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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012


    Lemon curd is a lovely lemon flavored jam. Great with Tea!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    On a Plumber's truck:

    "We repair what your husband fixed."

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Hi everybody, Lemon Curd Recipe. no syns on Slimmers world and no sugar either, that is why I love it as I am diabetic.

    Ingredients. Zest and juice of a lemon, 3 tablespoons of sweetner, 2 large eggs,2 oz of low fat fromage frais.

                             Whisk lemon juice and eggs together, add zest and sweetner.

                              place in pyrex or heatproof bowl over pan of boiling water.

                              whisk until thick  ( usually about 5 mins ) when it thickens take

                               off heat or it will curdle.

                               stir in 2 oz of fromage frais. pour into small jar. when cool put in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

    If you wish more fromage frais can be added to make a lovely light lemon desert . Good for anyone on a diet.

    Lovely on toast, or to fill a sponge cake. Hope you like this.

    Those pasties are known as Cornish pasties here. They were made for the miners to take for their break. Beef, potato etc all wrapped in a pastry with a thick crimped edge. This was used to hold it while they ate the contents and then thrown away as it stopped them being poisoned by whatever they were mining as they had no way to wash their hands. I agree that they are not very tasty and a bit dry but onion and a good bit of pepper helps liven them up.DH loves these with HP brown sauce.

    Gumbo and craw fish recipe would be very much appreciated please.

    Went out for lunch with a dear friend today, all going well then pow ! lightheaded and felt really strange. luckily near to home, came back and rang onco nurse seems my anti sickness pills have worse SE's than the chemo lol. Finish them in three days think I will just hibernate until then.

    Chevy, your meal sounded really tasty but need to ask re fried beans ??? Are they literally beans that you fry.

    Happiness and joy to everyone.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012


    Fromage frais?? Jean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Hmmm, I can buy Lemon Curd jam in my store.  Would be fun to make some though.  Happy day tomorrow.  I was going to go for one of the gals but not don't have too.  The thing is.....I'd have to start at 6 I never sleep good the night before ( tonight ) and starting waking up every few minutes after 2 make sure I don't over sleep.  Get through my work ok......only would have to be there till 11 a.m., but the rest of the day is shot.  I'm too tired to do anything.....and usually end up napping in the afternoon.  Then.....Sunday is rush to do all the things I would have the day before if I could have called up the energy. tomorrow is mine. 

    See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Jean, sorry, it is low fat soft curd cheese from france. This jam used to be known as lemon cheese when I was little, but now lemon curd. It is unusual in taste and texture ( creamy ) but really good.The one I buy in the supermarket is 1 percent fat so that is why it is suitable for dieting. Very low fat Quark ( another soft cheese in a tub ) can also be used. There is no cheese flavour by the way just creamy.Very healthy and yummy. I have Fromage instead of cream on fresh strawberries or other fruit, creamy without the heart attack. lol.

    Jackie I can buy lemon curd in our supermarket too but it is full of sugar. I missed it for so many years after being told I was diabetic. When my daughters told me of this recipe I was delighted and couldn't make it fast enough. lol. Hope you have a restful day. I am sorting out lots of warm sweaters and thermals today as it is supposed to be getting colder very soon.First Mug of tea and Lemon curd on wholemeal toast to give me the fuel to start.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday. Edith

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Morning gals...  Edith...I don't know what Fromage frais is either!  But I love anything Lemon! 

    Have you tried the WW lemon meringue pie Carole?  It is REALLY good!  And very low-fat, low sugar, low everything!  But tasty!

    Yes!  Refried beans are just Pinto beans that are mashed, seasoned, and can be "fried", or just heated.  I found some already made, in a packet.... I just squeezed them out into a pan, and heated them.  Walmart also has some that are "dried"... You just add about 2 C water... Simmer them a little, and they are done.  I like to make Huevos Rancheros with them... And that 505 green chile sauce is pretty tasty...

