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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Good Morning Ladies--I've been catching up.

    Question? I know RVluv (damn I can't remeber the name now) from other threads too---What going on woth her???

    And to me it's hysterical u'r Kitties bring u presents--wow just what u want a dead bird or a dead rabbit. OMG I'd be flipping out. My Katie-Kat is an indoor cat so I don't get presents:( LOL

    And I don't think I've ever watched the weather cannel like I do now---I met so any people now that live in the area of all the storms I keep an eye on what's going on all over. SNOW? I was watching this morning  This westher is insane and agsin no electric. My stars it keeps on going on and on.

    I'm midwest and I think we are all going to have crazy winters. We live in unincorporated so we'll be the last for clean-up too. Well we'll see.

    Yes Jackie wear stilletos---and zi think a bustier (sp)--she's going to yell at me. hahaha

    Oh I was busy yesterday--my Dr. sent me to the ER yuk to get immediate help---Diarrhea way to long--well no answer of course for the D, well my levels weren't awful I take loads of pills for them--but they found another infection that was causing my pain so I'm on another med. I was so tired last nite I barely came on the post. I was iven a number to call a gastorologist today so they'll be tests all over again UGH

    Ok ladies I'll talk to u later--Akk have a wonderful day

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Imposible is just an opinion. ~ Dan Deigan

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Joan, you must teach at a university.  I'm glad you're comfortable in your home. 

    We have been having cool/cold nights.  Tues. night it was supposed to get down into the high 30's.  Last night down into the 40's.  DH is from the midwest (IL) and he love to open the window in the bedroom a few inches even when it gets really cold.  When we have to get up early in the morning, we flip the thermostat on automatic so that the heat comes on at 6:30.  Plus DH sets the coffee pot so that the coffee is made when we get up!  I find sleeping is more enjoyable when it's cold and we snuggle under the covers.  BUT getting up is more difficult.

    Chevy, I agree that discussions of politics and religion can lead to hard feelings and usually accomplish nothing.  Especially with people our age.  We're not likely to change our views.  I was sorry to see the stock market take a tumble yesterday.  It's so funny, though, to hear the business talking heads explain the problem.  They speak of the market as though it's a living thing.  "The market was worried about the debt in Europe and the fiscal cliff here in the US."  It may surprise conservatives to learn that the US stock market historically performs better under Democratic administrations. 

    I finally scheduled a golf lesson with one of our club pros, a young man named Andy from England.  He's a nice young fellow and has an accent that's very pleasant to hear.  I told him that lessons make me nervous because I feel under pressure to perform and make an "A"! 

    Goodness.  I'm looking at scenes on the tv of devastated areas up on the east coast where houses are sitting tilted sideways.  The snow is falling.  Gosh what a mess in some neighborhoods.  And here it is winter time.

    My mother's hair apptment is at 1:30 pm.  After the golf lesson I'll drive out to her house.  I sure hope Andy can give me some tips to improve my golf game.  There are times when I tell myself, "Maybe you should give up on this sport."  But I do get outside and get some exercise.  Then there are those occasional good shots.  I know it sounds very frivolous to those of you who don't play sports but I was always a girl jock.  Played tennis for years and was actually better at it than I am at golf. 

    I'd better get moving.  The bag of veggies from the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is sitting there in the kitchen.  I need to deal with it.  Hope everyone has a good Thursday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Morning everyone.....sure hoping everyone can get a handle on their problems.  I almost feel bad as I don't TRULY have any. 

    One thing to mention.....we will go into something of another sort of mini-recession, but you hold on and it will work just will feel bad for a bit and people will start to wonder if they elected the wrong won't last.

    I'm already looking forward to the week-end....massive catching up to do.  Will I ever----I think, but I'm sure it is there I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and typing very fast. 

    My daughter and her hubby will be transferring themselves from California to here......they want out of the rat race ( and it sure can be ) there and I am really looking forward to it.  There are good things about your kids not being TOO close sometimes, but I have missed that part of our living here.  Dh and I could use at least a little assistance here from someone a bit we do hope that we will make it a huge success.

