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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    You gals are just too funny sometimes.  I have had my eyebrows waxed.  A couple of times.....the first time ever I thought I was going to wet myself.........oh my gosh, can't tell you when anything hurt so much.  Of course, never having done was a huge surprise which is probably part of the 'pain'.  Since I had my chemo the hair under my arms never grew back and my eyebrows are sparse enough I have to shade with a little eyebrow pencil here and there. 

    Jean...rads get boring with the day in and day out.....a lot to go through for the very small amt. of time your actually getting them.  Of course, it is not something to skip.  Still, I had 7 full weeks and though I was soooo thrilled to be done, other than starting the Arimidex a few weeks later, you sort of feel like you been left out of something important.  You spend all the time getting diagnosed, go through all the stages of that,fear, denial, anger, grief, acceptance etc., and then you do all you can and feel so vunerable for while when you are just left on your own again.

    I think next year we will get some other kind of mulcher.  It was far too late this year.  Of course Dh should have put the thing together right away instead of waiting for the knee deep piles of leaves which he is now having to do by hand.  There might have been time to choose another.  I wouldn't know where to start with some things if Dh wasn't around, but he has given me so many head shaking times and this was a big one.  Sigh !!!!  At least we are SURE we will have to do something to keep going here.  Some sort of gizmo will have to appear because it is just too hard to keep up anymore. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    spell checker took a day off today.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2012

    I saw my Dr. yesterday and my hemoglobin has went from 11 to 13.  She wants it up at least another point or 2 and then see if it stays.  They are giving me B12 shots every month.  She says it is caused from the chemo.  Keep taking vitamins with iron, folic acid and calcium.  Go back in a month and have blood checked. 

    Take Care

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Drove to the little bakery in a nearby town today to order pies for Thanksgiving.  AND they're renovating the building and are closed!  Of all the nerve!  So now I'll either have to take a chance on another bakery or make some pies myself.  The sweet potato pies are doable but lemon meringue?  Of course, I do have a stand mixer to beat up the meringue.  Leaning heavily toward another bakery.

    Mommarch, glad your numbers are headed in the right direction.  Don't really understand exactly what those numbers represent.

    The weather man on the screen is announcing that our temp. will get down into the 30's tonight but no freeze.  It got up to low 60's today but the sun was out.  I played Ladies Day golf and had lunch afterwards.  Instead of the buffet, which had fried chicken on it, I had a "tropical" salad with chicken and grilled shrimp.  It was tasty but I ate only half of it.  I'm really into losing weight and today I was down to a number on the scale I haven't seen in a couple of years.  Or maybe it's a year.  I don't remember.

    I mentioned to dh that I was making mac and cheese for Thanksgiving because one of the children really likes it.  I meant to get one of the better box varieties, not Kraft.  Well, dh, who LOVES mac and cheese and seldom ever gets it, jumped right in and announced he would make it from scratch.  He was looking at recipe books when I left to play golf.  Fine with me.  He could do the whole dinner with my blessings.

    Jackie, you mentioned that you will be cooking for yourself and your dh.  What about the rest of you?  Mommarch, you're having a son and a daughter with their families, if I remember right.  Edith, you might as well have Thanksgiving dinner, too!  I have a 21 lb. turkey.  I'll probably have to get up at dark-thirty to put the bird in the oven.  About the latest my family will tolerate having dinner is 1 pm. 

    Jackie, wish you were closer.  We would come over the mulcher and help you out.

    How about this soap opera scandal with the generals?

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2012

    I will host my Son, dil and their 2 girls - 2  3/4 yrs and 2 months old.   With my food allergies, I will make things that are safe for me mainly, and Mac and cheese for the others.   It is GD and son's favs.    So far I have not found a dessert that has no eggs, soy or chocolate except Sherbet or jello.    If anyone has a recipe, please pass on or PM me.    

    For 33 years I dealt with tons of leaves and recall burning out at least 5 leaf blowers - one even caught on fire.   It is a joy to not have to think about that now and sit on my balcony and watch the apartment landscape crew and city workers cleaning up the leaves.   Same with snow removal.    

