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  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2013

    Just wanted to share, we had some good news yesterday, DD who is 34 pregnant after a tubligation 12 years ago after having a second child after treatment for Hodgkins.  The ONC finally got all of her record from MD Anderson, etc and she saw him.  OBGYN thought that her cancer was back because of some swellings in her groin.  ONC said he thought it was muscle swelling.  They will run tests after baby is born in April.  She also has PKD (Polycistic Kidney Disease), it runs rampit in our family. Our prayers now are for a healthy baby, they know it is a girl and they have picked out the name Leighanne Grace.  Grace is after her husbands mothers middle name.  She fought breast cancer for 5 years and lost her battle in Dec. 2000.  She was a lovely lady.

    Everyone have a great day tomorrow, we are going out to the desert floor to gather Yucca cactus stalks.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Chevy, I forgot to mention how funny the (very young) astronaut's hair is in the video.  But not nearly as funny as your cartoon...hysterical!  LOL
    Carole, 90 degree?  that is five times the temperature here in NY tonight.  Is it humid too?  Interesting about the golf cart rule...never heard that before.  One thing I am learning from reading your posts is not that you just spend time with your mom, you MAKE time for your mom.  Things don't just "happen" - we often have to make a decision to do those things which are most important.
    Of course you are an Englih major; it shows.  I love to write but lost my discipline.  I used to send long, hand-written letters to friends ... sometimes I miss the words written down.
    Jackie, love the quote about humility.  I have learned that, in one word, it means "teachable" - we can all learn from someone else and should allow ourselves to learn new things.  I hope your back i said you are going to work? 
    Kath,the back book sounds like a must read.  I think it could strengthen a healthy back too?
    Wren,so glad you agree with me that geology rocks!  You are living in geology heaven in the PNW.  Monmarch, what a tragic moment you witnessed.Such a sad day...

    I am happy to hear the update on your daughter and precious baby.Hugs & prayers for your family.
    Jean, what an amazing career you've had.  I'm sure you have made a difference in many lives.
    Hi Ariom, glad you found a welcoming group. You have done really well.
    Well, it's time to try to go back to sleep for awhile; DS has arrived from Chicago and we will take him out to lunch in NY tomorrow.
    Nite all,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2013

    We made it safely and our cats travelled well after the first hour in the car when they repeatedly let us know that they were not happy! Our place is lovely.  It was so nice to shed our coats last night when we went for a pizza. 

    We unpacked and will be discovering the area today.  There is a Farmer's Market so FRESH PRODUCE!  Then we need to get some groceries and just explore. 

    Stay warm up there!  Hugs to all of you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Rita glad u'r there and happy with the cats. LOL

    Again Carole thank u for the weather update on u'r sunny world, Woke up to 2 inches of SNOW this morning.

    Chevy that wasn't sand that was bread crumbs on u'r oysters--it makes u feel better. Sorry Oysters are off the list for me too, But my Dad liked them too with hot sauce and lemon and at Christmas we's always have them with snails, that my sister and I played with the night before--never ate them but she loved them and stuffed squid. It was all fish Christmas eve, I still don't like fish, I wish I did.

    Mommarch U'r DD sounds like this is going well---very happy.

    Bonnets u'r poor DD that's so long. I just had it for I don't know but I know I started 6/07 and finally done 2/10 I know it usually kicks the hell out of cancer which is what we want but it also surprises u after with lota of stuff. It was my choice so here i am thankfully.

    Well I hope u all have a great day and if I forgot anyone I don't mean too, cuz I read everything.

    I'm tired now didn't sleep well last night so if it's jst going to snow today, I can nap easily.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,616
    edited February 2013

    To the query, ''What is a friend?'' his reply was ''A single soul dwelling in two bodies.''
    -- Aristotle

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited February 2013

    Let me explain the "90 degree" remark.  After a soaking rain, our golf course is too wet for golf carts to drive on it.  So play is limited to "cart path only."  You have to park your cart on the paved cart path, get your clubs out of the bag and walk to your ball, sometimes getting your shoes muddy.  And if you're not a skilled play who can "pick" the ball, you splatter yourself with mud when you swing at the ball!  Best to wear brown on those days!  I choose not to play in wet conditions.

