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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Chevy, how was the snow?? Hard to believe it was snowing in Phoenix and even Tucson...wacky!  I hope your little sweetheart pup gets to play in the snow.
    Jackie, Camille, any other midwesterners - still snowing?  It looks pretty extensive...hope it continues to move fast and not drop too much on your road and driveways.  Be safe!
    I am enjoying the evening car is in the shop getting the door fixed after my slip into a snowbank...I hope the car holds up awhile longer while we search for a car.

    Have a good night everyone!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Hi gals---I'm west of Chicago and we're supposed to get snow during the nite, but they just changed it and said maybe not so much so tomorrow will just be a surprise--I hope streets are clear that's what I hate--My Dr. app't at 10:30 so I don't want icky streets scary to me--even tho I'm not driving.--otherwise I wouldn't drive at all. If I'm repeating myself I'm sorry I just can't remember things hahaha

    It's almost Friday irls--So for some it's 2 days off. The rest of us it's just called the weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    The Greeks have given us one of the most beautiful words of our language, the word "enthusiasm"--a god within. The grandeur of the acts of people is measured by the inspiration from which they spring.  Happy are they who bear a God within.

    Louis Pasteur

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Termite....I am so sorry.  I am on the Ill thread with Camille.  I hate to say that for some reason I never realized you were from Illinois and more importantly from the general Chicago area.  I could have told you about the Illinois-Ladies thread.  It is all people from Illinois and or those who once lived there. 

    That I know sounds a bit harsh.  No one would stop anyone from anywhere from posting there but it evolved from Rita, who does post here too.  We both ( as well seasoned women, along with all the rest here ) do as we do at times have some issues that the younger ladies usually don't. 

    Our storm was fairly fast moving as far as the ice/wet part.  In the afternoon the snow began and it was beautiful.  I am something of a snow lover and did in fact, since I was released from work yesterday, get to enjoy watching it for a good long while.  I don't anticipate any problems driving out of the woods today.  The real thing is traversing the steps and sidewalk.  Dh thought he had more ice melt than he really did.......hmmmm, I'm going to walk real slow.  Fortunate for me.....I drove into the yard and parked not far from the steps....mainly as I felt the less time on the walkway the better for me.  Turned out my feeling to cut down the area to traversed was right.  Some times we need to pay attention to the little voice in our heads that it this way, this time.

    Hope you all have a really good Friday. 

    Love and peace,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    Morning gals....  My DD and I went to breakfast yesterday morning and then went to have our taxes done....  Our breakfast was fun!  Ha!


    Yes, we are used to freezing weather here too... Jackie, you mentioned hot water for frozen locks, but we have also thawed them out with a cigarette lighter..  Hope you don't get this next storm... Are they fixing your furnace today? 


    It's cold here.... We got about 6 inches night before last, and a little last night, so the streets look REALLY icy.  I know the main streets and highways are better, but just getting TO them is hard sometimes.


    Yes Carole, we go up to the casinos in Black hawk, and Central City sometimes too!  So I take a little cash, and a book, ha!  And then we order french-fries to go, to eat on the way home...Ha!   I'll be watching the races too!  Man I hope Danica can hold her own with all the boys...  Kurt is driving for a local furniture mart here... He's one of the "bad-boys" with a hot temper...  It runs in the family....   It should be an interesting  race  with those new gen-6 cars....  I just hate when there is a huge pile-up early in the race, taking out some of the best drivers.


    Termite.... good to see you!   Sorry about your inconsiderate Doc!  I went to an Oncologist, that was just absent-minded!  Took calls while we were talking to him, and just couldn't be bothered.  I didn't go back. 

    Your job..... Isn't that the truth?  These companies are just WAITing to replace us with younger more knowledgeable people!  At least it feels like that anyway....  Just hold on, as long as you can... I retired at 62...  It was just time.... I loved my job, but the company was going through all kinds of changes and ownership...  It was getting to be not fun.  I loved the "old" Coors.... And the family, history, etc..... But over the years so many changes.... Then it finally became Miller-Coors.  I remember when I STARTED there in 1980, they were one of our biggest competitors... them and Budweiser.... And to hear them called "Miller-Coors" just kind of made me feel bad.... like losing our history, and all that we stood for.  But everything changes.


