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  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Chevy:  Try taking some probiotics...they help restore the good bacteria in your system.  You may just have a touch of stomach's going around.  If it persists, it may be something that needs an antibiotic to clear it.  I had this a few years back, caused from some undercooked's not pleasant I know.  It kept coming back on me until I took the round of antibiotics.  After that I began taking probiotics regularly, and I've never had it again.  Don't let the docs talk you into taking prilosec...that's the worst thing you can do.  It just masks the problem.

    I cannot watch the news.  This tragedy is unspeakable, and that a mother can have those kind of weapons laying around for an unbalanced child to get his hands on is beyond belief!  People are just stupid sometimes.  Something must be done to stop this ongoing violence.  Nobody wants to take responsibility for it...might mess with our "freedoms".  I'd be happy to give up some of my so called "freedoms" to have a safer society.  It seems our leaders don't care...just stick their heads in the sand and mutter the same old rhetoric! Grrrrr!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Hi gals,

    Like all of you, my heart reaches out to those involved in the school shootings.  Wow!  It is scary to think that things like this happen in America.  I also had a hard time watching the news and can't imagine the panic and fear that surrounded this town, the teachers, the students, and the parents.  So very, very sad.

    On a lighter note, my tests came out "normal" but they gave me a scare.  They took the mammo films back to be read and the technician came back and said that she needed more films of the surgery side.  There was something appearing on the films this time that was not there last time.  She said she needed to smooth out the tissue more so they could determine if it was a new mass or just dense tissue.  You can imagine what was going through my mind. However, when they looked at the last films, they said they looked normal.  Phew!  I had my share of stress for this month packed into a 20 minute period.

    My dinner went O.K. too.  The first part of the meal we talked about everything except Wendy but toward the end we shared some memories and I think it helped us all!

    It is rainy and dreary here today.  I'm going to finish up some last minute Christmas details around here and then go to the library.  That's one of my favorite things to do...except for reading the books that I find.

    I hope everyone is enjoying your weekend.  Hugs to all of you!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Thanks gals.... Kaara, but what kind of probiotics are you familiar with?  It's a lot better today....  But I just don't want to eat much.

    I love yogurt though, with fresh berries.... so far, so good. 

    Yeah, I'm not one much for guns....  And all the fully automatic, or the "war" guns should all be taken away and destroyed!   Is it just me, or why do I see that as just wrong?  To be able to own those types of weapons!  It seems like the bad guys can get what they want!  And they use them...  !  I also think the NRA has such a hold on our government, that whatever they want, they get!  

    They all say we have a right to bear arms.... Okay, but NOT the automatic weapons, and all the other stupid guns that are out there now.    We drove by a "indoor shooting range".... Never saw it so busy!  So this must be an excuse for EVERYone to load up, and carry their own guns?

    Sorry if I sound crabby....and maybe I don't know all the facts....  Maybe we should be thankful that more of our citizens don't have tanks and grenades? 

    I'm glad Rita, that you are "normal"....Ha! 

    Bonnets.... I'm hoping this is only temporary.... My DH and I split one of those Pretzel Dogs at the mall....And tonight I'll just have yogurt.  I had to take Immodium one time.... I was taking Tamoxifen, and couldn't sleep, so I started taking Melatonin..... Well, THAT caused the WORST problems,  where I couldn't be away from a bathroom.... Then I had to take Immodium AD.... like 4 a day!  Untill I tied the two together, and just stopped taking everything....  Then it all quit!  I quit taking the Tamoxifen too....

    Oh well, tomorrow is another day, but this one is okay too, so far!

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited December 2012

    Hi to all.

    Chevyboy, thanks for the information.

    Ritajean, I am glad your tests are normal.

    Jackie, glad you are enjoying you dd and dsil. I miss my son in philadellphia so much. We talk often but still not the same.

    My shopping has been online and in stores. Most of it is done only a few items to get to fill stockings and to equal a few items out.

    My heart goes out to the families that lost a loved one in that shooting. It makes you wonder what a person is thinking that they would take the life of innocent children and adults.

    Hope everyone has a great week.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Rita, great news that you're "normal."

