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  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited December 2012

    I second Jackie's wishes for all of us.  Her thoughts were expressed so well that I don't have to search for words!

    Rita, we're glad you rejoined us.  We're glad Bonnets joined us and others, too.

    I'm still feeling crummy with my head cold and would gladly just stay home tonight.  But...  I was the social planner who made a dinner reservation for tonight and recruited another couple to join us.  I just hope I don't share any germs with them. 

    Happy New Year to all.  I look forward to many conversations in 2013.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Happy 2013......

    Didn't get much sleep, almost went to the ER! Don't know if it was taking my pills late , or the Arimidex, had an episode of fast heart beat. What a way to start the year. Hope it isn't a sign of things to come!

    Quit day ahead. Time to start taking down the Christmas decorations. Maybe tomorrow! Watch the parade. Love to see it in person some year. Have a good day , everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    "We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."

    Edith Lovejoy Pierce

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Wow .... bonnets.  Sorry to hear about the fast heart-beat.  Dh was having a lot of that lately and found out that he has g.e.r.d.   It seems it is a form of acid stomach/heartburn in which you don't necessarily get the "usual" symptoms but get fast heart-beat, maybe some racing pulse etc.  I would imagine ( never traced down the answer ) that you could get that once in a great while ( for reasons who knows ) when events --- eating certain foods together, or something, maybe brings that on.'s hoping it was a one time only event and will not happen again.  Thinking of you all and hoping that your chapters this year all turn out as good as they can.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2013

    Happy New Year to Everyone!

    Rita, glad you are home safe and that you had a good Christmas with your Grandsons. Our weather in this part of Illinois is cold but no snow. We had a little last week that just put a dusting on the ground.

    Carolehalst, hope you are feeling better.

    Kaara, I am happy for you. Enjoy your time together.

    Bonnets, hope you are feeling better.

    Jackie, I am happy for you having your family togehter and it is going great. I really miss having the kids around all the time.

    We  stayed in for the New Year and I did not make it up until midnight. We use to go out but we would rather stay in and watch the activities on tv. Taking down the decorations and tree today so the house will be back to normal for the when I go back to work this week. Had to work until 4pm yesterday and we only had 11 kids at the center. Not sure if it worse staying open for that few kids but I do not make that choice.

    Hope everyone has a great New Year in 2013.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Good morning ladies on this 2nd day of a brand new year, I hope u are all doing all right.

    Bonnets did u find out what caused that heart rate? I hope it was a one time event for u--crazy things happen too because of meds. (I think)

    And Carole this cold??? is awful I just finished my antibiotics and feel a little better--It just zaps u, all I can say is rest and I hope u start feeling better.

    Jackie it so wonderful u r so happy--oh be lazy a bit.

    and Chevy u impress me with u'r knowledge of all this computer stuff- I can barely maneuver around a computer--ood for u.

    And also I love theat picture pt. It's cozy looking. So far not much snow, just dustin mostly, but it's still all around us, just not on us.

    So the start of this year has us all sick-my DD and SIL have strep throat and Joey so far is all right actually--so I hope all goes better from here on.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Recall a recent time when someone was strongly critical
    of your opinions (perhaps your political or religious beliefs).
    Now, put yourself in their shoes - with compassion.
    Try to understand and appreciate their point-of-view -
    not to change your own opinions,
    but to celebrate all our human differences - in peace.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Good morning everyone...and it is somewhat bright this morning here.  It is not out as bright as I would like....but a little sun just to remind me there is one.  I hope it comes out a bit more, but don't know for sure.  Quite cold outside......down to single temps in a lot of our area.  Will just have to keep plugging along until things get a lot better.  At least, ( do I maybe miss it just a bit ) we are not having the really warm winter of last year that seemed so all wrong. 

    This is a real one.  The temps have been cold enough that we have kept pretty much all of the last snow and it is out there just ready to glisten in the sun the minute the sun comes back out full. 