    Yes Joan, Lacee loved the snow... She still goes out and bites little mouthfuls of snow, where it is piled up.  I make little snowballs, and throw them to her, so she can catch them and eat them...  It's supposed to snow again Sunday!  Wish I could be as happy about it as Lacee...  but she doesn't have to shovel.... Ha!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Chevy....I think that sometimes it is just waiting to replace you with someone younger who will not have the time in to deserve all the raises and much longer vacation time.   Ok....I'm bad.  I do think though in some cases that is why. 

    Our dogs ( well most of them ) like to be out in the snow as well.  Especially little Boss, the Pomeranian.  They are descended from Chows so have double coats and really are not very cold outside considering their very small size.  Boss is about 11 pounds and a fair amt. of that wt. is hair. 

    Don't know yet about the furnace.  We have not heard at this point don't actually know.  Obviously when the date was one knew we would be having this weather.  I think it is actually warmer ( or going to be today ) so guess it just depends on whether they can wear gloves while working.  Hoping  they can and will as it is ok inside here, but just. 

    I do like it not TOOO warm inside and that helps but the problem is the inconsistency from room to room. 

    Hope you all have a great Friday.

    Love and peace,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Jackie, I hope your furnace gets repaired today.  It does not sound like the kind of weather to be without a furnace to warm your entire house. 

    Camille, I hope you have a safe trip to and from your dr.'s apptment. 

    No big plans for me today.  First, breakfast.  Then some housework.  It's another stay-inside kind of day.

    Chevy, you're more knowledgeable about NASCAR than I am.  DH does not like the Busch (sp?) brothers because they're greatly lacking in people skills.  But there's no denying that they can drive their race cars.  DH has already made it known that he will be at home on Sun. afternoon in front of the tv.  So don't make any plans that include him! 

    Hope everyone has a good Friday.

  • foxey2410
    foxey2410 Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2013

    hi ladies. hope all is well, still cry at the drop of a hat and scared to death this web side has helped me so much I am learning to take one day at a time well almost still have so much to do and think about, start treatment in march all of it is so overwhelming.  Getting echo-cardiogram and port put in March 1

    does any one go to chat room I am not good at it but i have went for 4 nights  the people in there are terrific so helpful very caring have made it so  easy to talk to a stranger and a comfort to know they understand and do there best to help you no one judges you, it is very hard for me to keep up but they understand  I wish there was people in it during the day it might be a little slower pace.

    Chevy, I also go up the mountain every so ofter went the day before surgery came  Feb. 5th. with daghter came home $130.00 extra in my pocket daughter $40.00 was nice day don't happen very often but so nice when it does,  Want go agin for a few hours before I start treatment so I hope this snow melts away fast don't like snow and ice to drive up there well I won't. Did you have any luck when you went I feel lucky at breaking even so you know I feel good.

    All ladies hope your day will be good one . good wishes for all Paula

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    thisJackie I do hope u'r furnace ets taken car of today--and our streets are all clear we did get some pretty snow during the night my Katie-Kat loved it. she was sitting at the window with her head going up and own for the longest rime. So silly.

    Foxy I started on the chat rooms and those women are wonderful, but it was just to fadt for me and by the tme I answered one thing 7 more things were going on and I'd forget once in a while there were 3 or 4 on and that I followed perfectly but mostly at least a dozen or more and I had a hard time-- This pace is super for me and i understand more cuz it's explained so I did switch over and everyone is great on here.

    Termite I like the Illinois thread cuz I know  the areas (except Jackie's) where they're talking about and even some Drs. and hopitals so I'm familiar with things and again everyone s so nice too.

    Ther re some threads that are way to technical for me and I don't understand what they are talking about so I'm weaning myself off--It's not that they are not nice I just don't get what they are sayin and all of them look everything up and have links and stuff which again I don't understand.. I'm just simple folk.

