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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    (((((Mommarch))))) I am so sad for your daughter, her family, and you and your DH.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Mommarch..... I'm so sorry..... I can't imagine how you all are feeling.... I'm sorry....Cry

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2013

    Momarch, So sorry for your daughter's loss.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2013

    Dear Friends,

    Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.  Today they seem to be doing OK, we willsee how things go as the days progress.  We are planning to go the end of May and pick up our DGD so she can come back and attend the Missula Childrens theatre here in June.  She has done it every year except last year since she was 5.  Hopefully her brother who lives with his Dad in NM will be able to come also and then we will meet our DD and SIL in College Station which is half way from FL and the kids will have a good summer toghether.  If we need to we will go sooner.

    Have a good Sunday

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Mommarch, that sounds like a wonderful plan for the summer.  How old are the kids?  How nice that you can arrange their spending time together. 
    Hugs & prayers,

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Mommarch, I am so terribly sorry to hear of your family's loss. It is such a dreadful blow. I do hope your Daughter is ok.

    Hi Carole, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Not good to hear that you are not feeling 100%.

    Not a lot happening here at the moment, except today was the local Yacht Club Fundraiser for BC. The lake was a virtual "sea" of pink with all the boats decked out in pink balloons and pink ribbons streaming from the masts. Everyone on board was in pink too, they were offering a sail around the lake to anyone who made a donation. I expect they made a good amount of money for the cause with a raffle and an auction. I didn't go down because it has been raining on and off today and it is a bit chilly.

    I took the dog for a big walk and called in at the Farmers Market this morning for some organic fruit, and my favourite, fudge! Love it, but know I shouldn't! 

    I was meaning to ask you if you have ever been to see the band the Neville Brothers in New Orleans? I don't know what kind of music you like, but they are one of my favourite bands, I have many of their cd's. They flew with us when they were playing here, so I got to meet them which was so great. 

    My ex husband was a commercial FM radio announcer, and a TV interviewer, so it was him who introduced me to the Neville's music a long time ago.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Contentment comes as the infallible result of great acceptances, great humilities--of not trying to make ourselves this or that, but of surrendering ourselves to the fullness of life--of letting life flow through us.

    David Grayson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Good morning.....on what wil be a very wet morning.  The thunder is clapping all over the place.  This was actually going to happen yesterday, but did not.  We had a nice sunny and relatively  arm afternoon....going to pay for that now.  Well, a little water won't hurt.  We are I think still working a little on our water table from last summer's drought.  That certainly was not maybe this will get us a lot closer. 

    mommarch....glad things are starting to be ok for you and your loved ones.  Does sound like a fun summer for the young ones in your family and to get to share some time with all the adult children and parents as well. 

    Ariom...your ex's job sounds like something I'd adore though I don't have a "speaking voice" much anymore since my stroke a few yrs. ago.  I'm always a bit amazed when I see 'personalities' from radio programs....they never seem to look like what I'm expecting from the voices that are projected.  Now and then on our local channel we listen to a female announcer who calls herself Delilah.  She takes requests for songs dedicated to others.....and often chats a short time with the person about why they are asking for a certain piece of music for someone else.  I'd probably nearly fall over in a faint if I saw her.  She has this deep, somewhat sexy, teasing playful yet serious voice......and I just know she would not resemble the person I think I'm listening too.  Sigh !!!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

    Peace & love,


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Didn't realize it had been so long since I checked in!

    Mommarch, I'm so sorry for your daughter. Loosing a child at any time is so hard

    Joan, don't see you on today, so wondering if you have power/ are snowed in. We lucked out here, only got about 10 inches, after all the media hype. Not really a blizzard in the Hudson Valley. Not far East of us, they really got clobbered with anywhere from a foot to 3 feet. It was 1 degree when I got up this morning. I shoveled yesterday and DH plowed, so things are good today. Been a lovely , sunny day. Stayed in except for church. Spent most of the day on the computer, trying to plan a spring B&B getaway.

    See everyong talking about my hometown, Chicago. The Lakefront and Downtown are amazing, as they were planned, after the great fire. No city quite like it! Last time I was back for my class reunion, I realized how much things have changed. A policeman told us not even to go to my old neighborhood. Really sad.

    Hope everyone is well and staying warm.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited February 2013

    Mommarch -I am so sorry for your families loss!

