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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013


    Sounds like this was going on before your BC? 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    For life is the mirror of king and slave, 'Tis just what we are and do; Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you.
    -- Madeline Bridges

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Welcome Arion.  You are very welcome here.  Most of us have attained a bit of age on us....we say well seasoned, but really, anyone who feels need to can be here.  I don't wish to make light of anything at all, but I do think most of the things you have mentioned might easily happen.  Chevy though is correct.....none of these things can be let go and need attention from your Dr's.  This is somewhat of an odd time and it is ALWAYS better to be VERY active in getting it taken care of so as to get back in shape as soon as you can with the least amt. of fuss.

    Going to soar up to 40 here today --- really.  I'm glad if a bit on the sarcastic side.  It bothers me that we are still having so many strange  weather patterns and it remains so dificult to predict.  It has remained a lot cooler/colder since mid December and it is getting tiresome.  I'm ready for something a tad warmer and a little more consistent.

    Knock on wood I have not had anything ( I'm usually extremely fortunate that way ) at all in the way of flu or colds.  I heard it was still possible to get flu shots, but as well that the season is winding down .......  so I am feeling confident that I won't need the shot anyway.  I always intend to get these shots....I can get them free, but always procrastinate and just when I, maybe should have done it, it is going away. 

    I am no longer an organized person.  Doubting that was ever my strong point, but I'm finding it seems far worse and can see why a couple of my older friends seem always a bit on edge.  I think they are feeling like they are not always handling things as they use too and I do know one of them keeps a calendar with bigger boxes and writes anything down immediately.  That may soon become one of my tricks....but I know I'm much younger than she is.  Oh well.....whatever works, huh !!!!

    Hope you all have a gorgeouss day. 

    Peace & Love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013


    As I was lying in bed pondering the problems of the world,I rapidly realized that I don't really give a rat's hiney. It's the tortoise life for me!

    1.. If walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal.

    2.. A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water, and is fat.

    3.. A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years.

    4.. A tortoise doesn't run and does nothing, yet it lives for 450 years.

    And you tell me to exercise?? I don't think so.

    I'm retired. Go around me.

    God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

    Now that I'm older here's what I've discovered:

    1. I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.

    2. My wild oats have turned into prunes and all-bran.

    3. I finally got my head together, and now my body is falling apart.

    4. Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.

    5. Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.

    6. If all is not lost, where is it?

    7. It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser.

    8. Some days, you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant.

    9. I wish the buck stopped here; I sure could use a few.

    10. It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.

    11. The only time the world beats a path to your door is when you're in the bathroom.

    12. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he'd have put them on my knees.

    13. When I'm finally holding all the cards, why does everyone want to play chess?

    14. Its not hard to meet expenses . . . they're everywhere.

    15. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

    16. These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter . . .
    I go somewhere to get something, and then wonder what I'm here after

    17. Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.

    18. DID I SEND THESE TO YOU BEFORE..........??????

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Thanks so much Chevvyboy for the link. My Surgeon was not concerned about any of my little problems. I was just surprised that all thhis would present three weeks down the line when I thought all was going well.

    I was hoping to find another Mondors recipient, but it seems that it is quite rare. I would not be surprised if mine was triggered by the Stereotactic Core Biopsy I had a few weeks before my Mx. I have found another cord on my abdomen, but after reading the reprts I won't be too worried because it seems that it just goes away on its own. That's a bonus in itself  because I really don't like taking any meds if I can help it.

    Illinoislady, I agree that getting things seen to is the way to go. I am just looking forward to getting back to a semblance of normal. I am so lucky that I don't need any further treatment.

    I did a double take when I saw it was going to be 40 where you are, then realised you were being funny. It is going to hit 40c here today, but that equates to over 100 where you are. I live in the Lakes District of Victoria Australia, and we are having a really hot summer. It has been up to 43.5c recently.

    That was an interesting read Illinoislady, and isn't it amazing how we can relate!

