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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Hello gals

    Lets see, cold and sunny here, so the snow we have is staying. Made a few more Christmas decorations disappear. Just have the tree to go. I leave the village up for a  while. May get the tree down tomorrow.

    Dh has been sleeping most of the night in the recliner this week, has a bad back, so we went to Sleepys, spent 3 hrs there, trying mattresses, talking and trying adjustable bed frames. Guess after 20 years on this one we can make the investment. Hopefully the adjusting frame will give him the recliner , in bed. Did find a mattress i loved and he liked too!  But boy , investment is right, whoooo. 

    stocked up on light bulbs too. Hate those new ones, now they are saying they are dangerous, emit ultraviolate rads. Hard to dispose of too, and I dont like the warm up time. Have to get a BIG supply of the oldies, think it is next year we wont be able to get them.

    CHurch tomorrow, then a bday party for GS. Trying to keep our distance from everyone, going on a trip soon and all uyou hear is flu everywhere.Got the flu shots, hope they work.

    Another gourmet meal for us tonight, clam chowder and toasted cheese.:)

    Enjoy the snow, wonder if we will be getting more this week.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Bonnets, where are you and your dh going on  your trip? 

    I had a very pleasant day, puttering around and enjoying being "home alone" for a few hours while dh ventured out into the cold and played golf.  I organized the closet in our study (used to be my office when I was a writer) and cleared off the bed in the guest room which had gift-wrapping stuff strewn on it.  The interesting thing about straightening up a closet is discovering all the stuff stored on shelves.  I'll be making another donation to Goodwill. 

    Tomorrow I plan to go to church with my mother and afterwards we'll have a noon meal at her house.  DH will join us and also my sister Michelle and her dh.  My mother and I worked out a menu this afternoon.  Breaded pork chops, baked potatoes and a salad of canned peas, shredded cheddar cheese with a little mayo.  Easy and full of calories! 

    Chevy, you sound like an imaginative cook.

    Jackie, did you have a relaxed Saturday?

    I love the image of a little girl looking out the window and watching the snow fall!  So lovely and peaceful.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2013

    Snow has wore out its welcome.  We thought we would get to town today, got stuck at the bottom of our driveway and blocking the road.  One of our neighbors brought over his backhoe and pulled the car back up the drive way.

    It started melting today, so hopefully we can get supplies tomorrow.

    I made a pot of homemade chicken soup for supper, it was pretty darn good.

    Have a good night

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Happy New Year to all of you here. 
    I actually read back posts and enjoyed catching up with everyone's plans and experiences over the holidays.  I took a hiatus from the internet as I concentrated on my end of semester finals and grades, last minute shopping, travels to CT for Christmas, and to DC for a long New Years visit.  Along the way, DS from Chicago came home to NY for Christmas.  And DS and partner from San Francisco came to DC to meet us for a post-Christmas visit with oldest DD and family.
    It was a busy time with whirlwind wonderful moments and precious memories and gifts.
    Like some of you have expressed, I was really looking forward to the post-holiday week end and being able to just relax and enjoy the down time.
    I went to work Thursday and then got a total head cold complete with chills and aches that night.  Sick day was up but now back to bed....bummed!  I have a long list of non-work things to do but I have to let it go.
    I missed my GD's 2nd birthday party in NJ disappointing for me. 
    Unlike most of you, my Christmas tree is still up - I was planning to enjoy it since we were not home much of the holidays.  DH says it comes down tomorrow, as we'll go to work Monday.
    I hope this illness gets better soon - we have tix for Broadway Tuesday PM to see Al Pacino in a play (not a musical) and I do not want to be the one who is hacking and throat clearing and earning glaring stares from theater snobs.