    Camillegal -You do not live far from me. We live in Oswego, which is about about 20 minutes from WinfieldDH works in Lisle and I work in Plainfiel

    It has been raining here most of the day today. It has been a lazy day. Just doing some laundry, ironing and relaxing. Wanted to go shopping but not in the mood to go out in the rain.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and have a good week. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Hi Jackie, you made me laugh with your comment about how the "Voice" may look. It is a runnng joke in radio. My ex husband has a wonderful full "mellifluis" voice that people love to listen to. He sounds very tall and dark. The reality is, short and blonde LOL

    It was a wonderful life. He worked for the highest rating newest FM station, and was the first voice on Australian commercial FM radio. He also did interviews for a nightime rock show on TV.

    We went to all the concerts and he traveled the world doing interviews. I would go occasionally too, but I had the house to run and the school stuff to do.

    I worked as the receptionst at the radio station, and had worked on the TV show as a video tape operator before I had my daughter.

    I was also the makeup artist for the Tv show. We had such a small budget, I would roll tape and then dash downstairs to the makeup room, makeup the artist and then run like mad back up to the control room before the tape ended. It was so much fun, but so long ago. I was in my 20's.

    We are still in touch, in fact I have had two previous husbands and we all get on really well. They have been here to visit our new home, and with a Daughter that we all share we don't have time for grudges or animosity.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Jean, glad you were spared the big big snow!  I have a little more than you but nothing compared to the north shore of Long Island, just 10-12 miles north of me.  We got out Saturday and Sunday in the car.  I have a snow day tomorrow - no work!
    Ariom, you certainly have had an interesting life!  I think it is great that you have a working relationship with all the family members new and past.  That is admirable; but it also depends on the personalities involved.

    Jackie, I love the quote about humility...I have heard it said that humility=teachability...willing to learn from experience and from others. We also have the Delilah show in NY and I really agree with you about hearing the voice and imagining a face!  If you want to end the mystery, I copied a link to her image.  See what you think... but don't look if you don't want to see it Surprised
    ....Up late...sleeping tomorrow...yay!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Life is often messy, uncertain, and unpredictable.  Sometimes it's a string of troubles that seem to never end.  That's normal.  Ups and downs are normal.  Being ill on occasion is normal.  Feeling peaceful and happy are normal.  Occasional low-energy days are normal.  According to Chinese medicine, it is accepted as natural that we fluctuate from being in balance to being out of balance.  Peace of mind comes from not attaching a great deal of significance to either state.  We simply note our moods and physical states and gently move toward balance as best we can, accepting it all as part of the flow of life.

    Charlotte Davis Kasl

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Good morning......there is sun out today and I am so thankful for that.  I must admit I stayed in my pj's all day yesterday until time to shower and then right back  into night clothes.  Gave myself permission to do this thing because of the rainy, gray, wet day which I seldom, seldom do....and it felt sinfully delicious.  I wouldn't want to do it much was tiresome in a strange way.  Just maybe because I didn't know exactly how. 

    Ariom....I too am very good friends with my ex.  We have been ex's far longer than we were married.  It was 38 yrs. ago and back then people looked at me like I must have two heads ( if only they could see the second one ) for this behavior.  You were supposed to hate the ex and never miss an opportunity to denigrate.  That just was not me.  Also he was the father of the only two children I had.....couldn't see how we could not get along when we had two children to raise up whether we were together or not.  Many people should to be rather stunned and I in turn was stunned by them.    That is not to say that I can't dislike people and in some ways, because some deserve it.......but this to me was not a REAL appropriate time.  I felt the kids ( now long time adults ) should see him on his own merits in whatever way might come up, rather than my viewpoint flavored by our not personally getting along, and needing to go our separate ways.   

    Joan....thank you, thank you, thank you.  I never thought of hunting up a picture of Delilah.  She is I would say quite attractive....and so the voice matches pretty much.  I admit though.....the little bit of sexy provocativeness I seem to hear always in her voice seemed more like it would come from maybe a person with very warm brown hair w/ perhaps a few natural red highlights.  It amazed me to see that she was blond.  I don't think I fall for the old 'dumb' blond jokes, but guess in my world the darker colors would be more in line with the sultriness Delilah exudes so much of the time.  We can be so complicated, can't we.....when we imagine what we will see based on impressions.  Too funny......but I am really glad I looked. 

    Hope this week is good for everyone.....I usually say day.....but as the sun is shinning today it just extends my hope and wishes out farther. 