    If I do not get back on before, Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to all.    Nancy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Gram E same to you....sounds like you will have a nice time.....having wee ones around is always fantastic. 

    Carole...wish you were closer with that machine too.  Well, worst that could happen is they won't all be done away with and Dh will have to get out in Spring.....long before actual "growth starts" and mulch the left over leaves after they have wintered all season on the ground. 

    As far as Thanksgiving --- we are both working that day, so I am doing the easy stuff.  A ham steak, southern Sweet Potatoes, gr. beans, and probably Jello.  Simply, easy and not too filling.  We will be tired and our family ( daughter and SIL ) won't be here till December they think.  Gives us time to make some room for them.  It will all be great. 

    I'll be working this Saturday too as well as the next one.  Those will be 7 hr. days.  Will work out fine because as always I'll have time to go out and do the feral cats before I go to work. 

    I'll see you all in the morning.....sweet dreams.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2012

    DH and I are going to our son's for T-day. They own a hobby shop and really want us there to watch DGSs on Fri and Sat when their store will (hopefully) be frantically busy. We haven't seen them since Sept, so are looking forward to it. They're both in school - kindergarten and 3rd grade.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Wren tht sounds gret---it's always good to be with u' family and see the babies.

    Now I'm caught up but forgot who said what. soo here goes.

    Their has to be a recipe without eggs and chocolate, of course zi wouldn't eat it, but it must exist.But I do like fancy jellos with goddies in them.

    Oh and funerals Oh gosh my Mom's was so hard on everyone too--people I didn't even know and my dad wsnted to be cremated and put at my moms' feet cuz he said thst's how he basically lived his life so we did it. Amd just a service that was all and of course food. And it's tru every so often I think oh I have to call my mom and tell her. cuz I called everyday even tho I saw them everuday--I lived in a condo right upstairs from them and my oldest dgtr lived down the hall from me. And my other dgtr lived 2 blocks away my sister too so my brothers and most of us were there every weekend for lunch, dinner whatever. and before I went to work every morning zi went down to have coffee with my dad--he made it nice and strong the way I like it. So it's hard to lose u'r parents.

    Oh memories--why can we remember our life and I csn't ever find a pen??? or what the dr said. or WHERE ANYTHING IS.

    U guys have some good ideas tho--If I remember them. It's really getting worse instead of better. LOL

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Today is my mother's weekly hair apptment.  I'll take her at 11:30 and afterwards we'll have some lunch at her house and visit.  I might help her fold clothes or do any little chore that needs doing. 

    I need to write out my Thanksgiving menu, which is standard fare, and make a note of what foods need to be bought.  The turkey is in the freezer.  It was a real bargain at WinnDixie last week.  59 cents a lb with a $35 dollar purchase.  You can't walk in the door of a supermarket these days and spend less than $35.  Or I can't.  I go with a list of 2 items and end up with a basket full.  I need treatment for my supermarket addiction!

    Last night I flushed the new $40 WW gadget down the toilet!  I'm so upset!  My two days of activity lost plus the wasted money.  The gadget was clipped to my waistband and I had forgotten about it.  I haven't decided whether to buy another one.  Hope I don't do something stupid with the new cell phone.  At least it's insured.

    Hope everybody has a good day.  Look forward to hearing from everybody.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Jackie!  You forgot the rest!  It's "Sweet dreams, sleep tight, good night, don't let the bed-bugs bite, I love you!" Smile

    My Mom and Dad always told my Brother and I that every night before we went to sleep.... And I've told our Daughter's that, and my Grand-sons, when they were little.   After my Mom died, I was trying to make my Dad happy, and before I left him, and went back to Denver, I left little notes all through his house... just silly ones, but I left THAT one on his pillow, and when he saw it, he called me that night, and was just laughing and so happy!  It's like I was still with him.  So thanks for the memory.... again, Ha!

