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  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Hi gals........  Just such a sad morning........  We've all been keeping up with Grannydukes, (Kantalope, Princess K,) on another thread.  Her Son just had surgery all day Thursday...  on his brain.  Didn't work, now he is in intensive care, breathing tube...... and it just makes you want to cry.  We all are so close on these threads, and when one of our own is hurting, and going through an awful time, we just have to gather around the wagons..Undecided

    But yes, we had so much fun with Chase, our GS...  What energy he brings us!   Forgot what it was like, having a whirl-wind going through the house!  Ha, ha!   But he is home, looking for a job with his resume....  living with Mom and Dad, and our Daughter LOVES having him home from college... Well, he is just so easy going, and happy.

    Carole, I am reading the book about Baby Doe Tabor....  I have not read a book in a long time, that I have enjoyed so much.  The author tells a great story, very believable, and easy to read.  Takes you right into that time, and life of Baby Doe....  And you can really like each of the main  characters.   

    Hi Isabelle.......  Don't feel bad, sometimes we ALL cry.  If not for one thing, there's always something else we can find...Cry  A girl just has to do what a girl has to do... It's supposed to help us get through those tough times.  So just stay with us, we'll talk you out of it...Wink

    Jackie, what are you holding in that cute picture?  I tried putting my eyes close to my 23" monitor, but I still can't see it!  

    We are having really nice weather here too, I mean for January, it is great!  Having lunch with one of my Friends today.  She was D#2's MIL, and we always stayed close, even when the kids didn't...Ha!  Her DH is really getting bad.... Diabetes, can't walk, down to 140, just doing terrible.  More blood tests this morning, then going to meet her for lunch... maybe I can help her out....

    Joan, did you get that storm they were talking about?   I read about your COLD weather.... that's almost worse than the snow I think.

    Ariom, we have a lot of wild-fires her also in Colorado......  Even high up in the mountains, if the wind is coming our way, you can really smell it, and if it's bad enough, causes a lot  of asthma....  It's just so tragic when homes and lives are there!   We drove up Golden Gate canyon, the other morning, and WOW, what a steep winding road THAT one is!  I forgot  how many curves were ON that road....  It's like going up and down Berthoud Pass, twice!  Ha!  Some of those homes are right smack dab in the middle of those forests....  I think a perfect place to live, would be somewhere by a big lake or bay or ocean, like maybe Singer Island in Florida, or even Celebration!  That was beautiful, right Kaara?  It's like a Stepford city, Ha!   All little homes, cute little stores, nice little lake, clean streets, and it's like a little dream town.  Disney built that... I forget the whole story, but every time we are in Orlando, we have to go there...  ALSO the flea market in Datona Beach...Wink 

    Oh man, I clicked SOMETHING, and the home page came up..... Sheesh, I thought for sure I lost this.   Must have been that "Breaking News" at the bottom here?

    Hi Camille and Wren.... talk to you guys later!  Have a fun day........

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    “Joy is the feeling of grinning on the inside.”
    Melba Colgrove

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Chevy...that is a little fox terrier dog I am holding.  Belonged to a friend of mine.  The breeder let her go to young ( not a good breeder obviously ) and she had horrid bouts of separation anxiety.....sometimes even when my friend was in the next room.  Unfair to my friend and the otherwise very wonderful companion my friend and her husband were hoping to have.  With weeks and weeks of tears behind them.....they were able to find a person ( just by chance ) who had a fox terrier who was not opposed to the idea of another the dog went there and it worked out well.  No more anxiety and two happy playmates. 

    I am so sorry to hear about Grannydukes son.  We never know what is in store for us or those we so dearly love.  I often think of some of my relatives who have "lost" children in their prime.....and they go on, but it is pretty much beyond my imagination.  Prayers and love to GD and her son.

    Listening to news reports this morning.  They were talking about the huge floods on the one end of the state and the wildfires on the other.  Sort of like what we get here....too much heat, fire and smoke all at once and then too much water for too long somewhere.....then mountainsides start to come down where homes have been built. 

    Speaking of clicking....we will see where they end up but the entry I'm typing right now is clear across the page.  Go figure. 

    Sure looking forward to the week-end.  Hope all of you are. 

    Love & peace,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Yes!  This is taking up the whole page, Ha, ha!  And on a 23 inch screen, it seems like it goes across the street!  Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    I think something is wrong....

