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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    Bunkie...sorry to hear your having some problems.  I have not really heard of anyone getting headaches or nausea from rads.  The most I heard was of people being tired.  That being said, I think anything is possible and at the same time ( not sure you said where exactly your located ) you may be reacting to temp. changes, allergy type issues, that are coinciding with your rad sessions.  I would drink some Gingerale at the least.....and any time you have nausea white diets are usually good for you....this would be bananas, white toast, egg whites, mashed potatoes......just look on the Internet for a list of easy to digest white foods.......for the most part they would not cause more distress to a "rocky" tummy. 

    Hope you can get a handle on this. 

    Hi to every one else. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    Bunkie and Edith, 

    Sleep through the night, what's that. Wake up at least once or twice every night. When I sleep all night it's a big event! Never used to have a problem, but I think it's more old age than cancer.Seems a lot of us are in the sme boat on sleep.

    My hubby sailed thru 46 rads for prostate. Sure hope I'm as lucky. Hugs, Jean

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited October 2012

    Bunkie, my radiologist explained that you hit a wall six to eight hours after treatment. This is because your body has used up its reserves fighting the effects of the radiation. Quite normal. Get plenty of rest particularly when that tired feeling starts. What other meds or supplements are you on? Some cause nausea, particularly if taken on an empty stomach. Good luck.

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Hi everybody,

    Bonnets the age thing and sleep is spot on. Thinking back, like you ,have had about one night unbroken sleep in ages.  I get up come down and watch TV. Usually nap in the afternoon, glad I don't work until evening now ! I fell asleep in my lunch break a few years ago when I worked days. I had rolled up my patterned fleece to make a pillow on the table. I wake up at time set on mobile alarm, trot out onto shop floor with imprint of fleece all down one side of my face.Oops.46 Rads wow ! that is wonderful that he coped so well. Sure you will do too.

    ptdreamers. great explanation about the wall.

    hope you all have a good Tuesday.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2012

    in this country we don't 'celebrate' halloween as such Edith, although there are some people who go all out to celebrate.

    We did get a few trick or treaters a few years ago and as I wasn't prepared for them, I found smashed eggs across the front of my house the next morning.

    Being the good Boy Scout that I am, the next year I prepared...........and nobody turned up..........ever again.

    I think a lot of parents are worried about sending their kids out after dark.  Most people don't seem to know who their next door neighbours are these days

    Let alone who lives up the street and most are too busy/tired to go out with the kids.


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012


    Around here it seems most parents take the kids to the local shopping mall. Most of the stores give out treats! Yes, sad to say how we don't know each other or have to be afraid. I remember going for blocks trick or treating when I was a kid. Back in the old days! Jean 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude.
    ~Unknown Author
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    Bunkie....Ptdreamers gave you such good advice as I had forgotten that your system could be responding to something you take....especially with the added stress of doing daily rads.  I would take her advice and do a careful reading of everything you have or are now using to see if they could be the culprit. 

    Yes....I fear the good old days are gone.  We use to go trik or treating as kids and often would get apples, home-made pop-corn balls, and of course plenty of regular candy.  Now  no one would dream of even trying to give a child something home-made.  There I know is actually ( we are still from a pretty small town here though ) some concern about wrapped candies that something could be inserted.  We have gained  a lot in more technological ways, but some of the wonderful old fashioned things will for the most part never be back.  Sort of sad, but the bottom line is keeping our little ones safe. 

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Sheila I know what you mean about the not nice side of Halloween. The egging thing is such a pain especially if householder old and frail. The reason we have fun  is that everybody on our tiny estate joins in. Mum's and Dad's stand at the gate when little ones knock on your door dressed in amazing costumes. They are all so polite and well behaved, I gave the parents Halloween cupcakes last year too, they loved it.It starts about 5pm and is over by 7pm so all safe home in bed.

    Sure this year parents will be even more vigilant, a little girl of 5 playing out on her bike with her friends early evening, has been missing for a week. Her friends saw her get into a van. Man has been arrested but no little one found. They say he was known to the family, he lived near to them. Happens too often here, sometimes wonder what is the world coming to.