  • CaronSue
    CaronSue Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2013

    Hello! I'm happy to find you all.  My BC trip is about 2 years old now and I haven't "chatted" on any forum until now. So grateful to be this far along and have similar age group to be open with.  I had a double mastectomy 2 years ago with reconstruction.  Have had such wonderful support with family and friends, but you all have "been there" and I think that helps.  My reconstruction surgeon et al said wear bra all the time.  Didn't know who to ask what happens if I don't - sag?? Been there not bad Embarassed. After almost 2 years I finally realized I can do what feels and seems the best to me.  And that's no bra but a comfy spandex/modal cami.  It's the little things that can get to you, but also the little things that can blast through and make such a difference.  Thanks for listening to my rambling.  Blessings to you all for being here.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Welcome CaronSue!  Man, I hope you find us again!  Sometimes it's hard to remember on this forum where we posted!  But you are 2 years out?  Congratulations!  I am a little over 3... but just had a Lumpectomy.... A lot of other gals on here are still going through a lot... Chemo, radiation, and probably everything you went through. 

    I don't know about wearing a bra all the time....  But I know it feels great when I take mine off!  But I didn't have a mastectomy...  Maybe it's to keep them from shifting?  I know these gals will get back to you.

    You aren't rambling.....  I'm the one that rambles.... Ha! 

    Carole, yes, I am ready for the races too!  And yes, the Busch brothers are brats!   They don't care about people skills.... just racing, and coming out on top.  I sometimes think they are dinks too!

    Foxey, I heard we are getting another round of snow.... Is it Sunday?  DON'T go up the hill when it is bad out!  When we go, we leave here about 11, and leave there about 2:30.... So we aren't there very long!  But it IS fun when you can come home with something extra!  I don't get in the chat rooms.... I did once, on a live-feed, watching little Owls, with their Mother!   They were sooooo cute!  But the chatting DID just fly by!  I couldn't keep up either! 

    Jackie, did the furnace guys come yet?  I'm thinking of you!  And Camille.... Hi-ya kiddo!  Talk to y'all tomorrow!  xoxoxo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    I do not like housework, but it's nice to have things cleaner here in the house.  Not that the cleanliness will last.  That's the discouraging thing about housework.  BUT I got a little exercise, enough to make me feel quite virtuous! 

    Welcome, CaronSue.  I had bmx and reconstruction in 2009 and I seldom wear a bra at home.  One of the first things I do when I get home is take off the bra.  And the shoes. 

    It warmed up to 70 degrees while I was cleaning.  I took off the jeans and put on shorts, opened up some windows and doors.  Now it's gloomy again outside.  The forecast calls for rain tonight and tomorrow but maybe the forecast will be wrong. 

    Camille, how was your dr.'s appointment?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Thank u Carole for u beautiful weather report ours is still cold got some snow but not as bad as they thought.

    My Dr. app't was fine I need more test on my back?? but they did find damage to my vertabrae and disks/// (like most of us) LOLbut it was't there before so they want to rule out cancer cuz there is  a possibility--I told them don't rush it it's not going anywhere, so she wants to give me strong pain meds I said let me finishe these (hell I already paid for them) hahaha So I'm in limbo right now with everything but I told her I'm fine I'm not panicing so just relax. I'm so weird.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Camille, sorry to hear about the need for more tests.  .  I like your attitude..I am learning a lot from you.  I hope your pain is manageable.   When d

