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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2012

    Where did you find such a cute pic, I love it.  I have a childhood friend I still feel that way about and we do keep in touch.  Nothing nicer

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    That is so cute!  When I was in Orlando, we were walking around that week-end car-show at night, and I put my hand through my oldest Daughter's arm, and she held on to me, and my youngest Daughter grabbed my other arm.... It was so special....Embarassed...I'm just an old softie....I don't get to be with my Daughter in Orlando, but every couple years.... I just wanted to have her sit on my lap, and we could talk....Ha!  She would have thought I was absolutely nuts.  But they are ALways your "little girls."

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Chevy, is that you and your daughter?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012
    The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
    ~ Oprah Winfrey
  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2012

    Chevy...what a lovely picture!  Tell us more....  I noticed you are already 3 years out from that is a milestone. 
    When I visited CO in September, I stayed in Forbes Park, a residential mountain community about 12 miles from Ft. Garland and about 3 hours from Co Springs. It is pretty far from things....and wonderfully quiet.  We drove back over Independence Pass at sunset - spectacular.  Had dinner at El Rancho...not the same, though, since they turned it into a sports bar.  Do you have a favorite place in CO?
    pt - great cartoon....I had to laugh because my table is covered with books and "stuff" and there is an open box of chocolates.  Just wish I had a best friend here...I have slippers to spare.
    I work with a meteorologist and he sent out an email today warning us to prepare for a possible visit from Hurricane Sandy by Monday/Tuesday.  Was just thinking about how quiet the hurricane season has been.  I hope it blows out to sea.  I'm not up to extra fall cleanup!
    Carole, enjoy the warm weather while you can.
    (((Bonnetts))) thinking of you and knowing how tiring it can be on the rads schedule.  Hang in there 'til the week end!
    Best wishes to all,

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    Morning Ladies

    Edith , how are you doing today? Is the snow forecast there from tropical storm Sandi? Hope she stays at sea here too

    Chevy, we are probably going to a conference in Ft Collins this summer, fly into Denver . Hope to stay near Estes Park for a few days after.

    Off to #4 in a little while. Got early morning. Take care everyone. Hugs Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Carol, no, that's both Daughter's!  55 & 52......Big Sister always thought little one should be hers...Ha!  It's so fun to watch them together, and people do a double-take thinking they are so much alike!  "Little" one goes to Orlando at least twice a year to be with her & the "boys." 

    Joan, we used to go to Colo. Springs a lot, but since Daughter moved to Orlando, we haven't been there.  She lived just beside the Broadmoor Hotel area.... You came back the "other" way.... onto I-70...Yes, we used to go eat at El Rancho sometimes...

    Another nice little place was the Cody Inn on Lookout Mountain, for their Sunday Brunch.... Then they had it on Saturday mornings also.

    Bonnets, it snowed here last night, Ha!  Even broke a little branch on my Aspen tree, don't know if I can save the rest, it looks pretty puny, so far... at least in the dark, and with the other branches hanging down to the ground!  Too many leaves on some of our trees around here, and I see out front, a LOT are hanging over the cars!  There was about 6 inches out there last night, but the ground is melting a lot of it... It's only 39 degrees out right now....!

    Our neighbors have a place to go to about 2 week-ends a month on the back-side of Trail-ridge Road.... The Father of "Nick" owns it, and they share it with their family... Estes Park IS a fun place to see!  In fact, his wife just sent an email asking if I would watch their 2 little girls this morning for a little while.... Man, I hope I'm up to it!  Little Ivy is almost 3, and Heloise is about 8 months... and a REAL chunk!  Ha!  Little Ivy is a Sweetheart, but I'm not THAT familiar with the baby yet... She has to run to the Dentist for an aching tooth... Hope it doesn't take long.... I'd love to watch them, but with someone else around....Wink Like HER....Oh well, I couldn't say no.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012

    Chevy:  Your daughters are must be very proud.  They look so young!  In the genes I!

