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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Good morning everyone!  Gee when you miss a few days on here you've got lots of reading to do to get caught up!

    Carole, we were in the French Quarters and the Market in New Orleans last year in March.  I LOVED the coffee and beignets.  I bought one of the cafe's coffee cups to bring home.  Ironically, the coffee in it now doesn't taste nearly as good as that in the French Quarter.  We stayed a couple of nights in New Orleans before heading on to Biloxi for a week of golf.  Do you live anywhere near this area?  I guess I could look it up on the map but right now I'm too lazy to go out to the garage and get the atlas.

    I don't do very well typing on my phone either.  Mine has the voice recognition feature and I use it most of the time.  It does pretty well unless there's a proper name.  We just bought a new Garmn GPS yesterday that has the same feature.  Now we can just speak the addresses instead of keying them in.  I hope it works well.  This new technology just amazes me.

    The sun is shining brightly right now but it is very deceiving because it's still only 11 degrees outside.  Brrr....I think I'll stay home today and make some country steak in the crockpot for dinner tonight.  I'm a whimp when it comes to cold weather. glad your grandson could spend some day with you!  They are such a bright spot in our lives! sorry to hear about your friend.  I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

    Kaara.....I'm glad to know that I am not the ONLY female that's not fond of pro football.  I love basketball, baseball, bowling, and golf but football takes a back seat for me.  I love the superbowl gatherings.  I go mainly for the friendship, food, and commercials. 

    Well, I'm taking a break from cleaning a closet and need to get back to it if I expect to get it done today.  I want to get it finished so I can make a run to GoodWill tomorrow with my discards.

    Everyone have a great Monday.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Carole, it's been years and years, but I still remember the coffee and beignets at Cafe du Monde in the French Quarter. I worked for an airline in Houston, so New Orleans was our weekend party place.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited January 2013

    Cafe du Monde beignet mix is available for purchase.  It's hard to find but you can make the real thing at home.  We have used the mix and my husband, who has been to New Orleans, says they taste the same as what you get at Cafe du Monde. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Oh Kath just what I need to know how to make somthing tht I shouldn't have, but I would have.Carole I haven't been on a vacation since 1982--when I went to Vegas and got married there--That soured me on vacations and marriage.

    It really doesn't bother me to not go anywhere, I never liked traveling, so that's why it doesn't bother me being home alot.

    and Chevy having u'r grandson can not even be expressed in words what they do for u. I live with mine and I love when there is no school even we talk alot and cuddle every nite, My Cat, Joey and me for about an hour.I get so warm and fuzzy inside. So that's my main man.hahaha(8) This morning we had a nice long talk about the kind of diamond he's going to give his fiance--HE likes an emerald or billiant cut and at least 2 Karats---so Since I'm the sensible one I told him he better wail til he's 30 after all schooling and a good career just to give her the ring. So he's my Joy.

    So tomorrow I have a heart scan at 8:30 so hoping my cough is under control I going to go for it.-Then I'll just have 2 more tests and another check-up and I ope I'm done for the next 3 months.

    It is so cold here BRRR I hate going out I have to think what coat to wear and I'm going to wear a hat, like I haven't done that before, LOL But now it means it really cold.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Thanks for your thoughts, Rita.  I haven't had an update on my Angie yet...
    Carole, do you have the option of checking into WW on line if you want to?  You have done so well!
    I gave up fast acting carbs and sugars and lost 8 lbs. last week.  Today I ate out at Chinese buffet with a friend since we were off from work.  Then at home I made beef stew which really warmed me up.  But all the salt, sauces & carbs....I'll be happy if I only gained a pound! 
    For once I like my haircut - I washed & dried it today and (I have thick hair) it came out just like when my hair guy did it.  That never happens....
    Camille - I know what you mean about keeping up!  And on this site, some of us write a lot...I would know.
    So, out of the 6 states I haven't been, LA is one of them.  It sounds like I am missing something special...
    DH and DGs and DS #1 and DD#3 have all been to New Orleans.  They loved it. I haven't been to AL, MS, LA, AR, ND, and HI.
    Jackie, I wasn't going to watch the inaugural coverage, but I turned it on and was pretty amazed at how beautiful the Capitol looked and how impressive the ceremony was.  I am glad we don't do much politics here...but I am sure there are multiple views of how things should be.  I just wish the best for the government leaders and that the US returns to solvency and stability.  I am worried more for my children than for myself.   I felt a bit patriotic today.
    Snow's beautiful...we got more than predicted (about 4"+).  Of course, my low snow boots are in my office. 
    Early morning for me - first day of classes for students and I have to get there early to park and avoid their speeding and skidding all over the roads.
    Nite all,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Rita, I live within commuting distance to New Orleans.  In about 15 min. we can be driving on the 24 mi. long Lake Pontchartrain Causeway which takes us to Metairie and from there a few minutes to downtown New Orleans, depending on the traffic, of course.  So the trip to NO is 45 min. to an hour.  The north shore towns are bedroom communities and a lot of working people commute across the causeway.

