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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    When I heard the news last night that there was some breakthrough news on bc tx I was anxious to hear what they had to say.  Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed to learn that it was to extend tamoxifen to ten years...studies partially funded by the makers of tamoxifen.  To me this study reeks of conflict of interest and should be looked at with suspicion.  I'm still taking my 1/2 dose daily and will continue as long as my SE's are minimal, but I prefer to supplement with diet and nutrition as well as exercise as a backup.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Hi everyone--I had trouble with my computer for a day but I think it's ok now.

    Adaio I had my first 4 months of chemo while I was still working full time--but used alot of sick days--I had my right breast taken and then continued with chemo but didn;t work anymore--I ot it every week but it's less potent then and I still had a couple of days a week not feeling well, then 1 yr after my first my left breast went and got more chemo then herceptin too. But I had a port and I was glad, cuz they couldn't use either arm so it was a snap just one pinch and they were in. It's all a mean ugly beast. LOL But it all passes and now I'm on Aromasin, not liking it but it's good enough. I have other problems now cuz of al the chemo and low blood counts so I still se Drs. alot--Doesn't sound like fun bit it's  all OK

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Hi everyone--I deleted that post cuz it sounded down and I was trying to tell Adagio it'll be all right right. really I got a port but they couldn't use either arm so thst worked well for me and it still does even for tests I still get. So u'll probably have SE but I hope they are minimal and u do well.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited December 2012

    Welcome Adagio. Hope everything goes well for you. I did not do chemo so I am no help on that topic.

    I am also 63 years old.  This week I feel like 163 .  I left last Friday night late to Philadelphia and returned Monday morning before work to see my son and his family. Their new baby was baptized on that Sunday. It was a fast trip but worth every minute of it.

    We have most of our Xmas shopping done. I only have a few to finish up. Our packages to Philadelphia have been sent so now I need to wrap the gifts for our kids and grandkids this weekend.

    I can not remember which of the ladies had the problem with their hands and had explained some of the tricks to solve her problem. Please let me know what you did. We have a young lady at work who has psoaris on her hands. I just thought maybe someone could tell me something that could help her.

    Went to dinner with 2 of my sisters(other sister is in Texas) last night to celebrate our moms birthday(she passed away 4 yrs ago) I still her and every so often when something happens I still pick up the phone to tell her.

    Havea great Friday.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited December 2012

    Saw the BS today. I declined another aspiration for the persistant seroma. I think eight times is enough. She asked when my next mammo was. When I told her next month for my non-cancer breast becuase they thought there should be a six month follow-up to look at thickening and July for my cancer side she said that made no sense. She ordered a diagnostic mammo bilaterally next month with an aspiration of the seroma just before and an MRI also. At first I thought overkill but at least I will have a good baseline. The mammo in July was so inconclusive because of the seroma. Not sure what the MO will think but I do feel more comfortable knowing that they will get a good look this time.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets, LLBean is the only place I've seen flannel sheets sold separately. Of course, they're so expensive you could probably get a whole new set. I have a king size bed though and everything for it is expensive.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited December 2012

    Just checking in to say hi after a really busy 2 weeks.  I have been subbing for a colleague plus doing my own job(s)...
    We are slow to get those decorations finished but we do have lights outside and a  huge wreath...the tree leans against the house for now.
    Last week end I traveled to DD#3 in NJ and DD#1 drove up from DC with her 2 kids.  We slept over and next day went to NY to Radio City and out to lunch.  DD#2 joined us so 6 grandkids in all!  It was so wonderful and it always puts me in the holiday mode.
    Jean, how is your recovery going?
    Enjoy the week end everyone!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Termite!  Oh yes, me and my hands!  Okay, I first tried Fluocinonide ointment/cream.  It worked only okay... Then I saw a Dermatologist.  He gave me a prescription for Clobetasol..... and said to first soak my hands/fingers in room temp water, 3 times a day, then while still wet, rub a little Clobetasol on them, then Eucerine "Professional repair" on them.  (After they dry, it sort of puts a film on them.)

