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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    We deem those happy who from the experience of life have learnt to bear
    its ills without being overcome by them.
    Jung, Carl

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, how convenient to have an outside refrigerator! 

    I, too, will be glad when tomorrow's election is over.  I just hope the voting goes well and fairly everywhere.  Most of the talking heads on tv are giving Obama the edge but it's so close that it could go either way.

    Today is WW weigh-in and I have not lost weight this week, according to my scale.  In fact, I may have edged up a bit.  But that's normal.  It's very hard to lose weight when you're taking arimidex. 

    A beautiful sunshiny morning.  The forecast was for a rainy day. 

    Chevy, hope you solve the refrigerator problem.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Can't wait to copy those recipes....I'm nearly drooling.  Carole, don't worry too much about tomorrow.  The President has an 86 % chance of getting the electoral votes needed.  The real issue will be voter suppression and other under-handed things ( both sides share some of this guilt ) and the fact that if close ( though electoral won't be ) there could be weeks of recounts and other hurdles to get over.  That is not the way it should be. more political talk.

    Hope you all have a great day.....some rain here but I hope it is not lasting.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Hi girls, Carole thank you sooo much for the recipes, going to try at least one in the next few days will let you know how it goes..

    Joan, so glad you are ok, the way you are all coping is wonderful. We watch it all on TV and are astounded at how people are coping with the terrible destruction. You are all amazing.I am still feeling really great on 6th day after so everything crossed it stays like this lol.

    Hope the election goes the best way for your country.

    Chevy, sure any of the things you found will do instead of fromage frais.Hope fridge gets sorted. Mine is freezing everything at the moment, the freezer part just makes everything solid think it's time for a new on but DH will have a heart attack when I tell him lol.

    Kaara envy you decent weather, freezing here right now.We were watching people in Tampa queuing up to vote.

    Guy Fawkes night here. Close curtains turn up heating ,and TV to block out sound of fireworks which go on for hours  :-(

    Happy Tuesday tomorrow, Edith

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Yay!!  I was down another 1.8 lbs and have reached my goal weight.  Which really isn't my goal weight!  i picked the highest number in my healthy weight range but hope to go lower to about the middle of the weight range.  Now I am back to Lifetimer status and can go to meetings and use the internet Etools free.  This morning I took my prescription pills with a glass of milk and skipped breakfast.  Dressed in my lightest clothes!  I guess we never stop trying to beat the system! I was fully expecting to be up a lb. and was very surprised and happy.

    My cookbook addiction continues.  The WW cookbooks were on sale for half price and I bought one.

    Now it's time to get down to humdrum life.  My task this afternoon is to clean the master bathroom and not a minute before it's needed.  After that maybe some more cleaning elsewhere in the house.  I'm also cooking white chili for dinner tonight, the main ingredients of which are ground turkey and cannelini beans with peppers, onion, garlic and spices.  It's quite good.  I was surprised to discover that ground turkey is tasty in its own way. 

    Hope the day is going well for everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    You will never believe what happened!  Yes Carole, the "outdoor" refrigerator worked great until it got up above 50...Ha!  So after the stuff got chilled a little, I put it in coolers, with ice on top! 

    We went to Lowe's.... Bought a nice one.... went home, and the guy called.... "Would we like it today?"  Are you kidding???  Yesterday would have been fine.... But yes!  So the guys came, and to make a long story short, I have my new one, all filled, and everything works great!    The hardest part was frantically cleaning out the freezer, covering everything up within that hour that I had, and then putting all the food back together again!  

    I can't beLIEVE the good service!  NOTHING happens that fast....!  

    Yes Edith....We were expecting to pay over $1300 for one, but we got one for $750!  Freezer on top..... no ice maker or anything special.  But it is what we wanted.   

    And Carole, congratulations girl!  It is so tough to stay on WW after you lose the weight!   But don't forget to eat breakfast!    And drinking milk is really important also....  It's just that WW is a healthy way to eat, AND lose weight! 

    Okay Jackie.... I'll be thinking of you tomorrow....  Glad when it is over.....  Just be happy, no matter what happens....Okay?  That's for everybody.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, thanks for the good advice.  Glad you have a new refrigerator at a reasonable price.

    I got my cleaning done and spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen.  Made my white chili and it's delicious.  I sampled it.  Will also make a slaw with Napa cabbage and yellow bell pepper.

    I surveyed the contents of the refrigerator and had to throw away some stuff.  Chopped up peppers for seasoning and put a couple of ziploc bags in the freezer.

