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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    "Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're
    supposed to help
    you discover who you are."

    -- Bernice J. Reagon

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Morning everyone.......not a sunshine day here but that is ok.  We have to have a few gray, or wet, or windy so we can appreciate when it is not.  I'm longing for Spring.....for myself, but also for my kids ( daughter & SIL ) who live with us.  I took my daughter to live in California when she was 3 months old, so she has never lived with 'true' seasons.  It will be so great to share with her the changes and the subtle things ( like the bushy growth around the ravines ) that come first to warn you something really wonderful is just ahead.

    Joan -- both on WW and South Beach I lost 33 #'s each one --- I did WW first and lost the wt. but then it all slipped back on and since I had been hungry ( I did something wrong ) all the time with WW I then went to South Beach.  I as well, lost the same amt. on that.......but after I got started ( got some control going ) I was only 'really' hungry now and then.  One of the best parts of that was I broke my dependence on table salt and table sugar.  I still don't have a sugar jar or salt shaker ---- they are in the pantry and only come out if company comes to dinner --- otherwise I never even think of them. 

    I really need to "figure" out what I'm going to do......I lost 50 lbs. total ( was going to go for a bit more but did not get around to it ) but with how some things have been going for the recent bad back incident....a bit has slipped back on and I need to get working on it. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Peace & love,


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Hi gals, 

    Beautiful here today, may have some more snow later in the week!

    Camille, I was raised on the South Side, 8900 south and Stoney Island. Lived there til I graduated nursing. Went to Evanston Hospital for my nursing, then Moved East.

    Don't even want to think of gaining more weight on Arimidex. I have fought it all my life, lost 38lbs on 50 carbs a day, about 10 years ago. Kept it off  for 6 or 7 years, now retired gained it back plus some. Never ate a lot, never ate junk, eat whole grains, little to no sugar, as DH can't have sugar. When I was active as a student nurse had to go 1200 to 1000 cal a day to loose. Over 1200, gained. My dr thinks Im kidding. Eliminating carbs is the only thing that has ever worked, now I have a carb with dinner, up goes the weight! I give up. Only chronic annoying things health wise, nothing serious, arthritis, Palpitations and atypical migraines( both of which my brother has), and a kidney stone. At 70, don't feel bad, but do think the arthritis has gotten worse on Arimidex. Weight I gained from the cruise, where I didnt eat THAT much , is gone. In my younger days I was thin , but cud never eat like a human being, or wud gain!

    Enought on that. Hope you all have a Happy Valentines Day tomorrow.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Our problem is metabolism.  My gynecologist told me several decades ago that with every decade, our metabolism slows down.  We have to trick it somehow!  One important habit is to eat breakfast, not necessarily a heavy meal, but something to get the digestion kicked into gear.

    Occasionally we have to splurge and treat ourselves to a food we can't eat often.  Yesterday I had a big burger and fries when I took my great-niece to lunch.  It tasted dee-licious.  But I can't eat this kind of meal regularly and not gain weight.

    I think heredity figures into the picture, too.  Some people are chubby types their entire lifes.  Some people are skinny types. 

    I need to be more active.  I enjoy sitting more than I used to!  The big challenge will be not gaining weight this summer when we go north to escape the heat.  My record is not good!

    Looks like we're in for some cold weather the rest of the week.  We have our little fireplace blazing away tonight.  Maybe I'll finally get to wear the red corduroy jeans I bought on sale at Talbot's. 

    Tomorrow I'm taking my mother out to lunch for Valentine's Day after she has her hair done.  My niece will join us.  Her birthday is on Friday.  DH will join us, too.  It should be fun.

    Hi to all. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh lived my whole life on a diet and then the last few yrs didn't gained a ton of weight lost some but now enough so I don't even want to think about it. It sucks,is anyone dpoing some fun for Va;entines day.?

    Rita u sound like u'r having plenty of fun good for u.

    My GF from CA sent Joey a 300 piece lego set which he loves--so he wrote her right away and I did too cuz she sent me a top and shawl, I wear them alot now. and it adorable and reversible a fun quirky side then a plain side.

    she know I like quirk. Hope everyone is feeling well and enjoying this crazy winter we're having.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Happy , Happy Valentines Day to some of the most gorgeous women I know:

    Wishing a wonderful day for everyone here and all your families and other loved ones.

