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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    You gals that have gone through chemo, are the greatest!  I didn't do it, even with an onco score of 19.... Maybe it was my age, etc. but I escaped!  So I applaud you all for being so brave, and going through this.....  If I ever have another diagnosis, I will remember you, my friends, and I will be brave like you are! 

    Olives?  You mean the ones with garlic stuffed in them, or black?  I remember one time someone told my Daughter when she was little to eat a can of black olives, and she would be cured of her cold sores....  Well she is still keeping a distance from black-olives, 40 years later....ha!   And no.... it didn't get rid of her cold sores!  I still kid her about that....Wink

    Take care gals....I see so much devastation in the storm's aftermath....  I'm so very sorry for the lives that were lost....  Cry

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    Chevy boy don't think I was brave I just did whst I was told all the time, my only remarks were u've gotta be kidding me. Howmany years" r u people nuts?  And i suggested they have a stage V--so people with IV wouldn't feel so bad. So brave no--just showed up. LOL

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Camillegal, I so agree about the brave part. You do what they say to give you more time. Have you finished your chemo ? Also think the staging part is so scarey and stage V a good idea. I have two friends both classed as terminal with various forms of cancer, both over 15 years on ! Well happy and running business's. I was told that chemo would give me an extra 2 percent chance on top of rads. Weighed it up and thought BRING IT ON. Would maybe like to see little GD's grow a bit more and who knows maybe be young women.

    Chevy you are a scream ! olives for cold sores, priceless !

    Right now just doing this journey with all you adorable ladies, onwards and upwards. 

    Thinking of all of those affected by this dreadful stoerm.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012

    Morning ladies:  Arrived safe and sound back in Fl!  The weather was perfect all the way down and we hit sunshine around Savanna.  It's about 12 hours door to door and we made it in record time.  Not much truck traffic on the road...probably because of the storms up north, so it turned out to be a good day to travel.

    The devistation in the NE is just horrible.  I can only imagine if a storm of that magnitude hit S. hasn't happened since Andrew.

    Today will be a busy one...unpacking and organizing the house.  It was in pretty good shape even though the kids have been using it off and on over the summer.

    Have a nice day everyone...trick or treat!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Glad your trip was safe, Kaara.  Twelve hours is a long drive!  DH and I don't do that any more.

    Off to play golf at 9 am.

    Happy Halloween.  No candy at this house.  We stopped buying candy when we didn't have any trick or treaters and were stuck with it. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012

    Love deeply and believe completely, speak truthfully and listen openly. Pray faithfully and act courageously, share passionately and sleep peacefully. ~ Anna Taylor

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited October 2012

    Kaara...yea, safe and sound.  Glad you are finding things not so bad with the fact that you had company off and on staying at your house.  Always good news. found what almost all of us to a person did who went through chemo.  It is such a frightening event when you have not done it, but once you get the first one under way and see that you don't blow up and life continues on just as it was feel better about it all.

    Hopefully you will find like many have that you are able to pretty much keep on with a nearly normal schedule.  If you just use your meds -- many start taking them almost right away.  Chemo is cumulative so the first couple of times seems like you maybe won't need all the stuff they give you. 

    Still praying for all the storm ravaged areas and people.  I hope global warming and its effects will get a bit more attention paid to it.  So many don't want to give it any weight, but I tell you....our last three or four years has continued to be fairly strange and almost totally unpredictable. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2012