    Thanks for the warm welcome and the information!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Jackie that is so funny, and all true that's what's kind of sad. LOL

    Ariom chevy came thru for u (as usual) and it should go away by itself--just keep on checking

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ariom, and happy summer! 
    I wasn't around yesterday but am catching up.
    OK - you asked for it....and I have it....Mondors.
    I noticed it a few months ago before my last Medical Onc appointment. NOBODY at the major cancer center had heard of it.  I called my BS and yes, she knew what it was and was not concerned.
    Mine presented as visible and raised veins (cording) from my cancer breast down toward my waist...kind of like tree branching.  It got better and I hardly noticed.  All of a sudden this week it came back.  I had worn an underwire (which was broken I found out) and that is where the 2nd painful spot occurred.  It's only painful to the touch.
    I read up on it again and it seems to be an impaired flow in certain veins and seems to be related to the surgery.   I am OK with it if nobody worries; but the idea of impaired blood flow makes me uncomfortable.
    What have you found out?

    Chevy, has it started to warm?  That was some cold weather you've had. 
    Jean, I have noted that you are in the snowbelt this winter for careful and stay warm.  No snow on LI - a bit too warm.  Lots and lots of cold rain and big puddles. 
    Jackie, I love it when you tell me it is warming by you because that weather usually is here in a day or two. 
    Cami - About the up an down...assume that means colonoscopy and endoscopy during the same appointment.  Am hoping all went well.  I just had it done in August and I would only go to sleep for such a thing.   A good report is what really matters and I wish that for you.
    Carole, hope all is well and that you are warming up once again.
    Am planning a week end trip to Chicago to visit DS...will come back and ask for suggestions later.  Fares are going up so I just have to do it.
    Nite all,


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hi Joan,

    So glad to find someone else in the 1% who get this. I haven't learned a lot, but Surgeon just told me to take an asprin a day, also told me that it is now something all women should be taking because not only does it help with stroke and heart attack, but new study shows in women it also prevents polyps in the colon so preventative for colon cancer.

    I digress, he told me the Mondors was "self limiting" that it will go away. They don't really know why it happens in some people, but it can be after surgery to the breast, augmentation etc, or Mx, also could happen with biopsy. Out of interest it can appear in the Penis too!

    I spoke with the Breast Nurse in my area, and she told me that she has done a course in LE treatment, and that this cording apparently can be massaged and broken up. I had a fright in bed the other night when I stretched and turned over. These things are quite tight feeling and one actually popped. I heard and felt it, the next morning I had a big dark bruise right where it had been. Can't say that was a pleasant experience, but no one seems to be too concerned about it. I'm with you though Joan, I am a little concerned about a problem with bloodflow too.

    I am going back next week to see if anythi needs to be drained again so I will ask for more information and let you know.

    In the meantime, thank you for the fast response, and information.

    He wasn't at all concerned, and told me not to let this get in the way of my great recovery. Well, I thought it was a great recover too till all these little things started to happen 3 weeks after the event.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Ariom this is the bumpy road part--all these little things (to Drs.) happen and it throws us soetimes And I love when they say 1% or @5 of people get this and it's like so zi'm the lucky one, can't win the lotto with that %, but can get something goofy in our bodies--Oh Joy--but it passes and as long as they don't worry, then don't u worry. For sure.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    You are so right Camillegal, I just wish I had the odds to win the lottery. If there is a strange thing to get after surgery I will get it. I had hand surgery for rheumatoid arthritis years ago and got a weird one called CPRS after that one. It took ages to get back to normal.

    I am sure this will all pass, it isn't like I am not feeling well. I feel great. Just seem to hit the wall early in the evening and need to sleep.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning girl-friends.  Camille is right Ariom.... We all seem to hit a wall, somewhere down the line... Mine was with the Tamoxifen... And your Mondors!  The Doc's know more than we do.... "sometimes."  Wink

    And then there are the "sometimes" when we have to try and figure it out ourselves, and search for answers, and do what we think is best....for us.