    I'm doing Thanksgiving, just for DH and I and our youngest Daughter....  She has to work, but will come over after.... I LOVE to do a Turkey dinner!  The first one I did was 2 months after we got married....... I had his whole family over.....and 1/2 of mine!  I was only 20, but I had the best time doing it!  I must have been nuts!!  But it was really good!   I spent all those years helping my Mom, then my Grandma having Thanksgiving every year......

    I also remember those MEN..... drinking themselves silly every year!   And almost every year it was the same..... The women cooking all day, cleaning everything up, and dealing with a bunch of ....... oh well.   It's not that way any more....  Ha! 

    Gram, I LOVE Kraft Macaroni and Cheese!  But I'm the only one..... oh wait!  Maybe I'll make some "just because"!  I think DD likes it too, but we'll also have mashed potatoes, and that green bean casserole, and the Turkey & dressing...... LOTS of dressing!  I still make it the way my Mom did.... Toasted bread pulled into pieces, celery and onion softened in a cube of butter, the cooked liver, gizzard and neck, and baked in the Turkey.... Always some on the side.

    Also, I really liked that Lemon Pie recipe from Weight Watchers!  Carole, have you tried it???  It has sugar-free jello, lo-fat yogurt, whipped cream, in a graham-cracker shell....  You can make it either fat-free, or lo-fat, or just regular!   I also tried it with Lime jello, or Strawberry!  If you need the recipe, I can look it up...

    You any of you know the difference between a Hematoma or a fat Necrosis in your breast?  (Necrotic Cyst)  I have one of those....  I'll ask the radiologist tomorrow, when I go for my mammogram.... but it's hard, about the size of a small egg, and flat!  If I didn't have THAT, my left side would REALLY be smaller, Ha!   Neither one of those are anything to worry about, but have any of you had this?  I only see a PC.... not an Oncologist or surgeon any more.

    Hey Mommarch.... take care of yourself....always thinking about you..... (((marcha)))

    Those politicians!  Can't they keep it zipped???  And the women????  (Notice the question marks)...  It's all just a game to them!  Doesn't matter how high the office, they just have to play thumbing their noses at the rest of us.  Like it doesn't matter, that it is no-one else's business..... YES it concerns me....ALL of us!   Not to mention all the women, (and men) who have been hurt from their cheating spouses.  It's like being in the Public eye doesn't matter.... that those are just silly rules that don't pertain to them. 

    I know.... I think it is because I am older, and less tolerant of these scoundrels!   No extra dessert for THEM.....  they've already had theirs. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Chevy....too funny about the men having already had their dessert.  Well, you can have the highest of ideals, but give them some sort of "fame" with something long enough and they begin to feel so special....along comes some gal and the rest is history.  I don't understand why the "fame" isn't enough and why they must 'prove' something now to just one person.  Shame on them all.   A big irritation that so many feel the need to SPLASH it all over everywhere and try to uncover some magnificent conspiracy to hurt others with.  Yuck!!!!Can't think of a better word for the mindless part of this meddling.

    Looking forward to the week-end already though I am working Saturday.  Could have worked Sunday as well but I opted out.  I probably do need a day off at my age.....which will in fact go fast and I probaly won't get much done.  Here's hoping.......if I don't make plans, I actually sometimes do get more things done than if I, I'm not looking to do anything. 

    OMG Carole.....shades of me.  I have some similar things so often.  Did a dumb thing couple days ago.  Was setting up the new dog house for Billy ( the black Lab Retriever ) and didn't unhook him first and of course....he got excited pulled his lead tight and toppled me over.  Re - hurt my knee a bit.  I think I am going to get a soft knee support......the other one was rather stiff and I don't think I need a heavy duty one....but I am feeling squishy in the knee so need something I think.  You'd think we'd learn, huh !!! Well, that makes every day a little bit of an adventure......what am I going to screw up next......sigh !!!

    Hope you all have a really good day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Javkie we never learn--and I don't know why LOL

    And politicians that cheat--OK here goes--I don't believe in cheating anyway, but when they do it I think it's disustin. They are supposed to be role models and given respect and when they are so stupid they cheat they are so immoral and we trust them with other things. morality is so under-rated. That is such a measure for anyone to figure out what they are made of. Very dissapointing to me.

