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  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited January 2013

    Hmm.  I wonder if you could freeze the raw dumplings.  I mean--would they taste good if cooked at a later time.  Since dumplings are a bit of trouble and, as Jackie said, make a mess with scattered flour, it would make sense to mix up and roll out a double batch. 

    Chevy, you make the drop dumplings, which are completely different from the rolled out dumplings or home-made noodles.

    DH and I went to see Silver Linings Playbook at the movies.  I really enjoyed it.  The acting was very good, and I liked the story, too.  Afterwards we went to a restaurant and I had a fried oyster poboy.  It has been a high calorie day.

    Tomorrow back on the WW wagon!  Giddy Up! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Joan I'm so sorry about u'r friend, only 37 it's so sad.--I'm glad u'are going out tonight for dinner it will bw good for u.

    And this westher is stupid--they get us going and then nothing, and yes it's supposed to be almost 60 this week then cold again Pushaw

    Do u know that most of this page is about dumplings hahahahaha Chevy u crack me up--but u'r mac and cheese sounded really good. OK I never made chicken and dumplings but my dgt does occasionally and all she does is buy Pillsbury biscuts and break them up into small pieces and they get bigger and they're pretty good. It's super easy, that she takes after me.  ////but soon we are going to make Lasagna together she never made it like my mom and that was our favoriite and that I used to make and I made it pretty close to my mom's cuz in later years we made it together so -Different parts of Italy make it different ways and naturally we all liked my moms so we're going to go for it. I hope I remember all the ingredients. hahaha IK first time I got in with recipes see I used to cook.

    Rita I'm sure u can't wait and u have to bring u'r furbabies with u, or they would be so lonely so good.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Jackie, I loved your quote (above) about the looking to the source of our lives...i spent a lot of time yesterday/today thinking about who I was, who I am, and who I want to be.  I want to just sit home for a few weeks and sort through photos and memorabilia...our lives become so full and I forget about precious details.
    Thanks, friends, for your kind words once again.  Camille, you are right....going out was just what I needed.  We had a good time and did not talk about work except for about 5 minutes.
    Too bad the warm weather will arrive with clouds and rain here too.  Tomorrow, though, we get a mix.
    Did some retail therapy today...returned some gifts and got 3 pairs of boots...I love the bargains this time of year.
    Love reading about the food...I am not a well-rounded cook - what I make is good, but what I bake is better.
    Work tomorrow, and first day of classes for me (nights).  I hope my students leave their colds and flu at home.
    Stay well everyone, and make the most of each day this week.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Ritajean, Just make sure your cats have microchips. We drove from Houston to Alaska with one cat (a young one). Later moved from Houston to Seattle with 2 cats and a litter of kittens still nursing. Both trips went well. I volunteer for our local shelter and can't stress enough how important it is to have the cat microchipped. We hold strays for 3 days before putting them up for adoption. If they have a chip, we call, then send a registered letter to the owner.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Wren, that is a great idea for those who travel with pets.  Thanks for the reminder.
    Rita, you must be so beside yourself with excitement.  I would be....Laughing

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited January 2013

    Joan, what do you teach?  I hope you are able to take some time and satisfy that need to go through photos and memorabilia.  In my case, my "busyness" is self generated.  People worry about what they will do with their time when they retire but it turns out to be easy to fill up that time with activities and going here and there, as health permits.

    Camillegal, from your posts it seems you stay home quite a bit and are content with your life.  I enjoy your great sense of humor. 

    I'm off to my WW meeting this morning.  The time has been changed to 10 am instead of 9:30.  I have items in my trunk to drop off at GoodWill.  That's another thing that happens to retired people.  Some of them are too lazy to have garage sales so they "drop off at GoodWill."  I also have to go to Steinmart's and return a small purchase that didn't work out.  Then back home to do some much-needed housework.  When the weather is good, the housework gets neglected.  That's my MO.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,617
    edited January 2013

    Sitting here listening to a big ole' thunderstorm.  That is compliments of the warm weather.  Will be  in the 60's or so today and then warmer yet the 70's.  Unbelievable.  I don't like the back and forth stuff.  Especially when it comes at what is a "very strange time for it.  This is more like a Spring storm.

