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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Hugs again this morning Gram/Nancy.  Out here living  by the lake and in the woods my mother loved so much I have much reason to think of her always, but the pain of losing her is mostly outweighed by my ability to still enjoy the things she herself did daily.

    Sweet Cam --- yes, must be someone else you are thinking about.  I had my 6 mos. of chemo way back in 2008.  Not to scare anyone, but it went down a little hard --- but I always felt like for all the pleasures I had in my life, 6 mos. was small price to pay to have the opportunity back.  Hard not having any hair in winter to help stay warm, but life returns and you go on.....and hair grows back.  Always a bonus somewhere.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    OK I took a shower and I smell yummy--I announce it cuz it's a big deal now--takes me forever so I feel like I have made an accomplishment for the day -Oh and I vacuumed my carpet in my room---NAP TIME LOL

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    I had tinnitis once about three years lasted about 6 months and slowly went away.  It was annoying at first, but I learned to ignore it most of the time.  It sounded like morse I thought the first time I discovered it..rain on the gutters.

    Well, nothing is easy!  We were supposed to have our large screen TV and surround sound installed today.  The installer came out without the TV..duh!  When he went to the showroom to pick it up, they didn't have the sub woofer that was ordered 10 days ago.  My BF waited on the phone for over 45 minutes while they looked for it.  He's much more patient than I am.  Anyway, bottom line, I told them where they could put the sub woofer, cancelled the order for the surrond sound, and told them to just get the TV installed TODAY and be done with it.  I saved myself at least $1,500!  I'm sure I'll never miss the surround sound...didn't have it before.

    Chevy:  Glad you got your norton security's amazing what those guys can do remotely.  Waaay beyond my capacity to understand.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Kaara I'm glad u did get it done anyway, I bet u won't miss something u never had, so it's fine.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Don't like to think about not having my mother around.  She's 89 but is still pretty sharp mentally.  Well, not "sharp," but then neither am I!  We're both rather forgetful.

    Kaara, that's a shame you didn't get the whole package you'd ordered, but you'll enjoy the big tv. 

    Went to WW this morning and weighed in--this was my Nov. weigh-in.  I was down another 1.8 lbs.  I'm still in weight loss mode even though I've reached the weight goal I set, which wasn't really my weight goal!  It was the top of my healthy weight range.  Of course, the meeting was all about meeting the challenge of the Thanksgiving dinner with all the tempting fattening foods. 

    I also went to my PCP's office for a "wellness" visit with the NP.  This was set up by the office.  Waste of time except for getting my flu shot and having blood drawn for a test.  My last blood work indicated that I might need to cut the synthroid dosage for thyroid function.

    Tonight I'm making home-made pizza for dinner.  Crust and all.  Very easy crust recipe with the pizza yeast. 

    The crab legs look yummy in that photo.  I had king crab legs two years ago in Juneau, AK.  They were expensive but delicious.  Also crab cakes and crab bisque at the same little restaurant on the docks near the cruiseships that were in town.  I could look up the name but everybody in Juneau knows it. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    All is quiet on the oldies thread!  I slept late this morning.  Got up at 7:30 just as dh was returning from his exercise at the YMCA. 

    My mother has an apptment to get a perm at 11:30.  Later in the day, 2:30 pm, I have an apptment with a podiatrist to find out what is causing soreness in my right heel. 

    Wishing all a good Tuesday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    "The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide
    your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your
    mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you
    control your own destiny."

    -- Albert Ellis

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Kaara....actually, you could get speakers and put in your own surround sound.  We did that here, but most of the time don't turn it on.  I find it somewhat distracting actually.......maybe it is our room--though it is large, but I usually want it off way more than I ever wanted it on.  You might have dodged a bullet there.  When I go to my BIL's  ( can't believe he has spent about $80,000.00...yes that is the right figure ) I do not enjoy his surround sound...almost floor to ceiling speakers etc.  Also, because he got technical with everything......even going so far as to have theater type seats installed......he could not sell his house.  I told him that was a likely senario, but was not believed.  Anyway....all to is not necessarily what it is cracked up to be.  I think I am too old to want to watch my t.v. daily as if I were in a theater.  Just too much sound for me. 