    I was sick during the Sandy storm...3 weeks in all...same thing.  I have worked at a college for 8 years where I see hundreds of people weekly and I never got sick.  Now, two URIs in 3 months have caused me to miss a trip to Disney and two birthday parties.  :-((
    So, I put this question out to you....
    Has anyone noticed a change in susceptibility to colds/flu/other common diseases since treatment?  I finished rads a year ago this week, and am on Femara and started megadoses of Vit D.
    Is my body still recovering from the cell damage from rads and the disruption of hormonal balance from the letrazole?Jean, sorry to hear you are also under the weather.
    Jean, sorry to hear you are also under the weather.  When I started Arimidex, I immediately had joint pain and had arthritic growth at the base of my thumbs.  My hands still hurt and are weak but not unbearable.  I switched to Letrazole after rads and the SEs come and go.  The aging process seems to be accelerating, but it often seems that way in I'll wait to judge.  I made the decision to do all I could to remain cancer-free and it's not that bad.
    My new years resolution is the same as last year --I want to spend time outdoors every day. 
    Wishing a year of happiness and health to all. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Evening everyone.  We had a fun day today.  Took Kate out to the Corner Cafe for a late breakfast.  The servings are huge so we don't go real often, but felt she was having a little cabin fever so away we went.  Then stopped at a place called Many Needful Things on the way home.  It is not an antique store though there are a lot of collectibles, but I go on because they have dressers and other things which are real wood....not pressed board like a lot of todays cheaper furniture.  I got a nice sized 6 drawer dresser ( pretty fair sized ) in almost perfect shape for $85.00.  The fact that it was solid wood with a couple of divided drawers amazed me.  So we like to stop in just to see what there may be in there for us to resist. 

    After, we dropped Dh off at home then Kate and i went back to town to the Cosmetology School, and we each got a hair-cut.  I get the senior citizen's price of $6.00.  Of course, it is students, and so sometimes you have to be a bit brave.....especailly if it is a class just starting.  Have to admit I have had a diaster or two, but on the whole things go ok. 

    Then back home for some computer work and an afternoon doze.  This is something I seldom even try.  Then dinner and we went to CVS to look at some of the after holiday left-overs.  Able to get 6 bags of Hershey Kisses for $6.22.  I was a happy camper.  I eat one or two, but the young ones here can dissapear them pretty fast.  Was glad to find them for such a nice price.

    Anyway.....can't believe the nice day went so fast.  I'll be looking for you all in the morning.

    Peace & love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Hi everyone----hope u'r out of the snow and whoever is sick is better.

    Joan I realize we are older but I've cauht things now I've never had and much more often--I used to have a cold a yr. That was it, now if anything is oing around I et it and I don't work anymore  and I hardly ever took an antibiotic now I'm on one most of the time for different things. I really think after a couple of yrs. of chemo, operations and rads our bodies are aged even mor so--just my opinion. Not only aging but all the stuff that our bodies have gone thru. I have whatever is going around now I just got off one antibiotic from an infection, I got on another one for another kind of infection. So I'm feeling miserable alot and I never used to. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    "A laugh is the shortest distance between two people."~~~~Victor Borge

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    If there was a like button--I would press it.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Jackie - real wood?  really?  You are making me re-think what I want to get rid of around here....lots of old maple stuff I didn't like but maybe a new finish would work.  Shopping and bargains are such great therapy!

    Camille, thanks for validating my concerns.  I must re-think who I am, physically.  I work some really long days and stay up late during the work favors to my immune system.  I am 50% still in bed with this thing.  Easy work day tomorrow...only person on my floor all week.  I cannot avoid contact with people - maybe I'll hang some hand sanitizer on my self or something.  I'm going to see PC doc this month and will discuss with her how to handle infections and ways to build immunity. 

    Jean - you mentioned stocking up on incandescent bulbs - I just decided to do that this week as well for various reasons.  The only place I could find them on line was Home Depot. 

    I know that the subject of tinnitus has come up here before - I first noticed it in early November and it seems to be very persistent.  Does anyone have a theory on what the trigger was/is? 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Joan, sure hope mine doesn't get worse. I have had it for years.Live with it, but drive DH crazy, as I have to turn up the sound to listen over the whistle. Wud love to have some QUIET!. Nothing has ever seemed to  make it better, Laid off chocolate for a year and caffene, no difference.

    Want to go in Hybernation, so we can avoid the flu. Sure hope the shots work.

    We bought the bulbs at Home Despot, but they are energy savers, not the old  yellow ligt ones, but still incandescent. It's like film, hard to find, I still love my old film camera, but getting very hard to find film. Sams still develops, Rite AidNewer is not always beter!  wont do it in store any more.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Oh yes, there used to be a  magazine Tinnitus Today. Don't know if it is still available.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    I have had Tinnitus for so long, I just feel like if I didn't have that, I couldn't hear ANYthing...!  I have to get my hearing aids checked next month... It's a little harder to hear  out of my left ear again, even with the aids.... Oh well.

