Donate to when you checkout at Walgreens in October. Learn more about our Walgreens collaboration.
Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Taylormd, good luck with the exchange.  I didn't have TEs, but I doubt that you will have to have a drain.  Everything should be healed by now.  From what I've heard, the exchange isn't a big deal and you should recover quickly.

    I had the immediate reconstruction.  Implants were put in place when I had the BMX.  I could elect to have a "revision" and go back for larger implants.  From what I've been told, I would not have drains.

    I hope you're happy with your results.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Hi all, am still having trouble keeping up on line since having this cold - sorry to write so much!
    Carole, I hope the storms didn't affect you.  Can you believe the tornadoes persisting all winter??  Glad you are OK.
    Thanks to Jean, Chevy, Jackie, Camille & others for weiging in on tinnitus.  I also notice it more at quiet times...I just wonder why it suddenly appeared.  It's really annoying.
    We went to Broadway (Glengarry Glen Ross w/Al Pacino) and it was a fun night.  We had no traffic, and I arranged parking and dining ahead.  We got in 3 hours before the show so we dined leisurely at a quiet wine bar near Times Square...but I suddenly realized the show was 7 not 8 PM.  Then I realized my tickets were still in the car 3 levels down in the parking garage.  In 20 minutes we ate cheesecake, paid the check, walked to garage and fetched the tickets, walked to the theater and made it on time.   I want to go to shows more often, but it's expensive.  This wasn't a musical and were the priciest tix ever...the only time I paid more was when we went to the last game ever at old Yankee Stadium.
    Anyway, it was a special gift for DH so it was worth it.
    pt - Phantom tickets -- that's a great Angel story! 
    Chevy, speaking of smoking, we were in the 3rd row of theater and the characters were really smoking in both acts...and me with a head cold - was pretty unpleasant.
    It looks like Colorado is in the snow path again.  Be prepared!
    Jackie, am still rethinking keeping that real wood furniture!
    Kaara, I have a new iPhone5 and it's way more than I'll ever use!  I try to master one new trick at a time.
    I am happy to hear you are enjoying your relationship.  Life can be soooo good.  I am also a Bachelor junkie - is there a thread for that??
    Ritajean, I envy your roast turkey...we tried to get one this past week end and they were well over $ we got a chicken.  We didn't buy before holidays because we traveled.
    Wishing everyone a good evening and week end out for snow and flu.
    I have cardiologist tomorrow and did not lose the pounds I promised....oh well, it's a new year and I have a gym membership. :-D
    It was fun to catch up here!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    You guys, that wasn't ME, Ha, ha!  You knew that, right?   Not even close.  Wink  Just that when I was younger, a few people said I resembled her.... So I ran with that comment...

    Joan, I have been re-searching "super-hearing"..... My Husband can hear a flea fart in a wind-storm.  He drives me NUTS crabbing about these "sounds" all night.  He swears he can hear "sounds" from next door.... That would mean through the outside wall of THEIR house, into OUR outside wall, through the bedroom, and into his bed in the OTHER room.  Not to mention, the refrigerator running, the furnace and just ANY noise.  All he can do is wear ear-plugs at night.  

    When you and I wear ear-plugs, we STILL hear the Tinnitus.  I can hear it with or without my hearing aids.....  But I just have to learn to live with it.  And hearing other sounds distracts the constant "ringing" also.

    I also think his super-bionic hearing may be due to his pacemaker.  He says he can "hear" that also, but maybe it has some effect on other sounds he picks up? 

    I just have to make him STFU so he won't go next door some night, and raise hell with our neighbor!   It's even worse after he drinks...too much. Then, as some of you may know, they are super-man, and rule the world.  Frown   Of course I can't hear a thing.... no noise.... with or without my hearing aids..... I can hear better, but not like I used to.  

