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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012

    Your greatest gift to your family and friends is yourself -
    your relaxed, happy, and fully-present self.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012

    Oh my,my.  The memories.  We had a one-holer.  Some people had two and even three.  I didn't like the fact that it was too dark in there --- even in the middle of the day if you closed the door all the way....why, you couldn't see the spiders.  Everyone knows those spiders were just laying in wait for you, no matter which high corner they were in.  Sure never high enough for me.  So, you crack the door just do and sure enough a wasp would fly in to terrorize you. No wonder I was just a wee bit constipated for many of my early years......I did not want to go to the back forty and did not intend to spend much time there at all when I finally had to.

    We had an ice box, coal stove, kerosene cook-stove, and pumped water from a well in the yard to all our needs including drinking.  "City water" tasted horrid after the years of drinking well water, but you get there.

    Cold here this morning and will be so all week.  I think Indian summer may have come and gone last week, but we could get a surprise.  Our trees will soon be totally bare.  Brrr, ole' man Winter wants to come. 

    Hope you all have a great Saturday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    H so far.. i ladies--I've been lurking around this thread for a while, now here I am--I don't think I know any of u but Jackie and she's quite a woman. And u all sound really nice and helpful. I don't know much about computers, but I've managed to do what I can--I'm retired so I have time just now the know-how.

    What really caught my attention was the refridgerator--OMG I remember those but that was a really nice one--ours wasn't so nice. And I also remember the guys that used to come around and sell their wares-They'd yell whatever they were selling. That was in Chicago.

    Catelin--it's good to hace that energy enjoy it. And as far as time for NED it's a crapshoot for all of us. I never heard of that chemo u'r on so maybe this is the magic bullet-who knows just keep on havin a great attitude.

    Anyway here I am-even tho I've been dealing with Cancer and SE--I really don't kniw anything about it As I've said I didn't pay attention.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    LOL! Share if you like this method!  Then click to read a blog article about how you can save money by turning off your lights! LINK:

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012

    Speaking of cleaning the house....I have to go there before we leave NC:(  I haven't been as diligent this year as before...everything looks neat, but deep down, I know there is dirt!  Would I rather do it now or wait until we return in the spring...I think now.  At least I got the refrigerator done which is a miracle!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2012

    I remember the ice box, the outhouse, and mail delivery twice a day. I don't think we used coal for heat in Kansas; at least I don't remember coal being delivered or used.

    Camillegal, My senior center offers one on one computer mentoring. You might check to see if it's available where you live. It's better than a class where everyone else seems to know what they're doing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012

    Camille....So glad you came over.  I have been hanging around over here for a long time.  We share our well seasoned selves here meaning of course, we are and were no longer part of the young crowd when we go this (surprise ).  We have fun here and lots of neat conversations.  Big hugs to you.


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012


    Where did you grow up in Chicago? I  was on the South side. Still remember George the vegetable man, Ben the Hunding dairy mans horse, the knife sharpener man, balloon man and of course the Good Humor man! Also remeber taking out the coal bin, when we put in gas heat.

    We bought  water for the storm yesterday, have enough batteries. We were without power 4 days with last years storm. Have buckets out to catch rain water to flush with, and water left over from last year, that I wudn't want to use for drinking. We were "camping" for 4 days  last year, in our house. Sure hate to see the places that got hit so hard get it again, some are just recovering now.

    Also wondering if we will be able to do rads, since they are at a free standing center not the hospital, no aux. power I'm told! Even if they have power depends if trees are down  if we can get there. Last year our road was blocked for 2 days, cudn't get out. Hoping this isn't as bad as Irene, we'll see.

    Sure was good to not have to get up and go to rads today, moved a little slower. 

    Edith snow this early in the UK is unusual,right. Rather snow than this rain/wind storm!Well still have a day or 2 before Sandy hits. Take care, Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Hi Camille!  Glad to see you over here in this neck of the woods!  Wink  I KNOW!  Our ice-box was not near as beautiful.....  But it kept things mostly cold... I just remember having to take out that drip pan, and trying not to spill it all over the kitchen floor, Ha!

    Man, I have been organizing my clothes, shoes, and didn't throw anything out, or have anything to give away!  Now I have to wear something different every day!  Yeah, right!  But it's finally done!  And my bed is cleaned off, so I can at least see it now.... Ha, ha!  Everything went on there, so I could make room in the closet.

    Yes, Kaara, the refrigerator is the BEST when you get it cleaned out.  It's just that when we go to the store, it's full again, and we can't find anything.... What I mean is, I can.... my Husband can't!.....  It be-fuddles him when he has to move something to look in back, or even bend down....  That's okay.... that's what I'm for....

    Okay, I'm on the page before, so I could welcome Camille, and if I go to the "last" page, I will lost this.... 

    Anyway, I hope you gals on the East Coast are ready for the storm!  My Daughter in Orlando said it was just raining there, so it looks like it's on it's way up the coast!  I hate to see anyone stuck in the middle of something like that.

    Let us know how you all are..... Take good care!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Jean, we always filled out bath tub with water for flushing the toilet after the electricity went off and the well pump didn't work.

