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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    Hi there,

    We had sun and 78 yesterday. Today some rain and down to 62. Hubby was mowing and managed to  beat the rain.

    My seroma is a lot better today, about 73% down. Hope it stays that way.

    Edith, you plan, me , I'm sitting here saying wonder what to have for supper ! Jean

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Bonnets, so glad seroma going down. My fluid was in my breast just behind the nipple don't think it would have ever gone without draining feels much more comfy now.

    Just been reading about lymphedema and gone back to being depressed :-( I am doing my excercises and trying not to lift anything heavy with this arm, so hard to remember !! Feel like things are going backwards now. Then read that I must do that for the rest of my life. That's my job gone, I work as a waitress in our local pub. I adore it as such fun. The loaded plates are really heavy though and I do shift chairs and tables around a lot. They are keeping my job until I am better, looks like I will have to tell them.

    Sorry to moan but want to cry and DH is bad enough about the chemo without me hitting him with my terror of this happening.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Hi Edith.... You know, I felt like gloom and doom for a long time too!  Because the fear of Lymphedema just got a hold of me.... I was reading too many blogs about what SOME women go through.  But it doesn't happen to everyone....  And if it does, there are a lot of ways to make it more comfortable.  It's been almost 3 years since I was diagnosed, and honestly, I am doing everything I did before I had surgery.  I have been gardening, shoveling, raking, and even laying laminate in the bedroom.   I keep forgetting to not have them take BP or draw blood on that side.... It's just that it seems so long ago, that it's easy to forget!   And I don't always wear garden gloves when I'm messing around outdoors.....  I think the women that DO have problems will tell you that it SURELY will hit you, sooner or later....  but then again, maybe it won't! 

    So don't worry about your job, and not being able to do it....  Just see what happens.... Wink  I was told to not lift anything heavy for a few weeks, but when you are healed, I don't think that matters.... Ask your Doc,  before you feel like going back to work.... I say, "try it!"  Your life doesn't have to be over, just because of your BC.     If your Husband gets depressed TOO, then how are we going to take care of him also?  Wink

    Bonnets.... so glad you are getting better.....It's still so soon for you guys, to not think about it all constantly....but the day will come! 

    I can't work in the yard today Carole, it is snowing!!!!  Not much, but the flakes are coming!  AND it is 37 degrees out right now!  Supposed to get down to 30! 

    Jackie, hope DH gets that whatever going for you, to help clean your yard!  THAT would really be hard.   I WAS transplanting my Chickens last week, moving them, because they were doing what-ever they do to spread all over the place!   But they make great ground cover, around our trees, and bushes. 

    My Eldest Daughter sent me a site that has the most beautiful photo's....!  I'll try and post it!  Have a fun Sunday.....

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2012


    Glad your 'boob' is more comfortable.  I too had a seroma aspirated recently and it sure does help.

    I wouldn't be it too much of a hurry to quit your job.  Talk to your MO first, It may be that after you heal from the surgery and treatments, it won't be too bad.  

    Go ahead and let the tears flow.... there are healing hormones in our tears too!!  For the first several months after my diagnosis/surgery, I could be sitting in my chair reading or using my laptop and suddenly the tears would well up and fill my eyes and I would have a good bawl....DH would walk into the room and say,"oh, one of those times?"  It is better now.  I go in for my 1 year followup appointments starting with the diagnosis mammo next thurs, then to the RO the 18th and the MO the 19th.  My 6 month exams were good, hope this time is too.  Would love to discontinue the Letrozole, but I know it is giving me the best artillery in fighting this old BC, so will stay on it for the next 4 years, or until the MO discontinues it.

    I hope you are feeling better!!!!  This is a good place to vent/dump or whatever gives you relief...


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2012


    Glad your 'boob' is more comfortable.  I too had a seroma aspirated recently and it sure does help.

    I wouldn't be it too much of a hurry to quit your job.  Talk to your MO first, It may be that after you heal from the surgery and treatments, it won't be too bad.  

    Go ahead and let the tears flow.... there are healing hormones in our tears too!!  For the first several months after my diagnosis/surgery, I could be sitting in my chair reading or using my laptop and suddenly the tears would well up and fill my eyes and I would have a good bawl....DH would walk into the room and say,"oh, one of those times?"  It is better now.  I go in for my 1 year followup appointments starting with the diagnosis mammo next thurs, then to the RO the 18th and the MO the 19th.  My 6 month exams were good, hope this time is too.  Would love to discontinue the Letrozole, but I know it is giving me the best artillery in fighting this old BC, so will stay on it for the next 4 years, or until the MO discontinues it.

