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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.  Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. Make all your friends feel there is something in them.  Look at the sunny side of everything. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your won. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.  Give everyone a smile.  Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.

    Christian D. Larsen

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Good Morning all---nice quote Jackie.

    And Jackie lives in Southern IL and for some strange reason her weather is better than what we have in northern IL--so I laufh when she says Oh it's nice here while we're have miserable weather.

    I know I repeat my self and I really do apologize for it. But I remember having over 3 months without Drs. it was wonderful and easy to get used to---now I seem to be ack where I started Ers, Dr. Test. I really hate it now. It interrupts my comp. time and my TV time and my cuddling time with my Katie Kat.--I got used to retirement very quickly and love it. I'm washing clothes now and I like to do things when I want. Little bitchy this morning aren't I LOL

    Foxy u have found a wonderful place to talk to everyone--everyone here is so nice. And knowlegeable (not me tho)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Good morning everyone.  FOXEY I am so glad you are feeling a little stronger and a bit less intimidated.  Life gives us so many lessons.....and with some things we are just not ready.  You do sound as though you have had a share of them.  I was seldom all that much intimidated  ( even my stroke w/ long recovery ... a little over three yrs. ) didn't faze me like the cancer did. 

    No one knows why we get this disease, but the small consolation for us older females is that the older you are when you get it, the better you sometimes do.  Maybe that is because everything else is slowing down for us. 

    I'm glad that you are sticking with us.  We have so many burdens in life, but when we have an opportunity to share some of them with others just like us.....we can minimize a good deal of it.  Things shared together are never as frightening as when we feel completely alone and un-prepared.

    It has turned cold here the last part of this week just past....and not very warm over the week-end. person says our temps will rocket up to 57 and then get a big rain.  Drat !!!!  That has been the issue of late with all our weather extreme to the other.  I don't mind the change but it goes from real cold to pretty warm ( for this time of yr. ) so it isn't very satisfying.

    bonnets.... I too am REALLY glad your kitty is better.  One of the things that comes to my mind though is the fact that the smaller an animal is.....the quicker improvement can come.  I had a very young cat -- 6 mos. or so, that the Vet warned me might not make it.  He gave antibiotic, but told me to call the next day before I came to 'visit' her.  He called me next morning and said....bring your cat carrier.  She is fit as a fiddle this morning.  Their systems are such tiny ones....when medicine "kicks" in it does it quickly and decisively.  He really did think she would pass away through the night.  Hoping for continued improvement.

    Joan....sorry your getting the wind.  That just makes the cold all the worse.  We don't normally get too much wind.  Few times we feels like the cold is going all the way to my bones.  I hope you at least lose the wind. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Love & peace.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2013

    Morning everyone!  Reality has set in....toilet in guest bath is broken.  I put in a call to a plumber to have it fixed, and my new guy took the phone away...grilled the plumber...said no thanks when he wouldn't give us a price, and took over.  This morning we drove halfway across town to pick up parts which were customized and now he is working diligently to fix the problem.  Me...I'm praying it all works...LOL! A friend and lover who is also handy??  Is that too much to ask for!

    Weather is still cool here so no pool time today...just beautiful sunshine and clear blue skies!  Life is good!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    ahh Kaara so far so good---he sounds handy and that can't hurt. LOL

  • foxey2410
    foxey2410 Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2013

    northstar I am 63 my ex  is 74 we were together from 1977 divorced in 2006 . I was diagnosed Jan 3 2013 so we are pre tty close in age and I also like to talk so we have a lot in common and nice to no you are still here I hope you are cancer free and feeling pretty good.I feel so much better knowing there are more of us in our 60+ and some are done and cancer free it is such a great relief to know. looking forward to getting to know every one better HUGS FOR US ALL Paula

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    North Star.....your a youngster......78 in April......just passed the 2 year mark this week....would love to go back to how healthy I was at 63...,,,,no husband either, but not by choice. He died at 57 from Pancreatic cancer.......not pretty...I was only 56....gets lonely even after all these years, but you move on.......never found anyone who came close to him, but then again, I wasn't looking ......soon found out still goes on, with or without you. .its what you do with your life that counts........hugs.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Paula it is nice with people our age to talk cuz if I were 45      I'd look at things differently, but it's easy talking to younger people too it kind of makes me more wacky and I like tht in me.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Kaara, keep us posted on that plumbing repair!  Hope your friend doesn't use the language my dh uses when he makes a repair.  The air turns blue!

    Today started out nice and went sharply downhill, as far as weather is concerned.  The wind is whipping outside and we're supposed to get MORE RAIN.  Where is Noah when we need him?