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Chevy, glad that you had a great time with your grandson and also glad that it's warmed up a little in your area.

    Joan, so sorry to hear about your friend. I lost my neighbor and dear friend in August and it has taken me awhile to recover.  I still miss her but I realize that she's in a better place and so is your friend.  We just have to keep reminding ourselves of that.

    Carole, if I wasn't leaving this coming week, I would certainly take you up on that offer to send the Beignet mix.  I may still do that after we get back if they're still available in your stores. Enjoy that warm weather and your golf.  I gave up worrying about my golf score a few years ago.  Now I'm pleasantly surprised if I do better than my average.  Of course it's always more fun when you're hitting good shots!

    We had a dusting of snow last night....probably about an inch.  It was just enough to make it a little slick out there this morning.  We had to take the cats in to the vet to get their back nails clipped(Would you call this a pedicure???  LOL) and to get their flee medication and food for the trip.  There's no way that I want to arrive back home with flea-infested cats and they will be out in a screened-in lanai sometimes while we're in Florida.

    Good news Ariom and Cami!  We love to hear that good news!

    Mommarch, those fires do sound scary but I think I'd like the life style in a less populated area.  I bet your area is gorgeous and peaceful until mother nature plays tricks on you.

    Well, my "to do list" is long today and the day is half finished to so I need to get moving.  Everyone have a good Friday and a nice weekend.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,526
    edited January 2013

    We are working on the formatting (-:

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    This is a big wildfire area as well. DS was a volunteer firefighter in Oregon. Part of his job was to visit all the outlying houses to make suggestions about reducing fire risk. One of the houses was at the top of a steep winding road. He informed the owner that he would be on his own; the fire truck couldn't make it up the hill. I think the Aussie fires are more like the ones in Texas. Just really really dry conditions and intense heat.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    A forest fire would be terribly frightening.  Fire has such power and intensity.  One year when we were travelling in Idaho, there was a fire some distance away and we could smell it.

    Jackie, I love that definition of joy.  I also like your new picture.

    Today was a wonderful day.  I played golf.  AGAIN.  The 3rd time this week.  And I played much better than I did on Wed.  The weather was/is gorgeous.  Sunny and in the 70's.  Afterwards I went to the carwash and had my car cleaned.  Then to Walmart's to buy groceries for my mother.  I delivered the groceries and now I'm home, resting a few minutes before I cook dinner.  Tonight's menu is chicken marsala with mushrooms and roasted brussel sprouts.  Both easy enough.

    Tomorrow I'll be on the go again, making a little trip with my mother to visit her cousin in MS, who is also 90.  I was tickled to learn that one of my sisters will be going with us.  It's only an hour and a half drive so we'll plan to get there about 10:30 am and head back home about 3 pm.  My mother never particularly liked this cousin but she's the only one alive now and we do like the cousin's daughter, who is supposed to be cooking chicken and dumplings for lunch.  Yum, yum!  I love MS style chicken and dumplings.  The dumplings aren't dropped with a spoon but the dough is rolled out thin like pie crust and cut into rectangles or squares and dropped into the simmering chicken broth. 

    Rita, I hope you have weather like this in FL.  Are you taking golf clubs?

    Wishing everyone a great weekend.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Chevy, Carole, nice to hear about your great weather ....we're in deep freeze here.
    Yes, we got the snow a few days ago - I got about 4" which was the high amount for Long Island.  It's still on the ground.  My car is covered with road salt and it is snowing again tonight. Carole, so glad your golf game is going well.  I am looking forward to April when my Par 3 course opens...seems so far away...
    Chevy, I'd love to read the Baby Doe book...I wonder if it's on Kindle?  I have been to Central City many times, both before and after casinos. I used to take the Virginia Canyon Road from Idaho Springs over the mountains into Central City.  Scary road!  And I've been to Golden Gate Canyon too....I can see where the wildfire danger would be high in the foothills.  
    In summer 1995 we had a wildfire in my town in the pine barrens which spread to within about 2 miles from my street.  I had big pieces of ash falling on my roof.  I thought if the fire headed my way I'd go down to the bay and be ready to jump in. Our fire was relatively small, 7000 acres, but we have little room for getting away.  About living by the water....not so good any more....sea is rising.  Better to have a water view than a soggy yard.
    Ritajean, thanks for your kind words.
    Mommarch, I've thought about you and your GD as my grandson lived in my house since he was 6 weeks old.  He became part of our family. My daughter left for school and work, and he ended up staying with me.  I hope you can stay close and am glad you are visiting.  I will keep mom & baby in my prayers too.

