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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • pattithenurse
    pattithenurse Member Posts: 57
    edited April 2013

    Good afternoon women, made a call today to MD. This pesky intermittant rash is from the Cytoxan I've had it for almost a week,but I can handle things better when I'm given the info. Being in the dark about things doesn't work for me......It shouldn't interfere with Thursdays "marathon" run. My girlfriend is running a marathon and she wants me to regard this journey as a marathon for me. There is a beginning,a run,and......THE FINISH LINE!!! Woo-Hoo! I don't think anyone will notice my 2 clean windows and ironed curtains,but I DO!! HAVE A GREAT DAY WOMEN!!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Welcome pattithenurse.  So sorry that you've had to make this journey but so glad that you found us.  This is a very special group of supportive ladies who will welcome you with open arms and support you in any way we can!  What a nice tribute your friend is giving you by designating the marathon in your honor!

    Spring has arrived in central Illinois for a few days. I played golf yesterday and walked for an hour today with a friend.  It's about time that I get back into an exercise routine or walking routine.  When I finished today, my right leg really felt heavy and it hurts when I sit in a chair and try to lift it up.  It must be my underdeveloped muscles rebelling!!!  :-)

    Bonnets, they are calling for temps in the high 40's on Thursday and in the mid 40's on Friday.  It's 68 degrees today and sunny so it even seems a little warmer.   I'm sending you a warm welcome to Illinois even if the temps aren't going to be that warm when you arrive.  :-)

    Sandy, it sounds like you have a very realistic oncologist.  I like the fact that he suggests trying the AI's but agrees that they aren't for everybody and that the plan can be modified, changed, or stopped depending upon the side effects.  You will make the right decision for you when the time approaches! 

    Hi termite....good to see a post from you.  :-)

    Hi to everyone and best wishes for a good Monday!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Camille, I loved those hugs! 

    Today was a spring/summer day with highs in the upper 70's.  I wore shorts and sandals.  Oh, and a tee shirt! 

    I visited my niece this afternoon at the mental hospital.  She looked really good.  Her eyes were clear and she wasn't drugged.  So here's hoping that she'll be better able to cope with life when she goes back home. 

    Rita, I'm happy that you got out and played golf.  I'm playing tomorrow and Wed.

    Bonnets, good luck with the surgery.  Keep us updated.

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Good evening to everyone, 

    I'm doing much better today!  Still sore from the incisions & the steri strips are pulling like crazy!  I removed the bandages (OUCH!) & didn't want to look but I finally did.  I was shocked to see my incision is on the top of my breast, right above the nipple.  I thought the tumor was more on the side of my breast; what do I know!  I can only raise my arm a little bit; hope it gets better w/ time.  I have been (trying) to sleep w/ a small pillow under my arm & sleep on my right side.  Haven't slept through the night yet (Yawn)  No phone call yet from the Dr. about the results; not sure if that is good or bad. 

    Hope everyone is doing okay and have a great night!



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Hang in there Linda!  I remember that....  hurting on my side when I slept.... You know, I made a sponge "cushion" with a hole in the center, because that's where the tubes were coming out from my breast....( They were for the Mammosite device)  Anyway, it was a lot more comfortable.  and I wore a tight large, ( hooks in the front)  bra, and it held all the bandages and padding in place.  ...   Can you take something like Tylenol PM or something?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning everyone. I hope today is starting off good.

    Linda I hope u'r resting better nd feelin a bit better too.

    Oh Carole I was glad to read u'r post AND u beautiful weather report. Lot's of rain exoected here with colder temps. again Spring hasn't officially strted. But the NW is supposed to have alot of snow--so Carole I see that grin on u'r face from here.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Begin and end each day with an expression of
    gratitude and thanksgiving. 
    Every morning when you awake you have been given the gift of a sunrise
    and twenty-four hours to live. 
    This is a precious gift. 
    You have the wonderful opportunity to take this day and live joyously,
    with appreciation for everything that you encounter. 
    Take a deep breath and be grateful for this exhilarating experience of
    breathing in life and love. 
    Similarly, end your day with an expression of love, and a repetition of
    the word for peace, “Shalom.”


