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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Mommarch my heart goes out to u'r family and u'r dgtr has to live thru this. How sad for her. Saying special prayers for her and her baby (((Mommarch)))) hugs

    Joan and Jean very confusing to me--Whoever is taking rads I'm glad they are going well for u. And whoever had a goo mammo WONDERFUL-It's so nice to hear. (haha, I don't have to do mammos anymore)

    And altho I'm pretty laid back I learned more patience with cancer than I ever had. Always waiting for tests, Drs. Surgery schedules, bloodwork all the time, flushes--I said my life is one long line (which I hope goes on for a long time LOL) just waiting.

    Now I've started with a Cardioloist and since I'm older I do say more and told him how nice looking he is. Some of these Drs. male and female) are so georgeous, and again I adk did u really attend class or talk u'r professor into saying u did. I remember years ago having Drs. all old and looked like they never left tthe house. One of my surgeons used to operate on Mondays and Thursdays and I told him Now Monday--u've been partying all week-end and by Thurs u'r really tired so my decions were made that way. I usually picked Thurs cuz I figured he's looking forward to the week-end and he'd be in a pretty ood mood. And my card. I wanted to see his license (he looked so young and he said of course and I said no u'r Drivers License,  Of course at my age everyone looks so young LOL

    I have tinnitus too. My sister does and my Mom had it. My sister keeps her radio on when it's time to go to sleep and I keep the TV on--it just distracts the sound.

    And Jacke I always love the quotes u write, but just in case I didn't tell u before if it's an unknown author it's something I said years ago--and got picked up and now it's being printed--so it's mine. LOL

    Kaara I was crackin up bout the sales pitch(sp)--While u were there it's some fun.

    If I missed saying hello to someone I'm sorry, and I love that picture. Have a good day everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012 I'll have a name to go with my un-known quotes. 


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2012

    Mommarch, am praying for a miracle for your daughter and all your family. 
    I am surprised to hear how many have tinnitis.  It's still happening didn'tbother me when I was busy all day and shopping tonight. I am wondering if it will go away.
    Chevy, I am taking Femara and a few other things.  So glad to hear about your good report.
    Carole, I started the day today with a long walk - I haven't really been outside much due to work...but it was beautiful in the wildlife refuge nearby. 
    Enjoy the rest of the week end...

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012


    I've had Tinnitus since the year E.T. came out. Had an ear infection, after, had Tinnitus. Tried no caffene, or chocolate, nothing. Tried tinnitus pills, nothing. Used to get a magazine Tinnitus Today, William Shatner is one of the big spokes people for Tinnitus. Keep telling DH my hearing ,when checked is OK, but the Tinnitus blocks out the high frequency sounds, making it hard to hear speech. I almost cried when I got it in the other ear maybe 10 years ago. Id love an hour with SILENCE!

    Off to rads. Beautiful day here, but very frosty. Have a good day. Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Joan, sometimes it does!  Either that, or you just get used to it.  I notice it when I don't have my hearing aids in.... But when I have them in, everything else is so loud, it shuts it off....Wink

    You know I was having soooo much trouble with my Norton security program.... It just quit working!  So I tried for 2 hours, on the phone, trying to get it fixed.... NOTHING!!! They could not fix it! 

    Then,  I finally bought the program, instead of fooling with Century Link to try & fix that free program.  STILL could not get Norton to open, after I downloaded and installed it!  FINALLY this morning, I got "live chat".... and this guy, took remote control of my computer, and I watched "him"  (his arrow) do all sorts of things on here!  He un-installed it, then did a bunch of removal things, and re-installed it, and now it is running!  I AM SO HAPPY!!! It was like magic! 

    Glad you are doing better Joan! 

    Camille!  That's funny, because my DAUGHTER, who is 51 said her eye Doctor looked like a kid!  She asked him if he "was old enough to do this", Ha!  But we gals can STILL look, and think someone is gorgeous!!!!  Didn't "those years" go in a hurry?  I mean when we looked and THEY looked too?  Ha! 

    Jackie, It IS like a "roar!"  I do know of people that have a fan, or radio on with soft music, when they are sleeping... Is that called "white" noise?  Then there is DH.... I swear he could hear a flea fart in a wind-storm.   He hears the softest sounds.... like the refrigerator running, a car going down the street, the furnace running, etc!  So HE has ear plugs to sleep with!   I can't even hear my alarm, when it goes off..... Or dog-face out there barking in the middle of the night.... but it's alright...... could be worse.

