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  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Chevy if that's u'r home it's charming---I love it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Hi Camille....Yes!  We have lived here since 1964....  and never plan on moving, Ha!  Thank you!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Chevy:  Love your charming home!  It's like a doll house, and I'll bet it's just as cute inside!

    Well...guess this wasn't my week.  I got a letter from a local police department, and apparently while I was on my way to my DGS's birthday party on the 9th I made a right turn on red without coming to a full stop (don't remember) and was caught by an electronic camera!  They sent me a ticket through the mail for $158.00!  Expensive birthday!!  Big brother is watching...beware!  It annoys me because I constantly dodge people who text, don't use turn signals, dodge in and out of lanes, etc., but I make one wrong move and I get caught...LOL!

    During my trip to Costco yesterday I encountered a person in the checkout line that was holding a place for his wife who was still shopping.  He proceeded to hold us all up for several minutes while he called her...then...low and behold....she shows up with three other friends, carts brimming with stuff, and they all jump in front of the line.  Their excuse was "well, we're all together, so that makes it ok!  They had absolutely no concept of courtesy or couldn't insult them..they could have cared less!  I didn't let it spoil my day, but I hope karma bites them in the proverbial a$$!

    Off to see my breast surgeon today...just a checkup....wants to check out his handiwork I guess...more probing and poking!  I'm taking him a copy of my thermography report which was clear.

    Gift bags are almost ordered for Sunday gift is good!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Reminds me of a Gingerbread House!

    Rain and 50 here this morning. Crazy.See the mid west got socked. Gonna take  our old tree lights and extra ornaments, we don't use , since we went tabletop, to church. There is a homeless shelter that can use them. Great, I was wondering what we cud do withthem! Wrapped yesterday, just DH to do.

    Have a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.
    Chinese Proverb

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Oh wow !!!! Chevy....I really liked those silly goats.  Our neighbor.......where we turn to come down our lane has three pygmy goats, 2 black and white and one black.  They are so cute and we so enjoy going past their house.  They only started with the black one ( named Homer ) and somehow acquired the two extra.  A few months ago when they had their puppy cattle dog.......he spent all day herding those goats around.  I bet they hated it, but funny thing......when they took the dog to the farm where the herd cows were.......the dog was mildly timid......wasn't used to BIG cows, only tiny goats.  He is over it though they say. 

    Kaara, that is really a bummer.....the ticket, but probably good reminder that progress definitely comes with a price.  Since police can't be everywhere.  I have to would be an equal opportunity way to penalize every person doing 'something'.  While it is hard to feel too good about that happening.....if I had to pick out a positive thing, I guess that is what I'd think-----that I'm not the only one.  Everyone coming through doing the same thing will get the same result.

    I do think lthough.............the people in your check-out lane.  That was not at all nice.  I consider it rude.  In fact, I consider it rude for someone to hold a place in line at a check-out line pretty much.  I'm ok with a few exceptions.....but as a rule and especially for multiple people....a big NO.  Karma will come. 

    We had a winter blast yesterday to an extent.  The wind blew hard all of yesterday.....then during late afternoon, snow, very light started falling....though the still high wind.  By this a.m. there is a very mild dusting and no wind this morning....just cold.  I don't mind it too much, but poor Kate is feeling it.  I took her and her brother to live in California when she was just 3 mos. 40 she is really feeling the 'winter' air. will warm again and she will be fine.. 

    I hope you all have a marvelous day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Kaara, we have two outstanding tickets that we haven't paid.  I think it was 2011 that we were in New Orleans and a camera took a photo of us.  Supposedly we were going 31 mph in a 25 mph area.  The last notice, months ago, said our car would be impounded.  We rarely drive over to New Orleans and now we're less inclined! 

    Last summer we parked our truck on the block our niece lives on in Milwaukee.  Neither she nor her husband knew that it was two-hour parking during certain hours during the week.  We got a ticket there and didn't know we had one until we were driving along and a man in the car next to us did a lot of pointing at our hood.  There was a piece of folded up paper stuck in the crevice between the hood and the bumper.  It was a ticket!  The next couple of days we parked on other blocks, very nervously, I might add, because this niece lives in a questionable neighborhood. 

    So we dare not call ourselves to the attention of the traffic cops in New Orleans or Milwaukee!  And dh and I are such law-abiding drivers with great driving records!  Every year I get a check from our insurance co. for no accidents.