    So I have to find some way to keep peace around here.... especially after he,  imbibing on too many cans of Coors, and that macho masculinity emerges.....   And we all KNOW there ain't no talkin' to someone under the influence.  It has to be done this morning.... with tact, and maybe a little understanding, which I am short of right now.  I will just calmly tell him we are buying a case of ear-plugs, and that YES, his hearing is way too sensitive, (which should make him happy) and that his pacemaker might be amplifying any sounds.....  (That's my own theory)

    Also, I read that even Aspirin may cause Tinnitis? 

    Smoking?  Man, I can't be around anyone smoking.... even walking by someone puffing away, just makes me hold my breath.  I USED to smoke a pack a day, but I had to quit, when my chest ached every time I inhaled....

    Taylor!  Yes, I/we are familiar with Basal Cell AND Squamas, a few times.  DH had the "Moh's" procedure, and so did my Daughter....  She has had about 10 skin cancers, and is only 51.  I've just had 2...and the BC.  And good luck with the surgery!  It's just no fun looking forward to this.  But the gals on these boards will be able to answer your questions.... and just be here when you want to talk.

    Jackie, thanks for the little boost.....  Sometimes we all just want to go outdoors and scream our heads off... but all we can do is flop into a bag of tears....  We just have to remember, it's only temporary, that we can work through even the worst times.... we just have to hang onto hope.

    Oh wow, Bonnets and Carole, I cannot go shopping with anyone either!  It's like "meet me at this door in 1/2 hour"  That's what I tell my DH.  Going shopping with your Husband, is like going hunting with the game warden!!!   And I TOLD him that!

    It's MY money, MY gift card, and if I want to spend it on "what-ever" I will!  I KNOW I don't need another purse!  But I might WANT one!   I might WANT another jar of cream.... or fancy pasta!   GO WAIT FOR ME!  SHEESH!!!  Yes, that was my day yesterday.

    Rita..... I love roasting a Turkey!  And all the white meat.  We should have one more often.

    It's supposed to snow a little here today, but doesn't look like it yet......  I like when it stays in the Mountains.  Have a good day gals.......... xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
    - Lao Tzu

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Ok beautiful gals, it is going to be 67 degrees here today.  Hope I left at least one pr. of shorts out.  Just kidding, of course.  We are going to descend into cooler after Sat. and Sun.  Nice to get a preview of Spring though. 

    talormd.....looking for the positive in a situation....if you get so many problems all at once, hopefully you get to skate for awhile with almost nothing. Not always easy but I try to look at problems as if they are building blocks and producing knowledge, courage, compassion and ability to withstand the trials of life.  I think in spiritual terms this is glorying your soul and giving you not only an outer soundness,but an inner one as well. 

    Joan...good to see you again.  Sorry about the harsh efffects of the cold.  I know from many years ago how miserable they can make you.  I have been so fortunate since we came back to my home state and town in southern Illinois here..............nary a cold or even little sniffle.  Even my loooong 6 mos. of chemo in the middle of winter was unable to put me under.  I do admit that I gave myself Nuepogin shots for a week after every chemo infusion but others did as well and got colds anyway.  Don't know why I missed out but I have been thankful and as well grateful ever since. 

    Chevy, you are always too funny.  Many times I can ignore ( good practise anyway for ignoring hubby ) the ear ringing.....sometimes it is more like a buzzy sort of ring, but other times I just feel an aggravation since I NEVER knew I should have been appreciating all those years before when I did not have it.  That is about the way it happens.....don't know how good we have it, till we don't have it so good anymore.  Still in the scheme of things it is sooooooo very, very minute a thing.     Don't go till the end of February to get my hearing aids.  I'd love to make it sooner but since they are coming through the V.A. I  will jsut be patient.  I have lots of things to focus on till then. 