    Hope you are all going to have a beauty of a day.  Little warmer and nicer here the next few.  That is welcome but I do wish the eastern half of the country could catch a break....and get that power back on.  Brrrr.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    HI Ladies,

    We didn't get  much snow here at all, about an inch or 2, which has melted now. Our daughter got about 5 inches around 10 miles from us. Went to the supermarket this morning, they had  no cold foods ,as they lost power last night. This is the second time for them. Even though theyare a chain, I imagine the loss is a big one.

    On Monday I'll be half done with rads. So far so good. Have a party with our  radiologists cancer group. Dr. E is an amazing man, feels he shud give back to his patients. His group CROC, citizens united to overcome cancer, is a support, educational, social group. The gatherings he sponsors are free. He will often  wear his NY Yankees shirt to work, give you a hug. He recognized my hubby , having treated him adout 12 years ago for prostate ca. I was really surprised. Plus Everyone says he's a great RO.

    Nothing else new, furnace man is here. Stations seem to have gas today and the price is down. For us that's 3.79-3.89!

    Take care, hugs, Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    You sound good Jean!  Glad you didn't get weather that you could not handle!   And it's so great to have confidence in your surgeon, your radiologist and/or oncologist!  I don't go to an oncologist anymore.... Just my PC for the annual physical, and mammograms twice a year.....  Dec. 4th 3 years ago, is when I had surgery, so guess that means I'm cancer-free since then!  Smile

    Jackie.... So glad you are looking forward to your Daughter & SIL!  They will be living WITH you?    That would really help with a lot of the extra work, I would imagine!   Yes, it would be hard, I think, to have family, that "close"..... until you get used to it.   I would love to be around my Daughter's more... even though I see the youngest one at least once a week.... I could "live with" her easier than our oldest one.... She is more energetic, meaning she can not sit still for more than 5 minutes.... Ha!   And she likes to be "in charge" of her world.  Like my Husband.  I just like to "blend-in".... and "what-ever."   Youngest one is more like me.... other one is just like her Dad....Wink   Their world is to govern, make right, don't take any crap,  and "what was that you said?"    Ha!

    So yes, we are totally opposite... After 55 years, we must balance out each other.  I don't think we get more alike, I think we learn patience, and understanding of each other.... and that's important if you don't want to get arrested for domestic battery.

    Jean, is your furnace out?  Or just getting a tune-up?   It's best to have furnace problems when it's 70 degrees out... of course then you wouldn't know one way or another if it was out.

    I'm done with the election.... I don't even care anymore.... And I don't care about  what anyone says about anybody.  .....  I just want to go on like we have been doing.  I just care about Starbucks staying in business, and going to the Dollar store, Ha!  

    I bought some Vanilla Wafers there!  So now I'm going to make a Banana custard pie, with the cookies on the bottom ! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012


    I'm drooling!

    He was doing yearly service. Glad to have heat after being without for 3 days last week! Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    My "pie" is a little different.... vanilla wafers on the bottom, then sliced bananas, then I poured cooked chocolate pudding mixed with coconut on top. 

    My husband used to "service" our furnace.... So far, so good.  I was just thinking about those old coal stoves this morning.  The house on the corner still has that old iron door at the bottom of their house, where they used to shovel coal down in the "basement".....  So we are living "modern".... Ha!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2012

    I worked in an office in a very old house. The original kitchen stove was in the basement along with the original service book. It had a picture of a woman in a snow white dress showing how easy it was to remove the clinkers. Oh sure. You can't even change a copier cartridge wearing white.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    THAT'S for sure, Ha!   One time a bunch of us, stayed in a cabin.... It had an old coal/wood stove, that I got pretty handy at starting a fire.  No coal, just kindling, and paper.... I even cooked a Prime Rib in that oven!   And the shower house/bathroom was across the road... but it was sooo much fun, except in the middle of the night, and  trying to go out there, and hear the coyotes howling!   We even had to get our water from the side of that house, and carry it back in a bucket.  But we had the best times there! 

    I remember staying there with my folks when I was about 12... But NOW I would not think it was fun....Ha!  

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Jackie, will your daughter and her dh be living with you?  Or just living in the same town?