    Oh it's time for the bean casserole or the broccoli/cheese one. hahahaha we all know about that.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2012

    Just thought I would share this about our DD and her high risk pregnancy.  The Dr. told her yesterday that she is doing fine, Baby due in April, but our DD has PKD (Polysistic Kidney Disease) it runs rampant in our family.  They said they would do a test at 6 months and if the baby has PKD they will advise to abort.  She said either the baby would not be born alive or would only live up to four months.  There is no cure for it, in adults they can do dialysis, that is hard.  It is heartbreaking.  It is in God's Hands.

    Today is my last day at work until the Monday after Thanksgiving.  Ready for the time off.

    Take Care

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2012

    Mommarch, Prayers for both of them.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012


    In answer to your question, a hematoma is blood, black and blue marks are hematoma. A cyst usually has fluid in it, can empty and resolve/ become necrotic. If that helps.

    Had to take a break, still coughing off and on, the remnants of a cold, a week and a half. Better but not gone. Pray when Im getting my rads that I don't get a coughing fit!

    Don't know if we are going to my son-in-laws brothers for Thanksgiving or what. My daughter is in Maryland, and with Rad schedule can't go joing her family. My son is in Vegas, not going there. So, see what DH decides. Back in the old days  I had 25 poeple when it was my turn, we wud rotate so you had it every 4 years, when my ex and I were married. Now Dh's daughter usually does it, which is OK with me.

    Got a little Christmas shopping done today. Also did the  Christmas cards for church. Whittle away , a little at a time. Glad most the older grands are OK wiith gift cards, sure makes shopping easier, when you have 14 to buy for!

    Hubbuy's out weed whaking in the cold. Was 23 this morning.

    Momarch, pray all goes well for your daughter. 

    Have a good day, jean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Hugs, thoughts and prayers for your daughter and her baby, and it just sounds heart-breaking.  I just pray that the baby will be fine.  Just reminds me of that quote that everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.  Someone can look for all the world like they are in command and have things just falling into order all the time----yet, they have something that most of us feel we could not handle in a million years. 

    On to my recliner.  It's my favorite place these quiet nights at home while Dh works.  See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Jackie, on my recliner too, 3 in the morning and sleep won't come.Hpe warm milk will do the trick.

    Monmarch,Prayers in the still of this night to your daughter and her baby.

    Chevy, since my surgery I have a hematoma too. They say it may take some time to go but nothing to worry about. Hope you are ok.

    What is it about men who given a bit of power feel the need to be so immoral ? Our future King and others in his family act in this way too. Then they demand respect from their subjects. They should all hang their heads in shame.

    Carole, ww gadget down the toilet, you are not alone. My beautiful new ruby red mobile phone flew out of my pocket and splash !! DH wasn't impressed I can tell you. Now only have very cheap and ordinary one  and never put in my pants pocket lol.

    Sweet dreams to you all, off to land of nod.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    I'm a little behind, or else I just don't read the posts right....

    Carole....Is the gadget you are talking about the one that you can keep track of your points?  I still have mine, and you are welcome to have it.... Let me know.  You know what I did with my wallet?  I SOMEtimes take it out of my purse, to get my money, or drivers license, and then walk away with it still on the counter, when I am grabbing my star-bucks and packages...

    So DH was telling me about this gal, that left hers on the counter....but went right back, and the wallet was there, but the money had been taken!  So I clipped a cord to the wallet, and the handle base of my purse, so now I won't leave it.   If I start to walk away now, my wallet will drop, and things will start flying all over the place!  Wink

    And I was wrong.... I'm getting checked today, but they said it was a Seroma.... not a Hematoma, like I said.... but I'm wondering if it is the other. A fatty necrosis, since it is kind of hard?  I'm going to ask... but I know it isn't any problem.

    Jean, man that is a lot of grands to buy for!  We just have the 2 boys, and we just send them money..... Also the girls, and one SIL!   I know if I had 50 grands, I would HAVE to buy for them all too!  Can you just make them something?  How old ARE they?  Too young to make Kahlua for them?   Just kidding!  I just made some, and it was really good!

