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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Some of you gals might have seen this on another thread....but I especially thought it was so unique!  And Joan, I know you will like it.

    Our Daughter that lives in Orlando used to be able to see the space-craft when they lifted off and flew over!  She would always be out in the back-yard, waiting for it!    We were in Orlando one time, and drove to watch the shuttle take off.... Soooooooooo very impressive....  Then we went back home to Denver, and heard on TV that the re-entry did not happen.  This was the shuttle we all lost...  It was just so tragic, because we were THERE, and they didn't make it back!   It was almost impossible to believe.... I think this was the Columbia.

    This video is a little long, but I loved looking "inside" the Space Station.

    Have fun on your trip Rita!  And YOU take care..... !

    Bonnets, glad to hear from you again...  We haven't been around anyone with the flu either.... but my DD has a bad cold....again.  She has to work,  but this being the 3rd day, feels a little better.....   This weather here, is either freezing or 70 degrees out!  Right now the wind is blowing, and I see snow flying around, probably from the mountains, trees, or from the roof-tops!   But the sun is mostly shining. 

    Jackie, I hope your back is easing up a bit.... it just takes forever, once you strain it!  If those pills aren't working by now, they probably won't, and maybe you can try something different?  A muscle relaxor never helped mine....  just made me feel funny.... I mean funnier than usual.  Wink

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited January 2013

    Rita, safe travel and have a wonderful time in FL.  We'll look forward to hearing about those BIG fish you and your dh catch!  And those fun rounds of golf. 

    Yay!  I have teeth on the upper right now.  It feels so funny since the space has been empty for months.  My tongue keeps exploring the newcomers!

    It is cooling off here and the wind is whipping outside.  I'll have to bring in a couple of potted plants.  It's supposed to get down to around 30 degrees tonight.  Now maybe I'll have a chance to wear my new red corduroy jeans!  I bought them on sale at Talbots and then the weather turned warm enough for shorts.

    Jackie, I agree with you that we're having global warming.  

    What are the chances that two brothers would be coaching the opposing teams in the Superbowl?

    The speech by Gabby Gifford made me feel sad for her.  What a brave person she is to get up before the world and make a speech. 

    Hi to everyone.  We miss those of you who haven't checked in lately.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,615
    edited January 2013

    Good evening......yep, I think I'm going to live over this back strain but zowie.....I didn't know it was possible to feel so bad with a back and I just have a strain.  I can't really imagine those who have had  issues with the bones and vertebrae  and bulging disc's and other things I have heard people say.  I just think I'm darn lucky that this seems to be something that while a time taker of a sort....may not require a complicated fix.  Maybe just a set of back exercises.  Anyway I'm glad to say I survived my first day since Friday back to work.

    My cousin Mary.....who worked the morning shift just stayed after and make sure that I didn't do too much today.  Says she is coming back tomorrow.  Gosh....I'm really going to owe her a favor or two.  Sometimes I think....I have the best family and friends and I am so grateful for it. 

    Rita....I think she is leaving for somewhere warm and going to miss our stormy weather.  We were drenched last night in the warm, windy air.....and now tonight it has turned off cold and we will gert snow flurries.  Not likeing that much and sounds like she is making her get-away just in the nick of time.   Can you hear the jealousy. 

    Hope you all have a marvelous evening.

    Peace & Love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Rita safe and happy travels.

    And yes ladies this weather is rediculous--either stay warmish or cold I do't really care, I fear this summer weather more actuall--it was so hot las year, u could hardly leave the house.

    Jackie I hope u'r back ets better by the day--I know what u mean tho--I'e neer had a back problem til about 2 years ago and I thought the same thing--How do people lie with this cuz mine comes and goes--It was eye opening to me when someone would say my back is acting up.

    Carole u must really be soaked out there is Fri. golf game is already cancelled.

    Well trying to sleep again.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,615
    edited January 2013

    Come to the edge, He said. They said, We are afraid. Come to the edge,
    He said. They came. He pushed them... and they flew.
    Apollinaire, Guillaume -

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,615
    edited January 2013

    Golly Camille....hate to admit how easy it sometimes is for me not to notice things.  Just looked at your signature health line and see we both were diagnosed in 2007. Well, I do know sometimes my brain sees it.....but apparently chooses not to connect in any way.  Anyway....we were always in the same boat so to speak. 