    Last upate from Granny said her son was out of ICU but had post surgical headache.  She is grateful for everyone's support.
    Have a good nite, all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Joan I want to double thank u. First and foremost about relaying the message from Granny, I know most of us know her and are trying to keep up with what's going on.

    2nd--Thanking those who live in 70 degree weather for their weather updates when it's freezing here and we did get about 1/2 ince of snow. So we are living the winter for them. So we're doing our part for the American people. I can't really complain now since I'm retired I don't have to go anywhere really and the house is nice and warm so I shouldn't say much I guess.

    Rita and u'r leaving soon so that will be great for u.

    Oh my sister is driving me crazy---my next 2 tests are in the middle of Feb. and she wants me to have them sooner and to call the Dr. geeze Ihad this fir 5 yrs a couple of more weeks will be OK. Then when she heard I just dropped on the floor SHE had a fit--she's yelling at me so we're not talking--well not really in life, just in our cancer life--no talking about it. Now I can take her phone calls LOLI've got the funniest family.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Morning gals.....  Rita, where are you going in Florida?  You know our D. #1 lives in Orlando, and we have been there quite a few times!  We love going to Celebration, the Daytona Flea Market, and on time we stayed on Singer Island.  Also Melbourne Beach.  That is a beautiful state, and I love being so close to ALL of the water.... so many lakes there.  I mean I think everyone has one in their back-yard, Ha! 

    Oh yes Joan.... The road going above Idaho Springs, dropping down into Central City is also called "Oh My God" road!  Ha, ha!  Still all dirt, but it has the most spectacular views, once on the top.   One time, when my Brother was visiting from Nashville, we took that road, and we stopped to take pictures.  There was this beautiful "rock"...  I HAD to have it..... So DH & DB picked it up, and put it in the trunk of the car. 

    Okay, we drove on down, stopped in Central City, played awhile, went home, and opened the trunk.  That "rock" the size of a small Volkswagon Wink had sunk clean through the carpeted "floor" of the trunk.  Resting on the damn gas tank!!!!!!   Oh MAN, we will never do THAT again, Ha!   It still sits in our back garden, next to the Aspen tree, and believe me, it will not be moved.   Mama Racoon, and 2 little plastic babies stay on top of it.

    And yes, the Baby Doe book is great... I really recommend it.  Baby Doe Tabor, The Madwoman in the Cabin....  There are a lot of books about her, but Judy Nolte Temple, tells a great story.  The reviews were also good.

    I remember Granny K said the procedure was The Elana technique.....  Some new way of doing surgery on her Son's aneurysm.. It's just so awful that it did not work!  In surgery all day, and it didn't work!  I would be a basket case.   Now she said they have to wait until he recovers from this, and do something else.   How heart-breaking...

    Camille, what are you going to do with your sister?  Wink  It's funny how sisters can yell and scream and fight, and throw phones at each other...Wink And still come out loving each other.  (My DD's did THAT once...)  But now they are soooooooo close.  I think my oldest one thinks her little Sister is her own little girl...  Ha, ha!  They are just 2 1/2 years apart, and look almost identical. 

    Carole & Rita...  I know how much you love playing golf... The kids in Orlando live on the 4th hole of their golf course.  So the boys and their Dad go out almost every afternoon, and play.  They stop when they get to the 4th hole, and Sheri has dinner ready for them, and they eat right off of the course, Ha!  Then they just walk back over, and keep playing.    They have a swimming pool also, but no-one, NO-ONE uses it!  Except the little pool cleaning machine, and IT is always running around at the bottom!   Man, I would be in that pool every day! 

    Morning Jackie, and Wren and Mommarch and EVERYone!  Take good care!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Morning everyone--It's getting light out but still cold and really wintery.

    I went to FL once, but it was in July so I wasn't impressed it was so stinkin hot and humid I hated being there so I saw no ups on it. Wrong time of year that's for sure.

    Oh Chevy we don't argue for real, We're so close--she's my best friend and I am hers so, she's older and just nags more--usually.