    Hope you all have a really gorgeous day....a just right day if possible.  That is what I'm planning.  See you all later

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Chevy, LOL you make me are so right - even with plugs the ringing doesn't stop.  I took a bit of Excedrin right before getting this in October/November. My last cold was painful in every symptom.  This time I started with aspirin then switched to Tylenol but it seems to be worse.  I have taken aspirin all my life and would have occasional fog and background hum from it but never anything like now. 
    Amazing that your DH has super sonic hearing ... well there are advantages if he can hear things you can't.  Like if there's an unfriendly dog or a bicycle coming at you.  But he has to TELL you....Tongue Out  I guess that gives him even more power...
    I missed a doctor appointment this morning and had to reschedule for next week.  More stress...
    I guess there is a reason I'm home today...lifelong friend's sister (55) has ILC (lobular) tumor 8 x 9cm (very large) ... just got a call from my friend and pre-surgery axillary lymph node biopsy is positive.  This is so unbelievable as she was told last year that a mass under her arm was fatty tissue.  I am praying that it is contained in the left breast and axillary node.  I've kind of run out of words.  My friend turns to me to decode the terminology and reports.  Today's question was 'why did they use the word metastatic'?

    More later....should go to office and clean off desk. 
    Thans for always being here ladies, to help me laugh and cry.


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Tinnitus crew, 

    No hearing aids dont help tinnitus, as it is a nerve thing and in your brain not your ears! Other sounds do help mask it at times. Mine started out as a low rumble, thought it was traffic on the highwau near where we lived, then eventually became a high pitched  whistle, that often blocks high frequencu sounds, s,t,c,d and makes understanding difficult. Chevy, by hubby  can hear everything too, isn't happy when I ask to turn up the TV. I explain it's not my hearing , that's fine, but I have to listen over the tinnitus. It varies from person to person , I knew someone who heard piano music playing! They say that may be why VanGogh cut off his ear. Now that's a drastic  solution, an d that didn't work either , I'm sure. William Shatner is a big spokes person sharing tinnitus. My former supervisor and I both had it and wud ask each other if we cud hear the others noises. You feel like people cud. Sooo we live with it!  :)

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Joan...I am so sorry to hear about your dear friend's sister.  I will also pray for her.  Why oh why can't they find the cure??????

    I'm off to town to hunt for a padded golf glove.  I want to find one before we head south as I expect to play some golf and the orthopedic hand surgeon told me not to do that without a really good padded off I go!

    Talk to you all later.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited January 2013

    Chevyboy and Carole - NASCAR is back on Speed.  Preseason practice.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Chevy, would be interesting for DH to have a hearing test. DD complained for years about people making noise with their forks on the plate (to the point of changing tables in a restaurant). We had our ears tested at the state fair and she could hear way above the rest of us. Has DH tried a white noise machine?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Hi everyone--Rita I don't care what u say u  look much younger. so there

    And Chevy I was going to say we looked a lot alike years ago. but u blew it. LOL

    And Joan sorry again about u'r friends sister.

    Oh and all I had is a sinus infection which the last couple of years knocks me out--I'ce never had them before. but my Diarrhea is acting up alot and now with pain, so next week I'll maybe find out what's wrong after all my tests--I've had the before and no one can figure it out so maybe new eyes can come up with something--we'll see

    Jackie it's not 67 here it's like 46 and cloudy but like u said the weekend which is tomorrow is supposed to get cold again.

    I admire u gals for golfing, it's not just the excercize it's a competitive way to make u do better. Good choice.

    Oh and Rita I want more proof of u'r age--like more pics. hahaha well at least u didn't get upset with me.

    Oh Chevy in my youth I used to be told I looked like Sohia Loren--yea right well now I look like Uncle Fester so times haen't been kind to me. LOL

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2013

    Hi northstar.  I am newly diagnosed with recurrent breast cancer, but of the axillery tail of the breast which is my armpit area.  Nothing has recurred in my breast.  I stayed clean for 10 years and after my mammogram, my surgeon felt an enlarged lymph node and sent me for biopsy which confirmed the malignancy.  My scans have revealed no spread.  My oncologist wants 5 weeks of chemo, followed by surgery, possibly a radical mastectomy.  I am seeking a second opinion before any treatment begins.  In the meantime, to help myself, I have changed my diet.  i am just glad that there is a forum here for us to share our concerns and encouragment with one another. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Hi Wren!  Yes, a white-noise machine..... kind of like a fan?  Yes, he needs one, right over his head!  Wink  He can hear noises coming out of "the floor."  I just look at him, and shake my head.   Wear the damn ear plugs!    Yes, I would love for him to drive an audiologist nuts, by having a hearing test.....  When he goes with me for a hearing test, we all hear how he can hear EVERYthing!  Okay fine.... go buy yourself a nice gag.  OK?

