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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    Morning Ladies, 

    Gotta make this fast as DH has an early appt, and I have learned I need to go to his appts. As with most men, if yo are not there they don't ask questions, or if you ask what did the dr. say, "nothing." I wasn't with him for his first derm appt last year,. I had sent him, as I didn't like the looks of a spot on his face. When he got home I asked what did they say, "nothing", what did they do , nothing as he said he didn't care if they froze it off. WHen I made him return in April and it was biopseyed ,Melanoma. Men!

    They all seem to have the procrastination gene and the one for falling asleep as soon as they hit the recliner! 

    Mine is pretty empathetic with me, having gone thru both prostate ca and melanoma.

    Joan, I'm having 30 rads. Hoping I do as well as DH did with 46 for prostate. He went to work after each day. I fear burning mostly. Hopefully NOT!

    Raining here today, Have a good day everyone. Jean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,580
    edited October 2012

    There is no instinct like that of the heart.
    Byron, Lord

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012

    Good morning!

    Edith:  Crying can be a release of negative pent up emotions, so don't feel bad or guilty about it...if you feel the need to cry then do it.  When I feel sad or depressed I try writing down my feelings or typing them out if that works better (I can't read my own!)  I was not emotional at all during my entire process with bc...then after it was all over, I went off the deep end and did a lot of things I would never do under normal circumstances, but now I feel much better.  I think sometimes we just have to go with the flow and see what happens.  We should not bottle up our feelings, but channel them in a way that is positive by reading inspirational material, or being around positive people whenever possible.  As Jackie said above....follow your instincts and heart.

    Rascal Flatts concert was AWESOME...couldn't hear any of the words to the songs the music was so loud but it was exciting and fun!  Thank goodness for YouTube so I can pull up the songs today and listen to the words.  He's quite an entertainer, and the bands that were on before him were outstanding.  Don't miss it if it comes to a town near you!

    Today is going to be a beautiful day, so we're going up to Mt. Mitchell (highest point east of Rockies) to see the leaves at their peak.  My BF gave up his golf game today to do this which is special for me!

    Have a great Friday!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Jackie, you must be really busy.  Hope you're feeling good and life is going smoothly.

    Chevy, you're a "character."  You cheer us up with your nonsense. 

    Edith, we all react differently to situations, good and bad.  I never cried a single time during my bc tribulations.  That's not to say I didn't experience fear and some depression.  My curse was my imagination.  I played out all kinds of scenarios in my head.  I hope you've cheered up by now.  In your case, crying might be a good thing, the thing that you do to cope.

    I got up a little past 7 am, put on my clothes and drove to the outpatient facility to have bloodwork.  My pc dr. had also ordered a urine specimen, and that's a request I can always fill!  Bad pun.   It's always surprising to me that so many people are up and about at that early hour.  It's a lovely morning, cool and sunny.  It will be a fine afternoon for golf.  DH and I are playing with another couple, not at our club but at another course about 30 min. away.  Afterwards we'll have an early dinner at the restaurant.  It will be my first meal out since rejoining WW.  Hopefully, I will make some good choices and stay on program.

    Hope everyone is doing ok or better than ok.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2012

    Chevy, Your timing is perfect -- I just got off the phone with DH.  We need a roof, and I backed off and let him do all.  We have four skylights in my house and I LOVE them....they are taking them OUT and roofing over because roofer says they "all leak" (after 22 years).  Anyway, I just asked him if there's only going to be plywood in the ceiling where the skylights were and DH said...."FOR NOW"....I think you know what that means...Maybe when we get the first hard frost, he will see the need to insulate and sheetrock! 
    OK - now am going to peek in on Edith's you-tube...brb...........LOL ! Laughing
    Carole, Your advice is so practical...I had urine test today too...unfortunately, came back positive and have to go on anti Bs ... canceling big week end plans for complete rest.  I hope you have better results than I. 