    Chevy, your banana pie sounds delicious.  Banana pudding is a very popular dessert here in the south.  It consists of layering vanilla pudding, vanilla wafers, and sliced bananas.  You can even make it low cal by using the sugar free vanilla pudding. 

    What are the plans for Thanksgiving?  I will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year.  AND Christmas dinner, since my younger sister's house was flooded during Isaac. 

    Jean, it was good to hear from you.  I'm glad you survived Sandy and are comfortable in your home.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Home from work and not feeling tired.  That is always good for me.  Of course, most of my work days are not too hard.  Harder to come home and take care of all the animals.....fresh food and water.....and clean up any messes they made.  A couple the dogs love to try and find Kleen-X's used or not and tear them to smithereeens somewhere in the house.  I have set most of the wastebaskets up ( only a couple won't go ) so not as bad as it once was but I have to check all over the house.  Kitties sometimes have a furball and that needs cleaning right away. daugher and sil will stay with us till they get a foot hold here.  Dh and I have wondered about taking an apt. somewhere for a time......but we don't need to decide anything too soon.  Our house is not huge, but is plenty big for four people. 

    I remember banana pudding pie....yummy.  I loved it but then I really liked sweets when I was a kid.  Don't mind them now, but am a lot more careful. 

    We haven't thought about Thanksgiving.....but I do have the day off.  I will probably get a big slice of ham and make some sweet potatoes, and green beans, and some yummy dessert and call it good.  We will be by ourselves so no need to make too big a thing of it. 

    Anyway....hope you all have a super evening.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2012

    Hi ladies,
    I just read your (prolific) posts from the day and I really enjoyed all the stories and kind good wishes that are shared here.
    Am fine here in NY.  Not so for many others though.  I got the day off today.  I work at a fairly large community college with a small school feel - my classes are limited to 24.  They usually get it wrong when it when it's dangerous out there, and today, as temps rose, they closed.  I rested.
     jackie, glad to hear about your beautiful weather.  I think it is supposed to arrive here this week end.  Yay!
    Carole, I think golf lessons made me feel nervous and awkward as I knew someone was watching my weaknesses....but I always learned something useful.  I play on a par 3 course but am not competitive.  I can't do ladies' league due to my work schedule.  This year I noticed I am hitting more straight and a few yards further.  That's good for me!  When I played this summer, it dawned on me that playing golf after BC is a sign of recovery.  That makes me smile.
    Chevy, when I lived in the Denver area, I loved the weather - it would snow 5" in the morning and melt by noon.  Could ski all day then play tennis back in Denver.  It would rain on one side of the street and not the other.  Always dramatic and refreshing. 
    Jean, glad you didn't get snowed in.  Too bad about those power outages.  Your RO sounds like a very special person.  Wish we had parties.
    Wren, too funny about the lady in white.  So typical of the times.
    Nite all...back to sleep after a long early nap.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    Good morning ladies!

    Jean:  Glad you didn't get the worst of the weather and that your tx are going well.

    Jackie:  It's good to have family close.  It's why I come back to Florida every be close to kids and grandkids....then I run away every summer for my solitude...LOL!

    Chevy:  Bananna cream anything is a favorite...sometimes in NC we go to this diner to eat just because they have bananna pudding on the dessert menu.

    Carole:  Hope your golf lessons help...I took a week's worth one time.  I asked the guy if he would just work with me to help me hit my woods better off the fairway...he tried to change my entire swing and messed up my game so bad that I almost quit.  It is what it is....I play the best I can with my limited abilities and just have fun.  Life is too short...LOL!

    Well...I'm much lighter in my bank account.  Went out and purchased a large screen TV, AV equipment, wall unit to house it, another case to house all of my glass pieces, and so on....the screen is 50" so now I will actually be able to see what I'm watching.  I've put this off for a long time...just didn't want to spend the money, but it was time.

    Headed to Orlando for a week at a timeshare today.  Should be fun to see all the new and exciting things they have up there.  I won't have access to a computer, so I will see everyone when I return.