    Or make a collage of you and each one, in a cute special frame, of all the special times you had?  Or do you crochet or knit?  Yeah, I know, a knitted cap and gloves are NOT on their wish list.  Or buy each family some sort of video game?  The boys used to LOVE playing with those.   Do you remember "Pong?"  Ha, ha!  Or Pac-man?

    Mommarch, how are the baby & Mommy?  Prayers for them both........

    And  we all remember the controversy about Kennedy, but it was sort of hushed up.... fast!   Doesn't matter WHO they are, they are still human, but acting more like animals than they should.  So it's been going on forever...  And you would THINK that the other guys READ about it and wouldn't DO it, but they don't have enough brains to think they could get caught.... or think they can just cover it all up.  It's the women too.  Some of them act like real tramps in a room full of men.... but the guys think that's very flattering to them.

    I guess once caught, we could strip them of their Congressional, Presidential, Governor,and whatever post they hold, and say, "Okay, now play around all you want, but you are DONE."    And then make the wives go into some sort of rehab, where they teach them the art of wielding a hammer if they choose to stay with them.

    Okay.... guess that's my 2 cents....Wink

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    Morning ladies!  We returned from our Orlando trip last evening.  The weather was beautiful all week and we had an awesome time!  Art show on Saturday, classic car show in Winter Park on Sunday, golf on Monday, sightseeing on Tuesday, and dinner with friends, shopping on Wednesday..whew!

     On Thursday morning we went to our timeshare presentation (an obligation if you take advantage of the special that we had) and that's where the fun!  The young man who did our presentation was very nice...if only he hadn't brought over the "closer".  Now that guy was a complete idiot, and being the real estate expert that I am, I had to have him for!  Needless to say, he gave me an excellent excuse to purchase NOTHING!  After that, we went outside, and in keeping with the mood, the weather had turned rainy and cold, so we packed up and came home a day early.  It was good to sleep in my own bed again!

    It looks like everyone has been will take me a while to catch up.  Tonight I'm keeping my DGD while DS and DIL attend a function in my area.  Looking forward to it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Although the world is full of suffering,
    it is full also of the overcoming of it.
    My optimism, then, does not rest on the absence of evil,
    but on a glad belief in the preponderance of good
    and a willing effort always to cooperate with the good,
    that it may prevail.
    - Helen Keller

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Thanks, Chevy, but this is a new gadget that monitors my activity.  It must be similar to the Fitbit, which has become very popular.  I know 3 people now who wear the Fitbit day and night because it not only monitors your activity but tells you how long it takes you to go to sleep and how many times you wake up.  The WW gizmo is called ActionLink.  You wear it all day and plug it into the computer at night or every few days.  It calculates the activity points you've earned.  Not in the least necessary but kind of fun if you like technology.  I bought another one today but will wear it in a different place and be VERY CAREFUL when I go to the bathroom!

    I played golf today and what a beautiful day it was to be outdoors.  I'm trying hard to improve my ball striking with the suggestions the pro made when I took a lesson recently.  After golf I went to a meeting for people interested in working for Weight Watcher.  I am not interested in being a leader at the meetings but think working as a receptionist might be interesting or fun.  The details on pay were very vague but I suspect the pay isn't much. 

    Tomorrow I'm going to the class to learn more about my new phone and then to a birthday party for Olivia, my great-niece, who will turn 3.  She is one more cute little girl.  My meeting is in a shopping center so I'll buy a present while I'm there.

    Mommarch, I'll be thinking about your daughter.  Keep us updated.

