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  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2012

    I did all my christmas shopping online yesterday.  I sent gift cards via e-mail from amazon & toyRus and had a gift mailed from amazon to my son.  Got his wife a Bed Bath & Beyond gift card.  Sent money orders to grands and daughter in Iowa.  

    If we went shopping we would have to go 100 miles to the nearest walmart, most of the stores we have here are speciality mom and pop stores and very pricey.  Kimber who just moved to FL already got her card and ordered what she wanted.  She was really excited.

    Adaigo, please take care.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    Yep, that's my kind of shopping. This year am going to checks instead of cards. That way I know they got the ones I have to mail. When they are cashed. Thank-you notes, Haha! Have to do my Maryland daughter and family this week. Got the Tx crew done, mail it tomorrow.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Hi Gals!  It was sooooo cold here today, so I stayed in, and colored my hair!  Now maybe it will at least have a little more body....  I trimmed it last week, so it really needed colored....  Now I'm all "new" again, Ha!

    Then I threw Lacee in the bathtub, and blocked half of it with a little stool, because I have to use the shower head, and that way she can't move all over the tub.  Then I put her on a towel on the bed and dried her with a hair dryer....  And I brushed and brushed her.... so now she is even more beautiful...Ha, ha! 

    I then mopped our kitchen floor again.... It gets dirty so fast.... I mean it isn't really dirty, but it's a pale yellow tile I put down years ago, and I have to keep it clean!  I finally got all the "Murphy's oil soap" build-up off....  Now I just use a cleaner, a bar-towel and that swiffer mop thing.  It really comes out clean! 

    Now if I could just keep everyone and everything off of it, Ha!

    Okay kids.... gotta go get that dinner on the table..... Love you guys! xoxoxoxo

    I crocked a big pork roast with potatoes, onion soup mix & carrots, and it really is tender!

    Hi Luvmygoats!  How are YOU doing?  Ready for Christmas yet???

    Jackie, how fun your little girl is finally with you..... Man, I would love to have someone with us, at least for awhile, to just help us with things!  I mean even in the yard!  I'm sure Ron can help your DH a lot too!  Just enjoy your time.... it's like "magical" isn't it? 

    Mommarch,   Good for you about the Christmas shopping!  Do you use Amazon a lot?  I buy a lot of things through them....  We are sending money to our family in Orlando.... AND a box with "stuff" my DH wanted the boys to have....

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Jackie:  Glad your DD is there and everything is working out well!  You quote today was excellent!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    The Christmas concert at St. Timothy's Methodist Church was wonderful, as always.  The choir and the orchestra are so good that they're like professionals.  Afterwards we went to Macaroni Grill with two other couples and had a good time.  It wasn't crowded and we were able to carry on conversation with our meal.  The food was just so-so.

    Tomorrow I go to my WW meeting at 9:30 am and then my younger sister, mother, niece, dh and I are taking my nephew and his girlfriend to lunch for his 21st birthday.  He is unemployed and is considering going into the army.  We're going to a Chinese restaurant, and Chinese is probably my least favorite ethnic food.  But I'll find something to eat.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Hi gals!

    Carole, it's really a coincidence!  I was thinking about you and the other gals on this thread and wondering how all of you were doing so I just got on and posted.  The next day I got your Christmas card and I was so excited!  I am so glad to reconnect here.  If you get anywhere near my area, PLEASE get hold of me and we will certainly get together.  I would LOVE it!

    Jackie...glad that your daughter has arrived and that you've had some time with her.  I bet it was hours before you stopped talking!  Hugs to you, dear friend.  I am so happy for you!

    Kaara...I noticed that you are located in Coral Springs, FL.  What part of Florida is that?  We have rented a home in Cape Coral for the month of February.  I can't wait to get there!  I'm a warm-weather gal and I really hate the Illinois winters! 

