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  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    My friends – this is comforting

    Sandy Hook Elementary School Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38

    When 20 beautiful children stormed through Heaven's gate.

    Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.

    They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.

    They were filled with such joy; they didn't know what to say.

    They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.

    "Where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.

    "This is heaven" declared a small boy. "We're spending Christmas at God's house".

    When what to their wondering eyes did appear,

    But Jesus, their Savior, the children gathered near.

    He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.

    Then He opened His arms and He called them by name.

    And in that moment was joy, that only Heaven can bring

    Those children all flew into the arms of their King.

    And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,

    One small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.

    And as if He could read all the questions she had

    He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of Mom and Dad."

    Then He looked down on Earth, at the world far below

    He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe.

    Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,

    "Let My power and presence re-enter this land!

    May this country be delivered from the hands of fools

    "I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools! "

    Then He and the children stood up without a sound.

    "Come now my children let me show you around. "

    Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.

    All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.

    And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,

    "In the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Jackie, I'm glad you're getting more "speedy" in your computer use!  Slow is not to be endured.  I love my little Samsung laptop that dh bought at Best Buy early in the year.  It wasn't expensive--$400 and worth every penny. 

    Except for a 30-minute walk around the neighborhood, I stayed indoors on this beautiful day and did some household chores, laundry, and ironing.  It was very peaceful.

    Tomorrow I plan to play golf.  The forecast is for a warm day, highs in the 70's.  I'm looking forward to spending some hours on the golf course.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, your last post was absolutely beautiful.  It brought tears to my eyes.  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Thank you Kathyindc....  It kind of gave me some comfort, reading it.  I know because of this a lot of changes could happen... 

    Okay..........  Carole, I know all the rest of my family has lap-tops, but it's just so easy to sit here, with a mouse, and my new 23" monitor and read the news, and talk to you my friends...  WITH a  cup of coffee...Wink

    And I love most, watching PowerPoint shows, or slide-shows of beautiful things on this screen!  Kind of calms you down, especially with ear-buds, and DH asleep...Ha!

    I think my "bug" is gone...but man, I sleep like a rock, lately!  Guess that's good, right?   I'm up at like 4:30, but that gives me MY time...Wink

    Have a happy Wednesday gals! xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    If you want to feel rich,
    just count all of the things you have that money can't buy.
    - Anonymous

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Good morning.....hmmm, I like what you have Chevy that money can't buy..........lots of rest and then some peace and quiet when you get up early in the morning.  I love the feeling of getting up in the morning and opening my bedroom door.............and smelling the fresh brewed coffee coming from the kitchen.  My foyer', living room, and kitchen are all open pretty much to each any closed door once opened just lets in all sorts of delicious smells.....but to me the morning coffee one is best. 

    Bet everyone has one that is special to them.  Hope you all have a delightful day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Morning Jackie!  I know!  I love getting up at the crack of 4....... but we go to bed really early, unless there is something good on TV... 

    It's snowing hard out there this morning....!  I'd hate to be trying to fly out in this weather... or even driving to the airport! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Jackie, that coffee aroma is special to me, too.  DH sets up the coffee pot every night.  When one of us has to get up at a certain hour he sets the timer so that the coffee is made.

    Chevy, I just gave away my large flat screen monitor along with an outdated desktop computer that still worked and an outdated laptop.  I'm sitting here with my coffee in the living room.  We have two old computers that we plan to take to Best Buy and place in their throwaway containers.  First you destroy the hard drives.

    Temp and humidity rising.  Mid 70's today.  Looks like Christmas Day will be warm.

    Hope everyone has a good Wed.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Morning, no coffee here. We are both tea drinkers! I love the smell of coffe though, but not the taste!

    Think I see a couple of patches of blue this morning, for a day or so, in the 40's. Having lunch with a friend, then getting a hair cut. need to wrap a little more, and mail one. Not much else new here. I'm debating getting another back on my laptop, or getting a new one. Will they take and transfer the stuff from your old hard drive for you? Or maybe an I pad is all I need for what I do, internet is about it. Haven't even got one of those smart phones. We are a dead zone here, we don't use one much, have prepay"dumb" phones. Id have to take a class on how to use one of those fancy ones!

    Have a good day

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Chevy...thanks for the "children in heaven" post.  It was so soothing!  As for that snow, you can keep it in CO as far as I'm concerned.  My son disagrees with me.  He has lived in 8 different cities as he's transferred alot with his company as new opportunities arise.  Denver has been his favorite place.  He plans to live there again some day! 

    I'm with you bonnets....tea is my beverage of choice.  I don't know if you have a Trader Joe's anywhere near you but during the holiday season they sell a Candy Cane Green tea.  It is a fantastic peppermint tea and I'm adicted to it!  It's strictly a seasonal item so I stock up when I can.  I do drink coffee and love the smell but I really prefer hot tea. well and have fun!  I'm so jealous.  I wish I was going with you.  Even though I'm not a very good golfer, I love being out on the golf course and I love the warmer weather. 