    When the course is dry enough for cart traffic, the play is 90 degree.  You drive on the cart until you can make a 90 degree turn and drive to your ball.  More than non-golfers EVER wanted to know.  It's a silly game like tennis is a silly game, swatting a ball, but people get addicted to their silly games.  Golf is something to do outdoors and involves exercise.  I earned 4 WW pts. yesterday according to my activity monitor.  Some days I earn zero points.

    The Krewe of Eve mardi gras parade was fun.  The floats were really pretty and the queen and maids wore lovely white costumes.  There were lots of bands and high school marching groups.  The high point was a group of men called the 610 Stompers.  They were hilarious with their gyrations.  We caught some gaudy beads and hung them around our necks.  DH took some pictures.  I'll have to put them on my computer.  I got hit in the face by two heavy strands of bead.  Ouch! 

    We parked near the beginning of the parade in a location with an easy route out of town.  Afterwards we went to another town and had dinner at a casual restaurant.  Guess what I ordered?  Grilled oysters with spinach, parmesan cheese and probably some butter.  They were served on the shells with French bread on the side.  They were so-o-o good.  I think those of you who don't like oysters have possibly not had them prepared the different ways we cook them here in south Louisiana.  Raw on the half shell is just one way to eat them.  But I like them like that, too!  Sprinkled with hot sauce and little horseradish sauce and set on a cracker. 

    Today I have no obligations.  As usual, lots to do if I summon the will power to accomplish something. 

    Rita, I hope you have a great time in FL.

    Notice I am not describing our weather today!  DH will be playing golf at noon. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Carole that sounds like a really fun night and beads huh, well we know the real meaning of getting the beads--hahaha

    Wow that all u ate for dinner, that couldn't have filled u up---I used to make Oysters Rockefella yrs ago and did eat them

    We're still having snow for anyone who's in the warmer temps. Carole--I mean anyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Hi Gals,

    Last weather report from my DH, before he fell asleep in the recliner......snowing here, and 22 degrees! If you're where it's warm, enjoy.

    Chevy, unique video!

    Carole, we get addicted to our silly games, mine are on the computer!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,616
    edited February 2013

    "Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been."

    Mark Twain

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,616
    edited February 2013

    Good morning everyone,

    Surprise, surprise, we were due to get a dusting of snow -- we thought barely visible out here in our very rural area and I think there is a couple inches out there.....but a warm up is due that we hope only brings rain and it will do away with the snow rather quickly.  Sounds like we will have up and down temps ( just what I for the most part don't like ) so we continue on with our rather unpredictably strange mixture of global warming weather.

    I play games as well on the computer bonnets, and though there are a number of free game sites I mainly check into and play there.  It has a maj-gong game as well as a marble drop and they are not hard enough ( though I seldom best them ) to make me quit enjoying them.....just enough to keep me stimulated into tapping in most days and playing at least once. 

    Hope everyone has a really good day.

    Love & peace,


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Ritajean, so jealous...have a wonderful time and enjoy the warm weather.  Glad the cats made it OK.
    I was walking the streets of Manhattan yesterday with my warmest coat and felt cold in the wind.  We celebrated DS's 33rd BD at a restaurant.  I brought gourmet cupcakes for dessert.  He goes back to Chicago Tuesday AM so am glad I saw him.
    Carole, LOL I had no idea about the 90 degree golf cart rule.  I've used carts but just followed other people's paths.  Your explanation was perfectly clear (not muddy at all Tongue Out)
    Jean, I have an inch or less of snow.  Did it accumulate upstate?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Joan Tht was great having dinner with u'r DS--good cupcakes too.