    Well, I'm starting the routine of packing to go back to Florida but not leaving until that major storm that is brewing out there in the Atlantic has decided where it's going.  Don't want to get caught in that in case it decides to whip up the east coast!  This has been a absolutely spectacular fall in NC and was well worth the time spent here to see it all.  Last weekend we drove to the top of Mt. Mitchell by way of the Blue Ridge!  Cold weather is coming this weekend...right on schedule!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Kaara, hard to believe that the time has passed and you're heading back to FL.  Judging from our weather forecasts, FL won't be affected by the storm.

    Chevy, your daughters are both very attractive women.  I was hoping one of them was you!  Do they resemble you?

    My middle brother e-mailed me sad news about his son, whose wife informed him she didn't love him any more and wants a divorce.  My nephew was devastated but is recovering.  The young couple have an adorable 3-yr-old daughter.  I hate this "it's all about me" attitude.  My nephew is a good-looking, very solid young man.  I hope he eventually finds a woman who will appreciate his character.

    This morning I want to get in some exercise and also need to clean up the paper litter on my desk.  My mother has a 1pm hair apptment and a 3 pm dr. apptment with her kidney dr. 

    It will be very warm again today, in the 80's, but cool this weekend. 

    There will be a huge news vacuum once the presidential election is over.  I'm looking forward to it!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012

    For each new morning with its light,
    For rest and shelter of the night,
    For health and food, for love and friends,
    For everything Thy goodness sends.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Oh I don't know, what do you think?

    They both look like me in a way, but one has her Dad's dimples.... (when she was born I just laughed!)  And they have DH's mouth... When they were little, I was driving with younger one in the back seat, and here comes her sister walking down the sidewalk...  She said, "Oh wow!  I thought she was me!"  Ha, ha!

    Don't get caught in a storm Kaara!  I hate wind, even if it isn't a hurricane!  Just plows right through my hair!

    So sorry about your Brother Carole.... that is so hard.... It just breaks your heart....  But you know, they might get back together.... I know how that goes......

    By the way, my baby-sitting was only for an hour!  Mommy went to Dentist, and came back real soon!  Little Ivy came running to me with her arms open when I walked in, & just giggled!  Of course I swept that little peanut up in my arms, and kissed her head...

    Baby Ellie was on the floor, until she got tired of THAT one.... I picked up that little "chunk".... praying I would NOT drop her, and so we walked around with me rocking her...  Ivy was watching a movie her Mommy had put on, and she said, "oh here comes the scary part, I'll hold your hand!"  And I melted...Wink So we sat there all covered up, holding hands.   She wanted aNOTHER Hostess cup-cake, but I only brought one, I told her.... She said "Call George"..... Ha, ha!  I wanted her to eat some apple snacks... but no deal.  She knows "Uncle George" provides a bag full of snacks for her.

    Anyway, I loved it....   So fun to be around "little" ones! to you tomorrow!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    This was 2 years ago, but not much has changed....Wink  On our way to Orlando!

    Thought I had better delete my pics.... You know, with the identity theft and everything!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    hi  ladies

    Got a question, starting to get an itchy rash on my boob. Been using both  Aquaphor and Neosporin  Eczema moisturiser. Is there anything you have used  if you  got a rash?

    Looks like the storm Sandi is due to come here by  Sunday night or Monday. Sure hope its not as bad as  last years was. I see it hit Guantanamo quite badly today. We had no power for 4 days last year, pretended we were camping. Gotta go buy water tomorrow, just in case as our well goes out if the power does. Hopefully  the rads will have power if it does go out. Hate to get behind! Jean

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2012


    I developed a bad rash on the chest above my breasts.  They think it was a reaction to the anti biotic Augmentin, anyway they told me to take Benadryl.  It cleared it up in a couple of days..You might give your center a call and see if they will approve it....


  • Catelin
    Catelin Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2012

    I just joined and left a msg in Stage IV thread.  I am 65, Dx 3/10, have had 5 or 6 chemos, am currently taking "eribulin" which I understand is relatively new, and just returned from Disneyland where I walked for 3 days and had more stamina that the others including and 8 year old! I am ER+, PR+, and frustrated I can't get to NED.  Is this common?

