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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Good Afternoon ladies--u all make me seem extremely lazy but that's OK--I'm still on my first cup of coffee and I'll stay in my comfy fleece long nightgown all day--I'm not going anywhere so I don't bother etting dressed.

    The weather is like dampy cold right now but I did hear we're supposed to have a warmer January than expected--thought we were in for lots of snow this year--more dry westher not good for any of us.

    Like I said before I used to love reading--read so much, now I've lost all interest in it. What a shame-and books have no shelf live, if u like to read it, it makes no difference how old it is. Just like twinkies-no shelf life.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2013

    Afternoon ladies!  Thanks for the well wishes...yes...I am happy!  Hard to believe this wonderful man and I found each other so late in life...we feel truly blessed.

    Carole:  I listened to "The Racketeer" book on tape while traveling back to Florida a few months was excellent!  I haven't done much reading lately but will start again soon.

    Today we went and saw Django...typical Quentin Tarantino...lots of blood and swearing.  I thought the acting was awesome but the movie was too long...three many people can you kill in that timeframe:(  We both love movies, but lately I prefer watching them at home on Netflix.  Last night we had friends over for dinner and watched Bama beat ND...a runaway!  Taped The Bachelor and watched this morning.

    I'm learning how to use my new iphone...a little each day...easier than I thought.

    Weather here is supposed to be spectacular this weekend...we're headed to Hendersonville and then to Knoxville to have dinner with more friends...should be fun!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    The house smells like fresh-baked bread!  A wonderful aroma. 

    The day sped by.  I got the guest room closet done.  Tomorrow... I'll tackle the office. 

    Hope everybody had a good day. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Carole, sounds like you had a great day.  Learned some time ago ....... production is the basis for morale.  The more you get done, the better you feel..........and you topped it off with one of the best and homiest things known to man.............the smell of fresh baking bread.  Yum. 

    I had a good day.......and am looking forward to tomorrow.   I made some home-made chicken noodle soup last night and left overs tonight.....really good.  Home-made bread would be a great complement.

    Hope you all had a great day.

    Peace and love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Hey Kaara...sometimes the best things in life happen when you least expect them!  :-)

    Carole, I am a BIG John Grisham fan. I have every single one of his books.  My son got me The Racketeer for Christmas.  Grisham was from Oxford, Mississippi and he appears there at a little bookstore every time he has a new book come out for an autographing party.  My son went down and got me an autographed copy and last year I got The Litigator, which he also got autographed for me.  I can't really say too much for his autograph.  As usual, it's pretty illegible!  :-)   If you, Chevy, Kaara, and some of the other gals like Grisham, you might like William Krueger too.  He writes some pretty good mysteries.  I'm saving my new book to take with me to Florida when I'm away from my library source, but I'm glad to hear that it is good!

    Today was a busy day.  I bowled, went for lunch with the gals, got groceries and ran some errands, made dinner and some lemon squares to take to bunco tomorrow and have finally crashed. 

    Everyone have a good Wednesday tomorrow!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited January 2013

    Ritajean, I like Grisham.  I just finished The Litigators and am starting The Racketeer.  But my favorite fiction author is David Baldacci.  I find he can pull me along in a story to the point I don't want to stop reading.  I did have one issue when he placed the George Washington Parkway in the wrong park of DC in True Blue.  I usually go through his books in 2-3 days.  Have been reading 2 - 4 books a month this year.  Hmmm, I wonder why?  Year of crappy health starting with some hearing loss, followed by my cancer diagnosis and surgery, herniated disc/sciatica, and retinopathy.  May 2012 burn in the Bonfire of the Goddesses! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Wow u guys are busy as bees, reading cooking cleaning--whew I'm tired reading about this.

    Kaara u hae some fun stuff going on there and I love it--Keep on going girl and enjoy--u deserve it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    As for courage and will - we cannot measure how much of each lies within us, we can only trust there will be sufficient to carry through trials which may lie ahead.
    Andre Norton

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Omg....some of our rain came early.  Woke up this a.m. to a wet deck.  As I look outside there is fog.  Well that definitely is from the warm temps. that whooshed in here yesterday.  I am enjoying but not something that will last this time of year.  It does not look thick, but is tulie fog.....which is what it was called in California when it hung low to the ground. 

    It is going to stay warm the rest of the week....up to 60 and a couple of the night temps. will be at 50.  Unbelievable, but then with the global temp. changes I'm expecting anything no matter how surprising it seems. Tiny bits of snow left here and there...mainly where there were drifts or what was pushed up in parking lots.....a couple more days will make a big dent there. 