    Looking forward to the week-end.  No special reason ---- more for the relaxation I think.  I'm truly, now that so much of the work  load here is shifting to our kids ( bless Ron and Kate ) going to have to really consider getting deeply serious about some form of REAL exercise because a lot of pounds could find their way to far less active body as of late......well, one way or other I'm going to have to work......whether it is work or the work of we ever really "win" that one.  It is ok is what keeps us going and doing well......good for the mental facuties and the overall constitution. if I can figure out just what I want to do and how to do it......I can get on page one and go for it. 

    See you all later and hoping you have a marvelous day.

    Peace & love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Felt really bad yesterday.  Slept well last night, though.  So far I'm feeling better today, so here's hoping I'm on the mend. 

    Sat in my chair and dozed most of the day yesterday.  DH cooked our traditional New Year's meal.  Black-eyed peas and cabbage.  He cooked the peas with a good smoked sausage called andouie (on-do-ee).  He "smothered" the cabbage in a skillet after frying a couple of pieces of bacon.  The cabbage was sliced up.  Kind of a stir-fry but the cabbage was well-cooked, not crispy.  We also had cornbread.

    I'm about to get up and cook some oatmeal with dried cranberries for breakfast.  Then I may venture out.  It's in the 40's and overcast.  Or I may just stay put another day and take it easy. 

    Hope everyone is feeling good.  I sometimes think it's good to get "under the weather" occasionally in order to appreciate the blessing of good health. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Forgot to explain that the traditional meal is for prosperity in the new year.  All the supermarkets had huge displays of cabbage for sale and a good supply of packages of dry black-eyed peas.  This is the only time during the year that we eat black-eyed peas, even though dh likes them.  Lots of people also have corned beef to go with this meal. 

    Any traditional meals in other areas?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    That one is pretty traditional here Carole......except I don't recall anyone adding the cabbage, but makes sense to me since it is a healthy food choice.  I liked cooked cabbage best.....that is if you not going to make a slaw dish with it.

    Sorry your still feeling some effects from your flu/cold thingy.  You are probably right.....seeing both sides of things directly can rally help the perspective.  Hope you are feeling your old/new self soon.

    Peace & love,


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Good morning, real cold here. Was 12 when I got up, but lovely and sunny out.

    Took down a few decorations yesterday. Went tp Perkins with DH uncle and wife and back here to help us eat up leftover  dessert. I have battled weight since I was 20 and an active student nurse! Add any carbs on comes the weight, esp since I'm retired. Hubby eats what I do he looses or maintains and I gain. I don't eat that much , do need to get more active! Hate the fact that media  presents overweight people as snacking , junk food junkies. I do whole grains, never have chips etc, unless we do New Years party, don't snack, have no sugar  baked goods. That just tries to keep the weight at the current level. Look at pictures of our ancestors at our age, they didn't worry. We didn't even have size 0 when we were young, or the media telling us to be sooo skinny. Glamour girls of our day wud be considered fat now!Size 12 used to be average, now it's large size! Oh well, enough of my sermon, can't change it! My battle in life.

    Hope everyone gets over their ills. The cold this winter seems to hang on for weeks. 

    I remember something about black-eyed peas for  New Years , when I lived in Virginia, years ago, but it wasn't cabbage with it. Can't remember what it was.

    As far as the tachycardia, had it happen when we were in Chicago a couple of years ago, ended up in the ER. I do have an arrythmia, occasionally, and took my pills late. So maybe that was it. Been OK since then. Thanks for asking.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    DH made cornbread, rice, black-eyed peas, okra, and greens (mixed collards & kale). For dessert he made a pumpkin cake with creme cheese frosting and pecans. We had some friends over. First time entertaining since dx. His mother was from Georgia and we lived in Houston for years, so that's where our traditions originated. We don't eat meat, so GS brought their own cooked sausage.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    I am so jealous of you gals who have a DH that will actually cook.  Dave will cook our fish and popcorn and that'sthe limit of his expertise!   :-)   Since I cook but it's not my favorite thing to do, I think it would be nice to be spoiled a little more in the kitchen.  He's a good guy,  though, and he does spoil me in other ways....and I'm not complaining....just wishing!  LOL 

    Carole, I hope you continue to improve. That cold/respiratory flu is really wicked this year.  It just leaves you drained, even after the main symptoms have disappeared. 

