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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Good morning.  It's another sunny day in the neighborhood.  DH departed a while ago to go to the Y for his Thursday exercise session.  I plan to go to my mother's house about 11 am and fix lunch for the two of us.  Maybe for my sister Michelle, too.  She's spending a lot of time at her house, since she's overseeing the renovation made necessary by Hurricane Isaac.  Lunch will be panfried catfish filets and steamed broccoli in one of those steamer bags. 

    My mother's hair apptment is 1:15 and then a trip to her kidney dr. at 3:10. 

    Do you have a job/chore than you've been putting off for ages?  I've been intending to clean our "gym," which is in an outbuilding, and just never got around to it.  Yesterday I was pedalling away and sweating on the recumbent bike when dh stuck his head in.  I asked him to bring his shop vac.  It took me maybe 30 min to clean the floor, and it looks so much better. 

    Jackie, what's going on with you?  Are you having to do some rearranging in your house in preparation for your daughter and SIL moving in?

    Went to Target yesterday with a short list and ended up buying 4 poinsettias.  They were $3.95 apiece and really pretty.  Of course, one dropped branches when I eased off the paper hood.  I'll take one to my mother for a little Christmas color.  She does no decorating.

    Have a great Thursday!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012

    Carole, wish I cud  get Pointsettas, like I used to, but our cat eats anything that grows. Hubby used to get me flowers for bday etc. Of course not any more! Thanks kitty!

    Start my "boosts" tomorrow. What to expect? Today see primary/onc .

    Cold this morning, 15 when I got up at 6:30. Brrrr. Nothing much more exciting here. Trying to talk myself into doing cards today.

    Have a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Hey sure you really load on the cream/gel, whatever you have as much as you can.  The boosts are targeted right pretty much directly around the incision area.....and probably will be done only there for about a week -- not sure what your R. oncologist is prescribing for you but you want to really keep your skin protected. 

    Yes....I'm doing tons so we can get ready for my daughter.  I can scarecly wait.  I haven't seen her for nearly five years now so it will be a major home-coming in so many ways.  I found a picture ( for somone else ) on the Internet......which looks so much like her little dog who is of course, coming too.  You have to bring your children. 

    These dogs are called Pappllion....pronounced Papp-Pee-ons.  They are super smart dogs and have those ears that look like curtains when they move them back and forth.  Forgot to add.....these are usually always quite small dogs....Georgie is a 7 lb'er.  I have a bunch of cats bigger than him.

    We are going to have fun at our house.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012


    Thanks, been doing Neosporin Relipid Exzema cream and cortisone oint in the morning, when I get back home, and Aquaphor and the cortisone in the evening. So far the only reaction, beyond a little pink, is the rash, which the cortisone is for. Rash itches and looks like freckles! Also picked up some Aloe gel yesterday, that ones hard to rub in, a little goes a long way!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    when the world appears dim that we most need laughter in our lives.
    As children, we laugh hundreds of times each day, delighted by the newness of living. When we reach adulthood, however, we tend to not allow ourselves to let go in a good belly laugh.


    Inviting laughter back into our lives is simply a matter of making the conscious decision to laugh. Though most of us are incited to laugh only when exposed to humor or the unexpected, each of us is capable of laughing at will. A laugh that comes from the belly carries with it the same positive effects whether prompted by a funny joke or consciously willed into existence. When our laughter comes from the core of our being, it permeates every cell in our physical selves, beginning in the center and radiating outward, until we are not merely belly laughing but rather body laughing.

    Laughter has been a part of the human mode of expression since before evolution granted us the art of speech. Through it, we connected with allies while demonstrating our connection with people we didn’t know. In the present, laughter allows us to enjoy positive shared experiences with strangers and loved ones alike. Yet solitary laughter carries with it its own slew of benefits.


    An energetic and enthusiastic bout of whole-body laughter exercises the muscles, the lungs, and the mind in equal measure, leaving us feeling relaxed and content. When we laugh heartily at life’s ridiculousness instead of responding irritably, our focus shifts. Anger, stress, guilt, and sadness no longer wield any influence over us, and we are empowered to make light of what we originally feared. Laughter also opens our hearts, letting love and light in, changing our perspective, and enabling us to fix our attention on what is positive in our lives.

    It is easy to laugh when we feel good, but it is when the world appears dim that we most need laughter in our lives. Our laughter then resonates through our hearts, filling the empty spaces with pure, unadulterated joy. We regain our footing in the moment and remember that no sorrow is powerful enough to rob us of our inborn happiness. When we understand that uninhibited laughter is the food of the soul, nourishing us from within, we know instinctively that life is worthwhile.




  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    I love laughing.  It feels so good to get so amused by something that you just laugh helplessly.  No, it doesn't happen nearly often enough.