    Appointment with Oncologist Monday 9am, will see what happens next.

    You are all so right, so sad that no one trusts anyone any more. I do forget that things have changed so much since my wonderful safe and happy chidlhood.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2012

    Bunkie, I had mammosite rads twice a day for 5 days, I would go back to my hotel room and sleep for awhile and some times I would be sick to my stomach.  Generally crackers helped.  Take care of yourself.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited October 2012

    Well I did ok today. Just hung out a bit too long and got really tired at the store. Almost passed out. Doing ok now. I just have to pace myself and stop trying to be sure rads woman.

    I was forced to go get some serious Mexican food today. We have a new restaurant in town that finally met up to my Ca standards for Mexican food.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    I rejoined Weightwatchers today.  I'm a lifetime member.  I need to get a boost in losing these extra pounds so I can get healthier.  Scanning the literature, I saw a recipe for mushroom leek bisque.  I had most of the ingredients so I made it this afternoon.  Wish me luck!  Or willpower.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2012

    I am trying to find recipes excluding all ofmy newly discovered food allergies.    Bought a rice cooker/steamer and tried a steamed chicken which turned out good for a first try.   Funny thing is I am now allergic to rice...    

    Steamed chicken - in rice cooker/steamer

    15 oz water in bottom.

    chicken cut into bite size chunks.

    Sprinkle with celery flakes and celery salt

    Black pepper, minced garlic and onion

    Steam for 35 minutes.     

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    That's sort of interesting !!!!  I do like that recipe.  I guess cous cous are out of the question, but there is a similarity to rice.  Thought maybe you could switch them out for rice. 

    Sure hope you can find plenty you can have, but probably great to know what is a problem.  Most of the people I've known with good allergies say how much better they feel when they stick to a diet that addresses them.

    Hugs, Jackie

    I have some chicken in the freezer I think.....the above could be Friday's night dinner

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2012


    Another grain that you might try is 'quinoa'.  It is prepared like rice, but is a much different texture and a bit nutty in flavor.  Vickie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2012

    Any helpful hints for food are appreciated.   I have done quinoa and like it.    BTW,by the way, I was already allergic to chocolate and strawberries... 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    Be self propelled, believing, daring and un-afraid on your journey to self
    awareness. In and under all circumstances be authentically you! ~ Sidney Andrews
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012

    Morning everyone!  It's a beautiful day here in NC!  Sun is shining and the air is crisp and cool...just the way I like it.  I thought I was going for my eye injection at 10 this morning but office called and rescheduled me for 2:30, so now I'm all dressed with no place to!

    Carole:  Glad you're getting on weight watchers.  I've felt so much better since I lost 20 pounds.  I didn't think I needed to lose weight, but obviously I did because when I cut out the white carbs it just fell off in record time.  Here I am a year later down to a size 2/4.  Hard to believe.  Lately I've been able to add some carbs back into my diet a couple of times a week with no change whatsoever in my weight...even a little red wine and dessert now and then.  I found so many substitutes such as brown rice for white, sweet potatoes for white, gluten free pasta or whole wheat for regular white.  It's really easy to make the shift and you add in lots of veggies and protein.  I love quinoa...Costco makes a quinoa salad in their prepared food case that is to die for.  I have to drive all the way to Greenville to get it, but it's worth it.

    I would love to take my DGD trick or treating but my DS and DIL do not believe in halloween...they think it's too much emphasis on the devil...oh well...I wouldn't interfear with that thinking. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2012

    GramE, Sympathies. I can't imagine being allergic to BOTH strawberries and chocolate.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    This evening I noticed my arm is sore on th inner aspect , all the way to my wrist. Not hot or red. Can this b the start of lymphedema? Or is this normal. It will be 4 weeks riday since my lumpectomy. The seroma has decreased in size. I put the arm on pillows and exercised my hand. ny suggestions? Jean

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Jean, perhaps you did something that strained your arm?  I developed carpal tunnel symptoms when I was recovering from my BMX, but the symptoms went away after I started doing exercises to relieve carpal tunnel. 

    My first day on WW went well.  I played golf today and afterwards went to the first veggie pickup of the fall CSA membership.  Fruit and veggies are "free" foods so I'll be eating lots of both.