    Well, I've been working on my Christmas cards all weekend and I'm still not done with them.  I think I'll do a few more before I call it a night.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited December 2012

    Hi, Ritajean, nice to meet you. 
    Wishing a Happy Hanukkah to anyone who celebrates this special holiday.
    I'm glad I have a few more days to shop....can't get away with gift cards for too many. 
    Well, another work week about to start and I leave a tree with only lights ... can't do it until probably Tuesday night or even Thursday. 
    Was feeling overwhelmed today but don't like to complain...
    Bonnets & Pt, I hope the holidays bring good memories of your children who have passed.  DH and I both lost a parent before Christmas, just 10 days apart.  We were in a daze.  My first son died after living less than a week but he had come home so it was unexpected.  i thought that after he went through what he did that I would never be afraid ... but I still have fears.  We are supposed to outlive our children, I think that's the way it should be.  Hugs and prayers for you.
    I am going off the radar for a few days...3 long work days and a dinner...spare time shopping on line...and very tired.  I will have a huge break during January, but I still have to go in to work...just nobody there and no classes going on.  Will travel to DC and just found out that DS is coming from San Francisco to meet us in DC.
    I have been to Armstrong Redwoods as a teen...have pix (slides) somewhere in my house...I really love coastal CA and now have a good reason to spend more time there.
    I'll be back - hope everyone is enjoying the holiday time.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Morning ladies:

    Carole:  Chicken and broccoli....the best chinese with the least amount of sodium.  You can ask them to make it without cornstarch for even more health conscious eating.

    Ritajean:  Coral Springs is on the east coast of Fl, near Ft. Lauderdale.  Cape Coral is on the west coast...a very nice place.  Enjoy!

    Chevy:  I have to do the same thing...color my hair...but I can't do it myself, I just don't have the nerve, because it always turns too red.  When my highlights begin to grow out, my hair feels really thin and I hate it!  There's always my wig...LOL!

    Yesterday was my one year anniversary from my surgery, so I guess that qualifies as my one year cancer free...YEA!  It seems so long ago.  I should really be celebrating this year, but somehow I just don't have the spirit...too much going on right now in my life that I will talk about at some other time.  Looking forward to the new year is all I can say!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    Foggy and cold here. No Florida, but if the world doesn't end on the 21st, more cold weather here.Get dressed and run to last day of rads, then a little shopping and go to P.O.Got the crech' done yesterday. Now just the village and then the table top tree.

    Joan, hugs to you too.So sad so many of us have lost children. You will always miss them.

    Have a goood day

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Hi gals..... I not only had my debit card "stolen" by an electronic card reader, I then had my identity stolen.  I only found out when Master Card called one night and asked if I had authorized a $1500 payment to an airlines.  Then she said they also tried to take out $450, and the first one was for just $1.

    This is how they do it.......

    They cancelled my card, re-issued another one.  And she told me to buy or make one of those aluminum card carriers.  That way their "reader" cannot steal your numbers.

    It didn't end there.... A few months later, Capitol One bank sent a registered letter, asking if I was trying to open an account with them.  It was their fraud department.  So, my identity had been stolen, along with my SS number.  I had to report this to the credit reporting agencies, (Trans-union) SS, the Denver Police Dept.  and the Federal Trade Commission.

    I don't carry any cards with me now.... Only when I know I am going to use the card,and it is an aluminum wrapped "case" that I made.  And don't keep but a minimum in your checking acct!  I had to also report this to the IRS...  And you can always check your accounts online.  The Credit Union put a fraud alert on my account, and none of the attempts went through, thanks to Master Card calling me so fast.  The thieves will try & charge a small amount, and then try more, and also notify their "friends" in another state, and then THEY tried to charge the $450 airline tickets from Florida, to Spirit Air.  All they need is that "reader" and this happens all the time.

    I have to carry around the DPD report, in case I get stopped, just to prove my identity.

    So just be careful.......

    Morning girls!  I just posted this on another thread, and thought the more that know about this, the safer you will be! 

    I never thought this would happen to me.... and the thieves can just be walking past you, like in a mall or a store, and their "reader" will steal all of your credit/or debit card information, and immediately use it.  That's what those aluminum wallets are for....  It blocks the reader from stealing the electronic information on your cards....

    Talking about Chinese food.... I LOVE Thai food!  Or Vietnamese!  I especially love the Pho soup/broth, and all the side stuff they give you to add to it!   It's just easier to buy it out, because buying the Asian Sweet Basil, bean sprouts, jalapeno's, etc.  takes forever to use up, Ha! 

    Bonnets, it's cold here too!  Just 12 degrees out! 

