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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Morning gals.......  Carole, the Angel Tree sounds so nice!  You know what we did one time, we went to a store, and saw kids about the age of the little boy we were buying for, and I asked them which one of these toys would you guys like???  Maybe get him some jeans AND some inexpensive toy, or game for him to play with.   And even a bag of candy or cookies?

    Penney's or Kohl's is always good...  Or Super Walmart...Wink

    Man, my heart just breaks when I see little ones that obviously don't have much of anything. So many times when we are at a store, and we see those kids in the buggy wanting something while waiting in the check-out line, either me, or DH will ask the Mom if it's okay if we give this to them.

    I've given little kids a couple dollars when I see them standing at the candy counter, but walking away.... 

    I don't know what a Satsuma tree is, but I DID rescue a Meyer Lemon tree one time!  I saw this little clump of leaves sticking over the curb, in the snow storm, and these neighbors had moved out, and evidently just didn't want the little tree & Poinsettia plant... and left it in the curb. 

    So I brought it in, kept it alive, but when my DD came from Orlando, she took it back with her..(we packed it in plastic, in the root ball) and that was 5 years ago!  It is BIG!!!  Ha!  She has it out of the pot, in the ground, and even eating those sweet little lemons now!.  She has to spray her trees & plants, because of either mold, (not enough sun) or those countless little bugs they have there.

    This is the most beautiful video, and song that this church would open every service with.... hope you like it as much as I do.......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,592
    edited December 2012

    "Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution."

    Kahil Gibran

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Chevy u have a good heart.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Thanks Camille.... I just love little kids and pets....  they don't have much say for themselves, and it breaks your heart when you run into someone you can maybe help....

    And around here, there is always someone you can help, especially this time of year....  They run stories in the newspaper about these down and out people... YOU know what I mean.... I used to go buy a bag of groceries, with dog food, and a couple times I drove down to drop that off.... once at a church and a bar even!   It just makes you feel good.  I know you all do that too.....

    I also know that one day, SOME day this little Tracie will come back into our lives.  She was our neighbor, for about 5 years.... starting when she was 3.  She lived with her Grandmother, because her Mom was a druggie, and her Dad was in prison.....  I loved that little kid.... she would come over here with her hair all shampoo'd  and want to play on my computer!  We gave her cookies & popsickles, and I made her little hats and scarves.  I never asked her much about her folks...  Her Grandma was also having problems.... Her Son overdosed.... and she seemed to never get over it.  Little Tracey would come over and help me work in my gardens... and we would go for walks, or just sit outside and talk about "stuff."

    DH called me one day, while I was at lunch with my friend....  Little Tracie's Grandma dropped her and their puppy off at HER Mom's house.... Went to a motel, and took a bottle of some kind of pills.   She died.... and left little Tracie, and her little Brother, with only their Great Grand-mother, and one Aunt.  I saw her when they came to get some things out of the house....  This was 5 years ago.... And I don't know where she is.  I never knew if she went by her Dad's name, or her Grandma's.... or even if they were married.  I heard her Mom was in jail at the time.   I tried a phone number that her "Aunt" gave me, but never an answer.....  So I'll wait.   I know she will come by some day... It's like waiting for something you want so much to happen....  Probably not until she gets old enough to drive.   It's like losing someone you love.

    Oh well.... it's funny how the holiday season brings back those memories.... right?  Love you guys..... xoxoxo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, you are a big-hearted person.  Thanks for sharing the story of your little neighbor girl.  I hope she does come visit you one of these days.

    Today I went to my WW meeting and weighed in.  I was thrilled that my weight was the same as the last time I weighed in, despite a "bad" weekend of food choices.  So I'm all set for December.  Free computer E-tools.  I enjoy the meetings.  WW is rolling out the latest WW plan which is very similar to the Points Plus, but there are new things for sale.  WW definitely in a good eating approach but their "new plans" are all about marketing products.

    I don't know why, but I have Christmas spirit this year after about 3 years of being a Scrooge.  I will have a present for everybody at our family Christmas dinner.  Not an expensive present but a present. 