    Terrible, sad news on the What's for Dinner thread.  One of the women has brain mets.  She's a wonderful spunky person.  I'm so hoping that the treatment she's having immediately will halt the progression.  Her name is Michelle.  Please add her to your prayer list if you believe in the power of prayer. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Geez, I'm sorry Carole.... I'm sorry for all the women who have to go through so much...  There is just nothing to say, except I'm sorry.... Yes, I will say a prayer for her.... 

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Carole, she is in my prayers, so awful to hear. Hope treatment works. Edith

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    Carole:  Congrats on reaching your goal!  Stay on your Onc said yesterday that we should all have a BMI of under 25 to prevent recurrence.

    I was so sad to hear about Michelle..she is in my prayers.  She's a survivor like Marybe...I'm hopeful that she will get this under control with the best doctors and tx.  She's at Dana Farber.

    I was out yesterday after my dr. app't looking for a large screen TV for our home here in Florida...we have been living with this 32" screen forever and it's time to treat ourselves to a new one.  I couldn't believe the technology that's available!  Of course along with that will come a unit to store it in, sound system, etc!  Nothing is easy and it only costs money...LOL!

    Chevy:  Lowes is a great place to buy appliances.  When my son lost his refrigerator, we went to a scratch and dent sale and bought one for half had a little scratch on the side...who cares!

    Happy voting everyone...thank goodness I did absentee.  My BF's absentee ballot didn't arrive, so now he has to go stand in line...not a happy camper today!  At least it's not his regular golf day...I know what would win out there...LOL!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    One SONG can spark a moment
    One FLOWER can wake the dream
    One TREE can start a forest
    One BIRD can herald spring
    One SMILE begins a friendship
    One HANDCLASP lifts a soul
    One STAR can guide a ship at sea
    One WORD can frame the goal
    One VOTE can change a nation
    One SUNBEAM lights a room
    One CANDLE wipes out darkness
    One LAUGH will conquer gloom
    One STEP must start each journey
    One WORD must start a prayer
    One HOPE will raise our spirits
    One TOUCH can show you care
    One VOICE can speak with wisdom
    One HEART can know what is true
    One LIFE can make a difference
    You see, it is up to YOU.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Carole....great news.  It has to be a really good feeling.  I think once your metabolism gets sets, if you even a tiny bit careful, you probably would do ok.  Been a long time since I did an actual diet. 

    I will be praying for Michele.  We all ALWAYS know there will be some who don't have the fortune of just dealing with this disease once, but it is still sad and hurtful to see happen.  I am so wishing her well and good control.

    Hugs, Jackie

    big hi to all those not mentioned by name -- you are the greatest.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Thinking of you Jackie!  Hope you have a fun day!  Go feed your kitties....  Oh, Sheri told me her "Green cat".... brought her a whole treasure trove last night, Ha!  This stupid cat of hers brings presents every night.... old wrappers, plastic pieces, and she just cracks up laughing in the middle of the night, hearing him drag his treasures through the house!  Then he jumps up on the bed and wants to snuggle.  He is SOOO proud of himself!

    The other house-hold cats must think of him as nuts!  They walk around the pieces, like "ewwwww"!  He is just cleaning up the neighborhood! Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Joan I'm glad u are all safe. What horror u've been thru,

    Wren I love u'r idea--for 1 yr. they're travelling anf politicalling til u can't stand anyone.  And to me why do they have electoral votes--it can screw up the whole idea of voting--that has always cracked me up. I think onky 1 President won that way but that's not the point.

    Carole how nice of u to write all that for the recipes and it's got to be really authentic. TY

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    The election is over!  Or it will be soon.  DH and I went to vote about 10:30 am and had to stand in line about 20 or 25 minutes.  We passed the time chatting with neighbors we hardly ever see.  Judging from our polling place, the turnout looked good.  I hope there will be some conclusive result by tomorrow morning when we get up.

    I didn't do the yard work today.  Instead I did some housecleaning and some food preparation. 

    It's supposed to get down into the 40's tonight!  Brrr....  I'm playing golf at 9:00 am so I'll have to dress warmly. 

    A good night to all.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2012

    Hi everyone,  I have been hiding in the shadows and looking at all the posts, a very lively bunch.  Keep warm Carole, it has been around 34 here every morning.  

    Right now I am very worried about our daughter.  She is pregnant.  She had a tubligation after her son who is now 12 years old.  It is a very high risk pregnancy.  She has PKD, has been in remission from hodgkins disease for 12 years.  She has lost alot of weight in a very short amount of time.  She was very over weight, but so much in such a short amount of time is not natural. OBGYN wants her on bed rest.  I will be surprised if she carries it.  I guess it just needs to be turned over to the Lord.

