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  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Good afternoon,

    Went to a local "craft" fair with a friend. Some crafts, a lot of other stuff. Was good and didn't buy anything.

    Then we went to a local BBQ place. Got to talking about BBQ with the owner(I get my fix when we visit the grands in Tx) He said he wud give us some of his ribs to sample. Brought Cipolte sce ribs and Blueberry sauce ribs. We both loved the blueberry, very different, He makes the sauce from local blueberrys. I love BBQ, went to a couple of competitions in Tx. Wud love to go to the big one in Memphis.

    Good to have 2 days off. Envy your  warm temps Carole, don't envy yours Chevy! Just gloomy and in the 50s here.

    Take care,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Carole, yes I know what you mean, and what my Daughter's are thinking... Yes, I can get winded by walking fast...even a block or so, like when I'm jogging with my dog...but we walk around the Mills shopping center, about every week...hardly ever stopping to look in a store, until we have about covered it all... And then we shop in the Super Target awhile, then sit down, and split a snack... And I'm not even tired, or out of breath.

    But no, I can't keep up with the girls, walking up-hill...  I don't think that means there is something wrong, but I am going to talk it over with my Doc.  I don't even have to use my inhalers now!  And I don't wheeze...  I only have trouble, when I get sick, or some respiratory when we had all those forest fires around here.  THEN I wind up with that cough...that god-awful bark that sounds like croup!  But my Doc has heard it, and says, "that is just the way you cough"....  And it has been since I was little. 

    Now I'm worried!  Guess I'll go have a chocolate coke, and watch it snow, Ha!  and yes's snowing, sleeting, and only 37 degrees out! Wink

    I LOVE flea-markets, and craft fairs!  I always find something I can't live without... 

    I make my own fruit-sauce.... I buy fresh berries when they are on sale...freeze them.... then thaw them out, cook them with sugar, and when we have waffles or pancakes, I heat a little "sauce" and pour it over them.  I love Blueberries, strawberries, black-berries, and raspberries all mixed together.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Aw shucks!  I tried to find a picture with waffles covered with the mixed fruit sauce.... they only show fresh...but it is soooooo good!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Talking sbout waffles it remindd me of pancake and pancakes remind me of IHOP---Do any of u have thst around where u live? I watvh the commercials and they have some kind of specisl for pancakes like a million flavors. but the one that looks the bestest is the one filled with chessecake. Oh ymmy.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Cam....we have I-Hop but it is about an hr and 15 mins from here.  We ( being sush a small town ) generally only have really "standard stores" though couple of yrs. ago we did get a Kohl's.  I was glad as had wanted a Target which I like better but we never we have to drive the innerstate towards St. Louis, Missouri to the large  shopping area.  It is block after block of stores and tons of places to eat too.  Dh and I have always loved I-Hop.....sure wish this one was closer.....but guess we have to give up something if we prefer to live almost in the woods by our lake with very few neighbors. 

    See you all in the moring.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
    That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand.
    - Emily Kimbrough

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    We have an I-Hop, on the other side of town. Been a while since we were there. Wish we'd get a Golden Corral! Love them. My Dad introduced us to them in Tx , when he was alive. Take the grands when we go to Maryland.

    Also have to travel for a Cracker Barrel. Hear on is coming. They were supposed to a few years ago, but the  zoning board wudn't let them put their sign as high as they wanted, so they never came. We will see. Love to shop at Cracker Barrel!

    Sun's out today. Yay. HUgs, Jean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    I too like the Golden Corrals.  There is one in the big shopping area where our I-Hop is located.  We have a Ryan's in Mt. Vernon......they are similar to Golden Corral.  At Ryan's you get everythijg ready and go up to a big cooking area where they are doing all sort of meats.....chicken, steak, pork and order that part of your meal right there. 


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Never been to a Ryans. JUst got back  from dinner at Ruby Tuesdays, eat there and Perkins a lot. Busy night tonight, with tomorrow a holiday.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2012

    Hi All,

    Been a busy weekend, in the desert on Friday and gathering yucca stalks, Sat. Groceries and cleaning a bed room,  in over a month have cleaned out two rooms and DH and GD laid new flooring.  We are getting ready for the kids and grands.  Daughter and new husband should be in this nex Sat. sometime.  Son and family should be here early Tues.  Things are comming together.  My energy level is better.  Actually got my oven cleaned today, it was bad.  See my private doc. on Tuesday and have my blood checked.