    Well, the cold did come last night and will hang around a couple of days and then slowly rewarm  We did get the snow flurries and you can see in the little areas where there is a crack or indentation in the ground.....but nothing to truly count.  May have more of those but I don't think any accumulation is expected.

    I woke up this a.m. same as yesterday......really almost painfully stiff and sore all over.  As I have pills that need taking on an empty stomach....I'm here until they get settled....then I'll go in and eat and take the ones that will start the process of geting me loosened up enough to go to work. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day....and stay warm if it has cooled where you are.

    Peace & love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited January 2013

    Jackie, how did you hurt your back?  If you've already told us, please excuse my poor memory.

    Our weather has turned cooler but it's sunny today.  I think our high will be low 60's, which is perfect for me.  My mother has a hair apptment at 11:00.  Afterwards I'll take her grocery shopping if she wants to go.  Usually she gives me a list.  She has to ride in a scooter at the supermarket and she isn't a good driver so worries about taking down displays.  I figure it's good for her to get out and ride up and down the aisles.  She spends more $$ when she goes because she sees things that she hadn't put on the list. 

    My dental apptment was in Hammond yesterday, about a 30 min. drive.  There's a big produce market there and also a really good seafood market.  I went to both and bought veggies at one and a half gallon of oysters at the seafood market.  I gave half the oysters to my mother and kept half.  Now I'm deciding whether we'll have Italian baked oysters tonight (Elmwood Plantation Oysters Mosca) or oysters and pasta. 

    Hope Rita is having a safe and comfortable road trip today.

    Kaara, how are you?  You must be too busy and happy to check in.  And what happened to Ariom?  And Isabelle?  Ladies, we miss all of you, those named and not named.  Hope you're all doing well.

    Have a happy Thursday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Carole u sure are a good dgtr--so u must have a good mom. And u sure keep busy--I give u credit.

    And crdit to u Jackie for all this and going back to work. I was planning on going back but just couldn't--1st I was a supervisor, and I couldn't supervise myself let alone 20 people. LOL I had to be all over the place and deal with alot of people--no patience anymore I probably would hae been fired and that wouldn't be good for me --so I opted for retiredment. I reslly thought oh I hae cancer OK about 1 year I'll be fine. hahahaI was still getting chemo the 2nd yr-So confused I was and now starting al these tests all over, most the same some new-Whatever. But I digress, anyway it's cold and snowy here now and maybe for the next few days, then a warm up--This is crazy weather

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,615
    edited January 2013

    Carole and everyone....I really don't know for sure how I hurt my back.  I do so many different things at times....picking up things I really shouldn't -- moving furniture.  But over a week ago......every morning when I got up my back was just a little achy.

    I seriously started to consider that maybe it was time to look for a new mattress which wasn't a great thought for me as they are so expensive now.  So that gets us up to this past Friday.  I had done a load of clothes where I work and was folding some on a bed --- a rather low one.  I reach over to fold the end of a fitted sheet and was not sure I would be able to stand up again -----  nothing snapped or popped mind you.... but just a whole lot of pain which made it almost intolerable to straighten up. 

    Hate to admit what happened next -- how could anyone do such a foolish thing......  I decided it was just some strange quirky thing ( as I've had a couple now and then ) and reached right back down to that sheet.....and of course that awful pain just came right back.  Somehow managed to get the sheet and take it in the other room where the bed was higher....and then went and sat down for about 20 minutes.  Things felt far, far better, but by the time it was time for me to go home......I could tell that I had a problem that 20 minutes would not near be sufficient enough to fix.  Saturday I had a pretty miserable day.....trying to be careful all I could.  Sunday.....I gave in and went to the v.A. Hosp. emergency room 70 miles away.  I was going to go to the much, much nearer satellite office on Monday....but Denny reminded me that they would send me to Marion for the if I had to was a very rainy day Sunday and figured we might have well go there and handle it. 

    I guess I did something before hand......and just the way I leaned over to fold that sheet was enough to "finish" the job.  They say it was/is a strained muscle.  It is not too pleasant and as it has not yet been a full week of meds --- that will be will be with for a bit yet it seems.  I get very stiff during the night and the mornings take some doing to get to the point of less pain and stiffness.  But it does come.....and so yesterday and today I went to work though my cousin has been coming to help out so I'm not doing much and resting my back --- using a heat pad there. 