    BUT.... none of that helped for very long.  The best thing to do is......just know that you might have to live with this like forever, but that making them comfortable is what is best.  I still only use dove bar, or something like that to wash my hands, but I still shower with any nice smelling gel.... THAT doesn't make them worse. 

    Whenever I can, I rub a mixture of Vaseline, Zinc-oxide, Mentholatum, and Shea butter on them.  Then I put on little cotton gloves, or I even ordered some online called Aquasentials Moisturizing Gloves...from Amazon.  I sleep in them every night, and run around the house with them when I am not cleaning, or like getting my hands wet.  I made my own cream... I even bought some Neem Oil, from a natural food store... But have her just mix it all together.  Vaseline is the best, I think, because those prescription ones "burn" when your hands/fingers peel.

    Tell her not to peel the dry skin... but to clip it off...or rub enough "mix" in, that it will just slide off.  When your fingers get that dry, they crack, and bleed, and it just hurts.  But those prescription ones dont make it go away.  Just make it comfortable.

    One time I read online to put polish remover on my hands for Eczema.  So I was just frantic enough to try something that stupid.  I thought if it is burning THAT much, it MUST be doing some good, right?  No...don't do that one.  I just wanted to soak my hands in a bucked of ice, after that one.

    Wear rubber gloves when doing a lot of cleaning, or just don't get cleaning solution on her hands.  Use one of those soap-scrubber things with a handle, for doing dishes. 

    But the creaming all the time, and the gloves will help more than anything.  And don't pick off the dead skin.

    Dreamers, I'm sooooo sorry about your Seroma!  I will never complain about mine again.   I'm glad you are getting a MRI... I wish they could figure out what to do about the Seroma! 

    And Termite.... I still miss my Mom too, and it has been 6 years... I know the feeling about just wanting to talk to her!  There is just such an empty space in your heart, missing your Mom.

    Camille.... it's okay if you are down sometimes!  That's why we are here, to just talk things out.  We all get that way once in awhile, and it isn't easy talking it over with family.... We've all been there.  Whether it's our family, our treatments, etc. we sometimes get just plain discouraged.

    Carole, I love all the lights too, and I used to do a lot more than I do now!  But I'm just putting together a big wreath, and hanging it out front. 

    Kaara, I saw that too...about the Tamoxifen.   Now THAT's something I would not want to be in a study about!  Glad you are doing well with it.  They are always trying to find new ways for radiation, new treatments, and I'm glad for that though.  We have really come a long way.

    So okay, have any of you fallen asleep yet, Ha!  Termite, ask your friend if she wants my email, but I've posted all that I know what to do.  I've had this for maybe 6 months now, and it IS better!  My fingers are not dry enough to least today.... Just tell her to cream them, and wear the gloves as often as she can!   I know they "burn" and hurt, but I was told it won't go away.... just that mine are better now.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Well, THAT was a long post! Wink

    Termite, send her this article...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,590
    edited December 2012

    "Everything in life comes to you as a teacher. Pay attention.
    Learn quickly."

    -- Cherokee Saying

    this is in here because I like it and because I'm  1/8th. Cherokee

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,590
    edited December 2012

    Hey....I pretty much second all everyone said.....seroma....glad you  are going to get a good solid reading after an aspiration.  Good for your Doc.

    I am just so excited.  My daughter called.......this morning, and they are doing the last 600 miles here ( driving from California ) today and should be here shortly after I get off work.  I'm just too excited to concentrate on an entry.  It has been 5 yrs. since I saw my Kate and I'm just buzzing a good way of course.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  I'm goisng too.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    PT I'm glad u going to get tests done the right way--hopefully all will be good and u will be relieved.