    Had to chuckle at all the nostalgic reminiscing about the "good ole days."  Ask my mother about her wringer washer and she would say how happy she was to trade it in for a modern washing machine.  We had an interesting wringer model that had two tubs, one with an agitator and a 2nd tub for rinsing.  I remember one time a frog jumped into the washer tub.  The machine was out on a porch.  What a yucky mess when he went through the wringer!  It was fun putting the clothes through the wringer.  If you tried to hurry the process the wringer could spring apart.

    Cheers to everyone.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2013

    Hello to all you wonderful ladies!   I have spent the last half hour trying to get caught up on the posts from this past week.  You have been pretty "chatty" lately!  :-)  We had friends from Macomb, Illinois spend this past week with us and we kept very busy.  The time just flew by.  Today we restocked the groceries and have just been lazy.  It was cooler today but I still sat out on the lanai and did some reading.  Sometimes I love a lazy day!

    Kaara...I'm so glad that things are going well for you and your man!  You seem so happy!

    Jackie, did you get the pics that I sent over a year late?

    Duckyb...The day with your grandchildren sounds wonderful.  You are building important memories for them...just like the memories everyone has been sharing on this thread.  My grandmother always baked with us, too.  She made the best cinnamon rolls and pies.  She always made a little extra pie crust (with lard, of course) and dotted it with butter, cinnamon and sugar.  YUM!  That was a real treat.

    Bonnets...I am also glad that your kitty is doing better.  I am a cat person, too and we even brought our2 cats with us on vacation for the month.  The younger one is really enjoying the lanai.  She will be lost when we go back home at the end of the month.

    Foxey, welcome!  The gals have already given you lots of good advice.  I think you will have more peace once you have chosen a treatment plan that is good for you.  The decision-making is so stressful and intimidating.  Just ask your doctors to provide you with any info that you need.  There is no immediate hurry to proceed until you feel comfortable with the treatment.  Many people get second opinions. Hugs to you!

    Chevy, I chuckled as I read how you crochet your afghan will the rest covers you!  Love it!

    Carole, we've done some golfing and I've done pretty well for me.  It is so nice to be golfing in February!  I wouldn't have complained if I'd done poorly. 

    Joan, so glad that you managed that last snow.  If you got through it, you can get through anything else that Mother Nature throws your way.  One day we golfed with a couple from the Rochester area of your state.  I know that's not near you, but they were thrilled to be here instead of fighting the NY elements.  We lucked out that day.  The golf courses are so busy this time of year that they often pair you with another couple that you don't know to give more people a chance to play that day.  This couple was really nice.

    Hello to all the rest of you.  I know there were other comments that I wanted to make but I've forgotten them and don't want to lose my post by going back a few pages to remind me of what I wanted to say.

    Our time here is going too quickly but we are having fun and enjoying each day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Carole it's raining like crazy--(I was going to say cats and dogs) but we love our furbabies to much to let them be thrown from the sky. So I really don't know what's next.

    And Rita u guys are having a ball and so nice u'r friends came too--where in the world do u Ill ladies find all these strange town.? I've lived here all my life and never heard of half of them. Oh well. The time has to be going fast cuz u'r enjoying it so much. Good

    I've been sleeping on and off all day--I hat that really--maybe it's the new meds? I always blame something for my laziness.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Afternoon ladies......oh yikes -- I'm so sorry Rita.  I got it into my head some way that I'd have to wait until you got back home think.  Guess the envelope came and I knew you were on the road.  The pictures were great by the way.  I love pictures...for the most part they are usually taken when you are having a good time. 

    For anyone wondering...not this just past X-mas, but the one previous, I drove up to Rita's house with my dh.  We spent the night there.....then in the morning she and her dh drove us all to Chicago where the Illinois Ladies Christmas party was being held.  It was a wonderful day spent with a lady I'm so proud to call my friend.  You are all special.....but she really started the Illinois Ladies thread and though I probably could have parked myself on a number of other threads or forums here, I think at the time......I felt a stronger connection finding out how many women *just* from Illinois have this disease and I felt a little less anonymous for the most part.  My personality then needed the comfort of people who at least shared the same state with me.  So, I am ever more indebted to Rita for putting something that I really needed, right where I could find it when I needed it. 

    ducky and foxey....I don't think Northstar comes on this thread anymore --- but she is its wonderful instigator.  We have always called ourselves rather than getting up in age in any way.....well seasoned. I think, could fit anywhere.  I am always a little tickled to hear you say that you don't know anything, especially when someone is asking a cancer question, but everyone else does.  You know plenty.  You know how to love, and laugh, and enjoy the life you have been given as fully as you can every day.  Ok --- so your not up on the 'latest' where cancer is concerned but when I see your name pop up always gives me a sensation of joy and I know I am going to enjoy your posts and musings.  You just keep up the good work.