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    oops, started a post and it slipped away... Camille, sorry to hear that more tests are needed...I think you have a good attitude. I hope your discomfort is manageable for now. (I always took the prescriptions even if I had pills left...just to be safe that Ill always have something if I need it.)
    Carole, if I send you a little bottle, can you send me some warm air???? Tongue Out We are expecting rain all day tomorrow on top of old snow.  I am going to watch the race ... will cheer for the lady!  She deserves a win!
    Carole, I hope your niece is OK - is she getting the help she needs?  So sad...and difficult with the kids.  I pray that God watches over them all. 
    Jackie, hard to picture a Pom in the snow...but now it does make sense with the thick coat...
    I love the Colorado memories...and Black Hawk and Central City before casinos...I have photos from late 1970s...we rode a mine car pulled by a burro into a gold mine in Black Hawk...we used to hike all around Central City and even took the tourist-y train ride.  When I first saw the casinos a few year ago, I could not believe the size of the buildings. 
    CHEVY (sorry, had to correct- brain skip), you worked for Coors?  I remember it was a great company and did not know about Miller. We always took our visitors for the tour and free beer on the way up to the mountains. My sons laugh when I tell them that Coors is my favorite beer.
    Things just don't say the same...some of my memorable places include El Rancho - I loved the gift shop and cool geology books and souvenirs...and the view from the main dining room is beautiful.  I went this past September on my way to the airport and discovered that it is now a sports bar and that the restaurant was closed for a private party.  No more gift shop.  So I had 2 martinis and got over it.
    Nite all, and happy week end.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Hi Joan.... No it was I that worked for Coors.... in Guest Relations! I loved my job, and all the people I worked with.... We all knew Bill and Joe, Pete and Jeff, and then Pete's kids..... The kids even worked in our department, during the Summers, and we all just had a lot of fun.  Maybe I even gave you a tour?  Ha!  I worked there from 1980 to 1999.  Wasn't the last part of the tour fun?  I mean the Lounge?   We USED to take our tours up through the Malt House, but when everything changed, that was left out.... But we all went back there a couple years ago, with our Daughters' and the two grown Grandsons...  They loved it!  Especially because NOW they could drink.... Ha! 

    I only worked part time, and the other days I could have "my boys" when they were growing up...  I used to take them out to Coors at Christmas, to see our huge tree, and the train running under it!   Then we would go to "Sam's" for hamburgers....Or sometimes I would pack a lunch, and we would go sit down by Clear Creek, and have a picnic.

    Yes, we loved El Rancho, but haven't been there in a looooong time! Have you heard of the book about Baby Doe Tabor? I finished it a couple weeks ago.... It was very good.... about her life, and how she stayed in that cabin after Horace died, and the book talked about her love for her two Daughters... the letters and memories....I think it was called Baby Doe Tabor.... Oh here, I have it......

    Baby Doe Tabor: The Madwoman in the Cabin: Judy Nolte Temple ...

    The last half of the book is about analyzing her and her dreams, so it kind of drags, but I loved reading about her life....  Part of her life talks about Central City, etc.  Yes, it was so different before the gambling!  We go up there and just walk around those board-walks, and go in to a little bar and listen to honky-tonk music! 

    I took my first little Grand-son on the little train above Georgetown one time... It was the greatest.... just seeing beauty and nature through his eyes.  Then we stopped in Idaho Springs so we could walk through that mine by Clear Creek....

    Camille, it's your back?  Did they take x-rays yet?   Maybe it is just your discs?  Oh man I hate the worrying!!!  I wish I could help you.  I'm saying a prayer for you...  and thinking about you.... let us know, okay?  Just say yes to drugs.... Ha! 

    Carole, 70 degrees?  Man, that must be nice....  I would LOVE to see rain instead of snow....  Lacee slept out again, as usual..... And just 18 degrees out.  She has her dog house, piled high with her fleece comforter, but when it is light out, her favorite place is the nearest snow pile...

    How are you doing CaronSue.... hope you didn't "lose" us.... Ha!

    Morning Jackie....  Since we didn't hear, I wonder if they got your furnace fixed?  I just hope so..... Can you call them  and tell them you are freezing your butts off?  I just remembered one time, like when I was dating DH, his folks wanted him to light the furnace pilot light.  I went down there with him, and SOMEhow, it blew him across the room, onto his butt, and he was covered with black soot, all over his face and chest!  I was so scared!!!  Even burned the hair off his chest!  It's a wonder we lived!  I just started crying....  and I don't remember the rest..... good thing! 