    It is nice to see the ground again actually.....after almost three and a half weeks of snow and cold.  Our furnace has been out....we do have I heaters so no major problem with the current warmth.  Nothing builds up carbon after a while so the jets have to be re-cleaned and polished a bit.....then back to business as usual.  It can be a major chore though if it is really cold as our furnance is a commercial unit that sits outside.  I've learned to love it though since you are seldom aware of when it comes on.......there is almost nothing to just notice the warmth.

    Hope you all have a really great day.  See you later.

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Kath, sure hope 2013 is a better year for you.  You've been through a lot.  What is retinopathy?  One of my biggest fears, after the fear of more cancer, is losing my eyesight.  Like all nearsighted people, my retinas are at risk of detachment.

    Another dreary day here.  Supposed to be warm.  We had downpours last night.  The ground is saturated.  DH went to the dermatologist early and had "scrapings" to skin cancers.  Now he's in the kitchen cooking big lima beans with a hambone from the ham store. 

    My job today is to clean up the office.  Yuck.  Complete lack of enthusiasm but it needs to be done.  I'll be glad when the job is done.

    But, first, breakfast...  I think I'll have something different.  A slice of homemade bread smeared with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and broiled with a slice or two of tomato and some grated Italian cheese.  I get tired of breakfast food, especially since I'm counting WW points. 

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited January 2013

    Carole, retinopathy is when the blood vessels in your eyes start bleeding.  You don't even know it's happening.  It can eventually lead to blindness.  

    My DH had basal cell carcinoma on his head, discovered in late 2011, and went through radiation theraphy for four weeks at the beginning of 2012.  He had neglected it for eight years even though I kept telling him something was going on up there.  Took one of our daughters telling him she felt sorry or anybody sitting behind him on Metro to have to look at it.  He had one other spot that the dermatologist froze and two pre-cancerous spots.  

    Sun is shining here in DC.  Suppose to get up in the high 50s.  Hoping to be able to go see a friend in the hospital that just had surgery for ovarian cancer.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Kath, I like Baldacci, too and I'm always looking for new authors.  I browse through the library and when I see an author that I haven't read but who has lots of books on the shelf, I try one of them.  Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised!

    We still have snow on the ground but it's supposed to get into the 40's today.  By now the snow is dirty and ugly so I hope that it melts a bit in the next few days! 

    Jackie, I hope you get your furnace fixed before the colder temps reappear! 

    Have fun in your office, Carole.  I need to tackle that job, too.  My office is clean but I have lots of little disorganized stacks that need to be gone through and either thrown away or organized.  That's not my favorite job so I tend to leave it until it really begins to bother me. 

    I play Bunco this afternoon.  We play once a month and have a great time.  It's my turn to bring a snack for the group so I made caramel puffs, which are like caramel corn without the hulls, and some lemon squares.  So much for my sugar intake today. One of the other gals is bringing a relish tray for those of us who try to stay "good."

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Lets see, haven't  been on in  a while. We are watching news on every channel of  the ferry accident in NYC.

    Carole, My hubby had a Melanoma removed on his face, in April. I was more worried about that than the open heart he had in Feb. Yes Kathi 2012 was a year I hope won't be repeated. Dh first the open heart, then a bout with pseudo gout, then the Melanoma. Lucky  nodes were clean, but with Melnoma you never know. I got him to go to the derm in Oct, but I was at a conference and didn't go along. When I asked what they said, he told me , "Dr. asked if I wanted it frozen off, I said I didn't care, so they did nothing". I figured it was OK, but still didn't like the looks of it. After the open heart I told him to go to the Derm again, seen by a different dr., bio. and Melanoma. Boy  was I mad, and let them know. Then in Aug my diagnosis. As we say" growing old is such fun. The Golden Years!"

    Not bad here today, cold, but no rain or snow. Just went  to the grocery store.

    Carole, you and my DH. Never know what he will find  for breakfast. MIght be left over anything! Me, Im pretty traditional.

    Got our new mattress and adjustable bed platform delivered yesterday. Takes some playing with to decide how to  sleep. Hope it helps DH's  back.  He says," I probably will have to sleep in the recliner some of the time". I told him he now has one built in the bed. Cost an arm and 2 legs, but worth it, if it helps him sleep better.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited January 2013

    Bonnets - My DH once gave me an anniversary card about these being "the rusty years". Think I sill have it filed away somewhere. We used to regift with the same favorite cards. Might have to find that one for anniversary in March.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2013

    Good morning:  A beautiful day here in the 60's...don't even need a jacket.  My kind of weather!  Tonight we are having dinner with my new friend's DD and SIL and his DS and BIL.  Meeting more family members...although I've already met his kids.  I'm feeling very comfortable here and he seems proud to introduce me to his family and friends...a good sign.