    It just seems like one thing after another.  My fatigue does not help.  On Friday we will be going into the desert to gather yucca, maybe I will get some solitude and feel better.  Driving 90 miles a day for my job is just about doing me in.  

    Hope all are doing well.  Edith, best of luck with your Chemo.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Oh mommarch to much is going on for u I don't know what to say really, cuz it's such a difficult problem for u'r DD and the whole family

    I'm so sorry and I hope u'r able to relax a bit anyway.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2012

    Someone told me today that "tomorrow is the start of the 2016 campaign"....
    Wren, your idea makes so much sense.  I put all the political paper from my  mailbox in a black plastic bag and couldn't lift it - had to drag it out.  I voted early today...not many people there...but then, I live near the end of an island....
    Carole, wow, enjoy your must feel great to have met your (first) goal.  I love when I'm down a few pounds...but after last week, being inactive, I did manage to gain a looking for those big sweaters Tongue Out but taking healthy food to work.   DH baked cookies, of course...
    Sad news about Michele...(LuvRving?) I knew her from another thread.  That's the worst part about BC - the unknown...the stuff we cannot see or don't expect.  Hugs and prayers for Michele and those who care for her.
    Edith, so glad to hear that you are doing well.  I truly hope you continue to feel well and keep active.  I guess from your perspective, thing must look pretty bleak for the eastern US right now.
    As far as the storm aftermath, I really did fine - just inconvenience, no damage.  Now it's the gas lines....but I'm good for the rest of the week.  Rain, wind and wet snow tomorrow...I do not even have my cold weather stuff nearby yet. DD#3 is flying out to CA tomorrow for business...her DH is still working 12 hour overtime shifts at the power company in NJ...nanny going to work overtime to watch the kids.  I can't even think about her traveling in the bad weather. 
    Thanks for your concerns and good wishes about weathering the storms here in NY.
    I'm still trying to catch up/keep up with reading posts...hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.


  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, sooo jealous of your new fridge. Mine is turning everything  into ice lollies, bacon, eggs etc. will have to give DH a large glass of wine then break the news that we need a new one ! Going to go for a slightly blemished and save money. Mine is set in the units so don't care what it looks like. Your friends cat makes me laugh, 42 years ago whilst very pregnant with my son I was about to get into bed then realised there was a dead mouse on my pillow ! ( present from my cat ) how I didn't give birth then and there I will never know lol.

    Carole thank you again for the recipes, all printed off and will get going as soon as possible. Weight loss WELL DONE. It is harder with medications etc so you have done really well.Hope golf not too icy.

    Monmarch, my heart goes out to you and your DD, you are both in my prayers. Hope there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel you are going through. ((( hug )))

    Joan, glad you are ok and are as back to normal as it is possible to be given where you live. Woke up to news that Obama is still your President hope he gets all those promises and fine words underway as soon as possible. Here they promise the earth, you vote, then they do the opposite. Like you on Nanny duty today with smallest GD after school and for tea. She is into making things out of old cartons and paper tubes we have such fun. Hope your daughter keeps safe in her travels.

    Got my wig this morning, just like my own style, short and spikey but warmer colour with highlights. Look as if I have been for a good session at the salon. DH came with me and straight away said fifth one from the right on the display is perfect. Don't you just hate it when that happens ? Of course he was right ! Getting hair cut really short tomorrow before loss starts and may even start wearing it now and get used to it.

    Kaara and Illinois hope you are well, best wishes to anyone I have missed.

    Off to Bingo with the girls.

    Happy Wednesday Edith


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Morning all!  Hi Edith!  That is funny!  A dead mouse....!  Years ago, our Tiger brought a dead bird into the house to show my Mom, who was visiting from California...Ha!  I could NOT get it out of the house fast enough! 

    He is my Daughter's cat...  "Jack"... When we were there last month, he did the same thing, every morning...  Just scraps of "what-ever" he brought in.... left in every room!!  So after everyone in the family sees his treasure trove, he starts playing with it...  The other cats just walk around "him" and his messes, like "what are you DOING with him in this house!"  Daughter says he has OCD.... Wink  Now if she could just teach him to run the vacuum.

    Hope you like your wig!  You rock girl!  Now go get a purple one, or something "fun"...  I'm wearing my hair longer now....than usual... but it's kind of fun!  Not to mention I still color it...Wink  At MY age, I figure I can do just about anything I feel like.