    I hope you are feeling better!!!!  This is a good place to vent/dump or whatever gives you relief...


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Edith, I agree with Chevy and Vickie.  Don't be in a hurry to quit your job.  There are so many women on these discussion forums who recovered from their surgery and treatments and went back to jobs that involve lifting and strenuous work.  I remember one who went back to her job with UPS driving a van and delivering packages.

    What is a bacon shank?

    Jackie, that sounds like a great yard machine that makes the mulch.  I could definitely use the mulch it makes.  I buy bales of pine straw to put on my flower beds.  There's a Mexican guy who delivers.  He does a booming business.

    Have a peaceful evening, everyone.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited October 2012

    Carole - Pine straw? That must smell heavenly. I bed what little I have to bed with old hay my goats have wasted. I need to think about my poor fig tree and plan for getting it wrapped up this year. It is presenting me with about 10-12 figs small but I will enjoy them. It is a Brown Turkey, a more common variety for Texas. Wish I had had a more sheltered space for it. Most of my property is open to the north straight from a large cattle pasture. Winter always takes me by surprise and it dies back down to the roots. Not such a Mediterreanean climate here

    I have put 2 does in with my buck. Looking forward to spring babies. I have never milked my goats but I might just try one of them this year. Keep hearing milk prices going up. DH will just have to get used to it.

    Edith - I, too, remember the gal who worked for UPS. She and I were starting tx about the same time.  I think she had more extensive (?chemo maybe) than I and lost track of her but yes I remember she was doing her job and saw no mention that she thought she would not be able to continue with it post treatment.  Many of us are nurses/CNAs and continue to do lifting.  My age has slowed that down and I do request of my CNAs to choose which side I lift on but don't hesitate to do what I can do.

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Thank you Chevyboy, on Thursday the Consultant said DO NOT GO ON THE INTERNET and what do I do ?( He meant googling illnesses, not on  here by the way.) As you say may happen to some people but will do my best to make sure it's not me !Won't let DH get depressed I promise.

    Vicks thank you too, haven't cried much so far but when I did  it helped. May go and lock myself in DH shed and howl at the moon ! Gone midnight here and trying to get so tired I don't lie there imagining the worse.

    Hope everything keeps going really well for you.Won't give up the job unless Doctor says to do so. Might ask if I can work behind the bar instead.

    Happy Sunday to everyone.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited October 2012

    Edith - Now that's an idea to work behind the bar. Do you get tips or is that an American custom only?  Bartending might get you better ones and ?more interesting conversations. DF has a daughter who is a bartender in restaurant, chain type much like Applebees. She does pretty well.  The heaviest you might have to lift would be "a pint".  Is that the right expression?

    Those of you who like oldies. I'm listening online to KAAM out of Dallas. Playing "Duke of Earl. Just played Good Golly Miss Molly. These are a bit before my time. It is Saturday night Sock Hop till midnight. Just love this station. An AM station that has to turn down signal at sunset so can't get it as far out as I live. Host just said any requests would have to be "sung" in order to get played. Hilarious.

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    The pub I work in is about 100 years old, in the tiny village behind my house. Yes you may get tips but only small amounts. I had the same thought as you about the pint bit, our plates are large and quite heavy and our chef piles on that much food they become really heavy. Our pub is really old fashioned and cosy. Log fires,leather sofas, beautiful garden. Really friendly place, that is why I would hate to leave.

    Do you live in Texas ? as you are listening to Dallas radio. Our local radio is Radio Merseyside. All my kind of music i.e.can remember the words !Beatles, rolling stones, Beach boys, Abba etc. ha ha.

    Have a lovely Sunday.  

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2012

    I am currently listening to, and thoroughly enjoying, Imelda May on Youtube, young Irish lass, very 50's - 60's style of music and dress.

     She and her band (guitarist is her husband) don't seem to go for a lot of electronic instrumentation which is much better listening in my book.

    I love watching her perform some of the oldies like 'Tiger Rag' and 'Cry me a river,' along with her own songs of 'Johnny got a boom boom' and 'Big bad handsome man.'

    Hope you can find it and enjoy some good old fashioned music.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Morning you guys!  Do you know what a pleasure it is to come here every morning, and read what my "friends" have to say?  I have been wandering around the threads for 3 years, and enjoy reading what others have to say, about "stuff" that concerns us all.... and I have leaned so much, just from "listening."

