houseshoes, computer and I took an anxiety pill.

    Not too fond of my new life,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited October 2012

    Girls I have to tell you ALL....I belong to several threads on this forum, but this one is BY FAR MY FAVORITE!!! You are all so caring, funny, and informing. Of course, I'd rather not have to be here, but since I am, I'm so blessed to have you girls in my life.

    Have a Joyful Wednsday!!!


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2012

    So sorry to hear your experience is not gong well.  I was very blessed with my treatment center.  They even fed us lunch during treatment if it was lunch time and always had some sort of snack at the front desk, this included who ever was with you also. 

    Hope it improves.  Hang in there

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Cindi.... So glad you wanted to "talk" to us while you were waiting!   Can't you go walk around & whine a little?  Tell them you will pass out if they don't do something soon!  Darn, I also hate to wait for ANYone!  It's just so un-called for!  We have an appointment, and then "they" make us wait even more!

    Tell them that next time you are coming in your pajamas, and a McDonalds breakfast so you can wait in comfort!  Make waves... then run and hide!Wink

    And this is just a "temporary" new life.... It will always get better....remember that.

    Yes Paula....we can talk to each other, when we don't want to talk to anyone else.   My DH and I were both born here in Denver.... We met when we were just out of High School, married almost 2 years later, (because we didn't have any money...Wink)  Have 2 grown Daughter's, and 2 most handsome Grand-sons, and we live a block from where I grew up!  Not much for exploring, Ha!  And so you are a "cougar"  4 years younger??? Ha, ha!  I am 4 1/2 months older than my DH, so maybe I'm a mini-cougar too?  Do you tease him?  Go ahead.....  Tell him "When you grow up, we'll talk!"  So that must mean we know more than THEM!!!

    And Carole.... It's a wonder you haven't found a comfy chair, and just zoned out since getting back, and cleaning everything from your trip!

    Jackie....  yeah, we don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, Vegan, or whatEVER!  We just don't get nervous about topics that might be "different" to anyone else.  The Debate is here this afternoon.....  Guess I'll watch something mindless, or read a book.... I just don't like all the haggling, and slamming everyone does to each other.  It's just not "proper".....Wink  So that's all that's on the news.... everyone getting "ready" to listen the the rehearsed, written words of each candidate... Okay, I'm just moody................. ho-hum.

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Hi Bunkie , welcome. I am in England so time bit out. DCIS  grade 2 as well. 65 years old end of November. Lumpectomy two weeks ago plus sentinel node removal. Operation was much better than I could have hoped for, back home drinking tea with feet up and DH looking after me seven hours later. Very little pain since. Results tomorrow afternoon ( gulp ) then next step of journey. Ladies on here big help and fun too.

    Paula, you are right this is a great thread.

    Cindi, not good to have to wait but at least you came prepared. My consultant said, see you at clinic, bring a book. Last time it was three hours before we left. They spend so much time being kind and supportive it is always at least 1 1/2 hours late.Think I will take a flask ,as tea and coffee from machine really awful.

    monmarch, feel for you, work is where you have to be, not where  you want to be. Years ago I had someone in work who made my day's utter misery. One day another worker asked what I thought of her. I blurted out what was happening, she then told me how she was going through the same experience, from then on we coped we have stayed friends for many years since and the bully is without friends and lonely. Karma. Hope yours is sorted out soon.

    Jean, no words can heal your pain, you get well and spit in the eye of bc for your beautiful daughter.

    Must go and make DH dinner before he fades away. Pork chops, mash and carrot & turnip with black pepper. Big jug   of onion gravy too.  Weather here so awful need comfort food.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    A big jug of onion gravy?????? Oh man, that's just makes my mouth water, Ha~  So you mash the potatoes with cooked carrots and turnips???  I've made mashed potatoes with Parsnips before, but your recipe sounds better! 

    Glad your lumpectomy went without incident..... (That's what they say in the movies...) Wink  Just rest Edith.... don't do too much yet.....

    I think I'll boil up some potatoes.... Just sounds good~

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2012

    I am really thinking about giving my notice in the near future.  It will mean that I will have no health insurance, but at this point I do not know that the stress is worth it.  I am so happy when I can be at home these days and do domestic thngs or be at the broom shop helping DH or going out and gathering cactus stalks for broom handles.  I think this job is just bringing down my health, mental included.

    I am keeping a journal of sorts on the hostil work enviroment and copies of things she is bitching about, that were actually done.

    Been watching the debate, just makes me angry, one person can't play by the rules, so decided I did not want to watch anymore. Can't believe they have the monitor they do, he is awful.