    Okay Joan.... go drink 2 martinis and call the Doc.... Ha, ha!  Take good care gals.... xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    I wrote a book one time.... "A Rose and a Glass of Beer"... It was all about the history of beer and Coors, Prohibition, the Family, Brewing, and it was so special to me!   The Company printed off about 500 copies, and they were given to the Distributors, employees and Family.  When I retired, I was given 2 hard-bound copies of my book...  It wasn't ever published, just written and given to the Company that I loved.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Good Morning all--I'm 1/2 awake so I thought I'd check u guys out. I love hearing about years ago and the wonderfmemories u have to hold dear. Not everyone does that I I appreciate it so. Oh I have great memories too. But u have real stuff with scenery going on. I'm not to fond of change but certainly accept it. That's why I always liked Black and white old Christmas movies--for some reason they looked more real to me. LOL

    Chevy yes I need an MRI--I did have the ultra sound and it showed damaged discs and damaged vertbrae, now they have to see if cancer is involved. I'm not worried at all-I told them take thir time it's not goin anywhere beside she has  to get a hold of another Dr. on vacation. I told u I was weird, I never worried about my BC either it is what it is so why get strssed about it. So at least i went. LOL

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    As I look back at the entire tapestry of my life, I can see from the perspective
    of the present moment that every aspect of my life was necessary and perfect.
    Each step eventually led to a higher place, even though these steps often felt
    like obstacles or painful experiences.

    Wayne Dyer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Camille...the above quote is pretty much all about you.  I picked it out this morning before I read any entries.  You have a wonderful attitude and that makes it easier to deal with life.  Of course, you worry just a tiny bit, but it doesn't consume you and that is the balance that really works.  Anyway.....things do happen after a time....our bodies get tired and even what starts as a minor change ( I found I walked very differently after my stroke ) can change how our bodies behave after a bit.  Also just good ole' time and maybe some hard use in the younger years and we have worn away cartilage which protects our bones.  I know I wasn't doing enough exercise and that is why I got the strained muscle in my back...wowzer. 

    Chevy....I would have loved to have worked for Coors.  It does sound like so much fun and so interesting.  Just seems to be anyone willing to take a "beer" tour would have found it fun and interesting from the start.

    My most interesting job I think was working as a Seed Analyst for Burpee Seed Company.  It was sometimes tedious, but only in the fact that their was a lot of repetition.  Fact was it was a very serious job as the determination that was made could cause the dumping of whole fields full of seed if the government regulated germination rates were off.  In those days though, taking huge responsibility was something I didn't think a lot about, and was just something that was a part of the whole. 

    We are having to wait now until Monday on our furnace parts.  Something didn't come in.  Of course, you wonder.....was that it or they just didn't want to get that cold on Friday working out of doors.  No matter....we do have enough heat is just a bit sporatic in the adjoining rooms to the living roomn/kitchen area as it has to drift slowly in.  I actually think the furnace should work so well after the repairs, and having gone without through some of the coldest days this year......we will all be so appreciative. 

    Hope you all have a great Saturday. 

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    I appreciate the prayers for my niece.  She seems to be improving.  Her life is/has always been a roller coaster.  We're surprised that she has lived to the age of 31.  I think it's her kids that add whatever stability there is to her life.  Unfortunately, their father is no prize, either.  So many kids in this world grow up without "good" parents. 

    Camille, I'm concerned about your back.  You're such an "uncomplaining" person.  Before now I didn't realize you were in so much pain.  I'll be thinking about you.

    We got an inch of rain last night.  DH was hoping to play golf today but now the golf courses will be sloppy wet again. 

    Jackie, I'm worrying about your furnace, too!

    It's in the 60's this morning but overcast.  I don't have a lot on my slate today except to make a dish, probably German potato salad, to take to another couple's house tonight.  We provided them with some fresh brats that we brought back from MN this fall.  They're cooking the brats and dessert and appetizer.  I'm bringing the potato salad and probably some home-made baked beans from my freezer. 

    For you animal lovers, which pretty much includes all of you, these friends have three Yorkies who are treated like their children.  They're very cute dogs and very spoiled.  It's funny because they are like little stepping stones.  Beasley, the male, is the largest.  Then Pixie is smaller.  Last is Sassy, who is tiny.  Pixie was a breeding dog and had several litters at the breeder's.  Sassy was intended to be a breeding female but never grew large enough.  All three dogs came from the same breeder.