    A cute group of children sang a Christmas song in the church service today.  Their voices were so sweet.  As I looked at them, I just couldn't imagine how the shooting in Conn. could have happened. 

    DH and I went to New Orleans with another couple last night to Celebration in the Oaks at City Park.  The lights were beautiful.  Afterwards we went to dinner at Drago's, which is known for its grilled oysters.  The meal was delicious.  We didn't get to bed until 11:00 pm, which is LATE for these old farts.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012
    Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.
    ~ Denis Waitley
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Hey, hi everyone.  Wow !!!  I know how that feels Rita.  Once in awhile I think you are positioned just a minute amt. differently than the yr. before and the "view" changes just enough to see something......which usually turns out to be nothing, but any time you don't get an all clear right away is plenty enough time to go in to almost panic mode. 

    Glad that things went ok during your dinner.  Some time has passed and I'm glad you were all able to "remember" more of the warmth and joy and love that was Wendy. probably would not hurt to get on and stay on a good pro-biotic.  We are not as young as we used to be and really I think we would have to eat a LOT of good yogurt daily to keep our systems fresh and working at a strong level. 

    Rats....just noticed that I'm on the next page and can't remember much of what I read so hope you are all doing good. bonnets, Carole, Mommarch and anyone I may have missed....your always in my thoughts.

    It's been a wonderful Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    My BIL was a gun collector. Mostly old or unusual guns, nothing automatic or assault type. DH is the executor of his estate, so we have possession of some temporarily. Still, it was embarrassing for his copy of Rifleman Magazine to come on Friday. I wonder what the people collecting assault weapons are planning to do with them. I'm starting to wonder if I need protection from them.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    I know.  I cannot imagine any use for that type of weaponry.  I mean isn't it very expensive to even buy shells for these things, to go out and "target practice?   This is just a thought.... but if there were no pistols, no rifles, no shotguns, for what-ever reason, wouldn't America be one of the "safer" countries?  What's wrong with our picture here?

    Sure, law-enforcement, obviously.... but why for the rest of us?  Isn't their main purpose to kill? 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Assault  guns are only used to HUNT PEOPLE!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    I don't know how they even GOT here in the first place!  There is just no reason, nor any excuse.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    How did the NRA get so much power?  I guess from their huge membership.  The politicians are afraid of them because the NRA will go into states and make it their business to see that a certain senator or representative is not re-elected or elected for the first time.

    Take away the assault weapons.  It was reported that the Conn. shooter took the assault weapons his mother owned and left the hunting (not rapid fire) weapons behind at her house.

    This is not a popular view but I think the 2nd amendment was to insure the new nation's capability to arm a militia when needed.  I don't object to ownership of hunting guns like rifles and shotguns or even revolvers that aren't rapid fire.

    Gloomy, cloudy day here today.  Hope everyone has a good Monday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    "Go out into the world today and love the people you meet. Let your presence light new light in the hearts of people."

    Mother Teresa

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Good Monday Morning everyone----Busy week-end but nice.

    Carole I interpretted the constitution the same way--Militia--which is another reason for havin uns. Bit no one seems to use those words anymore???

    Carole before I forget--I was LOLing at the 11PM thing.  I reember when we'd close a restaurant and move to the bar--hshaha--now we're home by 10 the latest.

    Is everyone done with Cristmas stuff-we're not yet but I hope we finish this week--this week-end we're supposed to make cookie things--Then we'll be done. It just doesn't feel like Christmas yet. Everything oes by so quickly. But snow is coming this week--maybe

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    I think you are right Carole about the second amendment.  There was nothing wrong about that the time.  I feel much disgust for the NRA.  No one wants to take away anyone's rights but for crying out loud you have to use common sense and it is about power.  The NRA found enough looney's I think to "rise" way higher than they once were and they have continued to use it to their do just what you said Carole.  As far as I'm concerned a huge majority of the NRA'ers also have blood on their hands now.....not that they didn't already, but this time it is very, very chilling.  This time the wanton murder of all those children is far beyond anyone's right to "arm" themselves.