  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2012

    Welcome to all the newcomers to this thread. Sorry there is a need for you to join us but this is a great thread with a lot of caring ladies. There are days when just reading the threads that something will make you laugh or is something you are going through also and it just makes you feel better.

    I am three years out in March. Diagnosed March 2010 and I am 63 years. I was told on my birthday and DH and I were sitting all afternoon in the onco doctors office on our anniversary. Not a good year, but then there is no good time to hear the news.

    Yesterday was a good day at work. First day I have enjoyed being there since the new corporation took over. Still trying to learn the way the new director does her reports. She does them different then the director the company had train me for three weeks. I am still not sure why I just did not stay at the center and be trained by this lady. Oh, well it will work out. But a job is a job and will make the best of it.

    I am also a cougar -- DH is almost 2 years younger than me. He is very supportive but it is so nice to have this thread to chat on. There are times you just do not want to unload how you are feeling to others and it is nice to be able to chat here.

    My DS and DN lived in Colorado. DS was in Denver and DN was in Littleton. DS is now in Texas.

    Guess, I will get ready for work. Hope everyone has a great day


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Emmy, I've forgotten what kind of job you have.  This is an "oldies" thread, remember!  Is it childcare?  Glad you're not finding the change in ownership intolerable.

    Mommarch, at the risk of touching on political controversy, if Obama Care isn't overturned, does it offer you an alternative to working at a hated job to keep health insurance?  It must be awful to dread going to work.  And all because of one unpleasant person. 

    DH and I watched the presidential debate last night, and, even though I'm an Obama supporter, I have to agree that Romney performed better.  For me, performance isn't the key but the principles the two men stand for.  My vote won't count anyway because Louisiana is a red state and its 8 electoral votes will be cast for Romney. 

    Today I'll go to visit my mother and take her for her hair apptment.  I'll also go to my sister's house, just down the road, and see the damage Hurricane Isaac caused.  Her house is emptied of all furniture and she's been doing whatever work she can do herself.  Her main concern is having the house raised 4 ft. 

    Have a good Thursday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    The very nature of the world is constant change.
    You set a goal and create a plan to achieve it;
    then the assumptions on which you
    based your plan change - they always do.
    The challenge is to retain your goals
    while adapting your tactics.
    Relax and stay flexible in order to reach
    your goals and maintain your happiness.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    Hmmm, wonder what I am.  Dh is 6 yrs. older than me, but aha....I am two inches taller.

    Ah, Carole, I think you hit it on the head......Romney gave a performance and I do agree our President is going to have to "get tough" because that is what we are left with today.....a performance and we still don't know anything...but enough of politics. 

    It is VERY hard to work with someone who is up-pleasant and it makes you dread a work life that you hope at the worst....may be just a bit boring.....but the spice of an un-kind person who makes people miserable is something no one should have to tolerate....I'm with one of the other gals---karma, it is not a fun thing.  Only thing is....I doubt whether most people recognize when they invite karma through negative behaviors.  Sigh !!!  Doesn't help you much at the moment, mommarch, so hope that the journal helps you sort things out well enough to come to a good decision.

    Chevy....always the crack-up.  No wonder I love this forum.

    Stay well all.....I'll be back after work.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    Mom, Chevy.

    Listening to you all talk about work reminds me of many years of putting up with a boss who treated her employees like her children, Complained, never found anything good  that we did.I hated going to work. Asked her once why she never compilmented anyone, she replied "then they will take advantage of me"! She retired a few years before me, what a change! I've been retired for 3 years now, my supervisor asked me if I wanted to return, NO, NO, NO! Love retirement and traveling. Worked for many, many years, 25 at my last job! Keep busy between trips, Seniors, Red Hats, Face book. Wud love to do  Hospice, but cant find time for the 10 week training until we have to stop traveling! Jean

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited October 2012

    Thanks for the welcome ladies. Sitting here shaking with fear to start rads today. I will be ok I hope.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012 should do fine.  The rads tech ( not sure where you are ) should have marked all you will have to do is lie still while they position you.  Hard to speak for everyone....we are all different, but I could rads to be boring in the repetitiveness of it being done daily.  I had 7 full I was so glad when it was done. 

    Just be sure whatever cream or lotion they are giving you....don't skip and I was pretty generous with it to protect my skin.  I put it on three or four times a day.   We will stick right with you and help you get through this. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Hey Bunkie.....  So how did it go?  Don't forget to rest a lot..... even sleep!  For some reason, rads just takes all the mustard out of you! 

    Yes.... the de-bates.... And Obama was here a little while ago, about a mile from where we live....  He was here for another speech.    I'm pretty clueless, as to who I think would be the best, most honest man for the job.  Actually, no matter how much we like someone, they cannot pass any laws "alone"..... If they are working with the opposite party's majority of votes, they usually get voted down, no matter what they try and do. 