    I went to Best Buy after the WW meeting and ordered a new washing machine.  Goodbye to the old Maytag which is about 26 yrs. old.  I was tempted to buy the matching dryer but the old dryer is still chugging away and it's younger than the washer, about 20 yrs. old.  Gas dryers are about $100 more than electric dryers.  DH and I checked out washing machines on consumer reports last night.  The old Maytag is still working but leaking a little water.  We figured it had done its duty. 

    I have my Christmas cards all ready to mail. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    A new washing machine now u feel u'r clothes will com out much better, too.

    And chevy u'right Christmas bring memories---wonderful and sad, but for some reason this time of year does it. I'm so glad my kids really decorated alot it's a warm and cozy feeling and it is full of memories. But I chose to pick the fun ones. LOL

    And it would be quite a story if u were reunited with the little girl y were so kind too.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Morning ladies!

    Chevy:  That is such a heartbreaking story.  You can find comfort in knowing that you made a big difference in that little girl's life...hopefully she will find you one day and tell you how much it meant to her, but even if she doesn't you know she feels that in her heart.  There are so many stories out there like that.  When my son worked at the outreach center, he would make me cry with the sad stories of children and what they were going through with parents who had absolutely no skills whatsoever to bring up a child.

    Carole:  I think when you reach your weight goal, you can cheat a little and it doesn't make much difference; however, you have to go right back to healthy eating.  When I cheat I put on about two pounds, but it goes right back down again when I return to my normal diet.

    Jackie:  What was that quote you posted a while back about life...something about when you die and go to heaven, sliding in sideways and saying "what a ride".  I wanted to send it to someone I know.

    Today I go for my last one was in April.  I got a clear mammogram, but I want to alternate with this because it goes much deeper and can pick up things long before a mammo can.  It's non invasive, no radiation, and completely safe.  Too bad it isn't used more for dx, but with all the mammo equipment out there, doubt if it will be adopted any time soon.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Morning gals..... Carole!  Did you have a wringer washer???  Ha, ha!  I did...and it was a Maytag!  It was my Mom's, but yep, I used it after they moved to CA. and I washed baby-diapers for 2 babies with it!  I even filled a wash-tub beside it, and swung the wringer around to use after rinsing.  Yes, you really did get a lot of years out of that washer!   I think your losing weight, makes you happy too...  so that's why you have the Christmas spirit.  I wish I had a close girl-friend here, to start WW again....  I'm going to ask my one friend, Sheilah, to start with me.  We are having lunch Friday.... she has also mentioned she is a little too "fluffy"... so maybe she will do it!  YOU are giving me incentive..... again.

    Camille.... yes, I know.  Her GGrandmother lived in this area somewhere, and I've driven up and down the blocks where I remember she said she used to go, but I don't see them playing out front, anywhere.  I thought of contacting the school by us, but I don't think they would give me any information.  It's just kind of an empty place in my heart... I still have "Tracie's stuff" in my favorites on my computer.  The little games she liked to play.  Oh well..... some day.

    Kaara.... thanks!  When our girls were little, "Lesa" was a little girl, that I used to baby-sit for, and she would get dropped off, and go to school with my girls, and then walk home together.....  Her Mom, was VERY strict with her, and her Dad was, I guess you would say a rounder.  You could just tell, by what he said to me.  I also did their ironing... those beautiful frilly little dresses!  And when she outgrew them, my youngest Daughter got them!  Those girls had so much fun together... and sleepovers were just one big giggling session!!!   The girls laughed and screamed and played Tether-ball every day.... I thought they would drive me nuts, Ha! 

     But her Mom and Dad were in different worlds... Hardly talked to each other when together.  After about 5 years, Lesa was then sent to a Catholic school, and I never saw her again.