    I'm warming the last of my "whatever it is" this morning, Ha!  Yes, it IS like a Pastie, or a Perogie!  But the pie crust is better than the usual bread dough crust.  NEXT time, I'm going to put it in this old cake pan my Mom used to use.... Remember the ones that had the "slider" around the bottom"  And you must moved the little handle around to loosen the cake?  It is more shallow than the ones you find now.  So I'll put a top crust over the filling, and I'll have enough for a week!  Ha!

    DH doesn't like anything spicy, hard to chew, with milk, cheese, or any other "un-known, foreign substance"...Wink  And he does have stomach problems, BUT...  So it's like his and hers menu's around here.  It isn't so much his stomach, as his being "particular" or dead-set in his ways....Or just getting older and less likely to eat anything other than sweets.... such as little cakes, pies, potato chips, pork-rinds, chocolate-marshmallow cookies, cupcakes and dried sausage.  And don't forget the beer...Wink You MUST have beer to wash it all down.  You scoff???  Yeah, me too... So we both eat what we like around here..... And I quit trying to change anything.

    That's what happens after 55 years together... It is what it is.

    Okay....I'll be sooooooooooooo glad when this election is a thing of the past.  I can't imagine all the money SPENT on this one!  And 1/2 the people are going to be un-happy anyway! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    I just received my absentee ballot...can't be bothered to go stand in line at the polls for this one!  I don't much think there will be any change...regardless of the outcome...unless the two sides decide to come together and work toward what's best for the taxpayers, and not just what's best for them!  I'm sick of the whole thing and all of the bickering back and forth!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Gotcha Kaara!  I think we ALL are!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    "Sooner or later we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip."

    Robert Hastings

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Who ever thought up the word “Mammogram?”  Every time I hear it, I think I’m supposed to put my breast in an envelope and send it to someone.  ~Jan King

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Lordy....where did my post go.  I'm here happily in my computer room and not at work.  It will be a really good day.  I too will be so happy to see this election over.  Like you.....I will be thrilled.  It has been for some reason ( maybe just too many desperate lies ) really hard to have to digest all of the time.....and some of the rest of the time a little scary ---- wondering what we might be left with if the wrong things happen. 

    I do think we are going to generally end up with what we have.  My one hope is that we can pick up a few more Senate and Republican seats.  I would like to think we could STOP the obstructionism that preceded Pres. Obama's first four years. That was a horrible, horrible thing to hurt all of us.  Just for M.McConnell to stand up on the floor of the house and effectively cancel us all out set my teeth on edge and I've not really gotten past that.  It is the very reason why I intended ( long before I heard so many others would be doing it too ) to vote a total Democratic ticket this year.  It is something I've only done once before in my "voting" Tuesday in many ways cannot come quick enough. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    DH's niece and her husband who live in WI have been complaining about all the robo phone calls, some of them from famous people like Clint Eastwood.  We haven't been bothered since we're a solid red state.  The politicians don't waste their money here.  Kaara, FL is a hot spot, too.  Have you been getting robo phone calls?  I'll just go to the polling place to vote since it's close enough that I could walk if I wanted to risk walking along a two-lane highway.  We vote at the gymnasium of the nearby elementary school.

    I just vote out of principle.  LA's electoral votes will go for Romney.  I hope if Romney is elected, he will be the moderate he presented himself to be in the debates, not the rightwing radical he presented himself to be on the campaign trail.

    I plan to walk this morning but the world is milky white outside.  Very thick fog.  Guess I'll just venture out in it and hope not to be run over.

    Chevy, you dh's diet sounds terrible.  Does he have health problems?

    Jackie, glad you have the weekend off.  You need these two days for yourself.

    Saw a cartoon on Facebook that I really liked.  It was a picture of Jesus and his disciples at the location where he performed one of his miracles--feeding the multitude with the fishes and loaves of bread.  The disciples are asking Jesus, "How can we feed all these people?"  Jesus answers that if he feeds all these people he would just be encouraging dependency. 