    Joan....glad the quote got you to thinking.  One thing my "disease" process taught me was how complacent I had been being for quite some time.  How much I did not notice daily about anything, including myself, and therefore the thousands upon thousands of opportunites to  ( sounds a little smarmy poetic ) be one with everything around me.  All little things, but they were not there for a long time.  Now I see the REAL color of green, and rugged bark on trees,  and even can appreciate a thunderstorm differently though it is such an odd time of year for it.  Can see things in the clouds again and appreciate their beautiful, billowing white color.  Some seem so full and dense while others nearby can be wispy and transparent.

    Camille,  yes --- sort of striking that we can do a whole page of dumplings and noodles here.  Just how easily we can share life with others.  Frankly --- though it is a horrid disease that brought us all here.....I feel very safe here talking to others who I call friend.  I don't trust Facebook and other multiple mailing type this is where I come.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    Peace & love,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Jackie, I've always told you that.  You can see the beauty in every living thing.... and you have a way of saying things that hit right at the very soul of each one of us.  And you are right.... maybe going through this cancer, or any other life threatening time of our life, we just learn patience and know that living is where we want to be..... and we appreciate it so much more. 

    I've noticed this too, that I want to do more "things" now, make myself useful!  Even if it's thinking of this "mobile" I want to make out of feather butterflies, little hanging mirrors, and white flowers, or WANTing to organize my drawers and cupboards.   So that's good, when we reach this point. 

    I've had this sterling silver charm bracelet for YEARS, but I'm taking it apart, because it's sooooooo heavy, and moving some of the more meaningful charms to another bracelet watch, etc!   And I'll give that old bracelet to D#2, thinking she can either use it, or take it in & sell the silver. 

    So I'm off to fix breakfast now....  Maybe go "shopping" at the mall today!  Then snow tonight....  BUT I bought some potting soil and Pearlite.... just dreamin' of Spring...Wink

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,617
    edited January 2013

    So much has been given to me; I have no time
    to ponder over that which has been denied.

    Helen Keller

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013

    Rain, rain, more rain and fog!  What strange weather we are having in Central Illinois!

    Today I have to go to Walgreen's and get the pictures printed from my camera so I can clear off the chip so it's ready to go to Florida.  Then I need to get my golf bag in the house and organize it and stock it with plenty of golf balls because there seems to be LOTS of water on these beautiful southern golf courses.  My poor clubs really need to be cleaned, too.  I'm really ashamed of them.  That will keep me busy for awhile.

    I also have several boxes to take to Goodwill.  I'm done with yard sales now, too.  It takes forever to get ready for them and then you sit for two days to make just a handful of change because I always price my things"to go" so I don't have to bring them back home.  I guess I have to admit that I'm one of those lazy ol' retired ladies, too. 

    I'm off to get something accomplished!  Everyone have a great day!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Rita, I would rather just donate all my "stuff" instead of fooling around with a yard-sale....  I hardly even look at THOSE anymore either, just because I usually have way too much "stuff" on my own.  If my Daughter or friends don't, or can't use it, I'll take it up to the Treasure Trunk.... it's run by the city, for battered women and families.   

    But we DO like to walk around at the out-door mile-hi farmers market, and maybe come home with something I absolutely have to have... Wink  We just went to Super Target today, because I wanted some more de-caf coffee, to mix with my regular, and some shredded Parmesan cheese.  I want to make some of those fried cheese crisps....  I bought some already made from Whole Foods, but I know I can make my own, so we'll see...Ha!  My friend made them with chopped Pistachio's....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    OMG where do all of u get u'r energy--Chevy more recipes??? I did say we are going to make lasagna, but it's not set in stone.

    OK the screen is all goofy And for the first time I didn't do it, so it's not me.thankfully.

    Don't worry the Mods will fix it--I have plenty od experience with this wide screen thing.

    Rita just a couple of more days and u'r off--excitement building--and this westher is crazy--u'r going to be in even weather there. I't going to be spring for 2 days, then back to serious cold. Everyone is going to be sick--u wait and see. The teachers are at the most risk.

