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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Chevy -- I just sent you a long email.  Gosh, you gals are way too funny.  I too wondered a bit just exactly what you Kaara.  I'm glad though that you are able to "get" what is not right with you and for you and go ahead and make changes.  Life is just too short.  If you can find happiness and fulfillment with someone and it makes you happy and them happy as well...............I say go for it.

    I am extremely happy with life right now and hope that every one gets to have that going on with them.

    Cam.....hope you are doing ok.  I know you were a bit down with an infection.  Hope you will be getting a handle on it very, very soon.

    Carole....ready for N.Years's sounds really good to me.  I always hated ( and so many leave it up so long here ) having the tree up for very long....usually just a couple of days after X-mas, at our house.  For one thing.....we never had enough room and so having a tree added to the space was not great......and once the day is over.....for me it is done and time to move onto another phase of life.  Here people sometimes have their tree up before Thanksgiving Day and it will not come down for most of the month of Jan.  I just can barely stand it.  If you have some little trees on your stoop outside with all white lights or something......I can handle that...........but not much more.  Just take it all done....I don't really enjoy seeing it anymore. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic day.......see you tomorrow

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Lunch with my mother and sister and dh was lots of fun.  Afterwards I had some visiting time with my sister, who doesn't visit as often as we would like.  My niece and her 3-yr-old Olivia were around part of the day and I always enjoy little Olivia.  My sister had bought her a "doctor" kit for Christmas so we played dr. all afternoon.  And gave lots of shots!  Children that age are really delightful.

    Chevy, I had a technology breakthrough!  I figured out how to e-mail photos from my Android phone.  I took photos at lunch and e-mailed them to two brothers.  I'm sure I'll be posting photos here at some point.

    Kaara, you have all of us on the edge of our seats waiting for the next chapter of your new romance!  Is the new guy a golfer? 

    My sister had bought a Kindle Fire with credit card points and disliked it on sight.  She has given it to me for an early birthday present.  So I have a new gadget to figure out. 

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    OMG all rhe news--Kaara sounding ood--o for it--it's a wonderful change and adventure for u.

    And still no snow here, but cold and Carole we just LOVE hearing it's in the 60's there. But good for u.

    And Jackie u have been sounding so happy I love it.

    Chevy I now have a sinus infecrion after this cold and I don't know if my other infecin is gone--WTH I barely see people and every germ goes diving for me lately. Oh well it's no big deal, just agrevating.

    BTW my Katie-Kat is totally spending all her time with me. sweet little one.--no one wants to get near me. Wimps

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2012

    Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good,  It is cold and dry in West Texas.  The dryness is getting scary with the fire danger again.  Believe it or not I have read 2 books in the last month.  I love to read, but when I was feeling so bad I just could not concentrate.  Going to the Library tomorrow and get two more.

    We are to be cold again tonight and tomorrow.  Maybe a wee promise of some moisture on Mon. & Tues.

    We went to a friends house on Sat. night and had dinner, really enjoyed it had not seen them for some time.  I have just not been up to entertaing yet.  Hope to in the near future.

    Everyone take care and Hugs

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    "Never let someone's opinion become your reality. Never
    sacrifice who you are because someone else has a problem with
    it. Love who you are inside and out."

    -- Les Brown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012 glad it is Friday.  Usually don't have that feeling, but guess with all the help here, and the house basically staying at the same level.......I can look forward to actual week-end leisure to a degree.  Something that hasn't happened in the longest, longest time. 

    Life is still going on with full there are some GOOD things I could do, and maybe I will.  Nice to have a real choice about this.  Kate is still looking for work.....may take some time though we can always fall back on her pet stylist/groomer skills......I think she was hoping to do something else.....something where she could get some good insurance.  Well, we have time with her hubby working.  Very nice.

    We are not having any real problems either with too many people in the house.  With three of us working every day.......and all coming and going at different is working out just fine.  Also we have t.v.s in the bedrooms so if the major program in the living room is not wanted.....there is something to do about it.  Just go to your room as they say. 

    Anyway.....hope you all have a great Friday. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2012

    Ladies:  Thank you so much for the well wishes!  I've always followed my heart, but kept my common sense about me at all times!  This has been a five month journey to get to this point...sometimes a difficult road for both of us, but here we are on the other side looking forward to a bright future.

    Chevy:  To me he's better than George my DD put it..."he's cute and he has hair"..I was attracted by his radiant smile and dynamic personality!  The rest is a bonus!  Oh no!  We're not moving in together...we are both keeping our respective places.