    Woke up to more snow Jackie too, ut it's sunny now and not freezing cold, so who knows--this weather is crazy, but it's winter. But we still have crazy March to deal with.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    DH is cooking up a storm - for 2 of us ... I love it.  I am planning for 2 classes tomorrow.  Last Monday we had a fire alarm go off (malfunction) and we got to stand out in the rain for 40 minutes.  I told them all to go home.
    Oops - this got posted before I edited...
    Carole, the parade sounds like the perfect winter break!  What is the reason for the parade - pre Mardi Gras?
    There's nothing going on in my town in Jan/Feb. In March we welcome spring with a St. Patricks Day parade and carnival.  I make coffee with Bailey's and head to Main Street.  My kids come from CT and NJ and it's like a reunion with their HS friends. We never know if it will be snowy or spring-like.
    New Yorkers have no one to root for today, so I'm neutral.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Joan, Nope, we only got about an inch, but it was 12 degrees when I got up!Cold and sunny today. Went to early church and been looking at possible B&Bs for a spring trip.

    Jackie, I play Words With Friends, Farmtown, Bubble Safari. I won't play using any money, though they keep trying to get me to! Bubble is cute , and I can play alone. Others I play with friends. DH thinks I'm nuts.

    Found a recipe for lazy cooks like myself, called 1,2,3, cake. You just mix together one box of angel food cake mix and 1 box of any other flavor, keep it in an airtight container. Then when the urge strikes for a little bit of something sweet, mix 3 tablespoons of the cake mixture with 2 tablespoons of water, in a coffee mug,  and microwave for 1 minute. It actually works, and you don't need to bake a whole cake!

    Not watching the game, we are not football fans. Enjoy, if you are.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited February 2013

    Hi Ladies, I have not been on for a while. Had a cold and have been going to work and home and too tired for anything else but dinner and sitting or sleeping. Feeling better now. Still have the cold but not as bad. Still catching up on all the posting so I hope everyone is doing okay.

    Just found out my oldest DS has Stage lV cervical cancer. She will do radiation but they say they do not do chemo on this type of cancer. This makes the 3rd girl (me and 2 sisters out of 4 girsl) to have had some sort of cancer. I start my rounds with doctors this month, always worry more around this time. March will make 3 years.

    Rita, enjoy your time in Florida

    Carole, DH and I were in NO in June last year. We have been there before  a few times and love it. We plan on coming back in 2014. Not during the Mardi Gras.  We come for the food and music and to relax. we just walk around when we want and find a good place to eat and back to our room when we are tired.

    Joan, sounds like a fun dinner with your DS.

    Bonnets, that sounds like a good cake and it is nice you only need to make a small amount.

    We have snow yesterday and today.Very cold out around 12 degrees this morning and a little warmer this afternoon but not by much.

    Enjoy the game if you are watching it and everyone have a great evening.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited February 2013

    Bonnets, what a unique recipe!  I'll have to jot that down.  It would be perfect for my mother to make herself a sweet treat. 

    Joan, people all over the US and the world plan trips to NYC, and you can "walk the streets of Manhattan" at will! 

    The Eve parade was a mardi gras parade.  Mardi Gras is in full swing with parades everyday in New Orleans and in towns all over south Louisiana.  Mardi Gras begins officially on Twelfth Night, 12 days after Christmas, and it continues to Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday when Lent begins.  It's a short season this year. 

    New Orleans is rocking with mardi gras and the superbowl.  Every hotel room is booked.  At exorbitant prices.

    The azaleas are starting to bloom here.  Today was sunny with a high in the 70's.  We have not had a winter so far.

    We're watching the Super bowl and I'm rooting for Baltimore because Michael Orr (sp?) plays for the Ravens.  The kid whose story is told in the movie, The Blind Side.  I loved that movie.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Hi Carole,  I had no idea that Mardi Gras went on for so long. I have always said I wanted to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, but wouldn't you know it, when I was working for an American Airline and had free travel I never got around to it. Kick myself for not going to the old country either. I was born in Scotland, went to Europe, but didn't get to Scotland on that trip, so missed out there too.

    This journey has taught me to stop putting things off. I am going to follow through with the things I want to do.Just have to make a list. LOL

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2013

    Hi Ladies:  Sorry I haven't checked in for a a new iphone and have been busy learning how to use it.  I have not yet added this site to the phone because it's hard for me to read the small print.  I can barely follow the e mails, etc. but it is convenient to have to check e mails on the go.  Too bad it's not like my old blackberry could delete e mails just once from both the blackberry and the computer.