    I hope everyone has a good Saturday--especially for Saturday.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Camille, you are so right....we are doing winter time for the southern half of the country!!!  On the floor?  did I miss that?  I know what you mean about getting those tests...I went to San Francisco between dx and surgery.  My doctor said "I'll be back on the 26th so can't do surgery until the 30th" to which I replied, "I'm going away too then" and my kids had fits.  The beast lurks and we don't even know.
    Chevy, nearly fell off the chair with your rock story.  I am an avid rock collector and stop for anything that looks cool.  I cannot believe that! How did you ever get it in the car? The important thing is that you got it home Surprised
    Ahh Florida dreaming...My first visit was in April and it was perfect.  I took a cruise Jan 2010 and the temps were topping out in 40s in Ft. Lauderdale.  We all have our ups and downs LOL...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Talent is God-given; be humble.
    Fame is man-given; be thankful.
    Conceit is self-given; be careful.
    - John Wooden

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Saying good morning to everyone.  We are going to have a couple of good days later on.....mid week I think.....but has been pretty cold and blustery here.  No snow.....but I don't find that much consolation.  If I have to be THAT cold, I figure I should have snow.....I'm happier to have them both at the same time and get it over with as to have them separately as it seems a waste. 

    Carole....the way we do chicken and dumplings here is more like chicken and noodles.  We use dumplings, but roll out a big piece, fairly thin.  Take a pizza cutter and cut long noodles, make sure they have plenty of flour on them......then let them lay and dry out quite a bit.....then put them in the boiling chicken stock until done.....along with the cut up chicken pieces.  Some salad and you have a meal....but of course, you don't want to do this real often.  Too many noodles and your calorie level is not so good. 

    Hope you all have some sunshine to warm you today.

    Peace & love,


    p.s.  glad you like the picture.  It is a bit smaller than I like.....but I'm not able to re-size.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Hey Joan.... I backed the car up to the rock, then the 2 guys struggled to get it up to the trunk.... But they let it tumble in.... Geez!  It almost wrecked the whole trunk....Embarassed  But it was worth it.... It's a huge beautiful multi-color rock...(boulder) about 2 feet, almost rectangular... and about 2 feet tall.  The Racoons love it...  Ha!  We won't move it..... ANYwhere! 

    I didn't know there was any other way to make dumplings!  I never thought about it!  I just used Bisquick, plus an egg, a little bit of fresh Italian Parsley, and cook uncovered, for 10, then covered for 10 more.   Your dumplings sound a lot better!  But mine were good, Ha!  

    I'm going to make some homemade mac & cheese.... I'm the only one that will eat it, but I shall make about 50 pounds... just for me.  Wink  A girl just HAS to do some things....

    Yes Camille.... Sisters, especially the older one, will always be the one to keep the younger one in line...Ha!   But it makes me feel so good to listen to them together...  How they relate to each other, and are so comfortable with their little "soft talk."   NO-ONE comes between them.... and the young one will SURELY hear about her choice in guys.... always...  And little sister will always side with her big sister... no matter what.  

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    It's in the 20's here and we think we're having a heat wave!   LOL

    We are leaving on Thursday and I can hardly wait  I'm almost like a little kid waiting for Christmas!  We are going to Cape Coral, Chevy.  It's just a few miles northwest of Fort Myers.  The weather this week has been in the upper 70's there. Hopefully that weather will continue.

    We are taking our golf clubs and our fishing poles.  We are also taking the 2 cats, whch might be a gut-wrenching nightmare in the car. I just couldn't leave them for 5 weeks with a cat sitter so........LOL

    The place that we are renting has a small pool and I do plan on using it!  We have always stayed right on Fort Myers Beach so it will be fun to explore the Cape this year and we are just about 15 minutes from the beach. 

    Chevy, I think your kids have the perfect place to live.  I'd love to live right on the course.  I live across the street from ours and down a long lane that leads into a wooded area.  I have my own golf cart so I just hop on and drive over when it's time to golf.

    Well, those chicken and dumplings sound pretty good to matter which way they are prepared.  My grandmother always made them but I have never tried to do it. There are so many wonderful dishes that she made and I never took the time to have her show me how to make them when I was younger.  Bad mistake on my part!