    It takes us an hour and a half to drive to Biloxi (pronounced Ba-lux-ee) to the Beau Rivage casino, which is a very nice casino.  It has a beautiful lobby decorated according to the season.  And it has a no-smoking section. 

    It's another pretty day here.  I'm playing golf at 11 am.  It has been a while and I'm really looking forward to playing.

    Joan, I have free access to WW online since I'm at goal weight and am a lifetime WW member.  I use the E-tools online and wouldn't have to go to a meeting more than once a month to weigh in.  I like the WW meeting that I attend.  Right now I'm stuck at a weight plateau and haven't lost any weight (except the holiday lbs I picked up) since early Dec.  I want to drop another 6 to 8 lbs.

    DH is falling apart on me.  He has a toothache and is going to the dentist today.  Also his excellent vision since lasix surgery some years ago is going a little fuzzy on him.  He has an eye dr. apptment next week.  Maybe he's finally developing cataracts.

    I need to get moving!  Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Wonderful outlook:

    On Arturo Toscanini's eightieth birthday, someone asked his son, Walter,
    what his father ranked as his most important achievement.  The son replied,
    "For him there can be no such thing.  Whatever he happens to be doing at
    the moment is the biggest thing in his life-- whether it is conducting
    a symphony or peeling an orange."

    Ardis Whitman

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Brrrrr......It's cold in central Illinois today. It was 1 degree when we got up this morning but was up to 11 degrees when I went by the bank around noon.  Too cold for this wimpy gal!  I went to bowl, ran into the grocery store to pick up a few things, got some gas and hurried home where I made a fire in the fireplace.

    O.K. you have me searching the internet for this beignet mix! 

    Carole, when we were in Bioxi we stayed at Harrah's.   Harrah's is not nearly as nice as the Beau Rivage but we had free room comps because we usually gamble at home at a Harrah's (or Boyd's) casino.  I think we stayed four nights for free and got the other 2 at a reduced price so we couldn't pass that up.  It's nice that you're within driving distance of that strip.

    I watched the inaugural speech and then tuned in to see just a bit of the inaugural ball because I love looking at all the dresses.  They are so gorgeous! 

    Well, I have ribs cooking in the oven and I need to check on them.  Stay warm ladies!  You southern gals keep that warm weather going down there because I'm going to join you in a couple of weeks!  :-)

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Kara, that makes sense.  A friend once told me that when things don't seem to make sense the reason is usually money.  I think she was very right.

    I know of someone who pushed for an MRI, really fought for it, and they found something.

    I wish I had that kind of personality.  

    I went for my check up in January and she just did the laying on of hands thing.  I can't understand how they think that's enough.  Sloan onco said she was done with me, not to come back.  She was only half joking.

    I'm really afraid of what this push to save money will cost in lives.  But I do hate to go into that tube!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Gestures of kindness, courage, honesty, and love tend to be small and quiet, and most of them are made by ordinary human beings.  But these acts create and sustain a dense web of commitment that holds this planet and its people together.  The web is so resilient that it will never be completely destroyed, because it is constructed of human goodwill rather than bricks, money, or nationalism.       - Sallirae Henderson

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Camille, I hope your heart scan report is a good one.  And that the rest of your tests will be uneventful.

    RMlulu, thinking of you! Hugs and prayers for a good report and comfort today.

    Timbuktu, we had dx about the same time (7/15/11 me) and I go to a sloan satellite - am still seeing BS MO and RO each every 6 months....I think I'm about to be discharged to a year for BS...we'll see.  But I hope your MO was kidding!  That is the one doc you should keep seeing.  Are you taking the A.I. drugs? I have only had one MRI 8 years ago.  I don't ever want to do that again.
    Has anyone ever had an open MRI for BC related scans?  I would probably say no if I had.
    Am at work....gotta look busy Cool

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Thinking of you RMlulu and hoping all is going well!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Rmlulu I hope all is going well.