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Morning, this morning.  Quite gorgeous outside and should get close to 80.  That much will make it feel very hot, but I welcome it.  All of that plus the sunshine is going to put thousands of leaf buds just ready to burst on all the trees we have surrounding us.  Can't happen to soon for me. Dr's never really called me, but did provide me with a complete written pathology report ( and someone to go over it with me ) to keep in my records.  That is really the basis for basically everything else that you could do to reach the highest state of wellness and NED which is no longer any evidence of disease where cancer is concerned.  Just what you want to be NED.  It has been a long time for me so don't recall how long that took but I'd think it to be possible in a couple of weeks.  Maybe someone else here remembers.

    Hope you are all going to have a stunning day......lots of sun and lots of Spring.  Hear that Camille. 

    Hope each day gets better and better for you Linda. 

    Hi to everyone else.

    Peace and love,


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    I got my path report within a week of surgery. They would call to discuss the results, then release the written report to me. (We have on-line records and e-mail with docs)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    JACKIE and  it's 42 degrees here now and raining and it that cold rain not spring rain. I don't think u'r a true Illinoisan--Good thing u'r so nice and than there's Carole another hot number going on and on and here our weather sucks. OH well-U southerners get the good stuff. And there is snow all over the NW--feet of it and there u r planting the garden. What a difference a place makes and a day too.

    I hope no matter where u all are u'r feeling good or at least better today.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    Another beautiful day in the Hudson Valley. We are sitting out on the porch, along with the kitty. The thermometer reads 75 here! Sooo, not just the Southerners are finally getting some of the "good stuff!"

    I still have stiffness under my arm , when I do  my stretching. Off and on get some weird  pangs, and  the effected breast is still darker than the other, due to the rads. I do try and sleep on the opposite side, at least part of the night. Have given up the extra small pillow I used at first. I had to go pick up a copy of all my reports, including genetic study. Kept a file of  everything.

    Hello to all

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    (Chevyboy)   I admire your courage!  Why the tubes?  Did you have a mastectomy?  I don't have tubes; just steri strips & stitches for both incisions & it hurts like hell!  I take some Ibruprofen before going to bed for the pain.  The surgeon prescribed Vicodin for me but never had it filled; it would screw up my stomach for sure!!  I LOVE my Flexibras; been wearing them all day & @ night as well.  Still no call from the surgeon about my path results.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Okay, I have to ask, did you order your flexibras on line?  I saw them, and wondered if I could buy one at our mall...  I HAVE some front-closure ones, but I bought them too big...  Do those have an underwire?  Are they comfortable?

    I had tubes because of the Mammosite Device.... I had radiation through those tubes.  For 7 days, twice a day, they send radiation seeds through the tubes for about 8 minutes, then take them back out....  They removed the tubes after about 10 days...   But the "hole" where they came out got infected, so I took 2 different types of anti-biotic.  It cleared up after the Device was taken out.   (Your body tries to fight off anything that is new, so as long as the tubes were there, it was infected.)    My DD AND my husband had to help me clean that place.... Man, it looked awful....Undecided  And it hurt, because it was infected....  But like I said, I made that sponge/foam pillow, with a hole in the center, so I could lay on that side.

    Yours was on top, in the center, right?   Mine was on the side, more under my arm....

    So I didn't go through the longer radiation time, that these gals do....

    But I can barely see any of my incisions now.... (3 years)...   I just had a Lumpectomy.... and I did great!   Yes, I wouldn't fill that prescription either, Ha! 

    Just call and ask your surgeon.... can you?  It is so hard to wait for those results!    I don't know about "courage"..... I think we ALL do, going through something like that.... but we have to, right?   And it's worth it!

    Snowing here kids....  and COLD!!!  Supposed to get down to 10 tonight!    It was 70 yesterday!!!  All hell broke loose, I think!  Wink  But I started some tomato seeds in my little peat pot things....   I won't let them see what it's doing outdoors....  Ha! 