    Kaara, what an unpleasant experience in Costco.  What happened should not be allowed, and that would require an employee keeping an eye on things.  I'm happy to say I didn't have a single annoying incident during this shopping season but I finished up pretty early and also took advantage of online shopping.  I figure the government (federal and/or states) will figure out a way to make online shopping less easy and not a way to avoid state sales taxes.  The state of Louisiana already has a place on the state income tax form to enter the amt. of online purchases.

    Jackie, the answer for your daughter is warm, comfy clothes.  I'm sure she will adjust.

    Chevy, your home is charming in every season! 

    The sun is shining and outdoors looks cheerful.  This is a stay-at-home day for me.  My first task after breakfast is to bag up cookies.  Will probably sit down and write out my menu for Christmas so I can doublecheck for any items from the supermarket I still need to buy.  Most of the side dishes I'll cook on Christmas Eve day.  It's kind of a weird menu with favorites by various siblings.  I always make creamed spinach because my sister Michelle likes it so much.  I make German potato salad for my youngest brother and dh and others enjoy it, too.  I'll make Ms. Inez's yeast rolls because we all remember her wonderful home-baked bread.  As for meats we're heavy on pork.  My mother is boiling a ham and I'm cooking pork roast stuffed with garlic, green onion and cayenne pepper.  Oh, we'll have mashed potatoes, too!  Even though there's no poultry on the menu, I'll probably make a cornbread-sausage dressing. 

    Any carbs in this menu!  LOL!

    Oh, and even though we eat early, between 12 and 1:00 and don't need an appetizer, I'll make a shrimp mold because my mother and others like it so much.  Good thing that I like to cook.

    Happy Friday to all.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Hi Gals!

    We are leaving in the morning and I'm not sure how often I'll get on a computer this next week so I wanted to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!  I hope eveyone has a wonderful holiday with family and friends.  May we all remember the reason for this special holiday as we tear into those packages under the tree!

    Chevy...I love your house..just LOVE it!

    Carole...your menu sounds delicious.  I know that we are having ham, too but was told not to bring a thing so I'm not sure what the rest of the menu looks like.  My DIL is a good cook so I'm sure we'll have lots of wonderful things to eat!

    I guess we need to pay careful attention to our driving when we head south. I've never heard of anyone around here getting a ticket in the mail after being caught on the camera.  I, too, would be the one to get caught!

    Well, I have a few things to pack yet and then we're going out for a sandwich so I need to get moving.  Travel safely if you are travelling this week!  Jackie, we'll honk and wave when we go by your exit tomorrow morning!  Tell Denny "Merry Christmas" for us!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Rita, I hope you have a joyful Christmas with your son and family.  It's probably mostly cities that have the sneaky traffic cameras that catch us law-abiders! 

    Well, now the NRA has come out and given the secret to curbing gun violence.  More guns.  Why did it take them so long to divulge their wisdom?  It's kind of funny.  A lot of people were fooled into thinking the organization might actually choose to be part of a solution to getting assault weapons out of the hands of people who aren't in the military.

    It was a pretty day here, though a little windy.  We're supposed to get down to freezing tonight, but not a hard freeze.  That means people don't have to run water to protect their exposed pipes.  DH just got home from playing golf and said it was very nice out on the course.  I stayed home and did some cleaning and laundry. 

    Looks like the country is headed for the "fiscal cliff."  Can you believe that the members of the House are headed home for the holidays?  Their paychecks should be docked! 

    Looking forward to my evening cocktail.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    I'm with you Carole....I also think no one should get a check till they get this long awaited problem moving.  I think Mr. Boehner just keeps painting himself into a corner and there seem to be too many Tea Party Republicans to try and placate.  I also think the Pres. gave them a bit more than I thought he should, but since they aren't "buying" anyhow guess it doesn't matter.

    I too am so annoyed with the NRA.  They are so power hungry and I feel no one should be able to wield that strong an influence over our government or anyone in it.  It is suppose to be by the people and for the people ---- and I don't think the NRA should have the right to decide just what the second amendment is saying..........and then trying to throw their weight around and tell us what to do about this most recent slaughter of innocents. 

