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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Just for fun:

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Love it Jackie.

  • Miacus25
    Miacus25 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013

    I am 62 and was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in Oct 2012. I have two questions that maybe you can help me with. 1. What causes me to feel like my tumor is moving, and 2. What Is the significance of the cancer tumor aching or hurting at times. Also I

    Can feel the lump

    In my breast??? I am on my second chemo, FAC for 12 weeks 4X, before it

    Was Tax (pax... )for 12 weeks, then

    Wait 6 weeks for


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Love it!  Reminds me of a couple of animals I used to have years ago.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Miacus--zi'm confused u got a tumor in 2012--U did get surgery to remove it right? so how do u feel the tumor--I'm assuming u got a lumpectomy--Isn't the tumor gone?OK I reread it--so u'r getting chemo first before u surgery, so u still have the lump so u might be feeling it depending on where it is. Rhere are no rules for hurtin and not hurting--I think they used to think so. but when u have surgery it will be gone--u've had a lot of stuff going on over the last few months so it's natural to feel and think all of everything. But u'r Drs. are on top of it and if u have something tht really bothers u--please ask u'r Dr. they are there to help u. Heck I don't even have breasts and once in a while I swear I still feel a nipple or something there.?????

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    I think she's having chemo before to shrink the tumor.

    Sorry, but I just don't have any answers. Someone will come along soon who knows, I'm sure. Welcome to our group.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi Miacus,  Its late on the east coast, but am catching up glad you have found your way here.  And so sorry that you are going through this dreadful disease and treatment.  I cannot answer your question...maybe others can.  I did not have a tumor in a place where anyone could feel it, and I did not have chemo.  I hope you are hanging in there...I am sure you are looking forward to getting rid of the tumor.  Sending positive thoughts, hugs an prayers your way.
    Rita, so glad you are enjoying your winter home...I know it's going fast! 
    It warmed here a bit, still lots of snow - then the rain came at 3 PM and still going.  There are flooded streets and deep puddles everywhere.
    I have to get my car door fixed will be sharing DH's car.  Not fun...but we both work late at the same place tomorrow night.  The repair is very costly and meanwhile I am shopping around for a low mileage used car. 
    I think shopping helps release endorphins...I always feel so good after I get a bargain.  Today I got a "$250" pair of earrings for $20 due to sales, store cash & coupon. 
    So much to catch up on...but not tonight...
    Just want to say....
    Ducky, this one's for you!  Congrats on a good test.

    Hugs & g'nite...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Hi Miacus!  Yes, Camille, and all of us will help as much as we can....!  Just have to tell you... We ran into our favorite Doctor.... She left the office we used to see her at....  SHE had the same diagnosis you do, or similar.   She had chemo first, then the surgery, and that was 6 years ago!  She is doing great.... I don't know what else she is doing, but all I know she is still practicing in an Urgent-Care clinic. 

    I don't know about your tumor "moving"...but that sounds normal.... as far as hurting, maybe someone else can help you.  I know you are afraid.  But you have to call and ask your 'team" about this.... Write those questions down, and write the answers doen.... this is so important.   By talking to them, they will maybe help you not be afraid.  You don't need any more stress now....  can't do anything about it.... Or maybe ask your Doc about any meds that might help you with your fears?

    You are going through a lot right now.... 

    Camille, You still feel things there?  Guess that's only normal?  I still have a lump that I can feel, when I lay on my right side, but it's just the leftover seroma...  and yes, it hurts sometimes, but I think if I didn't have that, my breast would be a lot smaller...Ha!  A seroma is pretty normal also.... just a "pocket" that filled with fluid in the space they removed the tumor.   You are cold?  It's supposed to start snowing here again today!  And also tomorrow.... I know.... I'm supposed to say "but we really NEED it."

    Ducky.... hi-ya kid....  You don't act older either, ha!  Why don't you wear your hearing aids?  I take mine out sometimes, but those aids DO help me a lot!  I still don't "understand" sometimes, but maybe I don't need to...Wink 

    WithOUT them, word-recognition is the worst....  I know those back-ground sounds will drive you nuts...but I just take the damn things out for awhile.    And I DO wear my upper plate, Ha!  Man, I would scare the living day-lights out of people without them!  My own teeth were awful....  Always had a lot of trouble with them, and they were a mess.  I finally had my last 8 teeth on top pulled, a new pretty, lovely, beautiful set smacked right in there, and I lived happily ever after!  Ha, ha!  I love my new teeth...  (Not new, over 25 years old now, and I had to have a new plate made when the old ones cracked, but the "new" ones are perfect.)  I still have my lower teeth.... all 8 of them... they are hanging on for dear life! 

