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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Chevy, sorry about the ticket.  You were excited over seeing your GS.  Hope you have a wonderful visit with him.  I'm pretty sure you will! 

    Ariom, I always say if you have to get bc, the best kind is in situ.  Your home location sounds wonderful.  I love water and it would be so enjoyable, I think, to have a home facing a lake.

    Yes, we do have seasonal weather here in south Louisiana.  But very changeable, too.  It's not unusual to have a few freezes in January but it's usually for one night and then we go into a warming trend.  I don't mind our cold weather.  It gives me a chance to wear my jeans and long-sleeved blouses and jackets.  It seldom ever gets cold enough for me to use my L.L. Bean parka. 

    We live on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain, which is actually a very large bay on the south shore of the Greater New Orleans area.  Our house isn't on the lake but is in a rural area that has seen explosive growth the last ten years.  We have the best of two worlds.  I can look out any window and see wooded views but a couple of big shopping centers are about 3 min. away.  Our lot was originally 6 acres but is now 2 acres.  We sold 4 acres some years ago.  The down side of not being really close to neighbors is that I could scream at the top of my lungs in our house and no one would hear me. 

    Hope everyone has a great Friday.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Carole & Ariom, There was a yard in our old neighborhood that was solid pink in Spring. They had a tulip tree in the yard, ornamental cherries between sidewalk and street, and pink rhododendrons near the house. I used to get off the bus early to walk by it. So beautiful!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Oh Carole, your location sounds lovely, too!  I rather like living away from neighbors.  We're tucked into the woods.  We do have a close neighbor but they are gone most of the time.  He is a lobbyist in D.C.  and now that their son is grown and away from the home, she spends most of the time in the D.C. area, too.  One of these days they will probably decide to sell their house next to us.

    Gee I wish that some of you flower specialists lived closer to me. I'd recruit you to help me with my place.  My yard is quite non-descript!  I have some iris and a little flower bed that never looks quite right.  I like fooling around with the flowers but I'm not very good at putting things together and our shady location makes it hard to grow bright, colorful flowers.

    Well, I've worked  my "tush" off today and it's time to regroup for the evening.  We're taking our realtor and his wife out for dinner tonight.  Enjoy your evening!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning all from Downunder! It is Saturday morning and i have just had my breakfast while reading all your posts.

    There are a lot of boats bobbing about on the water today. It is much cooler, thank goodness, the fires across the state are frightening.

    It is wonderful reading your posts, it makes me think of all the time I spent in the US. I absolutely loved going there when I was working for United Airlines. I also spent a lot of fun time there when my husband was working with Georgia Tech on a project. We stayed in Atlanta for about six weeks, and then Orlando for a month.

    I used to add a few leave days every time I was sent there for work meetings, and would go to Vegas for a few days. I never made it to New York unfortunately!

    I still think about the great shopping you have in those outlets, we have nothing that even comes close here, and your home shopping is sensational. What I wouldn't give to be able to shop your shopping networks. You even have the same products we do, but the prices are so much lower in the US.

    I had an adopted son who moved to California, but unfortunately he passed away in 2010. 

    Camillegal, I do love my garden, and this is a big one compared to the small inner city courtyard I had before. We never intended to buy anything this size, but we fell in love with the view first, and the house was just perfect for our situation. I am not sure if I mentioned it before on this thread, but my husband is a C5/6 Quadraplegic from a Hang Gliding accident 35 years ago. Our previous house was designed by us specifically for his disability, but this one which was built in two sections by the same architect in '83 and '86, we renovated it before we moved in, and suits our needs beautifully.

    Chevyboy, so sorry to hear about that fine. I hate that, I'd rather burn the money than have to pay a vehicle fine. That's just me of course!LOL

    Lovely hearing about the good times you've had with the grand children, I doubt I will do the same. I have a 35 year old daughter who won't be having any children any time soon. Nothing we can do about our children choices in those areas. I love kids, one of Colin's attendant carers has a daughter who has taken a shine to me because she doesn't have a Grandma nearby, so I am having a lot of fun with her. 

