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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate.  It is, after all, to matter:  to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all. Leo Rosten

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    Hello there, Hate to change the topic , but went to the urologist who confirmed  what I already had known/guessed , I had a kidney stone. Surprised me by saying it had gotten  too big to just watch. Schedualed for laser lithotrypsy on the 19th.  Have any of you had this done? I had the shock kind  years ago, didn't do anything but split the stone, which I passed part of in 2010. Am not looking forward to this one as they put a stent in the ureter  for several days, which may be very painful! Of course they send you home , to return  on Monday and have it removed! Any input wud be appreciated.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh Wow Bonnets!  I'm so sorry!   I'm sorry I can't help!  I only know one guy who used to drink a 6 pack of Pepsi a day, and his Doc's blamed that on all his kidney stones.  I don't even know HOW they took care of it.... Just knew he could not drink that much soda any more.

    I'll bet some of these gals know what you are going through?  

    I only had trouble with my bladder.... falling out....  It just did NOT want to stay up where it belonged.  Finally some sort of "ligament suspension" thing.... a sling, and probably baling wire and duct tape took care of it.  Most painful surgery I ever had.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2013

    Carrye:  My biopsy which was done via mammogram was handled with just a local to numb the area that they were working on, and it was not painful at all.  I believe most are done this way so there is little to be concerned about with regard to issues with sedatives.  I had mine, got up, and drove home, with just a little bandaid in place.

    bonnets:  sorry about your kidney stone...I've never had one but understand they can be very painful:(

    I was up early all ready for my hair app't only to realize it isn't until 11:00!  I better start writing things!

    It was a beautiful day here yesterday 70 and sun shining all a little cooler but still beautiful sun!  No complaints from me!!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Hello everyone!

    We just got in at 2:00 this morning from visiting my father in Tennessee and enjoing Easter with my son and his family in Mississippi.  I always love to get my hands on those three little grandsons.  The trip was clouded a bit because my father is having some very tough health issues but he stabalized for the time and we are taking this one day at a time.

    I hope all of you had a great Easter.  I will get caught up on all the posts later today or tomorrow.  You've ben a chatty group the past few days which is good! sorry to hear about your kidney stone.  Oh ouch!  I have heard that they are very painful.

    I'm off to regroup after our time away.  Have a good Tuesday!  At least the sun is out today!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Carrye, My biopsy was done with a little lidocaine and didn't hurt. I was lying on an exam table with pillows to make it more comfortable. It took about 20 minutes total. I think having the biopsy might reassure your MIL. If she's stage 1, grade 1, not doing anything at all might be a good option. If it's more aggressive, then she'll have decisions to make. I would also take into account how long her family members live. If they regularly hit 100, then she could have quite a few years left. Her decision, of course.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    I have had kidney stones but did not have the procedure you are describing.  I do know someone who had it and the stone was never observed to pass; but the x-rays did not reveal anything there.  I am sorry that you are going through this. 
    I hope it is resolved with as little intervention as possible.
    Nite all,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Bonnets now kidney stones--I've never had anything nor know anything about them, I'm so sorry I can't be of help to u.Well I've passed a stone but small and no nothing about anything else. All I know is what they have noe is amazing--so I hope so for u.

    Carrye everyone brought up so many points and all so valuable. Only u'r MIL can decisde what to do--if she's open to do anything then fine, if she says no then fine. She's made her own decisions for herself for many years and she's the only one that knows what she really wants. I mean if she finds out she needs a masectomy what is she going to do? And if she knows nothing she can live for years with this. U said her mind is sharp, so I'm sure she's thinking about this and it's up t her to decide. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Morning gals.... Ritajean, good to see you again!    And yes, playing with the Grand-sons is ALways special.  I still love to do it, but mine are grown, and it's more of going to the older one's apartment, and shopping with him, Ha, ha!  Or going to the Daytona Beach Flea Market when we are all together...  Hope your Dad will be alright...  I remember going through that also....

    Carrye, was your MIL going in today for a consultation?  I forget ..... Yes, Wren and Camille make a lot of good points.... and it IS up to her as to which way she wants to go..... just be with her, no matter what she decides.  Even if it is just to hang in there, and do nothing.

    Meeting my SIL's sister for lunch...  She survived uterine cancer, and lost her Husband about 4 years ago, and I've just  become really good friends with her...  So we are going to our favorite Diner.

    She lives up in the mountains, above Central City.... in a tiny little house, all alone.... Her Son lives close, but seems like she is always the one taking care of HIM, Ha!   Her whole story reminds  me of the story of Baby Doe, in a lot of ways.....  Up there in Leadville, staying in that cabin after her husband died, and guarding that Matchless Mine... Really a good book...

    Okay, talk to you later......

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    A timeless repeat:

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?  Actually, who are you NOT to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

    Marianne Williamson

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for the welcome back, Chevy!  Yes those grandchildren are matter how old they get.

