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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    "And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh."

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Good morning as I wait for full daylight.  There are dogs around here who bark for hours.....and mine is one of them as he feels it necessary to "answer" the others.  We got a bark collar but guess it needs a battery or something.  Will have to remedy that today. 

    I have a few things to do today and want to visit some friends if I can.  I'm sort of upset......growing up I lived between two ladies who were sisters.  One is 94 and does now spend a lot of time in a wheel-chair, but is still at home with help there.  The other is home as well,but younger at 87.  She is headed into Alzheimer's.  I'm so sad about that.  She has always been a fighter, but since her second and only remaining son passed away suddenly almost two yrs. ago she has lost ground.  I know she always felt ( and I know he intended too ) that her son would come home at some point, and she would not be alone.  As is.....her nephew drives all the way from Texas every couple of months to spend some time with her and help her do many of the things her son would have. 

    The only blessing right now is that for the most part she is fine during the day time, but when night falls.....she loses it quite a bit.  Just a sad thing.  I often feel if her son had lived......she might be a bit better.  Just feel her bouts of deprssion after his passing hurt her and removed a lot of her drive and spunk.  Anyway.....we don't get to pick and choose things.  This is what is matter how it got there.

    Hope you all have a good Sunday.  Our cold weather moved in after the rain and we will have to watch out for a bit this morning.  See you all later.

    Peace & love,


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning,

    The sun is still there. Wow 3 days of fog. JUst a to-do  list day . Got to talk to the dr. about DH peripheral circulation test. DH refered him to me the other day when he called. We know since open heart , leg circ. is not the best. Wed. I go visit the radiologist. 

    Jackie, I well now dementia. Years as a nurse working with it and then my Mom. Eventually had to put her in a nursing home. But not til her 90s. It's scary, as you also think will that be me some day. Everytime you forget someones name, or why you walked into the room!

    I guess getting old id better than the alternative.  Have a good day

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Good morning. and thanks Bonnets.  The perspective you had--getting old is better than the alternative is right.  One way or the other, whether our mental faculties slowly leave us or not.......everyone, almost always I think has someone who can step in and care for them. 

    On a not so happy note....I didn't get out yesterday as I  hoped.  Weather turned so bad --- sleet and some ice formation on the ground.  Just to feed the feral cats I had to stop at the first auto supply store in town and buy new windshield wipers.  Mine were frozen to the car windows....for the third time this year and even after warming up well and all ice off, the distortion of the wiper blades made it seem like my eyesight had gotten really bad.  So, got the blades, and did what I had to do but figured I really shouldn't be out anywhere ( other drivers to consider too ) where I didn't absolutely need to be. 

    We are staying really cold for a couple of days, but the ice problems, if any left, will have been taken care of by now thank goodness. 

    Hope you all have a great Monday.

    Peace & Love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    "Never forget where you've been. Never lose sight of where
    you're going. And never take for granted the people who travel
    the journey with you."

    -- Susan Gale

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies! I'm a newbie waiting for my prep appt w BS 1/15. This is not my plan for journey into 60s, but I plan to kick along the way & keep my focus on my goals! Just had to add a new one- defeat c.

    I'm blessed with a son who is a nurse so there will be no whining. He comes with a beautiful wife & soon to be 2 grandson.

    My DH is on his way to USC to have a followup procedure for his neobladder 14 mos c free.

    Praying to kick fast & make family BDay party end of Mar in Costa Rica but no zip line 4 me! Ha

    You ladies r amazing warriors & encouraging :))

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies! I'm a newbie waiting for my prep appt w BS 1/15. This is not my plan for journey into 60s, but I plan to kick along the way & keep my focus on my goals! Just had to add a new one- defeat c.

    I'm blessed with a son who is a nurse so there will be no whining. He comes with a beautiful wife & soon to be 2 grandson.

    My DH is on his way to USC to have a followup procedure for his neobladder 14 mos c free.