    But I can SEE with no problem!  Except I do have driving glasses.  But he has a hard time in the stores, trying to look at prices.... I have no trouble with anything close....

    One time our grocery bill was like $9 extra!  I checked the receipt, and saw something on there for over $9!  I called, gave them the upc code, and she said it looks like you bought something out of the deli for that!  I said what WAS it???  Tracked it down to those stupid Asian rice rolls!  GEEZ!  He had no clue they were that much.  Hasn't happened again.

    Luvmygoats!  I don't get the Speed channel!!!!!!!!!  But I have their 2013 schedule....  Sometimes I miss the Saturday night races.... because I always think of Sunday....  Won't be long now!  Smile

    Joan, I'm so sorry.... About the word metastatic.... just briefly answer the one question, like "it might someday be in other places"  without going into ANY detail.... She will find out soon enough.   God, it must makes you kind of weak to hear something like that....  My problems have nothing to do with anything serious like that....  ((((hugs))))

    Okay.... I'll go do something worthwhile.....  xooxxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Honeybair---welcome but sorry--no one likes this word anytime. If u don't feel confident with this Dr. by all means find another. But I have noticed more and nore mastectomies going on than ever before. maybe the thought is no more cancer and as u know so many of us have had chemo before anything now.

    I didn't see where u lived but I'm sure there are more Dr.s in u area that u will feel more comfortable with and let us know. U can google the Drs around there and see who would have been trained and put their residency where u would feel good about---that's about all gogling I did. And I picked a great ream. So Good Luck.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Honeybair!  We are all here....  It's alright... NorthStar hasn't been around for ages.... don't know where she is.... but most of us here, have been through the worst part of diagnosis and treatment.

    My one Doctor had the same diagnosis that you have.... I think.  She had chemo, then the mastectomy.  You have a lot of options, and things to wonder about, and questions to ask.  You should write them all down, and take them with you, then write the answers down.   I kept a note-book of my diagnosis, tests, etc.  So this will help you not worry so much. 

    I'm over 3 years out.... just a lumpectomy, but many here, have had the mastectomy....  Okay.... let us know how we can help you..... ((((hugs))))

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Welcome honeybair...I am sorry that you have to face this again.  Darn it all!  I'm so glad that the scan showed no spreading.  Did you do chemo the first time around?  You are right to get a second opinion.  Come back often and we'll help you through whatever you choose to do to knock down this beast!

    Like you, I have tried to change my diet but gosh it's hard to stay away from that sugar. I did pretty good until the holidays and then I fell off "my sugar wagon" and now I need to get back on it.  I really have to admit that I felt better when I ate better. are just TOO FUNNY.  I love your posts!  You say something nearly every day that gets me chuckling!

    Found my golf glove!!!!  YEA!!!

    Everyone have a great night.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Thank you Rita.... some days it's just hard to find a clear thought..... But most of the time, I can look beyond things that make us normally pull the rest of our hair out, and think of something fun.   

    I used to write my Mom and Dad just silly, meaningless letters.... They had a lot of long words in them that meant NOTHING, but fit into a funny sentence.Wink So I had fun writing  them, and listening to my Dad when he called me back, ha!    

    I found me gloves too Rita!  Only they are new mittens!  Found them at Ross, and I LOVE them!   A cute umbrella too!  That's in case we ever see Summer and it rains, instead of SNOWS!   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    And I had to twist my arm, so I wouldn't buy these shoes....