    Oh bonnets and Chevy...we also live outside the city and have our own septic system.  We had that wonderful sewage back-up situation this last year.  My gosh, I think I scoured that bathtub for hours after the situaton was remedied.  YUCK!

    Kaara...congrats on the good blood tests and the high Vitamin D level.  I do take my Vitamin D-3 every day.  Does anybody know the preferred level for Vitamin D?  For awhile my onc did the vitamin D test with my bloodwork.  The last time he didn't check it.  I go again in June for the bloodwork and should probably go ahead and request that it be done. 

    Carole, Wow, sorry it was so cold for your tournament but it sounds like you did pretty good in spite of the cold.  I am not a long ball hitter and I love it when I get some roll.  I've learned to count on my short game, which comes and goes!  :-)  It is still too cold here in Illinois to get out on the course.  Maybe next week will be warmer.  We were actually golfing at this time last year.  I'm getting anxious.

    Joan, I love your avatar!

    ptdreamers...My Mom was alot like your Mom.  She had a mastectomy at age 80 and never bounced back physically or emotionally.  She had only the surgery and no chemo.  She died two yeas later from congestiive heart failure.  I think everyone is different in how they react to this and unfortunately Mom didn't handle it.  To make matters worse, she started to have panic attacks. I had never seen one before and hope I never see another one.  On the of her friends had a mast. at age 79 and is now well into her eighties and still doing well.  Go figure!

    My car is in the shop getting an oil change and detail job.  It should be finished in a few hours and I have lots of errands to run when I pick it up.  Why is it that your car can sit for an entire day or two in the garage and not bother you but when it's not there, you become antsy????

    Hello to all you other wonderful ladies that I did not mention!  Everyone have a great Wednesday!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2013

    Hi all, DH shoulder went well, he is going to PT, still some pain though.  Our internet is down at the house and I am a mad as a cat.  It didn't work but part of the the time and I told them to come and get it, so I look at checking account today and they took $92.00 out of my account.  Will be making some calls this afternoon. We will be leaving to visit my 88 year old Mother in Iowa on Friday.  She has a stage 2 skin cancer between her lip and chin and will be doing 4 weeks of radiation 4 days a week.

    I have not been able to read all posts, but hope all is well and everyone had a Blessed Easter.

    Hugs, Marcha

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013


    I just got on, as the internet in our area has been out  since I got up this morning. Having withdrawal!

    Just spoke to  a friend from church who had the laser surgery, told me the proceedure was  no problem, but , as I had read, the stent was  murder. Hope I'm one that finds it easier. Three years ago i passed the other half of this stone, like having labor. Call it my other baby!

    I agree  with those who found the  breast biopsey a fairly easy proceedure, was awake and watched the monitor. Since  Mom is aware , she will have to make the decision thst's right for her.

    Chilly  but sunny today. The trees are beginning to look like they are getting ready to  bud, if it ever warms up.

    Went to  our  Senior Players group  I am  doing Mae West skit in our program next week. We have a good time, put on shows for various groups. tomorrow my girl friend and I are having  massages and doing lunch. Have a good day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Been working in my Butterfly Garden..... And  getting ready for Spring planting.... ....!  Cool

    I'm going to use another raised bed this year...

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Bonnets, glad you are back in cyber-world.  What would we do without it?
    Chevy, I am having these visions of the little cabins up there in the Central City hills...I miss CO a lot...but will get there this year. What's your favorite diner?
    Hey, I'm at work and class starts in 1.5 hours...not ready...but I need to check in.
    Rita, I love your avatar - you are looking quite summery....
    I am so confused about Vit. D...I have to do some homework. 
    I was low in D and MO gave me a Rx for the megadoses for 8 weeks....and she says I misread the instructions because it said to start the otc D after the 8 weeks.  So I kept taking the mega dose every 2 weeks and regular D daily.  (I forget, one is D2 and the other D3)...last time when I told her that she said I did it all wrong....and then she told me to stop taking it altogether.  Did I overdose and she's not telling me?  Tongue Out  I wish she just had admitted the directions were b-a-d.  I guess I'll find out in the summer when I get tested again.
    I see the BS in 2 annual follow up with her. 
    Well, back to work here...long night.
    Cold here (right Bonnets?) -- can't wait for the warm air!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    We love Appleridge Cafe, in Wheatridge on 38th and Kipling!  Their meals are huge and pretty reasonable....  My gal-friend and I had the Pork Chop special, with mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, a big roll, and either a dinner salad, or a piece of their home-made pie.  We both got the pie, to take home...
    Plus, we took one of the pork-chops home.... Ha!

    Their menu is the best.  So try it if you can....