    Praying to kick fast & make family BDay party end of Mar in Costa Rica but no zip line 4 me! Ha

    You ladies r amazing warriors & encouraging :))

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013


    Welcome to our "older Ladies " club. I'm one of the more recent additions. Lost a daughter to the beast , though my genetic testing was neg, was surprised  with Diagnosos in Aug. Yep, not the way we intend to spend the Golden years. Been thru several rounds of cancer with my DH too. Again  welcome aboard.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Welcolm lulu, and anyone else I may have missed.  Its cold in West Texas and tomorrow our high is only to be 28.

    Since Jan.3 we have had 14 inches of snow in the mountains.  There is some left in the higher elevations.

    Last week I stayed home on Wed. to do an online course for work and did not feel very well.  Went to the Dr. on Thursday, plowed through the mud, snow and yuck.  By the time I left the Dr., they had given me a shot of steriod, antibiotic, B12 and 10 days of kflex by mouth.  Sinus infection. 

    Better today, but wish it would warm up some. 

    Don't be afraid to ask anything you want or to vent when you need to.

    Take care

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    RMlulu....ah, Rancho Mirage.  Well, I say it like I've been there, don't I !!!!!!  I haven't but I did live for 25 years in southern California...loved it very much, but after awhile I grew tired of the somewhat endless nicer weather.......yearned for REAL seasons, and when my Mom chose to migrate back home....hubby and I soon followed.  Been back here for 15 years now....and they have gone so fast.

    I dare say, nary a one of us had this little cancer part ( turns out to be a huge part in some ways ) in our life's plan.  Not a good way to start retirement or gentle into one, if you ask me ????  Almost to a person I imagine we were all minding our own business ( hope it was my own I was minding ) and feeling like I had dodged so many bullets that might have hit when to my surprise, I found one actually had.  Tell the truth, I had reached a point where getting mammo's was so routine.  Having dense breasts....I started mammo's early in life.  So, in 2007 I JOINED a club I don't much like, but the women here are terrific and while we do a lot of hand holding and coaching and sharing of things that worked/didn't work, or were just ok to make the time and ride smoother.....we talk about many things, cut up and otherwise miss-behave just a bit. 

    I hope you will stay with us is a very nice place with a lot of well-seasoned ladies.

    Peace & Love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Welcome, Lulu.  Join the club of women who didn't plan to contend with bc in our "mature" years.  Good luck with your surgery and recovery.  Hope everything goes well.

    Hate to whine but I will whine!  Our weather has been crappy for about two weeks.  The ground is saturated from all the rain and we're all sick of the dreariness.  At least it cooled off.  Today we're in the 50's instead of the 70's so the heat can run inside the house and dry out the air a little.  It's looking like we may be back to sunshine on Friday.

    Today I weighed in at WW and am still in the Free Zone!  I was up 2.4 lbs since before the holidays but am still slightly below my (stated but not actual) goal weight.  Yippee!  I get to use the WW E-tools without paying.  This week I plan to get more serious about dropping some more lbs.

    DH cooked a big pot of beef vegetable noodle soup today while I was out and about, attending the WW meeting and buying groceries for my mother.  It's delicious.  We'll have it for dinner with a salad and some home-made bread. 

    Happy Monday to all.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    It's been a little quiet around here but that's good so I can catch up!
    Carol, that soup would be perfect up here in NY today....they said it would warm, but we haven't seen the sun for awhile and it's damp. 
    I had a busy week end with an impromptu trip to NJ to visit two grandaughters (I missed the BD party last week since I was sick).  Also it was son-in-law's BD too.  We had a good visit. 
    Flu hit the main office of my building on campus this week.  I don't have to go there until next week, so I'll stay on the 2nd floor where I'm the only person until Tuesday.  Classes start and am dreading the sharing of assorted colds and dreaded flu.  I plan to get a flu shot tomorrow. 
    Am back to work (2nd week) after a little holiday break, and I feel like I'll never get done at work or home.  Am sitting here carefully packing away the fragile Christmas stuff....putting in small boxes so there are many. 
    My friend from work is coming to clean my house tomorrow and that makes me stressed because I have to pick up and put everything away.  I just want to do it in my own time. 
    RMlulu, I don't know your diagnosis, but chances are good that you will do great.  You have the right approach...I was so determined to get right back to normal; in retrospect, I wish I had taken more time to rest and heal  I only missed 4 days of work and worked through rads.  But BC has not interrupted my life.  I wish the best for you!
    Hugs & good thoughts...