    I still don't have a problem with someone having a gun in their home meant for their personal safety and I don't have a problem with hunters, though at the same time, I think few men HAVE to provide extra meat for their family as people once did.  But Chevy is one needs the guns other than perhaps the military and police that are meant to fire over and over. is way too sad and I do hope guns, mental issues and other things that have contributed to this wanton killing will be adressed in a positive way to change things. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    I don't think there was ever a question of hunting weapons, or personal guns ( pistols ) for personal protection at home.  Dh has a couple -- not that I ever felt very happy about it or feel we really needed it.  Still don't see it, but he is cautious and careful.  He joined the NRA at one time but shortly thereafter every time he turned around there was a solicitation for money.  He ignored it all, and then the very next election when he saw who won and lost and why, he dropped his membership and any time a letter came or a phone call, he told them why.  He did not want to help them with their "abuses". 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Very scary stuff.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Good morning ladies,

    Camillegal...Yep, It looks like snow is on its way about Thursday.  I know most people in the MidWest want snow for Christmas, but I'm not that excited about it.  I'd prefer to be wearing shorts and sitting in the sun or playing golf on a nice golf course.  I think I've just had to fight the weather to get to work for so many years that I'm tired of it and as I get older, I love the sun and heat.   I do admit the first snow is pretty and it's fun to see the animal tracks going through our yard but that's about as much as I like.  Maybe I'm not so "normal" after all!  LOL

    Did anyone else see the Today show this morning?  It stressed the fact that the guns did take the lives of these innocent teachers and children but mental illness motivated the shooter.  There was a mother on there who has a mentally unstable child.  She said that she feared that one day she would be the dead mother and that her son would be the shooter. She had searched for help for him but hadn't found anything that's worked.  How sad!   Maybe we need more avenues of help for mentally disturbed youth as well as some gun reguations.  You are right, camillegal...........It's really scary stuff.

    Jackie, I'm sure that you'll have a great holiday with your daughter and SIL here this year.  Cook them some of your wonderful food and enjoy the holidays with them.  So what is everyone doing for Chistmas this year?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Rita I've always loved Christmas the most--It's all about famiy and just enjoying ourselves and of course being ourselves and watchin kids eyes explode with excitement.--I'm hoping to o to my one brother's on Christmas eve, and Christmas day my niece's home---my sister and her family (4 dgtrs all with 3 kids each from 8-20) and my other brother comes, with just one of his dgts and her 4 kids. Oh and my dgtrs. too with their 2 kids---And I just love it. I just ive little gifts to my nieces and my sister--that's it. And bring some kind of food and it goes by so fast and that's it. But since my niece, sister and brother have all been quite involved with havin cancer it's wonderful to be together and just enjoy the day. Her home is perfect too cuz usualy the kids stay downstairs--she has 2 hue TV's one on each side so the younger ones pay stuff on it and the older ones watch TV and a pin-pong table that they play so they're as happy as clams- they love bein together too. So it works out well.Can u tell how excited I am about it LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Yes, Ritajean, that is true, although if the guns had not been there, if they had not been available...I mean if there were no military weapons in the home, he would have had to find another way, once he was hell-bent on killing.

    Same as the Aurora killings... If those types of weapons had not been there, or maybe even if since so many people HAVE these, maybe just take all the ammunition off the shelves, from the Internet, and NO-one could have anything to shoot with.  Just law-enforcement!  

    Okay.... I'm sorry.... It's just that I grew up around guns, and have always been scared to death.  Mostly since I came home from work one day, and my Dad was sitting on the sofa, crying, with a shot-gun across his lap.  He told me he was going to kill himself.   So many reasons.... and none made sense.  I called my Mom at work, she ran home, we left looking for Dad, and found him.... at a girl-friend's house.

    My Mom made my boyfriend, (my DH) put all Dad's guns in the trunk of his car... He later gave them back, when they moved to California.

    Yes, I think he was mentally ill too, at the time.... After all that, things got better, and they stayed together for 62 years.   But if the guns are there, it just makes it too easy to do what you want to do..... even if it is wrong.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Oh Chevy, That would have been a very traumatic experience! I can certainly understand your fear of guns.  I have always been a rural gal and hunting has always been a part of my family's life. Everyone respected the other hunters and the weapons so we had no bad experiences.  Back then, guns were locked up in the gun cabinets, too so that kids didn't have access to them.  There were no assault weapons in the cabinet either. Unfortunately, times have changed!  I can't even imagine kids having access to assault weapons.