    So that is my saga of the bad back.  I can see I'm going to have to put some exercising in my future  --- something geared for keeping the back area in tip-top shape........

    Started snowing here this afternoon....I don't think it will continue, but it could.  It is going own to 8 degrees overnight tonight....our coldest day/night yet.....and three days or so ago it was 70.  SIGH !!!!!  Global warming for sure.

    Hope you all have a great evening....hi to everyone.

    Peave & love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited January 2013

    Jackie, it happens all the time.  Just one movement and zap.  The back hurts, the knee hurts, the shoulder hurts.  "Maturity" is such fun!  I sure hope your back pain goes away and you get back to normal.

    Today was very enjoyable.  My mother's hair stylist is a 5 min. drive.  Afterwards we had lunch at my mother's house.  I fried some oysters and we had an oysters on bun sandwich and steamed fresh brussel spouts.  I know, that's kind of a weird combination but my mother really likes brussel sprouts and she loves fried oysters.  Afterwards I made some decaf and got one of her soaps, The Young and the Restless, started on the DVR.  She also watches The Bold and the Beautiful.  I watched both of them with her.  She is very involved with these stories and talks about them like the people are real.  I am amazed at how beautiful and well-dressed everybody is.  Most of the actresses have puffy lips.  They must have injections.  It's not normal for lips to be that puffy! 

    Camille, you took chemo for two years?  That must have been quite an ordeal.  It sounds as though bc really screwed up your life but you're making the most of it. 

    Tomorrow night we're going to a Mardi Gras parade here on the northshore with another couple.  I haven't been to a parade in umpteen years and am looking forward to it.  The parade is the Krewe of Eve.  All the members of the mardi gras organization are women, and I've heard that they have beautiful costumes.  DH isn't thrilled but he's being a good sport.  It will be pretty cool tomorrow night so we'll have to dress warm. 

    Hope everybody had a good day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    Jackie, I hurt my back leaning over to iron something on the bed. Evidently that's one of the worst things to do. It's OK now after PT and exercises.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi - glad to see some of you are showing up!  I worked from 8 AM to 9:30 PM last night and just fell asleep - not able to stay awake to catch up here.
    Carole - I was thinking of you when the severe weather was ripping through the south.  I am glad you managed OK.   Like you, I also was on PhD track and opted a MS also.    What is your background?  I stayed home with my family for 25 years and was a volunteer breastfeeding counselor.  I also had a business making whole grain breads and wedding was OK to sell from home back when.  Went back to school in 1990s just to get out and take some language classes...then got hooked on a geology course.  Got the BS and was asked to stay on for grad science areas, it is a free education and I even got a salary for awhile.  I got high school certified and did student teaching and had to choose between that and working at the college.  I am happy with my choice...high school teachers work soooo hard. 
    Rita, that's you - wow you did a lot with your teaching opportunities.  I am sure we feel the same about science and find everything fascinating....only difference is I do not plan to retire...I've been working about 10 years.  I love it but am feeling much more tired than I used to...and the meds make it tough to focus and stay organized.   Have a wonderful safe trip and send pix!  There may be a warm place in my near future but not sure yet...DD has plans for me.
    Jackie,as you mentioned, we are definitely in an accelerated warming trend and we're getting more extreme weather.  The warming is affecting weather patterns on a large scale.  Sooo sorry to hear about your back and hoping you can find a comfortable position for being awake and asleep.  As Carole said, it's that tiniest movement that usually gets the back, the knee or the neck...but when the back hurts, it is hard to think about anything else.  Feel better.
    The shuttle launch must have been amazing.  I have never seen it.  One time I knew the shuttle was launched heading up the eastern US so I drove down to the bay and searched the sky...I saw it (it was daytime) as a bright point of light and just as I focused, it was staging and it was a beautiful sight.  So sad that your shuttle did not make it home.  I watched most of the space station video and it was fascinating!  I had no idea what was going on up way would I want to be confined for 6 months!
    Jean so awesome that you managed to finish rads and get a cruise in deserve it.  Now back to the cold......reality sets in.  Hope you are feeling well.
    Sorry,too long a post but that's what happens when I don't check in.
    Carole, I enjoy hearing about your adventures with your is a special time in both your lives - so nice you can be there for her.
    Sending good thoughts and a hug for all,