    Camillegal...did you get snow over the last few days?  We got nearly 3 inches on the 31st.  It's still on the ground because it's so cold.  It was only 11 degrees here when I got up this morning.  Brr......  I'm ready to head to Florida and still have a month to wait!

    Bonnets...I found it very hard to lose weight while I was on the Arimidex so if you're on any of the AI's, the weight issue is a hard one to fight.  I have lost several pounds since I got off of it so there is light at the end of the tunnel.  I hope you are feeling better.  That is so scary!

    Emmy...what type of children's center do you work at?  I love kids.  I taught school for 33 years and still teach the Wed. night youth group at our church. 

    Anybody who still makes New Year's resolutions?  I'm really going to try to eat healthier.  Unfortunately I always do well for a awhile and then revert back to my former bad habits.

    Well, we have lit a fire in the fireplace and I think I'm ready to curl up in front of it with a good book. Happy New Year to all of you!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    My resolution is to exercise with more regularity.  As soon as I have recovered fully from this cold. 

    I don't think I was clear in describing the New Year's Day meal.  We have a pot of black-eyed peas cooked with onion and garlic and seasoning meat like sausage or ham.  Then there's a side dish of cooked cabbage or cole slaw.  Cabbage in some form.  We don't put cabbage in the peas.  It has been my experience that people who don't like legumes have not eaten them cooked the way we cook them in the south.  DH is from IL and his mother did not know how to cook dried beans, even though she was a good cook in other respects. 

    I've fiddled around with my Kindle Fire and learned how to use it.  It's basically a notebook in addition to being an electronic reader.  If wi fi is available, I can check e-mail on it.  Log in to Facebook or Twitter.  I've downloaded one book.  The Girl (woman?) with the Dragon Tattoo.  It will be handy to take along when I'm sitting in waiting rooms at dr.'s offices.

    Bonnets, weight control has gotten more and more difficult with every decade of age.  And, as Rita said, arimidex seems to make the lbs cling to my body. 

    Rita's fire in the fireplace sounds so nice that I think I'll light our fireplace!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Hi Guys,

    The dreaded COLD, I had it 2 months ago and am still coughing. Told 3 of the drs, no one was worried..myself included as i had spoken to several people who had it and cudn't shake the cough. No fever, no breathiing problem, just the drip and resulting cough. Driving me crazy. Think I'll finally go to urgicare tomorrow. It's gotten better, but just won't go away, grrrrrr

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Hi frls--Bonnets 'm glad u ddn't have another experence like that.

     stll have rhis stupid head thng too, it doesn't go away like a cold--it's more than that-Oh well it could be worse.

    t's cold here too but not much snow at all (fne wth me) I'm not a bg fan--just Christmas morning--that's it.

    Jackie t s so so nce to hear u so happy--I love it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Okay....I fell in love with this one and though I once in a great while have a "bad" night ( a little sleepless ) almost all of mine are spent snoring quite peacefully.

    • A man ninety years old was asked to what he attributed his longevity. 'I reckon,' he said, with a twinkle in his eye, 'It's because most nights I went to bed and slept when I should have sat up and worried."Dorothea Kent
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Love the quote, Jackie!