    It's been a busy month here in SC and I've had so much fun beginning a new far...just fantastic!  We're headed to Florida on Tuesday and he gets to meet my family.  If he survives that, we'll be ok...LOL!  I'm going to have fun showing him all around S. Florida since he hasn't been there in years.  Lots of things to do and friends to meet.  Looking forward to some warm weather and beach time before heading to the ski slopes the end of February.

    Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the Super Bowl tonight!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Kaara u sound so happy, u have to be---good goin' girl--It's always exciting.==everything u do is the first time no matter how many times u did it before--:):):)

    Ariom wait u worked for American airlines and NEVER went to NO, or Scotland, oh boy At least go to Mardi Gras.

    And Carole I never knew it started 12 days after Christmas I thought it was just like a week before Ash Wednesday--there's lots of partying then and I especially love u'r weather report, sorry u didn't get any winter--It's 20 degrees here, yep kinda warm.

    Termite I'm glad u feeling better, the cold last a long time.

    Bonnets u'r brilliant finding that cake recipe--Smart women.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Bonnets, I love the sound of your recipe.  I think I will try it tomorrow.  It reminded me of the following recipe although this one you have to bake.

    3,2,1 bread, aka beer batter bread.   Place in a mixing bowl 3 cups self-rising flour, 2 tablespoons sugar, and pour in 12 oz beer at room temperature.  Mix all ingredients (it will be a sticky batter) and pour into a greased loaf pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hr 15 mins (until lightly browned on top and sides have pulled away.  It's great with stews.  When toasted, it tastes like english muffins.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Kathi I hve made that when I did cook and bake and it was yummy---see there are lots of easy thing to do.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,616
    edited February 2013

    Courage is quietness, not martial music made. Born of facing up to life, even when afraid.

    ~ Emily Sargent Councilman

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited February 2013

    I bought a box of angel food cake mix and a box of devil's food cake mix and mixed them together in my stand mixer.  Tried out the 3-2-1 recipe and got a little biscuit shaped "cake-let" that tasted pretty good.  Then I dug out the boxes and figured out the WW points for the tiny cake-let.  4 pts!   So I won't be eating these often.  Made one for dh and he enjoyed it with a squirt of whipped cream on top. 

    Went to WW meeting this morning.  Made stops at Fresh Market and Rouse's supermarket.  Came home and puttered.  That's my day. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,616
    edited February 2013

    Self-respect cannot be hunted. It cannot be purchased.
    It is never for sale. It cannot be fabricated out of public relations.
    It comes to us when we are alone, in quiet moments, in quiet places,
    when we suddenly realize that, knowing the good, we have done it;
    knowing the beautiful, we have served it;
    knowing the truth, we have spoken it.

    Whitney Griswold

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,116
    edited February 2013

    Good morning, all.  I have an apptment this morning for hair trim and color, roots and highlights. 

    Will check in later.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    I finally finished my Floral, Butterfly Ball....  I used feather birds and butterflies, hanging mirrors and velvet bows and crystals.  I know it's "girlie" but I had fun putting it all together.... Smile

    When I turn the fan on low, they all move around...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,616
    edited February 2013

    Good morning everyone,

    Sure had a nice day yesterday for my first day back to work on my own.  Didn't do too badly either.  So, I am mending.  My whole problem is impatience.   Not something that works well I guess for muscle strains.  Good to be moving around a lot better though. 

    Carole....not surprised about he ww points.  It really does seem like if it really tastes good, it is loaded with calories usually.  I did hear at one time.....if you only take three bites of something ( a group of sisters did this who shared desserts ) and chew it very slowly after each bite, you can eat nearly anything.  The trick is being able to learn to feel satisfied after only three bites.  I don't think I ever mastered anything like that.  I'm sure there are people who do it......but I'm the type that if I take three bites....I'm hooked and will have to FINISH whatever it is that I'm eating.

    A bit warmer here, but it is an up and down month......use to be more up than anything else, so we will see.  I'm tired of dreary and cold one day, hot the next.....I'm ready for some sameness for a bit.

    Hope you all have a beautiful day.

    Peace & love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,616
    edited February 2013

    No one is useless in this world 
    who lightens the burden
    of it to anyone else.

    Charles Dickens