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Chevy, You mean you cud actually walk in those things! Or were you just going to look at them? Yikes my feet hurt in 2 inch heels!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Are you kidding?  My favorite shoes are Crocs!  And they make cute styles now!  I don't have baby-doll's any more, along with my high -heels...  Undecided  Okay, THIS will surprise you.... I even used to have a pair of crotchless panties....  I was such a tramp.... but married, ha!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Oh my gosh....the things you learn here....

    welcome honeybair, we get silly here sometimes but I'm sure it is good the soul and laughter is a wonderful medicine. 

    Hope you all had a very wonderful Friday.............I love the sound of tires on the pavement on Friday carrying me home from work.  Oh yea.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Chevy u wore crouchless panties and stilletto heels u weren't a tramp, u still are--let's face it.  I f I even tried on those shoes, I'd have 2 broken legs--from the shoes and probably what I'd try to do with them on. Whoa, but I envy anyone who could wear them. I always loved shoes, now I'm so limited with what I can wear it stinks. And I don't think crouchless Depends really works. OY

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Well, I met my DH when I was 18.... So I never went to a bar, or a club, because I didn't drink.... Man, I hated the taste of beer!  We got married when we were 20... and got pregnant 3 months later...Smile   So I never knew a life other than going to drive-in's before we got married, then with our two little girls.... and being a Mommy.

    We did try to always do something fun, even if it was just going fishing, picnics, but nothing that cost very much money...   And somehow, DH heard of several "fun" things, and that's why I tried those silly panties...  We were married for at least 7 years, before I had even HEARD of different "perks," Ha!

    Bonnets, I don't think I could even STAND in those shoes.... I see some of those sparkly stillettos at the Mall, and just walk by them, with my comfy crocs on,  and smile....

    And have you watched them DANCING in them on Dancing With the Stars???  I love that show.

    I think if I came out of the bedroom, with that fancy little baby-doll nighty I used to have, and a pair of high-heels with those stockings with the seams, my DH would think he had died and gone to heaven.... Well, it's fun to remember what we used to be like. 

    Am I the only one that dressed up like that when we were young?  It can't be TOO unusual, because we've been together over 57 years...Ha!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Glad to find someone else who hates the taste of beer. People used to tell me , "you have to get used to it!" Why get used to something you can't stand!Yuk!

    Sooo foggy here this morning, can't see the house across the street. Hope it clears before I have to go getmy perm.

    My feet used to hurt when I was 20 and only thought 3.5 inch heels were high. Now it's comfort. I'd fall on my nose in those 5 inchers. I see some young gals struggling to walk in them.

    Yep, we never did anything expensive either. Took the kids camping, that was our biggie, or visit my aunt in Fla. Tents for us! Now my ex lives there with a big house on the golf course. Things sure change:)

    Gota go , have a good one!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    "Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love."

    Author Unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Camille....too funny about the crotchless Depends.....definitely the Poise pads that go in the Depends would not make it if they were "open" to the wind. me thinking about my young years.  The years as it were went pretty slow.  I was impatient, so impatient but I don't think I gave that away.  The FOREVER of reaching 21 was endless and many times so boring.  Now I feel almost everyone ( at least once in a great while if there is time ) looks back maybe wishing they had not seen time so slow and laborious perhaps.  I think, I've lived so much of life already.....the biggest part is behind me, rather than in front of me. 

    I am ok with that fact, find it a comfort many times.  Not saying I'm in too big a hurry to greet my eternity, but each step we take has meaning and richness and contributes something of value.  Doesn't matter how small --- a smile, a helping hand, a small gift to a charity.....telling someone else something nice you noticed about them.  At some point I guess ( I can't speak too much for others ) we all realize we may not do something wonderful recognized by most of the world -- but everyone can do many small things everyday.............and all those small things added up are going to be enormous.  There will be a shining beautiful soul -- not less because of all the small things...never, never less. 

    It is nice to be ok with where you are....because it is exactly where you are supposed to be -- even if it seems you got there a lot faster than you thought you would, and maybe a tiny bit worried that you missed some things along the way. You didn't.  Your soul is always totally aware and the faintest trace is recorded and will be available if and when needed.

    So happy Saturday to everyone.  All of the pensive thoughts above because of crotchless panties.  Who'd have thought, huh!!!