    Saying hi to Chevy and letting you email will be coming soon.

    Just for the record....we have had a stunningly yucky day.  It has been warm, but oh so windy and it started raining in the early afternoon and has not stopped.  I won't do into what I think of that --- I'd be using up a lot of space here.

    Foxey/Paula............hope you were able to find some satisfaction as far as information and answers and your Oncologist's visit today.  I hope you will just keep asking those questions until you feel totally satisfied.  Also......I think I may have mentioned it....but on BC. Org.....there is a list of abbreviations and as well I think.....a page that is devoted to helping you learn how to read your own pathology report.  I will get a hold of the Mods and see if they can put a link on here for you that you can just tap into.  I'm not good with tell the truth..I'm shaky on the computer you will have some help. 

    Talk to you all later.

    Love and peace,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Jackie u'r so sweet and u do talk the most on this topic I've noticed and it's so nice getting to kinow u better now.

    Well I already told u gals about my day in ER the other day but I saw my bright red pee today and I think u know by now I really don't listen well to Dr. nor do I understand much--I choose not to. So when I saw the red pee I looked and then I though WAIT I wasn't sure when the Dr. talked at the time if he was talking about the dead see or the red sea (cuz that's what I really hear) Thenit came to me he said red pee so I did what anyone would do and just flushed the toilet.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited February 2013

    Cami, i had my surgery at U of C.  My onc is at Evanston.  

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    Camille, That's so funny! DH and I are both getting deaf enough that we hear really strange things sometimes. Usually we get a good laugh out of it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Wren I know I think that's why I don't pay much attention--I don't hear as well LOL

    Timbuktu Good hospital, one of my Drs. did her internship there and my surgeon did his at Rush, I was in Elmhurst hospital for everything.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    There is no effect more disproportionate to its cause than
    the happiness bestowed by a small compliment.

    Robert Brault

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Too funny about how we hear.  I go the end of this month to get fitted for hearing aids at the V.A.  I know that will be an adjustment.....but on the other hand, I so look forward to some of the sounds I know I miss now.  Also, I know even my family does not realize the impact of talking all at once....and talking while I wish to hear something on the t.v.  They've no idea that even if they don't think they are being loud ( and many times they really are not ) it destroys my ability ( which already isn't good ) to hear all the consonants and syllables  of what I am trying to listen to on the t.v.

    Though it is sometimes un-pleasant to have the constant noise in my ears -- it is so for me, as I know that it helps block out or distort the things I really enjoy hearing.  Otherwise it would remain only a nuisance.  I am thankful about many of the things I do hear fairly easy.  Like the owls hooting to each other after I have gone to bed....and sometimes in the wee hours ( if I get us to use the bathroom ) and now and then it sounds like a whole gang of them discussing something.  Now and then I've interesting if we could "know" what it is that is being said by our feathered and furry friends. 

    Hope you all have a fabulous day.

    Hang in there PAULA ---

    Peace & love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Rita, good to hear from you.  Glad you're enjoying your time in FL.  My SIL and BIL from Decatur, IL, just went south to their condo in Naples area.  SIL has been battling a cancer-like disease called Amyloidosis for the past year.  Now she seems to have stabilized at least temporarily. 

    DH and I are going to a potluck lunch today at the YMCA, a "reunion" of dh's cardiac exercise group.  I'm bringing a chicken salad that I will put together this morning.  I boiled the chicken last night.

    It's still windy today.  Not a day that beckons you outside.  Those days will be here soon.  We always have an early spring.  Unless we skip spring and go straight to summer.

    Camille, that would be scary, to pee red! 

    Watched the last season episode of Downton Abbey last night (recorded) and found it upsetting at the end.  I hate it when writers jerk me around!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Carole I hate when I watch a program or a whole movie and am very interested in it and the ending is WTF did I just watch--Like I have anything else to do, but that's not the point Books are like that too, If I don't like the ending it ruins the whole book. LOL

  • Laughjoyfully
    Laughjoyfully Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2013

    I am 65 Stage IV - four years and 7 months out -  complicated dx but used to it now -  very savvy as far as computers are concerned -  had to think twice about if I was old enough when I first posted here -  I have been away from lists etc. Much sorrow in my life -  much to bear. But here I am for some unknown reason.