    Kaara, I switched to brown rice years ago and limit white carbs like Irish potatoes and pasta.  I buy Dreamfield pasta which is lower in carbs than other brands.  I rarely eat fast foods and don't drink sugary drinks.  We seldom eat desserts.  I exercise.  But I also take arimidex, and I think that's a big part of the weight problem.  But I'm committed to taking off the extra lbs I've gained since 2009 when I was dx'ed with BC.  Not just for appearance but for better health.  

    Hope everybody had a good day.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    My soreness follows a path, from the armpit to above the wrist. There has been one spot that has hurt a little if I reach too far, it is along there that im sore. Better now I have exercised my hand and arm, and had it on a pillow.

    Sure hope I don't gain more weight , think my onc wants me on Arimidex too. I battled weight all my life , and gained enough since i've been retired, and I don't eat that much, do whole grains, sugar free, as my hubby can't have sugar. One more thing to anticipate, though fearing Lymphedema is first on my list right now. Understand rads can cause it too. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.
  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    Went to the surgeons office and picked up the Cancer Society's exercise after breast surgery  pamphlet. Been instinctively doing som eof what they suggest. 

    Had my ct and mould making session today. Week from tomorrow, xrays and trial run, Rads start aweek from Monday.

    Lovely fall day here. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Hi Gals.... Bonnets, would it be a good idea to check with your Doc?  And make sure you tell Radiology about your arm, before you get treated..... I don't know what it could be, but maybe an infection? 

    I'm in Orlando until Monday.... Man, what beautiful weather, and the area my Daughter lives in.... She is in Orange County, near Universal, and Dr. Phillips High School.... There are a LOT of gated communities here.... We went to Winter Park, took the boat tour around Lake Virginia, etc!  It is amazing how green everything is here.... so beautiful!  Going to get 5 Guys hamburgers for all of us tonight.... They are watching Dark Shadows right now....Ha! 

    Okay gals..... don't work too hard....Wink

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Hi Ladies, I was given exercise leaflet at clinic and was told to start doing them day after surgery. Really helped, three times a day don't take long and surgeon really pleased that  I could reach above my head two weeks after operation with no discomfort.GD joins in when she is, here as they are to make Nana's arm better. Few more different ones as the weeks pass. Can't wait to get to more complicated ones soon.

     Lot cooler here really Autumn weather, leaves will be falling soon.

    First visit to Oncologist Monday, then I will know what happens next.

    Hope you are all ok. Nearly the weekend again !! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Chevy, glad you're having a great time on your vacation.  Don't get too sun-tanned!

    It was a nice day here as well, though the temperatures got hot enough for A/C.  I took my mother to have blood work for her upcoming apptment with a kidney dr.  Then I got takeout at Olive Garden.  Shrimp and linguini w/alfredo sauce and garden salad.  I ate part of the salad, which was mostly lettuce, and a teensy helping of the linguini.  It was delicious but definitely not a recommended food on WW!  My mother likes alfredo sauce and enjoys seafood with pasta dishes.

    I also made her a blender drink with frozen pineapple, milk, and a breakfast powder and put that in the refrigerator for tonight or tomorrow.  She has been losing weight because she doesn't have the energy or appetite to fix something for herself.  My younger sister brought the blender to my mother's house and started stocking her freezer with the frozen fruit during the summer. 

    Jean, I hope you had a good day.  Same to everyone else.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012


    Briefly talked to the surgeon while I was there. He said to do the exercises. I dont have any  redness, swelling or heat when it's tender. SO we will see if that helps! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012

    Hi everyone!

    Carole:  Sounds like you are doing everything possible to lose the weight and I'm sure you will be successful.  I take tamoxifen, and so far it doesn't seem to have caused any weight gain issues.

    Chevy:  Enjoy Orlando...we're going there in November to use our one week timeshare points that we purchased last Spring.  We're staying at a resort in Celebration and will enjoy all of the sights and sounds of the!  It's a fun place, but traffic is horrendous! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    "If you don't believe in
    miracles perhaps you've forgotten that you are

    Author Unknown