    You know, I plugged in a little alarm clock, that has a setting for "sounds".... like ocean, forest or something else.... and you can go to sleep with that on, and it goes off in about 10 minutes....   I can't hear our usual alarm though, because I don't sleep with the aids in.  But if a little "white" noise helps with the Tinnitus, then maybe that would help?

    I researched a lot on the web for that, but nothing that would really help.... Mine is just sometimes more noticeable....  Didn't have it until I lost my hearing though.  .   My DH always gets a cold or two during the year!  So far I haven't had a cold in over a year.  Did you get a shingles shot?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Welcome back, Joan!  I wondered about your absence.  It sounds as though you had a very busy holiday period with lots of travel and visiting with family.  Was it you or bonnets who has the Broadway tickets?  I'm so jealous.  It must be great to go to Broadway plays and not have to plan a trip to NY.  I saw Phantom of the Opera on my one visit to NYC and it was a wonderful experience.  But way back then, the ticket was $80.  No telling what the price is now.

    Today was a rainy, dreary day.  I got dressed for taking my mother to church and went to her house in time to go, but we decided to stay indoors.  We already had lunch planned.  My dh joined us and so did my sister Michelle and her dh.  She's the sister whose house flooded in Isaac and the house is being renovated.  She said her driveway and yard are a total mess with all the delivery trucks coming and going.

    I'm sliding along another electronic learning curve.  It came to my attention that I could download Cooking Light magazine (I have a print subscription) to my new Kindle Fire.  So I'm working on getting that accomplished.  So far I haven't read anything on the Kindle, just fooled with it.

    Our little gas log fireplace is blazing away and dh just served me an Old-Fashioned.  For you non-drinkers, if there are any among us, that's a bourbon drink.  It's warm inside the house.  So life is good.

    Jackie, your Saturday sounds delightful.  That chest of drawers purchase sounds like a good one. 

    WW meeting tomorrow.  The hour of reckoning...  Undecided

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013 could paint the dresser, buy new updated drawers pulls and handles and you'll be in business.  Since my daughter and her husband moved back home I felt we needed another 'good' dresser.  We have I'm sad to say, more than one of the pressed wood variety.  They don't always look bad if your careful with them, but growing up.....I don't think there was such a thing and at my age.....I just appreciate the solid, sturdiness of real wood pieces. 

    I have the ringing in the ears too.  Didn't notice much until Arimidex and I think not only did that start, but as well I had some hearing loss.  I can hear, but lose some words due to the tonal sounds.  I go in February to get hearing aids and I think I'll be really glad.  I hate asking people to repeat so often.....but even my dh forgets and 'talks into his chest' or as he is walking away or when I'm walking past the t.v. which is on and then I really hear almost nothing.  The loudest sound will take precedence and distort any one else.  I get tired of the constant ear noise.  At first, it was easy to 'ignore' it, but ( hopefully it is at its peak ) but then I think it got a bit louder.  Still not too bad.......just tiresome when I suddenly realize that its all I've really heard for sure, for hours. 

    Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday.

    Love and peace,


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited January 2013

    Carole, I am reminded of a lovely story. A couple of years ago hubby and I went to Las Vegas. We stood in line at one of the ticket vendors trying to pick what show we wanted to see. We were approached by a lady who said she saw we were looking at "Phantom" did we want her tickets? We asked her what she wanted for them? Nothing just enjoy. Boy did we we ever. Great seats that we found out later went for $150 each. Angel in disguise I'm sure.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Wow pt that was sheer luck--wonderful.

    Oh I have tinnitus too, my sister does and my mom had it--I always have the TV on always it just distracts the noise.. Cuz if I just listened to that all the time with no other distraction I would be the one on the tower with the clown suit. It is aggrevating--and I don't think anything is found for it yet. And it seems like so many people get it--actualy It's like more women than men???? So for all who have it, I'm sorry cuz u don't know til u have it how annoying it is.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Carole.... I think my whole LIFE is a learning curve...Wink  My Nook is running beautifully again, but it was going through it's "teen-age" years having temper tantrums, etc.  It somehow downloaded a lot of my books TWICE!  And trying to get either "live chat" or live person, did NOT help.  Finally, I researched the problem, knew I had to get it set back to factory settings, and re-register it again.  BUT since I have no wi-fi, I would have to go back to B&N...

    My neighbor dropped by, and I was showing it to her, and she said we could use THEIR wi-fi connection, which she typed in, and YES!  She re-registered my account and PW and I watched my books magically show up!   And I am  still on their wi-fi network!  I don't know how that works.  I'm afraid to touch anything!