    I'm meeting a good friend for a holiday lunch today at our favorite little restaurant.  My packages are wrapped and now I have time to enjoy the rest of the pre-holiday activities.  I need to start thinking about packing!

    Everyone enjoy your day!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Chevy...thanks for the "children in heaven" post.  It was so soothing!  As for that snow, you can keep it in CO as far as I'm concerned.  My son disagrees with me.  He has lived in 8 different cities as he's transferred alot with his company as new opportunities arise.  Denver has been his favorite place.  He plans to live there again some day! 

    I'm with you bonnets....tea is my beverage of choice.  I don't know if you have a Trader Joe's anywhere near you but during the holiday season they sell a Candy Cane Green tea.  It is a fantastic peppermint tea and I'm adicted to it!  It's strictly a seasonal item so I stock up when I can.  I do drink coffee and love the smell but I really prefer hot tea. well and have fun!  I'm so jealous.  I wish I was going with you.  Even though I'm not a very good golfer, I love being out on the golf course and I love the warmer weather. 

    I'm meeting a good friend for a holiday lunch today at our favorite little restaurant.  My packages are wrapped and now I have time to enjoy the rest of the pre-holiday activities.  I need to start thinking about packing!

    Everyone enjoy your day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    If you want to feel rich,
    just count all of the things you have that money can't buy.
    - Anonymous

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Sorry if I put the same quote in twice.  I thought I hadn't gotten around to doing it this morning and not think different but had already put it in.  Of course, I shoudln't be so lazy and just go look...nah, too easy.  Anyway, had another fantastic day today but I do think some of our winter type weather is due overnight.  The morning may be quite frosty....not with snow.....just heavy ground frost....or???? 

    Anyway, see you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    I didn't play well today but enjoyed being outdoors on the golf course.  I was overdressed with pants and and a long-sleeved cotton shirt.  Went to Walmart's to pick up a prescription.  The parking lot was jam packed.  Lots of people shopping.  Not a long wait in the pharmacy and I was out of there.  Picked up CSA (community supported agriculture) veggies and came home.

    No alarm clock tomorrow morning! 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    Obviously you don't have a kitty/alarm!:)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Faith is a sounder guide than reason. Reason can go only so far, but faith has no limits.

    ~ Blaise Pascal

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    bonnets, chortling about the "alarm" clock.  No doggies my house it is one or the other, and if the ones on the inside are not enough.....there are the guard-dogs ( who really arent't ) outside in our outdoor pen.  Even if they were actual guard-dogs they wouldn't do me much good.  I don't wake up with regular barking ( this would be at leaves falling out of the trees, a raccoon or two sauntering past, an outdoor kitty finding a varmint to chase ) and only am bothered if I get up to the bathroom at night and get a little too awake, then I can hear the "beasts" outside barking at nothing much.  Sigh!!!!  I do go to sleep anyway thank goodness.

    Rain here this morning and it is 55 degrees.  By nightfall though it is going to be cold and we could even have snow flurries.  Once again we seem to be in the "anything goes" mode weather-wise.  One extreme to the other.  I don't mind so much what it does if it wasn't in such wild swings.  When we settled back here it was so much more predictable and you could plan a bit.  With what goes now you just can't be sure. 

    Having our septic pumped today after 9 years here.  How exciting huh !!!!  It was that or call the plumber and Dh tried that and we got put on hold which might end up good.  Men....I told Dh we should get the septic pumped since we had never had it done here......he didn't want too.  Instead he got our "snake" out and now that it failed.....he thinks, you know what !!!  we should call the septic people.  I just said yes dear!!!  What else can you do?????

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  See you when I get home from work.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    No kitty alarm and no doggie alarms either!  Last night I slept through rain and wind.  The front has about passed through our area and the weather is supposed to improve by afternoon, though will still be windy and colder than yesterday's 70's. 

    Glad I am finished shopping.  Walmart's was packed yesterday when I went to pick up my prescription.  Not crowded in the pharmacy, though, so I was in and out quickly.  Don't mind parking far out in the parking lot because I do that anyway to get the walk.  My little "friend," the WW active link gadget, keeps track of my exercise.  Yesterday and the day before I earned 2 exercise pts!

    The sun just popped out.

    My mother wasn't feeling good yesterday.  Don't know whether she'll be up to having her hair done today.  Have to call her.

    Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    My hubby tells me 5 years shud be the Max. on getting the septic pumped. We are on septic too. You're lucky , cuz it will indeed back up into the house!

    Carole, I avoid W-M like the plague, esp. on week ends or around the holidays. You'd think they were giving the stuff away.