    Peace & love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Bonnets whare in Chgo were u from.?

    And Timbuktu---we're not that far from each other--I don't know exactly where u are--(I'm bad with locations.) but u must know the area where I am, and I do know Lyle (sp) It is a small world. Always and now even smaller with the internet. Here we are talking to Austalia.

    Ariom how wonderful u've kept good relationships with u'r past H, it's unusualy for that to happen. And what fun times u've had--and exciting.

    Jackie we live in the same state and u'r weather is so different from ours here--since u'r south it must be a little warmer making some storms more wicked for u. or kinder.????

    I hope everyone and a good day today--It's the start of another week Now Feb. is flying by.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Years go I worked for GlaxoSmithkline Pharma. I retired, my 2 daughters still work there. The youngest daughter had the chance to be in a meeting where Deliah was the guest speaker.....she enjoyed her very much, and commented that she had a very, very, tough life, and does not hesitate to share her story with others. I use to listen to her all the time on the radio, but now, I don't. She switched stations, and the time slot doesn't work for me anymore. And yes she is very attractive, or was years ago.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Here comes the weather report!  Rain, gray skies.  A dismal Lundi Gras.  I feel sorry for the tourists who are in New Orleans to enjoy the parades today and tomorrow.  Those of you with a little knowledge of the French language know that Lundi is Monday, and Mardi is Tuesday.  Gras is "fat."  Fat Tuesday comes before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.

    Lent brings to mind Catholicism.  That was a real shocker for the pope to abdicate, was it?

    I went to my WW meeting and weighed in today.  Now I'm good to go for another month!  I was within the required 2 lbs of my stated goal weight and get free Etools and WW apps.

    Tomorrow I'm spending the day with my 7-yr. old great-niece, Nova.  We'll pamper ourselves with a pedicure, go to lunch and maybe see a movie.   I hope the rain is light and intermittent so that we don't get soaked.

    Kaara, we miss you and hope you're having too good a time to check in. 

    Rita, hope you're enjoying FL. 

    Hugs to all.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Jackie, I'm gla you looked!  I totally agree - she does fit the voice but I also expected someone with darker hair. Funny how we imagine things....
    Am off to sleep - work calls tomorrow morning -- want to leave before 7 to avoid the students who can't drive on the wet/icy/snowy roads...not to mention the parking lots will be half the size due to the snow piles.
    Happy Mardi Gras - maybe the sun will peek out on the revelers.
    Carole, I have not heard the term Lundi Gras (fat Monday).  You always have something new for us!  Sounds like fun with the grand niece.
    nite all,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Carole all these years and I never heard of that---so happy Mardi Gras--today right? This is so early this year, so Easter will be early now too, which I probably said before.

    Oh I don't know (forget) who's Catholic here but the Pope abdicating---that's like some kind of eclipse that happens every 1,000 years I remember when I was young I thought and of course said The best job in the world is being The Pope---cuz u live in comfort and u live to be old. And (this is where I got in trouble) u can't make a mistake about u'r job. As I grew up always sarcastic the nuns didn't regard my thoughts as being important. Nor did anyone else.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Sobering thought:

    "Today is yesterday's effect and tomorrow's cause."

    Phillip Gribble

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Sunny and  pretty much warm enough here.  I am really ready for Spring.....but it is pretty early yet to think that way.  Mar, Apr, and May can be so iffy with weather.  Then too......last yr.  though no one really thought that......we had three digit temps. in June which heralded the big drought.  Hoping this yr. is more summery than we have been having.  Since we are in the midst of a climate change.....that is probably wistful thinking....but still a thought that brings pleasant sensations to mind. 

    Carole....I have such admiration for your ww. news.  I did ww once, along with South Beach another time and I lost well with both.....I felt like ( after I got acclimated well ) I really liked the South Beach a little better as un-like ww's I wasn't always hungry all the time -- just part of the time.  For some reason on South Beach I think I was able to 'forget' the sensation of hunger much easier.  Still I have known a couple or more people who have done ww's for many years and do fine and never had that complaint.....I think I missed something important right from the get-go.  Still lots of admiration flowing from me to you.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Love & peace,