    Carole, a good diet/eating plan that is balanced and I think your body would ( at least this is what I've read before ) find its own ideal weight.  Regardless.  So, guess there isn't any real reason to question taking off a bit more if it happens.  It does give you some lee-way anyway for your holiday meals. 

    Going to be nice here today.  Around 60.....a great treat though it is often nice this time of year.  Just didn't know what to expect with our mainly un-predictable weather of the last few years.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Pretty quiet here too. Maybe I'll address some Christmas cards! Some high clouds, letting the sun thru, but only in the 30's. Did some errsnds after rads. Boy, will have a 4 day break this week. Tomorrow will pick up some dessert to take for Thanksgiving. I'm too lazy to bale. Besides if there are left overs DH can't have sugar, so I have to  eat them! Used to do a lot of baking. No more. Tried some Splenda recipes , but they turned out awful! 

    Have a nice day. Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Just a quick note.... Carole, I had right heel pain so bad one time..... After putting up with it I finally HAD to find out what was wrong.... Stopped at a Foot Doc, and it was a Heel Spur.  Taped my foot, I wore a funny shoe for awhile, then it went away.

    About 10 years ago, I had Plantar Fasciitis.... Very painful!  I tried sleeping with a Night Splint, getting shoe inserts, and FINALLY had to go to a real Foot Doc.... (again)  (because no matter what I did, I couldn't "fix" it.)  So since I did all the right stuff first, she gave me a cortisone shot in my foot, fitted me for my own inserts, and it got much better.... But about 2-3 weeks later, I went back for another cortison shot, and from then on, it was GONE!!!   No more pain.... 

    I wear Crocs a lot around the house.... and some cute ones when I go out.... But they really help, when you have sore feet!

    I tend to walk crooked on my feet.... I roll my ankles in, somehow.

    Let me know what they say!...

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Chevy, I had Plantar Faschitis also. It had been killing me for 3 months, when we went on a cruise. They had an acupuncturist on board. I was sceptical, but decided I didn't have much but money to loose. Didn't improve that day so I  figured it wudn't. By the next day it was gone, been 3 years never returned. If it does I'll try acupuncture again. Now , I'm a believer!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Plantar fascitis.  It has come back!  I have a foot brace to wear at night and will need to start doing the stretches again.  The dr. advised me to stop walking for exercise and to stop the stair climber.  Instead I should use the recumbent bike for exercise.  He also doesn't approve my wearing my birkenstock sandals in the house.  He recommends a couple of other sandals.  I'm glad there isn't a bone spur in my right heel.  But there is one in the left heel, which doesn't bother me!

    Well, it isn't bc and isn't life threatening so I can deal with it.

    I'm glad I went to the podiatrist and go some information about the source of the problem.

    Tomorrow will be a busy day with preparations for Thanksgiving dinner.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Carole, Give acupuncture a try, doesn't hurt, sure worked wonders for me! Nothing to loose. Jean

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    Jackie:  Love you quote today!  Yes, I think you are right...I'm not going to miss the SS.  We already had the speakers in the ceiling and the wires coming out from the wall which is why we even considered it in the first place, but I remember my DS's that he used to turn up to high volume on certain drove me crazy...I hated it.  The sound on the TV is just fine for me...although I can tell my BF is disappointed.  I told him if he wants it he can get out his checkbook for a change...I'm done!

    Acupuncture is girlfriend had a bad bunion that they wanted to operate on...said it would be a six week recovery process.  She had no time for that so she tried acupuncture as an option and it worked.  The bunion no longer bothers her.  I think I'm going to try it on my neck  and shoulder on this next cruise we go on.  They have them on board and they are quite good! It would probably be better than a massage and facial.

    Carole:  I had the plantar it from walking up the high hills in NC...something my feet were not used to.  I got some good shoes, did some exercises, and it went away.  It can be very was seriously imposing on my mall time...LOL!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    "Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution."

    Kahil Gibran

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Good experience at the podiatrist's office.  The nurse x-rayed both feet.  No bone spur in the right heel.  DX is the return of plantar fasciitis.  The soreness is at the attachment point in the heel.  The instructions are to wear a brace at night, begin doing the hamstring stretches daily, discontinue exercise walking and stairclimber for a while, wear an orthotic in my shoes.  Prescription dose of ibuprofen for pain relief.  The dr. offered to give me a shot in the heel but I declined.  I had plantar fasciitis some years ago and did the exercises for a long time but eventually stopped.