    Kaara, welcome back.  Your trip sounds like fun except for the sales pitch meeting. 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2012

    Hi to everyone here...I enjoyed reading up on your posts.  Life is mostly good...
    Things are back to 'normal' after the storms...gas is available now.
    Carole, I read about your golf lesson....and then your next round.  That is so is almost unnatural to try to remember all those subtle changes....I would sometimes let go of what I was doing well.  I hope it all works out for the best.  Sorry to hear you lost your WW gadget.  Sounds like something I'd do....I try to be really careful around sinks and toilet - once I dropped my keys in at work and had to get the building manager who went in with a foot-long rubber 'em!  Boy, was I embarrassed....
    My Tgiving plans have changed from being home with DH and son coming home from Chicago for the first DD#2 in NJ has decided to not travel and will be home to host us.  It will be a very nice day. 
    Does anyone here rush around on black Friday?  I have never done it....I don't like crowds...maybe online shopping for me.
    I have developed tinnitus - never had it before....not too bad, but really weird.  I hope it goes away.  I don't know what's causing it...too many drugs to figure out which one it could be. 
    Jean, when will you be done with rads?  I hope it seems to be going fast for you.  It's true - so much effort to get there and feel stressed and get back home after a few minutes of treatment.  I think it just compounds the tiredness felt by the body's response to the rads.  But what a great feeling it is to be done...
    Wishing everyone a good week end!

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Hi Joan, so glad things have improved for you. Think about you every day. The way things are getting underway is fantastic.

    Thanksgiving sounds as if it is going to be wonderful for you. I was in New York years ago and didn't realise that it wasn't always like a mad house, just we were there on Black Friday, Here it is like that Christmas Eve but have found much better since online shopping arrived. I worked for a big toy retailer and customers coming into the store halved last year because of this.

    Hope tinnitus gone soon.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Joan, what are you taking?  I have Tinnitis also, but it goes along with me losing my hearing.  I was taking Tamoxifen, so be sure you get it checked!  And glad things are getting back to a little more normal for you!

    Went for my diagnostic mammogram yesterday, AND I DON'T HAVE TO GO BACK FOR A YEAR!!!  I am so happy!  The "spot" they were watching 6 months ago stayed the same, so "probably nothing" and the seroma is also hanging in there!  So I think I am NED, and it's been just about 3 years since the surgery. Smile  Physical is next week, then I'll be done for the year.

    We usually don't shop for gifts, because we just give money to the family........ But we are always out looking around, thinking we might buy something we "might" need.  And we almost always come home with SOMEthing.  Crowds haven't been big here, even on Black Friday..... Oh man, that's the day of my physical, but we'll probably just stop for breakfast after.....

    Carole, that gadget is something new, since I went to WW!  But sounds REALLY high tech, Ha!  I just removed Norton from my computer.... Or I mean it removed itself!  Just quit working!  It came with my IP, so maybe it's time was up?  So I installed AVG, and Avast.... I'll see which one I like best.  Jut that technical things give my brain hives.... Undecided

    Kaara, so do you still have a time share in Florida?  I know how those work.... I'd sure hate to try selling them as my business...I sat through a presentation once, but we weren't planning on BUYing into it... Just wanted to have time.... in Puerto Vallarta.

    Jackie, I just love you!   Reading your posts, and sayings and poems makes me feel like I am sitting at the feet of my mentor!  And I know you try and BE just like what you write.   I have learned...... and I need a big sign...... in my living room...... that says "PATIENCE"!   As we get older, it's really my life.  AND "Don't sweat the small stuff." 

    If we just give ourselves breathing room, we can get past whatever is bothering or hurting us..... so okay now..... guess I'll try and find out how AVG and Avast work, AND Chrome, since that was installed ALSO! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    Morning everyone!  Up early today and I don't know why because DGD certainly tired us out yesterday..LOL!  My DS says she will make a great South American dictator when she grows up!  We were basically her play slaves for the 8 hours she was here but it was fun!

    Carole:  Hopefully your lessons will pay off...mine never did.  I played a round in Orlando and felt it was respectable for me which is all I can hope for with my limited abilities.  As long as I have fun and my BF doesn't "coach" too much.  It sounds like your WW is paying off for you.

    Jackie:  Love your quotes...they continue to inspire!

    mommarch:  Will pray for your DD...what a heartbreaking decision to have to make after you've carried the baby that long.