    Love & peace,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    It's a happy Valentine's Day here.  The sun is shining!  It popped out yesterday afternoon, a welcome sight after some gloomy, wet days.

    What's the history on Valentine's Day?  Was it started by jewelry stores?  Florists?  LOL!  We have a big bouquet of yellow roses brightening up the living room.  DH brought them home yesterday when he went to the supermarket.  He even arranged them in a vase himself. 

    Chevy, how are you doing?  You've been quiet lately. 

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Hope this comes in.....I was intrigued by "That's the history on Valentine's Day".  It is a little long, but fairly enlightening.


    Valentine's Day History

    Pagan festivals, Christian saints, Chaucer's love birds,  and the Greeting Card Association of America

    by Borgna Brunner

    Roman Roots

    The history of Valentine's Day is obscure, and further clouded by various  fanciful legends. The holiday's roots are in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, a fertility celebration  commemorated annually on February 15. Pope  Gelasius I recast this pagan festival as a Christian feast day circa 496,  declaring February 14 to be St. Valentine's Day.

    Valentines Galore

    Which St. Valentine this early pope intended to honor remains a mystery:  according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, there were at least three early  Christian saints by that name. One was a priest in Rome, another a bishop in  Terni, and of a third St. Valentine almost nothing is known except that he met  his end in Africa. Rather astonishingly, all three Valentines were said to have  been martyred on Feb. 14.

    Most scholars believe that the St. Valentine of the holiday was a priest who  attracted the disfavor of Roman emperor Claudius II around 270. At this stage, the  factual ends and the mythic begins. According to one legend, Claudius II had  prohibited marriage for young men, claiming that bachelors made better soldiers.  Valentine continued to secretly perform marriage ceremonies but was eventually  apprehended by the Romans and put to death. Another legend has it that  Valentine, imprisoned by Claudius, fell in love with the daughter of his jailer.  Before he was executed, he allegedly sent her a letter signed "from your  Valentine." Probably the most plausible story surrounding St. Valentine is one  not focused on Eros (passionate love) but on agape (Christian love): he was martyred for  refusing to renounce his religion.

    In 1969, the Catholic Church revised its liturgical calendar, removing the  feast days of saints whose historical origins were questionable. St. Valentine  was one of the casualties.

    Chaucer's Love Birds

    It was not until the 14th century that this Christian feast day became  definitively associated with love. According to UCLA medieval scholar Henry  Ansgar Kelly, author of Chaucer and the Cult of Saint Valentine, it was Chaucer who first linked St. Valentine's  Day with romance.

    In 1381, Chaucer composed a poem in honor of the engagement between England's Richard II and Anne  of Bohemia. As was the poetic tradition, Chaucer associated the occasion  with a feast day. In "The Parliament of Fowls," the royal engagement, the mating  season of birds, and St. Valentine's Day are linked:

    For this was on St. Valentine's Day, When every fowl cometh there to  choose his mate.

    Tradition of Valentine's Cards


    Over the centuries, the holiday evolved, and by the 18th century, gift-giving  and exchanging hand-made cards on Valentine's Day had become common in England.   Hand-made valentine cards made of lace, ribbons, and featuring cupids and hearts  eventually spread to the American colonies. The tradition of Valentine's cards  did not become widespread in the United States, however, until the 1850s, when  Esther A. Howland, a Mount Holyoke graduate and native of Worcester, Mass.,  began mass-producing them. Today, of course, the holiday has become a booming  commercial success. According to the Greeting Card Association, 25% of all cards  sent each year are valentines.

    Read more:  Valentine's Day History —

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Darnit!  I tried to look up the plural for "crochet" and lost the whole post!  Dang.  First gals, this link is about this woman who lost her Husband during the war, and could never find out what happened to him.... I just thought it was beautiful, and a sweet story of devotion.

    We went out this morning, and then it started snowing!  I bought some more pink yarn to add onto this pretty Afghan/blanket I had made.  But I add more yarn ruffles all over it, and I bought more pink to add onto the soft creams and pinks I crocheted it with.    That really is how you spell it, Ha!

    It gets so cold here at night, and it's just nice to snuggle up on the couch under these Afghans.    I can crochet THIS one while I use it to cover up with.  Wink

    Hi Carole.... I've just been busy doing nothing special.....  And we don't have any health issues like some of you gals do....  I'm always here though, reading through the threads, even if I don't have anything to add.  How's your Mom?   For SOME reason, I keep thinking about MY Mom....  and how I wish I could share things with her.    It's so different when we lose them..... when we are young, losing them is the furthest thing from our minds!  I could hardly think of the next DAY, much less think of things that might happen.