    We had cats back in the days when we had pets.  We never had dogs.  I think we preferred cats because they're independent and don't require so much attention.  I also had acquarium fish for a few years.  I loved the fish (rainbows) and tried hard to grow plants in the acquariums.  But when we went on trips, I had to hire someone to come in and feed the fish.  Eventually I gave the whole shooting match to a college girl who was majoring in biology.  Naturally, I had a library on the subject, too!  I gave the books to Friends of the Library for their 2nd hand book store.

    Goodness, I'm chatty this morning!

    Happy Saturday to all.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Chevy, thanks for the Coors memory tour!  I did go back, maybe in the 80s, with my DH's Air Force reserve group - a bunch of fly boys in the brewery...we had fun. Maybe you were there.  I've been back to CO so many times I've lost count...I've been all over the back roads but there are still areas I have never seen like Steamboat Springs and Dinosaur NP.  I should be going back in September to Ft. Garland and Denver.  It's my 2nd home.  I will see if I can get the book on Kindle.
    Jackie, your wait for furnace repair is extraordinary...not sure I'd hold up so well...but there is a feeling of independence when you can live without it.  I felt that way during the hurricane...but when those lights went on, I headed right to the hot shower!  Do you have separate water heater?
    Carole, seems like you have had a few quiet days...I like to be unscheduled at times.  We are expecting rain all day.  Still lots of snow on the ground so it will glaze over.  I grew up with cats, favorite pets.  We've had a few.  Those Yorkies sound adorable.  My parents got a doberman pinscher (full size) when I was about 12 and our house was small.  My friends could not come in unless dog was put out or locked in a room because the dog would get too protective.  It was not a good experience overall.  Cats know their place and will come out if they want to socialize. 
    Sometimes I wish I could do that...Smile 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    hahaha Joan I like the cat experience, mine is always around me either laying on me or laying right next to me and she follows me from room to room--we buddies.

    Caole thanks again for the wather report--it's cold and windy here. LOL and please don't worry about me  I'm really not and beside my Dr. is giving me stronger pain pills now that she saw the ultra sound hahaha--and the yorkies sound adorable. And how in the hell do u loose weight all the food--I'd go crazy (well crazier) Everythng sounds so yummy all the time--u have great will power.

    It's scary movie day again--this is getting to be to regular for me--oh I do watch Discover channel too so sometimes I strtch my brain a little.

    My sister is going to FL for 2 weeks, I miss her already--we've been on the phone so many times too--I'm glad for her but not for me.

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2013

    i have a question..

    i went to chemo dr a couple of months ago and I asked her what do i say to people who say to me , "how r u feeling since the cancer is all gone..or they say...Are you cancer free..will it come back?? 

    my dr said I am NED...No evidence of disease....she doesnt like to use the term cancer free.  I had my surgery in jan of 2012 and am on anastrozole (also called Arimidex ) for five years.  has anyone else ever had their dr mention that.

    i go back every three months for check up and every six months for checkup with radiologist who did the mammosite rads

    the chemo accelerated cataracts that i had and am just now finishing up my second cad-o-wac as i call it.  the prednisone drops make my blood sugar levels higher than a georgia pine.  have three more weeks of drops

    sometimes i get in a "slump" and have a pity party for i feel fear of the breast cancer coming back and it sometimes just gets to me. 

    at least my hair is back....i have gone from 304 pounds to 241 since the rad & chemo last year which ended in June.