    Off to walk. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Carole that's funny--and I think we're sll anxious for this to be over. So there will be alot of traffic Tues. the whole state is closed hahaha So they have a day off.

    OK diggers I never heard of that, but it kind of sounds like shepards pie. And the lemon curd sounds good I think, I just don't know what all the ingrediants are---well I reconize eggs, but no to much else.

    My mom had my oldest dgtr and another grandchil over  and taught them how to make our favorite holiday foods (not me or my sister were invited, cuz my Mom knew better) My mom knew she was dieing soon so she thought somebody beter know these things cuz she couldn't do it anymore and she wrote everything down too. So they're in charge of our crazy Italian food for Christmas and she tauht my brothers how to make their favorite things so covered the Christmas menu, Oh and my Dad taught my sister one thing that he really liked in case he was still alive if my Mom wasn't here--but when they gave a recipe it was hard because nothing is really measured --like a pinch of something or u judge by the color or the feel. But they have all made the food very well.So our recipes sre still in tack hahaha and I'm not involved in any of them, Oh and she had certin pans to make these so she ave each one the one they needed. and she never used the pans for anything else.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Carole, I don't know if he has health problems, because he won't go for an annual physical like I do.  His "problems" with food might just be he wants to eat just snacks and sweets, with a little food mixed in...Ha!   And neither one of us eat even half of what we used to!  

    He just eats what he likes now.... And not many fruits, or vegetables!  I don't know how he can be as healthy as he is without thinking of those things.  He used to like Cauliflower, cabbage, but he says he gets gas.... Yeah, so do most of us, but we take things FOR that.  I really don't have problems with ANY food though.  I know I'm lucky.

    When some men get older, they get crabby and just too set in their ways...Ha!  Now that is putting it nicely, I thought. Wink

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2012

    We've had so many robo calls here that I almost missed my birthday call because I was tired of answering the phone for nothing. I just hang up on all of them. I don't watch TV, so that eliminates a lot of ads.

    I had forgotten about the dried refried beans. We made them once and they were good. I should buy some for my emergency food supply.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Hi Ladies, 

    Finally seeing some sun here, but cold, getting very cold tonight.

    Had rads today to make up for one of the lost days. I have an awful cold, haven't had one in years. Hoping it won't interfere with treatment. JUst prayed I didn't get coughing or sneezing on the table!

    Chevy, by DH is a picky eater too, also has a hiatal hernis and is pre diabetic , so can't have sugar. He was the worlds biggest goodie man before. Now its sugar free. He complains things are spicy, when I think they are just nice. I have to push him to eat more a lot of times. He wudn't go to the dr. either if I didn't make him. Probably wudn't be alive today, has had open heart this year, prostate years ago, fluid around his heart, melanoma this year, high blood pressure, though he's thin. I say I'm replacing him piece by piece. He looses weight and I find it! I don't do junk food or eat a lot, but have battled weight all my life. Look at a carb abd I gain 2 pounds.Getting old is such fun! My Mom ate ding dongs  and lived to be 96! Never worried about her weight.

    Nuf of that, gotta go get more tissues. Hope we don't run out of gas. Most of the stations in town are out. Will try tomorrow morning. At least we have electric.

    Have a good day. Jean

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited November 2012

    "We are all just walking each other home." Ram Dass

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Hi Girls, these DH of ours are a real pain sometimes aren't they ? Earlier this year mine has all the symptoms of bowel cancer, did he go to the Doc ? you must be joking ! Finally got him there when I said I was divorcing him if he didn't. Guess what ,it was a  polyp and benign, so after  almost a year of fretting and fussing he was fine.They are hopeless ! I try and make him eat healthy, lots of fruit and veg. But of course it must be washed down by healthy beer ha ha.

    I blame their flippin Mothers for how they turn out. Have an overwhelming desire to strangle him when he says " I have done your hoovering " or washed your dishes etc. Hard to believe they live on the same planet sometimes. Has anyone read the book" Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" makes a lot of sense. ha ha.