    Carole:  He used to play golf but not any more...hurt his back.  I guess those new Taylor Made clubs will go begging for a while...LOL!

    I'm leaving early tomorrow for Greenville, SC.  Happy New Year everyone...I'll check in which I get my computer up and running!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Jackie I'm so glad everything is going well and I' sure u'r dgtr will find a job she wants soon enough.

    Kaara u'r out big  excitement around here (for me at least) so u'd btter keep us up to date--I' so happy for u, it's what u need and to enjoy. It's great.

    Everythin's the same here, I start a new anti-biotic today--so see Kaara why I need u'r excitement. YYYAAAYYY

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Camille.... my one Daughter gets sinus infections pretty often, it seems like.  Have you ever tried the nasal-rinses?  I mean the Netti-pot things?  She seems to think they help.  If it gets worse though, like your eyes swell up, or you can't hear, it might have spread?    So just take care.

    Kaara, how fun!  So glad your DD likes him too, ha!  You just have the brightest future to look forward to.....Smile  and I hope it works out good!

    I'm still battling that eczema on my hands, but a gal on another thread has really given me some great pointers, like using a "bleach bath"....

    Because it COULD be some sort of on-going infection.... right now my fingers are still peeling, dry and when they get this dry, they just split, and hurt like hell!  So I've tried the bleach-bath.... man, I never heard of it before, but it just makes sense.  I think the prescription ointments have just given up, and aren't helping at all.... at least not any more than the soothing creams I have made, and I still wear little polyester gloves whenever my hands aren't in water...and after I put the creams on.  So I sure learn a lot, by listening to other gals.....

    How fun Jackie!  Sounds like you guys are having a ball!  So glad Kate is with her Mom.....  I'll bet you wondered how you did ANYthing without her helping you out like this.    She'll find a job, sooner or later....  but right now, it sounds like things are just about perfect......

    Okay gals.... gotta get busy....xoxoxoxo Take good care.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, my Mom had something that sounded a lot like what you have. When she got a water softener , it cleared up after battling it for a long time, and never returned!

    Went out with a couple of former co-workers. were supposed to go for tea at out favorite tea room, only to find it had closed. Everyting was yummy . all home made, scones, clotted cream and all:( Had a nice visit at another place, but will miss Rosies.

    Haven't quite quit  peeling where I got fried. A bit itchy still. Good not to be wearing a bra 24/7! Progress!

    Supposed to get more snow tomorrow. Had a lovely cold but sunny day today. Off to the grocerie store.

    Kaara, starting over isn't easy, but can certainly be good, even at our age!

    Good night ladies.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Safe travel, Kaara.  Wishing you all the best.

    Jackie, happiness radiates out of your posts.  I'm so glad for you.

    I woke up with sore throat and have been sneezing and blowing all day.  But I still played 18 holes of golf with two women golfers in the Friday group.  It was great to be outside on the golf course.  This afternoon the rain came.  We had quite a downpour, forming puddles out in the yard.  Colder weather this weekend.

    Chevy, you would think a dermatologist could come up with a cure for your skin problem.  It must be terribly inconvenient since we use our hands so much.

    Mommarch, how wonderful that you're feeling good enough to get back to reading books.  I'm in the middle of a page-turner by Lee Child, one of his Jack Reacher stories. 

    Hugs to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Golly on the on-going skin problems.  Though I have little did strike me what a difference happened when we put a water filter on our bathroom shower.  I could tell a big difference in my hair..........which doesn't have very much to do with skin.....but I did sort of resonate to bonnets saying that a water softener.  Maybe if you could try that ( does softener come in small pkts. for maybe a bathtub or sink ) along with some sort of filtering.  I do think whatever comes out of your tap......has the ability to do things to your skin, hair and the inside of you as well.  If there were a way to try this out just to see......water softening systems can be costly, even filters can depending on the kind you get.  The one we have now is a whole house filter pretty much, but we do better when we put the extra filter on the shower-head. 

    As all of us "seasoned' gals have's always something. 

    Late this afternoon, just a while before I was due to come home it started snowing again.  There is lots of moisture in the air so it is big, fat, beautiful flakes.....the kind that make a really pretty snow.  I am thrilled that it is one of these if we are to have snow again.  I think from the sound...maybe four inches.  Said somethng about freezing rain, but cancelled that part....whew !!!!