    You heard it and felt it break???  Man, I can believe it!  Holy Cow!  And a bruise?  Take that aspirin...  maybe that is working to break something up?  Make sure you tell THIS one to the Doc.  Maybe THAT "cord" won't come back?  Write those questions down, when you talk to him. 

    And what is CPRS?  You are a fountain of technical terms that I have never heard of....  Makes me feel like I am missing something... Just kidding! 

    Joan, it is warming up here...  It has been just miserable for the last week....

    Our 25 year old GS will be here this afternoon! Cool Laughing Smile!!!  I'm making a meat-loaf, (his favorite) and lots of mashed potatoes.  Can hardly wait to just sit down and TALK to him!   We were with them all in Orlando in October, but he will be alone.... with us.... just us and our other Daughter....  For almost 4 days. 

    I used to fix him a "snack-box" with all kinds of fun stuff, and fresh veggies & apples, and he would sit on Pa-pa's recliner, footrest up, and watch TV with his blanket on.... Ha, ha!   He was about 6-9 at the time... I told him he was King Chase.... Master of the universe....  Wink  So the "King" is coming.    Yes, he's probably outgrown the recliner.... And he never stops eating.... and his clothes are EVERYwhere at his house, but he is just plain fun to be around.  We'll go for walks,  and Pa-pa will show him all his "stuff" in the garage... (maybe keep the cabinet doors shut with all the "girls" in there.) Wink  Oh wait.... He's not 12 anymore.  He's probably seen more of those than my DH has. 

    Okay, gotta get things "ready"..... Kiss  Talk to y'all later!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    He who lives in harmony with himself
    lives in harmony with the universe.
    - Marcus Aurelius

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Chevy....what fun.  I think we won't hear from you for a bit, huh !!!!!

    Ariom......thinking back on things.....I think I've talked to several people who had what you do.....but they did not use the term Modors....just called it cording.  We do get some weird things....the new normal it is called.  We are the same but have these little things that sneak up.....not so bad for the most part......think it is why so many say about this disease 'the gift that keeps on giving'.  So we hang around here and talk to each other because is easier.  We are all going to understand about the "odd" stuff and not go, Huh!!!

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  Some much needed sun here though the temps won't be what I'd like.  I am a through and through sun person.  Give me some sun ( not as in sun-tanning ) which is natural light to me and always an inspiration and energizer and I can pick myself up out of the gray doldrums and make some progress.

    Peace & love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Lots of posts to read to catch up with you chatty ladies! 

    Welcome, Ariom.  Never heard of mondors but now I know a little about it in case it appears on my body.  I had healing issues after BMX (bilateral) skin and nipple saving.  One nipple seemed not to want to be saved for weeks.  The incision on the left (healthy) breast developed necrosis (dead tissue).  Eventually I went back into surgery and had that incision redone.  It then healed normally.  All's well that ends well.  After a year of scrutinizing my breasts, I started going about my business and forgot about them.

    Yay!  The sun is shining today!  It's in the 40's out on the porch, which is shaded, so must be warmer in the sun.  I think I'll go for a walk this morning.  The right heel is still sore as the plantar fasciitis hasn't gone away, but I will walk anyway.

    My mother has a hair apptment at 1:45 and then a dr.'s apptment at 3:20 so my afternoon is scheduled. 

    My Japanese tulip tree gets fooled every winter into thinking spring has come.  It's full of blooms and will surely get zapped next week when cold Canadian air makes its way south. 

    Wishing everyone a great Tues.  Chevy, enjoy your grandson's visit.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2013

    Hi Carole,

    I am usually just lurking here but when I read "plantar faciitis" my ears picked up. I share your pain! I have been battling it for three or four months. I've been unwilling to stop or even decrease my morning exercise walk which I could manage since it was morning. But by afternoon I turned in to a real grouch as each step was so painful. I got concerned enough to visit my orthopod, whom I really like (he op'd both my knees), and he said just to tough it out. At least he said the walking did no additional harm and that reassured me. I was doing foot massages, ice packs, Dr. scholl's heel pads, and all kinds of stretches. Nothing seemed to help.