    My heart thingy was fin just an enlarged aorta--no biggie--so that's done

    Jackie u changed u'r avatar--u'r beautiful

    I see my Onc. every 3 months--she lkes to feel me. LOL and I've been scheduled for my next 2 tests in a few weeks--so I'm almost done for now.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Ditto to all the hopes that RMlulu is doing well.

    Camillegal, glad your scan didn't show anything alarming. 

    Rita, I hate to tell you just how gorgeous today was.  Sunny, not humid, high 60's.  I played golf for the 2nd day in a row and the course was drier today.  My back 9 was dreadful, the front 9 better, but mostly I enjoyed being outdoors and getting some exercise.

    I almost stopped and laughed yesterday in Walmart when I passed a tall display of beignet mix!  Anyone who wants a box, pm your address and I'll send you one.  No reimbursement. 

    DH just came in and he's grumbling, for good reason.  He had a root canal early in the day and was told the procedure would relieve the pain.  When the novacaine wore off, the pain was as bad as ever.  He has to have another root canal, too.  $1200 a pop.  These two oldies are spending their retirement savings on teeth!  Well, at least we're still walking around, upright. 

    Guess it's time to watch the news.  Hope you all had a good day.  I sure did, but now I'm a little tired.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Camille, glad to hear things are OK for now!
    Yes, Jackie, I love the photo!
    Hey has it warmed up in your area yet?  Tonight's supposed to be the coldest night yet.  I'm near the coast so I am still in double digits.
    Stay warm and safe!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    My friend Angie is an angel today....had (50) mets to brain after melanoma....saw her 3 weeks ago...praying for her DH and 2 beautiful daughters.  I knew she was in pain since Sunday. Cry 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hello Ladies, been quiet around here for a few days, nothing to report. Hot weather that is fuelling the fires all over the state.

    Had my follow up appointment with my Surgeon today. I was a little apprehensive considering last week when I went to see him I was feeling fantastic, and he found Seroma, Haematoma, a Stitch that needed to come out and Mondors Cord! Thankfully today he was very pleased with everything, no more syringing.

    The Mondors seems to have dissipated somewhat. He said it is very uncommon, he has only seen a couple of patients with it. Like we said, I wish we had these odds for the lottery!

    I asked about the little "pouchy": thing around the back of my under my arm. I have heard people call it a "Dog Ear". He explained that it is tissue that we all have, I think he was avoiding calling it fat, the weight of the breast pulls it forward so it isn't noticed, but when the breast is removed this area collects a little fluid, and then it is really noticeable. Mine has probably reduced by at least half since the surgery, and he says that it will flatten out more. I sure hope so  

    He finally asked if I was still feeling really well, I said yes, but I do "Hit the wall" mid afternoon and have to nap. Apparently, not a problem. He said again that I don't need any other treatment, and to see him in six months.........Yay!!! 

    I made an appointment for the week after my 60th Birthday 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Joan....what can a person say.  Well, yes, lots of things.  On the one hand there is some relief that the pain and suffering is over for your friend Angie.  Yet her family and friends will miss her presence and feel the loss for some time.  I think I read a quote somewhere that said something about how we don't really get over these losses........we just learn to co-exist with it.  Some day, probably when it is not even expected instead of raw tears or a deep sense of loss, a fond memory will cause a little smile, maybe even a bit of joy and then we can start to re-play....sometimes slowly, all those great times. 

    I wish for all of you, exactly when the time is right, all the love and joy that is Angie.

    Peace & love,


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited January 2013

    Joan, be comforted that your friend Angie is at peace.  I will pray for her family.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hoping all is well with RMlulu.

    Camillegal, so glad to hear your results were OK.

    Carole. I have to ask, sorry, what is a beignet? I love French cooking and pastries, but don't know this one. The closest I have been to New Orleans, although it has always been on my list of places to see,  is watching the crowds go by from a table in New Orleans Square at Disneyland. LOL

    I hope your Husband is feeling better after that root canal. My Daughter had a couple of them last year and she seemed to still have a lot of pain too. The prices for Dental work seem to be universal. They are extortionate in OZ too.

    Joan, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend, but glad that you were able to see her recently. It is an awful empty feeling isn't it.

    Take care everyone......

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Joan, Sorry to hear about your friend. She's no longer in pain and has gone on to other things. Prayers for you and her family.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Ariom so glad that went well and 6 months Yay is right.