    Sun's out, for 1 more day, then rain again. Hear y'all down south had tornadoes last night. Guess I'll wrap  some presents for SD family today. Then just have DH to do. Have a good day.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2012


    I am not sure what type of septic system you have.  We put an ounce of baking yeast down the toilet once a month.  We do it like when we leave for the day so we will not be running water down the system for several hours.   Have not had any problems.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    Our cat alarm has a snooze button. I had to get up early to get ready for a doctor appt. The next day he woke me at that time again. Told him it was too early and to go back to sleep. The day after that, he let us sleep until the old time. He's a very considerate cat.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    So Jackie, is this what you mean???

    That time we had so many problems with the tub/sink draining, we had a "drum-trap" which of course they don't make any more.  From what I understood when he explained it, is the drum-trap will trap all the hair, etc, which flows through the tub.... It is caught, and the water floats to the top, and drains off.  So when it was repaired, a different type of by-pass drain had to be put in.  ... But it works great now. 

    Is a septic-tank the same as a "grease-trap"....??? I know when I was little, our other house, a block from here, always had problems with the "grease-trap"... which used the same technology.  The grease would sink to the bottom, and water floated off at the top.  But they got plugged up all the time!

    It sounds like a septic tank is like a separator, or something that "cleans" the water, and sends it on....  leaving the sediment, etc. at the bottom.   But those damn things always need cleaned.  I remember my SIL's plumbing would always back up into the basement, during every holiday meal! She would use her disposal for EVERYthing!  Lettuce, potato scraps, grease, oil, and ANYthing she wanted to throw away....  But their plumber was on-call...Ha!

    We quit using our disposal a couple years ago.... This old house has one, but with the older plumbing, it won't take a bunch of "stuff".... So we just save all the scraps, and either throw in my compost barrel, or throw away...but it doesn't go down the sink.  And I put a C. of baking soda, then a C. of white vinegar down the sink about once a month.  I then flush it down with boiling hot water from a pan. The cold weather really doesn't help either...

    If any oil or greasey stuff gets down there, it just stays, because the pipes are so cold.

    Man, I hope you get if fixed!  Does DH actually think he can do it?  Never mind, they have to try, don't they? 

    Take care of your Mom, Carole....

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    I wanted a disposal when we remodeled our kitchen, but was told since we had a septic, disposals were not allowed. Sooo good old garbage  boys still have a job!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets - I have a septic system, plain old kind not the fancy new kind that have maintenance plans.  Have a garbage disposal. Now I must admit I don't put as much down it as when I lived in the city but organic matter is organic matter whatever the source (if you get my drift).  I do try to be careful with grease, the solid stuff.  Is "not allowed" by the county inspectors edict?  I'm also in unincorporated county so some things just don't get regulated out here. Had to put in new septic about 8 years ago mostly because of the lateral lines and that did have to get a county inspection. Been so long since we remodeled or did any significant work that I think some regs have changed even out here in the "good ole boonies". My "garbage boys" still have a job, too. Another thing about out here, we contract with whomever we choose. Used to be able (though we did not do it) to burn garbage. Texas is so dry you couldn't do it even if it was permitted. I think we will have a more or less permanant burn ban. We went to Oklahoma to a lake we've gone to for years. I think with waders on you could have walked across the cove it has been so dry.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Where you at in Tx, my daughters  family are in the Austin Kyle area?

    I know it's dry. We took a paddlewheel trip this summer on the American Queen We were supposed to go from Louisville to Vicksburg, but the MIssissippi was so low, the Corps of Engineers stopped us at Memphis. Had to  be bused to Jackson and Vicksburg. TThere were "beaches" of sand that were ususally under 20-40 feet of water! It was a once in a life  time experience. They were only allowing barges to pass half full, and they were still going aground.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Hmmm, our septic.  Yes, I think there is a tank and we can't let any garbage go down and we are susposed to put Rid-X in one of the toliets every month........something in the Rid-X ears ( or so it is said ) a lot of the waste materials that go into the septic system from the toliets, showers, and dishwasher.............and I'm sure it helps, but I think eventually you will have to have it taken care of by the MAN.  Hate to be crude, but my dad always called them Honey Dippers.  Anyway.....we went a long time since there were only the two of s here and we work so can go for hours here using nothing.  

    I think it is much like the description you found Chevy and is old style as the newer ones have a bank of three lidded concrete containers sticking up........everything we have is basically underground with a litttle lid thingy you lift should you need to "deal" with the contents.  There are things called leach lines......but I don't know where they are or exactly what they do....just know they are susposed to be there.  As you can see......this was one of the subjects I missed  --- in fact, till we moved out here to the "boonies" as someone said, I didn't really know there was such a thing......had heard of cisterns which were often in the ground and held your drinking water.  Sigh !!!!  Lots of things are a wee bit different in the country....but we don't need cisterns we have started to grow up.