    Purely by accident I bought a pair of Ascis athletic shoes at a garage sale. The sole is really weird looking. The ball and arch are normal but the heel is unique. Instead of a solid heel pad there are four little pillars, one at each corner. Consequently when you step the center ball of your heel is not striking the ground and the weight is distributed out to the perimeter of your heel. IMMEDIATELY my foot felt better. I went from it hurting about a 7 on a 1 to 10 scale to it feeling all but normal. I wish I could post a picture here but can't seem to figure it out. I would be happy to send you a photo if you PM me your email address.

    I can't rule out the possibility that getting relief was purely a co incidence. But I am convinced enough to have already ordered a second pair on the web. It is just so hard to manage when your feet hurt. My sympathies and hope you can find some relief.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Meatloaf is in the oven, Potatoes are done, and we are ready! 

    I was bothered with Plantar fasciitis for months a few years ago.  I tried everything.... Even ordered a "foot splint" for sleeping.... didn't help.  Tried the expensive inserts from REI.... ( Were they called "Happy Feet??)  They   didn't help.  FINALLY when I couldn't take that pain anymore, I went to the Foot Doc, she asked about what I had tried, and since I DID try all those things, she gave me a cortisone shot right in my heel.  I was fitted for custom inserts, and wore them, but it was the shot I think, that stopped it.  I went back after 2 months for one more, because she said I might need it.

    I have never been bothered again.   I also go for comfort now.... I love to run around in Crocs.  I know, I know, they aren't exactly a fashion statement, but I make sure the shoes I wear won't hurt.

    I have seen those shoes Pam!  Glad they work for you!  Just know, that if nothing will help, a shot of cortisone will work.

    Carole, my White Orchid is almost opening up it's first bloom!!!  Last year my Daughter bought me a blue orchid for Mother's Day.... It had 2 long stemmed blooms on it.  But went limp pretty fast.  But now, in the North window, it is going crazy, and has 2 stems growing blooms on it!  They will be white this time.... but that's okay.   The air-roots are wrapping around the sea-shells I have on the top of the orchid mix!  I put it in a clear plastic pot that I poked holes in with a hot screw-driver, and planted it in there last Summer.  The roots love to "see" the light.

    My Mom loved her Orchids and Bonsai's....  My Dad was a florist all his life... and living in the Bay area, they could grow ANYthing there...Wink

    He grew Monkey Tail fern, Bird of Paradise, Antherium, and EVERYthing pretty!   Here in Denver it is a totally different story.... Ha!  

    Okay, talk to you gals in the morning before everyone gets up....xoxoxox

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies!

    Its sunny & 74 in Rancho Mirage. Planning to go for a bike ride & shout for joy.

    Tue pre-op with BS reviewed MRI which showed 2 addition issues :((

    Just returned from consult with RadOnc who said MRI was over-read...what a rollercoaster.

    Plan is back for lump/snb 1/23. So crazy one day the girls are staying one day they are out of here and now will give them another chance to stay. Hope these girls will just behave.

    Time to pump of my tires and go for my ride...:))

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning Ladies from Australian heatwave! We have grass and busfires all over at the moment. Very scary when you hear of loss of life and livestock. So many homes destroyed.

    It  was lovely to get up to an interesting read from you.