    I am enjoying a glass of burgandy right not, felt like I had earned it today.  I will be off the entire week of Thanksgiving, that will be nice.

    Everyone take care, stay safe and warm.  

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Hi Girls  Have been reading all your posts for the last few days. It is really like a living book on here ! Takes me away from wet, cold and windy Merseyside for a while.

    Monmarch, collecting yucca stalks in the desert do you make juice with them ? Or are they for moisturising skin. Sorry to appear dense but fascinated. Gosh you have been so busy, Thanksgiving always looks wonderful on the TV hope you have an amazing time.

    Carole, your meal out sounded delicious. Well done for being good, must be so hard with such amazing choices.

    Jackie, hope you are keeping well.

    Bonnets and Chevy you too.

    Got to dash, Reflexology session in an hour.

    Happy Monday to anyone  haven't mentioned. Edith.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Mommarch, doesn't it feel good to be busy doing what you want to do?  Hope your Thanksgiving week is just what you want it to be. 

    I think I may have mentioned that I'll be hosting Thanksgiving here.  But we won't have the "whole gang."  It's looking like my three brothers and their wives will not be here.  My two sisters and their dh's are supposed to come.  My mother, my niece and her live-in boyfriend and her three children, 9, 7, and 3.  My nephew, brother of this niece, and his wife.  I think that's 14 including dh and me. 

    A front came through last night or arrived and is still coming through.  It's overcast and breezy and the temp. will not rise out of the 60's.  I will attend the WW meeting but will not weigh in.  I ate take-out Popeye's fried chicken yesterday after attending my 65-yr-old cousin's funeral services. 

    Instead of a separate wake and funeral, there was one service at the funeral home.  Visitation was 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, the service at 2:00 and then the funeral procession and burial at the cemetary.  We were there from 11:30 until the service was over but did not go to the cemetary.  We bought take-out chicken and went back to my mother's house and ate.  Both my sisters, and two of my brothers were there.  As is always the case, we saw people we hadn't seen in a long time.

    Hello to everyone.  Hope you have a good Monday. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    "The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way."

    Author Unknown

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2012

    Edith,  my husband has a broom shop, he makes brooms like they did back in the 1800's, he uses the yucca cactus stalk for the broom handles.

    Well everyone we got up to a low this morning of 16 degrees.  It is to warm up to about 50.  It always amazes me how cold it can get in the desert and how warm it can get during the day.

    Take Care

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Hi Carole.... That reminds me of the Catholic funerals... the Mass, then the church service the next day, then the burial, and then to a host family member for the get together.  I'm not Catholic, even though I am Irish... But my DH is Italian.... LOTS of Italians in that family.  And man, those funerals go on for days, I think!

    My Mom passed away, and Mom and Dad had paid for a big funeral for her beforehand ... including the cremation & burial.  BUT it is sooooo hard on the family!  To have all the friends, relations, neighbors, etc. and listening to everyone talking about her, just broke my heart.... It was too hard to take.. ... Then the Pastor & Wife had a big get together after, at their house....  By the time this was all over, and watching my Dad, try to not cry the whole day, trying to hold him up, just tore us all to bits. 

    So when my Dad passed away a year and a half later, we all decided that nope, we didn't want to do that again.   My Dad just wanted us to give him a small grave-side service, with a few friends...   And we only had a few come... Even one of his drinking buddies, who was a WW 2 veteran.  He had a flag, and said a few words, and my Dad was finally put next to my Mom....  Sure it was tough, but didn't last as long!  And after, we all went to "Cliff's".... A bar where my Dad used to go drink with his buddies.  We all had a drink for Dad, and I'm SURE he would have loved to have been there....Wink  Those memories are still very special for me.

    Man, I tore this house up trying to find some crochet blankets I had made!  And one patchwork quilt that I had put a lot of our pictures of family and friends on white blocks of material.  (I printed them out, on transfer paper, then ironed them onto the blocks.).. It is like my "Family" memory quilt!  I looked EVERYwhere 2 or 3 times!  Finally went back upstairs, opened this little cubby-hole, and yep, there they were!  