    Today's a quiet day...tomorrow we head to Hendersonville to check out my summer home, and then up to Knoxville to visit more friends.  We enjoy car trips together...exploring new sights.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Oh bonnetts 2013 will be much better for both of u, it has to be.

    Jackie we're supposed to really have some warm days this next week, I certainly don't like a lot of snow or ice cold weather, but I do like winter--and so far nothing.

    Kaara u r my excitement, I'm so happy for all hese adventures u'r on. Doesn't it make u feel better? It should and that's happiness that does that. Great.

    Well I hope everyone has a good day--we know Kaara is. LOL

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    The office turned out to be a BIG project.  I made progress but haven't finished the job.  At least you can see some surfaces now. 

    The weather will affect my plans for tomorrow.  My mother has a 10:30 am hair apptment, but we'll have to wait and see if it's raining.  My dental apptment is at 3:30 pm.  Sure hope the crowns for the implants are right this time. 

    Hope everyone had a good day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Wow u didn't finish--wht a job u have. U'r going to be busy tomorrow so that takes up u'r day---Oh carole I hope the dentist goes well for u and u can finish up.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    "Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

    Nido Qubein

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Good morning.....trying to rain here but only light sprinkles and not many of them. Since this is a very warm weather week this week we have been expecting it.  Between the snow and some rain.....our water table will get a bit healthier so it is not a bad thing......this time of year though I appreciate the sun even more and we won't have it for a couple of days.  They are thinking tomorrow may get as high as 67......we are slated to drop to the 30's over the week-end though. 

    Very interesting  --  wondering what will ultimately ( if any of the recent couple of yr's strange patterns ) end up as 'normal' will the global warming that continues to go on. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic day, whatever your weather.

    Peace & love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Good morning ladies!  Just a quick pop in this morning to say Hi!  I hope everyone's day is off to a good start.

    Gosh bonnets, you did have a rough year last year.  This year has got to be better for you! 

    I love the reference to these being the rusty years!  What a great descriptive phrase!

    Well, I am home for the day now so I'm going to tackle some things that need to get done and do some laundry.  I'll probably be back later!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies--hope 'r having a good day and Jackie this weather is crazy time--it's not killin germs LOL I haven't used my wool heave coat in 2 yrs. now--I haven't needed it at all.

    Rita please don't think me rude, but I have to ask u--I look at u'r picrure and u look like u'r in u'r 20's or maybe 30's--u look so young--whateer age u are u look great. And I wonder why u'r on this thread. Really I'm not insulting u in any way, I hope u don't take this wrong.

    I thin my diarrhea is over for now I've had it yesterday and roday--so now I'm reslly exhausted. So I'm going to rwst now. hahahaLike I don't do that enough.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Well!  If Rita isn't insulted, the rest of us are!  LOL!  Just teasing, Camille.  I agree that Rita is a pretty woman and looks young.  She has a upbeat attitude, too.

    Rain, rain, rain.  Tornedo warnings.  Flood warnings.  The Weather Channel is having a field day talking about our stormy weather here in the south.  Our property is quite high and we have small lakes out there.  I'm hoping the big weather system gets through by the early afternoon so I can still make my dental apptment.  My mother cancelled her hair apptment. 

    I finished up the office and it looks so clean and orderly.  Must post a sign on the door, DO NOT ENTER.  Actually I didn't do a complete job because I didn't go through all the cabinets in the three bookcases.  I'll leave that for another day.  I have a pile of stuff in the living room to give to GoodWill and a bag of stuff for my niece.  Things like picture frames, candles, candle holders. 

    Now I'm sitting at the kitchen table with the checkbook register.  Time to go online and write down all the transactions that are missing from the register.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Oh Carole I didn't mean to insult anyone--I just mean when  look at her pic. she looks younger than my kids. I didn't mean anyone looks so old cuz when I see anones pic. everyone looks much younger than me---I'd better shut up now. LOL

    Our weather is warmish, no rain now--I didn't realize u were gettin such a crazy rain thingy goin' on.

    And u finished u'r office--good for u. When u'r done it is a good feeling tho.

    Well I ope u hae better weather and not so scary.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Hi gals!  Just wanted to post a recent picture of myself....Wink

    Just thought I would throw that in there..... Hee-hee!