    But before I did all this, I deleted a lot of books that were free, that I thought I might read, which I won't.  So now I have 52, instead of the 136 count that my Nook went nuts with.    Now it's working great!

    It is so easy to use B&N website to look up books, or magazines, then see how many stars they are rated, even read a few pages, and read the reviews.   From now on, I will be a little more selective in what I THINK I need, Ha!  Does your Kindle Fire have this feature, working with your PC? I also have Nook downloaded onto my PC, and can read the books from there, which actually is easier.  And right now all 3 are working in sync.  The Nook web, my Nook, and my PC Nook.   I don't know HOW, but they are. 

    I have never been to NY, so haven't seen any plays, or presentations.....other than the local ones here, that are very good.... at least the ones I have seen are.  I love comedies!   Sometimes I would laugh so hard, and long, and when there used to be smoking, I would go home with an Asthma attack!  

    Did any of you gals ever get caught up in a laughing or giggling fit?  And then everytime you think about it, you start laughing again?   Just something silly, that will set you off.... Ha, ha!

    Carole, you and your Hubby always sound like you are enjoying everything in life.... we are just happy for you!    Let's get those races started. Wink

    Onward and upward! xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Move to your heart, Breathe.
    Close your eyes and breathe deeply - slowly -
    fill your lungs with love and gratitude -
    exhale each and every trouble -
    again and again - gratitude in, troubles out.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies!  The sun is actually out in Illinois today but it is COLD!  I am counting down the days until I can escape this for a few weeks.  There's just something about the sun that motivates me and lifts my spirits.

    Our new year hasn't started out real well here so I think we're just going to start it over again this week!  :-)  Last week we got word that my step-mother had passed away in Tennessee.  My step-mother never cared for me.  I think she saw me as a threat for my dad's attention.  Still, my father turns 90 on February 1st and is quite frail and I wouldn't have felt right not going to the visitation and funeral to be with we get in the car and head south again.  I am glad that I went but it was a fast and furious trip down and back.  Hopefully we are settled in now until we head south for more pleasant reasons.

    I am listening carefully to your Nook and Kindle conversations.  At times I find myself wavering!  :-)

    I guess I am pretty lucky because I have never had tinnitus.  It sure doesn't sound like fun.  I have noticed that I am having trouble hearing things in places where there is a lot of background noise.  I suppose I should go get it checked out and see if it is correctable.  I have heard that hearing aids amplify the background noises also, still making it hard to hear.  Maybe I should add that to my list of things to do.

    I hope that everyone is having a good Monday.  I think I'm going to make a big pot of ham and beans for dinner tonight.  Dave has a meeting and won't be home until later so it can easily be warmed up. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    oooSounds yummy Rita.

    Good Morning all

    I have no idea about knnoks and crannies and so far that's the way it's going to stay, I'm proud I learned the internet the last 2 years.

    This cold or whatever it is has fallen in love with me and won't leave--I'm not happy about this association we're having so it better leave soon.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2013

    Good Afternoon everyone!  I'm checking back in after what seems to be a long absence.  I'm now with my new friend in Greenville SC, and we're having fun getting used to our new life together.  We're both into doing our morning walk even though it has been cool the 30's and 40's.  Chevy..if I close my eyes, I feel like I'm in Colorado!

    I got my new iphone and the learning curve is huge!  It will take time, but it isn't as hard as I thought it would be!  At least I can receive and give phone calls and receive and send text messages.  My DGC will be thrilled that grandma has entered into the new world of high tech!

    Been busy cooking all my old standbys for my new friend who loves to eat anything I cook...what a pleasure! I've fallen off my diet a little but it takes time to make a transition to a new way of living.  So far no weight gain, which I can't believe, but we've been very active so that must be the reason.

    It's going to take me some time to catch up on all the posts...hope everyone is having a great new year!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Kaara u sound so happy and that u'r having a great time... Good for u--Enjoy.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Oh neat that you have a whole new world to explore in this new year.  You DO sound happy and that is what life is all about!  I'm happy for you!   You go, girl!  Keep in touch and let us know how all is going for you!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Kaara, good to hear from you!  So glad you're enjoying life as you begin a new relationship.  Keep in touch.