    Kaara, yes, when that color grows out, my hair is as limp as a noodle!  I roll it everyday in those hot rollers, and it was getting too long, so I trimmed it all a little... much easier to manage.   And Contratulations on your YEAR!!!! 

    And thinking of you Joan....  Have a beautiful Christmas!  Have you ever been to Muir Woods near San Francisco?  I LOVED that.... like walking through another world, so beautiful with all those giant Redwood trees!

    Hi ritajean!  Heard so much about you from Jackie!  Glad to see you here..... Do you know whatever happened to NorthStar???  She started this thread, but haven't heard anything about her.

    Okay gals.... have a warm Monday....Wink

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, what a nightmare with the stolen identity, etc.  Our main credit card is Capital One and they're on the ball with watching the charges.  A couple of years ago, some person or persons tried to charge airline tickets and a restaurant dinner in another country.  We got a call from the fraud dept. and the card was cancelled and a new card issued.

    I was not aware of a "reader" until you mentioned it.

    Joan, you sound very busy.  I hope your life slows down enough for you to enjoy the Christmas season.

    Kaara, Christmas "spirit" cannot be forced.  I had a bah humbug attitude for at least the last 3 yrs.  Didn't put up a tree or do any decorating.  This year the family dinner will be at my house so I felt I should put up a tree for the children.  Then I decided to send Christmas cards.  Then I decided to have a little Santa gift for everybody at the dinner.  Etc.  Etc.  I started to feel the Christmas spirit! 

    The forecast is 80 per cent chance of rain as a front comes through.  But the sun is shining and the temperature high will be 73 degrees today.  The weatherman is promising cooler temperatures the rest of the week.  I hope he isn't lying to us.  I don't mind mild temps with low humidity but it has been MUGGY. 

    WW meeting this morning and then birthday lunch for nephew at the Chinese restaurant.  At least it's a nice restaurant and not a buffet.  Those are my least favorite restaurants where they serve MSG Specials!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2012

    A Merry Christmas greeting for all.  

    Christmas Shopping Surprise

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    OMG Chevy what a nitemare to have u'r identity stoen--I guess it's gotten easier. I understand why prople do it--but I don't understand why they do it at all---it causes such turmoil and I do believe in Karma so why bother.

    Carole u ave so much energy and I love it--in fact all of u do--it's fun to read about.

    And Jackie u happiness sure comes thru on u'r posts---best Christmas for u. Happy Dance for u'r whole family.

    I'm going to try to do some online shopping tonite--and see if I get that done. I've picked what I want so it should go fast.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, Havent had my identity stolen , yet, but have had credit cards compromised twice. ONe time they took cash at a cash machine in England, two times,before they froze the card. That meant they had cards made and hacked pin#! I have had an aluminium wallet for a year or so now.

    Wud you believe when I arrived for my final rads today, they said "we tried to call you, the machine/computer is down!" Waaaat! Do you want to go home, or wait for someone to come and fix it, from Conneticut?" I opted to wait  and after an hour or so he came and  fixed things. Glad I waited. Still cud laugh and didn't have to come back tomorrow. DONE! Red and somewhat sore under the tata,dr told me to go braless at home. Don't know if that will help or make it worse, as my boobs have always gone South. Well I'll see.Think the bra might be better, but ill try it.

    I do find I'm doing less decorating than I used to. My kids are in other states, don't see them for Christmas, DH's son is on the outs with  him, so don't see him or our grands and go to his daughters for Christmas. DO think we will be having a few couples over for New Years Eve, so maybe I did decorate for a reason. But we are both doing less that envolves climbing!

    Have a good day

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets, I'm happy for you that you finished rads!  Hope the se's go away soon.

    Camillegal, hope you have success with your online shopping.

    Today was my LAST meal at a Chinese restaurant.  The food was so mediocre.  Not hot.  I ate about 1/3 of my plate of 3 happiness (or some number?) and fried rice.  I did eat the egg roll, but it wasn't hot either. 

    Chevy, I've eaten at a Thai restaurant a couple of times and liked the food.  Of course, I ordered Pad Thai both times!  It's the most common Thai food.  I've eaten home-made Pho once and it was delicious.  There's a restaurant in our area that serves that.  I want to go there and try their version.  It seems almost everybody likes Pho soup. 