    Edith, Sometimes crying purges and gets the bad thoughts out where we can deal with them...I like Chevy's advice to immerse yourself in a project.  Is there something you've really been meaning to get done?  I found that when I was extra busy, I did not notice my discomfort or anxiety as much.  I agree with Kaara about writing...when we write during the difficult moments, sometimes we can get the thoughts out of the head because they are safe on paper. (((BIG HUG)))  When I was doing rads, I used an iPod and very upbeat music -- hard to think about what's happening with that going in your head....(no sad songs, though!)  I join you in being glad that we found BCO and have this thread for support.

    Bonnets - wow, you have a busy time caring for your family members and now should do well with rads.  I hope today is a good day for you. 

    Am leaving work early - looking forward to some rest.
    Hugs to all,

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2012

    I loved Michael J Fox. He said if you imagine the worst and then it happens, you've lived it twice.

    Edithester, Try to discover what's under the tears. Are you sad, scared, mad? Once you know what's going on, it's easier to deal with it. (((((HUGS)))))

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2012

    Hi all, 

    Edith, cry all you want.  When you think it is more than just tears than talk to your Dr.

    I am feeling better, the Effexor is helping and the B12 shot has helped also.  Energy level better.

    Hubby and GD are fixing the ceiling in her room.  She was so excited after they came back from town, he let her drive on our private road to the house.  First time behind the wheel.

    I am going to try and get some doors painted this weekend, put some kills on one, boy does that stuff have an order.  Trying to get things in better order before everyone decends on us at Thanksgiving.

    Hugs to all

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012


    Yep, start rads Monday morning. I got Aquaphor  and have been told to use it on the boob, possibly several times a day. I wanted to ask if you need to wash it off before treatment, or is it absorbed and just rubbed in and OK to leave on? Looked at the xrays they did today, am concerned as the tumor was pretty close to the chest wall. I thought the rads were more targeted to the lumpectomy area, but they said most of the time they are whole breast, the last 7 concentrated on the lumpectomy area. That surprised me. guess I will see. 

    Boy pouring here. Illinoise gals, guess we got your weather from yesterday or the day before.Take care. Jean

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2012

    For those of you who are interested.....

    I just returned from a visit with my MO.  He did the usual blood draw, checked lymph nodes and then the 'bad boob'. Reissued prescription for the Letrozole and said he wants to see me in 6 months.  Yesterday I saw the RO and he also did the poke/probe stuff, could feel the seroma, says is if continues to grow a lot, contact him and we will go from there.  Diagnostic mammo shows NED, the imaging report suggest I follow up with my physicians to discuss further treatment.  Any way, RO also said he wants to see me in April.  So NO MORE MD SHUFFLE until April 19...(unless I get another lump or some other reason)  Both oncologist say this will be the routine for the next 2-5 years +/-.

    I wish a good report for each of you waiting for one.  That waiting is what tortures you mentally!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


    BIG RELIEF!!!!!!!   

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Vickie, that's great news about NED! 

    Mommarch, also good news that you're feeling better mentally and physically. 

    Bonnets, soothing vibes will be coming your way on Mon. when you begin rads.

    I survived the Eating Out challenge tonight and didn't do too badly.  DH and I had dinner with another couple following a round of golf in the afternoon.  The restaurant was a little pricey, but the food was excellent.  I ate half my dinner and brought the rest home, abstained from the bread and butter and drank iced tea instead of wine (partly because a glass of chardonnay was $9!).  Actually I'm sipping a glass of the same wine as I write.  It cost about $12 for the whole bottle and is one of the brands I usually keep on hand.  Ok, call me a tightwad!

    Tomorrow I have yard work on my schedule. 

    A good night to all.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited October 2012

    Bonnets - I had rads early morning. Put on aquaphor and RX called X-Clair the night before and after rads. No need to wash off from the night before. Someone else will have to give you times if you have afternoon rads.  Might be 2-3 hours before not to use anything but then again didn't need to remember.  Had rads from 2 angles (L breast) one slightly angled from right side and another from way far underneath shooting across the outside. I think with the 2 beams it covered the whole breast. Boosts to incision site.

    I got cheap sports bras at WalMart. Used camisoles over to keep esp. the Aquaphor off my scrubs (more for the SNB site than boob). Bras fine; all washed out, I was quite surprised how great they did in the wash. Bought thrift store gowns for the same reason; I'm not a glam girl, comfort all the way.