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited October 2012

    Bonnets, My RO said to use 1% hydrocortisone cream. Check with your RO. Itchiness is pretty common.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2012

    Jean,  I got the itchy red rash the first week as well. I thought it was ringworm and used Tinactin for days but RO said it wasn't ringworm.  She gave me a prescription cream for the itch and it worked great.  I would definitely ask to have it checked out on any of your rads days for a diagnois. As soon as rads were done, all rashes healed in a week.   Good luck, Jean.
    I ordered hurrican lamps and oil on Amazon so I didn't have to shop.    I don't think the storm will go too far inland, but it could expand when it gets over the cooler NE.  We should see some surf here at the beach very soon.  I can hear the ocean from my house when it's rough...even though i am a mile away. 
    Chevy, what a beautiful family you are!!! Do you live at a higher elevation?  Six inches of snow and aspen trees....sounds kind of neat to me.  And CO is where I fell in love with the wind in the pines. 

    Carole, I hope for your nephew's sake they work it out without a lot of anger.  My daughter got divorced (2 kids) and i still miss all the family celebrations we had at her house.  I don't like change, and her divorce was definitely a sad moment.  But all is pretty good now...everyone gets along and shares the kids. What a blessing to have that hour to see the world through children's eys!  They sound so precious.
    Enjoy your lingering summer weather.
    Kaara, have a safe trip home, Kaara.
    Catelin, sorry to hear of your frustration...I don't know what's 'normal' -- seems if you read enough, everyone is different in responding to treatment.  I wish you the best.  I am "new" here and the ladies here are genuinely warm and supportive.
    Well, after the baseball game ends, I'll try to get some sleep.  I have to call back my gyn tomorrow - got a generic message to call back - I was expecting a post card saying tests were negative.  UGH don't like this....
    Wishing you all a happy Friday and good week end.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Catelin, welcome to our oldies thread.  I can't answer your question, but ladies on the Stage 4 thread may be able to share some similar experiences.  The good news is that you have a lot of stamina.

    It's foggy here this morning.  I usually play golf on Fri. but have no game today because the other women are all out of town or not available to play.  Not a problem since I have multiple possibilities of things to do.  I plan to buy some pansies and plant them in pots on the patio.  I also had 20 bales of pine straw delivered yesterday to use as mulch on the flower beds.

    Jackie, how are you doing?  We haven't heard much from you lately.

    Kaara, hope you have a good transition back to FL living.

    Healing vibes to those in treatment.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012
    Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. ~ Kahlil Gibran
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012

    Good morning everyone.  Rained so much last night.  Now we really have leaves on the ground.  Lots to do once it dries out again.....that fancy machine will be working overtime.  Just saw some baby deer in the yard.....I so love living here...such neat animals wander through the yard.

    I'll be back after work.....once again I am running late.  I don't often say it, but I'm sure glad it is Friday today and I'll have some week-end time to catch up.  Going to the V.A. on Wednesday really threw me behind.  I do not have to have the ear operation as I don't get water in my ears.  I feel so fortunate to be able to skip that and will instead go now and have hearings aids at long last.  As I am not even close to actually deaf.....I'm thinking things should turn out well.  I actually like the idea of being able at times to NOT have to use them, but I think some real pleasure will come back when I once again here some of the softer sounds that probably I do hear even now but way too muted most of the time. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Dangit!  I had a whole good post ready to hit submit, and I LOST it!  What I was saying is....Jackie, yes, you will love to be able to hear the softer sounds again.... I remember walking around the Costco with some temporary hearing aids, and I was amazed that I could hear the checkers "over there" talking!  And even other people in the aisles talking!   I hated to turn in those aids, but I got my own the next week!   It's still nice though to take them out at night.... Only thing is I can't hear the "beeping" when I have to set the alarm.  It's a good thing I have an automatic timer in my head that goes off at about 5 a/m....Ha!

    And Catelin.... How are you doing?  I'm not familiar with that chemo drug.... I didn't have any sort of chemo, just Tamoxifen.   Did you have a mastectomy or a lumpectomy.... and what about radiation?  If you had radiation, you will know that it knocks the soup out of you...... THAT one tires you out!