    Hello to everyone!  Enjoy your Saturday and Sunday!  They are predicting freezing rain for tomorrow morning here.  Maybe we'll get lucky and it will pass us by!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    If I had cats Rita, I wouldn't leave them either!  Or a dog, or anything!  Not for that long, even WITH anyone.  They will be alright.... (easy for me to say, right?)  But just watch that they don't get loose somewhere, and try to go "back home."  Yes, they have a golf-cart, all customized, ha!  But my Daughter used to use it to run Nikki, her border collie, all around that course!  I rode with her a few times, and I was hanging on for dear life.   Nikki ran, of course, but hopped in, for the way back, after she was tired!  On my lap!  Ha, ha!   We would go by these gals house.... 2 retired army colonels, and Sheri & I would whisper, and shut the light, so they didn't know we were OUT there, because no-one was allowed at night...  Wink

    And we would stop and pick those delicious oranges off those little trees!  She lived in Orange Tree, right by Dr. Phillips High School.  ... I mean they still do.  Except GS#1 lives in downtown Orlando, right by a little park and lake... what a life!   GS#2 is still home,  which his Mom will never let him leave, I think.  Wink   He is working on his resume's.... in the medical sales business, like his brother. 

    His Brother works for a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, called Depuy Spine.   Always in surgery, and selling titanium instruments used during back surgery.  Like the "cages, rods, screws, etc."   Eeeeks!  I could not do that.  A sales rep, for that company.  But I'm amazed at how well he is doing, and even saving his money. 

    I made the mac & cheese!  It is REALLY good.... Jackie... cover your ears... I mean your eyes!  I used little shells, and grated some marble cheddar & jack cheese, 1/2 & 1/2 mixed with flour and butter,  put it in to bake with minced yellow peppers, and dried Italian parsley.  Then I sprinkled minced red onions and put on mozzarella cheese, and browned it.    YUM! 

    And we bought those little tiny hamburger "slider" patties, and buns, so Dh will have that and his canned soup...Ha!     It's like a "short-order" house around here.... He eats what he likes, and I eat what I like.   

    Okay.... I'm done....Wink  Love you gals..... xoxoxo

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    It made it above 25, and I actually saw some puddles today that weren't frozen yet.
    It was an emotional afternoon as I had to attend a memorial service for my friend.  Standing room only....she was only 37.  I thought about my younger mom years and how I felt so immortal. Lots of thinking today.  I hate cancer more than ever.

    In contrast, am going to dinner with ladies from work at a house.  I hear her DH is cooking for us. 
    Gotta get on the road so I can find it before dark.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Pres. Obama, how about an Executive Order to put a stop to cancer??

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Chevy, Mom made the dumplings the way you do (and I do). The other ones were called noodles. She would make them before church and let them dry out while we were gone. When we came home she would add them to the chicken. Yum. I may have to make some soon.

    Joan, I agree. An Executive Order. Memorials are so hard when the deceased is so young. At least with older people, I feel they've had a good life.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Okay, me too!  I LOVE to get one of those roasted chickens from Costco, and throw 1/2 of it in a pot, let it simmer awhile, with the veggies, and do the Dumplings.  Drying them out first, sounds even better...  Do you mean dry out, as the batter? 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Healing is the journey. The destination is yourself. The full recognition of all
    the different aspects of yourself—your joy, your sorrow, your pain,
    your pleasure—all lead you to the source of who you are. Only by
    having intimate contact with this source can you experience the fullness
    of your life. Only by fearlessly looking within can you embrace the landscape
    of your life and open yourself completely to all the love
    and compassion that lives inside you.

    Philip Berk

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,114
    edited January 2013

    America's Test Kitchen did an old-fashioned chicken recipe and the home-made dumplings or noodles were called "slicks."  This recipe was very interesting for me because I realized that our Mississippi style dumplings must have evolved from the "slicks," which are like home-made noodles.  Chevy, we make a simple dough and roll it out very thin and cut it into squares or rectangles and drop it into the simmering chicken broth.  My mother likes her broth with added butter and cream. 

    The slicks recipe called for putting the "slicks" in the refrigerator or freezer and getting them cold.  Then they didn't stick to each other other when dropped into the chicken stock.  My mother had a big family and did things as quickly and easily as possible.  She cut up a chicken and boiled it with salt and pepper, rolled out the dumplings, cut them into pieces and dropped them in.  She didn't debone the chicken.  Her dumplings were delicious because the sauce thickened with the flour on the dumplings.  My father was a south Louisiana person and didn't particularly like dumplings.  He sprinkled LA hot sauce on his.  A lot of Louisiana people eat their dumplings over rice!  Carb city!