    Little Jackie, did they get your furnace working yet?  How do you stay warm?  It's always SOMEthing....right?  Still so happy that your Daughter is staying with you....  I know you said she moved your furniture around....  Are you used to it yet?  I LOVE to change things around!  But furnace-vent placement makes a difference here...  BUT I still change our bedroom around every few months...  It's really easy now, with the Laminate flooring....  That bed just slides anywhere I want it to go, Ha!  And it gets CLEANED a lot easier.

    Okay gals.... Hi Rita and Carole and Kathindc and Linda.... (where did you go)...... xoxoxoxo 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving;
    make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!

    Amanda Bradley

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Welcome Miacus -- a lot of people are given chemo beforehand to shrink their tumors.  They are then easier to remove and far easier to get clear margins  and not interfere with  whatever is near the tumor.  As to the other issues.....I'm not sure but I would think  it could be easy to feel many of our far as moving --- just my own thoughts on this, but perhaps as its size is being diminished it may FEEL less stable. 

    I hope you will keep coming back -- even if we don't have all the answers someone who has done chemo beforehand may get on here and be able to tell you a bit more. 

    Furnace will be fixed on Friday.  That will be a whole week ( some of our ickiest weather ) when it is finally sending out warmth again to us.  We need a new heat exchanger, as well as new stainless steel jets.  It is expensive....about $1,500.00 but new furnace would be about $5,000.00.  Our furnace is ( for those who may be wondering ) a commercial unit that actually sits outside our house.  Had the heat exchanger and jets ALWAYS been stainless steel we would not be having this problem....but we found, these particular units were only made to last about 9 or 10 yrs.  Putting in parts designed to hold up much, much longer should give us another 15 yrs. at least. 

    Saying hi to Paula and Laughing Joyously Linda and hoping  you will drop in and see us. 

    Peace & love,


    ETA:  Love that picture of Lacee......she is so ver, very pretty.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Linda, and Miacus, you both are very welcome to pop in any time you choose.  We wish you didn't qualify.  We wish WE didn't qualify but life is what it is.

    Miacus, it is common, I believe, for some women to have chemo before they have surgery.  That treatment is to shrink the tumor and to attack cancer cells that may have travelled elsewhere.  It will probably be a great relief for you to have your surgery and to be rid of the tumor. 

    When I was dx'ed, my BC dr. told me I could take my time deciding what kind of surgery I wanted, lumpectomy or mastectomy.  My reply was "I want this tumor out NOW."  She laughed because this is a reaction she gets often from patients. 

    We talk about all sorts of things on this thread.  I'm grumbling today because I haven't played golf in a couple of weeks because of all the rain.  I'm so desperate for something to do today that I'm planning TO CLEAN MY HOUSE.  Now that is desperation.

    On the serious side, my niece who has mental problems and also has three children took about 20 clonazepam pills Sun. night and got in her car and started driving.  She had hit bottom.  Fortunately she didn't kill anybody on the highway.  I found out that she had started buying the strong painkillers off the street market and taking them for a couple of months.  Now she's having to get off them and is experiencing strong withdrawal.  Such a mess.  She was here yesterday afternoon with her 3 yr. old, Olivia, who is a darling child.  I just hope for the best. 

    Hugs to everybody.  Hope this Wed. holds some "up" moments for us all.

  • foxey2410
    foxey2410 Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2013

    we have to love our best friend my dog is a comfort to me also when I get better on this computer I will show you myne. I am so happy I have myne. By the way I live in Denver Co. also

  • foxey2410
    foxey2410 Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2013

    Hi Jackie, I am getting better at the computer thanks for your help.Still cry a lot but this site has helped me a lot so much to think about but the support on site so good. not happy about all my results but it could be worse, so sweet to be able to say things cry just what ever and always some one understands and takes the edge off.  Thank you so much Paula

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Carole, I feel badly that your niece still is plagued by an inability to rise over her mental torments.  I know it is difficult to have to be a part of something you often can't help.  It doesn't matter one whit how much we want something, because it is not our destiny to change but the other person's.  I hope someday she wants it enough or I guess more so that she can actually SEE her real self.    Til' can only support as much as you are able.