    Illinois lady, I am enjoying your lovely quotes! I sure have noticed a change in me since this all started to change my life a few months ago. I was a "want everything yesterday" kinda gal, but I think moving to this magic place, plus my diagnosis, has struck a chord with me. I feel different, and I sure don't sweat the small stuff like I used to, and that is just from a few short months ago. Imagine how I might be in a year or two!

    I know that beautiful all pink look in a garden Wren, and understand why you'd choose to walk by. The area I live in now is a great growing area for Camelias, they were all blooming recently, along with the Tulip Trees, and flowering cherries, and we had the same look, like pink snow in the yards. It was spectacular.

    Couldn't agree more Carole, InSitu was the best description I had ever heard!

    I love the sound of living somewhere that I could scream at the top of my lungs and not be heard. I have neighbors on either side, but one lot only use the house for holidays, and the other side travel a lot, so I have a lot of peace and serenity here.  

    I wish I could say that I haven't had to wear my parka, but we get the extreme cold here too. This past winter we spent here is the coldest I have experienced since I was a child in Scotland.

    We are looking across a salty lake to dunes which divide us from what's called the Ninety Mile Beach, if you sail straight out you will get to Tasmania. The winds that come in from the South are freezing. We aren't far from the ski fields either.

    Well ladies, I am off to start my day. Colin has gone off to an auction of a huge property nearby they are selling lots of radio controlled yachts, which he has become interested in since moving here, as well as the house hold interior. I thought I should stay home in case I went mad buying stuff I don't need, I love an auction!

    Take care all, catch you tomorrow!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Ariom, can't believe I'm still up and you  have been up for hours! I am happy for your diagnosis, no need for chemo or rads.   I really enjoyed hearing about your time in the US.  There's good global shopping on  So sad to hear about the loss of your son.  That must be very difficult.  Your location sounds wonderful.  I would love to have a garden again; however, with all the building and land clearing, the deer have settled into the green belt across the street.  They use my yard for a buffet every day.  Pros:  they are beautiful to watch.  Cons:  they eat my flowers, shrubs and cedar trees and worse, they carry ticks with Lyme disease. 
    Jackie, it must have been  unnerving to have a diagnosis that changed and not in a good way.  Glad you are doing well.
    Carole, your neighborhood sounds really nice.  Were you there during hurrican Kat?  I think 2 acres is enough to take care of.  I have just under an acre and thick shrubs and natural hedges...can't really see the neighbors.  No lights anywhere at night.  Great stargazing.  But, I do feel isolated and vulnerable.We've had things stolen from our cars while we were home.
    I heard the south got some must have gotten pretty cold.
    Chevy, I hate when that happens....having a wonderful time and then to have it interrupted by one of life's unpleasant moments.  My DH would have reacted the same.  Your GS sounds so dear... I drive over 300 miles a week -  One problem is sometimes I get distracted and I cannot remember if I slowed down or not when I should..
    My grandson was born in Denver in St. Lukes almost 23 years ago.  He has never been back to CO since he was 6 weeks old.  He would love it there.  I got a ticket one time on I-70 just before he was born...I cried and the officer ignored me and just threw the ticket at me. One thing I've learned in life....if a situation can be fixed with money, then it is usually not the worst possible problem. Enjoy your visit !
    Went to the cardiologist and got a good report except he upped my crestor preventatively (cholesterol).  I wish I could get off ALL drugs for 2 or 3 months so I could find out who I really am again.
    I got a flu shot tonight.  The paperwork asked if i am sick (I have a cold for 15 days now) but I checked no.  Next question asked if I have cancer.  I was told there is NED so I checked no.  Then it asked if I take cancer meds and I checked yes to that and also that I've had radiation.  I do not think anyone really looked at the form.  I demanded the disclosure about the flu shot and its side effects, and I also demanded a screen be used so all the people at the pharmacy wouldn't stare at me.  I was a real PITA today!
    3 day week end......yay! 
    Hair salon tomorrow; Gyn appointment Monday.  Cleaning out clutter and clothes in house rest of week end. Oh and my GS is here for the weekend from NYC.  Laughing
    Another long post by
    (Hugs to all)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hi Joan, it must e after 2am where you are. We just had an early dinner. We ate beautiful fresh fish, and sinful fries out of the paper watching the boats race.