    Hi all, couldn't read all your posts -- only have a short time on line.
    I posted this elsewhere so I'll quickly resend it to you, my friends at BCO.
    All is well, just inconvenient.
    Hi all, I had a great day Sunday and most of Monday.  TV and internet went out Monday but I had power, baked, cooked 2 dinners and watched movie. (DH put on "Perfect Storm" but I couldn't watch much).
    Power went out 11 PM Monday after height of storm.  I have been out since, and disconnected from the world.  Cell phone and 3G didn't work but it's coming back slowly.
    Good damage at all at my house.  New roof is still on and no leaks.  College had massive outages so three days of no work so far.  Guess I'll wash my hair upside down in a pot of warm water tonight Laughing
    We are near the bay so it came up over the road even yesterday...waves in the street.  Our beaches were slammed but nothing like NJ. All still closed, so no looking at damages.  Over 700,000 still without power on L.I.  Everyone around my neighborhood got power back 'cept my area.
    Am in Panera Bread charging up my stuff and on wifi finally.  No empty seats here.  Read the local Newsday and sat here crying for those who lost everything and those who died in the storm.  My first view. 
    Thanks for all the thoughts....Don't know when I'll be back online but it is   good to read your posts.  I got so lonely at home!
    I hope everyone is guessing that Sheila is OK but off line.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2012

    Joan, So happy to hear you're safe. I worried, knowing where you live.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    We got our power back before lunch. Joan, we have been out since MOnday evening also. Our son-in-law had just left their generator with us, when like magic the lights went on. MOst of all it was good to be able to turn on the heat , as it was 40 here this morning! Also nice to flush without needing a bucket of water! We had a lot of wind and some rain,but nothing like last year with Irene!

    Been watching TV also, we had not seen the effects along the NY and NJ shore with the electric and internet out. The area we have gone to in Long Beach Is. NJ was hit very hard. Last year we were hit worse inland. The town upstate where my son lived and worked was devastated then.

    Had 2 days vacation from rads. Back on schedule tomorrow. Most schools and the oncology rads centers are still closed today. Good luck on the chemo Edith. Take care everyone. Jean

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited October 2012

    Joan and Jean, I'm so glad to hear from both of you that you're safe. 

    Wishing you only the mildest SEs, Edith.

    I had a most pleasant day.  Really enjoyed the round of golf.  The weather was great for being outdoors and I like the two women I played with.  Afterwards went to Walmarts to pick up prescriptions and a list of items.  Next drove to the pickup place for the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) veggies.  Now I need to check the contents of my refrigerator and make room for storing the veggies. 

    DH playing his round of golf this afternoon with the guys.  He'll be home soon.

    Wishing everyone a great evening.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012

    it was an absolutely beautiful day here...all the reasons why we stay in Florida every winter!  Tonight I'm going to make some cornish hens for dinner and serve it on the screened's perfect weather for that!

    I took about 50 pounds of clothes out of my closets that were too big for me.  The DIL and DDG will pick over them and the leftovers will go to goodwill.  I freed up so many hangers that I didn't even use them all.  Does this mean I could go shopping...LOL!  NOT!

    Joan and Jean...thank goodness you are safe and without too much damage from the storm.  What a nightmare.  Let's hope that's it for the season!

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Hi  and good morning to you all.

    Carole, feeling good thanks not many SE's yet fingers crossed.You are so lucky to still have your Mum could do with a hug off mine right now. When this is all over may take up golf, DH has started playing again after a break due to bad back and he loves it.

    Chevy hope you are ok. Wringer brings back funny memory of my Mum putting my tiny toy panda bear through the rollers after he had been washed because I had spilt orange juice on him. She rolled him in up to his head while I cried my eyes out, then reversed to get him out. 60 years on he is in my bedside drawer, very flat and still with orange stain lol. I still hang out my washing on a fine day, love the fresh smell, I also remember Mum bringing in one of Dad's shirts from the line in the winter and standing it up in the middle of the rug, stiff as a board ! As for kids and mobile phones, don't get me started !! DH has said he is putting up a sign banning them from the house. Love to see my beautiful girls but they won't put the damn things down. But when you want to contact them you can never get hold of them.

    Illinois lady, you were right about chemo can't say best experience ever but won't be afraid next time. I am taking all my med's even though no SE's yet because as you say it will build as I go on. The global warming issue is a hot potato, all those in power just go on about it but actually do nothing. Watching the effects in NJ so sad and an elderly gentleman's house almost destroyed and in 57 years he has never seen anything like it. The clean up is underway and it is amazing how people are working so hard to make things back to how they were.Hope we haven't left it too late to stop this slide into destruction of this beautiful planet.