    Carole, I'd love to work in more exercise, too.  I can't walk around here when it's this cold and icy and it takes about 20 minutes to get into town to walk in the Mall or hit a gym.  It would take a few hours out of my day if I did that every day, which I guess would be O.K.  I hate to join a gym until we get back from Florida because I wouldn't be around to use it in February, and then there's only a few months before I can get back into my outdoor walking routine and the gym membership wouldn't get used much then either.  Think I'm making excuses??????  LOL

    I did do Gentle Pink Yoga classes through our cancer center for a few years after I was diagnosed and I loved them.  Then the center lost its grant and there's nothing else that's similar around here. 

    I have a free day all to myself today and have lots of things that I need to get accomplished around here so I'd better get off of here and get busy.

    I hope those of you suffering with colds and respiratory problems get some relief soon.  That is no fun!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Dentist apptment today to put the crowns on the implants.  The crowns didn't "fit" right so back to the lab.  I have an apptment next week.  It will be nice to be able to chew on two sides!

    It was a cool day today.  High in the 50's but a chilly wind blowing.  Still not bad at all because the sun was shining most of the day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Good luck Carole.... I haven't been able to chew on both sides for probably 30 years....  I just got used to it.  I had to have the last 8 teeth pulled from the upper jaw.... I only had room for 12 anyway... and 12 on the lower...

    But I've always had "soft" teeth, so in about 1974 my Dentist pulled those 8, sewed the gums up, and put a beautiful new "sparkly" denture up there!  I was sooooooo happy!   I still have 8 on the bottom, but not on my right side.  I think I scared the remaining teeth into behaving.  I'll get lowers someday if I have to, but I couldn't be happier with my "play" teeth, Ha! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    The road to wisdom? Well, it's plain and simple to express: Errand err
    again but less and less and less.
    Hein, Piet -

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Great day to be up and about.  Glad it is Friday though.  I nearly slept in this morning so it is time to luxuriate in bed apparently.  After having had a day off during the week X-mas week..........having to go all week this one made it feel like a very long week.  I'll definitely like the paycheck better this week.  Wonderful to start a new month and year though.  365 days just waiting ( well three are gone already and this is # 4 ) to be lived to the fullest....and mastered as best we can. 

    I hope you are all going to have a great week-end. 

    Peace & love,


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2013

    Hi everyone, we have been snowed in now for 2 days.  We have 10 inches of snow on the ground, and it is cold.  It is beautiful.  Tomorrow it is to get up to 40 so maybe we can get to town for some supplies.

    DH has a cold, I hope it does not go into pnemonia, he had cockciciomycosis a few years back and it has damaged his lungs.  It is a fungus that lives in the dirt in desert areas. It is also know as valley fever.  

    I feel pretty good.  Sure am missing our grandaughter, especially with this snow, snow is her favorite, missed her running in and out and building a snowman etc.  I guess our DD and her pregnancy is going ok for now.  It worries me.  

    Keep warm and stay well.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Mommarch, enjoy the beautiful snow!  It must be a lovely sight.

    We had sunshine today with the high in the low or mid 50's.  It was too cold to play golf this morning.  I went to Sam's and to Walmart.  This afternoon I spent some time in the kitchen and made a broccoli cheese soup.  Used up some broccoli and kale that needed to be cooked. 

    Dinner tonight was outstanding.  A thick ribeye which dh seared in an iron skillet and then finished in a 500 degree oven.  It was delicious.  I cooked some small carrots with a butter brown-sugar glaze and made a cabbage and yellow bell pepper slaw. 

    Tomorrow I may tackle a couple of closets that need to be inventoried and re-arranged. 

    These bowl games can't be over too soon for me.  I'm not a college football fan.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    "The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your
    mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much.
    Scatter sunshine, forget yourself, and think of others."

    -- Norman Vincent Peale

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    mommarch....glad you are enjoying the snow......are you Chevy????  I have, but more so a couple of weeks ago when it first showed up.  It is at the point now that I'd just as soon it melted.  It is ( dare I say this at my age ) old snow and the charm and picture postcard look has fact, it is just hard snow-pack now and that is the look it has. 