    For anyone cofused about lemon curd have explained fromage frais, earlier today just soft curd cheese. lemon, eggs, and sweetner ,I think you have sweet and low ? only other ingredients.

    Bonnets, glad you managed your rads. How are you coping with them ? Your DH is lucky to have you keeping him on this earth plane.

    This election of yours must be driving you nuts ! have you seen the youtube clip of the little girl crying and telling her mom she is sick of obama and romney ? it is so cute and I am sure she speaks for all of you. It has had  FOUR MILLION hits so far.

    Happy Sunday. Edith

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Okay, I found this.......

    : Fromage frais is a fresh low-fat curd cheese. It is similar to cottage cheese but processed until the texture is smooth and free of lumps. Fromage frais is common in Europe and it’s used to add a creamy texture and taste to savoury dishes or in desserts like cheesecake and mousse. It is delicious served with fruit, and provides a healthier alternative to sour cream as a topping for jacket potatoes.

    The only version of fromage frais that seems to be available here is ‘frûche’, a sweetened version, which comes in vanilla and a couple of fruit flavours. This is good for sweet recipes. As a substitute, try:

    • equal parts of cottage cheese (or Philadelphia extra-light cream cheese) blended with plain yoghurt until smooth
    • a thick, unsweetened Greek yoghurt
    • cottage cheese whizzed in the blender with a little trim milk, until smooth.

    If you are using yoghurt-based alternatives in hot dishes, add at the last minute so it doesn’t curdle.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    My dh doesn't have to be urged to go to the dr.  He's an unusual man in that respect.  He goes regularly to his cardiologist and his dermatologist and takes his meds and a few supplements.  Not as many supplements as I take.

    We had a nice day today.  The drive to Ocean Springs, MS, was enjoyable.  The weather was nice.  As always, there was a huge spread of food at our hosts' house.  Protein heaven.  Baked spiral ham,home-cooked rotisserie turkey.  Chicken thighs, pork loin and hot dogs cooked on the grill.  A big pot of Irish stew with lamb, potatoes and onions.  Also some delicious veggies.  Grilled asparagus.  Steamed broccoli and cauliflower and brussel sprouts.  A raw veggie tray with a bowl of nice ranch dressing.  There was also a big cluster of cinnamon rolls and some brownies.  I had a little of everything but no beer or wine.  The only soda was the kind with sugar so I didn't drink that either. 

    Tomorrow I plan to take my mother to church and fix lunch for the two of us.  DH will stay home and give the tv remote a workout.  Football and car racing.  If it doesn't rain, in the late afternoon he and I are invited to the farm that supplies us with vegetables each week.  But the forecast does call for rain later in the day and possibly overnight.  We really need rain so it would be welcome.

    A good night to all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Chevyboy I really have never seen framage sold here, but it might be in specialy items ???

    U ladies are crackin' me up about u'r DHs--I remember thst book from a while ago and personally I slways thought men are from Uranus, but thst's just me.

    Oh I'm tired but it's to early to go to sleep. I try to stay up, so I won't be up at 3am, sometimes it works.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2012

    Hi all,
    Finally got power Thursday night right after we borrowed a generator.  I got internet tonight. 
    Wren and others, thanks for your concerns.
    We are fine - quite normal here....had 9 days straight off from work.
    I left my fully powered house to go to New Jersey for my grandaughter's 5th BD party.  There's a gas shortage here,but I knew I could make it there and back on a single tank- no gas lines for me (not yet).I baked her special doll cake when the generator arrived, and drove with the cake next to me on the front seat.  No traffic at all through Queens and Bronx or at the bridges...I think people are still not getting to work, and schools are closed, and nobody has gas anyway. 

