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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Good morning everyone.   I know I have been misssing in action a lot.  I get home and totally skip this room just knowing my computer is here and all my friends are inside.  So....just have to wave.  We are having a great time here.  The kids are looking for work already and seems like there is some interest going on.  I am hoping for them.....for all of us really.  This is actually much more of a retirees community, but people do grow up here so there is work....just not quite as much.

    I didn't realize how badly dd had started to feel about California.  It is a tough place to live as you won't have savings.....just go from paycheck to paycheck hoping nothing happens.  We all know how that can be.  

    Hope you all have a beauty of a day.  Very cool here ( frost on the windshields this morning ) so  glad the sunshine is out so bright.

    See you all later.

    Jugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    Watched your video and enjoyed it, esp. the bats! Amy  lived in Austin and we went to watch the bats come out. Austin has the largest urban bat colony, living under the Congress st. bridge. Every night hundreds of people come to watch the thousands of bats come out from under the bridge. It's quite amazing, Each bat eats thousands of mosquitoes every night.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    I know!  We were in Disney World one time, and saw the huge bats.... all kinds of bats!   My friend had a bat-house in her tree, trying to discourage a bat from hanging out on her front porch....  He preferred her porch eves.... Wink  I loved those bees, butterflies, etc.!  And the Humming-birds.  I don't know what this has to do with anything, but I like to share stuff I think is beautiful.....

    Even Spiders have their "place."  I still carefully take them out of the tub, and throw them outdoors....  Or in the basement if it is too cold out...Ha!   We had the most beautiful web, one time in our Spruce tree!  It was about 3 feet wide, and anchored to the ground!  "She" was about 1 inch across... round, and just sitting there, waiting for bugs!   I figured she was waiting for flies and mosquitos....  She waited for me to take her picture.... But I didn't want to get too close....  She was the "boss."....Ha!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Chevy that's the beauty of these threads--anything has nothing to do with a

    nything and nothing is fine to write about anything.

    Carole I hate when someone so young passes it's horrible and so horendous for the whole family.

    My GF is here til Tuesday she's Picking up more energy everyday. My GS loves her like crazy. He just fed and watered my cat---I thank God for him everyday. But I'e also had D everyday so I'm so tired. I'm such a wuss. LOL 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Nothing is impossible, even the word itself spells I'M POSSIBLE.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Good morning, everyone.  The sun is shining.  It's 9 am and I'm sitting here in my robe and gown.  Got up at 8 am.  Lazybones!

    Busy day yesterday.  Took my mother shopping.  She's handicapped and helping her transition from electric wheelchair to car, from car to shopping scooter at the store, back into the car, etc.  involves a bit of exercise and planning.  We picked up lunch from a favorite poboy place and ate at her house.  Then I took her to a 3:30 pm dr. apptment and didn't return her to her house until 5 pm.  I was 5:30 getting home and it was already dark.  So a long but successful day yesterday.

    None of her six kids expects a Christmas present from her because her total income is social security.  But she insists every year that she wants to get a family gift for all the kids and spouses and she also buys something for the great grand children.  So part of my job when I take her is helping select something she can afford.  She gets piles of presents because all her kids have done ok and can afford nice presents.  Plus we like expressing our appreciation that she was/is a very good mother.  Without fail, she laments that what she is giving is not "much."  On Dec. 27 she will celebrate her 90th birthday.

    Today I go back to her house to take her to her hair apptment.  Then ANOTHER trip to the dentist for ANOTHER impression for crowns on the implants.  The dentist was not satisfied with the bite impression so we're doing it over.

    Almost all my shopping is done.  Now there's just paying the credit card!  Thank goodness for online shopping where the gift is shipped to the person and you don't have to stand in line at the post office and pay just as much as the online shipping.

    Have a blessed day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    The trip to the dentist is for my crowns.   My mother doesn't have teeth! 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Carole, Glad you cleared that up, :)

    Sun's out, but cold. Going to Primary about this rotten cough. Seven weeks now, think its gone then have a fit! Sick of it!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2012

    Had good news this morning.  I saw my Nurse Practioner on Tuesday, they gave me another B-12 shot and did a full blood work up.  Got the results and everything is good, wants to see me in 3 months and run blood work again, unless something comes up in between. 