    It is after 6pm here, and I have had a quiet day. I think I did too much running around after my surgery because I felt so darned good. Now I am feeling a bit more tired, and I still have another appointment to check these cord things, and hopefully no more draining with a syringe. I am sure it is all normal, the new normal,  mean. I have noticed that I have almost regained all the feeling where I was numb and tingling, so that's a good thing!

    Yes Joan, losing my boy was extremely hard, I had a suitcase half packed on the bed almost ready to go and see him when I got the news . I hadn't seen him for nearly six years.  

    I do buy some things from Amazon Joan, mainly books, but they restrict cosmetics to Australia unfortunately.

    I buy a lot from Ebay in the US or Canada. I find that the prices are so much lower there that I can justify the postage costs. I also buy from Vitacost, they have a great shipping deal to Australia. They are one of the few places I can buy my favourite soap, Nubian Heritage Coconut and Papaya, and Naturade meal replacement. Neither are available here.

    We have an area near us where someone with some acreage bought a truck full of Deer. He had low fences so they were over and out fairly soon after arriving and now they wander into gardens and eat the flowers too.

    I'll be off now, maybe watch a movie, and then early to bed. Catch you all tomorrow. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    We used to have deer in our neighborhood, but their habitat was lost with the residential and commercial development.  I used to be an avid gardener.  When we bought this ranch style house built in the 1970's, there was no landscaping, just a few bushes and plantings.  I did the landscaping myself.  We have crepe myrtle trees, azaleas, camellias, sasanquas, daylilies, a sweet olive tree, the tulip magnolia, wisteria, amaryllas and a few other plants.  The idea was to have something blooming all the time.  For me, the planning and planting is more creative and fun than the maintenance. 

    I also had a large vegetable garden for a few years and ended up buying a small chest freezer.  I wouldn't mind having a small vegetable garden now but we sometimes head north for the summer in June, just when the garden would be producing.  Our gardens come in early and are finished producing by July. 

    It's supposed to be a very nice day.  I plan to walk again this morning.  DH will play golf at noon so I will have the afternoon to myself. 

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Hope has two beautiful daughters: Courage and Anger. Anger at the way things are and Courage to make them the way they ought to be.
    - Augustine of Hippo

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2013

    Good morning ladies!

    The reinforcements will start arriving Monday. So today is we are the final wks of major gut of kitchen - counter and sink maybe by the end of next week. I have postponed new floors in rest of the home too much mess & stress. Need my nest to be neat & in order.

    Sister flies in from Denver for 5 days. Son (RN) W&20 mo GS come Wed 2 days. Redoing their bedroom today. Hard to toddler proof remodel job.

    Know lucky to have treatment in CA but miss my TX support.

    Ariom my stepmom just retired from United her run LAX to downunder Ursula H :))

    Thanks for all the encouragement!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Instead of walking for exercise, I did a hand weight workout and 30 min. total on three machines in our "gym."  Ten min. each on a glider (like cross country skiing), stair stepper, and recumbent bike.  Interesting that I can get back into exercising once the sun comes out!  If I lived in a climate that was consistently cloudy and gloomy, I guess I would just vegetate.

    After dh departed to play golf, I went to Kohl's and wandered around.  Found a cute blouse for myself and a nice warm-up type jacket for my mother, both much reduced in price. 

    Just down the way from the Kohl's is a vinegar and oil store.  I went in there and bought some lemon infused olive oil.  Their way of selling the oil is interesting.  You pick out a bottle and there is a wide variety.  You pay for the bottle.  They fill it with the oil of your choice.  When you've used up the oil, you wash the bottle and bring it back to be re-filled.  It's a new store that opened before Christmas and it seems to be doing well. 

    RMlulu, your kitchen will be like new.  I'm envious.  I would like to replace my countertops but haven't mustered the courage to put up with the mess and disruption and be without a kitchen for a period of time. 