    But lately, since the debates, some of the threads have just turned into something frightening, and I'm just wondering.... Don't these women know that everything they post on here can be seen all over the Internet??? That their beliefs and rants will incite others with the same beliefs?  

    It just takes the wind out of you, to read what some women say, and the lengths they will go to to get their, and ONLY their point across.   We all know, that we all hear the same thing, but each of us will interpret it a different way.   But we don't have to blab what WE see is the ONLY way, and hammer it in until the cows come home....

    So since I am neither a Democrat nor Republican, maybe my middle-of-the road take on all this, can help calm things down.   So AGAIN... I'm just glad to be a part of a calm, friendly place where we can all just talk, and enjoy each others company....

    ANYway....  I love that old music too!  Ha!  My favorite used to be Sentimental Journey!!  And then Johnny Ray singing "Cry."   Those old groups were what I loved, growing up as a teen-ager!  And my favorite singer was Whitney.....  Her voice was just plain old beautiful!  And Jerry Lee Lewis really got us "rockin'" !!! 

     Aussie...... I remember going to watch Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald perform, while all of us teen-agers danced!  

    So see Edith?  Maybe you are worrying yourself silly for nothing!  I'll almost bet your life will return to almost normal!  Just don't go gettin' in any bar-brawls, at least until you are better....Ha!   Your job sounds enjoyable.... and I think it's great that you want to get back there!

    Luvmygoats! How fun that you got two more gals for the guy! I have no idea what it is like to even be around them, or any other animal except dogs or cats.... but I would love that!  How lucky for you!   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012
  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited October 2012
    Chevyboy, I totally agree with you. I have a political preference but I don't believe in spouting off my views. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want but this isn't the place for it. Maybe someone should start a thread just for thatLaughing
  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012


    # years on the boards is good. Friendships in this journey can be lasting. When my daughter Amy was fighting her battle, I was active on the Wemd BC boards. After all those years, about 15 since she was diagnosed, some of us are still in touch. I used to joke I was the outsider, being the Mom not the BC survivor, now I have those ladies supporting me on my  journey too!  A sisterhood no one wants to belong to!

    Ct next week, xrays the following week, will be glad to get going and get rads out of the way. My hubby  hated to end his , when he had prostate ca, said it was his social time!

    Didn't think lymphoma wud be an issue , with only 2 nodes gone, surprise as I learn is can be. Some have no trouble with 10, others do with 2. Hope Im in the latter group. It is hard to remember, as I was cleaning up after my kitty with my little Green machine yeterday, thought maybe I shudn't be doing this with my rt. arm. Do sleep with it elevated some. I am more comdfortable with the seroma down , don't know if it will totally disappear though.

    turned the heat on in the house, about 50 right now, fall is here, leaves turning. Love this time of year. Have a good day . Hugs, Jean 

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2012


    you don't mention Chemo.  I mowed the lawn three days after the first A/C.  When I went back for CBC exactly one week after first chemo, got gentle but firm lecture from head chemo nurse.  In spite of Neulasta,  "You have no immune system,"  Mowing means flying dust and dirt.  You should avoid children, dirt, germs,  crowds.  Get a cold, go to hospital.

    Oh yes.  I like to mow.  Mow the home lawn, and ten acres of small farm.  Another pleasure gone for 6-9 months.

    When I mow the pastures with my newer bright Green John Deere comercial mower, my two German Shepherds keep me company as do the Cattle Egrets, and occasionally a pair of Sand Hill Cranes.  Once I ran over a tiny rabbit, which only stunned it.  I mow with blade high to get mostly weeds, not grass.  Got off mower, picked it up and into a sleeve of the cotton shirt I had on over a t shirt.  Took it home and took care for a week until Granddaughter talked us into letting her have it.  Had to buy expensive cage of course.  About 9 months later, rabbit is big and she is tired of cleaning cage.  Took it back to farm and put cage down in vegetable garden with door open.  A day later it left.  Occasionally think I see it running through the grass.

    Oh well, no mowing adventures for a long time.  Dogs miss me.  They are starved for attention--but WBC pbm.  Can't do much but veg out and read posts.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Hey gals.... Dreamers.... Right now, everytime someone wants support of their views, they do just that!  They start their own thread, but this just causes so much division, and hard feelings within BC.ORG......  I wonder if all realize that everything they say is planted on the Internet, for EVERYone to see?  Your views and hatred, and mouthing off, do nothing but cause the rest of us, who are un-decided to not believe ANYthing! 