    Now, you asked for it Chevyboy! CPRS is Chronic Pain Response Syndrome, another little syndrome that appears after surgery or trauma. I have rheumatiod arthritis after a trip to Kuala Lumpur in the 90's when I worked for United Airlines here in Oz. I used to take off for a quick trip every time my roster ended with 4 or 5 days off in a row. I came back from this trip with a frozen shoulder. They thought I had Denge Fever, but it turned out to be RA. After some years my hand began to distort so I had surgery to split and reassign the tendons around my knuckles to straighten my hand again. I spent 5 months in a contraption with wires and pulleys to strengthen my hand. During that time I had some very weird symptoms. The hand would sweat like crazy and if I couldn't see my hand I couldn't tell where it was!Another little gem was that I couldn't recognise, with the hand, the feel of different things. Couldn't tell the difference between carpet, and say silk, very weird.  It was all to do with the sympathetic nervous system. Also, when the healing was finished the tendons became "woody" so they felt like I was pullyng cables when I tried to make a fist. Over the years it has improved, and I don't focus on it at all. 

    You are right Illinoislady, the more I read the more I see the crossover with Mondors, and Cording, one study I read said they surgically removed some, and some were venous, and others were lymph, so I am still a bit baffled as to what it is. Don't really care if it isn't going to be a problem to me.

    Lovely hearing about the Orchids. They are one of my favourites too, I haven't seen that blue one though.

    Carole, that was a scary time for you, I bet. Funny how we just get used to the new normal, isn't it?

    I am going to look up Japanese Tulip Tree, I have never heard of it.

    Well ladies, I am about to start my day, I will check in later to see what you've been up to. I will be sticking close to home because we are in for another scorching day here. It is already 35.4c at 9am.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2013

    Hi all!  Haven't checked in for a while...busy busy...very bad weather here this week.  Now I know why I usually spend the winters in Florida!  While I'm enjoying myself here in SC with my friend, I will look forward to returning with him to Florida in February:)  We'll be there for the entire month up until the time I go skiing.  I'll be going with my DD, DGS, and DGD.  It will be a fun family time for us.

    Have a lot to catch up with on the site, so better start reading!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013  Always like seeing you pop up.  Always admired you and nice to know we are still friends, even if mainly the silent kind. 

    I have seen the shoes you talk about and heard about them quite awhile back it now seems.  You know time moves so fast so often.  I keep thinking it was actually quite awhile before I found out I had cancer. I'm talking five years or so before and I was diagnosed in that would make it about 2002.  Anyway, they sounded outstanding even then.....and I have had some foot issues every since my stroke.  My shoes now wear so funny and my feet hit the ground differently because I get calluses in the middle of my feet an inch or so from my toes. 

    Anyway, first time I saw someone wearing them I was amazed.  If you just think about your foot being able to rest on a shock absorber, it couldn't help but make it incredibly better I think.  I never got around to finding me a pair of those shoes, but  from using half inserts in my shoes I have been able to avoid the calluses.  Doesn't do much for how I wear my shoes down, but at least I don't end up with such pain in the middle of a callused foot anymore. 

    Hope you all had a wonderful, wonderful day.

    Nice to hear from RMlulu and Ariom......

    Peace & love,


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Aha! just found the Japanese Tulip Tree, we have them here. We call them Magnolias, they come in a few different colors. I had a "port wine" in a house I had in Melbourne. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    You're right, Ariom, my Japanese Tulip tree is a type of magnolia.  Mine is probably port wine, too.  I'll take a picture and figure out how to post it.

    Pam, I'm so glad you spoke up about the plantar fasciitis.  I'm thrilled to hear your podiatrist said to keep walking.  I'll look up that shoe you mentioned.  Recently I bought New Balance shoes that were on my podiatrist's list of recommended shoes.  They cost almost $150 with tax.  I wear them with inserts and they are very comfortable but my heel still gets sore.  I also bought SAS sandals to replace my Birkenstocks that I wear around the house.  The SAS (UGLY but comfortable) were $90 plus tax.  Plantar fasciitis isn't cheap!  I may try the shot, Jackie.  The dr. offered to give me a shot and I refused.  Interesting to learn that a shot did you a lot of good.

    Tomorrow I have nothing on my calendar.  It's supposed to be another sunny day.  I may go over to the golf club and practice some chipping and putting.  I'm sure it will still be too wet to play golf.  I think I would enjoy being outside in the sunshine.