    Jackie, no wonder you're excited.  You haven't seen your daughter for 5 years.  That's a long time.  The dog in the picture is really cute.

    Bummer.  We don't get the Saints game tonight.  It's on some football channel that you have to subscribe to.  I'm sure all three of my brothers will see it. 

    Bonnets, I hope this final phase of rads goes well for you.  I got a good start on addressing my cards earlier in the week.  Then the progress came to a halt. 

    Tomorrow I'm playing golf.  EARLY.  8:30 am.  Then tomorrow afternoon dh and I are going to the movies with friends to see Lincoln.  I would rather see the James Bond movie.  But dh really wants to see Lincoln.  I hate the Civil War.  Hate slavery.  Oh, well.   

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2012


    Sounds like Laughter therapy, have you ever participated in that. I know a woman who does that with groups. DOne it once or twice. I live with a DH who says he used to be serious. He's a silly ole man now. So we do laugh.

    Carole, I was going to get the cards done, then wrote our annual catch -up letter and found our copier was out of ink. Had to go to 3 places before I managed to get the ink. Sooo, no cards today.

    Tomorrow I have a Red Hat luncheon. Better than a Dr. appt, today. As I expected he says we will try Arimidex. I said OK, unless the SE are too much. Start boost tomorrow.

    Night gals.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited November 2012

    Any time I have the alarm clock set, I don't seem to sleep as well.  All during the night I glance at the clock to see how many more hours I have to sleep!  I turned off the alarm before it was set to go off at 6:30.

    It looks like a nice day ahead.  Supposed to warm up to low 70's.  We're in a typical warming trend.  Then another front comes through and cools things off.

    Hope everyone has a successful day, doing whatever you're doing.Smile

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have
    known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and
    have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an
    appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that
    fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving
    concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."

    -- Elizabeth Kubler Ross

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited November 2012

    Oh my, that is exactly what I do Carole when I have to do the early shift.  One early shift can mess me up for two days.....just from waking up all night before the early shift morning.  I hate it, but my body and mind just seem to take over.  i try as much as I possibly can NOT to have to do anything --- including working early, so as to avoid that tired ,drug, out, feeling.....and knowing as well I will fall asleep too early that night.  SIGH !!!!

    Otherwise all is well.  I'm still working hard trying to get things organized and nice.  It is partly because it should be done anyway, but the rest is that I want to be as lazy as I can for the first couple of days.....time enough after to get back in the everyday mode.

    I also had heard of a person who has laughter type seminars....I could laugh more than I do, but I do think I'm ok with it now.  Dh and I do laugh at one another a lot. 

    Anyway, back to the grind.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2012

    Carole, That happens to me when I have a flight to catch. Wake up every hour and look at the clock. When I'm at my destination, I'm never sure if it's jet lag or lack of sleep the night before.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2012

    Do you gals ever get caught up in a laughing fit?  It is really fun, and usually unexpected.  My Mom and I started giggling  about something one time, and we could NOT quit, Ha!  Everytime we almost looked at each other, it would start in again....   but I remember that.... and how much fun we had.

    I just got our new little TV working.... it was NOT easy.... I couldn't figure out if it was supposed to be on Air, Cable, or TV!!!!  I finally called their support line...(Costco) and he walked me through it.  Don't you just hate when you can't set something up?  It isn't as if you can just plug the thing in and it will work....  You have to have it connected to the little box, that is connected to the MAIN cable box, then the TV had to be on the right "thing" for it to program itself....  But it is done, and working.  I am sooooo glad! 

    Man, I don't do alarm clocks very well.... I need someone to call me, I think.  I couldn't hear it one time when I had it set.... And you don't wear hearing aids to bed.... Ha!  I need one of those old fashioned ones that shakes the house when it goes off.... not that cute little "beep-beep" thing.

    I'm usually up BY 5 anyway, and nothing is going on at that time of morning.

    Okay gals.... I'll check on you all tomorrow!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    We went to a Chinese restaurant one night (8-10 people). They seated us in a side room, poured water and gave us menus. Then--nothing. It struck us as funny and we began making cracks and laughing our heads off. The finale was when the sweet little busboy brought us our fortune cookies--before we'd gotten any food.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Oh geeze that's funny---did u ever eat????????????? U were probbly laughing too loud and that was a sign to leave.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Wren, that is a funny experience!  Bringing you fortune cookies when you hadn't been served food!  I love it.

    What's bad is to have your tickle bone tickled at an inappropriate time.  That has happened to me before.  But I do love to laugh.

    LINCOLN is a really good film production.  Great acting by Daniel Day Lewis and Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones.  Others, too.  I think it's good for those of us who are jaded with current politics to see this movie and understand that "the good old days" in American history weren't any different.  There was always wheeling and dealing and somehow good things are accomplished like the amendment to the constitution to abolish slavery.