    Joan glad u r safe, waves in the street ! how awful.

    Bonnets, glad u have power back, hope rads do well today. How are you coping with them. I have 25 of them after the chemo :-( That has been not as bad as I expected bit weary today, dry mouth the worst part but today that has gone yay! Three weeks to next one so will just try and be as normal as possible.

    Kaara, well done on having to throw out big clothes,what are cornish hens ?

    Wren. Toilet seat by the fire is hysterical. In the winter my dad used to put paraffin heater in our upstairs toilet for an hour before he vanished in there with the newspaper. Only drawback was when he was done he would then fling open window and out went all the warmth. lol

    Camillegal, just do what I am doing and look after yourself, rest and recouperate, we are precious. Hope you perk up some soon.

    Joan hope you are still ok, keep safe.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Good morning.  Today looks like another fine fall day.  Edith, fall means the same as autumn.  For some reason, I never hear the word autumn used by people in this area.  Today my mother's hair apptment is 11:00.  Afterwards I'll prepare us a lunch.  I'm thawing us a package of shrimp from my freezer.  I bought them fresh about a week ago. 

    This morning I'll do a free-weight routine and walk on the stair climber.

    DH just left to go to the YMCA about 10 minutes from here to do his cardiac exercise.  I'm proud of him that he is sticking with the exercise after his last stent.

    Edith, a cornish hen is a tiny little chicken.  You mean they aren't grown in Cornwall?  LOL.

    Hope everyone is feeling good today.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    Another beautiful day is shaping up in S Florida!  Today we're going over to the local gym/acquatic center and sign up for our workout routine.  We try to go at least three days a week to get ready for skiing in Feb.  I wasn't as diligent as I usually am when in NC this summer..too many distractions...but it won't take long to get back my cardio and resistance endurance.

    Tomorrow hopefully I will see my DGGD and DGD.  The little one is adorable with a head full of curls and the biggest blue eyes you've ever seen.  Wish I knew how to post a photo.

    Tonight we're going out to dinner with friends that we're going on a cruise with over New Years.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    I've just been reading a lot of funny quotes!  Actually I've been laughing out loud....


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    The sources of poetry are in the spirit seeking completeness.
    - Muriel Rukeyser

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Carole, thanks for the cornish chicken info, we call them poussin here, and they aren't grown in France lol. Also saw gumbo on here they other day ,info please. All so fascinating difference in use of same  language. Some years ago our lovely taxi  ( cab ) driver wished us happy holidays, thought that was strange as we were going home, now know it means festivities  to come. Got fall a while back ,my nephew married lovely girl from America so she explains a lot.Rest room bit strange though, here you would just go there to lie down  bit difficult given the size of most of our toilets.ha ha.One of the most amazing things I have come across on my two visits to your wonderful country are the sizes of your portions in restaurants. Once we asked for 4 portions of onion rings as a starter, our lovely waitress almost fainted ! she advised just two. We went with that and two plates arrived the size that we would serve a whole steak meal on.Here you get about 6-9 rings about three mouthfuls. DH couldn't manage his ordered gateaux waiter parceled it up to go. When we unwrapped it later in our hotel it was HUGE. His pastrami on rye would have fed both of us to.Can't say you don't get value for money. Bet those shrimps are gorgeous.

    Kaara, Florida sounds lovely. Have a fantastic time with your family. Hoping to see mine over weekend. If not definitely on Guy Fawkes night Monday 5th. Fireworks, bonfire at the bottom of the garden, hot homemade soup such fun. Little one's stay safe behind patio doors by the way, while Dad's follow the firework code to the letter. Not like when i was little and a spark from one fell into an open box and we all had to lay on the ground while a boxful of rockets went everywhere but up !