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Morning gals... Hi RMlulu!  So today is the day you meet with your BS.... Hope you like him/her as much as I did mine.  She was young, about the same age as my oldest Daughter, and right away I was confident and happy with her.  She was a GS.... not a Bs, but she had done hundreds of Lumpectomy's and mastectomys.  

    I had the MammoSite device implanted during surgery.... ask about it!  See if you would be a candidate for that type of Radiation..... It is for the 7 days, twice a day, instead of the 5 week radiation. 

    That's in case you have to have radiation.  And I know nothing about chemo, but the other gals on here can really help with your questions.  It's all up to your surgeon, your radiologist and oncologist..... and us!  Wink

    And everything depends on your final diagnostic report... as to which course you will be taking.  You are going to WHERE, WHEN?  I don't know if you will be swinging from too many trees in March, Ha, ha!   But that would be good for you, just getting away, and having fun.

    Mommarch!  Good luck with that sinus infection.... I HATE those things!  Did you try those sinus rinses?  And a vaporizer or humidifier?  I really like NyQuil... even the DayQuil, or whatever it was.  And I took that Mucinex.  

    You guys, my hands are sooooooo much better!  I took that Prednisone, and used that new ointment, besides the bleach in the dish-water, and creamed the living day-lights out of them, and wore the gloves.  They aren't cracking anymore.   And the skin on my fingers is STAYing there!  Smile They peeled so many times I felt at one with snakes.

    Carole,YOU'RE weather has been crappy?  It is 5 degrees out right now!  My shoulders and knees hurt.  If it got in the 50's here, I would run outdoors with a bikini on, and bask in the sun.... on the ice.   Just to feel the sun once again..... on my freckles.

    Sounds so fun that your DH cooks!    I LOVE pot roast, and stew, and anything slow cooked.  Does he put turnips in it?  That's the only way I can look at a turnip... My Grandma made me eat turnips once when I was little.  With butter.  I thought I would just gag.  Now they aren't too bad, but they have to be flavored and masked... like in a stew. 

    They used to grow those things.... and Parsnips, and even Chickens!  I remember my Grandpa telling me to come outdoors with him...because he was going to fetch a chicken.   I'll never forgive him for that.  I had nightmares all of my growing years.  I just remember everyone laughing, and I was sobbing.   But that must have made me into what I am today.... I love all animals.... It's a miracle I am not a Vegan....Wink

    Jackie, yes we  misbehave !   Ha ha!  Half the time it's like we are all at the corner drugstore.... just girl-friends having a coke and a hamburger and laughing about EVERYthing!   That's the way it should be.

    Joan, it sounds like you clean your house before your house-cleaner comes. Wink  Is that like washing the dishes before you put them in the dish-washer?   Our Grandson will be here this WEEKEND!!!!!  Yay!  Snacks and fun on the way! 

    Okay gals..... what IS today... Oh eeks, it's only Tuesday.... Oh well, have fun!  (Edited to add... Carole, it is NOW 2.5 degrees....)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies--wow I missed alot---Welcome lulu sorry u'r here. but I hope it gives u some comfort and smiles and info. Nice ladies here.

    I see we were going down memory lane a little, I missed alot of my kids growing up--my ex left me when my youngest was 6weeks old so I worked alot and that I feel sad about--but hat;s life--the funny pat about it was my whole life I hated working I wanted ro grow up and have a family and stay home to be a housewife. I was glad rhen I had 2 girls cu we had a nice closemess tho so all in all it was fine. And I really wasn't ready to stop working cuz I had a plan with m pension and stuff--but that didn't work out the way I wanted Damn cancer.But it could always be worse and I'm OK so I just kinda stay home ezpecially now when it's cold--I a;ways catch a sinus infection too, never had hem before, so it's al crazy thing to me.