    Its been cool here 20's in the morning and about 60 by afternoon.  Going to pick up things this afternoon to make rum balls and sugar cookies this weekend.  Will give out 3 cookie tins to some friends.

    Stay relaxed and do not stress.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2012

    I've never made rum balls. Got a good recipe?  Have regular and spiced rum. Party Sat. night and bunch of "boozers", not me/DH so much. I think I'm making vodka soaked grape tomatoes too. Went to Penderys famous chili/spice place in Ft. Worth and picked up lime/chile salt. Saleslady suggested recipe and found it on net. The stuff was great on some Wolf chili yesterday. Little salty but great flavor. Went to rads for 6 1/2 weeks across the street (could have walked) and never made it in plus worked that end of town. This is a great excuse to make a mess and make things I would never make for us.

    Great news from your NP.  MO moved me to 6 months check. Says "you're seeing too many doctors". See BS end of January. He did do tumor markers which had not had done. Said I should have had it done in Aug/Sept with last check but would do in June instead. I said why don't we just add it on now???  Yes, we can do that. Gesh, I know my BC is pretty boring to him but do I have to think for him too?? Said I will call you if anything is different. I said I will be by to get a copy of results next week. Bet without a doubt there won't be any waiting for me when I get there if I don't call ahead.

    Lovely day here. Finally beginning to warm up some. You know us Texans don't do 40-50s well. I think I need a patch of sunshine to sit in. Wish we could get some of that west coast rain. So scared of grass fires.

    Chevy - my Christmas cactus' are about to bloom. About as close to blooming stuff as I get. My green thumb is not very green. Now that I'm home more I might get something to bloom in the south window. Trying to keep my mint plants alive to make it to summer.

    Stay relaxed and do not stress. Yahoo news blurb today about stress/disease. Yeah, we gals know!!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Hi gals,

    luvmygoats...As soon as you said that your Christmas cactus was ready to bloom, I went and checked on mine.  It shows no indication of blooming.    It did bloom last year twice, once near Christmas and once around Easter.  I don't know what I did differently to it this year.  Maybe it will just be late.  I don't do vey good with plants.  When I taught school, I received seveal plants for gifts from my students and the other teachers always laughed about how I had a new plant species to kill.

    Carole...My father turns 90 the first day of February.  Like your mom, he is pretty confined to a wheel chair.  He lives in the state of Tennessee and so I am not available to help him out like you can help out your mom. I've tried to get him to move back to Illinois but he's not leaving TN.  It's a worry to me but he has a cleaning lady who comes a couple of times a week to help with cleaning, laundry, and groceries. 

    mommarch...congrats on the good news!  We LOVE to hear good news.

    I have my tests tomorrow and I'm a little anxious.  I don't know why it still bothers me so much but I probably won't get much sleep tonight.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

    My shopping is done but I still have about a dozen gifts to wrap so I need to get off here and start on them.  Then I need to concentrate on tonight's dinner.  We're having a neighbor over for dinner. He lost his young wife to BC in August.  She went by WendyTY on the boards.  We were very close and I miss her so much.  We've seen Chris, her hubby, out and about and chatted with him but this is the first time we will have been together alone with him.  I hope I can get through the night without any tears. I'm fixing plenty so I can send him home with leftovers!

    So I'm off and running for the rest of the day.  Hugs to all of you!

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited December 2012

    Hi ritajean,

    I undrerstand your anxiety for tomorrow, but am sure you'll do fine and will be able to relax tomorrow night. Please let us know how you do, as well as how tonight's dinner goes, hope it's not too sad.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Ritajean, here's hoping your tests go well today and your anxiousness was all for nothing!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Morning gals.....I had a long post ready to post, and I accidentally closed the page instead of hitting submit!   I was sort of distracted, because I heard this loud talking out on our porch yesterday afternoon... Our neighbor came over, not too happy, because I had emailed the city last week, complaing about his plans to convert his garage into a two story house! 