    Welcome, Camille.  Hope you become a "regular."

    Our shrimp man was down at his spot on the corner today, selling beautiful shrimp fresh off the boat.  He doesn't catch the shrimp, just buys them and re-sells them.  I bought 20 lbs, 10 lbs for my mother and 10 lbs for us.  I "headed" them, which really means I beheaded or deheaded them!  We take the heads off for freezing, put the shrimp in a ziploc bag, add some water and zip up the bags.  The shrimp stay really fresh with that method. 

    With that job done, I drove to my mother's house and cooked a pot of chicken and sausage gumbo and potato salad for supper tonight.  During the afternoon I visited with my mother and my younger brother, who arrived last night from Atlanta.  He's spending the weekend with my mother, much to her delight.  My dh arrived after he'd finished playing in a golf tournament.   I ate small helpings of the gumbo (over rice) and the potato salad, but, boy, did I enjoy my food! 

    Tomorrow's noon meal will feature beef roast and pork roast, mashed potatoes made with cream cheese, gravy (of course!) and green beans and tossed salad.  I'll be cooking the green beans and making the salad.  MONDAY IS WW WEIGH-IN!!!!  It's doable for me to eat small portions and enjoy every mouthful as opposed to pigging out.  Yes, it is doable.  It is doable.  Laughing

    Edith, it is so much fun reading your posts from way over there in England! 

    I have a nice-sized walk-in closet that holds all my hanging clothes and shoes.  About once a year I eliminate clothes I haven't worn for a couple of years and take them to Good Will.  I have donated some items that were great "bargains" off sales racks that I never wore, not one time!  Currently quite a few of the slacks and shorts are too small.  Hence, WW.

    It was overcast much of today and the temperature hardly climbed out of the 60's.  I enjoyed wearing a pair of old jeans that I could squeeze into.  I really love cool weather.  I'm looking forward to lighting our little gas fireplace when it's cold enough.

    A good evening to all.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2012

    Welcome, hello, and greetings from Virginia.   The winds were about 30 mph "down" on the Chesapeake Bay, which is a good distance from me - like a good hours drive.   Forgive me,as I am a newbie to this area - only been here 5 years.... so my geography and distance knowledge is limited.    We are to get rain tomorrow then a lot colder and more wind and rain with Tuesday to be the worst.    Of course the grocery store was a mad house.   Everyone keep safe,   Nancy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012

    "Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and
    keep choosing it every day."

    -- Henri J.M. Nouwen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012

    Geez, I sure hope all those who encounter the storm will be all right.  The news was not too favorable this morning with the 'possibilities'.   I know the sorm we had a couple of years ago when we were without power for a week was horrid.  We do not ( still don't ) have a generator so it made for a very long week.  Toward the end we just would stop by a Mcdonals, or Wendy's and carry home food for then, everything in my fridge had gotten ( at least to me ) very, very, unsafe.  We had some bread, crackers, p-nut butter etc. but after a while they quit tasting so good.   Just hope, hope, hope. 

    I like your meal today Carole....I love beef or pork roasts with veggie's and then make stew or soup afterwards.  I skipped all that ( big work day here ) yesterday afternoon and defrosted my stew beef and the leftovers are in the fridge to eat today .

    Hope you all have a good Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012 turned cold here last evening.  We went to see Cloud Atlas (don't bother unless you believe in reincarnation and want to have your brain explode trying to figure out the plots and sub plots) and when we came out the weather had definitely taken a downturn!  

    Today I'm finishing up everything I have to do here in the house to get ready for the trip back to Florida on Tuesday.  I want Monday to be a free day so I don't have to rush around.

    We're cooking up the rest of the fish for lunch today and will have that with a salad.  That will just about take care of everything that could possibly spoil in the refrigerator.  It all worked out.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    OMG all the food---sounds so good.

    This storm has everyone talking and worrying and it seems to change a little every day. I just hope u all keep safe.

    It's quiet where I am just much cooler.

    Oh and I was living on Ohio street in Chicago and now I don't know where thst is anymore, we moved to Villa Park and I was young and I do remember thrr pan under the fridge we had to empty LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    Hahaha.. laughing my ass off lol <img class=<3 more at ----->> Funny Jokes and Pictures <3<3" width="320" height="320" /> I'm not really, I just thought this was cute.

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Hi Ladies, you have cheered me up  yet again.

    Chevy your outhouse pic is great. We had outside loo which was brick built but down the yard, used to dread needing to go on a cold dark night. Loved the warmth of the wooden seat and the toilet paper used to be the local paper cut into squares and hung on string we used to practise our reading while we waited to use it ! Recently went to a Victorian living museum they had an outhouse like in your picture as part of a display, heard a little boy's parents ask him what did he think it was. The look on his face was a picture when they finally told him. My Nan had a cast iron range as her fire and used to cook her dinner in the oven which was part of it. I know things are now all modern and gleaming but some of the old things bring back warm and wonderful memories. Everything that could be burnt was, potato peelings wrapped in a parcel and food scraps etc we would also roast chestnuts on a metal shovel over the coals they were so gorgeous.