    Good to hear from you, Kaara.  Hi to everyone.  Pam, please speak up more often.  You have a nice voice!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ariom, when it is midnight in New York, what time is it in your town?  You do a great job of catching up while we're sleeping Laughing   I figured out that your early day temperature was already 96 degrees F.Whew!  I can't believe you felt a pop...eeeks I'd be beside myself....I have tender knots where veins meet and am just naturally massaging them.  About the aspirin - I have given up that aspirin since August because the endoscopy showed some scarring in stomach.  Also, the aspirin can contribute to tinnitus which I just started enduring in November.  Tomorrow I'll discuss all this with the cardio doc.  He probably hasn't heard of Mondors either.
    It's amazing how we and so many other women deal with all these things and with BC and treatments, and we just keep moving on with our lives.  Women are amazing.
    Ariom, do you need chemo too?  and have you escaped radiation?  I hope you have an easier road ahead.

    Chevy, have a wonderful time with your GS.  Mine (who lived with me since he was 6 weeks) is 22 and all of a sudden he is a man and so handsome and fun to be around...(oops did I brag?) I think he comes home this week end to go to his orthodontist.  I hope the sun comes out to stay and you have lots of fun.  When I lived in Denver (1976-1978) the sun would shine nearly 300 days a year.  People were so much happier than in New York!  When it rained, I would open the doors and windows and breathe in the earthy smell.  Since then, Denver has developed a little more humidity and cloudiness thanks to humans.
    Carole, wow, 40s sound cool for LA. Do you have a real winter season?  I think you're located near the coast which should be moderately warmer.  Are you near the water?
    I did Christmas returns tonight after work.  On the way home it was snowing even though temps were in high 30s.
    I have a white orchid I got for Christmas from my DS along with a deep pink cyclamen. I put mine also in the north window and it is doing well.  I water it only 1/2 cup of water once a week.  I am afraid of it dropping petals and shriveling.  We went away for New Years and the cyclamen didn't thrive without the usual water.  So I overwatered and it died in days except for about 3 stalks.  It looked so sick I just threw it outside in the freezing cold.  But the orchid is good.
    Well, it's way past sleep time for me.  Nite everyone!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hi Joan at 5pm Friday here it is Midnight in new York.

    We have just had a cool change come through, The temperature has dropped to 22c from over 40c this afternoon. I have spent the day in the house, I just couldn't face that heat.

    The day i had to see the Surgeon who is over and hours drive from here, it was 43c. I have to see him again next Thursday, so I am hoping that it won't be so hot for that trip.

    Yes, I felt and heard the pop of that cord. I still have a big branching one that you can see if I stand and lean slightly backwards. It is very weird. I would really like to see them gone.

    I was concerned about the asprin too, I had a nasty pair of stomach ulcers years ago. I called them Heckle and Jeckle. They came from the overuse of anti infammatories for my Arthritis, so after healing them with no repurcussions (I used pro biotics to do this) I didn't want to take the chance of them firing up again. The asprin I am taking now is a low dose enteric coated, which means it doesn't dissolve in the stomach, but in the intestine. I will be checking that this is safe to continue with. I sure don't want Tinnutis, my Mother suffered with that and Meniers Disease, so I'll be doing everything to avoid that.

    Joan, I am one of the extremely lucky ones. I got my Path results back a couple of weeks ago, and my Surgeon was able to say to me that I am essentially cured because of the choice I made. Had I gone the lumpectomy road I would be starting Rads in a couple of weeks.

    I had pure DCIS, albeit intermediate and High grade, but it was all contained in the milk ducts, no invasion. He also did a Sentinal Node Biopsy at the time because he said it would be remiss of him when he was so close to the area while doing the Mx. I agreed, because he said if the results came back where it was indicated that there may be node involvement it isn't easy going in again through the scar.

    I don't need chemo, Rads or even Tamoxafen.