    Hope you all had a good day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    We have a septic sewage disposal system, too.  The original one was installed in the 1970's when the house was built.  Six or seven years ago we had the system redone according to the current parish code. 

    DH did his Christmas baking today.  Every year he makes dozens of oatmeat chocolate chip cookies.  I'll make up bags for the neighbors. 

    I made chicken pasta soup and took it out to my mother, who still wasn't feeling good today. 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2012

    Jackie - I lived in Hawaii as a child. My mother called the truck that pumped out the cesspool "the Honey Wagon". Our leach lines (or alternatively lateral lines) are generally the greenest thing around here. And yes it is probably time I put something down ours. I do put expired yeast and any/all outdated yogurt down it. I figure what the heck if yogurt helps our digestion it should help the septic digest. I don't have a well. We are on a huge water co-op that might as well be city water. I resisted buying a house with septic but I do LOVE the quiet out here (except for my neighbor darn him who now has a pack of feral pig hunting dogs penned up behind me!!!!!). I was looking at a map of Illinois today for a friend's city (Chicago suburb) when I happened on Centralia. Pretty part of the country. Made the drive from St. Louis to Paducah, KY several years ago. Love the barns y'all have. They don't look like Texas barns.

    Bonnets - I'm northwest of Ft. Worth, about, Oh, an hour or little more south of the Oklahoma border.

    Weather has been hinting at a chance of snow flurries on Christmas day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Oh am I out of date here. Hi everyone---sounds like everyone is so busy and Carole u'r husband sounds wonderful, cooking and baking. Everyone seems ready for Christmas with shopping done and presents wrapped. Wow

    Cheve that was a beautiful post very tugging at the heart.

    I've been sleeping alot hahaha--another infection with some low electrolytes so my excuse for lazy is holding up nicely. LOL

    We are baking this week-end and bringing our goodies around so that's really all we have to do. And it's windy, rainy and winter coat time for now??? We're supposed to et snow, I don't know how much it would be nice to get that ever popular dusting on Christmas.

    Have a wonderful Friday everyone and feel good.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Okay luvmygoats!!!  I found something for you~  AND the rest of us.... it's sooooo cute!

    My friend sent me this video this morning, and I thought of you!  How CUTE they all are... Just like little kids! (which is what they are)  Wink

    Carole, my Husband helps me around the house, AND in the kitchen, but sometimes I don't NEED that extra help, because he picks up every little scrap and tid-bit, and moves the plates & asks "do you need this?" or he stands there with the fridge open just thinking there might be something in there, that he could possibly throw away, sometime soon.  So it keeps me on my toes.

    We bought our big bone-in Ham.  I'm kind of tired of the spiral-cut, because after awhile they just get dry!  And we can slice off what we need, and at the end, use that big bone to make pasta-fazool, with those little gnocchis and Pinto beans.

    Our Daughter is coming over for Christmas brunch, for all of us to open our gifts, and I'll fix eggs Benedict, with some of that ham, Ha!  She'll go over to her friends later!

    I don't want to know if/where this old house, built in 1886 had a grease trap or a septic thing.  Ha!  I know it was not born with indoor plumbing!

    And when it was "remodeled" sometime in the 50's, they put in 220 wiring, for a dryer, (which we didn't have, because we couldn't afford one.)  But we DID have a used washer!  Now the stand-pipe that large hose fits into in back of it, was made for the older washers, ones that didn't pump water out at the speed of sound!   So when we got a NEW washer, the water would run out, but then come right back up through, and all over my kitchen floor!  It pumped it out faster than the pipes could take!

    So that meant either a "nipple" connection, which didn't work, or my DH came up with the BETTER solution.  Just make a hole, through the outside wall, put a looooooooooong hose through that, down, and under the side of the house, under the flag-stone area, TO my little back garden, down gradually into that BIG pipe that all that water from the kitchen flowed into anway!  Damned if it didn't work! 

    At first, we just drained the washer water out into our gardens.... THAT worked GREAT!   Not so much in the Winter.  I don't think that it is up to code, but it winds up down the same pipe it was supposed to, and this was about 20 years ago! 

    We know that when something happens to us, this house will be scraped, and a new one built here... We have a lot of property (I think) on the North side of our house, because it's next to an irrigation canal..."ditch" and it's owned by the city.  But this little frame house was built SO good, and "tight"....  nothing like the new homes that they built right next to us, and up and down the block!  They just throw those things together! 

    And a couple of them have alREADY had plumbing people come out!  So I guess we're lucky that this house has stood this long with only one major problem... I mean something WE couldn't fix.

    Our snow storm left 2 days ago.... Only got about 4 inches, but it's been sunny yesterday, and maybe today! Cool