    So no matter how much we support them, they still have to go through a lot of our politicians who are going to vote for their party, not necessarily for the idea, or the law in question.....but for loyalty to their party.  

    I've voted for who I thought was best, only to change my mind after their performance as President.  

    Okay, so since I don't know anything about everything, I'll just walk off into the Sunset.....Wink

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    I went to my PC dr.'s office for a 4:15 apptment.  The receptionist told me apologetically that Dr. Levi was running an hour and half behind schedule.  So I re-scheduled.  I like her, Dr. Levi, but she's always behind schedule because she spends so much time with each patient.

    Had a nice time visiting with my mother and my younger sister today.  We had a nice lunch.  I brought some fresh catfish fillets, which I seasoned and panfried.  We also had a salad with peas and grated cheddar and mayo.  I'm trying to steer clear of take-out and restaurant food, which is loaded with sodium.  At least until I drop some lbs.

    I haven't had a job in years.  After I quit teaching in high school, I was self-employed as a romance fiction writer for 21 years.  I wrote under contract to Silhouette Books under the pen name Carole Halston.  I keep saying I might get a part-time job, but I'm not sure what kind of job it would be or if anybody would hire me at my age and my education level.  I have an MA degree.  DH plans to apply for a job at Walmart's to put together bicycles and such.

    Chevy, I think I'll walk off into the Sunset, too!  Cuz I don't know much about much either.  I just don't want politicians to mess up my health coverage under Medicare.  Selfish?  You betcha.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Hey Carole! I know about all of your books! I have looked
    them up on-line.... and honestly I LOVE romance novels! I also like Danielle
    Steele..(sp?) Her stories aren't quite so "out there" as Jackie Collins. And I
    love to read juries and trials, suspense novels.

    Did you read that latest piece of whatever called 50
    Shades of Nonsense??? Ha, ha! After awhile, you just say to yourself, "oh, no,
    not AGAIN!" And flip fast through the pages, trying to make sense of why one
    brainless woman would find it necessary to go through shame, humiliation,
    torture, and all in the name of "love"??? My Daughter gave it to me for my
    Birthday.... Must have thought I would like it.... But I gave it back to her,
    and said, "Okay, now YOU read it, and tell me what YOU think!"

    I heard it was an exact take-off of one of the books in
    the Twilight Series...almost word for word... Was it "Master of the Universe?" I
    didn't read that one, and probably won't! I don't mind a lot of fun, mindless,
    romps, but THAT book was just way over the top! Holy Cow! And they are making a
    movie??? The Author has the wildest imagination, and then put it on paper! I
    know the characters aren't real, but even I, call this trash!

    If you tell me which book of yours sold the most, or the
    one you recommend, I would love to buy one! I also have B&N, and can
    download one to my Nook. You could think about what you would like to do, then
    look for something in that field!

    I worked in Guest Relations at Coors for 181/2 years....
    Part time. It was the best job ever! You have to love what you do.... and at
    least "like" your bosses..... and co-workers. They make all the difference in
    how you feel about your job. I wrote a book about Coors.... The Family, and the
    history of Beer, brewing, malting, Prohibition, etc. It was called "A Rose and a
    Glass of Beer".... Because Adolph the 1st, would present each of the Ladies that
    came in for a tour, with a Rose, and the glass of beer! They had a green house,
    where the family cared for all their beautiful flowers, and they supplied the
    offices and "lounge" with vases of fresh cut flowers.

    I didn't have the book published.... I wrote it out of
    love and respect for the "Family" and I found it interesting to learn about the
    history of brewing and beer, so I became a fanatic looking up information about
    all the guests questions they would ask us about. There was a "Library" up on
    the 5th floor of the Brewery, and I could check out tons of books from there! 
    This was before I ever worked on a computer! So I bought a Word Processor and
    could type everything from that.

    But "the boys" (the family) had over 300 copies eventually printed up
    for me to give the Employees, Distributors, and anyone that wanted one! I knew I
    could not afford to have it published.... And I didn't do it for that.... I was
    just proud of the Company, what they stood for, how they made their beer... The
    funny thing is, I have never liked beer, Ha, ha! I tried, but oh man, I just
    don't like it! I did like Zima... and I loved the smell of roasting the malt in
    the Malt House, but NOT the beer...

    It is SNOWING here! Only 34 degrees, and so darned cold
    out! Supposed to clear up later, but this is fun!