    What a lovely day this has been.  The temp. today is in the 60's. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Well, RMLulu, what a small world it is. I do remember Ursula. I was in Melbourne and was a First Class Concierge. If you're speaking with her. please say Hi, from me, Moira, and Hilary and Pam. We used to meet the aircraft, run the Red Carpet Club, and just generally look after the First Class passengers till they were handed over to the Flight Crew. I poke to Hilary and Pam thi morning, we re still great friends even though United broke us up workwise, by making us all redundant! There was a United reunion recently that I couldn't make, but I will be at the next one.

    It is so exciting getting work done in the house, but as you say really stressful too. Just think how great it will be when it is finished. We had to spend the first week after moving here because it just wasn't finished enough to move in. It took ages to get everything finished and the boxes unpacked, but it was so worth the effort.

    Carole, I can't believe it, but you have all the same plants in your garden as I have here. I just recently found the right Crepe Myrtle and planted it just outside the guest bedroom. My Mother had one outside her bedroom and when it flowered it formed a deep pink canopy over her window, and a carpet of pink flowers below. I loved that tree. It was in flower when I sold her home after she passed, and guess what the new owner did? They removed that tree and the Tulip Tree, I was devastated, but not my home any more. I have also added a tropical section in the garden too with bamboo, banana palms and lots of Yuccas. It ios coming on well. I have a small, raised, veggie patch too, I grew all our salad this season, and still have several types of tomatos coming in. I also grow many herbs which I ate religiously before my surgery. I think they really helped me get over it quickly.  

    So Carol, your day sounds like a pleasant one. I am looking forward to getting into some exercise soon. I lost quite a lot of weight with the move here, and then with the stress while waiting for the biopsy results and then almost a month till surgery. If you then add the almost 1kg, or 2.2lbs lost in the surgery, it was a lot. I noticed that I have gained almost 1kg, probably becaue of the inactivity and the fudge I was given for Christmas!

    I remember shopping in Kohls in Denver when I was there for work once.

    Love the sound of that Vinegar and Oil store, I haven't ever seen anything like that here. We have great Farmers Markets that run here once a month with great Oils that are grown here, also amazing Honey from Raymond Island which is just  across the water from us.  

    Well, it is a lazy Sunday here for us. I am going to it outside with a book for a while, and will catch up with you all tomorrow. Take care!   

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Carole, Ariom, your choice of plantings is making me so jealous.  It' really cold here today and I went out to feed the birds (5 doves were standing in a row waiting)...and I noticed a cast-off flower pot from the summer and bulbs were sprouting.I moved them to a more sheltered place then I noticed they had been nibbled.  We have 2-3 fawns born each spring but they sometimes get hit by a car.  I love watching them grow up by beautiful. (but hungry)
    I was feeling a bit under the weather with my cold and yesterday's flu shot; but DH and I walked in our small wildelife refuge.  There are short medium and long trails and I told him to lead - well he dragged me around for 3 miles and I knew I'm just not myself.
    Ariom, love this screen ID...clever! 
    How sad that you did not get to have that time with your son.  Sometimes life is so hard.  Did you tell where you were from originally? Now, Ariom, what are the chances that you'd find someone with Mondors and someone who knows Ursula...on the same thread! have so much going on.  I am glad you are having your family come.  It sounds like you won't have to do much once they get there.  I remember before my surgery running around to get things in order.  Turns out nobody really came to the house - DH was home and I was fine.
    Be sure to be rested and even though you will probably feel pretty good right away, try to let others take care of things and spoil you!  I had no pain after lumpectomy last August, and was back to work in a week (too soon, I now realize).  Sending positive thoughts for a good outcome and report.
    Good night all,


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hello Joan,

    Sorry you still aren't feeling the best. There still isn't much that can make you feel more miserable than a cold. I am one of the few who can't take the Flu shot. Over the years, I have been convinced by Doctors to have it but it always lays me low in a few days. I get an arm that swells and I am truly sick. They all say it isn't possible, but I am living proof. I have even had a half dose and it still does the same thing. same with most drugs too, I need a lot less than most people for it to work.

    A three mile walk was quite a way to go. i hope you aren't paying for it by feeling worse.