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    (Chevyboy)   You can buy the bras @ JCP or @ Kohl's.  They are seamless, w/ no underwire & really comfortable!!  Ouch! tubes for radiation seeds?  Sounds very unpleasant & then you got an infection besides; wow. 

    Yes, the tumor was removed from above the nipple, on top; & the lymph nodes were removed from under my arm, so I have 2 separate incisions. 

    I did call the surgeon & she is suppose to call me back sometime this evening.  Waiting definitely sucks! 

    It's 49 here; sorry you have to deal w/ snow & 10 degrees  BRRRR!!!  Doesn't Denver know it's SPRING?  LOL!

    Jackie, You are right; I want to be NED!  It will be a week tomorrow since my surgery, so I feel I've made some progress w/ my recovery.

    Camillegal, Yes, I've been resting every day but not sleeping too well @ night so I'm tired during the day.  Hopefully as the days go by, I will be able to sleep more comfortably!

    Wishing all of you a peaceful night!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Well golly ......  I almost hate to admit it, but my lumpectomy was the inner aspect about midway of tthe lt. breast.  So was not right on top.  I also had the three sentinel nodes out under my arm.  As I recall, I had to wear my tightest bra for at least seven days, and then could have a real shower.  I don't know if it was the bra or the bandages underneath, but even though I filled the prescription for paid meds.....I never took any. 

    I think in part, I was so thrilled that the tumor was gone I could have walked across hot coals and never felt them.  That said....I have a somewhat stoic type family line and I guess this was just one of those times that any discomforts were being over-ridden by knowing the tumor was long gone. 

    Other things have bothered me.....I do feel pain....its just this time the stoicism was so hard at work to get me over the hump and keep me there that I just didn't actually feel too much. 

    It's been a most beautiful day here, but bad weather is coming I think.  I am not thrilled, but I do know that we can get nearly anything during the weeks between the beginnings of things coming back to life and when they have pretty much I'll have to find my stiff upper lip and do the best I can with it. 

    Waving hi to Rita and all my other favorite people....and all of the people here are definitely included. 

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    I had bilateral mx and slept on my back for weeks.  One pillow under my knees to prevent back strain and a pillow under each arm.  Didn't sleep on my side until my incisions were healed, which took weeks.  I had healing issues with the left incision and the left nipple.  Went back to surgery to have the left incision re-done.  Then it healed properly and finally the left nipple healed, too.

    I had very dense breast tissue and it was a challenge for my breast surgeon to remove all the breast tissue without endangering the skin.  But...all's well that ends well.  The memories fade quickly once we go back to living life with all the non-bc'ers.

    Today was a very good day on the golf course for me.  I shot 10 strokes under my par.  We had a nice foursome and our team tied for 1st place but were bested in a scorecard playoff.  So we won 2nd place.  I got a $35 gift card for Academy Sports store.  Rita, why is playing well so much more fun than not playing well?!

    This afternoon I went to visit my niece again during the 3:30 to 4:30 visiting hour.  Spent 30 min. with her and her mother (my sister).  Then her significant other showed up and I left so he could visit.  Only two visitors at a time.

    DH had the A/C on when I got home this afternoon.  It got up into the 80's today but was fairly comfortable because it was breezy and mostly overcast.  We had a little misting rain but not enough to get wet.

    Camille, you and Jackie definitely don't live in the same state!

  • Graciej
    Graciej Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2013

    Hi. I am a newbie. A senior. LCIS. Lumpectomy. Oncotype 7. I had a huge bleed one wk after surgery. 3 wks later leaked blood from incision. Now 3 mos later blisters. I won't go for radiation. Too afraid for my skin. It looks bad. Anyone ever hear about it?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Gracie welcome. 

    Anything is possible and that is one of the biggest reasons for a place like BC. Org.  Of course, part of it is to just see that life does go on.  Did you see your medical oncologist about this?  Did you have an allergic reaction to something ???  Lastly, are you going to be at least taking one of the Al's like Femara or Arimidex. 