    So what happens when one side obviously will win???  And the other side loses???  I for one will be so damn glad that it is all over, and the  hard-nosed extremists can settle down, and find a new argument.  Wink  Maybe even a new thread....Ha!  We can all disagree, but we don't have to make it a personal vendetta against "them."

    Jean!  I think, whether you have lymphedema or not, everyone of us has a chance of maybe developing it.... So even cleaning your cat box, you should wear gloves.... even gardening, etc.   Just be careful.

    Cindi!  You have a John Deere!  That is so cool!  So do you climb on top, with wine glass in hand, a sun-bonnet and glasses and till the farm???  Ha!  Nice story about the Rabbit! 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2012

    Well its Sunday and we have been doing some things inside the house that have been put off to long.  I have Speggtti sauce simmiring, and going to make some bread sticks in a little while.

    We will be 12 for Thanksgiving.  Oh My!.  DD got married at 3:00 on Friday, they are just so funny, David's little guy who is 10 got to go with them, so he hollered in the phone Hi Grandma, and DD said no that is Mommarch.  That is what my GK have always called me.  

    We have alot to do to get ready for everyone, but I think it will be good.  Its cool here in West Texas today, was only 54 when I looked earlier.  

    Chevy when are you going to Orlando?  Have a great time.  I will see my ONC on Thursday and we are going to have a come to Jesus meeting concerning the side effects of the Tamoxifen.  The worst for me is depression.  I need something that I can take to help with it and get along on.  

    Need to get into the shower and then finish up dinner.  


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012


    No chemo. Will be starting rads in  a week or 2, followed by hormone therapy. ALready told my onc, will do it unless the side effects are too much.

    We are John Deere people also! 

    Chevy, don't clean the kitty box, except with a scoop. Was cleaning the" must hack on a carpet " kitty hack with my Little Green machine carpet cleaner :)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they
    arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. ~ AnaÔs Nin
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    I just received this in my email.... It's How to Get to Mars.... so cool!

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Wow, reading all these lovely stories about day to day things is so lovely. Everyone still running homes and families despite everything.

    Bonnets, glad no chemo for you,hope rads go well.Also with you on the looking after the arm part. must remember to wear the gloves !

    AussieSheila, going onto youtube next to look, thanks.

    Chevyboy, the political rants are a bit strange to have on here, you are right there is a time and place for certain things. Think I am a bit long in the tooth for bar brawls, but who knows ? ha ha.

    Carole Haston, thanks for UPS story made me chuckle. Think their packages a bit heavier than my plates.Bacon shank is top part of leg, we cook for 2-3 hours. Take out and cool. cut into chunks after removing any fat. Skim stock then add potatoes, carrots, onions, red lentils, celery and mushrooms. When they are cooked pop cubed cooked bacon back in and serve with crusty bread in big bowls by the fire.

    Luvmygoats, calmed down now about the job. called into the pub today to see them. Job there when and if I want it, however long it takes. Everything crossed miss them all so much. Definitely easier than UPS !

    Cindi, love the rabbit story.

    Monmarch, 12 for thanksgiving. How do you do it ? Hope they all help. Thanksgiving always looks such a lovely, happy, family time on programmes and films from your country.Hope depression lifts soon.

    Blessings to each and everyone of you, and a wonderful new week to come.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Edith, your pub sounds so lovely and like such a lot of fun.  I wish dh and I could visit you and go there.  We don't have anything here in the states that similar to a pub.

    Cindi, you remind me of my sister, who is younger than me.  She and her DH raise quarterhorses.  I think they have about 50 acres of land, a lot of it pasture for the horses.  She loves to ride on her tractor and mow the grass.  She would SO much rather be outside than inside. 

    Chevy, I also think it's great that we mention political views but don't get on our soapboxes. 

    I don't worry a lot about lymphedema.  Maybe I should.  I do wear gloves when I work out in the yard, but I always wore gloves.  And I wear long sleeves when I'm pruning bushes.  That's because my skin has lost the layer of fat that younger people have and I bruise easily.  If I had to fly on an airplane, I might see about getting a sleeve to wear, just out of precaution. 

    Mommarch, I'll probably end up having Thanksgiving dinner at our house, too, but I don't know how many people will be here.  That's a problem with my family.  People can just show up.  I'll try to get a count when the time grows closer.