    Yes, I love our new frig....  It didn't cost THAT much...just a little over $700!  It doesn't have an ice-maker, or gadgets, or "things" we don't need.  Our Daughter has a fancy one, but the door ice-thing, never works...they buy bags of ice to fill the bin inside.  But the cold water works...Ha!

    If my DH complained about it "running" I was going to tell him "alright, we're going to go buy an ice-box....then you can get your own blocks of ice and I'm DONE!!!!"  So far, no complaints.... It says it will cost $44 a year to run....  And it is VERY quiet!!!

    Hi Joan.... I'm still reading about the gas lines....  so sad about the losses a lot of people have to go through!!!  It just has to break your heart.

    Hi Camille, and Mommarch.....I'm so sorry about your Daughter.... I can't imagine how you are feeling.... You say she had her tubes tied?  And now is pregnant?   I'll say a prayer for her.... and you!   Yes...go with your hubby.... to get your mind off of things....  (((mommarch)))

    Where ARE you Jackie??  Carole, let's go get her, and drag her out by the heels....(maybe she doesn't wear heels)......Oh wait, I think she wears those 6" red patent leather stilettos!  With rhinestones on them.... She wears them to bed, I've heard.   

    I know you are glad that darned election is over.... I am too.... especially those mindless phone calls, brochures, and TV ads!  It's a wonder people just don't get fed up and not even vote!!!  It wouldn't be so bad, if the candidates would just promote themselves and their records, without going after the OTHER guy!!!   But I guess then we voters wouldn't know if they were lying or what... I guess they could say anything they want, whether it is true of not...... Oh well.... onward and upward....!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Good morning....even though its drizzly, oh what a beautiful morning.  The election is over and I am happy about it.  Now I can I hope have a whole lot more focus on things.  It was a rather nasty one as it goes and I do hope that  ( and we have quite some time to try ) we can turn back the clock a little and learn to campaign on records and truth.  Although, some skeletons need to come out so that you REALLY do know the person you vote for.

    That being said....not that we much talk politics here, but from the beginning I could not clearly see any objective that Romney had.....other than the win.  I'm just as in the dark today and I was from the beginning. 

    I hope we all have a quiet, reflective day and can get some rest tonight.  I waited to hear last night's I'll be a little groggy part of the time, but not too bad. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    I am happy the election is over...hopefully we can now get down to business and do something about the deficit.  Everything has been on hold pending the outcome of this event, so now let's see what these leaders are made of...will they come to the table and work towards the interests of the American people, or will we have more of the last four years with the same posturing that went on....I certainly hope not!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Still coughing, off and on, getting tired of it. Waiting for the next storm. We are supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow tonight. Think I see a few flakes out there now. Told hubby he may have to drive me to rads tomorrow, if they are open.

    Don't even want to think of the deficit. I imagine it will just get larger.

    Chevy, love the cat story. Shud be out your way  next sumer,for a conf. in Ft Collins. 

    Take care everyone, Jean

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    I, too, am glad the election is over.  And I'm pleased with the outcome, since I voted Obama.  I hope he can do a better job this term with dealing with gridlock. 

    Today was a gorgeous day here in south Louisiana.  I enjoyed being outdoors on the golf course, but played badly.  So did my two companions.  Afterwards I went to Walmart to get a couple of prescriptions and to buy items on a short list.  I ended up spending $93 because I encountered bargain items I just HAD to put in my cart! 

    Mommarch, I hope your daughter is able to deliver a healthy baby.

    Edith, we would love to see a picture of you in your new wig! 

    Joan, I hope you don't suffer discomfort with this latest weather onslaught.

    Jackie, we've been missing you.  Relax and come back to chat with us!

    A good night to all.

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2012

    How about all those super women going to the US Senate!!!!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2012

    What a day...another storm and I could not believe the snow all day on L.I.  It’s early for such a cold storm.
    Some people lost their power again after waiting over a week to get it on.  People whose homes were destroyed by water have moved back in without heat in this freezing cold.  Where I live, we are hardly affected.   I noted that gas lines are getting shorter.  I have not had to wait on a line yet as DH pumped the gas out of our boat and into our tanks.  He takes good care of us.
    Today I was to work 8 am to 9 pm.   I left my SUV for repair and was driving a 2 seater today so when I went to move it closer to my building right before night class, I could barely make it up a few hills in the parking areas.  I did not want my student to be driving in it but college didn’t close.  We are already a week behind from last week.  I had only 4 show up and I sent them home with some assignments.  I had to leave my little car in the lot and had DH take me home.  He got out early too.  We live 30 miles from work.
    At home it was warmer and no snow.  So strange here that the weather can be different over just a few miles depending on whether you’re near the coast or a few miles inland. 