    Bonnets, when I was working at the phone company, I thought the gals that were 24 were "old."...... I was 19-20, and never dreamed that I would be "old" someday.  And I really don't like being 75 either, what what can you do?  We are lucky to be where we are....and lived as long as we have, and can still wake up and find something to love about the day!    I  have gotten older, so slow, that it kind of just creeps up on you, when you can't bend over like you used to, or reach behind your back, or even trim your toe-nails without hurting something! 

    But I can still do a LOT!  Like gardening, and finding ways to do it without falling over doing a face-plant!  I now have a "kneeling bench."  It is so cool!  You can get down, and back up with the handles!   I'm still better off than a lot of folks!

    Mommarch........ thinking of you........  xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Jean it's so aggrevting I'm listening to it right now-yeow---U'r right thos I tried so many things and sometimes it seems like I can't hear but my hearing is fine it's the sound that annoying.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    All things share the same breath -
    the beast, the tree, the man...
    the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports.
    - Chief Seattle (attributed)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Ah...I'm listening too.......sometimes if I don't allow myself ( well, hey that is a whole lot of the time ) to hone in on it and identify it....I don't hear it as much.  It is annoying....makes me think, if I can hear this SO WELL , then darn, I ought to be able to hear so much more.  I'll be glad to get the hearing aids ( they haven't called me yet....may have to call and remind them I'm waiting ) and maybe not have to hear it for a bit.  It is not exasperating exactly.....just so tiresome.  I usually put t.v. on and fall asleep easily.  They say if you really want to sleep, don't have a t.v. in your bedroom.  I have one so long I wouldn't feel right if it were gone.......and I don't think it has ever really KEPT me up.  That is why I use the timer.....always. 

    Chevy -- you are so right about thinking folks were OLD when we end up going so far past it.  I did that too.  Guess the interesting point is that now that I'm right where I could never imagine myself, it is hard to think of myself as actually this old.  I guess if I doddered around a bit or "forgot" more things, it might be easier for me to 'see' it, but thank goodness....I feel about the same as when I was 50.  I stll love life and though much of life is still predictable.....I still get a thrill out of many things......looking up and seeing deer in the yard, hearing raindrops on the roof, catching sight of a full moon at night, having the dogs snuggle up to me, smelling good food cooking o the stove, and one of the best things.........talking to fantastic people and getting to share a little of their life too via this neat machine sitting on my desk called a computer.  Hey gals......we are great...we can reach out and touch the whole we don't have to think about age too much....look what it has brought us.

    Hope you all have a fantastic Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Old age does creep up on you.  You don't exactly know when getting up from a sitting position on the floor started getting more difficult.  All of a sudden it IS more difficult. 

    The sun is shining and it's "another beautiful day in the neighborhood!"  Our reward for suffering through all the hot, humid, crappy weather here in Louisiana.  My mother and I are going to the contemporary church service, which she loves.  Not an old fogy, my mother!  Dinner is cooking in my oven and dh will transport the food out to my mother's house.  Pork roast and sweet potatoes.  And a cabbage slaw make of napa cabbage.  After noon-time "dinner," we'll watch the Saints game.

    Jackie, get that knee brace, girl! 

    Jean, I'm glad you're tolerating the rads.  Hope that continues all the way through the last one.

    I follow two threads, this one and the What's for Dinner discussion.  Nice, caring, supportive people on both threads.  One catty, negative person can ruin a discussion forum, and I definitely don't want to be that kind of person. has been a blessing for me.  During my dx and treatment phase, I participated in other forums that were relevant at the time.  Once I was healed, I was more interested in the life after cancer topics, but I like the opportunity to give encouragement to those on the road to good health. 

    Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    I know Carole.... I just like to be where there is no "in-fighting" or controversy.... This thread always has been my favorite, especially the last couple of years....And I'm like you.... there is other "stuff" to talk about since we were first diagnosed...Ha! 

    Like for instance.... I just bought a little Bella donut hole maker... or it's for "cake-pops"!  And you can use cake mixes, and I think it will be better for us than a large cake-pan!  And easier to eat!  I have a couple cake mixes, and a frosting mix to dip the finished ones in.... Doesn't it sound good?