    Have a great weekend! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Joan, my golf lesson went well.  Andy quickly detected two flaws that I need to work on.  I understand exactly what he was pointing out and will work on correcting the habits.  I don't keep my spine level on the backswing, something I thought I'd overcome.  And I hang back on my right foot on the swing forward, which shortens my distance.  I need to turn through and transfer weight to the front foot.  He thought the basics of my swing were good, grip, etc.  I'm playing today and will not worry about the score.  I'll just try to implement the corrections.  Kaara, Andy takes you where you are and tries to help you.  All the women who have taken lessons from him were pleased with the help he gave them.

    I had my clock set for 6:30 but got up 10 min. early.  The sun is shining and it's supposed to warm up to 75.  Our weather is gradually warming.  Then another cold front comes through this weekend.  That's the cycle of our winter weather.  A cold front.  Then gradual warming. 

    Jackie, this will be a change for you, having your daughter and sil in the house.  I hope the change is enjoyable for you.  You seem to work so hard.

    Kaara, we'll miss you, but have a great time at the time share.

    Tonight we have plans to go out to dinner with neighbors who are in their 50's.  They have reservations at an excellent restaurant that's only about 3 miles from here.  I looked at their menu last night, thinking ahead to what I can order that will be best for me to eat on WW.  Everything they serve is delicious.  I'll go with seafood, either shrimp, crabcakes or fish and salad and veggie. 

    Well, I must get moving.  The tee time is 8:30.  Wishing everyone the best possible day.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2012


    That RO does sound like a nice person, who cares about the whole person.  My RO provides a free massage one day a week for the patients, which felt pretty good too. Said, we need that extra attention! 


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    iLife is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is
    the greatest happiness of existence.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    OOOO that pie looks yummy forsure!!!!!!!!

    Happy Friday, friends! I hope your weekend is relaxing and fun!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Lmao! This picture cracked me up cause this is what too many people think already

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Oh you guys can't imagine!!!  Yes, Colorado legalized Marijuana.... And I don't know exactly how that affects anything.  It has BEEN that way for over a year.... But at least they made the pot-shops close down that were within 1000 feet of a school.  It's like anyone that wants it can get it on the streets, right?  But evidently now you can have an ounce?  And it isn't illegal?  What the hell?? 

    I know the comedians and late shows are having a ball with this....which they should!  It's pretty ridiculous, if you ask me.  Maybe it's because I never smoked grass.... or took pills that I wasn't supposed to...but I think I am pretty liberal minded, except not where weed, and drugs are concerned.  I've seen too many lives ruined because of addiction to alcohol, drugs AND their "1 ounce" of weed! 

    Guess I could grow "grass" instead of tomatoes?  Probably make more money.... Wink  I guess you just need a "card".... and anyone can get a "card".  Hell, I could print up a batch myself! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    And this is just soooooo attractive!!!  Yuk!!!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Hi, everyone.  My golf game was TERRIBLE today.  I thought about looking up Andy the pro and demanding my money back!  Just kidding.  It will take some time and practice to improve.  And if I don't?  It's not life-threatening, like being dx'ed with bc.  Everything in perspective.

    After golf I went home for a light lunch and then took my mother's list to the supermarket, bought her groceries, took them to her house and carried all the bags inside, and helped put things away.  The bad news I learned was that one of my cousins had died.  She's only 65 but has had multiple health problems that finally took her life.  It's very sad. 

    No cooking for me tonight.  We're going to a neighbor's house to play pool and then the four of us will go out to dinner.  It should be a nice change.  This will be the 2nd time we've eaten out since we got back home and I started WW. 

    Hope you all had a good day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Hi Gals!  Good day for us too!  Met our Daughter after her Dermatologist appt. and bought her that expensive Wink lunch at Costco, and bought her groceries...  I'm so lucky she lives close to us... Hey, do you guys get winded walking like a couple blocks or so?  I caught so much heck, because I got winded in Orlando, and whenever these Daughter's see me out of breath after walking! 

    I figure I am 75, and no I can't walk as fast as I used to, but I feel great!  I can walk like 6 blocks or more, but I just don't want to take up that much time....Ha!  I DO have Asthma sometimes... maybe that is why they think I get winded.   I think I am perfectly normal.  But under duress, from those girls, I have an appt. with my PC for a physical, in a couple weeks!  They think I should have a cardiogram, plus all the other stuff.... and tests.