    Oh Joan there is nothing to say for real comfort--I pray for her family--she is at piece now. Oh How we all hate to hear this--it's this horrible beastand it's damage to so many. I'm so sorry.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Love is a short word but it contains everything.


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2013

    It has finally warmed up in West Texas, we are around 70 today.  It has been cold here since Thanksgiving.

    Airom, I sure do understand about wildfires, since we moved here in the Davis Mountains of West Texas we have had to be evacuated from our home 4 times.  It really does get scary.  We had a wildfire on April 9th 2011 that burnt like 600,000 acres and took 23 homes and other stuctures.  I was 2 day after surgery and we had to evacuate.  So far we have been safe. 

    Last weekend we went to College Station, TX which is a 500 mile drive one way to see our son and family, needed a grandaughter fix.  500 miles and you are only about half way across Texas. I am off on Fridays and I had MLK Holiday so decided it was a good time to go.

    Our little dog Rosie is a Houdini, she gets real excited when we get to our Mt. road, I pulled up the drive and went to get her out of her little car seat in the back and she had already got out of her halter and was in the front seat.   She likes to go but is always happy to get home to the other animals.

    Sure do miss our grandaughter Kimber who lived with us for most of her 14 years.  She is in Florida with her Mom and new husband.  She started Florida home schooling this week for her Freshman year.  I think she is adjusting pretty good.  I think she see's how much David loves her Mom.  We will be going down to FL in April after the new baby is born, still praying for this baby and Mom.

    Everyone have a great day .

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Mommarch Oh I can totally understand missing u'r GD--oh after being with u so long--u have to be so sad about that.

    So it's nice there well we having a big warm up too 20 degrees today, no snow yet tho. This is wacky. And u've had wildfires--that would be super scary---good that it hasn't happened lately. And hope it just doesn't happen.

    So u'r travling too--everyone seems like they are going someplace or arriving home--Sounds good tho.I never liked to travel so I'm fine right where I am.

    U're dgtr is still having problems with the baby too. Prayer still ggoing.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Leaving was sooo cold this morning...minus 6 in my town.  Not sure what tonight will bring. I think it will have to be a warm-up after today!
    I'll be back here later....couldn't read everything and get out of here Undecided

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited January 2013

    Hello all....this is Isabelle.  I  have not dropped off the face of the earth.   We are wintering in Florida &  having a good life.   Have not been on this forum  for a long time...purely selfish reasons.   When I read these posts, I am reminded of my big C summer & I sit here and cry.   Do not know how to change this.   Anyone else have these feelings?  I do miss being a part of our forums.

    Ariom,   Beignet is the french word for donut.    

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    Welcome back, Isabelle!  Yes, you are absolutely right.  Beignets are French doughnuts.  In New Orleans they are deep-fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar.  They are delicious and I wish I could eat them more often. 

    I remember that you and your dh have a motorhome and live in Canada part of the year and in FL part of the year.  You have the best of two worlds.  Are you getting along well? 

    Today was in the mid 70's and mostly sunny.  I cooked Leek and Potato soup this morning and took half of it to my mother's house.  We each had a small bowl of the soup for lunch and a shrimp on bun sandwich.  Afterwards I took her for her hair apptment.  She was in a good mood.

    Tomorrow I'm playing golf again and really looking forward to it.  Maybe my score will improve! 

    Joan, I'm so sorry about your friend.  What a vile disease, cancer of any kind.  But the same can be said of other diseases, too.  We just have to appreciate each day.

    Chevy, how are you?  We haven't heard from you since your grandson left. 

    Hello to everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Welcome back nice to see you again.  I'm glad you popped in.  I think you can get the miseries over this disease anytime.  No matter the lose some part of your innocence -- your ability to see fear and overcome it, and those things are never really the same.  I don't think we ever quite defeat that fear entirely and not even sure why it seems so much bigger than some of the others. 

    In time, it is better, but when it comes times to go thru the mammo's or other testing that little sense of foreboding is back. 

    Hope you will come more often and say hi.......and continue on with that good time and hopefully wonderful weather. 

    Love & peace,


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Thank you, Carole.  What a great LA lunch - shrimp on a bun and soup!  I am jealous of your fantastic weather and hope you have a good golf day.

    Jackie, you are so right...every time we go to the doctor or have a mammo, we hold our breath.  But in spite of it all, life feels so good most days.