    Ok.....end of rant.  I don't even make sense sometimes when I get so highly irritated.  Sure looking forward to tomorrow.......the relaxation part.  Have to pick up my check and put it in the bank.........but nothing else jumping out at me.  Hope you all have a great Friday evening.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    We have red light cameras at some intersections here. There's a group trying to do away with them because they aren't "fair". I think we really needed them. When we moved here, I would go through a light that might have gotten me a ticket in Houston. To my amazement, 3-4 cars behind me would go through on the red. The rule seemed to be that you could go through if you were close enough to see it turn red. That wouldn't work in Houston; there they jump the green.

    I think maybe the first entitlements we cut should be for members of congress. Let all those old boys with bad tickers try to get normal insurance.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2012

    Well ladies, our nearest trafic light is 100 miles away, along with walmart. We do not go shopping at walmart unless it is necessary.  It is remote here but we love it

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Mommarch sounds really nice and quiet where u are. good for u.

    $158.00 FOR A TICKET??? OMG I'm sorry that's way to much money for any ticket that not a DUI or not hurting anyone.

    And shopping and holding the line for 3 people--good thing it wasn't me standing there--u'r very patient letting that happen.

    Oh it's been windy here loads and the wind is cold too, it makes it heavy coat weather. Well it is winter now right?

    Everyone stay safe with u'r traveling and have a wonderful time with u'r families and friends.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    DH busied himself in the kitchen when we both got up about 8 am.  He put together a big pot of red (kidney) beans with a hambone from Honey Ham, onions, garlic and green pepper.  We buy the hambones from our local Honey Ham, and they have lots of ham on them.  They aren't cheap.  $8.  You have to trim off the sweet glaze because we don't want sweet beans!  The beans are for tomorrow's noon meal at my mother's house.  My oldest brother (who won't be present at Christmas) is coming, with his wife.  Also my youngest brother, in town from Atlanta and possibly my younger sister and her dh. 

    We'll have baked sweet potatoes and probably cole slaw and corn bread.  Boy, that meal would make a WW leader shudder, wouldn't it?  LOL.  The trick is small portions.

    Yesterday I ate SIX home-made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (did I ever mention that I'm an occasional binger?). 

    In a few minutes I'll go for an exercise walk.  This afternoon I'll put in an appearance at a neighbor's party for her family and neighbors.  DH is playing golf with the brother from Atlanta so I'll walk over by myself.  I could skip it but my neighbor will be expecting me to stop in and I don't want to hurt her feelings. 

    Wishing everyone a good Saturday. 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    Chilly and a few snowflakes in the air.

    DH went to Christmas shop, so I wrapped his presents. He got a cap for his pick-up, I went along last week when he went to get it put on. I snuck the man a check to pay for it, Surprise when DH went to pay. Early Christmas gift. He was so hard to shop for this year. Guess I am too. I'm beginning to sound like him. For the last couple of years I made a list. This year  I cudn't think of anything to put on a list, that I needed r wanted. That's usually his line if I ask what he wants, "I don't  need anything". He surprised me with a new radio for the kitchen, no Ipods here. I had been putting foil on my antenna to get reception, now I get stations I never got before. We listen during meals. Score one for DH. Gets harder as we age to find a gift, maybe its cuz we are simple people! Can't even get flowers for me anymore , as the kitty will eat them. The pointsettias were lovely this year, but she'll eat them:( SHe even tried to eat the fake Christmas tree. Had to spray Kitty NO around the area!

    Guess that's it for me, Have a good day everyone.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets, I can relate to the salad kitty. I had one that ate the back half of an African violet before I realized it. She also chewed up mother-in-laws tongue. Can't think of a less appetizing plant. I carried my list of plants poisonious to cats when I went to the plant nursery.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Just got DH's presents wrapped.... It's his Birthday today, Ha!  So one Daughter is coming with a big pizza, and I made sausage bread for dinner!  Supposed to snow here Monday, and Christmas!  Oh well, it'll be pretty anyway. 

    Same Daughter comes over for Eggs Benedict brunch on Christmas, and we open our gifts.   

    Bonnets!  We are the same!  Don't know what to buy each other for ANY holiday or Birthday!  He just gives me money, but I got him a package of Starbucks coffee, and a real soft fleecy thing to throw over him when he watches TV!  Also a gift card to where else?  Walmart! Wink  The gift card is for Christmas AND the coffee.

    I bought him mittens, but his fingers on one hand are bent in, and he couldn't get them on!  They were the kind that have the fingers open, then a flap folds down over them to turn them into mittens.... But then I found some soft knit mittens at Super Target, and he can wear them!