    I guess I'm thinking even though your Oncotype was really would seen that whatever you could tolerate and do for getting as much protection as you can would be all to the better. 

    I'm just throwing out some ideas.  I never had negative reactions to much of least none that weren't completely expected.  Hopefully some of the other ladies will get on here with some information. 

    Anyway....welcome.  This is a great and well seasoned bunch here.

    Love and peace,


  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2013

    Hi to everyone, sorry been on break from life.  Sometimes it very hard to get over  things and rather than burden everyone with my whining (very good at whining) I decide to get over this the best way I know how.  Still carry the depression but suffered that before BC.  Havent caught up with the posts yet however I will.  Still a little freaky but have dh problems and that needs to be resolved.  He drinks, he has had 4 strokes, fatty liver and his pancreas is being scanned and he stills drinks.   Was at both shrinks today and they changed meds, took one and they told me to go relax which in Jennifer world,  means go to the casino and play keno.  Other than the problems with arimidex (everyone has them) and LE have felt reasonably good.  By the way I have discovered that we actually need our thumbs and arimidex does a number on them. 

    Hi to everyone, have really missed you all.   Just passed my 3 years from dx so feel good about that. 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2013

    Carol I am sorry about your neice, this is an area I truly understand. We have worked over a year to get the right combo of meds so I am a functional human being.  Tamoxifen interferred with almost everything and caused more depression.  Just hang in they will get the meds right.  During the last year I begged to go into a nursing home or inpatient.  Evidently I am not nursing home material but now I am glad we worked on meds.  (I think)  

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013


    Sure can relate to you about your thumbs!

    Gloomied up and cooled down here. Sure hope I can get out and that my change of planes , tomorrow in Detroit can be a go! Onward to Chicago!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Linda..... Okay thanks!  I'll check out Penney's. 


    Actually the mammosite device was great... !  She made another incision, put the deflated device in, then they fill it with a solution...

    When I then went to the radiologist about 3 days later, they have to "position" take more pictures, to make sure the device is in the right place....    It didn't hurt...!  And each "treatment" only lasted 8 minutes. So I just laid there, listening to this machine beside the "table" make clicking noises.

    My "team" was wonderful.... and fun!  We laughed about EVERYthing.  I kept saying, "You guys, I'm leaking"...  (I could feel liquid running down on the table from the hole...)  They said "shut-up, it's just fine, we don't care about that"!  So I said "next time remind me to bring a mop."


    And besides, the "hard part was all over by that time" so I was happy.


    Are you getting radiation now???  Or have you already had it?  ANY kind of radiation just knocks the snot right out of you... Maybe THAT'S why you are so tired.



    Hi Wren, Jackie and Camille!  It's supposed to clear up today.... only 10 degrees right now, so I am NOT out in my gardens, Ha!


    I got some ironing finished, and another load of clothes washed, and planted some tomato seeds in one of those little peat pot planters.


    Carole, that's right!  We just go on..... and it's hard to remember exactly WHAT they did....


    Welcome Gracie!  Oncotype 7?  That's really good...  Mine was 19, but I just didn't want chemo...

    You bled?  I just don't have any answers.... did they tell you why?  And then you bled again?  Yes, I don't blame you, being afraid of radiation.  Sounds like it might be harder for you to heal....


    And what "looks bad"....?  Your incision? 

    I think I would get some answers.... If not from your surgeon, from a different one, or an Oncologist, or your PC.  But I would definitely get answers from SOMEone!    When you want to ask them questions, write them down first, then write down the answers.... and keep this information with you when you go back for visits.  Ask what grade, stage, and how many nodes, etc.   THAT way, when you find out the answers, it helps us not worry so much. 


    And get copies of your final path report, and copies of everything they do, like test results, etc. 


    It's like when we are going through this, we don't really know what is going on, and it scares us.... So just ask a lot of questions, and make them give you the answers....  or WE will call them.... Ha!