    You know, I love being organized, and a place for everything, and everything in it's place, but it's driving me nuts!  I need some sort of filing system, or a sticky-note board, saying "Okay, your small pillow cases are in the closet on the shelf, under the box with the LARGE pillow cases."  Then mark the boxes!  And like "Look for your a greeting cards in THIS box, you dink!"  And "Your plant stuff is all out in the garage.  Don't look for it upstairs."  Damnit!   If I would just THINK when I am putting stuff away, I could find it a lot easier!  Or I could put sticky-notes all over the walls.Wink

    This house is not that big, until I start trying to find something!   But at least all of our IMPORTANT papers, and records are all in a box, where our Daughter's can find them, if something happens.  Now if I can remember where the box is.... or if I have Daughter's.... Ha, ha! 

    Okay gals.... gotta get busy losing something around here....................................................... 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, I try to think of the place I would logically store something.  Then the next most logical place.  Etc.  Etc.  Sooner or later, I usually track the item down.

    Today I attended my WW meeting and ended up buying a gadget that you wear daily and it tracks all your movements and figures out your activity points.  Then I went to a supermarket to buy a lb. of ham for dh's lunches and found bargains at the meat counter.  Next to Walmart's for fruit.  Then to Verizon to find out what was wrong with my cell phone.  I wasn't due for an upgrade until Dec. 7 but the manager gave me the upgrade ahead of time since my phone couldn't be fixed.  So now I have a smart phone.  All I have to do is figure out to be a smart user of this phone.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, I have a notebook with a section marked storage. I list the box name/number and the contents along with where the box is. Ex. underbed box has my winter sweaters and it's under the spare bed. Has really saved me some time and aggravation. And the notebook stays in it's special place in my study. I worked for a nurse once who had a folder entitled A Safe Place. It worked!

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, you made me laugh out loud this morning. I do all that !! You can't swing a cat in this house of ours, think that might be the problem, not enough storage space and too much stuff. Lost bag with all my new scarves in,( hair loss due any day,) so panic, hunting everywhere. Gave up, then getting clean PJ's out of cupboard and out shot scarf bag, Don't ever remember putting it there :-(.

    Your funeral memories so poignant. Agree about how out of hand it can get. At my Mum's a neighbour came in who had never even spoken to her and proceeded to drink a whole bottle of scotch! Then we couldn't get rid of most of the people there.  We just wanted to have a cup of tea and share our memories.Mine is organised down to the last detail. If you couldn't come and see me when I was alive, you do not turn up when I go.

     Your quilt sounds beautiful. What a lovely thing to keep in the family. pics on transfer paper really great idea.I need to find important paperwork so think will look on the bird table lol.

    Wren, notebook great idea ! I have notebooks for everything else but never thought of one for storage. Will get one tomorrow and try and get more organised.

    Monmarch, broom handles ! now that is fascinating would love one to sweep my back deck, Autumn has arrived with a vengeance.

    Carole, good luck with phone needed credit on mine the other day ,took an hout trying to get up keyboard on my touch screen even DH was going to stamp on it ! Finally did it but no idea how. Dreading next time. Read instruction book cover to cover still no wiser.

    Illinois and Bonnets (( Hugs )).

    Off to my Lovely brothers this afternoon for dinner cooked by him !! My SIL is Head of a school, he works from home now so has become adept at all aspects of running a home. She is one lucky girl and Mum who have been so proud of him, :-)

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2012


    Our experience with these 'new electronics' is that the 'manuals' that come with them are useless.  I find that if I go on line and look up the web site for the manufacturer by googling "manual for blah blah blah phone"  (or what ever it is I am looking for) I have always been able to find a much better manual, easier to read and understand than the one that comes in the box..  Hope this is of some help..


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
    Mother Teresa

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2012

    Vicks, I've found that a lot of time, a search on Youtube will have someone showing how to do something.

    Some young kid had an amaturish video which showed how to open an old cassette tape, splicee it, and put it into a more expensive tape container that had screws.  I repaired the 26 year old tape and with advice from another you tube kid, loadef it on my computer and onto a disk.  Same with old video.

    These were tapes of inteviews with family members long dead.  Good luck.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012


    Just ask your grand kids! Jean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Memories, memories, memories ---  looking for stuff.  OMG it suddenly hit me how many hours I've spent and how many times I've gone back to the same place over and over, sure I'd somehow missed tghese things I now HAVE to have IMMEDIATELTY almost.  I'm not sure what I'm waiting for.  I do know partly I want to rid myself of even guess I think I might jinks that by starting a notebook about where things are.....or probably more to the point.....a lot of things probably are not going to stay where they are right now.  I have  closed that I haven't opened for almost two years..........I think I know what is in there, but I'm sure I'll find some surprises. 