    They emailed back, and said "no, he cannot DO that, that we are not ZONED for that, and he canNOT build onto anything on our property line!" 

    Evidently, so he says, if I am to beLIEVE him, "They came out, brought the Police, and they were telling me I could not add onto my garage, and they were surrounding me, and waving a paper, saying I had been reported!!!!!!"  "And they wanted to come into my house, and my dog started barking, and I was late for work, and blah, blah, BLAH!!!!"  This guy must have thought he was impressing SOMEone!

    DH was just standing there, like in shock, and told him "sorry about the trouble"....But I said "Well Chris, you TOLD him that you were going to do just THAT, right?  That you were going to convert your garage into a house, and that you had already talked to a contractor!"  I said "Yes, I DID email the city, and ask them if you could make your garage into a house.... and they emailed back and said "NO, you can't do it!"

    So he said "Well yes, but I found out I can't DO it, at least not at this time."  I said "you can NEVER do it, because your garage is on our property line!" 

    I won't show him what the City wrote back, because they used terms like he "was wasting time and money"... and "he has no business even thinking about doing that on property"  and that "he must be dillusional...."  and for me to call the Inspection Department if he starts anything.

    This guy just bought this house... And has big dreams about what he thinks he can do!  Yes, there ARE little "Mother-in-law" homes, built in back of homes in this neighborhood.... on the alley.  But that zoning has all changed.  What the hell?  And we share the property line, which his garage is ON!!! 

    You know, I never would have jumped into a fray like that, especially at my age, but it just made me mad!  Him yelling at my Husband, like he was master of the block, and didn't like being reported!   I didn't actually "report" him.... I just inquired about the legalities of it all.

    He finally said, "so we are all good?"  And I WANTED to say "YES, Mr. King of the neighborhood, as long as you don't try and pull any more s### around here!"  I KNOW the Police didn't come out, but I couldn't call him a liar also!

    Anyway, I'm glad he knows he can't DO that!  That he knows we just won't sit by and watch him do what-ever he wants!

    So that was my afternoon.

    Take care of yourselves gals.....

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, Too bad you didn't get that on video, great for a realty show. What a winner!

  • Unknown
    edited December 2012

    Neighbors, gotta love em!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    This is beautiful!  Watch it in full screen, with sound on!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Faith is a continuation of reason.
    -- William Adams

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Gosh....leave you gals alone for a day or two and look what happens.  Ok.....I know Chevy.  Your neighbor, Chevy, at his age should know that in life there are rules and regulations and they absolutely do carry over into neighborhoods.  We'd all like to do exactly what WE think is fit and proper, but we have more and more rules because people don't do the common sense things nor are they able to "see" through someone else's eyes.  They forget that what they GET for themselves may be totally AT the expense of someone else.  I'm glad your neighbor is NOW very aware that there are SOME choices he won't be able to make for himself --- at least legally. Carole.....I just adore the fact that you and Rita as well still have parents.  I love hearing stories about parents because I soooo miss mine.  Somehow, I seldom thought of them NOT being around......yet it happens and you move on but their is always a void. 

    Rita.....I too am hoping all goes fine with your tests.  It is a worry.  I don't think ( especially since it was such an un-expected stunning blow to find out I had cancer at all ) there will ever be a time when I don't feel some apprehension.  I'm just glad it has lessened to where I'm not a total, trembling mess that sees bad signs every where I look. 

    I'm glad that you are having Chris over and honoring Wendy in that way.  Another part of life's lessons that are difficult, but we make progress when we can accept the things that we don't want to and do things that are hard and reaffirm how much our life was blessed to have such a special soul in it. 

    bonnets....sure hope you can find something for that cough.  My non-functioning brain can't recall if you had rads so am wondering if you have some lung irritation ---  a low-key infection there or something.  Anyway, sounds a bit miserable . 

    Hope you all have a stunning day.  I'm thinking bout' ya.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Another gal posted this on the "Stage 1" thread.....