    Seems like lemon grass is getting into the mainstream of American cooking.  Guess I'll have to try it.  Not sure where you buy it.  Maybe Fresh Market where the produce dept has prices like a jewelry store! 

    Muttered curses from dh as we sit in the living room.  He went to Verizon and got his first smart phone today.  Now he's trying to figure out how to operate it!  He got an I-phone, not an Android, like mine.

    The front came through today along with some rain and our temp. has cooled off.  30's tonight.  Good sleeping. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Carole:  If the smart phone is anything like our smart tv, you have my deepest sympathies!  I still can't work the remote:(  It's definitely smarter than I am...LOL!

    I'm afraid to say it but my identity has never been stolen.  It happened to my girlfriend when she left her purse in the car when she went to pick up her DGD from the park.  Kids broke into the car and took her purse and passed it on to someone who proceeded to steal her identity.  She is still having problems and that was over three years ago...awful!

    I bought a used car a week ago and already had a problem with the tire...had to go into the Mercedes dealership today and sit for several hours while they fixed it...a defective valve stem.  They were very service oriented and didn't charge me for the repair.  There was coffee, hot chocolate, cookies, a big screen TV and comfortable chairs.  The sales manager personally came to me and apologized for the inconvenience.  What more could I ask.

    Bonnets:  Congrats on getting your final rads today.  I'm sure you're glad that is over.  I think I would have waited as well to get it behind me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets my motto---do what u fell like doing and no more. Whatever u do is fine.

    Carole u'r funny. U don't mean all chinese restaurants do u? Cuz that wiuld be a shame--my favs are chicken lo mein and sesame chicken (mild) My DD is (I forgot) but some kind of chicken that's super spicey-- we have 2 good rest. here for Chinese but not the others-- at least we found the 2 good ones.

    OK who's done with rads--Wonderful it's good to have it over with--that daily grind gets so icky-

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Brrrrr...  It's chilly outside!  Yay, I'll be wearing jeans today!

    Thawed out a whole chicken and some smoked sausage to make chicken sausage gumbo, a good cold weather dish.  Back to back dental apptments at 12:00 and 1:00 pm.  The first for cleaning and the 2nd for impressions for my crowns on the implants.  It will feel weird to have teeth on the upper right.  Sure hope those expensive implants hold up.  There are no guarantees, despite the cost.

    Ordered two gift certificates online last night.  Almost finished with Christmas shopping.

    Hi to everyone.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Hurray, the sun is out!Looking at blue sky, sure nice to see again, though they say we may get some winter weather by the weekend.

    Off to the cardiologist  soo, then Senior Christmas luncheon.

    I'm starting to peel on the nipple and under my breast. Decided to try good old A&D ointment, used to work for diaper rash! Says for burns etc.

    Maybe get the village done today. Got to get a grab bag gift for the church womens party, thurs. and get my daughters Christmas checks mailed to Maryland. Seems there is always a list of stuff to do!

    CArole, had all my crowns redone last year. Haven't done any implants though.

    Chevy, is that your kitty and dog? Nice soft bed.

    Have a good day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Chevy I love that picture.

    And I hope u all have a great day especially in jeans.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    No Bonnets and Camille.... I just saw it in an email, and thought it was sooooo cute!  It's cold here too!  Didn't warm up today at all!

    Gumbo sounds good Carole... We are having Arby's sandwiches that we picked up earlier, and I also made a Turkey pot pie, with those pillsbury pic crusts...  I had frozen some Turkey a la king.... It turned out good! 

    I have tried and tried, and finally given up.  I bought a book from Barnes and Nobel online, downloaded it, and it is on my desk-top, in my Nook, but I canNOT get it uploaded into my Nook!   I used to know how, but I think my Adobe reader is "broke."  I finally downloaded another version, and it shows all 68 of my books, but NOT my new one!  DANGIT!  So now I will go to Barnes and Noble, and have them upload it to my Nook!

    Don't things like that drive you nuts!  I haven't bought a new book all year!  Oh well.... It'll work if I have them do it.  It's just frustrating!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    The dentist apptments weren't too bad.  My dentist is quite a character.  He is passionate about his hobbies, two of which are growing orchids and nature photography.  I probably have mentioned before that when you enter his building, you walk through a little foyer especially designed to display some of his blooming orchids.   I took some pics today with my phone. 