    Yes, missing out on the time with Vi, that was his name, was just the worst. He came to us as a young teenager from a refugee camp in Hong Kong. He came to the language centre attached to my Daughter's High School. I met him when I started a breakfast program for homeless kids. He was from Vietnam originally, and after getting paperwork and Australian resident status organised we were able to make contact with his family in a small village in rural Vietnam. They "gave" him to us to care for and educate.

    He was an absolute joy, he and I got on so well it was amazing. He was a wonderful Brother to my Daughter, and she loved him. He became a menber of the family straight away even though he spoke virtually no English and had never lived in a house he managed to fit in as though he was ours.

    Vi finished High School and got a job with a textile company as a storeman. He did well and built his career, moving up the ladder to running the warehouse, and doing the buying. His boss was devastated when he said he wanted to join the Navy. He had spent so much time with my Dad who had been  a chief engineer in the Navy, and then on cruise ships that he thought that was the life for him. He applied, sat the exams and was accepted, but decided to go to the States to work with an Uncle who had a landscaping business there. That is where he ended up, he excelled at that job too, starting his own business which had been going extremely well. We miss him terribly.

    Joan, I was originally from Glasgow in Scotland, but we moved to Australia when I was a child. We lived in Melbourne, although I lived in Sydney and in Queensland at different times. We moved here which is about 300km from Melbourne in June to semi retire.

    I am always amazed at how small the world is. I don't really believe in coincidences, but things happen for a reason. I was very surprised to hear about Ursula, and happy to hear I am not the only one to have Mondors!

    Oh yes, the name reverse i.d is easy to remember! Thank you.

    Take care all!   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    My Daughter just sent me this....

    (via words II - minna may design illustration)

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Good morning from south Louisiana!  I was up at 7:15 am to put a pot roast into the oven for noon dinner at my mother's house.  She and I are going to the 10:30 church service.  DH will transport the roast to her house in time for dinner. 

    Ariom, that's so sad that your adopted son died young.  He sounds like a young man with lots of good qualities.  You and your dh were very kind to give him a home. 

    Joan, your wildlife refuge must be a wonderful place to walk.  Three miles is my normal distance to walk but not when I'm feeling bad with a cold.  Fortunately, I don't get many colds but had one a couple of weeks ago.  I had forgotten how miserable you can feel with a cold.

    Prior to my surgery in 2009, I cleaned the house because I knew I wouldn't be cleaning house for weeks.  I chose bilateral mx with immediate reconstruction so it was a lot of surgery.  Dh was a great nurse.  My neighbors provided meals every night for a week following the surgery.  That was really sweet of them and much appreciated.  We all deal with healing in our own way but I wouldn't have wanted people around me for the first week except dh.  All I did was rest, either in bed or in my chair in the living room.  As soon as I felt up to it, I was back on the computer communicating with a small group of women on who had chosen the same surgery. 

    Have a good Sunday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Today is a unique and special day.
    It is unlike any other day you have ever experienced.
    If you assume that today is like every other day,
    you will never notice today's uniqueness.
    If you practice keen awareness, you will get
    to savor today's uniquely wonderful qualities.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Good Sunday morning.

    It is pretty nippy out here but oh what a gorgeous sun.  That is enough to make the cold much more acceptable.  I am a sun-type person so it starts me out just right.  This being said while I type and look out my computer window so all my admiration is taking place while I am still in pajama's. 

    Joan....golly, that sounds beautiful, your woods, but like you.....( not that I have had one for the longest, longest time ) there is a point in time in which movement seems to in fact inspire a cold to finish up its hold on us and scoot all traces away, but till that time, it is pretty much a drain and a drag with anything you do.  I hope it is not long for you.

    I can identify with not wanting too many people around when I don't feel well.  Just appreciating someone's presence is a huge burden when you feel like your going to be fine but need to 'moan' and 'groan' exactly when needed without someone raising eyebrows or asking questions you have to answer.  I spent most of my daytime hours after my initial surgery alone and it was good for me.  I did not have to make any excuses to the dog and could doze when I wanted, focus on a t.v. program or not and just please myself.  I think we have an urge to "be at our best" even when we really can't.....and even when we know that our friends know, there is that mild strain. 

    Hope you all have a gorgeous Sunday. 