    But 5 years ago, she CALLED me!  She found us somehow, and we talked forever!  She was married, with 2 kids, and wanted to see us again.   She came to our home, that she remembered, and told us how much she appreciated those years with us... of being part of a "real family"....  We walked down to a diner near here, and she told me how her Mom was in a nursing home, and she didn't see her, anymore.  Her Mom made her feel like she was just an after-thought... all her life. 

    She missed her Dad, who passed away.   But she told me of how growing up, was miserable... that she was not allowed to play with other kids, nor leave her room after eating, and she just thought that was life.  The only thing she got to do was be dropped off at our house.  And  I never realized how much that meant to her....  She was always treated as an adult at home.   But hearing her tell me how much being with us, meant to her, meant more than I could imagine.  

    Now, we email all the time, and I get to listen to her and her sweet little memories all the time!  So that was a happy ending!   Yes, she is coming by before Christmas.... She lives about 150 miles from here... but she didn't forget!

    You know, I DO have so much to be thankful for, even if it is only memories of some things I have "lost"..... They made a difference in my life, and I might have helped them a little on the way.

    Kaara, I loved that saying too!  That's how we all are!  I'll find it for you.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,592
    edited December 2012
    • “A good criterion for measuring success in life is the number of people you have made happy.” — Robert J. Lumsden
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, I think you are one of those women gifted with "mom" talents and skills.  It's a shame that so many women who bear children don't have parenting skills or the dedication it takes to rear a child.  I chose not to have children because I saw first-hand with my mother what dedication it takes and that lifestyle wasn't for me. 

    Kaara, it sounds like you were able to manage parenting and a career.

    78, 75, 76, 80, 80.  Those are the numbers for the high temperature for today and the following days.  Where is my cool, crisp winter weather?  I want to wear jeans in Dec., not shorts!

    My Christmas cards are all ready to go.  I have some gifts wrapped and under the tree.  I came home yesterday with some small gifts for the men who are coming to Christmas dinner.  One gift was a nice black yard glove with a big gold fleur de lis (Saints emblem).  DH looked and didn't say anything.  "You're no help!" I said.  "What would YOU get that doesn't cost more than about $10?"  He mulled it over a minute and came up with a nifty tool that was on sale at Lowe's.  Sounded b-o-r-i-n-g to me, but I said, "Well, go buy them and I'll take some of these things back."  He did. 

    I would like to buy family gifts for his nieces and nephews up in the midwest but he has NO suggestion.  When I mentioned restaurant gift certificates, he said, "Seems like that's more for the parents than the kids."  Hello.  The kids get to eat, too!  In the past I've bought book store gift cards for the kids.  I got a thank you note one year thanking me for the wrong gift card!  Our great-nephew didn't even remember which book store!  When you aren't around kids, you just don't know them well enough to give them a gift they'll like.  Enough whining and complaining about something that isn't life threatening and, thus, not THAT important.

    Today I'll probably go and buy the gift for the little boy on the angel card.  Also gifts for Logan, Nova, and Olivia, my niece's children.  Funny thing (well, not really funny) is that Olivia's father has been in and out of jail quite a few times in his 20-odd years.  There's a gift for him under the tree.  Hope he makes it here for Christmas dinner.  I think there's a court hearing this month.

    Have a good Tuesday, everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,592
    edited December 2012

    Thank you Chevyfor finding the quote for Kaara, so the above one is for you.  You know, I don't think we always know when we have done something special in someone's life because until they have something or enough to compare it too.....they might not know.  Sometimes you just have to be able to pensive enough to look around and see things and of course, bottom line I think for everyone is to be able to do a completely honest assessment.  Anyway....I think being kind and loving toward people WHENEVER you can is never,never wasted. 

    You are a marvelous person, but for the most part......I do think many of the ladies who come here are and I find so much to appreciate in all of you.....from stories about being in the dessert, to the struggles with caring about weight and our lovely aging parents, to the beauty across the pond.  I think you all present a great tribute to life and I always marvel at what each of you are doing.  Where else do we get to live so wonderfully escape the personal parts of our existence that may seem a little hum-drum or boring to us. 