    Lube, Lube though with work I could only do just after rads and then after nightly shower. When you drive around all day nice BRs where you can strip are hard to find! It worked OK, only 1 issue with nip when it peeled.

    Time will fly by and soon you'll be done!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    Thanks for the info. I have morning rads too. Rt breast, less than 1 cm, ER, PR pos , Her2 neg. Also no onco type. Today was hard as the pulling across the armpit and breast is not comfortable. At least the treatments wont be as long in position as it was today.

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Morning lovely ladies. Thanks for hugs, right back at ya !! tears stopped after few hours. Kept really busy, its just been a week of bad news I heard about  two more ladies diagnosed with cancer feel like it is never ending. Sure they will be ok.

    Chevy thanks, loved youtube.ha ha. will try not to let flood gates open again, next time angry or sad will just kick the cat !! ( joking honestly )

    Monmarch, glad you feel brighter, find all this talk of thanksgiving fascinating. My daughters and I were in New York in the run up to it once  and the atmosphere was fabulous.

    Carole, thanks to you too. .Well done with the meal out.

    Kaara , hope your bladder infection better, I started one last Tuesday and it was so painful then next day dry eyes diagnosed. The crying helped that at least ! Tablets working now.

    Joan are you sure your DH isn't my DH brother ? He is just the same where jobs on the house are concerned. Think it is in their genes to be like that. Then they always say your idea was theirs in the first place.

    Wren, thanks too.

    Out with 5 yr old granddaughters and their Mummies this afternoon, we go to lovely indoor play area. They climb and slide and run around like little monkeys while we watch them drink lattes and catch up with normal life issues. BC talk banned. !

    Hope you all have a glorious weekend.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,580
    edited October 2012

    Life isn’t a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming ‘Woohoo WHAT A RIDE’!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,580
    edited October 2012

    Wow !!!!  I'll never catch up here.  My goodness, you are all so chatty.  Glad that most all of you are getting the "hang" of hanging in there.  I think of all those trite little things we hear all of our life and as it turns out....most are true.  Don't count your chickens before they hatch , laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone, when life hands you lemon, make lemonade. 

    We do get through all this and come out the other side.  There are trials, but I do the best for me, when I just try to be a little bit better than I was the day before.....even if it is just one more smile to someone when I don't really and honestly feel it inside.....I just do it.  Eventually, I've gotten out of the place inside that tends to hold you back just a bit, keep you feeling like it all so hard, and once you break free....then you can embrace the can do feeling that has shown up.  Takes a little practise but it works for me.

    Just had my last 4 month check-up and am all clear.  I was also released and do not have to go back for a year.  That is, in part, not only for a check-up, but I'm sure the outcome will be discussed as to whether I will be giving up Anastrozole or going on to something else, or maybe not having to take any more.  Thank goodness I have been fortunate enough to be able to tolerate this medication without harsh se's. 

    Now it is just up to me at the moment to learn to not concern myself over much with the fact that I won't be followed so closely any longer as I was.  It had a feeling of (safety net) that is being removed so will take a bit, but it is just another part of the path and is after all a 'graduation' of sorts.  So...onward to learning to live knowing that each day is a fantastic gift for me to use and enjoy while hopefully helping my fellow travelers to do the same.

    You are all such a wonderful and inspiring group and though I often don't say it, I'm so glad that you are here, every day, awaiting the moment when I turn on my computer.  You give me hope and strength. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Jackie, you should buy yourself a "graduation" present!  Boy, would I be happy to stop taking the little white pill.  

    Today is gorgeous.  It was in the 50's when I managed to make myself slide out from under those comfy covers this morning.  My morning decaf tasted so good.  After breakfast I put in 3 hrs. of yard work.  Pulled weeds, pruned bushes.  The wheel barrow is still out in the yard loaded up and there are more piles here and there on the yard.  I'm thinking i might save the wheelbarrowing for dh tomorrow.  He left before noon to go and play golf with the guys.  I'm sitting here enjoying the peace and quiet.