    Chevy:  Congrats on your good mammo!  I know how I felt when I got the all clear on mine this year.  It will be one year for me on December 9.  That's the day I had surgery.  This time last year I was right in the middle of researching and making my decisions on tx.  Today I feel healthier than I have in weight is BMI is at 20, which my Onc said was great, and I've been able to vary my strict diet somewhat and still keep the status quo.  I take a ton of supplements, and as proof that they work, I was exposed to a major case of flu before I left NC and I didn't get immune system is working at optimal levels.

    Joan and Edith:  My thoughts on Black Friday are that as much as I like to shop, I wouldn't be caught dead anywhere near a shopping mall on that day.  Any bargain that I could obtain would be overridden by the stress of dealing with the masses.  IMHO it's strictly a marketing ploy....only in America!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, great news on the mammogram!  What a relief for you!

    Joan, I'm glad you're getting back to normal.  I think everyone (or most people) have some degree of tinnitus but when it's really bad, it can drive you crazy.  I have some level of it but mostly don't notice it.  Your change of Thanksgiving plans sounds good to me.  I love being a guest who brings something!  This year I'm IT (hostess) for Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

    This morning I'm up at 7 am out of choice.  DH is still snuggled in bed.  I plan to walk this morning before I get ready to drive to Hammond (about 20 mi.) for my telephone class.  So far I'm under-impressed with the new "smart" phone and am starting to miss my dumb little flip phone.  I'm trying not to rush to judgment.

    At 2 pm I'm planning to go to my mother's house for Olivia's (3 yrs) little family birthday party.

    As for Black Friday, I've never ventured out shopping on that day.  But one of DH's nieces gets up in the wee hours and goes out with her list.  She has 4 children and always does some of her Christmas shopping.  I hate crowds. 

    Jean, are the rads causing fatigue?  That's the way the treatment seems to affect most people.

    Hi to Mommarch and Jackie and Edith and everyone else not mentioned. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Now that I'm older I thought it was great that I seemed to have more patience.   Turns out I just dont give a sh*t

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Morning Ladies,

    Good to be on this blog! Went to one on rads to read on SE, really felt OLD, with the 40's talking about not going to support groups , cuz of all the OLD women 60 and 70's there! Yikes, I don't feel that old. I remember my daughter said that she felt that way at first, then realuzed we are all fighting the same beast!

    Carole, no haven't felt tired, only SE i have had is an itchy rash, that I put cortisone oint on. So far at least. I'm just a little redder on the right boob, and a little bigger and render. Keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Have rads tomorrow due to the holiday, then end of the week 4 day off! yay!

    I too have tinnitis, as a result of an ear infection many years ago, sometimes it drives me nuts. Haven't found anythiong that helps. Won't take Tamoxifen either, with having 2 deaf daughters plus tinnitus, I told  my onc NO!.

    Gotta run, going to a craft fair, have a good day. Jean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    "We are not on this earth to accumulate victories, things, and
    experiences, but to be whittled and sandpapered until what's
    left is who we truly are."

    -- Arianna Huffington

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Good morning...after cleaning my pantry floor, filling the dog food bin, doing the outside dogs, the inside cats and washing my hair.  Whew !!!!  Note to self:  stop leaving everything till the last minute.  Had hopes Dh would do the pantry.....he was home while I was working but men never "notice" many of the things they could do.  Sigh !!!  Oh well, everything burns a few calories, huh!!!

    I have the tinnitus as well.  Got highly noticeable after chemo some time....but not sure what brought it on....probably several things.  I hope I won't notice it as much when I get the hearing aids, but don't'd know about this.  Some times I'm able to NOT notice it when I'm really into things I am doing, but when I get quiet.....then I hear the roar and dislike it a lot.  I could have so many crosses though, and feel fortunate that this and my slightly squishy knee is all that I really have.  Now you know I'm a bad procrastinator.....was going to go get one of the soft knee braces but haven't taken the rightfully, I should not even mention that ole' knee. 

    Beautiful sunny day outside though coolish today.  Will get up to the 50's so that will be nice.  As long as their is a little sun....I'm happy. 

    Hope you all have a great one. 

    Hugs, Jackie