    Funerals are hard and it is hard to be prepared.  My mother did not have one for my dad.......for one thing she knew how much he would hate it.  Also, he passed away in California and no longer had friends or much family either there or back here in Illinois.  She honored his request to be cremated ( he actually set it up with the Neptune Society years and years before ) and brought him back here to be buried.  Was interesting as he passed so long after paying for everythign through Neptune, that costs had gone up so much my Mom was asked to pay a little more for his actual burial which she found reasonable. 

    It was harder for Mom as she moved back here afterward.  I still miss she and Dad every day.  Some of my appreciation for them came later on in life ( probably happens for a lot of people ) as my sister seem to lose hers, mine increased.  At least though it came a good while before they passed.  I wrote them each a letter describing how grateful I was to them for not only what turned out to seem to to me to be a fantastic up-bringing, but also loving me completely without reservation while I arrived at the strong, loving positive feelings that I came to have.  It is not that I was a horrid person to them.......just that they knew I had a period where I was pretty much out of alignment with how they saw things.  In love and patience they waited and let me work it out for myself. 

    Edith.....I think your brother could start a home business and "school" other men in how to navigate their home in a way that helps their wives rather than hinders them.  Mine often hasn't a clue.  Not that he doesn't try which I appreciate but more often than not....I leave thinking I'll come home to something i really hope and pray gets done......that he often even says he is going to do, and find something else entirely.  Fine, but it was the thing that was due to be done four and a half years ago, dud !!!!!  It's the piles of leaves outside that need taking care of now. 

    Carole....Dh had to send that fancy mulcher back.  Somehow he was not able to get it on our garden tractor  correctly.  I'm hating decided whatever leaves get blown down to the ravines will be done by Dh.  I have too much that always goes begging this time of year. 

    Anyway....hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2012

    I use a recipe box with index cards to keep track of passwords, phone #s, where it is, contact names,etc.   Very helpful, even if it can get out dated from time to time.   It is a place to start looking.    

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Okay you guys.... this drove me nuts!  After I read your comments, Edith, GramE, and Jackie.... I HAD to go do it!  I HAD to go into my closet, with note-book in hand, take everything out.... AND STAND THERE AND THINK WTH????   What IS this here, and "Oh, THAT's where this went".... and Oh man, this is going to take forever!   BUT I DID IT!!!   Now I know what and where everything is!!! 

    I can't believe I haven't done it before!!!  And Edith, I felt like such a slacker, after I read the comments, ha!  But NOW  I am on top of it!  Such good ideas!  My friend Anita has  "Busy Box".....  It is a file box, and labeled Monday, through Sunday....  Then you go to it, and on that day, you have to do what the card says...... Now I wasn't THAT organized....  But she and her Husband both work, so this is how they got things done!!! 

    She was going to patent the idea, somehow....but I don't think she went through with it.    Their house was always so damn CLEAN!!!!  No fingerprints, dust....NOTHing!   I'm not THAT orderly. 

    So now I have to do this with my "upstairs" .... basement.... garage.... (oh man, I'm getting tired!)  

    And yes.... My Grandsons know more about everything than WE do!  Wink  But I was so tickled to tell one how I transferred tunes from my Ipod, into my Itunes on my computer!    My Daughter set up my Ipod she gave me one Christmas.... and I wanted those tunes transferred to my Itunes, so I could burn them onto disks, and then onto cassettes for our car.  I  DID it!   GS was amazed....Ha!

    And I just put together a little "end-table" for our little TV in the Dining-room.  No directions in ANY language!!!!!!!!  Just pictures!  Man, I thought ARE THEY KIDDING?????    Oh yeah, it had the screws, lock-nuts, etc. but not one word on how to do it...... just pictures!

    But damned if I didn't do it!  I had a drink afterwards..... I was so proud! 

    I KNOW Jackie.... As we got older, I figure I don't WANT anyone seeing me without my make-up or hair teased and sprayed.  God help me if I succumb in my sleep.  I'll have to wake up just to do my face and hair!!!   So we are being cremated... I don't like to talk about this either, but we don't have to.... our Daughter's know this. Besides, if we live to be 100, what friends will we have left?.... I'm guessin' not many!  So burials just cost too much.... A church memorial is good.  Ashes?  I don't know.... Maybe just put them SOMEwhere.... I just want to be together... mixed with my Husbands.