    Thanks again for your good wishes.  All those things you see in media are happening....just not in my neighborhood.  I have yet to visit the oceanfront where there is some damage.

    Right now, power’s on, we have gasoline, house is warm...and I feel healthy and happy.  Very grateful here. 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2012

    I stayed up to read back posts...
    Momarch, I am thinking of you and your daughter and unborn child.  I am praying for a good outcome for all, and peace and patience to get through.  We cannot really control our fears when our children are going through such hard times.
    Edith special thoughts and prayers for you as you temporarily give up your hair to chemo and a healthy future.  It can't be easy but you have already looked ahead and have chosen your wig which sounds perfect for you. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and soon this challenging time will be past.  (((Big HUG)))} Oh, how I'd love to have tea with my little grandaughters this week!  Hope you enjoy your time.
    Great cat story...I've found bird graveyards while gardening; have had a perfect baby rabbit laid at my feet in the kitchen .  Of course kitty left it when my back was turned - she wanted to surprise me...EEEEEkkkks!
    Question:  Am I the only one who has rescued a 2" field mouse from my cat's catch-and-release taunt?

    Carole, so glad you got to enjoy your golf game - hey, I'm sure you will have good days and less good days on the course, but being outside and with friends is precious!

    Jackie, I agree - the reprieve from the campaign is welcomed.  I saw clear differences in the candidates --
    My life won't change much no matter who won the election.  I do not usually (ever) get into political discussion, and I don't mean to start any!  We have a new opportunity with intelligent leadership.  Let's hope for some peaceful and prosperous years ahead; and that our national and personal freedom is protected.
    Cami - am also confused about the electoral votes...there must be a good reason.

    Jean - let me know how much snow you have ... could be a lot for you.  I hope it does not interfere with is it going?  What's the countdown?

    Be happy, be safe and have a great Thursday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Morning gals!  I'm like you Joan... My life wouldn't change with whoever won this election.  And I could lose a lot of good friends, if I answered some of their emails with what I REALLY would like to say to them... I don't mind an opinion or two, but to just hammer a person, or party with their hate, drives me away..... So talking politics or religion isn't for me....  You KNOW who you can talk things over with, and they ARE your "friends."  Wink

    Joan, it's like how much more can you guys take?  I think we all commend you for your resilience, and patience.   And you are still WORKING!!!   Just don't let yourself get too tired.... and take it easy.  And stay warm!

    I know... Last month, it was like a blizzard at our house... And it let up a little, so we started driving to the store.... About 6 blocks up, there was not even SNOW!   And a little further, the skies were turning blue!  These Mountains, even the foot-hills really confuse the weather patterns.

    Jean, did you get that snow?  And how is your cough?  Man, one time I had such a problem with my coughing, I broke a rib, wearing an under-wire bra!  I have had such a deep cough, whenever I get Asthma, ever since I was a kid.  It drives everyone ELSE nuts, but I can't help it!  I want to just go away, until I get over the cough... or give everyone else ear plugs.   But you can't help it... The Nebulizer helps a little, but not so much all the cough meds.   Just cough into a pillow... that's it.... carry a big pillow around with you... see if that makes them feel bad, Ha!  Then go outdoors in the snow, and whine.  Maybe they will tell you to come back in the house?  Or you could freeze to death.

    How is your Daughter Mommarch?  I just feel so bad, knowing you gals are going through this.....How far along is she?  Is there a possibility of them keeping her in bed, and giving the baby more time?

    Carole, I got outdoors too!  I finished raking the last of the leaves!  It's amazing how warm and beautiful it was out!  Makes you feel better all over, ha!  I fixed Pasta Fazool for dinner... Only not a truck-load this time... And I warmed some Tortillas with butter.... AND peaches from a jar!  I love those kind you get from Costco!

    Jackie... good morning little one... Has your DH been working in the yard with you?  Mine was up on the roof with the blower, trying to clean out the leaves from the gutters....  He said maybe next year he will HAVE it done....  And he should!  I wish we had some young boys around here, that would come to the house looking for odds & ends work... like WE used to do......  I don't mean on the roof, but just little things we could use some help with.  And I would pay them a quarter.... like we used to get...Ha!  My Brother got the quarter, and I got a nickle, because I was a girl!  Can you believe that?  I should go hunt that neighbor down, and hit him over the head with a rake!

    Hi Kaara and Cindi.... Have a fun day gals!  Later Alligator!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012