    Camillegal...Your Christmas plans sound like fun.  Enjoy your nieces and nephews.  They all grow up too fast.  Like you, I love Christmas.  I'm headed to TN to spend a few days with my Dad and then on to MS for Christmas with my son and family.  I have three grandsons who are anxiously awaiting the magical day!  I get the opportunity to see their church program on Christmas Eve, too!  I feel I miss too many of their activities since we're separated by distance.

    Well, my self-appoionted break is over and laundry calls!  Catch you later. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Camillegal, your Christmas at your niece's house sounds like great fun.  It's nice when someone in the family has a house that can accommodate everybody. 

    Rita, your Christmas also sounds wonderful.  It's true that we don't live close to children in the family we miss a great deal.  DH and I don't have children but we have nieces and nephews and great-nieces and great-nephews.  When it comes to gifts, we don't know enough about the kids up in the midwest to buy things we know they would like.  So we end up giving gift cards or money. 

    We'll be staying home for Christmas and hosting the family Christmas meal.  We have two invitations right here in our neighborhood.  On Saturday we're invited to an afternoon open house at a neighbor's home.  Then on Christmas eve we're invited to another open house at our next door neighbor's.  So we can walk to these parties and not worry about having a couple of glasses of wine.  Our Christmas present for our neighbors is a package of home-made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies baked in huge quantities by dh.  He makes them every Christmas. 

    I think I finished up my Christmas shopping today.  My mother has been wanting a new purse.  I found a Liz Claiborne purse at JC Penney's that I really like.  In fact, I would have bought one for myself except it was the last one! 

    Boy, am I lucky.  DH is cooking potroast and veggies for dinner tonight.  It smells wonderful.

    Hugs to all.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    HI all,

    Another cold rainy day here. Maybe that snow will get here for Christmas. Shopping done, as with you Carole, mostly give the grands  gift cards or a check. The older ones are just as happy. Ours in Texas and Maryland for mine, Lamberts are here, but only buy gifts for the 2 youngest. My son is in Vegas. Got the tree up, so  the decorating is finished. We are doing New Years for friends from church, so I feel like I decorated for someone other than just the two of us. We go to My SD's Christmas eve. They will stop in here Christmas day. Got to wrap a few things for the church gals and another friend I'm having lunch with Wed.

    Had our Senior group today.Chatting with a member who just had her BC surgery last week. We cud start our own group there!

    Aside from the gun control issue, I also feel the media has made killing OK, desensitizing us through the increased violence in movies, T.V. and  vodeo games. Yes we had cowboys and indians, when we were young, but now the amount and graffics we accept is staggering.

    Wow Carole, a Hubby who cooks for you! I'm  green.

    Have a good night.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    bonnets, I don't think the cowboys and Indians we watched as kids were nearly as "violent" as what we see now.  I think somehow we 'knew' that it was done for entertainment and not real and certainly not something you would truly want to emulate for any reason. 

    I do think we don't address mental health as much as we could or should.  I think privacy laws and other things tend to intervene and many times the things that should happen to handle someone before the fact are "infringing" on someone's rights and it is only after something happens that we end up addressing it --- from the wrong end. 

    Times are not as simple and clear-cut as they used to be and we are a world full of strangers who no longer come together to solve things, handle problems, and use good old fashioned common sense.  There are far too many people who don't even want to do things that way anymore.  The sad fact is......there is one answer.....if we loved enough, we would find a way to solve most of these sorts of things so that this kind of incident would be a complete rarity. 

    No easy answers here.