    On THAT note.... I'm signing off..... Love you guys!

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Vicki and Cindi, Thanks will do the internet and Youtube.Sure you are right there must be an answer out there.

    Jean, if all else fails will ask 5 year old GD tomorrow tea time, she can log onto her Mum's I phone without a moment's hesitation and has been playing games on it for

    Jackie, will put the idea to him. Meal was delicious, table laid with bowl of white roses, candles, serviettes the full hit. When my SIL comes through the door each evening a home cooked meal appears !

    At a recent wedding she looked stunning, her shoes were studded with crystals to match her outfit. He had only gone out, and knowing her size picked them out for her.

    My DH ate his meal but made it clear that when they come to us next time he won't be doing the cooking !

    Think most DH are like yours and mine, I find it easier to do things myself than be dissapointed lol.

    Know what you mean about missing parents.I still I often see something Mum would like and go to buy it for her or reach for the phone to have a good chat, she has been gone for many years and it never gets any easier.

    Grame, recipe index good idea. DH has passwords etc in a book but still can never find the one he wants when he wants it. Will try this out,

    Happy Wednesday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Got quite a few chuckles from catching up on posts.  I should inventory my closets full of stuff that hasn't been touched for goodness knows how long.  Must be very necessary stuff.

    Had my roots colored today and a hair trim.  Also had my mustache and chin waxed.  Ouch!  But now my skin feels smooth in those places.  First time for me to be "waxed"!

    Got some ironing done this afternoon but not all of it. 

    Jackie, that's too bad the leaf mulcher didn't work out for your dh.  Ours arrived in 9 big boxes, delivered by truck.  DH put it together and has used it a couple of times.  I thought it was a lot of money to spend to mulch leaves, but anything to keep dh on the job! 

    I signed up for a class on Sat. to learn more about how to use my smart phone, which is a Droid Charge.  It was the free one.  I suspect it's way too much phone for my needs.  The flip phone was probably all I needed but we're all so impressionable.  When the rest of the world has smart phones, we end up getting them, too. 

    All in all, it was a nice day.  We're having steaks for dinner.  DH will cook them on the grill. 

    Hugs to all.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

     Morning all,

    About to get dressed and take off for rads. Getting tired of my morning routine!

    We have flip phones, on prepaid , as we hardly ever use them. We are in a DEAD zone! Good to see they have classes though. If I ever get a smart phone  sure wud need a class. I call ours Stupid Phones.

    I keep cleaning stuff out, that I never wear, or can't get into and never will again. Give tons to Sal's Army, still have my closet crammed. Just got the winter PJ's out last night. It's 27 on the front porch this morning.

    Well better get dressed and take off, half done, but loose a couple of days next week for Thanksgiving. Have a good day. Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Hi Jean..... Hope your "routine" won't be much longer.... I know it's not easy, but you won't be sorry.

    You know, I've HAD that kind of phone, with the pre-paid minutes, but I finally got a  Sprint phone, and the gal knew I just wanted one for emergencies.... And it is only $15 a month...for 150 minutes...... That is plenty for us, because we don't use even 1/2 that.   It's a little extra for those stupid texts, but  my Daughter's know I don't like to use that.  The sales-girl (over the phone) said she put her Mom on a plan like that, and I've been on it for a couple years now....  Actually I saw the phone on line, an "up-grade" and the phone was free.  So wouldn't hurt to ask.

    Carole, that was funny...!  Your "mustache"..... Ha!  I told my Daughter's it was "peach fuzz" on us....Wink  The thing is, you just gotta be smarter than your "smart pnone"...... I know you can catch on, but being retired, and our life-style, I just don't need one.   I don't have a "Tablet" either, NOR a lap-top to carry around, because we don't travel.... I don't even have Internet service on my little Sprint plan.  BUT, we DO have running water..........  Ha,ha!  We have a land-line, because it's just easier to use, and hear on...and besides that's also who I get my Internet service through.

    Going to go play today...I used up all my brain cells trying to organize things yesterday.... !  Have fun gals................

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    If our actions stem from honesty, kindness, caring, and vision, then no matter what the result of our efforts, we have added something of value to our souls and to the world.
    Joan Boysenko