    I saw my Onc yesterday and I told her a sde effect is that I can't type very well anymore --so it's on the records ladies i'm excused from good typing LOL It's funny cuz she's a new Onc for me only saw her a few times, but she is so nice and gives me so much rime. My sister saw hers last week and said she spent abour 2 mins with her, mine was with me at least 20 mins. So I'm really liking her, she's prob. in her 40's--It's hard to tell anymore for me. Tomorrow is my heart scan or whatever it is called and Thursday is my down the throat and up my ass. Now I still have somewhat of a sinus , cough infection--my lings are clear does anyone know if I can still go thru with the up and dow test since they have to drug me, or is the drup light enoug where t doesn't matter. When I had a colonoxcopy before I didn't take anything so it didn't make any difference but he won't let me do it without because of the gagging down the throat. I don't know if I should call and ask or it fin lke this????? Anyone??????????/

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Camille, what kind of drug are you taking that makes a difference with your typing?  But as long as it all makes sense to you, is all that matters, ha!

    So you are going for a test?  I've never had the "up and down" test, but it sounds like I would rather not...Wink  I've had a colonoscopy, where you drink that pond scum, but never an upper GI....  Do you mean swallowing that tube?  I think that's what you mean.

    Ask if it makes any difference with your cough....I would wait, until that is gone... see what they say.

    Your X left you too?  Like Kantalope's?  Geez, these men!  I can't stand men who will not only leave their wifes, but their little children.  And then they have no part of their lives!  I know someone like that also.... Left his wife and 2 little girls.  THEN tried to contact them 20 years later!  Can't find one, and the other one who lives in the same State wants NOTHING to do with him.  He is slime.... no wait....  worse than that.  

    His Sister, who is my friend just seems to think, "oh well."......  And one of her Grand-sons shook his Son, and caused permanent brain damage, which landed him in Prison for over 10 years....  Not long enough I say.... But I asked how the little boy was, and she said "oh he will be alright, just not doing as well as he should."  Well I think NOT!!!   His Dad HURT him, permanently?    How does she talk to her Grand-son??  Just like nothing happened??    Sure he served "his time" but his little Son has to live life being handicapped  for the REST of his life.

    It's a good thing I don't always say what I want to....  What got me going on THIS???

    Oh yeah.... your HUSband....Wink  I know what you mean about the closeness with your two girls....  But I feel that with my Grand-sons too, even though they don't live here! 

    Good Luck tomorrow... let us know.... Write down questions, and also the answers.....  xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    "Everything is a life lesson. Everyone you meet, everything
    you encounter, etc. They're all part of the learning
    experience we call 'life.' Never forget to acknowledge the
    lesson, especially when things don't go your way. If you don't
    get a job that you wanted or a relationship doesn't work, it
    only means something better is out there waiting. And the
    lesson you just learned is the first step towards it."

    -- Author Unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Good morning everyone.  I hope the gals on my other thread or any of you, don't mind.  I copied and pasted what I wrote on IlllinoisLadies about this quote:

    Every now and again I think we feel like maybe we have had one too many lessons, huh !!!! But then, when least expected ( it often works that way for me anyhow ) I start to see what was presented ( although often seeming so harsh ) to me and I see lots of different faucets to it does dawn on me that even when it took something hard to get through and even though I feel I could have learned some other presents to you how it presents and it is not a choice. Who would ever get a disease like this to "learn" about yourself and others.....but oh much was learned.

    I really do think things happen for a reason and even when the things that happen are harsh --- like a husband leaving us with little kids, or in my case, taking my little kids and leaving, that it is hard to see the benefits because the struggle of it all takes precedence for quite some time. 

    I look back on it and know it was right at the time.  Life has not turned out perfect --- but when I look back, I have learned and my children learned.  I never spoke bad about their father and encouraged contact when he was sober.  They made up their own minds  -- and we are all ok with it, including their Dad....who struggled many,many years with his alcohol addiction and it will always hang over his head. 

    I came to believe your inner spirit is what compels you often to do things -- a silent push that helps you get on in life and there is where the lesson originates.  The inner spirit has the answers -- learning to listen is the hard part. 

    I learned and learned over this disease and I am still big discoveries now, but just the little everyday things that encourage me to love my fellow travelers in this world, try to understand their viewpoint, find as much common ground as I can and to look at condemning way less as I praise more.