    Instead of walking and stairclimbing, I can use the recumbent bike for exercise.  It's actually a better workout.  I just happen to enjoy walking in the neighborhood.  Funny thing was that my heel wasn't bothering me yesterday and I felt a little foolish going to the dr.  But he knew exactly where to press to locate the soreness. 

    Today will be busy with cooking and preparations for tomorrow.  I'm assigning dh the job of picking up the pies at the bakery.  And possibly the veggie pickup for the CSA.  The turkey is thawing in the refrigerator in the 5th wheel camper.  The refrigerator is large and will come in handy for storing overflow from the house fridge.

    Mommarch, hope things are going well at your house. 

    Greetings to all.  Happy day before Thanksgiving.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Foggy, foggy morning....the stuff I'm sure weirwolf movies came from at one time.  Will stay till noon.....sign of warmth.  It was warm yesterday and will be that way today.  Ooh foot problems.  Mine started after my stroke -- long time ago now, about 2002 I think.  I wore my shoes down in really different ways than I ever had and the change was rather drastic.  Then cancer......welll, that didn't help -- not so much the other things as the neuropathy.  Swore that was part ( and  probably was ) of the reason I fell so much.  I remember falling just walking a couple of steps.  Anyway.....if it was only the neuropathy....I'd be was the stroke changes that made it so hard to walk and keeps me tied to a shoe store now.  After a just can't keep wearing shoes that are bent over so far. 

    If that is my only problem though....I'm fortunate.  Most of the rest of my life is wonderful.  No colds, and though I "notice" weather changes no big allergic reactions.  Tired now and I'm thrilled about where I am. 

    Hope you all have a magnificient day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Busy day but dh and I got a lot done.  Tomorrow I have to cook the green beans and dh will make macaroni and cheese from scratch.  The turkey has to roast in the oven.  Side dishes to be warmed up.  The important thing is to enjoy being together with family members who are coming for dinner.

    Very quiet on the oldies thread.  That's ok.  Everybody is busy.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Happy Turkey Day to everyone.  I am working for five hours, but the rest of the day is mine.  Hope you all enjoy your day and whoever you are spending it with -- especially when it comes to the desert parts.

    See you soon.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2012

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here...thanks for the warm welcome, your wisdom and the smiles you've shared.
    Kaara, you are one of the few who said the tinnitus went away.  I am hoping...mine is high high tension wires might be...but I can't shut it out.  Worst at night.
    Nancy, I am sorry to hear of the passing of your mother.  I hope that you will find many comforting memories to help you celebrate her life.  I wish you comfort and peace.
    About the aging thing...I'm very active when I'm not working long hours....and feel young...but the Femara is taking its toll.  I am sometimes taken by surprise when I see changes in my skin and face.  I work in an environment with mostly young people (even my coworkers) so at times I'm sensitive. But, that said, I have come to accept where I'm at. Had my  hair done today and that is one part of me that has not changed much. 
    I love Thanksgiving because it is a holiday most of the country will celebrate without contention about differences.  And it is my DS #2's  birthday....and mine too (Sunday) - I was born on Tgiving so I almost always have family with me to celebrate.  Birthdays are what it's all about now, isn't it?  DH got the most awesome cake - traditional BD cake with buttercream and gawdy big roses on top....will bring to TG dinner.
    Am picking up DS#1 from Chicago in a few hours then off to NJ for dinner at DD#2.
    Wishing you peace and good health and a day off from treatments and tests....
    Hugs & prayers,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Yes, same to you Joan!  Your Thanksgiving sounds perfect!  We are just having our youngest Daughter over, so we are roasting a 20 pount turkey....  Ha, ha!  There are quite a few jokes there, I know..... But what the heck.... it was $.49 cents a pound, and we can have left-overs for a YEAR!  And freeze a lot, and Janie can take lots home.

    Everything is almost ready!  Did it all yesterday....  I still love to cook, especially Thanksgiving dinner!  

    Happy Birthday Joan!  Glad you are with us!