    I owe it all to the new state of the art Digital Mammogram machine that was installed recently in the regional area where I live now. My previous mammo was done on an analogue machine, in the big city, and had I gone to the same facility again, this would likely have been missed.  Who knows how or when this might have been discovered.

    Moving here has been the best thing we have ever done for many reasons.

    Sorry that I have written a novel here ladies. Will look forward to reading your posts in the morning. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hi Carole. I'd love to see your tree. My Mother had a beautiful big one in her front yard. It was fairly short lived in the flowering department, but was spectacular for a short time.

    I am collecting bush orchids since coming to this area, none in flower right now, but they are so pretty. They are tiny little flowers, and can live in the fork of trees, spilling down with lots of amazing colors.

    I have lots of Cymbidiums that I brought from my previous house. They haven't flowered this season, probably in shock from the move.

    We have just had one side of the house completely landscaped, we face a lake. The other side has old fruit trees that I have kept, but the rest was destroyed by the big machinery that came in when we were renovating, so it is a work in progress. It will have to wait till I am able to get back into it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning here at 5:39AM--Ariom u sound like u're really into landscaping as some others are with flowers--everything must be so beautiful to look at. And extremely calming for all of u to garden.

    That foot thing sounds horrible, my girlfirend has had it, it's better now she did have cortisone and wore some sort of night thing too. Hope u all get it under control some way or another.

    I hope everyone has a nice day today. It's still chill her not much to do.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Okay, here goes... we were picking up our dear Grandson, I was just so happy, and talking and laughing, and ..... driving.   Saw this officer motioning me over to the R lane.  I thought wtf?  He walked up to me and said "This is a school zone." 

    I was going 31 in a 20 mph zone.  DAMNIT!  And it was beside the High School I went to!  I gave him my DL, and found an expired proof of insurance card, but he just wrote me the ticket, said it would be $280!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I said, "But why is it so much???"  He said a school zone is doubled.  I DIDN'T get into trouble for my expired insurance paper...(He sort of whispered, "find the up-dated one when you get home.")   (When I got home, I called Hartford, and she emailed me a replacement, which I printed.  TWO of them!

    But to listen to my DH husband, mumbling all the way home, with GS in back seat, I wanted to open the car-door, and roll him OUT!  I'm SORRY I was so stupid to get that ticket, but it could have been worse!!   You would think I wrecked my car!  Or hit a pedestrian!  Or smacked him over the head!!!

    So getting a ticket was not bad... being with the ticket grinch...the ticket monitor, was worse.  So yes, paying it is no problem...  I will send it in today, then it will only be 2 points against my license instead of 4.   I haven't had a ticket in 15 years!!!  My Daughter in Orlando  said I "was about due."  Wink

    So DH husband, minus the beer, which was doing most of the judging will be a lot nicer this morning.  Right now I couldn't care less.   I do all the driving...It is MY car that I paid for, MY money that I will pay the ticket with, and I don't need to be made some sort of role-model for all  other bad drivers of the world.   OKay, now that I got THAT off my chest..... My GS kept rubbing my arm, saying "That's okay Grams...."  I just kept talking to him, so he would know I wasn't worried.

    So today is another day.... Ha!  Yes, Joan, same here!  We were there for both boys being born.  I only worked part time, so I would get them every day I could....  We did so many fun things!   They would stay all night with us, whenever I didn't have to work.... I would lay the first one on the restaurant table in his  little springy holder, and talk to him, and feed him bits of food.  Smile  Those two just made my life complete!   AND I always took them to Casa Bonita.... that's where we are going today....  Only now he is 24... Ha, ha!

    They didn't move to Orlando until the youngest was in Middle School.   I thought they were moving to Ohio once, when they were younger, and I thought I would cry my heart out!   They were MINE, how DARE they.... Ha!  I just sobbed to my Daughter, and said "but I thought family was more important than money...."   Turns out she didn't want to go there either for her DH's transfer, so they stayed for for about 5 more years.... enough that I could watch "our boys" grow up.  We were so lucky to be a part of their little lives.... and they remember!  