    Happy Saturday is coming..............see you there.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Thanks Chevy--those things are in he plan. Chevy I don't understand why a Dr. can't give u something really good for u'r hnds.- That has o be really aggravating.

    Carole I hope this sore throat thing doesn't turn into what's goin around--it's mserable.Just take care.

    See Jackie everyone can see by u'r posts how happy u are. and it's wonderful. U all know I'm living with my DD, mySIL and GS--well it's not easy, since I've lived along for about 25 yrs. But I stay pretty much to myself. Which I always did anyway--so it's not much different, but my huge bonus is my GS. Right now I don't want hm with me cuz of rhe cold factor, and I miss hm and he's n the next room. But he just always makes me happy--so I got lucky that way.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2012

    Chevy, I knew someone who had a similar problem with her skin and hands. It went away completely when she stopped eating gluten.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Only an open heart understands that everyone who enters our life is a guest bearing a gift. Sometimes we must seek out the gift.. – Susan L. Taylor

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Hi everyone..... Glad to see you all here...  Wren, they don't think it is an allergy, but it's a thought anyway.... I have been told, that some people with Asthma, are more prone to skin problems like this.... And that Eczema is something that comes and goes, or "flares up." 

    I did to to 2 Docs for this, one was a Dermatologist that also prescribed a different ointment, but it is actually worse.  I am now taking Prednisone, starting today, for the 14 day treatment.... Hopefully that will help it at least clear up for awhile.  My fingers are just so sore, and cracked, and peeling.  I've also started to use a "bleach bath".... like 1 T. clorox in a sink full of water... 

    It's funny because I remember my Dad telling me that his Mom, (my Grandma) tried to get his hair clean once when he was a little boy, by pouring bleach on his head!  WOW!  I can't imagine...   But a mild solution is something that I was told about, and on the Internet.

    Jackie, we do have soft water....  I know what you guys mean though!  And at this point, anything is worth a try.  I'm so happy you are doing well.

    So thanks for all your suggestions!  I'm glad to have you as "my friends!"..... xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Until we know truth from our heart, it is just a decision between right and wrong. When it is from our heart, there is no decision; we just do what is right. ~ Michael Cupo

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Hi Gals!  We are back from our Christmas adventures in the south.  Christmas with the grandsons was just wonderful.........a very exciting time for them that we were lucky enough to share.  Our trip home was not so pleasant.  We were driving right through Jackie's "part of the state" during the worst of that slush/sleet/snow program. After 4 nerve-wracking hours we finally drove out of it about an hour from home. 

    It sounds like all of you had enjoyable holidays.  I love the holiday season, too, but I'm always ready to get the decorations put away and regroup to the regular routine once they are over.

    Carole, let me know how you like your Kindle Fire. I've never wanted an e-reader of any kind because I just love the feel of a book in my hands and I read whenever I get the chance.  I also love going to the library. (I know I'm weird!)  However, there are many books that can be downloaded free now from our library and I'm actually contemplating looking at the e-readers.  I also like the idea of increasing the size of the font for easier reading.

    Bonnets....I have completed 5 years of Arimidex and am now off it.  If I can do it, you can do it!  :-)  I have to admit that I feel better now that I'm off of it, but at the same time I worry about it being my security blanket and now that's gone.

    Well, I am in the midst of doing laundry so I should get busy and switch loads.  I have a chicken-rice casserole in the oven for dinner tonight.  We have eaten out so much during our time away that a meal at home will seem pretty good. 

    Happy New Year to all of you! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    Welcome home, Rita.  Glad you enjoyed your Christmas getaway.  I would not have bought a Kindle Fire.  I would have bought the original Kindle.  My sister got hers with credit card points and she didn't know what she was buying.  The Kindle Fire is kind of like a notebook.  You can check your e-mail, etc. if WiFi is available.   I've used dh's older Kindle, which I gave him for his birthday a few years ago.  He uses his Kindle and he still reads books you hold in your hand.  So it's not an either or situation.  You can do both.

    I think I heard recently that the Nook is the top-rated electronic reader.  Chevy, don't you have a Nook?  Maybe you can share your opinions.

    I think the first book I will download is the biography of Obama's mother, A Singular Woman.  This book was recommended to me by a relative who reads EVERYTHING.  I always feel so "under-read" when I'm around her. 