    Joan, thank you for the compliment!  And looks like you guys are in for a storm?  Just stay in and stay warm!  We have oil-lamps, AND a little kerosene heater....  I like to keep the lamp on our table, and light it at dinner-time....makes it all cozy!  No I don't live in a tent...Ha, ha!

    Vicki, it probably IS caused by an antibiotic!  I get a rash whenever I take almost ANYthing, except milk....Ha, ha!  I mean my skin just waits for something new to break out over!  That's how it shows me it's boss!  I have more creams and lotions that I try, just to help me get over rashes, bumps, hives, & welts.  Benadryl helps, also the generic for ClaritinD or Zyrtec.... I am taking the Zyrtec one now, for my hands that refuse to get better!  I've come to the conclusion that they have a mind of their own....  They just lay in waiting to see what else I will put on them!  Right now I have put on "Butt-aid"'s supposed to be for diaper rash, but I find that it is zinc-oxide that feels good... and I wear little cotton gloves whenever I can.  I also use natural shea butter, mentholatum mixed with zinc-oxide,  AND Vaseline, besides the stupid prescription I have.  (Which I am convinced doesn't help at all.)  It's just one of those things... It will go away when it feels like it. 

    Okay.... think I'll post this before I lose it again..... see you all tomorrow!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2012

    Chevy, I hate when I lose a post before I submit.  It happens a lot. 
    This week end people here will be running to stores to purchase storm supplies.  Except for cleaning up the yard, I think we are set. My kids are spread out in DC, NJ, NYC, CT and me in the middle.  One or more of us should feel the brunt of this storm.  Tomorrow I'll check out the ocean to see the surf piling up.
    Happy week end to all!

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Hi ladies, Hope you are all ok.

    Feeling sorry for ourselves here as bit Baltic temperature wise and snow maybe on way. Then I read all your posts about storms and lamps and buying in water and wow !! don't know what I am fretting about. You are all so organised and cheerful, you paint such amazing pictures of your homes and how you cope. Love coming on here it's like a living book.

    Bonnets, feeling quite good at the moment, thank you for asking. Hope your itchiness stops soon. First chemo Tuesday and keeping busy until then. Going to decorate local country pub for a pearl anniversary party later. Have made the cake, two tiers with lots of edible pearls on. Hope they light the log fire tonight as the heating pretty useless. Will have to put thermals under party outfit.

    Your presidential election coverage I am sure will be missed by you all and I hope the best man for the job wins.

    Our news is heartbraking at the moment. A television presenter who was on our screens for some 50 years and knighted by our Queen , it now turns out was  abusing under age girls for most of this time.No one believed them if they asked for help so most didn't. One spoke out and now we have 300 who have come forward. Is it just me or has the world gone mad allowing things like this to go on ? He died at the end of last year so justice will never be done.

    I was taken to lunch by my daughter and GD yesterday. GD gave me a tiny silver angel to pin to my sweater to make me better  :-).

    Chevy your girls are beautiful,( agree about little ones being wonderful )

    Carole so sorry to hear about your brother, sure he will find someone who appreciates him soon.

    Kaara, safe journey.

    Hope you all have a glorious weekend despite the weather.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Edith!  That was so sweet!  I guess we all ARE like a living book.... that sounds so fun!  And Carole, you know, IS an Author.... That's why she writes with so much clarity... and understanding.

    That Television guy you were talking about should be shot...they ALL should be!  I just have no empathy for anyone who hurts/abuses little kids.  I know what it's like.  And usually they kids are so afraid to tell on them, that they get away with it all.  When you are little, you just think that your Parents, etc. won't believe you..... And they are usually threatened in some way.  I'm sorry......  It just gets to the core of you, reading about this stuff.  Even that James Holmes here, who shot everyone he could, and that Jerry Sandusky, who abused little boys... And just recently this 17 year old kid who kidnapped and murdered this little 11 year old not far from here!  Even if justice is done, it seems like it's never enough.

    How beautiful that your Daughter & GD took you out!  And I know you'll wear that little angel pin everywhere!    I keep so many things like that, from my girls, and the Grand-sons! 