    Sorry about you guys tickets!  I used to get one about every five years in the same place!  By a park by our house!  But not anymore!    It's even worse when you see those lights in your rear-view mirror!  I've been behaving for about 15 years now....Wink    And even though I love Nascar, I don't go over the speed limit....... too often..... Wink  Wouldn't THAT be something?   ME, over 75, getting a ticket?  I would be mortified!  

    I HATE the NRA, and all they stand for.....  They would be happy to arm everyone in the United States!   Assault weapons of any kind, and all cartridges, war guns should all be confiscated.... and NOT sold ever again!   The NRA has HOW much power?  Unvelievable.  We'll see.... I hope our President will DO something this time.... HE has the power to make changes.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Cold here this morning!  Figures since I'm planning a party where I want to use the outside screened porch for extra seating...LOL!  Hopefully it will warm up by 3:00 PM!

    I have everything done...just have to pick up the food from the catering place, finish the green beans, throw the mashed potatoes in the crockpot and make a salad, the dinner for 25 is ready!  My DIL brings dessert, and DD brings appetizers.  It's also BYOB if anyone wants anything other than soft drinks or wine.  I'm tired of loading up the frig with stuff I never drink.

    Have a wonderful holiday season everyone!!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2012

    I Wish it were warm enuf to even think about sitting outside - not gonna happen here unless you wrap in a really warm coat and scarf...   Today I will help with the Legion tailgate buffet.   My contribution is beanie weenie, which is one of the few meals I can eat due to allergies.  Several emails to DIL to figure out what she can make for Christmas dinner.   She is an excellent cook so not too big a problem for her.  I am making lamb meat balls and a cranberry orange jello salad.   And I am excited I found a soy free crunch onion topping for the green beans.

    Hugs, Blessings, and Love to each of you and your families.   Merry Christmas if I don't get back online before,   Nancy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
    -- Lao-Tzu

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Wren I really like your idea about Congress and them being first to "lose" their entitlements, and maybe losing some Social Security and a few other things.  It must be rather heady to sit in Washington and take things away from people and know all the while you won't much be affected yourself.

    I can't have green things in my house either.  I sort of miss that, but least I live in the woods so there are plenty of green things in the warm months.

    I never know anymore what to get anyone......I think at my house we are old enough that its a great gift just to get up and feel good and be able to still go to work.  Still, this yr. having our kids with us is the best gift of all.  We got a little surprise ( very small really ) thing for Kate and Ron.  Just felt like it was only right to have Santa visit.....but didn't want any fusses.....they came needing jobs etc. which Ron now has ( Kate still looking ) so did not want to apply pressure right from the start.  It will be fine.

    See you all later....hope you all had a gorgeous Sunday.  it was sort of warm the 40's, lots of sun and no wind --  makes it warm. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    It wasn't cold today, in the low 60's, but it was rather dreary.  We had a congenial gathering of family folks at my mother's house for noon dinner (too heavy to call lunch!). 

    Kaara, hope it warms up enough for your guests to sit on the porch tomorrow. 

    Chevy, I love eggs benedict.  Do you make your own hollandaise sauce?

    I'll probably be pretty busy most of the day tomorrow doing some food preparation for Christmas Day meal.  Tomorrow night we'll walk next door to another neighbor's house for their annual open house. 

    Hope everyone had a good Sunday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Wow busy people----I even did things today---wrapped presents, made (helped) 2 different kinds of cookies and general stuff for the Holiday.

    We're just bringing dessert for Christmas activities--tom--(if I go) and Christmas day--I really forgot what my other  dtr ismaking but not dessert or cookies. So things are pretty done here and I have to do my nails.probably tonight--Oh good idea I just had.

    Well u guys have everything under control so I don't have to nag u---LOL and everything u said u r having sounds so good--u all must be great cooks, I used to be but no more hehehe.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012


    Just got back from our usual Sunday night dinner out. Busy everywhere, people doing the last minute shopping. 

    PIcked up a few things at the grocerie store after church , and a Red Velvet pie at Perkins for tomorrows dinner at my SD's. Camille, I don't enjoy cooking any more. I throw it on the BBq year round. Didn't do any Christmas baking, buy it. Those Red Velvet pies at Perkins are some of the best ever ! I do it the easy way when ever I can!

    Church after dinner tomorrow and a quiet day on CHristmas. I was hoping to get to my daughter in Maryland Wed but, doesnt look like the weather is going to cooperate. DH doesn't like to drive in snow/rain, neither do I .