    I've been suffering with a cold and haven't been feeling too energetic.  But tomorrow I hope to feel good enough to do some housecleaning.  Tomorrow night we're going out to dinner with another couple.  I am SO looking forward to a delicious meal that I didn't cook.  I think I got cooked out preparing for Christmas dinner.  After dinner we'll probably come home and go to bed at the usual time.  We don't "do" Christmas eve.  Although we have attended parties in the past and stayed up until midnight and joined in the alcoholic gaiety.  Been there, done that.

    Stay warm, those of you in snow country.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    All I have is a computer which I can barely use--my GS has more--but he saved for it--more than I can do.Anyway I am so underread anymore, I used to read all the time, I don't know what happened

    Rita it sounds great that u had such a wonderful Christmas, sorry u hit some crazy weather tho--our weather here hasn't been bad, Jackie has had different kind of weather there.

    Carole I hope u'r cold stays in check, mine got out of control, I'm on meds now and feel terrible.

    My plans for tomorrow are--watch TV--spray with Lysol--eat cookes--spray--go on computer-spray--sleep--spray--more cookies --spray totally stay in my room-spray--hope I don't get D--spray--watch tv--spray while doing this I will be blowing my nose often--so Happy New Year everyone.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited December 2012

    Camille, hope you feel better real soon.  Don't let it get the better of you.  I went from feeling like I was getting a cold to having pneumonia in a matter of days.  Flying 7,000 miles didn't help.  My PCP was surprised at how fast it happened.  He thinks the pressurized air just pushed it down the respiratory tract.  I had to stay home for a week and when I went back to my PCP he was amazed I had started back to work.  He told me I could only work no more than five hours a day for three-four weeks.  I was glad I followed his orders.  Man, it can wipe you out.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Thank u Kathindc--I'll plug along for now--I have another Drs. app't lattter in the week so if it's not much better he can deal with it.

    And I bet it was the flight-that is a really hard thing to have a bad cold and fly--all kinds of thins happen. Sorry that that happened to you.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Yes!  I love my Nook..... although I don't know the difference.  I know that Barbra from another thread was talking about getting a Kindle Fire last year, only she liked the regular Kindle better.

    My Daughter in Orlando sent me the Nook last year for Christmas.  I was like a kid with a new toy!  I found that I could download books from Barnes & Noble FREE!!!!  You go to B&N...sign up, and you can navigate through "Free Nook Books"... From there you can go through hundreds of titles, and authors, see how many star ratings each has, read the reviews, and decide from there!  THEN you "buy" the book, for nothing, download it to your computer, because I don't have wi-fi, and I figured out how to then transfer that book from MY Nook on my computer to my Nook reader, and it transferred it there!  OR you can sit at your computer and read it also.  But it's much easier to download them, then go to B&N and they automatically go into your Nook reader.  I have also bought some, but I have a lot of books here, that I haven't read, so I hate to buy a lot more until I read what I have. 

    I did just purchase the one by Dick Kreck, about the Smaldones, and North Denver...because I am really familiar with that part of town, and my FIL used to "work" for them.... It's called "The untold Story of the Denver Mafia"....I already read it, and it was "okay"....  A lot of old North Denver History, and "the family."  So Yes, I like my Nook, but don't know anything about a Kindle.  I have 68 books on my Nook, most were free, a few for 99cents, that were put on my card, registered at B&N.  They sure make it easy.

    Also, reading the reviews is great!  And the "Short Stories" are usually easy to read, and fun.  If they don't have at least 4 stars, I pass them up. These are the books I haven't heard about, but I'll try them for free.  I suppose all readers have the adjustment for size of font... that really helps too.

    Kathy... I did the same thing once.  I flew to San Francisco with my Daughter's, having a cold... Then it was pneumonia... So sick!  Got back to Denver finally, then back on 2 anti-biotics.... Those flights are hard even when you are well!  Did you finally get a pneumonia shot?  And we all should have shots for shingles also!

    Ritajean.... I wish I had that "security feeling" also, by taking one of those.... When I quit Tamoxifen, I felt for sure I would get cancer back, but so far so good!  I'm over 3 years out... and if I don't fall anymore on this ice around here, I KNOW I'll make it...Wink

    We won't be doing anything much tonight!  The weather will not be good for driving anywhere, and we love to just stay home...and watch TV.  I like to crochet when I'm watching TV anyway. 

    Hi Jackie!  How's it going?  Stay home when it snows, if you can, Ha!  So happy your Daughter is with you this New Years! 