    Big storm coming tomorrow.  Sure glad Fri. is furnace day.  May be awful working outside.  I would imagine these H/AC people are used to it somewhat.  I do think most people though have indoor furnaces.  We thought of possibly getting an indoor unit is it REALLY did need replaced.....but truth is....the way this house is set up....there really wouldn't be a good place for it. 

    I as well hope this Wed. holds some  "up" moments for all of us, but for you first Carole.

    Peace & love,


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2013

    Chevy, What a sweet doggie. Miss ours. We just had a ductless heating/AC put in $6000. Ouch. Hope it cuts down on the need for propane which was about $3600 a year. We will see. Rain in our forecast for next three days.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2013

    Welcome, Linda & Micus.  This is a good place to vent, cry, get mad and be happy.

    It is very windy here in West TX today and tomorrow gusts are to be 30 t0 40 miles an hr. No moisture, sure hope everyone is careful and no fires start.

    Take Care

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013 is a cutie.....I have 4 of those color wheels in my front lawn in the flower mine at the $1.00 store.

    The hearing aids driven nuts....the audiologist said my ear canal is odd shaped inside. They made 4 different styles from one that went in the ear to the large ones that can be seen....each of those friggin things moved when I chewed or talked. They would not stay put.....also when I would talk I would hear my own voice coming back in my head, and that was horrible, so like my LE custom sleeves that they could not get right...gave it up..

    Now the teeth. The partial was for 4 teeth in the far back that were removed way back when I had the the front I have dental implants.....they are gorgeous...a waitress in a restaurant hit me in the mouth with a tray, and cracked my crowns......the implants cost $35,000 by the time it was all over......the restaurant gave me $20,000,,I paid the rest....did not feel like fighting for all of it, although that is not like me....just wanted it over with....2 years waiting for the bone to grow around the titanium screws........friggin dog ate my temporary crowns.....they would fall out when I would be time at dinner with my grandson at his college, I ordered mashed potatoes thinking........good that should work......the warm potatoes softened the Polident holding in the 1/2 ass fixed temporary crowns(after the dog chewed them and the Dentist tried to fix it), and I sat like some 1/2 wit trying to work the temporary crowns out of the mashed potatoes, and back to the spot where they belonged...while my daughter, grandson asked "Mom, Nan......what are you sound, while 1/2 the Carnagie Mellon football team wondered too ( son-in-law invited them to the restaurant too.
    but in the end they are really nice...3 implants, and 5 crowns.

    The glasses were jut too hard to get use lenses are tough..I had glaucoma, and cataracts...once that was fixed. I could get away with cheaters for close my $500.00 glasses keep the hearing aids company.......the partial never fit right, and they made 3, none worked. Rubbed constantly....thus teeth in the drawer that is my story, and I'm sticking with it.....hugs girlfriend......

  • Miacus25
    Miacus25 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013


    Thank you for answering my txt. I have asked dr s, but it is very confusing because they all

    Have different opinions, regarding their experience and what kind of doctor they are, so, my dilemma is

    to gather enough knowledge to make the best decision I can for my own case. Like surgery-what type, hormonal ttreatment - how long, radiation or no radiation, etc...

    Again thank you for the input, and if I can help in anyway, just listening, I would be glad to

    do that.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Goodness, ducky, you've had some bad luck with hearing, seeing, eating!  Not to mention bc.  You definitely deserve to win the lottery!

    Very depressing weather forecast.  More rain.  Just called and cancelled on next Tuesday's women's golf event.  Guess DH and I may have to go to the casino on one of the rainy days. 

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Chevy, your dog is beautiful.  Very regal looking sitting there in the snow.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited February 2013

    lady, that photo is priceless!  I always say dogs are really people who just can't speak.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Have a good night and good tomorrow!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Thank you!  And Lacee thanks you too!  Wink  She is our Princess...  9 years old, and everybody's sweetheart.  I'm not saying she is spoiled, just loved extremely well...Ha!  And gets almost anything she wants, and THEN some.   Her favorite thing is to just lay and wait for the snow... then she gets buried in it, and thinks she is in heaven!  Okay, she's spoiled. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Be on the lookout for mercies. The more we look for them,
    the more of them we will see. . . . Better to lose count
    while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings
    to counting your troubles.