    Love Linda XX

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,527
    edited February 2013

    We love "older" (hee hee) women here who are tech savvy! But joking aside, we are happy to see you sharing here in this amazing group of women! (((hugs))) The Mods

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Welcome Linda we're all here a little older more sassy maybe but here--I'm sorry to see u here but -This thread is filled with warmhearted. knowledgeable and fun people-- talk about whatever u want when u feel comfortable but u have come to a good place--Someone is always poppin in, Since I'm retired I guess I get around alot. Hope u'r doing OK.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Welcome Linda.  ((((HUGS)))) and prayers.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    MODS!!!!!  Thank you!  Yes, we are very tech savy..... What does that mean???  Wink  My Grand-son showed me how to download and work with Itunes!  Thank God we have younger kids to show us how to do something.  At our age, people think we don't know anything.... I remember when I was 18, and some gals I worked with at the phone company were 24...... I thought they were "really old!" 

    I think the only way to "learn" is by doing it.... First you have to screw something up, then you learn from that....  My first computer was from the flea market.... for $100!  I was so happy!  Printer and all!  So  just trial and error on these new-fangled things.   

    Most of us don't FEEL old, at least our brains don't..... but when things hurt, yes we do!   

    Linda..... so happy to "meet" new friends!  You've been through a lot, but we're here to just talk about anything.   Sometimes we even talk about cancer....  But most of the time, about everything ELSE!  Ha!   By the way, I'm just over 75.... Damn that looks old, when I see it in writing! 

    Carole, YES!  This week-end is the Daytona 500!  I watched some of that race last week, but those guys are just trying to get used to what they are driving now....  It's all so different this year.   But I'm excited!    I even have a piece of the track they took up a couple years ago!  I glued a little car on it, with a Daytona magnet.   I guess Kurt Busch is driving for Furniture Row this year, here in Denver!  HE should make things interesting.... Him AND his little hot-head Brother.... Ha! 

    I thought I was the only one wearing hearing aids....  Good Lord girls!  What's going on with us?  My hearing loss was due to the Tamoxifen, but I know everyone hears differently....  I know Jackie is getting them.....  I really like my Bernafon Veras 9.... from Costco.... Have had them for 2 years.   The guy told me they usually last from 5 to 10 years.... And already Bernafon has a "newer" model than mine was.  

    Camille, I remember after my surgery, I peed blue!  I was so scared!  It was that radio-active dye they injected in the nipple, to help find the lymph nodes.    I asked about it, and they laughed!  Then the NEXT day, I set off the alarm in the store,  in the doors, when we left, because the radioactive dye was still in there somewhere. 

    Okay gals.....  welcome again Linda! xoxoxoxo 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Welcome, welcome,LINDA.  So glad you found us.  We are as old as we are here, and as young as we want to be.  We often use the term well-seasoned here.  Just meaning that we aren't really ( feel bad about this part ) youngsters and we all feel bad about the young women --- especially those with children  ---- who get this disease. Even though his was not how we envisioned this part of our life.....most of us have gone through enough 'hard knocks' by now that we can generally pull our self together and live with as much gusto as someone our age can produce. 

    We are good at hand-holding, sharing burdens, and always willing to hold out a hand for steadying purposes should some rough seas come.  I hope you will come visit often and share the world we create here every day.....where most anything may turn up....there are some funny, happy, interesting women here and I'm so happy to call them friends.  They put sunshine in my day and a bounce in my least when the Arimidex isn't acting up during weather changes. 

    See you all later.

    Love & peace,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    For Linda's welcome:

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Hey Chev....I too peed blue....and also set off alarms......Lord I think I am the oldest one here.....78 in April.....say it isn't a stress echo done today, and walked the treadmill.....I had to get my heart rate from 65, up to 122......they were shocked I was able to do it. That sucker was going fast, and up hill,......I thought I was walking straight up to heaven....thought any minute my husband was going to greet, but got the heart rate to 122, and stayed at that speed for 2 tech said...."good for you, we have 50 year olds who can't do that.

    Speaking of hearing aids...I have a set in my bureau drawer, with my progressive lense $500.00 glasses, keeping company with my partial plate that I can't kids say to my grandchildren........" If you want to see your Nannie, go in the bedroom, she's in the bureau drawer.............comedians all of them.........

    So ladies never feel old as long as I'm here......

    Hugs to you have come to the right these ladies......

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2013

    Welcome Linda!  You've found a great group of ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Hi everyone---hope all is well and Rita u'r enjoying u'r time. It's cold here--well I have the chills anywsy so all I need is the rocking chair to complete th picture of my shawl around me. I didn't realize it. Oooo well non of us think old so we have our issues but we still have our sense of---oh I forgot what I was going to say.