    Tonight we are having King Crab Legs!  They were on sale, so it just sounded good..... Hope your Sunday is going good gals!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Carole u'r right it does creep up on u and all of a sudden u look in the mirroe and u see it, but u don't think it. I still giggle about the same things I did whden I was 16. And still imagine I know everything like I did when I was 18, rhe difference is now I realize I know nothing. But I still get thrilled over tiny things like Jackie said/

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, King Crab Legs! You lucky thing. I would love to run across a sale like that.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Sounds so exotic to me.....I wouldn't know what to do with them. can tell I come from a very small town and have skipped a few things on my way through adulthood.  I would have to say though ---  I love crab canapes, so I have eaten crab......just not their legs or at least any part you would be able to identify.   

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Yummmmm, love em! The China Buffet here has them on the weekend. Ya about have to fight to get them!

    The vultures stand watch for a new batch to come out, then pounce. Do they take a small portion ,so everyone   gets some, Oh no! Load up! :)

    Oh Jackie, just dunk in melted butter and enjoy. Oh yes, crack and   remove the shell first!

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited November 2012

    Illinois laday - did you have chemotherapy as a treatment? Just wondering how it was for you?

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2012

    I am sad to tell of the passing of my mother today, age 99 and a 50 year BC survivor.    Nancy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Nancy.....I am so sorry to hear that.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and am  hoping that it was a peaceful leave-taking. 

    Healing hugs to you,


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2012

    Nancy, Such sad news. No matter when you lose your mother, it's always too soon. (((HUGS)))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Oh Nancy I'm so sorry for u and u'r family---It's always sad to loose u'r Mom.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Adagio Jackie might have gone to bed by now--but if I remember correctly she did--but my memory is not so good anymore. R U having chemo soon?

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2012

    Nancy, Thoughts are with you on this sad day. It is really wonderful that she was a 50 year BC survivor,it has given me hope and I am sure a lot of other ladies too. She has earned her eternal rest and peace. I am sure her spirit will never ever leave you. ((( HUG )))

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Nancy. Thinking of you during this time. Yes she leaves a legacy of hope for us. Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Sweet Nancy....... I'm so sorry!  It's always going to hurt... just thinking of her...but at least, if she was like my Mom, there is no more pain, or hurt. She can finally rest....and she will always be with you, every time you see something that reminds you of her!

    The crab-legs were so GOOD!  So this morning my hands are covered in hives.... It happened before...but didn't think about it!  Damn!  I just took a Zyrtec... Wouldn't you know it?  I think I'll stick with beans and rice.....Undecided

    Adagio, Jackie DID have chemo, and got through it.... She will have to tell you more when she gets up... I think it's Mommarch that is now going through this.........

    I didn't know what you meant Camille...I saw "Adagio Jackie", and I thought "she didn't take Adagio, did she?"  Ha, ha!

    I really DID do Adagio, when I was a kid, taking acrobat lessions... And it was so fun, until they actually tried throwing me up in the air into a back-bend, and when I came down, somehow they missed catching me, and I landed on the gym floor.... on the back of my head.  So right away I had amnesia for 8 hours, and a "severe brain concussio"... But that was many years ago...

    A head injury like that..... you can lose any memory around a certain time period... .... So what was I saying? Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2012

    Thank you all.   My Mom was pretty amazing.   She was a twin, whose mother died in childbirth.   For the first 8 years of her life she was reared as the child of her Aunt and thought her cousins were her siblings.   Her father appeared one day with his new wife and announced that she was going to live with them and her (unknown at the time) older sister and brother and twin sister.    She served in the Navy during WWII and met and married my father.   I always joked that I ruined her "military career", as she had to leave the Navy when she was pregnant with me.   

    Gentle hugs and blessings, Nancy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Nancy, I'm glad you can remember things with us......  My Dad was also in the Navy in WW11...!  I remember missing him soooooooo much when I was 9....???  We would wait for the mail truck, to get a letter from him.... I still have some of those letters!  

    Your Mom had an early life that not many of us would have chosen, but she sounds like an amazing women!  Glad she met your Dad and had you, Ha!  Sometimes I still wish I could just "talk" to my Mom, or ask her something.... We don't think about that until we lose them.....

    Gentle hugs to you Nancy... ((((little nancy))))

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    This was my Mom's favorite poem..........

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow.

    ~ Helen Keller

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    On Nancy u'r mother was wau ahead of her time--how wonderful for her. And all the years of memories. My mom died at 88 and she was a hoot. Andmy sisyer and I both have said even now we think of something at want to call her. for like 1 second-and we think of all the things my dad said he was so funny , never knowing how funny he was. And now that the holidays are here it's like a double thinkin about them time. And most of us were blessed with great parents and got to enjoy them for many years--so we have been blessed.