    Well I hope u all have a good day and feel good.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Camille.... we brok it!  Ha, ha!  I just PM'd them again.... they will fix it I know!   I fried the cheese-crisps..... next time I will bake them.... Smile  But they are really good!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Chevy that fast??? Wow u'r a whiz in the kitchen then. It would take me all day, 1/2 a day of just thinking about it.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,526
    edited January 2013

    Formatting's fixed now - back to "regular" goofiness, instead of that special formatting goofiness!  Smile

    • Your Mods

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    You DID it!  thanks mods....  We'll try and not break it again....Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Thanks mods--but it wasn't me this time LOL

    Chevy u'v been married a lon long time--even if I added up the years of marriage with different husbands I'm way behind. So a big time Congtrats to u.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Thank you..... You just sort of grow on each other after 50 years, I think..... and can't imagine life without each other.  I'm here to help him grow older, and same with him... 

    But SOMEtimes, since we're "growing on each other" ....we get under each other's skin, Ha!   But those times just play themselves out, and then we're back to normal again....Wink

    We are opposite in so many ways.....  If I were Italian, with those tempers, or if I were also an introvert, or always looked at life with a downer attitude, we wouldn't make it....  It's like I'm a cheer-leader!  Always trying to make everyone happy..... Even if they're trying their darndest to be negative about SOMEthing.   But it works.

    We have about 6 inches of snow out back.... not so much under the trees, and Lacee loves to just lay in it, soaking it up!  Her fur is standing straight out this morning!  She looks like a Porcupine, Ha!   So glad she has that thick under-coat, and long fur/hair on top of it....  She doesn't like to come through her dog door to stay "warm" at night.... give her the wide open spaces, with a foot of snow, and she is happy!  

    We HAVE a dog-house for her with a fleece blanket, and she takes naps in there, but would rather be snowed on.Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Oh chevy u do always sound like u make the best of things. My mom and dad were married 67 yrs--my dad was very calm and marshmelowy with my Mom and she was quiet--but actually my dad was so funny and had the patience of a saint. We had a big kitchen floor and my mom picked out new tile and my dad picked up the old and put the new one down. The very next day she said it hurt her eyes and she didn't like it--she picked a new style he piced it up and put the newer one down, Never complaining--she did that with most everything--He really wasn't the typical Italian man of those days and she was the boos---but she was nice tho. hahaha

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,617
    edited January 2013

    Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.

    ~ Margaret Lee Runbeck

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Yes!  How fun for you to remember them...Smile   My DH likes to think he is boss... so I let him....Wink Because THAT's how it's supposed to be, at least from the days we grew up in....  The sweet little Italian wife was supposed to cook, follow, clean, shut the hell up, and spend the rest of  her other  waking moments in church..... and oh, talk about the neighbors, Ha!   

    Me, as an Irish, and NOT Catholic was some sort of anomaly with that family.   Took a long time... after two Daughter's, before they thought I would work out.... Wink

    When Italians marry Italians, there is always a chance of one causing bodily harm to the other, or else scream themselves senseless at each other.  So if they marry "outside" their in-bred tendencies, it might work out.  Ha, ha! 

    Now coming from an Irish family, y'all know about THEIR traditions of partying, drinking, and otherwise making their mate miserable.   The Irish men, speaking of my Grandpa, and my Dad kept that tradition going proudly!    We, as girls just thought this was normal.   

    So when two different worlds collide, it's like "Okay, let's see what we can do to throw all our expectations out the window, and find our way on our own, in our own little world.  ...  It worked... Smile 

    Besides I like to do my own flooring, and wall-papering and painting.....AND laying Laminate....even though DH would have kept that awful rug, I just wanted something cleaner and nicer.   (Except I DID lay area rugs under the dining-room table and chairs....  (giggle there)    I even do cement work!  Or I used to.    And DH installs swamp-coolers, storm-windows, etc.  The BIG stuff.   We are a good team....

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013!  You are so handy!  I can shop for the paint, wallpaper, and flooring and I can paint. That is about it! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Rita, we did it, because it needed to be done, and we could not afford to pay someone else to do it, Ha!   Just like my folks did, AND their parents.  And I always wanted to change things, so I would do it myself.... like tile the bathroom walls, the floors.... and then the kitchen..... Did eveything in the kitchen.  But it was "our" house, so I made it like we liked it..... 