    Sure glad it is the week-end.  Was ready for time off......I say sleep in like it will really happen.  What it is becomes how nice not to have to watch the clock for getting ready for work.  I can do all I do ( whatever it is ) based on as I can and want too rather than hurry because I have to finish in time for work.

    Not too much planned....some leisure to explore.  For me though it will all be good and I hope blessed by a little sun.  Seems much colder out if we don't get the winter sun.

    Hope you are all looking forward to a fantastic day.  See you later.

    Peace & love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Cloudy here this morning with temp. in the mid 40's.  Chance of rain.  I have no plans to go anywhere.  Lots to do such as start working on prep work for doing tax return.  Need to download Turbo Tax.  With all the dental expenses in 2012, we may get some $$ back.  If I don't feel like doing that work, I may organize closets and straighten up the office.

    Or...  I may just fritter my time away!

    Have a good Saturday, everyone.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Hope everyone is okay.

    Bonnet,  I hope you are doing okay

    Carolhalst and Camilegal, hope you are both feeling better

    Ritajean, I am the assistant director of a childcare center in Plainfield. It use to be privately owned and the owners sold out to a corporation that has centers all over the USA. I love kids too. I was looking for a teaching job when  I was offered a position at the university around here in an office and the boys would get free tuition(with four kids that is an offer we could not turn down) I worked on my masters while working there but after the boys were out of college I could not find a teaching job so I took a job with the childcare center. We have children from 6 weeks to 12 years and an all day Kindergarten. I did teach that class until we found a full time Kindergarten teacher. Sometimes I wish I would have stayed teaching that class instead of the asst. director position. But I love being with the kids of all ages.

    It just started snowing here  and is coming down pretty hard. It is so pretty to watch it come down. Our gd is here and she just sat in the window and watched it. Pretty nice to get a 3 year old to sit and watch something for more than 15 minutes. We have not had any snow that stuck so far and she has been waiting for it.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Hi gals!  It is getting nicer here!  Supposed to be up in the 50's the next few days.... Still a lot of ice in the alleys though, in the shade.  Really have to be careful when walking on it.....

    It's snowing Emmy?  I'll bet it is beautiful.....  And especially looking at it out of your Gd's eyes!  Those little kids are just magical.  Our "little" GS is going to be here in a couple weeks.... He is STILL "my boy" even though he is 25...Wink  He wants to go to Casa-Bonita, just because I always took the two boys there when they were little.... just a lot of fun memories.   They live in Orlando, but always close to me in my heart.....  (sniff-sniff...)

    Carole, I've been organizing also....  I just love when everything is looking neat and clean, and I can find things...

    Mommarch, I think you have to move to Chicago with Termite, Ha!  Yes, the snow is beautiful, but it gets tiresome after awhile.   Especially when you are snowed in.

    Carole, I LOVE things seared in a cast-iron skillet.... especially a steak!  We got rid of our barbecue grill, just because we don't use it .... ever!  And we split a steak whenever we have one....  so it's just easier to cook with my electric skillet, or to sear it in the hot pan.

    Been simmering a little pot of dried peas with ham & onions..... I threw in a handfull of rice.... I still have that "Congee"....but I can eat that as a side with any meal....  You can drizzle a beaten egg in it when it is simmering....  Really good!

    You know what I think is magical?  I bought a new phone.... only it came with 2.... So I charged them, and fretted, thinking that in order to get them both to work, without a wi-fi connection, it wouldn't work.  Well, I connected the 1st base into the bedroom jack (off of my modem) and then just set the other one in the kitchen, thinking "yeah, right.".... It WORKED!!! Both of them!  How does it KNOW that the other phone is there???  It's magic.  That's all.   I was so impressed.  And I can hear so much better with the new phones! 

    Hi Rita!  Nice to see you around here!  And as always, you too little Jackie!  Have a fun week-end.....xoxooxo