    Unfortunately, my cousin in MS isn't a very good cook and her dumplings rated a C minus or D.  But I appreciated her effort.

    My mother's 90 yr old cousin Marie is in much worse physical and mental condition than my 90 yr old mother, who looked very pretty in a new outfit she got for Christmas.  Marie spends most of her time in a hospital bed and her daughter can only get her out of bed with a lift that was provided by home help.  Half the time we were there Marie was off in her own world.  I was glad we made the visit because Marie's daughter seemed to enjoy having some company.  She is pretty much a prisoner taking care of her mother.  I think it is probably time to find a good nursing home for Marie, who has gained a lot of weight.  Her daughter will probably end up injuring her back trying to manage Marie in the bed.  Marie has been living with her daughter for 8 yrs but it's only the last couple of years that she lost the ability to walk or even transition.

    There's a lot in favor of trying to keep active as long as possible and also keeping  one's weight in a healthy range.  Mental stimulation is also important.  With that said, we're all mortal and age will catch up with us if disease doesn't get us first.  Frown  Yesterday was a good reminder to me to try to live every day in the present as much as possible and not dwell too much on the past or the future.  I'm sounding like one of Jackie's quotes!

    Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    Chevy...after you cut your dumplings or noodles to whatever size you let them 'dry'.  Most are a bit sticky after they are cut.  I think most people would have plenty of flour on them, but you still dry them out for a can feel when they are dry enough.  I think they just cook a lot better when they are dried out first. 

    Sounds like we are in for a couple of gloomy days and probably rain with it.  Good temperatures though.....could easily get into the 60's.  Immediately after....right back to the 30's.  DOUBLE SIGH !!!!!That is the part I really don't like....the huge swings in the middle of what is considered as yet -- winter.  I'm a winter fan as long as it looks ( important to me too ) and feels like it, and as well a summer fan....but they need to come at the right time and not dance around in each other's space.  I am so "picky", "picky", picky. 

    Hope you all have a good day.

    Love & peace,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Okay gals.... it sounds like you mean the "dough" is homemade that you use.... Would it be possible to buy that Pillsbury dough in the refrigerated section, and roll it out and cut it, and then let it dry?   I mean I usually make mine with Bisquick...  It's just a batter you make with milk, (I think) and an egg, and drop it by spoon onto the simmering broth.

    Yes Carole, I like mine thicker, and with 1/2 & 1/2 also...   There used to be a restaurant here in town, that made their delicious soup with Campbells cream of chicken soup, their own noodles, and thickened with flour and cream...  It was soooooo good! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611
    edited January 2013

    I am talking about home-made dough.  I think you probably could use the Pillsbury dough.....I always thought it so much fun to have flour flying all over the kitchen and have little piles that got away....well, you know, it can be a messy operation to an extent.....but I guess for me.....often if I'm going to mess up the kitchen that way I make a a double or triple batch..cut them,...dry them, and put them in freezer baggies and next time I want to make something with home-made noodles....they are already done. 

    I have not made any for some time and all this "talk" is going to inspire me soon, I bet.  See you all later.

    Peace & love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Joan....I'm all in favor of your suggested Executive Order!!!!  Hope you had fun at your dinner with your co-workers!

    Chevy, I can just see you flying all over that golf course in the golf cart!   LOL

    Our weather report for the day was for freezing rain but it missed us.  We just got regular rain which will still make a treacherous mess in the morning on the streets and walkways if the temps drop this evening.  I don't need to leave the house until tomorrow afternoon so I'm not going to worry about it now.  It will be melted by then.

    Carole, while I was reading your post about how we all need to stay active and keep our weight down, I was shoving those small Valenitne conversation hearts into my mouth as fast as I could.  I knew I shouldn't have bought them but I LOVE those things and you only buy them once or twice a year, right???   As soon as I get this bag done, the temptation will be gone!  LOL

    I hope you all had a great weekend. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Chevy, You don't dry out the batter ones. If you have a food processor, you can make noodles in no time flat. It will definitely take longer to roll it out than to make it.