    Has been wet all day here....more misty than real rain, but still no sun which is always a downer to me.  I can do so much if there is just a nice yellow sun in the sky.  Well, maybe tomorrow we will have it.  The temps. have not been cold really and so it is hard to believe that Christmas is actually fairly close.  I have to get a few cards ready.  I am looking forward to "cooking" with my daughter this Christmas and having all the fantastic smells in the house.  In fact, it is more like perfume to me.  Growing up ( though I wasn't much of an eater then ) some of my fondest memories are of the good smells that came from the kitchen of our house and wafted everywhere....such anticipation.  Hope you all had a wonderful day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    I so agree that we need to do more in the area of mental health. I worked as a case manager for seriously ill people. It was ironic that clients worried they would be put into the hospital, and case managers worried that they could not get desparately ill clients into the hospital for safety. Most mentally ill people are not violent--and are more likely to be the victim. I don't think we have good treatment for people full of rage. I think those are the ones who commit mass murders. We especially need treatment for children and young adults who have serious anger problems.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    I have long been an advocate for the elimination of any kind of assault type weapon, but the NRA puts fear into people's hearts with the idea that if we do something as simple as banning even one weapon, that will open the door for the banning of all weapons.  It amazes me that some of the most intelligent people I know actually believe this load of cr@#!  Our leaders in Washington put their heads in the sand and hope it will all go away.

    So that these innocent children did not lose their lives in vain, we should all do everything that we can to promote the ban on assault weapons in this country.  This means writing to your congressman, the POTUS, anyone who has the power to accomplish this goal.  We can't let the NRA and it's supporters win this battle.    

    The other issue that is contributing to the violence in this country is the free access to violent video games.  I saw my DGS who is only 10 playing with one the other day, and it made my hair stand on end!  I tell you, my DD got an earfull from me about it.   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    This is just unbelievable.... "5 more dead, and 1 suicide".... This is here in Colo. again.... In Weld County.   Don't know what else to say.

    I only hope I didn't hear this "news" right.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    In nature, the emphasis is in what is rather than what ought to be.
    -- Huston Smith

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    That is heartbreaking Chevy......I think  maiming ( sp ) and killing ends up some way seeming the answer.  We just see it to often.  It long ago lost the "right" impact -- which is how poor an answer it would be and took on a life of its own I think.  We really do need to do something about the video games that are played and the movies which are viewed.  I think or kids are seeing these things too soon and are not able to form rational viewpoints or something.  As I said earlier......when I was a kid we KNEW cowboys and Indians were not actually real......but we could still enjoy what we were seeing.  But then I admit it was much more normal for our Moms not to have to go to work or if they was much later after many of our formative yrs. had been gotten through.....the earliest years were almost all the time with at least one parent home all the time. 

    I hope we can turns things around.....though I do know it will take years and maybe our having to go back to some really basic principles.  I could do this, but I am speaking as a Grandmother with no children to raise. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

    just a little note here in case it may come up for anyone else.  Lately my computer has been so slow.  I checked with my carrier and had them help me check all my settings.....everything was ok.  I then got a hold of the mods as it seemed that I REALLY noticed it on BC. Org.  That was fine.  Turns out that my carrier upgraded our speed for free and it turns out that my router is too old to process it today a new router.  I'm not keeping up well for that reason, but hope after today......probably the reason as well so often my spell checker won't do its job.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Oh man, I hate computer issues!  I was online with Norton "chat" for about 1 2/2 hours yesterday!  Thank God it came with my paid 2 years worth!  Anyway he fixed all my problems... He "took over" my computer for that whole time...went through everything I didn't need. 

    Even programs I had installed and removed, but they STAY on your computer!  So he took care of it.... I'm amazed how fast everything is now!   I wish I had him living inside my computer, and always there, to ask him "what about this?" 

    I thought a free program like Avast, or AVG... would be good enough, but they are way too invasive!  Even Malwarebytes was interfering with Norton.... so it's gone.   So many of those "free" programs are only free for a couple weeks, and they carry with them all kinds of rinky-dink programs.... like piggy-back or something.  Pretty soon your computer just bogs down.

    So I did order Norton, and am really happy with the program AND the service!  That really matters a lot!

    I'm still not listening to the news.... It did happen.... but I don't want to know.... I just want to believe things will be alright someday.  Although one of our Congress women has been trying to ban all high powered shells/cartridges!  .... I forget what the bill is....   I just hope it goes through.  Then we have to get rid of ALL the war artillery !