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    I;m glad u'r all home and safe kaara i mentioned about the storm affecting u'r drive home and so glad it didn't Now u'r home and relax too.

    And Edith I really couldn't be called brave when everything is just thrust on u what's to be brave about so I had to be honest LOL

    We didn't have many TOT kids last nite i was so suprised I gave out the candy while my dgtr and SIL took my grandson out and I gave out the ones i liked the least so i over did chocolate yesterday. LOLl and lets face it probably tody too.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Edith, gumbo is a hearty food that's kind of a cross between a soup and a stew.  The African slaves brought okra seeds to the south, and gumbo was their word for okra.  Not everyone puts okra in gumbo, but it's a popular ingredient and thickening agent.  The dish gumbo also has a special flavoring called gumbo file pronounced fee-lay.  File is ground up sassafras leaves.  It is added right before serving or is sometimes put on the table for people to add themselves. 

    There's seafood gumbo, which can include crabs, shrimp, and oysters but it doesn't have to include all three.  Then there's chicken and sausage gumbo, which is what dh and I usually cook.  A dark roux gives thickness and a dark color to the gravy.  Traditionally a roux was oil or butter and flour cooked until it was a desired color, light, medium or dark.  Now many people including myself use a "dry" roux which is browned flour without the oil or butter.  Gumbo is served over a scoop of rice.  I grew up eating white rice but now cook brown rice.

    More than you ever wanted to know about gumbo! 

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Carole, no way too much!, so very interesting honestly. I love the Carpenters and a line in one of their songs has " crow fish pie,fee-ly gumbo"in it.  I always wondered what on earth it meant ! Think it was crow fish, may have got that wrong as I always thought she sang billy-gumbo ha ha.Okra I think is known as lady fingers here, I am almost certain I have had it at a curry house as a starter could be wrong.Anyway sounds delicious and anything with rice goes down well in our house. Could I be cheeky and ask for the recipe of chicken and sausage one please or is it a family secret ? ,

    Camillegal,only two TOT  kidscame last night and we have a huge bowl of sweets now that DH will have to eat . Chocolate is such a feel good thing and according to some experts good for you ! Enjoy.

    Sitting here with mug of hot Bovril looking forward to lunch out tomorrow with an old friend. Hope you all have a fab Friday tomorrow.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    OMG recipes--I haven't cooked in forever, But I eat all the time.LOL Now someone has to finish all the leftover candy thst I made sure I saved the good stuff

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Wasn't that craw fish pie and filly gumbo --- whatever.  I can't imagine a cray-craw fish pie, but htat's ok.  I think we often have a lighter, thinner gumbo here, but it is good, a little chicken, beef, and some veggies, more in juice. like chicken stock barely thickened. 

    Wow !!!! Just still feeling such upset for the horrific storm.  So much time, energy and intense effort to get back.  I'm glad that people are starting to see what Gore and others were trying to get across.  We have to get real about global warming/climate change.  Doesn't matter what you want to call it.  I have mentioned a number of times how strange our weather here has been..........I hope our President will have four more yrs. to get this heavily on the table, along with all the other important items that are starting to go the right way. more politics.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    illinos, craw fish makes more sense lol. Nice to think about other things than BC now and again. Hope all our leaders get on with saving this planet and stop sending our young men to their deaths in other people's wars. Women should rule !

    Here in England we are so sad watching the after effects of the storm, but in awe at the way people are coping.Hope the countries that have been helped by America in the past rally around and do something too.

    Camillegal, enjoy those candies. I have started cooking again after losing interest for months. I make a mean sugar free lemon curd which my girls are going to take to their slimmers world meeting. Nice to feel useful and a bit normal. Hope you have a good day today.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Crawfish pie is delicious.  I can give you a recipe for that, too.  Jackie, the reason you find the idea weird is that we think of pie as a dessert.  Crawfish pie is a spicy, savory dish that's eaten for a main course.  It is cooked in a pie plate with a crust on the top and the bottom.  A friend of ours who lives in SD but lived in Louisiana 30 some years makes a very good crawfish pie.  I'll share her recipe.