    After the movie we went to a restaurant where I had a shrimp remoulade salad.  It was pretty good but I'm not too sure about the remoulade dressing, which didn't taste very "remoulade."  

    Have a good weekend, everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    The movie sounds good Carole!  Yes, I'll bet there was just as much going on in history, as there is now... I mean with all the haggling and  name calling/lies and bad mouthing!   And it still goes on.......

    You can't make everybody happy all of the time.

    I did my best at just connecting a little TV in the dining room here.....  THAT part went great!  I mean how can you screw up 2 cords?  But then trying to get it to work, I mean to program it???? And with WHICH controller?  The one to the cable box, or the one with the TV?   And is it supposed to be on "Air, Cable, or TV"????

    And there ARE no directions.... just a paper with the parts, and the warranty.  I had to give up.........  Call the number that Costco so graciously emailed me when I bought the TV... "A consierge service"....  So about 20 minutes later, we had it going.  Just that now I need both controllers to turn it on, and the volume, and the other for the channels... Surprised  That's okay.... same as the one in the living room.

    But I DID it.... 

    Wren, did you guys ever get your food?  Did they apologize?   One of you should have tromped back to where the people were, and reMINDED them that  they had forgotten you!  I'll bet you didn't go back...Wink

    Once a month I meet some "older" friends that I used to work with.... And we meet at our favorite diner, where "Connie" works.  This place is the greatest... we don't need menu's, and we always get the same thing....We laugh and tease each other, and it's just something to look forward to!  I and a couple others always order the "chili relleno plate, with crisp fried potatoes with onions, no beans, 2 eggs over easy, topped with Green chili, and 2 tortilla's to the side."   It fills the platter!  So I take over 1/2 home, and eat it for 2 more days.... Ha, ha! 

    Carole, no I didn't keep the weight off, but only gained 1/2 back.  I figured that's pretty good, and I love all my clothes, and the way they fit.... (good excuse, right?)  But I feel good, and Doc says everything is good working order.  She asked if I wanted a colonoscopy.... Is she KIDDING??? Yep Doc, I want THAT and 4 flat tires!   So she gave me that card thing. 

    Okay gals.... off to jump start the day.....  Hope you have a good week-end!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Chevy I;m lad u have fun with u'r GFs-

    hahaha asking u if u WANT a cplomoscopy--That like asking will u keep this bomb in u'r car til I need it. Geeze. But I have to say when I had my last one I didn't want any groggy stuf or anythin, so my surgeon did it and we had so much fun all of us were in hysterics the whole time, he said I knew this would cheer me up (him) so that's why he wanted to do it. And it was great as soon as I was done I went home cuz I didn;t have any groggy stuff.  I hate that feelin. so I guess they're really not bad.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited December 2012

    “Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own.” – Bruce Lee

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Camillegal, you're the first person I've  ever heard of who had a colonoscopy without sedation.  I don't mind the groggy feeling afterward.  I just go home and take a nap!  I've had two colonoscopies 5 or 6 years apart so I doubt I'll have another one unless I have symptoms.  There's no family history of colon cancer and both my tests came back with a report of no polyps.  However, my bc dr. cautioned me to keep up with all screenings since people with one type of cancer are more likely to get another type than no-bc folks.

    Gorgeous day here.  My sasanqua bushes are full of rose-colored blooms.  This shrub is a relative of the camellia and very popular in this area.  I'll try to post a pic.  Ha.  Ha. 

    No obligations today.  Maybe I'll do some housework.  Maybe I'll finish up the Christmas cards.  Maybe, maybe, maybe.  So far I haven't even made up the bed!

    Have a happy weekend!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited December 2012

    It's a great day to take a day off Carole.....but suppose we all have to eventually some time during the day make that bed.  It can look really inviting sometimes when the covers are still pulled back.

    Hope you all have a fantastic Saturday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, We did finally get some food. I haven't been back but DIL said they did with her parents and it was ok. DIL's Mom is Japanese, so maybe that helped.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Carole, I've been awake and watched twice. Not too bad, the prep was worse!

    Cold and gloomy here, at least we didnt get the freezing drizzle, so far. Met a friend for breskfast at Panera and exchanged our Christmas gifts. Went to Home Goods, did a little shopping. Got some Christmas towels for our Bathroom. That's about it for today. 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2012

    Glad to see everyone is busy.  Have been trying to get back to normal since last week and do some cleaning up and laundry.  Really I was quite surprised they left the bedrooms and bath in good shape.

    Hubby and I were married 43 years on Wed.  so we waited until Fri and went to this great little home town resturant Poko, Mexico for lunch.  It is wonderful and cheap.

    DD found out this week that the baby is a girl.  Now if she can just carry it and the baby not have PKD.  She keeps loosing weight.  Its in the Good Lords hands now.

    I guess DGD is getting along ok.  I really miss her.