    I've never had my VitD tested....  But I'll ask the next time I get blood work.... Is that how they do it?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Yes....the test for vitamin D is a very simple blood test.  I think a lot of us who can't get winter-time sun or at least can't get out in it can easily be low.  I'm thinking no one would want to be over 80 I don't think......and I'd think anything below 25 is probably too has been awhile for me and I don't much recall......but you can over-dose on the stuff....which is why you should be having medical supervision while your going through an adjustment period. 

    May I say yum-yum.  Wish I'd have been at Chevy's luncheon.

    See ya all later.

    Love and peace,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    All progress is made by people of faith who believe in what is right and, what is more important, actually do what is right in their own private affairs.  You cannot add to the peace and good will of the world if you fail to create an atmosphere of harmony and love right where you live and work. Thomas Dreier

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Love that joke here is something to go along with it....not quite the same.

    Love and peace,


    p.s.    Beauty of a day outside...going to be plenty of sun today and warmer temps.  I love springtime. This is when I am more inclined to want to make resolutions about things.  I feel like I get a burst of hope, energy and lots of enthusiasm as the earth and woods come alive again after being dormant and sleeping all winter.  Sure love it all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Here is something I thought you'd well understand Chevy which dove tails some of our recent conversations:

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Hi - it's cold here and not warming much.  I hear warm air on the way...
    Jackie, are you sending some of that warmer spring-y air east?
    Chevy, when my daughter lived in Denver area, I'd get off on Kipling to go see her.  I don't know that diner but I sure wish I could go right now....
    I love springtime in is the time where the grass turns so green for a month or two and smells so good.  And the spring aspens are unforgettable.  Enjoy the day!

    Where's Carole...maybe the golf weather is just too good...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Mommarch what a horrible thing for u'r mom to go thru... Best of luck with the rads.

    Never thought I'd use a computer when I first got one and now I'm lost without it.

    Chevy u'r garden will look beautiful. And I know it's a lot of work. I think it's still to cold here, not blistering cold just cold for April.

    I hope Carole is having a good day today, I haven't seen her yet.

    Hi everyone------

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    I tried something new!  I repotted my green orchid in those "polymers"....  the beads that expand when you add water.... they are for floral arrangements.  So I looked it up, and since orchids sometimes are planted in "nothing" .... I read where you CAN plant them in the expanded beads! 

    I added orchid food into the water..... It is so pretty!  And I bought those plastic "pots" at the dollar store, and cut slits on all sides and the bottom.  I cleaned off the roots, and laid them in the polymers, and they hold the plant up! 

    I sure hope this works....

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, Looks beautiful.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Really artistic.....really pretty, Chevy.  Sending today's warm air to all.  It was about 64 I think.....well it just felt good all over more than anyplace else.  We are going to be seeing pretty, pretty, pretty green everywhere.  The newness and freshness of everything is just so gorgeous and it makes me feel brand new too. Love the re-birth that comes in Spring.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Jackie and I both live in Illinois but her weather is totally different--It was around 50 today but chilly feeling and tomorrow a=in the lower 40's so we're on the opposite side of the poles.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Hi, all.  No, I have not been playing golf this week, but I am playing today.  Wed. golf was rained out and I did some cleaning at my niece's house.  She has not been doing well on the new meds and went yesterday to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.  Don't know which hospital because it all depends on who has an available bed.  My sister, the niece's mother, has been looking after the two older children (7 and 9).  The 3 yr. old's father has her.

    We're hoping this hospital does a better job in treating my niece than the last hospital.  The meds turned her into a zombie with SEs like hallucinations.

    DH went to the dr. on Mon. for his malady and was dx'ed with prostate infection.  So far the med. hasn't helped him a lot.  The nurse at the dr.'s office told dh that it could be a week and a half before he saw improvement in the symptoms.  So he isn't a happy camper and I don't blame him.  He's up about every 2 hrs. at night going to the bathroom.

    So there hasn't been much light-hearted news to share.  But things can always be worse!

    It has been unseasonably cold.  Yesterday was windy with a high of 60.  But today is supposed to be sunny, warming up to 69 or 70.  I'm looking forward to getting out and getting some exercise.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Just wanted you guys to see this.... You know I had my card "read" while in my purse, and this is what you can to to protect yourself from Identity Theft and from them cleaning out your bank accounts...

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, 

    Warming up some here, but I see next week when I'm in Chicago  cold and wet there!

    Chevy, I have all my cards in one of these metal Wallet things. Supposed to prevent that. I like it. Don't carry a regular wallet any more.

    Carole, I saw that happen when my DH was in last year for open heart. He was seeing all sorts of things on the walls! When I do the kidney stone, I really son't want any narcotics whe I go home. They really push them on you. When I had the lumpectomy I said no , the RN was so insistant. Never needed it. No wonder kids are getting them soo easily, they are given out too easily, often not used and sitting aroind in the medicine cabinets

    Touching up my hair color, gotta run.!