    It was nice chatting with everybody.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    Hmm...I have a sleeve for being in the air.....I was told once that it should be used for anything you are doing repetitively an I always had the intention......but a lot of times I didn't think about it until I was nearly through with whatever I was doing.  That is the pressure changes while you are flying.....I don't think you have things like that when you are just doing something at home.  I know people who already have LE  who would often use their sleeves --- especially if they noticed even a minute change...tingling, very mild swelling etc. 

    My sleeve has been in my drawer since I got off the plane here at home in 2008.  I hope " my guess " that I don't really need it now is right. 

    edith....your pub really does sound like the berries.  I believe I'll just have to hitch a ride with Carole and come along too...

    Hugs, Jackie

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Hi, if you both ever get to this area it would be my pleasure to take you to our pub. :-)

    Having a day of sorting cupboards and drawers today. Don't know how just two of us manage to have so much stuff !

    Weather is back to wet and cold you really don't know what to wear.

    GD coming after school, we are searching for Halloween costume she is 5 years old but wears age 12-13 clothing  ! She was premature too. Her Daddy is tall and she definitely takes after him. When I was young Halloween was just a turnip lantern and bob apple, now we do the full trick or treat etc and I love it. We are having a huge party at the pub must find costume for myself as well. Suggestions appreciated.

    Breakfast time here, I must head off and make my porridge.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2012

    Maybe Lady Gaga..........?

    Well, I find her scary...........where does she get her style ideas?


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    3. Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant - Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Aussie Sheila, ga ga a good idea, bit too old and wrinkly to copy her. Found long black dress with sleeves. Have a cobweb tablecloth to attach and found HUGE spider with glowing eyes that I am attaching to a black  pull on hat. Various little spiders for earrings and necklace. Voila black widow spider !! GD got a scream costume ( very apt ) other GD super ghost one. Sooo looking forward to party.Do you trick or treat where you live ?

    Had a lovely day all in all, now and again start sliding into a depression. then think get on with it !

    Letter came from Hospital lunch time thought it was Onco appointment. It was an appointment for April 2013 with my Consultant ! He must think I will still be here, That did cheer me up.

    I design and make cakes as a hobby, Have to do one for a pearl anniversary soon that will take my mind off you know what. Defo need to keep busy I have the tidiest cupboards and drawers in England. Found things I had forgotten I had.

    Hope you are all ok. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited October 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Well I did ok. Shakin my way on and off the table but ok. Today was my 3rd treatment. I have a pink lower breast area already. Turns out it was there when they did my mapping. Just not so pink. Hummm...we will see. I have been using the aquaphor on the scar and nipple after treatment and at bedtime.... also the AloeVera all over the breast, armpit etc. That aquaphor does not want to wash off in the morning easy. I took a shower this morning and felt it after wards and it still had a film. So I did it again and still could feel it. When I mildly rubbed it got these little pills of ointment coming off so I left it. Hope it does not burn.

    I have been getting mild headaches and some mild nausea. Drank some ginger ale and asked the dr for some meds in case. He said the radiation of the breast does not cause nausea. Ok well I do have a little after my treatment and it comes in waves all day. How does he know for sure? Not in his book I guess Smile. I like him though. Great personality. Told me to stop thinking I am a special case just cause I have an ugly autoimmune disease. Made me laugh. I am too special darn it.

    I get overwhelming fatigue at about 5pm no matter what I do all day. My treatments are at 9am. Then I have a 2 hour window to run errands and eat lunch. Once I am home I am done.

    Anyone have a hard time sleeping through the night? I am normally a 7 hour sleeper and then lay there for a hour. Now it seems I get 4 hours wake up and then go back for 2.

    Thank you for you info. It has been a rough start but I will make it. Have to.

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Hi Bunkie, sorry to hear you feel sick, he may say not normal but lets face it we all feel sick with terror at what is happening. I do and haven't had my chemo or Rad's yett ! Hope it gets easier for you soon. Ginger is supposed to be good for settling tummy so keep on taking it. I used to have a ginger biscuit or two with a cup of tea for morning sickness many years ago.

    Don't know how our lovely care workers keep going day after day. When I asked my Consultant  could I drive after having steri strips removed, could you drive before?  he replies. Oh I love saying that he says, especially when someone asks me can they swim after the same procedure.

    Sure your nice man knows you are special we all are.

    My friend had rad's early morning and said that she was fine until about 5pm then, SPLAT, she did everything she needed to do then let her body relax.

    I fall into bed sleep for about three hours then wake for about one hour then sleep until morning with a bit of luck. Find my mind won't switch off.

    Going to bed now soooo tired maybe right through tonight, hope you do too.