    I hope you all have a really outstanding day.  Whatever you do today....just imagine my footsteps are pattering quietly behind, enjoying ALL experiences.

    Hugs,  Jackie

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    I think I often just don't think to offer to help. I found out that a lady in my senior center was taking 2 buses to get her cat to the vet. I told her I would be happy to give her a ride. She was really grateful for my offer. Unfortunately she became too ill to care for the cat shortly after. Now I'm helping to find the cat a new home.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Oh Wren..... that is really sweet of you!  I hope you can find her cat a home?  If it were my Daughter in Florida, well she would have just added it to her collection....ha! 

    Jackie, you always have a way with words.... And it makes us all feel better. Wink  When we help someone, it just helps us as well!   Thanks Jackie, for just always being there.

    And Carole.... Yes, I think I could be a Mom to a million little kids.  And to see other "Mother's" abusing, or not caring about their little ones, makes it hard for me not to pipe up!   I saw one old man, pushing a little girl, probably his Grand-daughter in a buggy in the grocery store.... I saw him grab her hair & hit her head down on the hand-bar of the buggy!!!  Of course she cried......I wanted to go kick him as hard as I could, but instead I reported him to the store, and they were calling security.   I'll never forget that.  Some people deserve to be hung by their ...... ankles..... to put it nicely!

    I'm boiling some fresh beets for dinner!  And I'm putting together a Pasty.... made out of 1 refrigerated pie-crust, folded over.  I'm filling it with pork, potatoes, carrots & onions that I crocked all night.... 

    Okay.... it's just cold here..... gotta take Lacee to the Vet's.... I think she has an ear infection.  I noticed it draining the other day, so I put drops in it that I use.... "Calm ear".... and it is better, but very dry.... so I guess it's time to call in the professionals....Ha!

    Talk to you later.....

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Hi Ladies, 

    Another warm , for Dec., gloomy day so, finally got the rest of the cards done. Also got stamps, just have to seal them. Check another off the list. Carole, I usually get gift cards for the older kids. I'm not a shopper and they like them. Sure saves a lot of foot work and guessing . I still get the little ones gifts. But if my daughter doesn't  give me suggestions, her 4 may get  checks  this year. Decided it's checks  instead of gift cards. Since thank you notes seem to be a thing of the past, with a check I know they got it!

    Now  mostly have creche', village and tree to do.Tomorrow is supposed to be nice , so if DH can find them , we will put up the outside icicles.

    Better go rescue our dinner. Take care.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Chevy:  Thanks for the quote...I have a friend who is going to love it!

    Carole:  I was both a parent and a career woman, but I sometimes wish I had the career first because I would have learned to be more patient with my kids, and a better parent.  They all turned out ok though...I can't complain.

    Shopped till I dropped today...walked from one end of the mall to the other carrying packages in both I got my workout...LOL!  I'd like to say I was Xmas shopping, but most of the stuff I got was for underware and bras...the others were falling off of me!  Also a cocktail dress for the tired of my old standby long dress.  DD says if she sees one more photo of me in that dress she's going to come and burn it!

    Did I mention that I bought a car?  It's a used one, a 2010 with only 12,000 miles.  I was looking at new and they were so expensive, that I thought...I can buy this used one with low mileage and be better off in the pocketbook!  You can't tell it isn't new.  Car shopping...not my favorite thing to do.

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited December 2012

    Sorry, I haven't kept up with this thread - but would like some feedback regarding chemotherapy during the senior years. I am 65 years old and have just started chemotherapy - just wondering if any "older women" on this thread have taken chemotherapy. If so what drugs did you have and how was it?

    Illinois - what chemo drugs did you have and did you get a port put in to receive the drugs?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,592
    edited December 2012

    Hi Adagio.....I had Adriamycin and Cytoxin...4 rds. spread three weeks apart and then 4 rds. of Taxotere spread 3 weeks apart.  That was 6 months worth all together. 