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Ladies my daughter had a 11lb 12 oz baby boy, and an 11lb 13oz girl 2 years later......she tipped the scale the first time at 198, and 202 the second time. Before getting pregnant she weighed 125. ......she decided after they were born to do WW.........she went to 1 meeting to get the info. .......never went back, , but followed the program to the letter.........she lost 72 lbs in 3 months the first time, and 75 lbs in 4 months the second time.........that was 14 , and 12 years. She weighs 120 now........she swears by the program...she never wavered from it, an measured everything that went into her mouth...and never hit a plateau........understand....she was 29 years old the first time, but I tried WW at 29, and many years after that till my 70's, never reached near goal......and gave up........guess she got her father's genes on that today she says WW, is the true weight-loss plan.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Ducky, I agree with your daughter that WW is the most sensible, healthy plan because you can eat whatever you want in moderation.  If you were hungry, Jackie, something was wrong.  WW encourages healthy snacks.  Fruits and veggies are free.  In between meals, I eat an orange or a bowl of grapes or raw veggies with hummus or  light ranch.  Portion control is the big thing.  I measure a lot, too.  Have a set of nice serving spoons that measure 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup, 1 cup.

    I hate, hate, hate being overweight.  I was always tall and slim and that's the way I wanna be!  But health is the big consideration.  Of course, I was a healthy weight when I was dx'ed with BC.  The weight gain came with taking arimidex.  Also elevated bp and elevated cholesterol. 

    Ducky, I love your daughter's story.  Very inspiring. 

    Must be off to pick up Nova.  Have a good Fat Tuesday!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Yes Carole.......she should be the poster-girl for WW. And she isn't even a celebrity. Of course she is a "star in my eyes". Lol

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2013

    Well life just seems to get better.  Thanks to my chemo brain I have a repromand letter in my HR file.  It seems accounting changed the rules and I did not know it so a students travel was canceled.  I am the escape goat.  Thats OK, I am going to bide my time, get my mamo March 1, see the ONC March 15 and then I will make up mind if I am just going to walk out of here, insurance or no insurance.

    Hope all are doing good

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    mommarch....sitting here a little upset with your situation.  I don't see how anyone could hold you accountable for information you didn't have.  That is like holding me accountable for what all the other gals at work do wrong.  If this was information you were supposed to have....then the person who FAILED to get it to you should have a reprimand as well.  Only God knows everything....the rest of us have to get our information through channels.  Shame on all of them.  I'm not much consolation....but hope you know that I think it stinks. 

    Love & peace,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Mommarch I agree with Jackie--someone else should be responsible who did give u the information, but sometimes the buck stops at the wrong place---we sll know that. It does stink, just relax about it. Like u said just bide u'r time it might all work out.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited February 2013

    Joan, my onco at sloan had mixed feelings about treating me from the beginning as I live in the Chicago area.

    She felt that I didn't need to come to sloan for treatment or for follow up.  We kind of insisted as we couldn't find a dr in chicago who agreed with her diagnosis and treatment plan.  Long story.

    It's amazing how different areas have different protocols.  You're lucky you're in the New york area.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2013

    Hi gals....just popping in quickly to say Hi!

    Oh sorry to hear of your loss! (((HUGS))))

    We are having a great time.  I really feel guilty when I read about the weather that some of you have been having.  It was 83 and gorgeous today.  We went fishing and didn't catch any monsters but had a great time exploring an Eco Preserve in the area where we fished.  Our friends from home made it down and will be staying with us through Saturday.  We're golfing tomorrow and exploring the beach and Sanibel on Thursday and Friday.  Life is good!

    I was worried about you Joan with all the bad weather that hit your state.

    Everyone have a great week.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi Ritajean, sooo happy for you!  We're doing fine here...we were plowed when we awoke and got out for rides each day...3 day week end (snow day at work)'s melting.  I heard Sanibel is MIL used to winter there.  And the eco preserve sounds wonderful. 
    Timbuktu, I consulted with several BS's and one head of surgery in NJ...what he said made so much sense.  When I walked into MSK on Long Island, the BS had the same approach...I signed the papers and made the appt.  What did you do for follow up?  Chicago's kind of far...Smile
    Jackie, I also prefer the South Beach and have success on that.  My cravings leave when I do not eat fast acting carbs.  I don't eat alot, but I don't know how I'd do with the portion control.  The key for me is to walk every I'm trying to catch a train!  I have kept off over 20 lbs, but am hovering up and down and need to get rid of more lbs. 
    Carole, I am also impressed with your achievement of your goal over the long term. 
    Mommarch, what you describe is painfully difficult to overcome...but it sounds like you are putting things in perspective.  Sending positive thoughts and a hug...