    Hope you all are enjoying whatever you're doing on this Saturday.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2012

    Edith, when I was first diagnosed, I just lived for those normal days like you described with your family...that's what it's about...and you should have many good days ahead even between treatments.
    Jackie, I agree, it is really comforting to have found this community of ladies here.  What a milestone for's what many of us look forward to.  I know what you mean about feeling a little insecure about fewer medical appointments.  Just getting through the first year waiting from one appointment to the next was an adjustment. Congratulation on your good reports.
    Vickie, So glad that you can celebrate a good report after the first year is behind you.  It's a good feeling...Congrats to you too.
    Carol - glad you enjoyed your dinner and followed your plan.  My plan for today was to do nothing and it worked.  Am on anti-bs and trying to rest.  I did get a breath of fresh air when I went out to feed the birds.  Nice here, too.
    Bonnets, it sounds like you are set for your rads marathon.  I look back and wonder how I did it...I had a 45 min. drive each way, but only 20 min. from my job.  If I had a before work appointment, I did not use aquaphor until after my treatment.  I put it on in the dressing room.  For my after work appointment, I would put it on in the morning but not again until after the treatment.  If ever there was too much Aquaphor, they would just give me a wipe for it.
    I bought cotton camis from Kohls and at the end, during boosts, I had marker on me....marker + aquaphor = purple all over the camis.  So they will probablly not last post rads.  I worked up until the holidays then had a job break...was tired and pampered myself.  You should do well....

    luvmygoats - I got a free sample of Xclair and it was the best....but my insurance would not cover and it wa $50 so I passed....I got another steroid cream for the itchy rash - my only complaint.  My nip peeled too and is still lighter. 
    Good night to all, and thanks for being here each day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Morning gals........ I just found a new funny video.........  Hope you all like it! xoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,580
    edited October 2012

    "The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes."

    -- Frank Lloyd

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,580
    edited October 2012

    Well Chevy --- you out did yourself.  What a cute Y-tube.  Would have loved to have seen that right before I went to bed last night --- because I think it would have probably been the first thing on my mind this morning when I got up. 

    it is a beauty here and going to get up to near 80 degrees.  Hard to believe.  The nights will be cool, but we wil have a week of warm this Indian summer????? Lots of leaves on the ground and dh plans to give our new garden tractor attachment ( leaf, nuts, and sm. twigs ) mulcher its maiden voyage in our two acre yard.  It is time.....but dh, ssshh, is something of a foot dragger while I have been tapping my foot most of the time.  Isn't it great how opposites attract.  Now where did I put my TUMS. 

    I hope you are all going to have a beautiful Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2012

    edithester, hope you had a great time with your granddaughters and their mummies. It is nice to spend time with family and friends and to forget about the bc for a while.

    jackie, congratulations on your ending the appointments and the medicine

    bonnets, hope your rads are going okay.

    chevy, those are cute utubes

    carole, glad you enjoyed your dinner and were able to follow your plan.

    The weathe is nice today. Colors outside are beautiful. We had our 3 yr od gd with us yesterday. What a chatty little thing but I love having the grandkids here.

    A while back I was told by one of the oncologists to stay away from soy. Does anyone know why? I can not remember the reason he gave. DH found some chewable vitamins for me but he read the ingredients and they have soy in them. He remembered what the doctor had said (I did not) so not sure if I should take them.

    Have a great day.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Emmy, that was the one diet restriction my bc dr. gave me.  Avoid eating soy.  So I have done just that.

    Nice day today.  Beautiful weather.  Took my mother to the 10:30 church service.  Fixed us both a healthy lunch.  My brother Gary and his wife came to visit.  Also my sister Michelle and her husband.  We all watched the Saints game.  The Saints squeaked out their 2nd win.

    Tomorrow is WW meeting and weighin.

    Jackie, my dh ordered that same yard machine today.  A mulcher that attaches to the mower.  Picks up leaves etc. and grinds them up.   He got a couple of attachments including the wand that sucks up leaves where the mower can't go.  We really shouldn't spend the money in 2012 but anything to keep the man on the job maintaining the yard! 

    My car needs new tires.  Oh, well.  It's only $$$.