    My Mom had heart problems, but she was 80...  So I will be more than happy to get checked, and those two can give me a rest....Ha!   You would THINK I would feel bad if something was wrong...  I mean I do more around here, AND the yard, than even the younger gals do!  So younger Daughter thinks she is going with me.... to make sure my Doc gives me the right tests....   I think it's better if I go alone!  And not get tangled up in these girls worries.  Maybe I should get a report card from my Doc! 

    Carole... I remember going with my little Grand-son when he was about 10...entering a golf tournament... He was sooooo worried!  I thought he would throw up!  We had to stop for a McDonalds, to calm him down.....  He was a nervous wreck!  I walked with him, the whole 9 holes.... there was a "play-off".... and HE WON!!!!  That was the start of something so fun and wonderful with him!  

    The two boys took lessons...And they won a lot of tournaments... I tried hitting the balls once.  Just once!  It hurt my shoulder!  I preferred to be a spectator... not a participant..... So good for you!  That is so cool that you WANT to improve your game.  Now, my Daughter and I go to the golf course here.... and eat lunch in the dining-room, Ha!  

    Okay.... have fun gals....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    "Start living now. Stop saving the good china for that special occasion. Stop withholding your love until that special person materializes. Every day you are alive is a special occasion."

    Mary Manin Morrissey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Happy good Saturday morning to everyone.  About the weed thing or I guess I should say marijuana, I think they were trying to get legalization not so much for the "casual" user as those who have or are helped with some medical problems.  I would have to google, but I know it helps with some eye problems and as well has helped some people with Stage IV issues.  That said, I'm not real fond of the idea, but used in a "medical" capacity it would not bother me at all.  As with most anything.......if people actually WANT it they will find a way to get it.  I admit, I'm a bit old-fashioned now and see legalization as just making it easier, but I do think when it is a very small amt. to get a big prison sentence for it is not quite fair either.  At my age I don't like too much change. 

    I don't have a lot planned for my day.  Going out with a friend for some minor shopping.  I've not been able to go out much....just too much going on and it sounds like ( around 70 degrees at least ) it is going to be a much nicer day than we have had lately.  I thought maybe our "good" days might be gone for the year, but thank goodness a few left. 

    I hope you all have a great week-end.  Carole too funny about the golf tips.  I bet it gets easier the more you do it till suddenly....the key reveals itself and it all fits.  Hope so. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Morning gals!  Yes, Jackie, I agree.... When one of us, or anyone has medical problems, it should be available by prescription, for sure!  But it's the ones that grow their own, sell it on the streets, can't hold a job, that just makes it bad for everyone that needs it....

    Our weather is changing today!  Snow by this afternoon.......Tongue Out  10 to 20 inches in the mountains!  

    Such an awful tragedy night before last.... An officer was accidentally shot by another officer, while looking for these thugs firing weapons at night!  I think the "guys" they have in custody, will also be charged with murder, because this happened because of them!  I was on a murder trial once.... This kid, 17 was charged with 1st degree murder, and he was "only" the accomplice.   Trial was postponed, due to attorneys i didn't have to go through that. 

    Okay... stay warm girls!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, love the cartoon!  Also the story about you and your grandson.  I like to see kids play individual sports because they develop skills they can enjoy a long time.  It's hard to get up a basketball game when you're grown.

    I absolutely agree with your daughters on the medical checkup.  You shouldn't get out of breath walking at a normal pace. 

    I did ok last night eating out at a restaurant.  I had shrimp in garlic lemon butter and broiled tomatoes, a substitution for the green beans.  Salad with a delicious blue cheese dressing.  The shrimp portion was much too large and I ate half of it.  Passed the rest to DH after he'd finished his scallops.  Big luscious Louisiana shrimp.  There were about 12 of them.  This morning I was up only a lb, so minimal weight damage and I enjoyed my meal!  Win, win.  It was too expensive, but we rarely eat out for dinner.

    Jackie, enjoy your casual shopping. 

    Wishing everyone a good day.

    My plans for today are exercise, a 3-mile walk, and then some yard work.  I'll finally get around to mulching flowerbeds.  It's supposed to be warm today, high 70's up to low 80's.