    Camille, what did you have?  The flu? Or some kind of intestinal disorder?  I had something a couple weeks ago, but it was mostly just cramps!  I figured it was some type of bug....

    Carole, good for you!  I love to have things organized.... and cleaning out the drawers is usually for another day....  It's like a work in progress.

    I just got out my John Grisham books.... The Client,  The Pelican Brief, and The Partner..... I also have David Baldacci The Simple Truth, and The Collectors.....   I know my Nook is great, but I just HAVE to read these paper-backs also!    Most of them are still "new".... If older.  Besides it's sometimes easier to read the open pages in the books, instead of one at a time in my Nook.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies, Beautiful day here. Had lunch with a friend, then we did a little shopping.

    I go on reading binges, but use the Nook. One of my favorite authors is Debbie Macomber. JUst nice books!

    Not much new. Go to  dr. with DH tomorrow. Shud go pay the  taxes, fun! Had a couple of real sneezing fits. Boy hope I'm not getting another cold. Trying to stay well.

    Take care everyone.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Oh Cami........I am still giggling!  I am 65 and my picture doesn't show all the wrinkles that I have around my mouth area. If you enlarge it, there would be no doubt about my age!!!!  I "stew" about those wrinkles all the time and Dave just tells me to smile more!  :-)  If I can ever get my pictures from my phone transferred over to my computer, I'll post a few of me with my grandsons.

    Chevy....I love your most recent picture, too!  Wow!  Dynamite!

    The rain finally found us this afteroon.  We need the moisture but I still prefer that sunshine.

    Congrats Carole on finishing your office! I'm still procrastinating about mine!  Hmmm.............

    At Thanksgiving time, our grocery stores offered turkeys at 39 cents a pound when you purchased so many dollars worth of groceries.  One week I bought my large turkey for Thanksgiving.  The next week I bought a small 10 pound one to have later.  I have it cooking in the oven right now for tonight's dinner and it smellsl so good.  We will have plenty of left-overs for hot turkey sandwiches this weekend. 

    Oh Chevy, you will love those Grisham and Baldacci books!  Enjoy!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    I thought I would be getting the crowns today but instead, just more impressions for more crowns to be made.  My next dental apptment is 3 wks from now. 

    Rita, I can almost smell that turkey!  Enjoy.

    Chevy, you are a good-looking woman in that picture. 

    Bonnets, your day sounds nice.  I never go shopping with a friend.  Mostly I go by myself.  Shopping is a solitary pursuit for me! 

    The weather has calmed down and the severe weather threat has moved on to the east.  But the forecast is for more rain for the next 4 or 5 days.  The northshore of Lake Pontchartrain, where I live, has had 6 to 10 inches of rain and the ground is saturated.  There is flooding in some areas.

    Hi to everybody not named.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    I think everyone here looks marvelously young.....because you don't let it all get you down.  You maybe have a bad day or two....even a week or so, but for the most part the things that drag you down are temporary and don't keep you down and to me it makes all the difference.  Also, you don't want anyone else to be down and are willing to rush to the rescue...................these are just a few of the things that keep you young.  No matter a stray wrinkle here and there, a gray hair or maybe even a few, it is the energy inside, the loving, caring, giving and it keeps your attitude so positive.....which in turn keeps you young no matter what your age.

    I love all you are the best.

    Peace & love,


  • taylormd
    taylormd Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2013

    Hi, Girls,  I haven't been on for awhile and like some of you, I'm SO glad to see 2013 roll around.  Our family heard 3 carcinoma diagnoses from Sept.-Dec. (I was first with ductal carcinoma, then my precious son-in-law with basal cell carcinoma in Nov., and then my DH with squamous cell carcinoma in Dec.!)  Add to that my foot surgery in April, a granddaughter with an unplanned pregnancy and a "hurry up wedding" in May, the birth of our darling first great-grandson in July, and a son and daughter-in-law separating also in July. Not complaining, but rather thanking God for the strength HE always gives during the trials of this life.  It just seems like 2012 had a little more than it's share of trials for all of us, didn't it!!!

     I love the term "rusty years"!  Right on!

    Now, a question for you, my BC sisters:  For some reason, when I had my mastectomy, I opted for reconstruction.  I still have the tissue expander (Yuk), and surgery for exchange planned for Feb. 14!  Ha!  Happy Valentine's Day!!!  My question is this:  Will I have to have a drain after the exchange surgery?  I know I should have asked my PS, but I didn't think about it when I saw him last, and I won't be seeing him again until the day of surgery.  I'm just curious!  Thank you so much for your answers!