    I was so glad to get on this site as the support was unbelieveable and it put me at ease when i went to my first chemo.  I had a goodie bag of stuff that friends prepared for me and the support of my hubbie was great.  Only ended up in hospital twice with low counts and had to have transfusion....

    hear i am rattling on like a tin can.....hope all is well with everyone

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Depending on who's asking is how my answer is--Most of the time I say OK--but I do say now i'm dealing with the side effects of everything that went into me and is still going into me. And the only reason I say this is because people who have nver dealt wit this seem to think Oh once u'r done with chemo it's all fine,--like the flu. And it's not all fine. SE are a bitch and almost everyone has some simple or otherwise--depending on chemo intake and what meds u'r on--And my theory about chemo is it leaves u with a lot of things u never had before so it's almost a new u that u'r trying to deal with on a daily basis and sometimes different things going on too . People who have had cancer know all of this so u really don't have to explain, but there are the ones who act like OK u'r done now forgt about it. It just doesn't always work that way. So deal with what u'e comfortable with and say what u want--u'r the only one who knows u'r fears and u'r body so say it like it is.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    Munnybunni, I think it depends on who's asking and whether you think they're really concerned. You could say you're still dealing with side effects from the treatment. Or maybe so far, so good. When they asked me if it was gone, I said I certainly hope so. For people who don't really care, I would just say fine like Camille said. 

    I think cancer is a lot like being mugged. Once it's happened, you never feel quite as safe again. We all have those times when fear hits. The thought comes less and less as time goes on.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    Okay, good snowy morning gals... But it isn't fun.  I know we need it, but it is cold and snowing.


    Hi munnybunni!  Yes, my Doc's also said you are NED... I don't know if ANYone is ever cancer "free" because there is no way to know that...  We, or anyone could get a new one, someday, or maybe not... It IS like being mugged like Wren said...


    And I WAS mugged once...  Walking to my car from Cherry Creek shopping center, and a guy drove up from behind, with his truck, reached out and just pulled my shoulder strap bag off my shoulder, and took off!  I was so scared!  I held on, as long as I could, dragging me, and I finally had to let go... I was screaming, and crying, and another group of women stopped to see if I was okay... I ran into the nearest store and told them.... they called police, I canceled my debit card, but lost everything else.  It was AWFUL!  Hurt my shoulder even!  


    Anyway another driver saw this, followed the guy, got his license plate, and a phone call a week later from the Police, had me come down to try and identify mug shots...  AND I DID!!!  Even though I only saw the back of his head, with that scraggly blond hair, I did it! 

    This guy had been released from jail, because he had been doing it all over town...  I didn't have to go to a trial... he must have pleaded guilty.  Because I was "hurt" his charges were more than just robbery...I forget what they said about that....  But I'm always looking over my shoulder now... I'm just afraid of walking alone...... same as always wondering if anything that hurts, is cancer.


    What was I saying???     I'm glad you lost weight, but sorry you had to get so sick to do it!    I had the MammoSite device also...  did you get left with a seroma after that?   I didn't have chemo either.  Munny, be careful about any ALS... I know Tamoxifen will cause cataracts in some women...


    Yes, we are all here for support, or just to talk about anything you want!  We all rattle on, ha!  At least I do...


    No-one even asks me how I am doing anymore...  but it's been over 3 years! 


    Okay gals.... races on today.... have a nice warm Sunday.... xoxo  Stay safe.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    I wake each morning with the thrill of expectation and the joy of being alive.  And I'm thankful for this day.

    Angela L. Wozniak

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    muni -- I have nothing to add other than I DO think most say NED because  so many 'normal' cells in our body can become mutated by many different kinds of bodily insult and turn into cancer.  So, we all from nearly birth on, have an ability to "get" cancer.  Once we do, if we do, than the phrase then becomes NED forever after. We may or may not get it again but I don't think about that much.  I may or may not fall down, stub my toe, or have a huge variety of things happen  -- so I try not to invest the future with anything other than a viewpoint that my life ( at least after i became NED myself ) is looking good and going good. 

    I also think many people don't understand that though we may go thru a number of illnesses, cancer is a little different.  It has a whole different kind of fear attached......and unless you have had it, it is not something most people could understand.  You have been given good advice.....depending on whom is asking, of what to say.  Most of my friends and family have quit asking, but if they did I would just likely say I'm fine now and pray I will stay that way. 

    As is often the case.......I opened my computer to my quotes this morning and the one I put in happened to be there.  It seems to fit.  I do try every day to embrace the joy of being alive.  I can handle anything.  I don't want too, but I reallyl could if I had too. 

    I hope you all have a great Sunday.

    Peace and love,