    The Kindle Fire is actually a notebook.  I can check e-mail, look up info. on Google.  Today I downloaded CNN and BBc.  DH had downloaded NPR when he was setting up my account.  I now have Cooking Light on the Kindle.  i can read the current issue or look at other issues.  I feel a little bad that my sister gave me her Kindle but she doesn't have wi-fi or good internet connection at her house.

    Last night I started reading Grisham's latest, The Racketeer.  Not on the Kindle.  My oldest brother is a readaholic and buys lots of books and passes them on.  Anyhow...  Grisham is a good storyteller.  He doesn't have a great prose style but his narratives are fast-paced and he has an instinct for a good story.   The narrator in this book is a black lawyer in prison.

    Went to the WW meeting today but didn't weigh in.  The room was packed.  Typical for Jan.  Afterwards I went to Talbots and found some good bargains.  40 per cent off the sale price and another 5 per cent for using your Talbot charge card.  I bought red corduroy jeans!  My closet has enough blacks and browns and tans. 

    Our weather is turning warm and rainy.  Temps in the 70's and rain every day.  This is looking like a rainy LA winter.  Fortunately, I have lots to do indoors.

    Chevy, I guess Nascar starts up in Feb.? 

    Have a good evening, everyone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Carole I like the color u bought--nice and strong and warm. And the book sounds great--I like him.

    U'r weather sounds good tho, ours is no snow on the ground but cold wind--even when it's sunny so I'm not rushing out for anything.

    It sounds like we're starting the year off OK so we should all be happy.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Kaara....yes you go gal like Rita said.  Life is short and then you have to deal with all sorts of negatives like un-wanted diseases so if you have a chance to grab a new slice of life  to try.........good for you.  We never know what may be just waiting for fill our cup.

    Good day....went fairly fast.  I am tired though so will be glad to unwind in a short time.

    Your books sound fantastic Carole.  I miss reading.......I was once so avid and still think there is something really special about holding a book in your hand, smelling the pages, and the delicious anticipation when it is a really good book.  Those are the things I so miss.  I hope  ( since daughter Kate is doing such a good job ) that one of these days soon ---- I just might be able to pick up a book and read to my heart's content while I awaken that part of me that always found such joy and bountiful feelings as all those pages turned .

    Hope you all had a wonderful day.

    Peace & love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Life only appears complicated when one is worrying.
    Relax, and life becomes simple again.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning Jackie and everyone...  It's going to be warmer today here also....! 

    Yes Kaara!  Good for you!  You sound so happy....  

    Carole, I just down-loaded Baby Doe Tabor....The madwoman in the Cabin....  She is a Colorado legend... and her face is still on the bar-room floor in the Teller house in Central City here...  I also looked up Howard Hughes.... I had read a couple of  books  about his life, years ago, but I love to read about people that interest me....  There was a lot on IMBD that I don't need to read an actual book again.   I somehow still have a wi-fi connection that my neighbor used to "re-program" my Nook, so that Baby Doe book went right in!  I do NOT understand wi-fi, just that it is working right now.Wink  Yes, I have a bunch of John Grisham's books in paperback....  So I like to read those too.  I bought a lot of books at the flea-market, and at sales that  buy out books from book-stores that go out of business.... usually for a dollar....   You know, I don't care how old a book is, it doesn't matter to me.... and they are a lot cheaper, Ha!   If the author is someone I like, and it is easy to read, like you say, that is what sells it to me.  AND if it's only a dollar.... Ha, ha!

    Yes!!!!!!  Nascar starts in February!  I was just looking that up yesterday.  Did you see that Jeff Gordon is one of the "stars" in that new TV show?

    It's called "I get that a lot".... Kind of like Candid Camera...where the stars take on another roll, and the people try and figure out where they have seen them before.... I watched a clip yesterday, on my computer!  Pauley Perrette??? is on that one show with Mark Harmon, and SHE was a clerk in a pet store, and that clip was sooooooo funny!  I'll try and find it and post it....

    Okay, bye gals... have fun today!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Okay, watch the clip with Jeff Gordon, then the one with Pauley Perrette from NCIS... She even trys to give the wrong dog to this gal!  Smile

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Everyone sounds happy.  That's nice.

    It's cloudy here and mild, in the 50's.  Good chance of rain in the afternoon.  The sun just came out!  I plan to go for a walk, make bread, organize another closet. 

    DH went to exercise at the YMCA this morning and now is off to play tennis.  He's making me look bad!  I'm still sitting here in my robe.

    Hope to check back in later.  Everyone have a good day.