    Okay gals........ Have a warm day! Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    "Our opportunities to do good are our talents."
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Chevy, I don't intend to read 50 Shades of Gray based on what I've heard about it.  Sounds like the movie would have to be X-rated!  Not a single person I know who read the book really enjoyed it.  I believe Kaara read it.

    That's admirable that you wrote a book just out of interest and loyalty to the company you worked for. 

    I had my clock set for 6 am to get up and make a 7:50 tee time with my Friday group.  But I turned the alarm off during the night.  That tee time was just too early for me.  So now I'll work around the house today.  I need to re-arrange kitchen cabinets so I can make room for the new crock pot.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    Good gosh, make me want to go to work in a brewery....any one will do, and then Carole inspires me to wish I still wrote poetry.  My mom enjoyed my poetry......funny, I couldn't show it to a lot of people, but could count on mom. 

    I think authors/writers are so talented.  They can live in a whole other world and not REALLY have to suffer the book's realities other than vicariously as they write.  I like that you/writers can carry a vision to its logical end because so often in life.....there is not so much an end as much as strange continuations.....just like once you have this disease....your never quite free of it.  There is always something to do.....even if it is just a yearly mammo, but their is a burden connected to that, that was not there before your diagnosis.

    Oh well......might have some rain today though I'm hoping the weather service will be wrong.   Had deer in the yard this morning feeding on the nuts and acorns that are all over right now.  Still haven't taken the new yard leaf and nut and twig mulching machine out for its maiden voyage.  Probably nice since we get the deer visitors to the yard more often if there is something out there for them to eat.

    Hope you all have a gorgeous day.  Say hi to all in treatments....rads or chemo and hoping all is well

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    HI Ladies,

    I went to the radiologist today. He remembered my hubby from 11 years ago, when he treated his prostate ca. Will have CT scan Thursday, xrays about 4-5 days later , then 6 weeks of daily rads. Hopefully minimal complications. He said I'd be done before Christmas, yay!

    Got back from a mini vacation at a B&B in CT. of course it rained most of the 3 days we were there. Now its beautiful day, the leaves are really starting to get colorful. 

    Had a lot of trouble with this website last night, glad its better today. Jean 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Hi Gals..... Carole....  The book I wrote was done with research, from the library....I copied what was of interest, but I credited the books and Authors that gave me the information.... but I loved it!  I copied explanations, and paragraphs, like about Prohibition, and made it understandable for anyone reading it.  I'm not as talented as "real" authors... Ones who make up stories, and make the characters interesting enough for the rest of us to enjoy!  that takes real talent....  So I congratulate you!

    I don't know how or why I became so connected to the Family, but I admired them so much.... Probably from their beginnings that were so rough, coming over from Germany, and making a profitable life for their families.  Their home is still on the Brewery grounds.... and the Green-house!  I used to also give tours of the Greenhouse, and I LOVED talking about all the plants, and the stories behind them.

    But things change....nothing stays the same....but at least I have all those memories.... Yes, I was very lucky to have a job that I loved! 

    Carole, did you ever read A Woman of Substance?  That was a great book.... also Memoirs of a Geisha.....  Some books just leave an impression on us.

    Jackie.... Glad you were hankerin' for a beer...Ha!  My favorite thing to do was take my Grand-sons on tour, and sneak into the germination beds in   the Malt House!  The air-lock door was sealed, because the room had to be pressurized, and the SMELL of the barley sprouting, and the dampness from the 100% humidity, plus the pressure of the room was just magical!   Those boys loved it also.  I even let them taste the barley sprouts! 

    Jean, yes, I had trouble posting this morning also!  But I finally got "through".... Must have been some bug or something.

    And after radiation, you will be done, right?  That is something to look forward to.  Some gals say it isn't as bad as they thought it would be.... Just takes time, but think of it as making sure you won't get cancer again.....

    Okay gals....till next time!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Chevy, I did read A Woman of Substance but I don't remember anything about it but the title!  I'll have to read it again.  I'm planning to buy myself a Kindle now that the price has come down so low.  I bought dh one for his birthday about 5 years ago and he has used it quite a bit.  But he still reads books with covers and pages, too. 

    Jackie, you express yourself very well.  If you ever set your mind to writing a book, you would do a good job of it. 

    I got a big job done today.  Cleaned the patio and porch, which is stamped concrete.  We have a small power washer that works pretty well but it was still a lot of work.  Tomorrow I plan to do some yard work.  Tomorrow night we're going to a movie with another couple.  DH wants to see Trouble with the Curve.  It's expensive to go to the movies but I really like seeing movies in the movie theatre.  Afterwards we'll go somewhere casual for a hamburger or whatever.

    I love the hubbub over Big Bird!  