    Let's all have a great week.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2012

    I believe, from what my MO says, Soy has estrogen in it and much of BC is estrogen positive, that is why they put us on Tomaxisin, arimidex, or Femara/Letrozole.  He said to use it sparingly.  Some vegetable cooking oils have quite a bit of soy in it too..


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2012


    There are conflicting opinions about soy and breast cancer. Best thing is to follow your doctor's advice and wait for the "final word" to come down. But here is the reason in a nutshell...

    Soy milk, tofu and other soy products contain phytoestrogens, chemicals that can mimic the behavior of the hormone estrogen. Because estrogen fuels many breast cancers, soy has long been a source of concern: Can it heighten the risk of breast cancer or raise the odds of recurrence?

    In the lab, phytoestrogens can stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. But in human studies, scientists have not found that diets high in soy increase breast cancer risk. In fact, most have found the reverse.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    I was told that too, by some of the women here on these blogs, but my Oncologist said just eating normally, and not overdoing anything is all that I have to do.... I still eat tofu once in awhile, and I think the little bit that is in vitamins, or other foods is nothing to worry about.   But ask someone that knows more about it than me....Wink

    As we get older we still produce estrogen, from our liver, adrenal glands, and some fatty tissue... The Tamoxifen is supposed to block that estrogen from feeding any stray cancer cells.  But I have not taken Tamoxifen since last February, and I don't notice anything different.... Sometimes I take my vitamins, but most of the time, I forget.... actually I don't feel any better when I take them!  So they are all there....just waiting for me to straighten up and take them!  Ha, ha! 

    My hormones have always been ..... I guess you could say screwed up.  I had a major hormone imbalance after the hysterectomy many years ago.  After fighting skin problems for 3 years I went back on the pill...with estrogen AND progesterone, and my skin cleared up.   I stayed on the pill until my PC figured I didn't need it any longer.  My "older" neighbor who is 88, is STILL on Premarin!  And never had cancer.... So who is to say???  We are all different!

    Now what were we talking about?  Oh, soy....  Just don't eat a truck-load of it, and you will be fine!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,580
    edited October 2012

    pj....interesting.  I do use silk soy milk for cereal, but reg 2 % for cooking.  Since I have never really liked my cereal, hot or cold, drowed in milk, I have never felt the amt. made too much difference.  I do know that soy actually shows up in a lot of things........I think that is why we often get the admotion, everything in moderation.  I haven't learned that lesson completely yet, but I keep trying. 

    termite....I still have to take my anastrozole for the next yr., but feel fortunate that I only had problems with it once and that was when it was switched from Arimidex to the I'd been taking it for some time, that raised my eyebrows somewhat since the generic is so close to the original, but something probably in the delivery system of it.  I did not know if I'd be able to contine but just when I was ready to call Uncle after three stopped hurting my joints and I was ale to go on just as I had before.  Still I'm glad to have only this last yr.  I hope they are able to have something solid to do in place of the Arimidex or to know for sure if you will ge benefit from taking it longer.  Just have to wait till the yr. is up I guess.

    Hugs, jackie 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012


    haven't started anything yet, onc said not til  the  rads are done, but he  indicated Arimidex. I told him oonly if the side effects are minimal Had enough problems, bith hubby and I with the statins! Finally we can both tolerate low dose Crestor, but we had both stopped taking them due to side effects. Also told him  no Tamoxifen, the risk of deafness i feel is too high, having  2 deaf daughters, whose deafness is of unknown etiology. We can certainly walk a thin line when it comes to medications.

    I used soy  creamer for my cereal and tea. As many have said I guess it's moderation, too many ifs.

    Put on some Aquaphor tonight in prep for rads tomorrow, greased the piggy!

    It was a beautiful day today. We went for a long ride to enjoy God's beauty. Night all. Jean

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2012

    I recently found out I am allergic to soy (and other foods) -- allergist visit after ER trip. My allergist says that soy used to be reasonably good, but its make up has been altered via hydrogenation, cold pressing, and something else, so it is not the same "old" soy it used to be.   And it is not the best thing for those who have had BC.    But it IS hard to find pre packaged or canned food without it.   

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited October 2012

    use to drink soy. now i use unsweetened almond milk.