    Love & peace,


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Finally the sun is out here after dense fog for several days. Supposed to be sunny tomorrow also with rain beginning Wed.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies ......dropping in to say hello.....catching up with my first friends on .....doing ok, hating the winter weather, and all it brings. Coming up on 2 years, and hanging in there....I

    I am going to buy myself a new IMAC all-in-one computer...when Ido, I will be on all the time. This is an IPad. Love it for everything but typing. Never was a hunter and pecker. Like to fly like a cheetah on the keypad, and with this it is a pain......hugs and will be back soon.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ducky!  I was wondering about you last night for some reason!  Glad you are here!    I know what you mean about trying to type on something else.  I tried my Daughter's lap-top, and didn't do well at all....  glad you are getting an I-MAC.... I don't know what they are, but sounds nice!  Hope you are doing well!  xoxoxo

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Joan.

    I'm praying this lump/snb is more of a nonevent. Will be odd to be taken care of roll reversal. Planning a crockpot meal for Wed...DH lol I will make in laundry room since kitchen is limbo without counters&sink.

    Ariom- Ursula says hi small small world. Lol she could not believe how small.

    Think my nest is ready 4 family as ready as a construction site can be! Hurry up 1/23 (hugs)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013 great to see you.  i was wondering myself for some time where you had gotten off too.  I hope you get your new MAC really soon.  We have missed you.  We well-seasoned birds have been plugging away here and now waiting for warmer weather with lots of longing.  We haven't had much for snow.....just one, though it did stay with us for 3&1/2 weeks.  What I haven't like is so much cold air....then a few days of almost balmy weather, than overnight return to cold.  My bones and I would be happier with a bit more consistency.  In the end though.....Spring will be welcomed I'm sure.

    Sure will be glad to see you on a much regular basis.

    Love & peace,


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Thanks, Jackie & others, for the good wishes.  I really feel better today!  Jacie, the sun was out, and that really felt like spring.
    Chevy, your daughter's message of advice is good.  You could put many words in place of "chase" such as "envy, imitate, resent..." It's powerful!
    RMlulu, I feel your peace about this procedure.  It sounds like you will be going home the same day, as it was for me. You sound like you will be very comfortable with your family around. 

    Carole, I could smell the roast from here.  What a nice way to spend a Sunday.  I think you've warmed up a bit, and we are about to plunge into arctic air here.  Tuesday, our first day back to classes, we should have snow which will stick on the cold ground.  I get to share the roads with students who have never driven in snow or ice!
    Wren - make the most of your sunny day in WA!  They are wonderful.

    The refuge in which I walk is where I renew my spirit. As I walk, I can still see my little ones learning about the world and animals and plants and water...making little boats out of sticks and leaves and floating them...walking in the rain & snow.. nursing my little on on a favorite is still hearing the wind coming from miles away then seeing the pines sway above.

    Ducky, so nice to see you here (and elsewhere too).  Two years past your dx is truly a milestone and I wish you even a better year ahead.  I have an iMAC - still struggle to master it, but it's a beautiful computer.  We watched movies on it last night. Let me know when you get it!

    Ariom, what a beautiful life your son had.  I agree there are no coincidences...and when things are put before us, we are free to say yes or no.  I'm glad you said yes for Vi and that you were mutually blessed by his life.

    Sunday service was beautiful today.  Prayers went up for my young cancer sister Angie.  She had melanoma spread to her brain (4 sites a year ago, now 50). She was taken today to urgent care for extreme pain.  I saw her 3 weeks ago... can only pray for her freedom from pain and for peace.
    I hate cancer...


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2013

    Hello everyone!

    Today was a beautiful day here in Greenville...we went for a drive and then for a walk in the downtown area in Falls Park, had lunch at a local Ale House and then back home.  I went shopping this afternoon while BF watched the football playoffs.  I like college football but don't care for pro all that much.

    Chevy:  That was an interesting article...thanks for sharing.  I watched the interview in it's entirety.  Lance Armstrong is a complicated individual...I don't think he has the personality to be apologetic.  He admits to being a flawed individual and is now in therapy.  Frankly, he could apologize from now until he dies, and it wouldn't be enough for what he has done to the sport of cycling, his foundation, his family, friends, and so on.  Very sad.