    Healing vibes to all those recovering from surgery or undergoing treatment.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2012

    Carol,  I was the director of a childcare center until the new corporation took over, now I am the assistant director of the center since I needed to learn all their policies and procedures. I am an "oldie" I am 63, will be 64 in March.

    Congratulations to the ladies that wrote the books. I love the romance novels and read many of them off and on. The problem is if I get interested in a good book I do not want to do anything else and will stay up late reading the book.

    Good luck to all the ladies in treatment. Hope everything went okay for all of you.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    Termite.....I used to so love to read.  I had so many paper-back books and I kept them and when I didn't have a newer one would  go back and re-read one of the older "saved" ones.  It is funny in a way, but seems you can always go back and find something you missed during your first reading of a book.  Must be the same principle that turns up when you watch a movie more than once.  I always see something I missed and then wonder how I could possibly have missed something that is making such a big impression on me now. 

    Guess we are all sort of that way.  I haven't had nearly the time to read since we moved back home 15 yrs. ago.  Drat....seems I'm always working, trying to watch t.v. and falling asleep long before I even consider reading anything.  When younger ( like most women ) I could multi-task along with having a book handy and almost always I would watch t.v. with an open book and the minute the commercial was nose went into the book.  Probably why I SELDOM try or buy anything from a commercial even now.  I missed the commercials on t.v. for so long......and I detest the commercials now....especially the ED ones.  They do so many for different drugs too.  Dh and I listen to the five minutes of side effects and look at each other and say " hmmm, I think not ". 

    Still raining...yikes, it might keep this up for several more hours.  We are so wet now.  Our water table was full from out last rains.  They will have the damn gates open on the lake for sure.  Hope you all have a great night.  Yay....its the week-end though I'm going to work awhile late tomorrow afternoon.

    Hugs, Jackie....and thanks for the compliment Carole.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    "When we are no longer
    able to change a situation, we are challenged to change

    Viktor Frankl

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Saturday morning.  DH and I both slept late.  His back was hurting him last night so that he wasn't able to rest well.  Some movement he made yesterday when he was setting up the 5th wheel back in its shed. 

    After I have some breakfast, I plan to go outside and do some yard work.  A lot of it is pruning bushes and then wheelbarrowing the clippings back to the burn pile behind dh's workshop.  We live in an unincorporated area so we burn trash when the conditions are right.  Not windy, etc.  Our crepe myrtle trees grow shoots up the roots so periodically we have to clip those.  And then there are the two wisteria bushes on either side of the driveway entrance.  They have to be "whacked."   And then there are the young trees that insist on growing in the middle of azaleas.  And then there are the weeds that flourished this summer in our absence.  YUCK.  I need a gardener!  The exercise, bending, etc. will be good for me.  It will be good for me.  It will be good for me.....

    Have a good Saturday, everyone.  Do something fun.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    Carole...sounds like home.  We can burn here as well to an extent.  We are outside the city, though governed now by city rules.....but Dh and I seldom burn because our property is so surrounded by trees and bushes that it  is not totally safe unless it is very calm. 

    We did ( dh is still getting it ready ) buy a machine ($$$$$$) but felt with our two acres full of nut trees and along with about 65 trees directly around our yard and many more just outside of it, that  at our age and on the somewhat sloping land, that we were reaching a point where we had to do something if we are going to maintain our ability to stay in our little piece of heaven.  The machine.....attaches to the garden tractor...has a pretty big hopper on it, and will go along and suck up all the leaves, nuts, and small twigs and mulch them all to the point of mulch you could actually use if you so desired.  Doubt we would do that....but nice know we could if we needed it.  Hope you are not too sore.....I have sung your refrain many, many a time.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Hi everyone, here in England we have SUN !! Think that is the big yellow thing in the sky. Got up in the night and really thought the end of the world was nigh ! Lashing rain, awful winds and cold as the antarctic.

    Now like a summers day, tomorrow is supposed to be TROPICAL, that's very hard to believe. Will keep the thermal's and wellies out in case.

    DH serenading me on his guitar. :-) While I was out before he has learnt "Telephone line "by E.L.O. May send him out busking.

    Think I will potter in the garden tomorrow it is looking like it needs a bit of cutting back, all this flipping rain has made everything grow twice as fast.But at least the pond didn't need it's daily top up.

    Just going to put a bacon shank on with vegetables and lentil's and make my soupy stew as the children call it. That is dinner for two days at least and a big apple crumble. DH relieved that food back to normal. Poor man just got baked beans while I was waiting for results as cooking was the last thing on my mind. He tried but you can only eat bacon sandwiches and egg and chips so many times.

    Hope all your weekends are happy.