    All I wanted when I was a kid was.... (and I wrote this down when I was in High School) .... was things I never thought I would ever have.  I just wanted a Husband, which seemed impossible...... And to be able to have kids, another impossibility I was SURE..... and to have my own home. 

    So I guess I could say my life is complete!  Smile  But you just think your Parents will always be with you.....

    Do you gals get that flash prompt from BC.ORG?  I keep thinking I'm going to lose this.... It asks if I want to buy something......

    DH gave me money to "play" with for Valentine's day.... Ha, ha!  So I bought a Starbucks, and some other things I could not do without....

    I'm fixing me Sauerkraut with left-over ribs, and DH wanted a Hot-dog with peppers.... 

    Guess I had better sign off, before this gets lost "somewhere"..... xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Chevy....if I didn't think the world of you......I'm sitting here crying.  I think it will be a while before I can watch that piece again.  How moving and what a deeply beautiful love story to share on Valentine's Day.  I am so touched.  How wonderful to love a man you spent so  little of your life with and feel such determination to keep that love alive no matter what.  I think every time I get annoyed by little things I'll just try and think of this story.

    Love & peace,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Chevy u made Jackie cry on Valentine's day-tatata.

    Well it sounds like a mushy day for most of u. And the history is quite interesting, of course the nuns had it different and much simpler, well we were kids and didn't much care how it got started just wanted our gifts from our boyfriends.

    But I hope u had a great day today no matter how this started it stuck.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Oh little Jackie, I didn't mean to make you cry, but I did too.  I just thought of my Mom and Dad, married for 62 years.... only THEY got to live their lives together. 

    My Brother sent me a video about Pearl Harbor, and the bombing.  We were so young, but we still remember how afraid we all were when we heard those air-raid sirens, and had to pull down the black shades!   My Dad was sent to Hiroshima 3 days after the Atomic Bomb, because the Navy had these guys clean and sweep the streets after the bombing...  Dad actually talked to me about this, after Mom died, and I tried writing some of it down.  Maybe growing up in those times, gives us a much bigger awareness and appreciation of life. 

    And maybe that's why us older gals get a little sick of all the crap on these reality shows, and the way Hollywood turns these women into ..... let's see, how can I put this nicely?...... Oh well.... you know what I mean.   People just don't care about "life" anymore.... and are into so much destructive behavior...  I'm just thankful we got to raise our girls when we did, and not have to try and do it now, with all the technology, distractions and drugs....Wink

    Wait.... I need to think of positive stuff....  At least it's not snowing here...Ha!    I just want to repot some of my Orchids....  Have to find the right potting mix, with wood chips, plus more peat moss and pearlite...

    Happy day gals!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    I don't like commercialized "fake" holidays like Valentine's Day, but I guess it's nice for people to give gifts, flowers, candy to their Significant Others.  I'm enjoying the bouquet of yellow roses (and glad he didn't order a pricey bouquet from a florist).  I wish he hadn't bought a box of milk chocolate "turtles," but they taste yummy and I'll eat them.  He usually buys a very small box of really good dark chocolate but he couldn't find one this year.  We both prefer dark chocolate, but he knows my weakness for turtles.

    It's cold this morning, in the 40's, but sunny.  I called the club and the courses are still too wet for golf carts on the fairways so I'm not playing golf.  I'll dress warm and go for a walk.  Then my plan is to check out the stores for bargains that might catch my eye. 

    Tonight I'll cook dh one of his favorite dinners, linguine with Italian sausage and red sauce.  

    Hope everyone enjoys today. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    During your life, everything you do and everyone you meet rubs off in some way.  Some bit of everything you experience stays with everyone you've ever known, and nothing is lost.  That's what is eternal, these little specks of experience in a great, enormous river that has no end.

    Harriet Doerr

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Oh Chevy ---that's ok.  It was just so beautiful.  I think I have said it once ot twice before, but now and then when I get to letting my wander I sometimes think ........ so many of our best words are four-letter words. 