    Jackie u have to be jumping out of u skin. I'm so excited for u---5 years is a long time not to see u'r dgtr--I don't know how u'll contain u'rself. I went 2 yrs one time when my oldes moved to AZ, but she came back--it was awful for me and I guess her too cuz she just came home. LOL

    Oh I think of my mom too. And I think Oh I have to tell her this or that, then I remember. My sister and I have said in a way it's best that they haven't gone thru this with us cuz it would be so hard on them to see both of their dgtrs like this---but of I of course tell my sister but mom and dad would take care of me, cuz they liked me best. Drs. now would say that would be horrible for a kid--but nothing bothered us like that. My mom liked my oldest brother and my sister best and my dad still the oldest and then it was me.

    aAd nobody was tramatized by it. One time my cousin asked my aunt why didn't her father talk to her--my aunt said well he really doesn't like u. and it was OK that's it. And we still laugh about it. Italians were very funny and strange and of course we knew it and accepted it. I'm LOLing now cuz I'm think of my wonderfully stange funny family and we were so close and who's left --we're still close--So 've been blessed.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    So happy for you , getting to see your daughter. I only get to see my youngest maybe twice a year, they live in Maryland.

    This weekend is kind of sad for me. It will be 9 years Sunday , that my oldest daughter Amy, passed from breast Cancer. She was the one of my 3 kids I was the closest to. Still miss her.

    Got Grand daughters  Nut Cracker on Sat. Hope the weather holds out. Nasty today, cold, 29 but rainy. Was worried it might get icy on the way home from rads. One more, Monday. Glad my seroma went pretty well down, when I read of you guys with the problem ones. Wow!

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets I so so sorry about u'r daughter, I didn't know. This is a sad time for u--and my heart goes out to u. She had to be young--to lose a child has to be the worst. Again I'm sorry.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    Thanks, yes she was diagnosed at 27 and died at 33. She left 3 kids, at the time 9, 7 and 5. When I speak to people on BC, I emphasize the fact young women can and do get breast cancer, and it is frequently more aggressive. They often discover it during pregnancy or lactation. She was very special!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets, so sorry about your daughter. Lost my son at 32 to a heart attack. Somehow we never expect to lose them when they are so young. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Hi ladies! It has been FOREVER since I've posted on this thread and it's so good to see so many of you still posting. I finally got a new laptop that doesn't take forever to use and I'm loving it!

    Some of you have mentioned that you're nearing the end of your 5 years on Arimidex.  I finished taking it in August and despite the side effects, I made it a full 5 years.  I am gradually feeling more flexible and doing better with my joint problems.  I have lost a few pounds and have more energy.  Unfortunately, I can't see any improvement with my chemo brain  Perhaps that will improve with time but it sure wasn't an instantaneous improvement. 

    I just wanted to stop in and say Hello to those of you who have been around awhile.  Jackie, I'm so excited that your daughter is coming back!  What a blessing! Good things come to those who wait.

    Hugs to all of you!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets, how sad to lose a young daughter to bc cancer.  And now you have the disease.  Yes, the cancer is usually very aggressive with the young women.  My cousin Camille died in her mid 30's.  She fought hard but couldn't win the battle.

    Dreamers, it's equally sad that you lost a young son.  I'm not a parent but I can imagine that nothing is worse than attending the funeral of a son or a daughter.

    Jackie, I'm excited for you!  We won't be expecting a lot of posts from you because you'll be busy with enjoying the arrival of your daughter and sil.

    Ritajean, welcome!!  It's good to have you pop in.  Did you receive my Christmas card?  When I came to your name in my address book, I was puzzled at first and the light bulb went off.  The next time I'm in IL, I just may give you a call and see if you're free to get together for a cup of coffee OR a glass of wine.  It's encouraging to know that you're feeling more like your old self after going off arimidex.

    I played an uninspired round of golf today.  It was too humid to enjoy being outside.  This afternoon I bought two satsuma (similar to tangerines) trees and a Meyers lemon tree to plant.  I'm starting my own citrus orchard! 