    That said, I have to say -- what nerve L. Armstrong has.  For me it is too late.  I perfer my hero's to actually be one through and through.  He cannot make me now see credibility in what he says.....he is out for himself just as he was when he used drugs to win.  He said all were doing what.  I think of the old adage, if all your friends jump off a cliff are you going with them.  Their is so much wrong with that man.....sadly, much wrong with a sport and sports leaders and other officials and us.....because we just turned away. 

    Oh well --- the ground underneath the soap box is begging me to get down so think I will.

    Hope you all have a good day....cold here, little sun, but tomorrow....ah.  They say it will get to 40.  I too Carole am tired of the crummy weather, after our heavy-duty taste of Spring last week. 

    Peace & love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Chevy I just made that up about my typing, I'm just a lousy typist. LOL

    Wow u 2 have lots to say about how life goes. I agree and disgree how's tha for making everyone happy. hahaha But I truly respect how u think and it's a good outlook actually and I agree with Chevy that guy is a monster 10 yrs is not enough the poor kid, it's awful.When my ex died (not to long ago) my kids didn't bother about oin or anything--bein in the 40's it was totally up to them, So his kids were never there for him and it was because of hi so that's life. And he was remarried so no money came their way, they fifured that--but if he would have that would have been a little kind of I'm sorry--so that's done.

    Jackie tomorrow I go for the heart scan and I'll ask about this cough/cldy thingy I'm still holding onto and seeabout the up and down test for the next day. And yes I have to drink that crap--the last time I had a colonoscopy I just had to take pills right after that hey sropped them, the pills were great that scum stuff is awful I know. Good things there's 2 bathroom here.

    As u can see my mind is wandering aain. LOL like u Chevy.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Oh Wow Jackie.... I'm with you!  I was reading about Lance this morning.  Him and his smug attitude!  I saw a clip the sports-casters were talking about also... about him doing this now, because the statute of limitations is maybe passed?  And maybe he will have to pay a lot of that money back, that he "won" from the people he sued!!!  And all the time it was the truth.  Somehow we all knew this!  It was his denying it that was so bad, and trying to make everyone else out the liars.

    Some are even wondering if the PED that he was taking caused his Testicular cancer.  I read where they DO cause some problems with their testicals when they use this.  Who knows.... But someone said he is no better than Bernie Maddoff....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Camille, I would give the up and down folks a call. You don't want to drink that horrible stuff for no reason. It's possible the cough could interfere with the up. When I had the test, they used versed which is a short acting valium. I was just a little tired afterwards. Went home and took a nap.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Wren maybe I should do thst tody--I just want all this over with u know what I mean.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    I'm really sorry as well as disappointed that Lance Armstrong used the performance enhancing drugs.  DH and I watched a lot of the Tour de France races on tv and were so proud of him and in awe of his endurance.  I think that he would have been an exceptional athlete without the drugs.  The same with the famous baseball pitcher whose name escapes me.  All the money in professional sports adds to the pressure to do anything to be the best. 

    I don't know why Lance decided to confess.  He will probably be leaving himself open to civil lawsuits.

    Another gloomy day here.  I caught up on ALL my ironing!  The weatherman promises sunshine by Thursday. 

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2013

    Welcome to all the new ladies, Sorry you have to be here. This is a great group of ladies. They will listen and give advice and understand what you are all going through. Good luck to you and let us know how you are.

    I caught the cold that everyone has been coming down with. I just can't seem to shake it.. It is going on 9 days. If it does not leave soon I will have to call my dr. for something to help get rid of it.  DH caught it also. At least we have it together.

    One of the ladies was saying they bought 2 bracelets saying not to use their one arm for blood pressure test or bloodwork. Where did you find those bracelets? I thought maybe it would be good to have something like that so DH would not have to worry about that in case of an emergency.

    Hope everyone has a good week!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Welcome  RMlulu.......The ladies on this thread are awesome and can help you through this journey.

    Yesterday was shopping day.  Mary Jane and I went to Peoria and shopped until we dropped.  Many of the places were having their 75% clearance sales and I found 5 shirts for my middle grandson that were pretty sharp-looking for $1.60 each.  I couldn't believe it!  There weren't any left in my older gradson's size but I thought I'd hit the jackpot!