    I did not have a port as I had my chemo done at the V.A. hosp. and they never offerred one.  From the sound of it though.....I think it might have been better.  It is hard on your veins to have it go in an I.V. drip into your arm.  It wasn't a walk in the park but I have no regrets what-so-ever and wouldn't blink very hard if I had to do it again, but obviously hope I never do.  They would however authorize a port  I'm sure, because I know ( they sometimes hurt ) that my veins just aren't very good now.

    I also had 7 full weeks of radiation after I had rested up from chemo, and am currently on my last yr. of Arimidex.  They may extend that, or they may have been do something else for a bit when I get through this yr.  They are learning things all the time and when I started on it, they told me then it was likely that no decision would be made until I had at least 5 yrs. in on the Arimidex.  Fortunately I've tolerated it really well for the time I've been on will just have to wait and see what the current thinking is at that time. 

    I'll be more than happy to share ( if my memory doesn't fail me ) anything you'd like to know if I can recall it. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited December 2012

    Illinois - thanks for that useful information. My treatments are scheduled for 2 weeks apart, but this week my white blood count is very low, so treatment is delayed by a couple of days  - we will see if they have come up on Thursday.

    I don't have a port either, and that does make me a bit anxious - although, to be honest, I don't like the idea of having the port put in - but I may need it if my veins don't hold out.

    Was it your left or right breast? Mine is the left, and I already worry about the heart and lung in the line of fire from the radiation.

    Thanks for your help - I appreciate it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Hi Ladies the night woman here.

    Carole I love how u remind us od the temp. Actually it's not bed here for being Dec. so i can't complain.Oh Kara I like the way u shop good goin'

    Adagio I had chemo but don't remember or everknew what I had probaly the reg. protocal, but weekly, it was easier on me-I af it for a couple of yrs. then finished with herceptin, but I did have a port and now they can't use either arm for things so I kept my port and happy about it, but so many nurses are so good with veins it might just be fine for u. Keep us posted.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,592
    edited December 2012

    Emotions are the energies that fuel thinking and choices in life. ~ Joseph Cortese

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    I got a lot of shopping done yesterday, too.  No success at Kohl's.  The department for boys was rather pathetic.  I went to JC Penney's next and did very well there.  They had boys' husky sizes in jeans.  So I got my Angel boy a pair of jeans and a Saints shirt which came with a stocking cap with the Saints emblem.  I also got gifts for my niece's children.  I splurged on 9 yr-old Logan's gift.  Bought him an official Drew Brees (Saints qtrback) jersey.  He will be thrilled.  All of the NFL merchandise is ridiculously expensive because the NFL gets a portion of the price.

    It's gray and overcast today after rain yesterday afternoon and last night.  My women's golf event was cancelled today.  I had already called yesterday and taken myself off the list.  The new washing machine is being delivered today.  The delivery person won't hook it up unless we replace the hoses, which dh replaced a couple of months ago.  No problem because dh will hook up the washer. 

    Adagio, I wish you the best in your treatment.  I didn't have chemo so can't offer any information.  Please feel free to share your experience with us.  We're here to listen and sympathize and cheer you on. 

    Guess I'd better force myself to go out to the gym and do some exercise.  DH just announced he is making soup today.  Later I'll go and pick up the CSA vegetables. 

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,592
    edited December 2012

    adagio  hi again.  I too did not mind having chemo I.V.  For one thing since I had mine (  I could have opted to go with the Women's Breast Center recommendations ) at the V.A. hospital.....there were mainly men there and  though some had a port, many did not.  I never really asked a why --- knowing that the V.A. usually uses a standard approach and I was just thrilled ( we had lost our Ins. earlier ) that I had somewhere to go to get the "full" treatment without considerations or any reaservations.

    My tumor was in my left breast as well.  In fact ( this may be more than you want to know ) there were actually two of them and they were different kinds of cancer.  I had a lazy, slow, non-aggressive tumor which is what was seen in my mammo's and US's,called Papillary, and most of it came out in the biopsy needle.  I also had a breast bruise which the surgeon removed and while feeling and checking there she found the second ductal tumor which was bigger and much more aggressve.   