    Everyone have a good day tomorrow, Merry Christmas and Happy Holyday, if I don't see you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets red velvet pie--yummy--my fav is red velvet cake--but I haven't even been to the stores to buy it--I forgot this year actually. Perkins sounds like what we had with bakers square--specialty PIES. really good ones too.

     finally started my nails tonite--didn't finish just cut and files--I ever tought I'd say this but one thing that has happened my nails are so strong it's so hard to cut them--I have to o little by little and takes forever to file them--I used to have nails that split, broke never grew--the last couple of years I really can hardly cut them. I don't understand that. I didn't get my hair done this week--My DD will just cut it ad the hell with the color--I'll put plenty of color on my nails.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    RED VELVET PIE??  Now I've heard everything.  I'll have to give it a try.

    Jackie:  Very nice quote today!  I just give gift cards to everyone...usually from my accumulated points on my charge cards..LOL!

    Had my white elephant gift exchange party for family yesterday...the weather was spectacular...everyone enjoyed sitting outside on the porch with their drinks and dinner.  The exchange was fun.  There is always one gift that keeps returning, and whoever gets it must remember to bring it back the following year disguised in some kind of wrapping.  This year my DS#3 brought it inside a cute little picnic basket...very creative...didn't know he had it in him. It ended up with my DIL who will make sure it arrives again next year.  A good time was had by all!  The most fun were the two little ones DGD and DGGD...playing together and fighting over toys...they were so cute!  Christmas is for kids!  The only sad thing was my DD and DGS could not come...she came down with a stomach virus...very contagious, and didn't want to spread it around the rest of the family...thank you!!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Good morning, 18 here. Supposed to get a little snow tonight.

    I took my first Arimidex pill today. Dreading it , as I had negative experiences with Statins. Hoping hormones don't  do it to me too. Is anyone on it? If so what have you experienced. I read about people absolutely miserable on Arimidex. Told my onc, if I get a lot of SE's I wont bother with it.He says  then I can try something else, but I read the SE's are just as bad. Oh well , I'll pray I do OK.

    Off to  my SDs for  dinner today. Have a good one.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Nor had I ever heard of red velvet pie.  I will NOT check it out!  I'm already familiar with enough sugary temptations! 

    Bonnets, I take arimidex and so does Jackie.  We both have tolerated it well.  Like you I was scared when I took the first pill because I had read so much about the SEs.  The first few days I took mine in the morning and didn't like the way I felt.  So I switched to taking it at night and have stuck with that routine.  I also take a benedryl knockoff as a sleep aid and sleep very well.  Good luck with the med!  My bc dr. insists that I take it.

    Cloudy today.  Rain tomorrow morning.  Hope it clears by 10 or 11 am when family members will be driving to our house.  DH and I will re-arrange the living room and set up the table in the kitchen/dining room today.  We have two leaves for the table and an extention table for the end. 

    I'll be busy in the kitchen today and tonight we'll go next door to the home of one of our neighbors for a casual party. 

    Happy New Year's Eve.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2012

    Bonnets - I've been on Femara (generic) since June. A little aches but nothing remarkable. Does seem to take old bones (I'm 60) a little longer to get limber and moving but I'll take that over BC. I do think it is making my eyes worse. Optometrist mentioned cataracts for the first time when I was there in June. But then not surprised as I was raised mostly in the SW b4 sunglasses became the norm. I bet inside I'm 80!!! Have to get my labs from MO appt 3 weeks ago; goal for later in week. I'm also not expecting anything dramatic from them (have already seen CBC, good). As your onc. says there are other choices. I generally have no reactions to meds. I, too, read all the bad sx people have. I asked how he chose Femara and he said he uses an eeny-meeny system, one gets Arimidex, the next gets Femara. I was the "meeny" in that.

    Red velvet pie does sound yummy.

    Chevyboy - funny about those mittens with fingers inside. I tried those on at WalMart and almost bought them for me!!

    Just DH and I for Christmas. DD doesn't want to drive out (about an hour) with the threat of snow tomorrow afternoon and it would be about 10 tonight or later when she could get here. Sad but I understand. Think we will have Christmas either over the weekend or the next. We are a little NW of the DFW metroplex and do get more weather than the city does. She also has to take care of her boss's cats and work Wed.

    Hope every one has minimal SEs today and those that are under the weather are feeling better.

    Merry Christmas!