    Today was bowling, grocery shopping, and running errands day!  I'm tired tonight!  At least the sun was out here but the temps weren't very warm. 

    Carole, that vegetable beef noodle soup sure sounded good to me!  I love soup on cold days!

    I was also bummed about Lance Armstrong.  How sad that he relied on the performance drugs. I can't see what he thinks he is accomplishing by "coming out" with this revelation now.

    Well, I'm going in search of my favorite chair and my book.  Everyone stay warm!!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Termite, Someone mentioned Creative Medical ID. I got mine from The plain bracelet was $20. I made my own fancy bracelets. I have silver and black, blue, turquoise and beige, pink and wine, and red and beige. I'm planning to do a multi-strand multi-color one next.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited January 2013

    Hi Temite, American Medical ID is another company that does medic alert bracelets and necklaces for both men and women. 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Winter is coming back  to up state NY. Snow tonight into tomorrow.Been doing errands. Saw  RD today, don't see him again for 6 months.He's a great guy, everyone loves him. Really gives back to his patients. He remembered my DH from his treating him 12 years ago for prostate, on my first visit, " I know you, I treated you!"

    Managing to stay well. I had the cold/cough for 2 months. Took a z-pac in the beginning, but coughed for 2 months! None of the MD's were worried, but I was soooo tired of it.

    Boy colonoscopy prep, my least favorite thing. Don't go thru the prep unless you know you're doing the test.

    Stay safe , warm and well.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hello ladies, I thought I would venture in and ask if anyone has any information on Mondors to share.

    I am in Australia, but fit this group age wise!

    I had a right side Mx on 19th December 2012. Was doing extremely well, went home next day and had no problems till about three weeks later when I noticed two small sections of infection in the incision. I went to see local Doctor who gave me antibiotics, but it was  looking worse the next day so I contacted my Surgeon who was good enough to open his rooms to see me. He was happy with the infection, just said to double the antibiotics for a week.

    I went back to see him on Monday, feeling fantastic, no more infection, but when he looked at the incision he said I needed to have the Seroma drained, although small it was preventing the skin from reattaching to the chest wall and there was a haematoma too, and also a knotted stitch that needed to be removed because it hadn't dissolved.I then asked him what this odd, hard, linear tubular thing was under the skin on my abdomen. He said it was Mondors. I had never heard of this.

    I was on the table being prodded, poked and syringed before I knew it.

    I have had a really sore spot where the drain came out, which was the most painful part of this whole event so far. It is right where the Haematoma seems to be. So that perhaps answers that part of my concern. My Surgeon is very confident that the Mondors and the other issues will resolve by themselves. He also said that if I have any concerns to call him. He said I should take an asprin a day, and not to worry about this little setback. I have another appointment to check everything next Thursday. 

    Sorry this is such a long post, but my question is, has anyone else either had these slight complications, or found that they have gone a bit downhill after feeling really great for weeks after their Surgery?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ariom with the pretty hair!  WinkI looked it up, as I've never heard of this before.... I read where it is benign so that is the good news.  Sounds like your team has a handle on all of it though....  I had a seroma, but not a hematoma....but again, your surgeon sounds like he knows what is going on.  Just don't wait to ask if anything else comes up!  I would write our questions down, also.... and even write down their answers.  I kept a little folder of all of my reports, etc. so I would maybe know what was going on.  Oh, and the dates!  Keep track of all of your antibiotics also, in case there is some sort of reaction.

    I think your problems all stem from your tissues trying to get back to normal, and they are trying to figure out just what the heck happened!  It seems like infections are pretty common, around our surgical sites...  I had to take 2 antibiotics at once also.... because I didn't have a drain for anything, but I had tubes coming out from the MammoSite device, and it drained all around them, until they were taken out after 10 days.  Your body will fight anything "foreign" in there...

    Bonnets, seems like everyone I talk to has had that cough!  Even on TV...they say the average time it lasts is 18 days!  Maybe because we are all talking to each other, is how we catch it...Ha! 

    Okay, I'm going to post this, and then post that link for you Ariom....