    I loved "ragging" the walls!  A pale blue, over a white base.... so pretty!  I just didn't like painting the trim on the house, and climbing up over the front porch.... I didn't mind doing it, just getting back down.... ha!    But we've always done everything that needed done..... except that damn plumbing....Ha!   That job was a job for Superman! 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, just went on a cruise with Dh , My DS and his lady. Returned to winter late last night, didn't know if we wud  get in or not, things are already melting. Hope none of you get caught by the rough weather coming in the mid-west and south. So glad we managed not to catch the flu and were able to get rads done in time to go!

    Spent today doing catch up, got pics developed, groceries etc. Also trying to catch up on my computer friends. Glad to be back on line. I was good girl and left the computer at home. Didn't have too much withdrawal!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,617
    edited January 2013

    Yeah bonnets, your back.  Sounds like you had a really good time --- though you did have to come back to winter.  Its wonderful to take some time off, but in the end.....there's no place like home.

    Peace & love,


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Hi, checking in with my friends here even though I am supposed to be sleeping.
    Carole, I teach geoscience courses at community college. I had my first classes Monday since I teach at night.  I have another job at the college during the day being a lab assistant and curator o in my Earth & Space Sciences division. I run the planetarium and am curator for our large collections of rocks, minerals and telescopes.
    Jackie, I appreciate the Helen Keller really is a good way to live.  I agree with you that I look at life differently.  I try to be present in the moment and listen and feel more.
    Time for sleep...will catch up tomorrow.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,617
    edited January 2013

    I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge.

    ~ Gerald Jampolsky

    IllinoisLady: • Happiness is a present attitude -- not a future condition ~~ Hugh Prather

    Dx 9/27/2007, IDC, 5cm, Stage II, Grade 3, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR-, HER2-

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited January 2013

    Joan, your job sounds very interesting and impressive.  You must have a doctorate degree.  I had intended to get my doctorate but ended up stopping after the master's degree.  It was one of those roads not taken, and I'm not really sorry.  The road I took turned out to be pretty interesting.

    The format is strange today.  Very long box to write in.

    We had torrential rain during the night so the ground is saturated again.  Wed. golf cancelled and it may be too wet for Fri. golf.  Problems, problems.  DH and I slept until 8:30 this morning because the gloom kept the bedroom dark and neither of us had a reason to get up early.  Today will be either housework or taxes.  Probably taxes.  I need to download Turbo Tax first.  Sure hoping for a return with all the dental expenses in 2012. 

    Looks like 2013 will be the same.  DH just had two root canals.  First was $1200 and second was $1400.  No dental insurance. 

    Hugs to all. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,617
    edited January 2013

    Hmmm, wonder why the formatting wants to go bonkers all the time.  Gloomy here as well Carole.  It rained all night and then just now we had another major soaker.  We may well get the snow they have said could come this afternoon when it gets to 30 or so.  The high yesterday was 71 so it isn't much of a surprize to me that we have getting or will get some pretty crazy weather. 

    I recognized some time ago that we had global warming problems and yet I know there are people who think we are in the midst of some sort ot cycle.  Well, I think it is much more than a "cycle" from what is going on around here. 

    Hope you all have a good day w/o too much negative weather to have to deal with.  See you all later.

    Peace & Love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2013


    I would LOVE your job.  I love science!  I taught for 33 years, many of which were spent teaching Jr. High Science.  I also coached the Science Olympiad team and we went to state competition 4 different years.  When I retired, our Children's Science Museum here in town hired me to teach "hands on" science activities to other teachers in the area.  They finally lost the grant for that but I did it for several years.

    We're leaving early in the morning.  I think I have everything packed except the last minute things.  I'm taking my laptop so I hope to stay in touch!

    Jackie....I sent you something in the mail yesterday.  It's only a year late, but  guess it's better late than never.  I may get back on later tonight before I pack up the computer, but if not, I'll check back in a few days when we are settled.

    Everyone take care!

    Hugs to all,