    We went to Cherry Creek yesterday, just to walk around, and we really enjoyed it!  So many happy people!  We split one of those Pretzel Dogs, then went to Cost Plus, and a few other stores on the way home...just messin' around.

    I bought some dried tri-color Couscous!  So I chopped up a bunch of mixed olives & peppers, parsley, cranberries, and that slaw-mix, a little oil & vinegar, capers, mixed it all up, and MAN was it good! 

    Okay gal-friends.... have a save, warm New Years!  xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012
  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2012

    Morning, beautiful , but cold here. 

    I have the early Nook, which is all I need.The newer ones are like an IPad.  I like it, as I accumulated sooo many  paper books. Donated them to Seniors and Hospice. But this way no read book collection. It was hard at first, always went to turn the page! Didn't know if I'd get one, til we went on a trip and I saw lots of other "Ole ladies" , navigating them Figured if they cud , I cud. Id like to get a newer, one that is lit , so it is easier to use in sunlight and low light  though.I like being able to get my favorite authors new books the day they are released. The cost is usually lower than what I used to buy at Sams Club!

    Going out to dinner tonight with 3 couples from church, then bak to our place for dessert , and watch the ball drop. Much better than the Times Square thing. Cudn't pay us enough to go freeze to death there. Better view here. Have a Happy New Year everyone. Stay safe!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    "Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for
    one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense
    of the word."

    -- Goran Persson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited December 2012

    Morning, Rita.  Hate that it had to be in my neck of the woods that you encountered all the 'road' difficulties.  It is coming again --- almost the same thing today.  Glad at least that you were not alone having to try and go through it.  I ( knock on wood several times ) have not actually as yet encountered any 'real' problems with driving in my Blazer, but I tend to be really cautious when the "weather" is horrid.  Sometimes I still can't believe that I moved back home ( for anyone here not knowing, we lived in southern California for 25 yrs. and that is where I learned to drive ) not ever having driven on snow, let alone ice and think so little of going out now and getting in the car.  Having 4-wheel drive realy helps and ups my level of comfort to a degree.  It is not all that much, but feels like it is to me.

    I use to read almost endlessly....and when younger could do it in multi-task style --- though  not quite sure how I managed. Often I'd be stirring a pot on the stove, listening to the kids in the back-ground, along with teh t.v. on and reading at the same time. 

    I have to admit, but now I'm lucky to be able to sit somewhere and keep my mind on reading.  Like Rita though, from all those years, holding a book, smelling it, feeling it, hearing the page turn while having a huge expectation for what would "show up" on the following page all were the precursors that made reading such a delightful and rewarding adventure.  I would love to be able to go back to those times and keep thinking I'll catch up to a place in life where I can actually do this.  I'm going to keep working on it.

    Life remains a wonderful thing with the kids here.  Starting to wonder how we ever did things without them.  They have really made so much worthwhile for us.  Well, we do things because they have to be done and never question.  It only starts to make such a huge difference when you get to the point where you are not being forced because you are the only one.  Now our biggest problem is how to NOT and do mean NOT beomce lazy.  Now is definitely not the time. 

    I hope and pray that you all have a wonderful, wonderful New Year.  Like Carole....we are not interested any longer in doing the Eve's party.  In fact, we no longer even manage to 'stay' up and that is ok by us.  Too many things happen when you do that.  Even if it is just a serious hang-over. 

    I hope love and care for each other ( solves so many things ) rules for us all and that we are able to grow through any hardships that come along.  I hope any burdens in the coming year are small and light and that love, good health, serenity mixed with joy, and plenty of healing laughter are your compliment in 2013.

    Love and hugs,


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited December 2012

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2012

    Just popping in to wish everyone a Happy New Year again!  Let's hope that 2013 treats us all well!

    We got about 2 inches of fresh snow today and it' still spitting just a little.  It has turned our wooded area into a white winter wonderland.  It's pretty to look at while it is fresh and new but I still prefer that bright warm sun!   We are heading out tonight to bring in the New Year at our golf club.  They are having appetizers, drinks, and playng bunco, which is always fun.  I don't drink much any more so I am the designated driver.  Although I love wine, I try to stay away from it since I'm attempting to avoid as many sugars as possible.  Tomorrow some of our golf group is getting together in the afternoon for some games....probably cards or dice....and for a light dinner.  Then it's back to the regular routine for the rest of the week.

    Travel safely if you're going out tonight.  I am so glad that I found my way back to this thread and will be joining you all in the new year.  What a great group of ladies!