    LIFE -- CARE -- LOVE -- HELP -- AIDE -- LIFT -- MAKE  -- GOOD --- FINE -- WELL -- LIKE

    All meant to say that I think it is difficult at times to appreciate the modern world full of t.v. with ODD shows full of what seems pretty negative story lines and events.  The same goes for so many of the movies.  Girls and guys grow up too soon and unfortunately, even when you don't want it to happen the ads that are seen and the pressure on even little kids to perform in some the little girls put in kids beauty pageants.  Even here in this sort of dusty, sleepy very small town place.....young kids ( pre-school age ) are put into gymnastics class.  It is not always bad mind you......I think there are times when it can be ok, but I also feel it sometimes sets the wrong stage.

    We don't let kids learn so much by being together and jumping rope and playing hopscotch.  I guess I don't like the connotation that they are not so much "playing" in a gym class.....they are learning how to preform. 

    Carole....I don't much like what so many of the holidays have become.  I know times change, but I bet we would be amazed if we went back to the old ways.  Not only in recognition of what they really were but the amt. of work they might be.  Here, say like X-mas ---- just get on the computer, buy something, and print out an address for them to send it too.  This can have its good points in many ways.....but it is pretty high tech and certainly isn't like a plate of home-baked cookies or candy. 

    Well, things do change and sometimes it is good, but I'd like to think that maybe there will always be some of us around who can appreciate the 'old' ways  and maybe inspire at least a little bit of that in those around us. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Love & peace


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    I too remember the sirens...also the big search lights in the sky looking for enemy planes....air raid drills in elementary school....sitting in the hallway away from the classroom windows.....wondering to myself"if this really happens, I want to be with my mother, not in school with people I only like, not love. I tell my kids nd grant kids many was horrifying....

    Do you all remember the books of stamps for butter, sugar, and coffee. Do you remember the white pouch of ugly white stuff with the yellow dot in the middle that you sat and kneaded for an hour till the white crap turned Nan would trade her coffee stamps for butter stamps since we did not drink coffee. And if you had a pair of nylon stockings (with the seam down the middle) you were considered rich.......then of course saving your bacon fat, and taking it to a center where it was collected and used for gunpowder. I remember it well...guess I'm showing my age......but we appreciated life more back then.....

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Ducky, the bag of white stuff with the yellow dot was called oleo!  My mother still writes oleo on her list when she wants margarine.  I loved popping the yellow dot and kneading the bag of oleo.  Must have been a lot of transfat in that stuff!!!

    I walked and walked and walked today.  Bought a few things but didn't spend a lot of money. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Your right, friggin oleo......I swear it was lard.......haha......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    I think it was hard those days, but the differene was everyone in the neighborhood had the same way of living so we didn't realize much and there wasn't the BULLYING that goes on today--everyone wore hand me downs--what ever the fashion might be and pretty much the same lunch--etc--so who were u going to bully u'r self??? All the people in the neightborhood sat outside in the summer and talked to everyone and the store was right on the corner so everyone walked all over--There was a natural calmness to the whole area. So for some things it was nice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    I think it was hard those days, but the differene was everyone in the neighborhood had the same way of living so we didn't realize much and there wasn't the BULLYING that goes on today--everyone wore hand me downs--what ever the fashion might be and pretty much the same lunch--etc--so who were u going to bully u'r self??? All the people in the neightborhood sat outside in the summer and talked to everyone and the store was right on the corner so everyone walked all over--There was a natural calmness to the whole area. So for some things it was nice.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Yes, it WAS calm!  My Brother and I used to wait to start squeezing that Oleo, Ha!  We would take turns... Yeah, I'll bet it WAS lard... but didn't kill us! 

    I remember that can Mom and my Grandma kept on the stove for bacon grease... It had a strainer top and a lid, and they kept it there always...

    But I remember when TV first came out, we couldn't get one.... but the plumbing shop on the corner had one in their window facing the street, so my Brother and I would run down there at night and sit on the grass-parking and watch it.  And remember those colored sheets, that we would tape over the screen when we FINALLY got a TV?  Then it was in "color"...Ha, ha! 

    When you look back on it all, it really was a beautiful, calm way of life.  Especially after the war years!

    Yes Ducky!  Those LIGHTS!!!   I still think about those times, when we have those "emergency sirens" going off at the schools, warning us for Hurricanes, Tornados or SOMEthing.  ....