    Just watching the news, hope none of you are near the awful storm? praying it will not be  as bad as they are saying on TV.

    Had lunch out with my cousin and his lovely wife, she is about to start another six months of chemo for her bladder cancer, she was very positive and informative as she is at the same hospital as me for it.She has her chemo then goes to lunch out and makes a day of it, hope I can do the same.

    Camillegal, love the card about housework, so agree. Far more fun things to do.

    Kaara, remember our first electric fridge too ours was bright red !! Have a feeling it had coca cola written on the door. We had never heard of this as kids or tasted it either Dad must have got it from someone with a cafe or something.We had a claw foot bath in the flat we rented when we first got married, I couldn't wait to get a boxed in one. Now would love that claw foot but they are so expensive. My Mum used to say that if you hang on to something long enough it comes back into fashion, think she was right.

    DH gone to see Don Maclean in concert over in Liverpool. I am snug and warm by lovely fire and looking forward to next episode of Downton Abbey. Have any of you ladies seen it yet ? We have heard it is very popular in America.

    Warm and cosy Sunday night to you all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    IEdith what a wonderful post. I love to hear good memories from years ago. As hard as everyone worked we all had such fun times without all thes technology things, but of course we couldn't live without them now.

    I don't know of Downtown ???? it might be on some channel here but I never noticed it. So cuddle up and take care of u'rself.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited October 2012

    Edith - Oh yes eagerly awaiting the next installment of Downton Abbey that you are getting now.  Starts over here on January 6th. I started watching last Christmas when I was sick with a cold.  LOVE period dramas!!  We have "Lark Rise to Candleford" on our PBS station now but I just can't get into it and also a repeat of "Upstairs/Downstairs" that I also never watched.  But cannot wait for Downton Abbey!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Gals!  I love the cartoons!  And Kaara....  That movie sounds about like the one DH and I BOUGHT, because his friends told him it was really good!

    Don't ever buy, rent or watch "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"..... Man, we could NOT even get 1/2 way through that one!  It was so stupid!  I think you had to be high to understand it!  Sure it had Johnny Depp in it, but that didn't help make it any good!  We gave it to our DD, so she could try and figure it out!

    Edith, what is the name of that TV show that used to have those two really funny gals in it?  They were from London I think.... And we used to be able to watch that show here in the States, but now I can't even think of their two names.  Those two were brassy, funny and just a kick to watch!

    Joan, is it you that lives in the path of that storm?  I'm so afraid for everyone, that has to go through that! 

    Everyone take care!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Okay, it's these two gals, and their "Absolutely Fabulous" comedy show.... They were such a kick....I have to read to find out where I can watch them!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    Chevy I always watched rhat show and when I've looked up series on my thingy on TV I saw it there not to lon ago--I thoight that show was hilarious.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2012

    I love Downton Abbey, UP/down stairs,  Lark Rise, Ballykissangel and most of the British sit coms.   We have a UK PBS (Public broadcasting) channel with all of them.   Doc Martin is on at 3 am, so I am a bit behind in keeping tabs on it.   Reruns of All Creatures Great and Small lately in the afternoons.    

    I know of outhouses after staying one summer at a cousin's farm.  It must have been torture in winter...   No one I knew had an ice box.   My mom had a wringer washer for years.   Once she accidentally "wrung" a garden snake and you can imagine that mess.    Thanks for the memories.

    I got an email for my 50th high school reunion planning meeting.   I live in Virginia, went to high school in Phoenix (Arizona), so I will not be able to help much.    

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited October 2012

    GramE - I wish they would rerun All Creatures Great and Small here.  DH and I used to joke we called it "cow's asses" because vets always had hands up one.  Haven't seen it in years.  Had to Google new season Downton Abbey.  New picutures.  LOVE, LOVE!! dreamy Dan Stephens.  I think I could have gotten into Lark Rise but caught it after it started and Sunday night is my heavy work paperwork night.  Going back/forth between it and BCO right now.

    Hope you're battened down for Sandy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    Where the heck is this storm goin? It seems like everyone is getting some part of it. Please keep safe

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2012

    For those with Netflicks, watch Shaun the Sheep. It's a cartoon set on a farm in Britain. It's done with claymation by the folks who did Wallace and Grommit. I think DH and I liked it more than the GS.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    We're looking forward to Downton Abbey in January.  Love some of the other British comedies, especially Keeping Up Appearances.  DH really likes As Time Goes By with Judith Dench.  Would love to buy a cd of the old Faulty Towers.  I'll have to look for it.

    Tonight we have World Series baseball and a Saints football game.  i'm sure DH will be flipping back and forth!

    A nice family get-together at my mother's house today.  All six of her children were there, three guys and three gals.  She really seemed to enjoy it.

    Hope everyone had a great Sunday.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    Schools are closed here for 2 days. Hoping we can do rads at least tomorrow. Will fill the tub tonight. MIss my computer the most when the power is out. Last time we did keep our phone all the time. Can't use a cell here, dead zone! Think the worst will be south of us and on the shore. See you all , sooner or later. Stay dry .