    Ariom.... interesting to read about your diagnosis!  You had a good team....  !  Mine was invasive, so I did have radiation, with that Mammo-Site device, but no chemo... I only hope I/we,  did enough.   But so far, so good, and it's been over 3 years!

    Good Morning Jackie, Carole and Kaara!  Fun to read all of you.... I'm going to go make out a check to pay off my damn ticket,  and then tell DH it's all DONE.   Sheesh!   Just put a sock in it! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Life always gives us exactly the teacher we need at every moment. This includes every mosquito, every misfortune, every red light, every traffic jam, every obnoxious supervisor (or employee), every illness, every loss, every moment of joy or depression, every addiction, every piece of garbage, every breath. Every moment is the guru.
    Charlotte Joko Beck

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Ok Chevy...that quote is for you.  I'm 'usually' pretty careful about my speed here.  It is mainly as in these really small towns, especially in this part of the country -- ( we call it tractor and plow sometimes ) when people do odd and very wrong things by turning right or left.....out of the middle lane for heaven's sake, and run red lights, I've just learned to go slower.  So, even I would be flabbergasted were I to get a ticket.

    We came home here going on 16 years ago and ever since I have been able to renew my license by mail and I think part of the reason may be that I've no tickets or accidents. 

    You thankfully Chevy were not going way, way over the limit.  But you know mumbling after the fact, for the passenger since it could so easily happen to any or all of us, really doesn't need to happen.  We are our OWN worst critics and really seldom need the input that our significant others foist on us.  If it were a 'bad' habit we had......than maybe that would be a bit appropriate.

    I was going to be one of the lucky ones with my disease as well.  At first, a sm. lumpectomy and my Dr. said....maybe a wk. or two of radiation....I think she was leaning more towards a weeks' worth.  Then.....she removed a bruised area.....that was in reality what originally sent me to the Dr. ( non-healing - non-changing bruise ) after she took the original papillary tumor, and she kept 'exploring' underneath where she had removed the bruise tissue and lo and behold found a much larger, more aggressive ductal tumor.  That is the one that put me into the classification of 6 months of somewhat harsh chemo and 7 full weeks of radiation. 

    Just for anyone and there are a couple of you for sure.....I am now 5 yrs. out and doing fine.  Sometimes we just never know , per the above quote, what we are going to learn and why.  For instance......I'm not sure if I really "have" learned all that I needed from my experiences with this disease the the tx. I received. I know I have learned quite a bit and forgotten a lot of it alreay too.........but I haven't forgotten how precious the gift of getting every day  is and that it is always my intention to try and use it as well as I can.  I know I had become so unthinkingly blase' and more often than not, noticing very litttle as I put one foot in front of the other....just living on a rote basis and not appreciating all the miracles that surround us constantly.  The trilling of birds in the trees, the smell of fresh cut grass, the fireflies dancing in the fileds at night. 

    So, I bid adieu here before I drag out some poetry and just go on and on.  I hope you all have a fantastic THIF day.  I sure plan too.

    Peace & love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Good morning ladies!

    Hey Chevy, I'm sorry about that ticket.  It was just a little bump in your "otherwise good day."  I'm so glad that your GS could come to visit.  They make everything so much better.  My middle grandson turned 7 yesterday.  I'm sorry that I couldn't be with him on his birthday but we had a great phone conversation.

    I only have the one son and his job has taken him all over the country.  When he graduated, he started work in Ohio.  Then he was sent to California...then Denver (which he loved).....then Chicago (which I loved because he was within 2 hours by car).....then northern Minnesota...then back to Ohio.....then Kentucky, and now they're in Oxford Mississippi.  I've thought about selling out here and moving to be closer to them but I'd just get settled and make some friends in the area and they'd be off to some other place so I guess I'll stay here for now and head south to get warm in February.  I still miss them and I know I'm missing lots of fun times with the kids' activities and sporting events.

    I'm off to get something done around here. I hope you all have a great Friday!