    I wonder WHY there wasn't any bullying?  And there is now?  We all seemed so innocent, and liked everybody.... except Bonnie Jean Waher.  SHE was not a nice girl.  She would not SHARE any of her Fleer's Double Bubble Gum, Ha!   We had to pay her a penny, if she would sell us some.  And she was a spoiled brat, who got the box as a gift anyway.  Wink  She's probably CEO of Boeing or something now!

    And people were storing stuff for their "bomb shelters?"  I don't think we had enough money to buy "extra."

    And there were no drugs!!!!!!!!   Except in High School I heard about Marijuana but I was too chicken to try it... didn't know anyone who did, either.  Except maybe my Brother, but it must have been a secret. 

    The worst thing I ever did was ditch school a couple times, and we would go up to the bowling alley and smoke.... Ha, ha!    Yes... but we only would smoke if we could sneak a pack out of my Dad's drawer, out of the carton, and move the rest around, to make it look full again... Wink

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2013

    Happy belated Valentine's Day everyone!  My sweetie and I just returned from an awesome three days in the Florida Keys.  The weather cooperated and the resort where we stayed was awesome!  It was his first time in the Keys and my first time taking a long morning walk on the Seven Mile Bridge (the old one that is now used for a fishing pier).  Beautiful sunsets as well!

    Jackie, as always, I love your quotes, and Chevy that story was remarkable.

    I remember during the war having to turn all the lights out as my father and grandfather went out and looked up in the sky...looking for enemy planes I guess.  I was only about three, but I remember my Dad holding me in his arms.  Also remember the oleo wonder we all got!  That stuff had to be bad for us!

    Haven't been on much lately...just enjoying my new life and having fun, but never stop thinking about all of you and wondering how everyone is doing!

    Stay well and happy everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    We are all flowers in the Great Spirit's garden.  We share a common root, and the root is Mother Earth.  The garden is beautiful because it has different colors in it, and those colors represent different traditions and cultural backgrounds.

    Grandfather David Monongye (Hopi)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Wow.....sure glad the sun is out.  Mainly as we went from the warmer weather we had been having back to the 30's.  Brrr, I say. 

    Still, I'm here to enjoy the day and my life and the fact that problems are mainly nuisances.  The reason I know that for sure is that I thought and thought about today's date --  but for last year, and for the life of me, nothing stands out.  Today, we need our furnace worked on a bit.....but I bet even that won't stand out to me in a week or two, let alone a whole year.  So I'm going to go on being a happy person knowing the little aches and pains and problems in life sometimes are there just to steady us a bit and keep us grounded a little. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Peace & love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh Jackie good thing u'r not standing next to me--u'r so darn cute--I want to slap u'r face LOL

    And Kaara u'r life has turn around into happiness so enjoy it just like u are and just check in to let us know so we can share some.

    And it's so funny cuz no matter where we lived as being young we have so many of the same memories of that. Our First TV came cuz one of my brothers pretended to be my dad on the phone and asked for a months free trial. When it was delivered my mom figured my dad diad did it. and he said it wasn't me and all eyes went to my brother and he said just wait it's free for a month and if we like it u can make  payments.--which we did of course--we kept it. So we were the only one on the block with one so everyone was at our house (mostly family anyway) And everyone used to tease my Dad that he should be a lawyer cuz he talked a good talk--LOL and it's funny cuz when he retired he was a Justice on the appellate court. So he used his gift. hahahaha And I also remember the cream on top of the DELIVERED milk and that was always so good (the milk) and my mom would warm it up at nite so we could sleep better--she was probably tired of us, but it tadted so good. I remember having so much fun with all of our family and I don't see that so much anymore and that was great.We had a 2 flat and a small house in the back and it was only our family that lived there so it was bundches of fun.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Aaaah, the good old days! I consider myself officially an old fogey!

    We had an Admiral 12 inch, as our first T.V. weighed  about a thousand pounds. Watched Howdie Doodie, Kukla Fran and Ollie, LAwrence Welg, Ed Sullivan. And we had music that had words you can still remember and sing along with , on the "oldies" station. Didn't worry about kids playing down the block. Came home for meals in the summer. Played under the sprinkler, no pools. Now the kids just spend their time texting! Dressed up if we were flying some where, ladies  with hats and gloves, it was an occasion.The knife sharpener man, organ grinder, Good Humor man and the vegetable man, all paid us visits.The mom and pop stores in the neighborhood are boarded up, checked it on Google street level. I used to enjoy getting Reminisce magazine.