    Camillegal, I've been seeing your name as Cam-illegal!  I wondered if you were an illegal hispanic!  Then someone called you Camille and I had to laugh at my stupidity! 

    Wishing everyone a good Friday night.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    The loss is always there. In many ways yours was even more difficult than mine, as I had a long time before Amy left us. With your loss there was probably little time to cope with loosing him, and a heart attack at that age.... Hugs, Jean

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited December 2012

    Hugs back at you  Jean. Holidays are the hardest. He passed right before Thankgiving and ever since that time from Thanksgiving to New Year is rough.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Dreamers, there must be hereditary heart disease in your family?  That's extremely young for a heart attack.

    Very foggy this morning but has dissipated.  I'm thinking I will go for a walk against the advice of the foot dr.  I have brand new, horribly expensive New Balance shoes that the dr. recommends.  So I'll walk, ice the heel, take ibuprofen, do my stretches.  Later on, I intend to plant my citrus trees.  Have been reading info on the internet.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    Take it really easy on that short walk. You don't want to keep injuring it. That's how I began wearing New Balance shoes. Now all my casual shoes are New Balance. I wait and buy older versions in sports stores.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2012

    New Balance are my absolute favorites. I'm not a mail order person for clothing; just have trouble with fit and refuse to pay shipping back. If ever I did mail order it would be New Balance but I usually find them on good sales.

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited December 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Happy to say that round #2 of my chemo went much better than #1 - I got the right combination of anti-nausea meds and did not vomit at all - yeah!! Today I start on the Neupogen shots for 7 days - last time I did only 5 of them, but my white cell count dipped to 0.3 which is dangerously low - so this time hopefully with the extra shots it will make a difference. I am off for a nice walk now in the sunshine but it is only 2 degrees celsius, so hat and scarf and gloves for sure.

    I am just not into Christmas this year - I just find that having cancer is a full time job and keeps me busy enough. And of course going through chemo over Christmas takes away some of the joy. Although I will get a christmas tree and put it in and the christmas lights because all of the family will be here for Christmas dinner and it just wouldn't be the same without the lights and tree. Haven't even thought of gifts at all yet - may resort to gift cards and money!!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Adagio, well put.  Cancer is a full-time job.  I was completely tuned in to myself for a full year.  That's whiy this website is so great.  You meet people who understand what you're experiencing.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    I've been busy the last few days so no time to post.  

    Jackie:  You must be thrilled to see your daughter after 5 years.  I once went almost 12 years without seeing my family...can't believe I did that!  If my kids did that to me I would be so sad.

    Tomorrow is DGS's 10th birthday party.  I'm going to help and enjoy the chaos...LOL...8 10 year old boys and a bounce house...should be fun!

    A friend of mine in SC just told me that his DN was dx with bc at age 31.  She had an mx and is going to have chemo.  It's so sad.  I feel so blessed to have made it to age 71 before having to deal with it.  

    Carole:  I agree...this site was wonderful and I got so much information and support...don't know how I could have done it without the people I've met over the last year.  Tomorrow will be my one year anniversay of when I had my surgery.  It seems like so long ago!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,590
    edited December 2012

     "The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur
    when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled.
    For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort,
    that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching
    for different ways or truer answers."

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,590
    edited December 2012 great to see you here.....and now where is Chevy???  Yes, a thousand times yes, I am so enjoying spending time with my daughter and so glad she wanted to settle in here.  It's early, but hope it takes really well.  We have been catching up and just breathing huge sighs of relief I think.  So far, she and hubby have already proved to be a  huge help in getting things done around here.............but wow....there are still lots of things that need attention.

    Anyway, hopefully I'll be back on here just about every day now.  It is foggy out still but we don't care.  I think it would take a whole lot to dampen my mood. 

    Anyway hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Jackie, your happiness shines through!  I'm so glad for you.  And, yes, where is Chevy?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2012

    Chevy was on Stage I sisters this morning.  One of many I peruse in my "spare" time.