    That one was the one which put me over into the category of having chemo ( lots of it ) and the 7 weeks of radiation.  My scar/incision is ( if I can say this right ) in the upper portion of the lower, inner aspect of the breast. Just meaning it was to the inside and about mid-way down.  The center---connected to Carbondale hospital where I had the rads......marked me very, very carefully, and while we never know what tomorrow could far, I haven't had a problem with anything and am 5yrs. and counting NED.  I don't have to go back for a cancer check-up for a yr. now.  This will be about the time we decide what to do about Arimidex. 

    Anyway...a long way of saying, I was not un-happy that I did not have a port. As for the radiation, it can be well directed and though one should be cautious about these things ( saying this while I never questioned ) I did not have a problem and don't expect one.  That is not to say there couldn't be one somewhere down the road, but I'll only put that on my "worry" list if I need too..........till then, all is well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2012

    Hi and welcome,  I am 63 and started chemo on June 24, 2011 I had 4 infusions of Adriamycin & Cytoxin.  Then I had 12 weeks one chemo every week of taxol.  I did ok and continued to work my part time job, cut down my hours some.  I would have chemo on a Thurs, feel fairly well on Friday and then by Sat. morning I was in bed for 2 days.  They gave me a medication called emmend that I took an hour before chemo and I was never vomiting sick.

    I am on Tamoxifen now, I tried the other medications and could not take them.  I am now having problems with anemia, they are getting a handle on it.  My last chemo was on Dec. 1, 2011.  I had surgery in April and mamosite radiation the last of April.

    Hope all goes well for you

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Mommarch, you're a youngster!  I will turn 70 in March.

    I wasn't happy with that news coverage last night about extending the AIs and Tamoxifen to 10 yrs.  I plan to go off arimidex when my 5 yrs are up.  I want to give myself at least 6 months to allow my body to adjust.  I'm hoping my bp and cholesterol will to back to pre-arimidex levels.

    I'm almost finished with Christmas shopping.  Yesterday I found some cute cards for 99 cents at Hallmark.  I decided to send the great-nieces-and-nephews up in the midwest some Christmas shopping money.  DH doesn't like giving money to kids, but it's the easy way out and I believe the kids will be pleased.  I wrote a note in each card and wasn't explicit about how to spend the money.  It would be interesting to know which kids spend the money on themselves and which kids buy presents for other people, like their parents. 

    Today I'm taking my mother grocery shopping.  She hasn't bought her own groceries in months and I think getting out will be good for her.  We'll go to a nice supermarket that isn't usually busy and has wide aisles. She'll ride around in a motorized cart.   Afterward we'll have lunch at her house and then I'll take her to have her hair shampooed and set and combed out.

    Tonight is the woodworkers' guild Christmas dinner.  It's at a lovely event place where it was held last year. 

    Have a great Thursday. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,592
    edited December 2012

    "The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and truth."
    Albert Einstein

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2012

    We are sending money to some of kids and grands and then doing gift cards on line for grands and some of the other kids.  It is the best way, we do not have to ship or travel to shop. Today is my Friday and by this time I am starting to wear down, ready for a few days off.   Things are much better I can actually think again and job going well.  I had no idea how bad I was.

    Take Care

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Hurray, got up the outside lights. DH says not hanging them  next year. I figure maybe wrap around the bushes, so he doesn't have to climb.

    Went to the mall after rads. Looking for flannel fitted sheets , to replace a couple that  are torn on the corners. Can't seem to get just the bottom sheet. Everything is sets. My top and pillow cases are OK, just wanted the bottom.

    Got cards mailed yesterday, getting one thing at a time done. Next gotta get the TX grands sent out. Got  Local grand daughters Nut Cracker on Sat. Hope the weather is good, as it's a bit of a drive.

    2 more days and rads done!

    Nice here today, but COLD. Have a good day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets, we don't do outside lights, but I love to see other people's outside decorations!  Sounds like you and Mommarch both are getting Christmas things done.