    Worried about our kitty. Took her to the vet yesterday, she has lost some weight and is peeing  some where other than her box. Today she has barely eaten. Have to wait til monday for her lab work results. She's our only kid at home, hope we don't loose her. Our pets become part of our family!

    Had a little snow last night, partly couldy. Exciting day, vacuumig and paying bills.The pretty yellow roses i got didn't last long, only have 4 left. Guess that's about it, Have a good day ladies.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    I really enjoyed reading through the memories that were shared.  The video was amazing with so many layers of messages.  For some reason, I kept thinking about the movie 'Castaway' when the husband returned to find his wife remarried...what a heartbreaking scene, perfectly played (Tom Hanks & Helen Hunt).  But this woman in the video was richly rewarded by the legacy of her DH. 
    I do remember getting under the table in the 50s while dad went outside with an armband to enforce the drill.  I do think that our younger politicians and college grads do not have this perspective of history.  
    It is so true that we did not realize much difference among our neighbors.  We had the same houses, nice brick capes, and neat lawns.  We were outside all the time.  My next door neighbor had it all - new cars, patio, finished basement with bar...we noticed that!  Turns out the dad was embezzling funds and he was fired...drank himself to death.  Their DD died from BC while young. Riches don't mean everything.  We have to look at others by stripping away their material things...and trying to get to know the person.  Like we do here. Smile
    I lost 4 lbs. this week using low carbs.  DH had red roses for me and chocolates...we went out to eat and I enjoyed wine, appetizer, salad, fish and even a few bites of sweet potato whip.  Had a few chocolates and will have a few this week end.  I did not gain back! 
    Hey, guess what?  It's snowing again.  First of two storms today.
    Hugs to all of you special friends,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Bonnets.... My Daughter was having the Vet come out this morning, to put her little cat to sleep, but changed her mind when she woke up.... Jazzy seemed to be doing better.... Not sick really, just slower, and she thinks she has arthritis.... but today she was eating better, and moving around a lot better...   This has been going on for a few months....  But  as long as she doesn't seem to be in any pain, she will keep her forever.... 

    She is 19.... but I was just sick thinking about them, until she called.   She DID have problems with ignoring her cat box for awhile, so Janie put another one down-stairs....  She is doing a lot better.... I looked it up, and some house-cats can live to be over 25 even!  That's if their "Mom's" take good loving care of them, and they eat right... Also if they don't get one of those problems that older cats get...

     Outdoor cats don't live as long....  But Jaz was bought for $5 from a box at the grocery store!  Always kind of sassy and crabby, but  she loved her "Mom".....  

    Hope your kitty is alright.... let us know..... xoxoxoxo

    There's Kaara!  You sound so happy!  Your life just gets better and better!  Smile  And yes, everytime planes went over we were afraid! 

    Bonnets.... WE used to get Reminisce magazine also...  I would cut out some of the old pictures, and make my own cards with them!  

    Camille.... YES, the cream!  We had our milk delivered in bottles, and they would save the cream on top for their coffee....  ONCE-in-awhile, they would shake it up, and it tasted so much better on our cereal.   I remember my Uncle was watching my Brother and I once, and we poured grape-nuts in a bowl for us.... Well you KNOW how much they exPAND!!!!  Well, after taking my time, I had nothing but those damn grape-nuts in a bowl.  The milk was GONE.... sunk in!   And he made me sit there until I ate every last one....  I can hardly look a grape-nut in the eye!   Good God you could put a teaspoon of them in a bowl, and add milk, and you would get a full-bowl of grape-nuts.   Enough for a week!

    Jackie, hope you get that furnace working....  I know it is expensive if you have to call someone.... and I know it IS cold! 

    Have a good week-end gals....

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited February 2013

    Kaara- sounds like you are having a great time. Enjoy yourself.The Keys are so pretty.

    Mommarch - sorry to hear what happened at your work. It is really not fair. I could not give a customer a rate for tuition the other day because we have to go through the home office. Lost the customer for that reason and now getting emails on phone etiquette with the customers. You just can not win.

    Starting rounds with all doctors this next week. Hope all is well but this is when I start gettig really nervous about what they will find.

    Sunny here this moring but not this afternoon but it is still very chilly.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.