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    My physical therapist is McKenzie trained.  He uses Treat Your Own Back by Robin McKenzie.  It really helped me avoid a cortisone shot in the spine for a herniated disc pressing the left sciatic nerve.  I had about three months of PT and it was amazing how much the exercises helped.  To this day, I don't know how or what caused it.  I was six weeks past my BMX and the pain woke me up in the middle of the night.  I bought the book to have on hand in case I have any kind of a flare up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Carole I love it too how u spend time with u'r mom--it's wonderful.

    Oh this back problem is awful--u'd never think u'd get i so easily--my back isn't nearly that bad so u's must be terrible. Do u take muscle relaxers or not--I don't know if tht helps.

    Jon u worked so many hrs. yesterday--no wander u fell right to sleep/

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Hi all!

    Thanks for all the interesting reading. I haven't had any news to speak of, but I have enjoyed reading all of your posts.

    I went to my first meeting of the "Pink Ladies of Paynesvillle" since my surgery. This is a group of ladies who hve all had breast cancer, some going back 25 years, others like me are new to it all. They go on outings together, raise money for other breast cancer groups, and offer support to each other. I went to the meeting just prior to my surgery and was made very welcome, so I decided to go back today. I was able to show the group that I was doing fine, got through my surgery, and I could show them my new foob, and the cami with the inbuilt bra with pockets. They were genuinely thrilled for me.

    I had my first massage since my surgery this afternoon and I am still floating on air. The lady who does my massage is a new friend that I met the day I was diagnosed. She gave me a great massage the day before my surgery, and today she made my one hour appointment last an hour and a half as a gift for me coming through so well. I have been using massage as a treatment for my Rheumatoid for many years. I never expected to find someone as good as this lady in this little town.

    Our weather has cooled down considerably, but that doesn't mean we won't have another heat wave. I just hope the fires are all over, and the floods will subside. Mother Nature has sure shown her fury here too this year.

    I am trying to get my head around a gallon of oysters. Carole, What does that mean?

    We buy  ours in the shells, or sometimes in jars with vinegar.

    I really envy you having time with your Mother. I miss mine so much. We were very close. When we came to Australia from Scotland in the 50's, it was just Mum Dad and me. We didn't know a soul here so we were a close knit little family. I looked after my Mum at home for 3 years after my Dad passed, she got through Breast Cancer, but unfortunately had Dementia and had to go into care. She was robbed of all her memories, but she never forgot me. Cruel disease!

    It's dinner time here, so I am off to pick some herbs and salad from the garden. Take care everyone!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    Hi gals!  hope your back is much better now Jackie.  It's just so hard, sometimes to try and figure out HOW we hurt ourselves, or just over-work our joints.


    If you twist wrong, you can really hurt your back, like rupture a disk, but you KNOW when that happens.    I did this when trying to throw the covers up over my bed, with one knee on the bed, and the phone propped in between my ear & right shoulder....  Man, that pain, just brings you down to your knees.


    An overworked back WILL respond to physical therapy plus heat,  and that will help relieve the pain.... along with an anti-inflammatory. 

    Kat, the two ruptured disks I had were the Ls4 & 5, and also pressing on my sciatic nerve...  I mean you put up with it for soooooo long, but the pain was just constant.  And no matter what they did, they could not fix it, other than surgery, and the minute I woke up from that, the pain was gone.


    For the last two days, the top of my shoulder hurt to even TOUCH it.  I could NOT figure out what happened.   I shoveled a little snow, to help my husband out, but I KNOW that didn't cause it.... It was just one of those "mystery flukes,"  Ha!  But it's totally gone now.


    Joan, I wondered what was wrong with her HAIR, when I first watched it, but then realized why it was sticking out all over..Ha!  I think if I had to be in a weightless environment, I would wear my hair a lot shorter.

      But I wouldn't like to be "locked in" like that either...  can't shop ANYwhere! 


    Ariom, I have never had a massage... It sounds so relaxing!  


    And yes, being able to spend time with your Mom Carole, is just special...