    Maltbie D. Babcock

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Happy Thursday to everyone.  It is a little cloudy outside today...precursor for the storm I guess.  I'm going to work as usual.  Dh has the day off.....says if the storm is raging....he will come a few minutes ahead where I work and get my car ( windshild cleaned, door un-frozen, heater on and running ) ready for me to come home.  That is good since we are talking a half hour of work. 

    One of the tricks ( can't believe it took this long ) I just learned is that if you think freezing is possible....better to pull your windshield wipers up and leave them standing out away from the window, so they are not stuck to the windshield.....only that it saves some time not having to wait for the thaw nor risk damaging your blades ( I paid $30.00 for good ones ) if they go over patches that are not clean enough at the time.  Where was my common sense all this time.....who knows.  Same thing for a frozen shut door.....just get a cup of good hot water and pour it over the lock.  I've only lived back here in the snow for 15 years.  You can also cup your hands and blow on the lock with warm breath.....not quite as effective, but will work if you can't get to hot water. 

    Ok. Enough tricks I should have known but never even bothered to think about or investigate. 

    Hope you all have a great Thursday.

    Peace & love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Miacus as u can see loads of help here--and I had 4 months weekly of chemo and herceptin before surery and that went well for surgery . it's really quite common now a days--They also want to see if the chemo combo is tolerable and works for this particular type of cancer. Maybe I told u this already LOL

    Oh I love the furbaby's picture.

    Carole I'm so sorry about u'r niece--this is something so hard to understand but these new meds are working wonders, I hope she get the right combo for her own special needs.

    Hey everyone, For some reason I'm soooo tired again today--I see the Dr. tomorrow so I'll be back

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013


    Back home from work.  The storm started on my way into town.  Heard the plink -plink on my car and windows.  I think the highway had been pre-treated.  At least it did not seem at all slippery and I made my turn fine.  Once at work I took the ice-melt and started working on the driveway and started up the wheel-chair ramp.  My boss turned up and let me come home.  I can't say I mind.  I was not truly afraid to stay....for the most part I think there was enough warning that things were being handled.   Just figured if we lost power or something out here in the country.....I'd just as soon be with my daughter and dh and furry friends as anywhere.  I think all would have been fine by the time I'd have left work at 4 p.m.

    We shall see what the day brings.  Was due to be a fast moving storm though....I don't know that much is happening right now, but I think I'll go have a brunch.  Will be checking back later.

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Jackie, glad you're home with your family and pets.

    Camille, I hope you rest up and the tired feeling goes away.

    I spent a few hours today with my mother.  She had her hair done and afterwards I made us lunch.  Now I'm back home, settled in my comfortable chair.  It has been a windy, gloomy day and we're supposed to get more rain tonight. 

    I talked on the phone this afternoon with a friend in FL who is recovering from extensive surgery to remove cancerous tissue in the linings of her organs.  Apparently the cancer type is ovarian.  She was in the hospital two weeks and has been at home 4 wks.  Next week she begins chemo.  She's hoping the surgery and chemo will extend her life 5 to 8 years.  Another reminder to make the most of every day. 

    Chevy, I'm cheering for Danica on Sunday! 

    Hi to everyone.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited February 2013

    Welcome to all the new ladies. Don't be afraid to ask questions here and at the doctors. My first visit to an onc. with my DH the Dr. did not answer questions or listen to what I wanted. We walked out and I asked my DH what he thought thinking I really did not want to stay with this DR. but not sure what to do. My DH looked at me and said you are not going back to him we will find another dr. that will answer your questions and listen to what you want and we did. I have had to onc. that I love. I had to change my first one after insurance changed from PPO to HMO and the radioligist, bs and regular dr. were with one place and onc. was with another.

    Mommarch - How is work going? Let us know what happens. Hang in there and good luck with what ever you decide. I will be 65 in march of 2014 and worry that every mistake at work will mean the end. We have a new director and not sure how she deals with everything yet.

    Kaara -- He sounds like a keeper!

    Ducky - It sounds like a fun day with your grandchildren.

    Timbutku - Evanston is not too far from us.

    Carolehalst -prayers are with your niece

    Chevy - your dog is adorable.

    The storm they are talking about has not started here yet but it is on its way.

    Sorry I have written so much. I guess I have to stay up a little longer at night and catch up on post more than a few days a week. I did not know about the Illinois Ladies get together or blog. I will look it up.

    Have a good Friday.