    Hi ducky:  I'm with you on typing on the iphone.  I just got mine and I hate to send messages on it...ugh!  Other than that, it's good.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Holy Toledo how did I get so far behind. Oh I know--I'm old and forgot--oh that doesn't work here. Kaara I'm so happy for u'r happiness it's great.

    I was trying to keep up with the posts but my one eye is acting stupid kinda like my brain sometimes. I haven't been out for days, too cold and windy--but this week I'm planning on at least one test and the Drs. office.

    Whoever it is that is not going to have chemo, that's wonderful--Good news.

    I'm sorry I'm so tired and I'm trying to catch up and not doing a good job--I'll come back when I'm in better shape.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Camille, Ha!  No, you can't use THAT one here!  Wink  We don't forget...we just misplace our rememberer...

    We have had some warm sunny days here!  Did a lot of fun things with our GS!   I mean so much "energy" around here...we needed that.

    Going to help him cram, I mean "pack" his huge duffel-bag, plus another little case I'll give him to take back.  He must have thought he was coming here for a solid year!  To a place with no washer, and  nor dryer!  Even Ioverpack, but I'm much better.     If I had to carry that duffel-bag, they way it was, I'd be on my knees, dragging it beside me...Ha, ha!

    So most of his clothes are now clean, and pretty much folded, and in a pile...    I asked him, "how long did you think you were staying honey?"  And he said, "I know Grams...I just grabbed a bunch of clothes and threw them in."  

    What will we do without him?  And Lacee!  She just loves everybody, but she thinks he is pretty special.

    Kaara, my oldest Daughter just sent me this...  It's about Lance again.... You are right.... He just could never admit, (really) or feel that he did anything wrong....  Yes, he was great...  but who could really say HOW great without all his drugs, blood transfusions, etc. ?

    Morning Jackie, Joan & lulu!   Isn't that something that the 2 Brothers are in the Super-bowl!  How fun it will be to watch!  Especially since the Ravens just SPANKED the Bronco's.  Surprised

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    We need to find the "middle way" in our own lives.  It is the art of finding balance.  Reflecting upon our lives, we soon discover what serves us well--nurturing calmness, ease, and simplicity.  We also discover what it is that leads to entanglement, confusion, distress, and anxiety.  Wisdom is being able to discern the difference, then knowing what we need to nurture and what we need to learn to let go.       -Christina Feldman

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    What a great MLK morning....along with the Super Bowl and of course all the inauguration ceremonies.  It is just incredible to me for some reason.  Even though we have the same helps me feel that we can let go of the last four yrs. ( yes with some might disappoints and begin anew.  As we don't talk much for politics here.....just hope a certain party ( ok the GOP ) gets its act together so we can move forward.  Prayers for safety and the continuation of a gorgeous sun-filed day.

    Peace & love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Camillegal, we missed you.  And, no, age doesn't work as an excuse here!  Any chance of you getting away to somewhere warmer for a vacation?

    Guess I'd better get moving.  My WW meeting has been changed to 10 am instead of 9:30, so that gives me another 30 min. to fritter away on Mon. mornings.  My big treat is a cup of pricey cafe au lait at a Cafe du Monde coffee shop close to the WW meeting place.  It's $4.01 which is ridiculous for a large cup of coffee but it's so good.  The aroma of the beignets permeates the place but I resist the golden fried French doughnuts dusted with powdered sugar.  Those of you who have visited New Orleans probably had French Market coffee and beignets in the French Quarter Cafe du Monde.  It's a great place to people watch, across from Jackson Square.  We now have 2 of these coffee shops on the north shore.  One is about 3 min. from my house but I hardly ever go there.

    After the meeting I think I'll go by Steinmart's and see what's on the sales racks.  I have to return the blouse I bought at Kohl's.  I put it on yesterday to wear to church and happened to notice a patch of white in the mirror when I was fixing my hair.  The white was my skin showing through a split in the seam on the right side!  I could sew the seam by hand but I'll just take the blouse back.

    Happy Monday to all.