    Carole, that macaroni & cheese sounds so good!  I just made mashed potatoes, and also the candied sweet potatoes... Then the green-bean casserole is ready to heat, then bake with those crispy onions on top.

    I love the dressing and gravy....!!!  Even for Breakfast!  My Daughter in Orlando buys a whole roasted chicken from Costco, to cut up and add to the dressing... She doesn't care for the giblets, Ha!   But Lacee, (little dog face) LOVES the cooked liver & gizzard.... Man that thing is like trying to cook up a roll of rubber!   I just boiled 4 chicken thighs to add to the dressing.  AND THE GRAVY!  The drippings, with milk and flour, and it is the best!

    A packet of "gravy mix" came stuffed into the turkey, but it really smells kind of funny!  I mean it's good, I guess, but tastes sort of like something I haven't had before.... It's supposed to have water added, but I think I'll just maybe save it and use it on Lacee's food?   (In short intervals) Wink

    Or maybe not.... I think the salt would make her ankles swell.....

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving gals..........!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2012

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.   I am the hostess for DS, DDIL and 2 grand daughters - age almost 3 and 11 months.   Gives my DIL a break and cooking for 4 is a lot easier than cooking for 1.   Peace, Joy, and Hugs,    Nancy

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited November 2012

    Just getting back into the swing of our daily routine after spending two weeks in Florida with DH's family. Trying to catch up on all the postings and the house cleaning after work.

    Welcome to all the newcomers  and for those on the East Coast, our thoughts are with you. We have a DS and family on the east coast and also a bil and family. Son only lost some of the siding on his house and fence around yard was blown down. They were lucky. BIL did not have any damage just trees down around the area.

    We are hosting dinner for sil and sons #1 and family and #4.  Son #3 has to work and son #2 and family are on the east coast will spend the day with bil and family.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving everyone. Enjoy all the family gatherings. We will be with DH daughters in-laws. All my kids are scattered over the country.

    Joan, I'm also with the turkey birthday bunch, Mine is tomorrow. Will be a quiet one, with only DH here.

    Beautiful cold day. Step daughter and family in NYC for the parade before dinner. Will be looking for them. LOL

    Enjoy, Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2012

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I feel kind of lost not running around like crazy getting things ready for a big dinner..LOL!  I feel like something is missing...and there leftovers:(  Maybe DD cooked enough that we can have doggie bags!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    I just popped in to hope u guys feel OK and to wish all of u a very happy Thanksiving.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Happy Thanksgiving!  We had 14 at the table and sat down to eat about 1:30, which is late for my family.  My mother starts getting antsy about 12:00!  But we waited on my nephew's girlfriend, who had to work until 1:00 pm.  We had turkey, dressing, gravy, fresh cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green beans, caesar salad, macaroni and cheese, sweet potato casserole with marshmallow topping, and yeast rolls.  For dessert, lemon meringue pie, cocanut cream pie, pumpkin pie, and blueberry pie.  Cookies for the kids. 

    I didn't do any cleanup until everyone had gone.  DH and I sprang into action.  He took the leaves out of the table and folded up the extension table, took it and the extra chairs out to the outbuilding where they're stored.  I washed up the dishes that didn't fit into the dishwasher.  Now we're settled in the living room enjoying glasses of wine.

    It was warm today, high in the 70's so doors and windows were open and we sat out on the patio and visited. 

    Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving Day. 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2012

    Happy Thanksgiving, all is cleaned up and kids in camper watching a movie, I think 4 year old just gave up.  Others watching TV.  We have had 11 here for almost a week.  I love my kids and GC but I am ready for some quiet time.  Daughter and new husband seem to be very happy. Son & family leaving tomorrow, DD leaving Sat. They are going to go to her brothers house and spend Sat. night then make the 12 Hr. drive from there back to Pensacola.  GD going to live with her Mom, I hope it all works out OK.  DD seems to be doing OK right now, hope all goes well and baby is fine.

    Has anyone who had lymphectomy had trouble with that arm, the muscles in the bicep hurting.  It is my right arm and I am right handed.  When I do alot it really bothers me.  

    Anyway Hugs and take care and welcome to anyone who is new.  I have not been keeping up very well lately.