    So today was my first day with TV or news or anything....and I could not believe the destruction and heartbreaking stories.   Jean, I realize you got it worse when Irene moved inland.  This storm was far worse for the coast.  And Sandy also moved west instead of north.  Glad you are OK.
    Edith, it is SO good to hear that your first chemo was a better-than-expected experience.  I hope you will continue to feel strong and be able to do the things you love to do.  I do love to hear your perspective on the traditions and language comparisons.  You sound upbeat and ready to be done with this treatment already!
    Keep the good reports coming.
    Kaara, you really dodged the storm - good for you!  I am sure the weather is just perfect this time of year.  Enjoy your family and being "home".
    Speaking of Dhs and food choices, mine eats well but loads the carbs...then he immediately must have a sweet right after dinner.  I am always feeling full after a meal and don't know how he could do that...he just loves food.  When i try to cook green for him, he is not very happy. 
    I think I gained a few pounds being home for 9 days straight - did manage to exercise one day - but not much to do except clean and cook then eat during the power outages.
    More happy to have internet back.
    New storm coming through on Wednesday.  I hope the power lines stay up this time.
    Wishing everyone a good Sunday.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    "The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes."

    -- Frank Lloyd Wright

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Joan, it was good to hear from you!  We missed you.  I'll bet it felt good to get out and go to the birthday party.

    I spent a good part of the day with my mother, just to keep her company.  We skipped church because of rain.  I can't handle the wheelchair and an umbrella at the same time.  Just limited, I guess!  My mother loves to play games so we played a few games of Yatsy (sp?), which you play with dice.  I rolled Yatsy 4 times, twice in one game!  I've never been that lucky before.  Then we played some hands of Casino with cards and she won.  I took food for lunch, which was quite good and reasonable on my WW program.  That's what it takes on WW, to plan ahead.

    Here's my friend Georgia's recipe for crawfish pie.  I have not cooked it but I have eaten it at her house in SD, and it's very good.  Her SD nephews like it so well that they give her fresh-caught fish in exchange for a crawfish pie!  She apparently buys the frozen crawfish in SD, either at Sam's Club or Walmart.  They're already peeled and come in 1 lb. packages of clear plastic.


    1 lb crawfish meat.  1 stick unsalted butter.  1/4 cup chopped green onions.  1 cup diced onions.  1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup.  1 (5 oz.) can evaporated milk.  1 tablespoon cornstarch.  1 tsp. Creole season (or to taste).  1/2 teaspoon garlic seasoning (to taste).  2 pie shells.

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Saute diced onions in butter.  Add soup.  Blend the cornstarch in the evaporated milk and then add to soup mixture.  Cook until well blended.  Add green onions, crawfish meat and seasonings.  Cook for ten minutes more.  Fill pie shell with mixture.  Cover with other pie shell.  Slit top to vent.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown.

    Recipe Note:  When using frozen crawfish, be sure ALL moisture is taken out.

    Edith, I doubt you would ever be able to buy crawfish, but you could substitute shrimp or scallops perhaps.  Cajun seasoning is a mixture of salt, black pepper, cayenne (red) pepper, onion powder, garlic powder.  You can easily make it for yourself. 

    The recipe for Chicken Gumbo will be in a separate post.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012


    1 whole chicken or 5 whole chicken legs, skin removed.  1 lb smoked pork sausage.  1 large onion finely diced.  3 or 4 cloves of fresh garlic, finely diced.  1 cup chopped okra (frozen is ok).  1 cup diced tomatoes.  1/2 to 3/4 cup dark brown roux.  Gumbo file seasoning to taste (2 to 4 tablespoons or more to taste). Cayenne pepper to taste.

    Cut the whole chicken into pieces and place in a large pot.  Or place the chicken legs in a large pot.  Cover with water.  Add the diced onion and garlic, the chopped okra and the diced tomatoes to the pot.  Season with salt and black pepper and cayenne pepper. Bring to a boil and then turn down the heat.   Slice the smoked pork sausage and fry it in a skillet to render out any grease.  Drain the sausage and add it to the pot. 

    Simmer the chicken until it is tender, 45 minutes to an hour.  Remove the chicken to a bowl and let it cool enough so you can remove the flesh from the bones.  If you're making a traditional roux, you will pour 1/2 cup of oil into a skillet and add 1/2 cup of flour.  Over medium to medium high flame, you will stir this mixture until the color is a rich brown.  Add this roux to the liquid in the large pot and let it simmer. 