    Peace & love,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    It's so funny, because I worked at Coors for over 18 years, Ha!  I LOVED that company, and the family, but I just couldn't ever like the taste of beer.  I loved the smell of the Malt House.... Taking tours through there, and into germination!    I could drink anything sweet.... The Zima was pretty good, but screw-drivers or Margaritas are better.Wink

    Bonnets.... Yes camping!  And fishing!  One time on a lake, the wind was blowing so hard.... I was sitting in the tent, on the cot, holding our little baby Janie.... about 6 months old.  A gust of wind came up, and blew that damn tent over and I held it up with my head!    I just said "HELP" a little loud, so I wouldn't scare the little one, and DH came running with our 3 year old, and rescued us.... Ha!   I even washed our dishes in the lake, with sand and water!   I thought it was fun....Smile 

    I know Jackie.... I remember working as a long distance operator when I was 18, and thinking the girls that were 24 were awfully old!   EVERYthing was slow in the 50's.... Those were the best years.... AND raising our girls in the 60's.   Just walking to the park with them and a picnic, when they were little, and buying 1 chocolate coke to go, so we could split it at the park.  That was sooooo special.  I didn't have my own car, so we walked a lot......  I remember taking them on the bus down-town to see Fantasia!  And then walking to Sam's to get a hamburger with fries, and splitting it. We just stretched every dollar we had.... Ha!

    But I don't think of it as that we missed anything, ever.... because if we missed it, we don't even know about it. Wink

     Part of our lives are behind us, but waking up every morning like you say, and being able to look forward to doing something fun, or different, makes it something to always look forward to.   So today we are going to the Mills again.... just to walk around, and get a Starbucks iced coffee...

    And maybe stop in Bath & Body Works to get some more wall-flower scented plug-ins.  I love those things!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Hi gals!

    It looks like we're in for some freezing rain, sleet and snow this evening.  If you were here, Chevy, you could go out and walk in the freezing rain with that new umbrella to test it out!  :-)  Me?  I still prefer that sunshine and am counting the days until we head south for a month. 

    Although I seldom drink anything anymore, I do like beer.  I was raised as a River Rat on the banks of a river and everyone drank beer.  We usually drank it over ice so it stayed cold longer.  The ice diluted the beer as it melted and so the beer didn't taste as strong.  Every once in a while I have a glass or can of beer with pizza or when we have people over to play cards, but I still ask for a glass of ice.

    We are headed to Peoria this evening for a late Christmas gathering with two of my friends that I taught school with for several years.  One of them is a 17 year breast cancer survivor.  She posted for a little bit on the boards under the name of Mary Jane.  Jackie has met her and she is a fantastic lady!  We usually wait until after the holidays to celebrate so that we can enjoy our evening together without the usual holiday stress.  I hope we make it back before the wintry mix hits the area.

    Everyone have a good weekend and try not to work too hard.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Just read where the moderators posted.... we all lost "Apple"....  It just makes you so sad.....  I don't want to lose ANYbody EVER!  

    Rita, it's just so cold here!  Like 10 degrees, and the Bronco's are playing.... Yee-gads!  That wind-chill just takes your breath away....

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Ritajean, glad you found that glove!  My little par 3 course is closed until April...but I love to play there because it's beautiful to walk around the trees and ponds.  (note - not the traps)  Enjoy your time!
    Chevy, and others, thanks for your empathy concerning my friend's sister, Alice.  I feel like I'm surrounded by people who are sick lately. And Chevy, be careful, because while you are putting on your fancy stockings and shoes, remember that DH can hear everything that's going on!  What fun for him Tongue Out
    The 3rd time I visited the Coors brewery in Golden, I was early pregnant and the malt (should have said...) made me really sick.  Ever since then I don't like the smell in microbreweries.  Beer is OK though...
    It seems like time flies - but it doesn't really....we just have so much more to do now...there are very few idle hours since laptops tablets and cell phones.  Turning them off will give more "time" to focus on the joys of each day. 

    Hugs & stay well,