    Morning Jennifer.... Man, I'm sorry..... I know about the husband drinking crap.  I think a lot of us do.....  And it's always a challenge for us wives to try and stay at least happy, not to mention sane. 


    So he has had strokes?  Besides his liver and pancreas problems?  And you know, as we all do, that unless he WANTS to quit drinking, he just won't.   And not much you can do.  Have you tried hitting him over the head with a cast iron skillet?  No?  Don't think it would help anyway.

    Might slow down his drinking for about maybe 2 hours...


    Just work on "you"....  ain't nothin' we can do about them.  We all know what happens when they won't listen, and they won't change.  Just try and go on with YOUR life... if he wants to hang around you sober, then he's welcome, but go leave his sorry a$$ behind when he is not sober. Yes!  Go play!  Go outdoors, or garden, or for a long drive... just take care of you.  You are the only thing that you have control over.


    Enjoy your life WITH him when he is not a DH, but just take care of yourself...  and congratulations on your 3 years!  Good job!!! 


    Carole, I'm so glad you can get out on the golf course!  We ALL have to find something we really enjoy.... It just feeds our soul...

    And your niece... you said in out of your last posts how she seems better, and her eyes are clear!  Sounds like they are on the right track.  Have they mentioned when she will be going home yet?  It's just really GOOD that she is where she can get that help, and stick with it..   You guys are a BIG help to her also!


    Okay, hi to everyone else on the last page.... ha!  Stay warm, and happy...... xooxxo




  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    "It doesn't matter if the song of life that you sing is simple
    or complicated. All that matters is how much you put into that
    song. Your life
    is controlled only by what you give to it. You
    won't get anything from it if
    you don't put feeling into life.
    That's why people fall in love. If they give
    that feeling,
    they get it back. Put all you've got into this life, and
    the day comes for you to pass on, you won't regret what

    -- Author unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Good morning everyone.....sunny and nice here...though it is raining around us.  I don't know that we will get any of it.  Told dh to go ahead and put the screen door in.  We have old Anderson windows here and when they get so old......they just don't work well at all.  So....we don't have many ways for fresh air to get into the house......that screen door will make a lot of difference. 

    Jennifer, many of us know a bit about drinking issues.  My first husband was a severe alcoholic.  Pride goes before a fall I guess.  I thought I would have a wonderful life because I married a man who tested out at a genius level and that I'd always be taken care of with anything that was needed. 

    I took care of him and then two kids.  My husband now ( been married 38 yrs. ) has maybe a glass of wine a night and not much else.  But husband #1 is on his fifth wife ( this will be the last one I'm sure ) and has some major issues because along with the drinking was a heavy smoker. 

    Chevy is quite right -- you have to take care of you, because in the end you are pretty much all you got.  Doesn't mean we can't try to help the men, but we all know that so often it won't truly help.  So smooth over what you can, but do take care of you.  I'm deeply convinced we weren't brought into life to SUFFER through there are answers if we keep digging --- but they are personal answers that each person hopefully will want to find. 

    Have a great day ladies.

    Peace and love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Oh Congrats Carole on your great game of golf and your big win!  Yep, it's always more fun when we golf well!  LOL  We pushed the weather a bit yesterday and another gal and I went out to the course and just hit our way around 9 holes.  It was so darn windy that your ball didn't go where you wanted it to go so we didn't even keep score....just worked on our swing and  putts. Sometimes we even did "do overs" when we botched up a shot.  It was fun for a change and it became quickly obvious that I needed to work on my putting.

    Welcome back, Jennifer.  Don't ever worry about whining on this thread!  All the gals are so supportive here and sometimes we just need some support.  My former husband was quite the drinker, too.  I eventually learned how to stop being an enabler and how to go about my own life.  His problem affects the entire family, but it is HIS problem and until he chooses to do something about it, it will remain HIS problem.  Just work on you and your life and you will be happier.  True, I'm sure it's not the type of life you envisioned for yourself but it can be a different type of "good life."  I found comfort in my life through Al-Anon, which is a wonderful help for the family of heavy drinkers.  Chevy gave you some great advice!