    Well need to get to bed.  Take Care

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Hang in there, Mommarch.  Congrats on the anniversary.  Your meal at a Mexican restaurant sounds good.

    At 4:15 pm yesterday my neighbor Arleen called me to say she would be picking me up in 30 min.  I drew a blank and then the light bulb went off.  Last night was a women's Christmas night at the nearby Methodist Church, where the women host a table of their friends, decorate the table, etc.  My neighbor Willimina is a member and invites her women neighbors every year.  I had completely forgotten about the dinner! 

    So I hurriedly got dressed.  No shower.  No hair washed.  Wrote DH a note.  He hadn't returned from golf.  Arleen, Belinda and I went to Katie's house (Katie's another neighbor) for champagne and snacks.  This was all planned in advance.  At 6 pm we went to the church for the dinner.  The decorated tables were all festive.  The buffet dinner was good, and we had a great time.  Our table was the most animated.  One women came up and inquired, "What have you ladies been drinking?" 

    Today I'm taking my mother to the traditional early church and afterwards we will go out to lunch with my sister and her dh and my dh.  I think we're going to a little small town buffet that serves home-cooked style food like fried chicken and fried catfish.  The price is good, too.  It's my mother's choice. 

    Had a miserable night.  Cramps in my feet and legs kept waking me up.  Wondering if the new shoe inserts I bought from the podiatrist are putting stress on different muscles in feet and legs.  If it happens again, I'll go and my legs checked out for blood clots.  It's always SOMETHING!

    Have a good Sunday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585
    edited December 2012

    Know that you can always choose your own inner peace -
    regardless of circumstances.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Carole I'm laughing cuz U started out well maybe I'll do this or that and ended up busy like mad and u forgot? Oh. But it sounded like u had a wonderful time which is great.

    If u'r legs persist please just call the Dr, at least.

    It's Sunday and all days blur together when u don't work, and I'm having trouble with my computer--if I knew what I was doing I wouldn't but I have to straighten it out????????????

    I hope u all have a super Sunday.

    Oh and Carole the colonoscopy really doesn't hurt at all u just have to stay still like every other test we have, but u can at least talk and kid around. And I really liked the fact that I could just get dressed and leave----the biopsy hurt more actually. and not that much

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Today was a nice day.  The church was beautifully decorated.  The choir sang some Christmas music.  The pastor is a gifted speaker.  He teaches preaching at the Baptist Seminary in New Orleans.  Today there was a Christmas tree in the foyer with Christmas "Angels" as decorations.  All the angels had the name of a child with a parent in prison, the age of the child and a Christmas present request that was made by the imprisoned parent.  I took one of the angels and so did my sister, but she was smarter than I was.  I just took a paper angel and she looked at them and took one with the name of a 7 yr. old girl.  Her granddaughter is 7 so she won't have any trouble with the shopping.  My child is a 10 yr. old boy and the request is for pants and shirt, size 14 husky.  I want to buy something the boy will like so I'll just have to go to J.C. Penney's and Kohl's and look.  I don't know a lot about 10 yr. old boys.  Do you think "pants" could be jeans?

    You're supposed to wrap the present and stick the angel onto it.  As far as the child knows, the gift comes from the parent, who supplied the information on the paper angel.  It's an organized charity and I like the idea of it.

    Our lunch at the small town restaurant was quite good.  We ate from the buffet and I ate too much.  But I enjoyed the occasion and my mother really seemed to enjoy her outing.  We went to the house in this small town where my sister and her dh are living while their house is being renovated.  There are two satsuma trees by the house that are loaded with fruit.  Satsumas are similar to tangerines, easy to peel, sweet, with no seeds.  My sister and I picked three grocery bags full and didn't make a dent.  My sister has already picked bushels of fruit off the two trees.

    Now I've decided to plant a couple of satsuma trees and a Meyer lemon tree.  I think it will be fun to walk out into your yard and pick fruit off the trees. 

    Tomorrow is WW and I have NOT had a good WW weekend.  The holidays are a big challenge as is eating out.

    My legs haven't bothered me today.  I sure hope I sleep well tonight.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Carole what a beautiful service and a wonderful idea with the angels. I feel bad thos that the kids (parent) are asking for clothes, I mean kids always want gadgets to to thins with and their parent has to be practical, I guess. I would imagine kids would like jeans but????

    Well u did have a nice day today so that's good.

    Quiet day here, been tired the last couple of days. Makin-up for lost sleep LOL It was nice out tho.So maybe we'll have a gentle winter again.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited December 2012

    Our library had a gift tree also. We live near an indian reservation and I believe that many of the gifts needed probably go there. We took three tags and hope they like what we get.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Our church always has an Angel Tree , also.

    Quiet day here too. Cold and gloomy, supposed to warm up tomorrow, for a few days.