    "I am so sad."

    I just can't even watch the news today........  unbelievable. Cry

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Newtown is about 45minutes from where we live. My daughters have a friend who lives there and we have been thru there many times. Sooo hard to believe. Getting overdosed with the news coverage now. I know having lost a daughter  how difficult it is, and this ..... there are no words for the parents, innocent young lives taken with no warning....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets, I can't even watch the news yet....  It  hurts your heart.  And  I don't even have any ties with them.... just that I can't even wrap my thoughts around losing your child....  It was hard enough losing my Mom and Dad.... but even now, my "kids" are 52 & 54.... Grand-sons are 25 & 27.   And to think of losing  any of them..... Cry Cry Cry  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Love the moment and the energy of the moment will spread beyond all boundaries.
    -- Sister Corita Kent

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Hi everyone.......Chevy, I am so 'with' you on the last entry you made.  I don't believe in closure or time healing things.  I do think you can reach a place where you can go on and not feel guilty about the fact that you could not change places.....but I don't think there is some magic erasure for loss.  I still miss so many people, but I do find that I am able to think of so many of the good times on a much more automatic level -- and not just the few days leading up to the day they left me here. 

    It is hard to think of what has at a time when presents were likely bought and under the tree and even anticipation building --- people looking forward to making another year of memories.  I was just stunned and can't imagine why matter how mentally un-stable could choose to take it out on children that he did not even know.  It is hard to watch this news and of course, there is still today so much going on. 

    I do hope something is done about these issues, but you just wonder what it would be.  It does seem that those who wants 'guns' and have nefarious purposes in mind are able to get them someway.  I do realize that "guns" don't as such kill people --- but I do wish there were things done that would add strength to what you have to go through to buy them......and I'd like to think some kind of address would come about proper storage of guns as to and by the person who is the registered buyer of these weapons.  Only saying....if they are in a home, there should be several steps that would have to take place and that not just anyone in the home could lay hands on them.  It does defeat the person of someone who feels the need of instant protection......but there is protection and then there is what happened yesterday.  No easy answers here I'm afraid. 

    Bonnets....must be a little eerie for you.....being so close to where this happened.  You are probably getting a news overload as well. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Morning gals...........  Hope you're all doing alright......

    Have any of you had IBS????  I mean this all started Friday night, and I just can't shake it.  It's mostly just those danged awful stomach cramps, like when we used to have periods....Then they go away after a few minutes, and it's better if you can run to the bathroom.

    Then a few hours later, here comes another one.... same thing!  Everything else is running normally...(funny I should use the word "running".... But last night, just that constant cramping. 

    Oh well.... could be a lot worse.... I'm going to try eating natural yogurt, and Aloe Vera mixed with juice.   I looked it up, and it says to cut down on coffee, tea, and soda.   This is just getting tiresome!  I've tried GasX, Pepto, but now I'm just afraid to eat anything.

    Dr. Google is always on-call, Ha!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Lots going on here. Chevy good for u--if u have to foow rules so does everyone else.

    Rita I hope u have u'r results now and all is well--and how did the dinner go" How sad.

    This news is so frightening I want to keep my GS home from school--silly I know but it just scares the hell out of me.

    My GF is still here from CA--so I'm missing alot of posts but u all understand. And she is 20 yrs younger meaning energy that she has and I don't LOL But she's great about it. made P/B fudge yesterday and if u really like p/b it's great--well I do and the rest of the family does too so it turned out good. we made a double batch--why not???

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, I have IBSD, cant go anyplace without worring if I can find a bathroom in time. If Im traveling I take Immodium before I leave. Rotten to live my life  around where the nearest bathroom is. Discover I have a few friends with the problem too. Didn't go on a trip to China, cuz I found out no bathrooms on the buses. That's the first question I ask when we plan a tour! everything has FIBER added now -adays, I'm in the bathroom  if I look at fiber, esp Broccoli and Blueberries (love blueberries) DOesn't seem to be a way around it , except watching what I eat!