    Ariom, I went through dementia with my Grandma too....  She forgot everyone... but not me... and you form such a special bond with them.  It's like they belong to you now.... like your own kid, and you have to protect them.  It hurts you worse, than it does them, because they don't know what is going on....  Yes, it IS a cruel disease, watching this, and you can't help them...except for being with them.


     Well THIS worked good!  I typed this post,  right beside this thread, then copied and pasted it.... That way I could scroll up and down, and not lose anything, Ha! 

    Have a fun day gals.... !
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited February 2013

    Joan, my field was English.  When I started college and had to pick a major, I picked English because I loved to read and I excelled in English classes in high school.  My senior English teacher was so good that I tested high on the college placement test and skipped freshman English classes.  Not so in math.  Or science.  I found college chemistry really challenging when it came to memorizing the periodic table.  I didn't take college prep math or science because I didn't think I could afford to go to college.  Instead I took typing and shorthand and courses to prepare me for a job.  Luckily I won a full scholarship to a local college. 

    I'm playing golf today, after all.  It's 90 degree which means you can drive a cart on the course.  If it had been cart path only, I would have cancelled. 

    Have to get moving.  Have a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,615
    edited February 2013

    I believe that the first test of a truly great person is his or her humility.
    I do not mean by humility, doubt of his or her own powers.  But really
    great people have a curious feeling that the greatness is not in them,
    but through them.  And they see something divine in every other person.

    John Ruskin

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,615
    edited February 2013

    Sorry for the lines but I really liked the quote.  We are having some almost bitter cold today.....but a warm up is predicted.  Can't come too soon for me.  Chevy...I'm going to have to do a copy-paste thing here too if I want to keep up. 

    Love all the "back" suggestions.  I know sometimes it takes very little to 'disturb' the balance of the back --- I just think you hear this a long time if your fortunate.....and just about the time you think it is probably never going to happen to you, it does.    So all the good posture type suggestions I had heard for so long just quit settling into my brain cells because I wasn't going to need that information...thank you....and then the come-uppance.  Sigh !!!!

    Loved the I stole it, Chevy.  Sometimes the funniest things have so much truth to them. 

    Well, I'm running late....hopefully will have more time after work.  Even though I might not have said your name....I'm thinking about you and glad to see you here this morning.  Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Peace & love,


    There is always something to learn....even more so when you think you don't need it. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    Carole, I've taken SO many remedial math classes over the years. Found out in my 30's that I'm dyslexic. With words, I'm sight reading so it doesn't interfere too much. I majored in philosophy, then switched to history my last year. Went back in my 50's to become a master's level therapist. The only science class I liked was geology. I still keep up with it. We have a lot of rocks at my house.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Just poppin in to say HI--

    Carole I'm glad u gave us the latest weater report when u live and happy u can go golfing. Altho we have reached a high of 7 now I don't think there are golf courses available today here.

    And back problems are horrible for so many people and like u said sometimes u don't even know how u et it.

    Hope every one has a good day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Photo Thru out my years of study this to me was how I felt.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    Priceless!!! Yes, my experience also.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Camille!  I LOVE that, Ha, ha!    Makes perfect sense to me.  Wink

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited February 2013

    Camille, that is SO..  funny.  Thank you for the laugh.

    Today started out really cold but the sun came out and the day became gorgeous.  I enjoyed the round of golf and afterwards we ate lunch at the club, which turned out to be not so delightful.  The food was slow coming out and there were mistakes in the orders.  I hardly ever eat there and today I was reminded of why that's so!  Besides, it's much cheaper to come home and eat something out of the refrigerator.  There's a $2.50 charge to split an order with someone.  Isn't that ridiculous? 

    Tonight we're going to a northshore mardi gras parade, the Krewe of Eve.  All women.  I've never seen it even though the organization has been around for a lot of years.  We're going with another couple.  So I'll try to catch some beads for all of you! 

    Ariom asked about gallon measurement.  A gallon is 4 quarts so a half gallon is 2 quarts.  Could one of you science ladies give the translation in liters?  The oysters are shucked so you're not buying shells but just the shucked oysters in the oyster juice.  All the local seafood markets sell oysters in pints, quarts, half gallons and gallons. 