    There's a tv monitor over every chair in the little rooms and a slide show of his beautiful nature photographs.  He's also a good dentist! 

    I'm feeling sad about the tragic death of a young man just about to turn 30.  He's the son of my sister Michelle's husband.  I don't know all the details yet except that he had a really bad infection, possibly staff.  It's going to be a sad Christmas season for the young man's family.  You just hate for someone to die that young. 

    It's nice to be warm and comfortable inside the house.  It's gray and cold outside.  I think I'll light the fireplace for some cheer.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Kaara...Congrats on the one year mark!  I was weird.  I didn't ever want to celebrate the yearly marks.  I thought I was tempting fate.  Crazy me!

    Carole...I love it!  You're excited about wearing jeans and I'd love to be able to trade my jeans for your shorts!  LOL  Hey, we actually golfed the first week in December in Illinois, wearing jeans and sweatshirts!  Now it's definitely too cold for that!

    Wow Chevy!  You've had a mess with the credit card fiasco, haven't you?  I think I'll go look for an aluminum case for my cards, too.

    I used to love Chinese food.  After me chemo, I couldn't even stand the smell of it. We walked into an International Buffet one night to eat and I had to get out of there quick.  We've even tried to do "take out" and just bring it home so I don't have the restaurant smells and I still can't eat it. glad to see you on this thread, too!

    I'm off to finish my Christmas cards tonight.  Hugs to all!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Carole.... So sorry about the young guy.... That really is a tragedy!  I just can't imagine losing someone, especially that young! 

    I love Orchids also!  My Mom grew so many of them, living in California...AND Bonsai's.  I used to have 19 Orchids at one time, but I don't have the right lighting to keep them indoors in the Winter, not to mention the ROOM they take up.  Right now I only have about 8, scattered around here in my windows.... But only one is blooming.   My "Blue" Orchid is going to bloom (again) in about a month or two!  My Daughter gave it to me from her Floral Dept. last year for Mother's Day... And I have been babying it, and hoping it would bloom again! 

    The growers add colored water, like blue, to the root system, and it goes up through the roots to the bloom, and the Orchid was blue!   They've been doing that for years with Carnations, etc. but I had never seen it done with an Orchid!  She didn't think it would come out "blue" again, so I'll have to wait and see! 

    Ritajean... I made a card holder with 2 little pieces of card-board, then wrapped them with about 4-5 layers of aluminum foil, then covered it all with that decorator Duck tape!   But again, I only carry that card when I know I will need it.   I read about this happening to a few other gals on the I say yes thread....  The Aluminum wallets work great though.

    The main thing, is to be able to check your balances a few times a week.... I was so lucky MasterCard caught it that fast!  I got that phone call about 6 o'clock at night, after shopping at a Mall.... It was a recording, asking if I was Jeannette #########, and if I was, press 1, if not press 2.

    So I pressed 1, and a gal came on explaining what was going on... Man, my heart just dropped.  But a few months later, it all started all over again, with the thief trying to open a credit account with Capitol One with my identity!  That's when I had to contact all those other agencies..... I hope it's over now.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    This was taken last year.... When they try and "alter" the colors of an Orchid, the blooms don't last as long, but they really are striking!

    I hope the blooms last longer this time...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Chevy:  My daughter gave me a blue orchid for Mother's Day last was beautiful!

    Today is 12/12/12...lots of significance if you believe in those kind of things.  I prefer to see it as a lucky day!  It's also the day the Mayan calendar says the world will end..LOL!  Guess we'll find out soon enough!  In case it doesn't end today, there's always the 21st of December, another omen about the world ending because that's when the Mayan calendar stopped.  

    I have a friend from SC coming in to stay with me through the end of the week.  It isn't the most convenient time due to the holiday confusion, but most of my shopping is done and I only have one party planned which is not until the 23rd, so I'm OK with it.  Guests don't stay too long here because my guest room only has a sleep sofa, and an uncomfortable one at that!  The good news is that she doesn't require constant entertaining..she will bring a suit and lay by the pool and relax, we'll have a few dinners out, and she'll go home on Sunday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    The sun is out and the high is supposed to be 57 degrees.  A nice day to get my mother out and about.  Funny how the sunshine says, "Come outside."  Smile

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,589
    edited December 2012

    A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.

    William A. Ward