    Joan, be sure to batten down the hatches, Ha!  And stock up on candles, etc.!  Hope everyone rides out the storm alright.

    Trying to get my Winter clothes up from the basement, and Summer ones down there!  If I would get RID of some clothes, I would have ROOM for all of one closet!  Maybe that's what I'll do today.  I have to think about this. 

    Our basement is not like a "basement"..... and the wooden steps to that little "room" are death defying!   I think it was just dug out when they built our house in 1886.... It must have been used for storing home canned jars or something.  A furnace was added after we moved in here....  But I have the dirt floor covered with wood, and the cement walls are lined with crates for MY storate, plus the long re-bar pipe that is holding my clothes. 

    Man, that sounds like I live in a cave, Ha, ha!  I grew up a block away from here, and that old house had a coal-shute for the coal-man to throw a delivery of coal down into that "basement."   Maybe that's what THIS little dug-out was for!  It had a "window" that we closed up...but I love this place.... Do any of you remember the ice-boxes?  We also used to put things out in the bay window in the bathroom, to stay cold!  You shut the bathroom window, and all you could see was the food-stuff, Ha!

    So what was I saying?  Endlessly?  Wink  Okay.... I'll get busy.... have fun today!

    Edited to add....Edith, I just saw a piece on that TV personality you were talking about!  What a jerk.... he even LOOKED like one....  too bad he used his popularity to get away with that!  Now it's his family that is left to hear about all the horrible things he did.... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    A coal man delivering coal.......This was about 1945.... and an ice-box....

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Chevy, you brought back such a memory with your picture of the coal man !!When I was about 4 we lived in a flat in a large rather gloomy old house. Outside the front door was a very ornate round iron cover, when lifted up this was our" coal hole" When coal was required and Dad wasn't there Mum and I would descend into the dark, dank cellar with a metal bucket, coal shovel and a flickering candle to light our way. I used to dread this journey but think my Mum was more scared than

    Your basement sounds wonderful, our clothes end up in the loft as the seasons change.Such a pain to get to. Hatch comes down followed my folding stairway up you go and hope whatever you want is not right at the back under the eaves. At least electric light up there no candle required.You be careful on the steps down to  yours  though.I like you need to sort and chuck out some clothes everytime I start very little goes, think this is because as a child I had very few things and one pair of shoes needless to say the bottom of my wardrobe is full of shoe boxes and yes, I wear the same comfy pairs again and again.

    Off for a long shower and hair wash while I still have some !!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Oh wow!  Is this why we do it?  We didn't have much of anything either when we were little!  And it's just hard to let go of some of my clothes!  My Grandma used to cut things up and make something else with quilts, scarves, etc!

    Yes, some of  the homes around here have those black steel "doors" about ground level that were their coal chutes!  Ha, ha!  We had a "heater" in the corner of the living/dining room that used coal and wood.  When we moved in here, there was a floor furnace, but was replaced when Public Service "red-tagged" it.  At least we were renting, and didn't have that expense...Wink 

    So this house grew up with us.... Ha!  At least we didn't live here when it had an out-house!   I remember getting chased by those mean old geese everytime I went out doors at my Mom's friends house to use their out-house!  How fun to remember!  But wasn't funny at the time.....Frown  Man, I was terrified of those geese.... I used to watch out the window, timing my run out there, but THEY were un-relenting!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012

    Morning everyone!  I think this is the last of the good weather for a while here in NC...supposed to turn cold tomorrow and possible SNOW!  That will probably be in the higher elevations and not where I am, but still....

    Chevy:  Thanks for posting those old photos...I do remember the "ice box"....we had one when I was growing up and the ice man delivered ice to us every day.  I remember how exciting it was when we got our first electric refrigerator.  I must have been about 7 or 8 at the time.  We never had to use an outhouse though...always had indoor plumbing...and one of those claw foot tubs that have come back in vogue.  I think my cousin has our original one that he installed in his bath in Texas.

    Today I'm just going to enjoy what's left of our beautiful fall here and then begin looking forward to getting back to Florida and loving on my grand kids!

    Have a great day everyone!