    For a dry roux.  Pour 1/2  to 3/4 cup  of flour onto a sheet pan.  Place in a 300 degree oven.  When it starts to brown, stir it around.  Every 5 minutes or so, it must be stirred.  When the flour reaches a caramel brown color, it is probably done.  This process takes 20 to 25 minutes.  Place the flour in a small bowl and add water a little at a time to form a smooth slurry. (The slurry is darker than the dry flour).   Add this slurry to the pot to darken and thicken the broth.  Simmer for another 30 minutes or so. 

    Meanwhile you've removed the cooked chicken from the bones into bite-sized pieces.  The broth should now be a rich brown color and a little thickened.  Return the chicken pieces to the pot.  At this point you can taste to see if you need to add more salt.  You can also add gumbo file before serving.  Or you can add the file at the table.  I put the file into the pot of gumbo.  2 or 3 Tablespoons and stir it in thoroughly.  Serve over rice.  Some people sprinkle chopped green onions on top.  Delicious served with hot French bread or French bread made into garlic bread.

    Here in Louisiana, we can buy the dry roux, and the oil roux, in jars in our supermarkets.  I usually make a large batch of dry roux and store the surplus in the refrigerator in a ziploc plastic bag.  It's good for brown gravies as well as for gumbo.  And it's very cheap to make your own.  But I keep the jar roux on hand in case I need it.

    In My Humble Opinion, you can't make gumbo with the file (fee-lay).  It's a distinctive taste.  We always have hot sauce (such as Tobasco) on the table for those who like their gumbo peppery hot.

    I wish I could cook up a big pot and let everyone try it!

    Note:  There are many versions of gumbo.  Some people add chopped celery and green pepper as well as the onion and garlic.  Some people saute the onion and garlic and other aromatics before adding it to the chicken and water.  This is the streamlined way I make my gumbo! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    Carole:  Thanks for the gumbo recipe.  I am going to have to make that soon!

    Jackie:  Right on about the voting...I'm sure I'll never vote the republican ticket again after this last four years.  What a bunch of self serving idiots to put our country in this position for their own interests.  Yesterday in the mail I received a pamphlet from Obama outlining his plan for jobs and middle class security...IN WRITING...for all to see.  It spells out his entire platform for the next four years.  Now why isn't this required of all the candidates instead of all the money they spend on ads that just spin the truth and confuse everyone.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2012

    I think it would be wonderful if they could only campaign for 6 weeks, never mention the other candidate, and be limited to detailing their plan for the country. I would also like to see an election news blackout until every state has voted.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Yeah, but Wren, that makes too much sense!  Wink The black-out would be great... like starting last month!  I mean for the not mentioning the other candidate or their "plans."    Haven't they been campaigning for a year or more?

    Thanks Carole, for the recipe's.... I printed them off for me also.  This time of year especially I like soups, stews, etc!

    Hi Joan.... don't know how much more you guys can take!  I see all the problems with gas shortages, long lines, and some people still can't get things back in shape...... And there is no-one to blame for the weather!  It might not ever happen again.... not something to that extreme...  I'm just so sorry for all of it.... Hope the next storm will give you all a break.

    I don't think our refrigerator is working!!!!!!  I thought this yesterday, but now I am SURE!!!  I've tried turning it all the way up, also un-plugging it, and I can hear the freezer running, but not the refrigerator!  When DH gets up, I'll have to lay THAT one on him.  I took some meat out doors, and several things, because it's only 36 degrees out there.... maybe that's what I'll have to do until we figure this out!

    But I'm not complaining.....we'll just deal with it!

    Jackie, I love that last quote!  That is so true!  And we appreciate just BEING here more, even when things aren't so good.  I think we grow the wisdom to know that things will usually get better.... sooner or later.

    Except  I would rather have sooner than later, right now!  Oh well...just one more thing to worry about....