    I'm up early this morning.  6:30 am.  Our Friday golf group has an 8:30 tee time.  Next month I get the tee times and I plan to play a little later!  Like 9:00 am.  Some of the ladies live close enough that they ride their golf carts to the golf course, but I live 15 or 20 min. away, depending on the traffic.  I have to cross a drawbridge that opens on the hour and half hour for river traffic.  Sometimes I get delayed at the bridge.  Problems, problems!

    I fear my weight has already plateau'ed.  It will be more difficult to lose more lbs but I'll stay on the WW program and tough it out. 

    Hope everyone has a good Friday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results.

    ~ Dennis Wholey

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Do any of you gals remember ever eating a "Digger"?  When our Daughter's were little, that was our special treat, after shopping at the grocery store in the mall....  And I haven't ever seen them for at least 35 years!

    It was a little "pie"....And inside was cooked shredded beef, potatoes & carrots...and ???  but it was soooo good.... Kind of like a beef pot pie I would imagine.  But the crust was like the Pillsbury refrigerated pie crust!

    So last night I had a lot of left-over shredded pork....  I laid out the crust, buttered one side, turned that down, and piled on refried beans, the pork, fresh diced onions, green pepper, that 505 sauce, and lots of sharp cheddar cheese. I folded it in half, crimped the edges together, then  I baked it at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.  It was sooooo good!  Next time I will  just press it all into a pie pan, fill it all up, and put a top pie crust on and seal it.  That first one was like a Cannoli, or something, and I cut 3 servings from it. 

    But the more I think about it, it was like a home-made pot pie, Ha!  I liked the individual ones we used to buy though.  I like it much better than the bread dough I usually use. 

    Next time I can try diced ham, potatoes, onions & cheese, or beef, with potatoes, onions, etc!  It was pretty easy to make, if you have all the fillings ready, and the refrigerated crust ready.

    Man, we have so much left-over candy!  I suppose I could use THAT all smooshed together, and bake a "candy-pie"....Ha, ha!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Hmmm, sounds like perogi's  or something Chevy.  Except they are not as 'dry' as what you are describing and which I think would be better.  You can buy those presses that will "crimp" edges for the little "pies" that you can then bake on a cookie sheet in the oven.

    Guess you can tell my age.....I'll think of what they are called after I'm at work for a while....that is if I even remember just what the "question" to myself was.  I had presses for two different sizes to which makes it all the lousier that I can't remember.

    Will be glad to see that recipe Carol.  I bet I could do it. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  Sun is out here.....forcasted rain is holding off till later.  That's good. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012


    Have you the recipe for sugar free Lemon Curd. I love it, but hubby can't have sugar. Used to make it all the time.

    Crazy, we are 70  miles from NYC, gettin gas lines up here, people coming from New Jersey.

    We are sooo spoiled in this country. I listen to people complaining about no power, or being cold, not having enough food or water and think of all the people in the world who live with this, every day. Going without  sure makes me  feel blessed with what we have every day! We become accustomed to it  and are often not grateful for our abundance, just expect it. I feel sorry for all those who have lost everything. The devastation is unimaginable!

    Have a good day everyone. Jean

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Jean, you're right.  We're VERY spoiled in this country.  We take so much for granted.

    Chevy, the turnover pie you're describing is very much like the "pasties" in the Upper Peninsula of Michegan.  They were first made by the Welch immigrants.  The story goes that the Welch miners took pasties for their lunch.  The outside is a bread dough rolled out thin and the filling is beef and potatoes and turnips or rutabegas cut into small pieces.  DH and I tried them but didn't like them a lot because the filling was too bland for our taste.  DH put catsup on his because he thought the pastie was too dry.

    Guess I'll go get out the iron and ironing board and iron clothes for an hour or so. 

    Edith, I would be interested in the lemon curd recipe, too.  I'm not real sure what "curd" is!