    I'd better get moving!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    OYSTERS!!!!!!!!!!  I know I am supposed to like them, but I just cant look one in the face.  Wink   Aren't they the ones I'm thinking of that are full of sand?  Just kidding, but I thought that's what I was eating one time on Fisherman's Wharf..... A soft little thing, made out of sand. 

    I mean I like all kinds of fish, but just never liked oysters.... ranks right up there with Beer and turnips.  Wink

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for that Carole, I get the measurement, but I have never seen them sold this way. Oysters are quite expensive here, so buying them in a gallon would be exhorbitant.

    My Dad loved oysters, and I tried to like them for him, but they just felt nasty to me. He would put lemon juice and pepper on them in the shell and then tip it up for me to swallow. I would shudder all over. When I was older I would eat them Killpatrick style, grilled with Bacon and Worstershire sauce. That was much easier to take.

    We have some unusual delicasies here in Oz, they say we are the only place that eats its National Animals LOL We eat Kangaroo steaks and Emu. We eat a lot of seafood too. We can drive down to the boats and buy prawns that have just been caught and cooked in big pots on the deck. Crabs and Crayfish are available most of the time too.

    My favourite lunch  is similar to you, I love a nice crunchy sourdough roll with avacado and prawns and a little aioli dressing....yum! 

    That math problem was exactly how math appeared to me too!

    Chevvyboy, I don't know how I would have survived without my regular massages. I have really bad Rheumatoid Arthritis but I am really sensitive to meds so the heavyweight drugs that I had to take like Methatrexate, which I was on for seven long years, really took a toll on me. I still take Cortisone daily, but can manage the RA with just 5mg daily, so I don't have the SE's that normally go with the long term use. Massage, I discovered many years ago, helps with the let down of endorphins, which in turn help with the pain. I have a really high pain tolerance, but find that the massage has helped with everything including my stress levels and flexibility, and because I use a blend of aromatherapy oils in sweet almond, macadamia, and wheatgerm oil religiously I have no skin issues either. For me it is a no brainer, I usually have a massage every two weeks, but since I have missed a couple I am treating myself to one a week for a few weeks.

    Take care everyone, I am off to take Dexter, my dog for a walk. He has been a bit neglected since my surgery. No excuses now......

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    sooo mnuch to catch up with, at home and here.

    Jackie I sure know what you are dealing with. My DH has arthritis of the spine, He had surgery  about 6 years ago, it helped for a year or two. Now he never knows, depending on the day and the activity. Lucky he was good on our cruise, didn't need the electric cart I rented , just "in case". Then yesterday turned wrong getting out of his chair, miserable. We recently invested in an adjustable bed, hoping he won't have to sleep in the recliner, when the back is out. As we often say, "the Golden Years are such fun!"

    I've been retired from speech therapy for 4 years now. Formerly I was an RN, went from Pediatrics to State Hospital and geriatrics.Also taught Lamaze for 13 years.  Stayed home when my kids were small, then went back to school. Didn't need the responsibilities I had in nursing. Went to get a masters in special ed and speech. Went into speech to find out the theory behind what I had been doing as the mother of 2 deaf girls, then had to go back to work as a single Mom. Worked with severe to profoundly delayed and Autistic kids for almost 25 years. Must say I do enjoy retirement. Had a miserable boss for years, traveling is better! As long as we are able. In between drs. appointments. This has been our cancer year, his the most scary, a melanoma on his face. Nodes were neg. So far OK, saw the derm yesterday.

    Cold here with flurries, may get 2 or 3 inches on Sunday. Change from the warmth of the Carribean and Fl.

    I also had to deal with dementia, with my Mom. I had seen it for years as a nurse, but it's different when you knew the person before they became effected by the dementia. It's sad and also scary, you can't help but think "will that be me too?" Especially when you cant remember why you went in the room, or a name you shud know.

    Camille, long term chemos are so hard. My daughter was on chemo off and on for almost 6 years.

    Guess that's about all for today. Chevy, I agree about oysters, beer and turnips!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2013

    I had slept in on Feb. 1, 2003 and a little after 9:00 AM I awoke a looked out the bed room window which faces the North and saw a bright light, and I thought that is not the sun it is in the wrong direction.  When I got up and turned on the news, It was the columbia buring up. Was really shocked