    Today is our last Bunco day until September.  It's a crazy game that 12 of us "old gals" play once a month during the fall and winter to keep the doors of communication open between us during those months that don't lend themselves to outside activities.  I always hate to see it end for the season, but golf soon takes over and it won't be long and we'll be able to spend more time outside digging in the dirt and working on our flower gardens.  Anyway I need to get off here and get something accomplished before I go.

    Hello to EVERYONE!  I hope you all have a good day!

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Hi ladies,  I got great news last night!!!

    My surgeon called w/ the path results.  The 3 lymph nodes were negative!!! & I have clear margins!!!!  YAY!!!!

    I don't need to have an axillary full node disection. (Phew....) (I was really dreading the fact that I might) 

    Surgeon told me to relax (now I can since finding out my results), rest & recover.  She is sending all my test results, etc. to a cancer center & in the next few weeks, I'll probably have a consultation w/ them.  I guess the Dr's. there will decide about radiation; how many days/weeks I will need.  Is the Oncotype test done if you are going through chemo?  I haven't had that test done; do I need to?

    I am so relived to find out, as Jackie called it, NED!  No evidence of disease!! 

    Yes, ladies, I agree w/ all of you.  We have to take care of ourselves because no one else will! Time has a way of escaping us.  I never thought at my age, I'd be where I am today.  Jennifer & so many others, have to deal w/ alcoholic husbands.  I, on the other hand, live w/ a man who is a WORKOHOLIC!  24/7!!!!  The job is the most important thing to him in the world!  It isn't about the $$$ either (although he has more than enough), he is a miser, frugal to the bitter end!!!!  I pay ALL of my own bills & I don't have the financial resources like he does.  Since my surgery a week ago today, he has taken the time to visit me ONCE! (I'm staying @ my Mom's).  I've known him for 10 yrs & he is just too self absorbed to even think I might have needed some support from him. 

    I was married a long time ago; my husband died @ the age of 40 from lung cancer.  I was 33 yrs & had 2 small children to raise by myself.  When I look back, over the years, I don't know how I managed to do that. 

    Sorry, I thought I'd whine along w/ the rest of you.  Just sayin.....

    P.S.  The bras from JCP & Kohl's were by Bali.  I'd forgot to mention that; my mind this past week has gone to mush; probably cause I'm tired.

    Hope everyone has a great evening!


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013


    Glad to hear you got  some good news. I had neg nodes also, .5cm tumor, I had 6 weeks of rads. mostly was only inconvenient, every day for 6 weeks. Got a little crisp the  last "boost" week but  only a painless sun burn. I did have a small seroma under my arm, which mostly went away. Didn't like wearing a bra 24-7, but the soft bras helped. Hopefully the hardest part is over. 

    My former husband was a workaholic also. Know where you are coming from. Left me for greener pastures. Been married to my sweetie for almost 24 years. A good man who raised his 2 kids when his wife left.

    Watching the miserable weather  wondering if my planned Ill trip will be possible! Spring , back to winter, fun!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Yay Linda.   Way to go.  Sorry that the fellar can't pry himself away from work.  Well, at least he is not 'out' looking in the pasture.  Still, I do know it is very pleasant to be recognized when your having some really tough times. 

    Linda, I think a whole lot of us didn't expect the life we got in a lot of ways...and we find out with those different events that we are so much stronger than we think.  I said for such a long time about the things that happened to's amazing what you can do when you have no choice.  I really did see things as totally having no where else to turn but myself. 

    Applause for your good news and the strength and fortitude.  Way to go.

    Love and peace,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    YAY Linda!  Im doing the happy dance for you!  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Life is a refining process.  Our response to it determines whether we'll be ground down or polished up.  On a piano, one person sits down and plays sonatas, while another merely bangs away at "Chopsticks."  The piano is not responsible.  It's how you touch the keys that makes the difference. It's how you play what life gives you that determines your joy and shine.

    Barbara Johnson